The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 13, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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to Play
ort Today
Willamette' Bearcat baseballers.
nearing the end of thei season,
today take on the Van port college
nine in a 3:30 o'clock game at the
Bush pasture field! Coach Johnmr
Lei' troupe downed the Van
torts in an earlier game on the
Viking diamond. j
Just who wilf open on the rrw-und j
lor Lei m the finale for ir in-
cal field today will be Jet-ted j
1 J ( ' i J 1 r I ' I ! Pi - - - i
Larry O Dfll. Lou Scmer.s and)
Howw Olon.
Tas Teamer Tops
TiicMlav Mat Bee
A tf! team main event, listing i "
a one team the French-Canadian
pir of Rer LaBell and Pierre
(Frenchy) LaBelle, U next for the
irmoiy mat. The Frenchies are jn
nt way related ever, through their
names are almost the same, the
latter LaBelie will be making hi
first Salem showing in year? Their
opponents will be announced later
by Matchmaker Eiton Owen.
American stee! mills produied;
g8.5f).0i0 tons of ingot steel In !
184" The figure en. fim.-hed steel j
was almost 66.000.000 tons.
Chandler 1. Brown Salem angler geta a leooon from a Kalama" Al rrttchard. editor of toe Northwest Angler and Hoot
er is a I the oars. The battle laate! 43 snlootes before tbo "oreacher"
returned to his flock. (Robert Brown. Jr. ahetol
- i
There if a river in Washington they call the Kalama. It is a beauti-
ful river, fast and turr.oimg as it winds its way from the high country
to the Columbia. Theit? is a fish tn tho Kalama river thoy call the
'pieuiher'. It is a steelhed that has been in fresh water long enough
to have the rec stupe oil the median lint appear. Formerly a
"preacher was a s.celhean near the spawning stage. - Sometimes the
Kalam.i boys get a or ' ious and name a very wild fish that Is
by no means ready to pawn, a 'preacher'.
In iv:.i:i .iieie ..- .. : this -rgler is known to his many
frieic a.-' v. hanu'.e. 1 b:i an It f happens that Chandler was
on the Kaidm no: lan weekend. A lot of us were. During his
,shrt sr,t Chan Oeoine well acquainted With tho 'preacher'. In
fact.., weil aiquoi.itni did he become that he how has a sort of
religioi. Mi e head le gion. The 'pre-cher gave Chan a very good
lessor, wild, happens when, an angler goes after big game with
a !.. 'n- ?'
All llnnd Garril far f pevming Action
It . . er cui . v Sjftuidav morning Chan and I and Bob
Bioui. I ... just finisceti oie-kfst. It was a hearty breakfast. Bacon
and e. . .n1 toffee that ua strong enough to vote.
We we ..iij-t beiow ur cabin at the 'River Edge' which is a nice
riffie on the pioperty of A! Pntrhard. editor of the N. W. Angler Ac
Huniei !ruK7ine.
("hrtii tK'K.a iHitic on a rtx k a couple of feet from short at
the he-o of the nffle He was using his 5' Ouine spinning rd
with a (. it nioiio-Iii line The iuie was i i;inul! wobbling spt-ori.
He low him ..t ut fifty feet the rest of our party weie rigging up Ail
except Bi-h Brow n. He ws standing by with .his camera just in cae
smethir,g hdpi'iiel A! a ,- telling us about the wildness of the
Kalama fish. Your writer was having a bad time tying a knot in the
leader The sun wis just bteaking over the "Wooded ridge and was
shafting thiough the t,r tires The water wS green and clear.
Fnniilinr Cry tf Fih ()n by Itrtucti
From up on the rock Chan gave a hix.p ''FISH ON". We all
turned There was the screech vt a reei and the swish of a line as it
cut through the water like a knife. The spinning (od that Chan was
gripping with both hands, was bent in the shae of a horseshoe
under the pressure of tiviiig to slow a heavy fish J"Kwn the bank if
the KaUnu tame Chan. He was looking very grim and deter tv.ined
in hrs eifort to follow the fish. Way off down the riffie the fish
lumped In fact it was so far off that we thought it was another fisn
on his way upstream. It had a faint red stripe down its side and we
heard Pritchard remark. "A preacher".
At about 150 yards down stieam the "preacher" tui ned and came
back up the hear side of the river Chan reeled in the slack. When
the 'pieacher' was about 10 feet away and behaving in nice
fashion it suddenly shot out of the water and walked on its tail to
the far side of the stieam It put the line around a boulder and then
took (f down the river again s
lUmt lirttttfht Inltt the Haiti Ttnt
Al hs a boat for juM mh emergencies. Into the boat clambored
Chan and Al. The fish s now nearly 20O; yards down river and
holding at the head end of a fast steep rapid Across the rier went j
the boat. The line was treed and the boat moved down river witn
the curieni. The iLh carne back upstream and Al had a tough time '
cutting acros with the beat tc a bock eddy so he could maneuver
back up stieam again.
The 'preacher' once U k off down stream but this time the
rod and light line checked h:m It new settled into a tug-ef-war. The
preacher' would make sh rt runs and then;; allowed himself to be
pumped back upstream again.
Ve all sat down except Be b who was running up and down the
stream bank trytng for a good picture. Tho minutes clicked off. I
had timed the "FISH ON yeli and it was now at the forty minute
mark. Al moved the iai c!cer to shore. Chan was showing the
strain. It was' almost a question cf who was hooked. Chan or the
The End But Ail far 'The Preneheri
We were all getUng prepared to see the end of the battle between
Chan and the 'preacr er Al e-timated he would weigh 10 lbs. and your
writer guessed 12 ibs The preacher" was only av few feet away. It
would be short work now: f '
: The preacher had different ideas. He cam out of the water, ad
justed his spectacles, straightened his collar and took off down the
Kalama in pursuit of the devil. The ( lb. line snapped with a tune
like a snapping fiddle string. The spinning rod snapped straight
with a sigh of relief. AH was very quiet.
Al beached the beat Chan stepped out and hanging his head he
walked away. Later that day he left for home. Sunday was Mother's
Day.. ' I .
Chandler now has steelhead religion. The Kalama 'preacher' made
him sea the light .';
d iMasft
dud on Leadloiiug
Bearcat Ace
He may net start the pitching
for Willamette V In today's Buih
pastare game with Van port at
3:3d eelekr bat Big Howie Ol
son, sbove. who has blossomed
Into being the ace ea Coach
Johnny Lewis' hill staff will be
standing by for action If he's
needed. '
. fi
m JiiMu
Five Runs in Ninth Nets 4th Win
For Olson; Waaler Hits 2 Homers
CAPILANO STADIUM. Vancouver, May 12 (Special) The i
Salem Senators fought back with a five-run rally in the ninth inn- i
ing tonight to win a -pitchers battle" from the Vancouver Capilano. t
13-11. The w in. Salem's thirteenth as against seven losses, kept the j
club hot on the trail of the leading
Beavers Lose
In 12th, 9-5
PORTLAND. May 12-OP.-The
Hollywood Stars again downed the
Portland Beavers in extra innines
here toriRht. scoring four times in
th twelfth for a 9-5 victory.
IS) Partlaaa
Stevens! S 2 IS 2 Bainski2
0 1 s s
HadieT-2 5 3 S JBarr.i S
N'oren.m S 1 I 0 Thrm.l 4
Kelloher.! 5 2 8 I Rucker m 3
Gormin.r 4 0 0 0'Larnr.r S
Sandlrke SOS I 'Mullen .9
BmJ 13) JClaidc I
O'Netl I I 1 47ak 1
Wcxxjf.p 10 OBndges.p S
Oliver p COS lL ik p 1
cnaJck p 2 0 I BWtnMrj 2
Gcaovn lit OBurger 1
Skunk! r 1 1 2 I Krug.l 1
IDiBtawi t
e o o
0 0 0
0 0 0
10 0
Total 47 14 321 Total 42 11 X 1"
i i m . M TK
nr.Hr mended out for Zak in
DtBiasi tir.fled tor Uiska tn 12th
HoIItwckxI 0 101 3T 0O4 0
Portland 010 220 000 0003
Wood - 21 3 0 5 1 1
Oliver 1 4 0 1 0 2 1
Schallork S 17 010IJ
Bririm St S 4 7 1
IJka 5', 2! 4 2 2 1
Wmnfi Schallcx-h Ir Lika
Errors Basiri'ki. Trioma. Zak.
Rons hatted in Mullen 2. Noren. La
tot Ba!rl(; Barr Baxe. Steven.
Handlev Skurski J Two base hit
Rucker S!een. Thomas. Lazor. Barr.
Oladd. Handlev. Kelleher Home run
Baxer t'nnpire Ford Gordon and
Mutart Tirre 3 2S Attendance
San D.effo
2MI 10O 000- 0 12 0
001 000 0001 8 0
Uo Angeles
Adim and Mrora Mazar. an Duke
i3l Ihde and falone i Home run.
Easter 2. Wt 1 for San Diefo.
Sacramento 000 000 100 1 7 1
San Ttancisco 134 110 00 10 11 1
Johnson. Frwk 3i and PI umbo.
Dempsey and Partee.
200 104 CO T 10
401 000 1000 10
Jones. Tost il). Buxton iOl and Pad
gett: Ardlioi Karpol 17) and White
(Homo runs. ChrUtophor 1. for Oak
land, one with base full )
Leslie Wins;
Marks Lowered!
Two cltv Junior high school
tract: records were shattered and
another was tied Thursday as
Harry Mohr's Leslie Rockets
downed the West Salems 85-19 in
their meet at Leslie.
I.arrv Paulus notched the two
new marks with a 49' 9" cast In
the shot put and a five-foot, seven -inch,
high jump. Frank Simonton.
West Salem's one-man track team,
tied the other. In the 110-yard
hurdles. His time was : 1 4.7.
Leslie dominated the eighth
grade end of the meet 49-33. and
tho Seventh also. SI -19. Paulus
scored 15' 4 points and Burt Harp
134 for Leslie In the Ninth grade
0th Orada Oummarv
110 yd hurdles Simontoo iW5
Eckersley iL). Axberg (L Tima 14 7
(tie eity recordi.
SO-yd dash: Paulus (Si: Simonton
tWSl; Loyne I LI. 01
BOO Sim km (L. Stepper I LI: Nel-
: son 1WS1 2 27 I
i 100: Harp (L: Rouse 1L1 : Simonton
j (WSt. II 4
440 Lovne Ll: Agr.ew iL); Jure
1L1 027
230: Rohm iLl: Truseell Ll; Ctook
(Lt. :24.
Relay leslie Rouse. Trussell. Haip.
; Paulus 1 SOt
Shot Paulus tLl Harp I. Simon
ton 1WS1 49' 9" mro citv lecordi
Hih jump Paulus I-i Wa.ker and
Axberg (Ll te 5' 7 New city record 1
Broad jump Harp 1 Trussed iL'.
Lovne ll.i IS 9-1
Discus Jxquith WS' Tiuell 'LI.
Merchant iL 72' 8 -
Vault Stepper 1L1, Nelson 1WS1.
Aaberg 1 Lt . S 6 "
G AB R H Pet
13 3 0 22 413
15 31 I 10 373
10 SI 1 23 371
IS SO 7 23 307
10 74 13 27 3SS
21 SO 17 21 J3
Mitchell. Indians
Krvhoski Yankee .
Kazak. Cardinal
chefKlienst. Card
DiMaggiv. Red So
Marshall. Giants
SEATTLE. May 12-i-The fa
vored University of California
warsmen took morning and after
noon workouts on Lake Washing
ton today in "California weather."
The California Bears, Olympic
champions, race the University cf
Washington Huskies here Saturday
in varsity, junior varsity and fresh-
man events, and the weatherman
forecasts more bright and warm
at V-.'k il1 I I j Vi I
w w illllinly
www La r 11 1 ' xmm
'Frustration Reaction9 Said
Reason for Nats9 Win Binge
Are yea waastetiag why the
Waohiagtaa Seaaters are play
lac baseball like ehamataaa? It's
siasaJy a reaetii ta fnastra-tin--
Thato the ex plana tie given
ay asse af tha nation's tap
psychiatrists. Dr. Wiafrea Orer
laalaer. saperlateaaleat at SL
Elizabeth's aseatai B4wpiUl here.
Tha Sena tars were Jaat fnsstra
teL said the oWtar. wbea they
teat seven graaaea straight at the
aectaaiaa: af the oeaaosu Taetr
reactiaa Is what's aaadeal Chi
caga twa ttcaiaga. St. Laaas
j Yakima Bears.
J Big Jim Olson, third Salem pit- :
cner or xne nigni came up w nn
the win, his fourth of the season.
He replaced Gene Peterson, who
i had replaced Johnny Bianco in a
S six - run Vancouver first inning.
! Olson entered in the sixth and
blanked the Caps the rest of the
Mel W a s 1 e y and Al Spaeter
were Salem's batting heroes to
night. Wasley pounded out two
home runs ever the short right
field wall and drove in four runs.
Spaeter walloped a double in the
five-run ninth inning to provide
ManagereBill Beard's crew with
o lis wiiimiijc in i - .
i 2 e j tossed in six errors along the way
I I to help matters for Salem. The
O i a 'Caps had 18 hits to 16 for Sa
0 1 1 ! lem, but four Vancouver pitchers
o 0 s couldn't hold the winners.
Hunk Anderson, third Van hurl
er. was the loser. After entering
in the fourth frame and holding!
c 1 .4 .... Inr fane frlmM Vie
weakened in the ninth. Walks, an
error and doubles by Larr Or-
! tieg and Spaeter did the damage.
Salem U
(II) Vaacouxrr
W Ptrsn 3 5
B Petrsn 0
OrteiS.r S
2 1 3 Robinson.3 6 2 1 3
4 11 Trnanci m 8 0 10
3 2 0 LTrni 4 S 1 3
2 2 O Mead.r 3 2 3 0
1 3 0 1 Iran i B 3 0 3
0reelev.c 4 3 0 0
3 2 5 0Srndr.l 2 2 0
1 15 1 WcUan.l S 2 11 2
0 0 0 Sichola? p 1 I 0 2
0 0 0 Andrson p 10 0 0
0 1 2 Mamer.p 0 0 0 0
o'-!!o.p 0 0 0
Brenner 10 0 0
Cherry. m
Beard c
Spaeter Jt
Wert 1
Bianco p
G Ptrsn.p
Total 45 1 27 15 Total 42 18 27 13
Batted for Co-teUo in 9th
2em 2ni svo wo ij ic a
V.n,-mnr S10 112 00011 18 0
Winning pitcher. Olson: losing pitcK
er. Anoerson
Pitcher IP AB H R
Bianco 'i
G Peterson 0 22 12 S
Olson Jj 13 2 0
Costello 4 2 0 0
Nicholas . - jj 9
Anderson . . 4 0 7 3
Manler 0 lit
1 0 1
Denote plu.
Left on base: Salem 14. Vancouver
0 Home runs: Waslejr 2 Thie bast
Kit' B Tran. Mead To base hit?:
Vt Peterson. Nicholas. B. Peteron.
Ortela 2 Spaeter. Runs batted in Wa-
lev 4 L. Iran, ni ufi,
McUan. Sneeley 3. W. Peteron. B
Peterson. Robinson. R Tran. Beard
Orteig 2. Spaeter 2.
Double plays: R
Tran unassisted; L Tr?n to R Tran
r McLean: Spaeter to ts r-eterson 10
ert Errors: L. Tian. Spaeter, ur-
ig. R Iran, iweaa. n. rtwiwn, n-
mson 2. Time: 133. t-'rr.pires i lemmia
and Skulik. Attendance: 1743.
Wenatcheo . 100 003 200 020 14 2
Victoria 10 " '22 030 13 2
Bruce Gilon i8 and Pesut: Peskv,
I nevie 1O1. Macock 1 101 and Morgan.
0O2 (KM 010 2 S 13
002 001 000 I 4 9
Kerrigan. Walden
Nealy and Rossi
l0i and Wanen
011 100 2010
001 000 0001
Savarese and Orteig: Sullivan,
rack it and Constantino
Ducks, Orange
Start Series
y ."rrre'tl'TwP'J?'!
arive in me i o. .0 .,..?...
I baseball race opens Friday when
the Oregon Ducks tackle .the Or -
gon rtate oeaveis in pan ui
games The series opener takes
plate Friday at Eugene and the
teams play the second game at
Co'valh on Saturday.
The Ducks and the Washington
State l"ouais are holding a lead
over the Beaveis in the race and
the games this weekend are ex
petted to eliminate either the
Ducks or the Beavers as a conten
der While the two Oregon teams
are battling it out. the Cougars
play a series with Washington on
Friday and Saturday at Pullman.
Tattle of ( .oaste! Tide
Tides for Taft. Oregon. May. 1949.
tCorrpiled by V S. Coast and Geodetic
13 13 OS am. 7 3 7 12 am -li
! I M pin. SI 0 40 pm. 24
14 12 44 am. 7J 7 50 am. -t
3 49 pm. 9 0 7 25 p m. II
13 123 am. 7 0 I 43 m. -1 0 !
3 45 pm. 4 0 0 13 pm. 3 0
10 I 07 am. 0 4 t 34 am. -12
4 3 p trt. 4 7 0 12 p m. 33 j
17 2 55 am. 0 1 10 27 a m. -0 ;
5 4 p.m. 4 7 10 20 p m. 3 3,
10 3 53 am. 8 5 11:18 a m. -0 3'
0 40pm 48 ll:4oom. 33
It 4 40 a m. 5 0 12 31 f7 m. 0 1
7 30 p.m. 5 0
20 0 04 a m. 4 3 1 00 a ra. 2 ,
8.13 pm. 5 3 1 00 p.m. 04'
21 7.24 am. 4 3 2 21 am. 2 4
0 47 p m. 5 0 1 54 p.m. 0 8
22 0 30 a m. 4 2 3 17 a.m. F0 !
010pm. 3 0 2 35 p m. 1 2
U 47 a m. 4 2 4 01 a m. 11
0 40 pm. 0 0 3 17 pm. 13
24 lfr 49 a.m. 4 3 4 40 a m. 0 4
10 15 p m. S 2 3 55 p.m. 1 S
23 11 42 am. 4 4 S 10 a m. -0 1
10 43 p m. 0 4 S 33 p.m. 2 2
20 12:30 p.m. 4 3 3.52 am. -OS
11 13 p ra. 0 0 3 00 p.m. 2 4
27 1:13 pm. 4 0 M a.m. -10
11 42 p m. 0 7 1 43 p m. 21
20 1 90 pm. 4.0 T 04 a m. -12
021 p m. is
30 12 14 am. 4 7 7 40 am. -14
1 40 p-m. 4 0 0 37 p.m. 3 2
three. Oevelaad three and De
trait aae.
Askesl If this reaction ai aalv
tesaparary. Overhalser re plied:
Na, 8at efeooarlly. It eeahi ge
ea iodeflAitelr."
-"Wbea aa Individ aa I suffers
beating- after beating, there are
twa eesu-sea pea." he said. "He
eaa either lie dew aad admit
defeat er get ap aad fight back."
He added. Tbkt ta set restrict
ed te aa tadlvidaal. It applies ta
greapa. t rasas and erea aramiea.
Certaialy this ball elsb Is Oght-tag-
Prep Golfers
Battle Today
Twelte Orerom Ugh ocbool
rolf teams, beat oa sua tenia
the 1949 championship, opea
their two-day cone lave today
the Salem links. Tee-off
time for the first If boles to
day Is 1 a-m. It's the same
for the second IS Satardar.
aeeordiag to Lore a Mort. Sa
lem team coach who la la
charge of the tourney.
Low aggregate medal scores
will determine the titlist after
the 36 boles are played. Tro
phies will be dished oat fol
lowlnr Sat or day' roand and
the all state" team will con
sist of the fear lads who pos
sess the best medal tally for
the 36 holes.
Schools sending teams to the
annual pitch are Salem. Cor
vaUis. Marshfield. Medford.
Eagene. University hih of
Eageae and Portland schools
Lincoln. Washington. Jeffer
soa. Cleveland and Central
I intra I
W L Pet W L Pet
Yakima 13 4 .789 Vancouver 0 S 471
alem 13 7 650 Tacoma 12 400
Bremertn 11 9 550 Victoria 13 381
Wena tehee 9 12 429 Spokane 12 .333 j
Thursday results: At Vancouver 11.
Salem 13 At Victoria 9. Wenatchee S. ;
At Spokane 4. Tacoma 5. At Bremer
ton 1. Yakima 0.
W L Pet W I. Pet
HoJlvTod 27 18 600 San Fran 23 23 500
San Dteo 24 20 545 Seattle 22 23 409
Oakland 24 22 522 Los Anrli 21 24 47
Sacrmnto 22 22 500 Portland 18 27 J72
Thursday results: At Portland 5.
Hollywood 9 At Seattle 6. Oakland 7.
At txs Angelas 1. San Dieco 9. At
San Francisco 10 Sacramento 1.
W L Pet W L Pet I
New Yoik n 9 591 Philadlph 11 12 478 i
Poton 13 9 581 PitUbui gh 0 13 .433
Drwmivn iz iu 3 uiui nil zi
' Cincinnati 1 1 1 0 524 Ch irafo 8 12 .400
j Thursdsv results: At Brook Kn II.
urgh S At New York 0. Cincin-
3 At Philadelphia 4. Chicago 3.
ostor.-st. Lout ram.
At Bost
W L Pet W L Pet
New Vork 18 0 727 Chicago 11 12 478
Cleveland 10 7 NSS Philadelph 1113.458
Detroit 12 9 571 Boston Oil 450
Washngtn 12 12 5i0St Louis 0 11261
Trii.fdai results At Chicago I, Bos
ton 2 At Detroit 2. Washington 1 At
St Lou.'i 9. Philadelphia 3. lOnlv
game scheduled
American League
000 100 000 1
100 000 01 2
Evan: Trucks
? s
.Masterson and
j u-ioii .. im iw uut 01 t 10 I
; iniojo irii mm ishi i 7 o
i Parnell and Tebbetts; Gunipert and
: Wheeler
Philadelphia 000 011 100 3 0 2
St Bouis 230 101 20 9 10 0
Brissie Harris 5 . Scheib (7 and
Asirorn tinnin. rernck hi and Mos.
f innin.
(Only games scheduled 1.
National League
Cincinnati - .... 00 120 0003 0 0
New Y01 k 000 ("00 fXXV 0 4 1
Raffensberger and Mueller: Hartur.g
Behrman i9i and Livingston.
Pittsburgh 200 031 000 0 13 2
Brooklyn 222 122 00 11 13 0
Gregg Chamber i2i. Hlgbe 4).
Muncreif ii. Bonham (71 and McCul
lough. r;t7gerald (7). Branca and
Chicago ... 002 100 0003 1
Philadelphia 102 001 00' 4 0 1
Rush and Schefflng, Browy and Se
minicli. St. Ixmis at Boston postponed, rain.
Dock Pins
Commercial league at B or B
, . . niht. H4,iri.e
a.-t night: Heider Radio 4.
, Mortarless Blpck 0 wn,a
( Amusement 3, Marjon Elect
ric 1 :
Dyer Insurance 1. Blue Lake Pack
ers 3. Royal Paw ley a 199 high
single game and Bill Gauthier a
469 series for Marion Electrics,
tops for the night.
EUGENE. May 12 -OP)- The
Oregon State Rooks and the Ore
gon Frosh divided a doubleheader
on the baseball field here today.
Lefty Don White set the Frosh
down with three hits to win the
opener for the Rooks. 1-0. The
Frosh out-hit the Rooks In the
second game to win, 10-5.
Listen loK0C0a!6:45
Don Harger's
Fish Casier
Presented by Gil Ward and
Willard Taylor. Listen and find
out where to go for your week
end fishing.
Lei's Go Boaling
This Sunday
Before the shew. Canees. beats,
row beats for ysnng sad old.
Meter beats. We ran er yea ran.
Desnanstratiens ea all Johnaen
Lots and lots of used and
now motors 40 of them,
SUP. Sea KLna.
Your. $75.00
I H. P. Johnson's
$90 $175.00
9.1 and 10 H. P. Johnson's
$150 to $310
New 16 H. P. Johnson's
- - $304
New 22 H. P. Johnson's
i $410
Here's a s p e e I a J a f H. F.
Jehasea traded ta by Carl Hegg.
We gave Carl $45 allowance.
spent $1$ fee repair parts, aad
It wtfl east ye 1 asere teewa
a abator that sheek the band ef
Carf Hegg ysnrs fer $75.
Salen Deal Iloixse
1M Cheasekeia rhesse S-t3tS
Homer Wins
Puts Bosox over top.
Palmer Leads
Goodall Meet
12 -iJPi- Johnnv Palmer of Vet
Baden. N C shot a two-unrier-
par .U over tne wyKagyi loumrv
club course today to pot a ptiint
total of plus 14 and toke the lend
over 15 fellow- profcionalF a f tee
the first round of the Goodiill
round robin tournament
Skip Alexander of Lexington.
N. C and Jim Turnesa of Briar ,
Cliff. N. Y . each posted a 71 to i
tie for second in the standings ;
! with
plus 11 each.
Bvron Nelson of Roanoke.
Carv Middlecoff of
T.mnii ahot the rlav' tun het
. . , -
i scores, a pair of sparling 69s.
i yet could do no better than tie
in the next notch, each with plus
9. They ran into tougher opposi
tion than the leaders.
The brain cells used In a single
mental effort weigh an estimated
quarter of an ounce.
I-'' '-
155 N. Liberty
I (
tell 1.79 AND 2.95 W'l. lffi
ifcnT e 14 new stylos ro cheese from! ysJ 'JSJL
' I ' " V 5 Stripes, fancy patterns, sellers. T " Y" V "'
L " Ftein and neveHy knits- jT2 . fTte
hateuerd., interlech., me.Hett
.5 never need Irenlnfll ilOb SUSibr
f Styled fer coolness end F'til P--Sfc?i55i
fr'A ction-free cemfertl AN slios. r-Tir I 3t?2$sy
14 Th 8latinoai. Solswn. Ofgon. Ttidaj. May f 9ti
Stephens5 Homer Wins for Bosox
Giants Blanked
By the Associated Pre
The Washington Senators proved Thursday they weront tmmuna
to getting beat in the American league, and went down, 1-1; to tho
Detroit Tigers at Detroit to end a winning streak that had reached
nine in a row. Virgil (Fire) Trucks, who has been tha aco of the Ti
gers mound brigade this season, hurled a five-hitter for his fifth win.
Walt Masterson was the loser and it was Don Kolioway of the Detroit
who provided the batting spark for the win. - ?
The Boston Red Sox had to go 11 innings and pick up Vern Ste
phens' eighth home run of the season with two outs to down the Chi
cago White Sox. 2-1. Lefty Mel Parnell besting Randy Gum pert in
this one. At St. Louis, the Browns unloaded an early home run bar
rage against Lefty Lou Brissie and went on to down the Philadel
phia Athletics: 9-3. Those were the only American league games
Thursday. i
In the National league the New York Giants were blanked 3-0
by Cincinnati's Ken Raffensberger but manaced to hold on to the loop
lead. Four single were all the Giants could pet off Raffensberger ag
he hurled his second shutout and fourth win of the season. Clint liar
tung was the victim. Although they were isined out of their gam)
with the Cardinals, the Boston Braves ound up in a tie with tho)
Giants for first place. Hank Borowy for ?'e Phillies downed hi for
mer Chicago Cubs mates. 4-3. and Ralph although belted hard
all the way went the route to beat Pittsburgh 11-6 for Brooklyh In tho
other National league skirmishes.
Lesnevich Msr. Protests Fine
Browns Complete
Deal for Graham
ST. LOUIS. May 12
St. Louis Browns completed to-
day the purchase of distance hit
ter Jack Graham from San Diego
f the Pacific Coast league The
Browns originally made a
payment and took the 1948 coast
home run king on an approval
basis. Graham left no room for
He is batting a fancy .333. and
was tied this morning for Ihe
American league home run lead
ershin with Ted Williams and
1 Vern Stephens cf the Boston Red
! Sox.
In the Major
-- -" "
What ther did Thursday:
Ah R H" O A T. Rbl
Pesky. Red SoS 4 0 1 0 3 0 0
Doerr. Red Sox 5 t: 1 4 3 o (
YOU up
but Hold Lead;
' CINCINNATI. My 12 i:A-J cm
: Vella. manager of light! heavy
1 weight boxer Gus Lenelch. oal4
tonight he would "go to court If
necessary" to avoid pain a $200
fine levied against Mm by the Cln-
cinnaii boxing rommissitu j lesno-
..... " - .V. .V .11 v.. . p V w
Maxim i.l Cleveland In s t5-round
bout here May 23 for th American
light hejivyvt eight trt'noionshlp.
The commiiort fiu1 VeJIa $260',
this Aeek !; r failure t . t m $2.-f
500 forfeit guai aiite ; Cliff-!
side, N. J . battier ao i d meet tho I
175 pturd weight l'ntit f j'Uhe Ma
xim fight.
Today's 'mji
National Vjiuj'
Broo ml aostoa
inignti Rue l-2
v. Sain il-l).
i Phi!:oHprna at New Yora it .ghl)-
1 Meei 2-li vs. Janen ,2-T:i:t Iouls
'at P:t!rutgf mightj -- I''ltt (0-2)
j v Srll i2-l' Chicago a. Cinclrji
I nali is trt.ti Duo. el tl-liiv. LJvo
1 Iv i 2-1 i
Ai''iur league" Cleveiaiul at Chi-
c. tro inl-ti Wvnn 0-0 Pirt
1 2-2 . Dtrit al SI. Inuii L. night
I Gray 2-0 vs. Garver ll-ll or Start
.-4i. games M-hedu'ed
Phone 3 3191
to 1.48
e e b 7
I 9 m m i