jliiTha) gtatoerocai. Sqlott. Ofqco. Friday. Marf 13. 114 Washington Varsity Crew to Compete Saturday SEATTLE. Waslu. Ma It Thin is the varsity crew picked by Lnirersity of ttxshinrten crew Coach Al tfbrirkaon to row again t the I'niversitv of California May 14) at Seattle. Left to rifht: Charlie Mc Carthy. : Rod Johnson. 7: Dob Landon. : Norman Bnvick. 3: Robert Will. 4: Bob Voanc. S; John Ae dett, Z: Ed Hearlnc. i. and Allen Morgan, cox. (Associated Press Photo to The Statesman.) Luther League Meet to Start At Silverton SILVERTO.V Mav 12 North ern Pacific district Luther league convention will open lit Immaiiufl LAjtheian church here Friday night when the Kev R. A Daehlm of Great Falls, Mont . will .speak and the Grieg Male chorus will ping The convent mhi will con tinue until Sunriav niht when it close with a conceit by Pacific I,utrier College choir and 30-piece orrheMi at tne chuich auditor ium The Rev Burton Smith of Tacoma is presiding. A leceptimi fur cinn ent .on jjiieM will t- held following 'he Fridav n;Kht forma! meet ii i k Sattiiriav rooming the sfs"-ion .en. at 9 30 wilh V otions by trie Kev. A J Kmitson of ("anby Senior and .furnoi Leaiiues mee' M-paiateiv at Hi am for topic discussions. A business session mill be heid t 11 am -a th 'he afternoon panel rii cushions and T&toiirai contests starting at 1 jli.m. At 3 (i i lin k The convention knit nig to Silvei Kali State p;ok w ill be m; tie. ' grd! return ing in tune for the 6 30 b;i?iit V hen th Kev Mi Daehun vviii liive the aiioie- ariti the u'h choir of Cent i ' I.uth,i an ch'in h. t Portland. -A Mt g The Hev Mr Daehlin vs. i i 1 s.ie,o agaiti at the H o'clock Sum!,) morning servne ;.t Immri'iC1 The hoi rft union conceit, to which the public is invited, ujli Le field at Kunene Field audi torium at 3 30 Sunday altei ni-on. liadio to Slav on Standard lime KSl.?.t will continue to broad -Cast all radio shows on stantiaitl time utter o.. li--;t ;n iiiu time ft-es into effect for Salem. Kail lediuk. bus.ru-"- ni.jnagt-r. an nounced Thursdav He explained that nil Mutual Broadt acting sv tetn programs ate sent out on standard time, and KSI.M must keep the same schedule. I'rogi..nis TO ENJOY YOUR is Vacuum pocking insures the fresftrtost of coffee until tho vacuum seal is opened. After mot, air causes tho coffee to begin losing freshness. Therefore, coffee should bo purchased in a size of container that will be used within a week. About 40 cups of coffee beverage, rich in flavor ond oroma, as well os strength, con be obtained from a pound of coffee .. . so If safy two or three rsps ore ssooo jlolf Is yoor koose. It's WISE to far rke ootf-aoW SIZE of Mills Ires. Coles. . V nsroor ssvjoonts ore ssads oft mmi oso freot o boy nW run asm oooi of SIZE Fill! U so keciU. 1HC HIUS MOl COT Fit. MSrC. Smm Everybody likes iM.&osj35 1 s. 10 Naturalization Petitions Approved Pending Filial Test Petition for naturalization by 10 Marion county resident have been approved, and if all the person pass citizenship examina tions they will receive final pa per? in June. The group includes" Rufino Pacleb Narcida. route 7. box 234E: Sammv Verzula Bayya. route 7, box 210; Adolf Miller. SJHi N. 20th st : Olga Elizabeth Kercher. 855 Plymouth dr.; Harry Hanscher. 3850 Midway dr.; Jean Addison. 3297 N. River rd.; EdHa Muriel Pickerel, route 6. box 826. Jean Mary Margaret Samuel, 480 S 20th st , and Frances Margaret Beaulaiu iw. . 955 Ptne St.. all of Salem, and Aima Marv Mullen of St Paul. ilrs, Aclsitt's Rites Today Mrs Ina S. Adsitt. 78. a resident if Salem until last Apiil. died Tuesday in Foots Creek and wil! be bulled Uk1.iv in Ro k Point' cemetery. Gold H.l! Mrs Ad-itt ;ifter lea i nig Salem made her home with her daunbter. Mis. E! mei Stamvhsn.k;h. Ft'ts Ctek Services will be held in 1 Conget -Mortis chai.e! at Metifo u it 3 p m jtodav with the Rev. Holy Jarv is! officiating. B01 n in Penns lv ania. Feb 25. 1870. Mrs Adsitt came to Salem seeral years ago Beside the daughter. Mi. Adsitt is survived bv a sister living in Pennsvlvania and two grandchildren. John and Joan Stambaugh, Foots Creek. Plans to Admit 2 Foreign Students To W illamette Plans to admit two foreign stu dents to Willamette uruveisitv orf thus will be dialed than formerly. in hour later COFFEE MORE, BE M yoo amssjs so sot six cons of coEoo WISE to st lis so ssnsrf SIZE of Issff la yoor cofee. it's ECONOMT-WISI of U3h Iros. Coffoo. Alt Of COrtflMAClNC.' WHss lo ilium It, CM. Mil mm it, 1 I r- ) t J 1 '- I a four-year scholarshiD basis were ' formulated this week by Prof Edwarti Koilman. m charge of foreign students. wh is working with YWp and YMCA campus groups. Acording to the proposed plans, the university will invite a wt ' men student, possibly from Po i land, and a male student from ' Czechoslovaks to begin four j year studies on tuition put up : by the university. Sororities. ! fraternities and other campus I living organizations are to con tribute housing facilities. L. T. Wallace Succumbs to Heart Attack Lwis Taylor Wallace. 60. 1155 Elm st . West Salem, died at his home Thursday at 10:15 a.m. A heart attack proved fatal. Waliace was born in Missouri Dec. 30. 1888. and came to Ore gon 39 years ago, the last 25 t.f which he iived' in West Salem. He was a veteran of World War I. Surimg him are his widow. Mrs. Delia June May hew Wallace, and three children. Mrs. Violet Wilson. Bremerton. Wash , Larry Ieroy Caurince Wallace. Klamath Falls, and Robert Bitue Wallate, of the home Funeral announcements will be ann u'iced later b the W. T. Rig don Cc Rotarians to Attend Meet Representation cf Salem Ro tary club at this week end's joint ronfeience of distiicts 102 and ' 103 at Spokane was announce! t Thursday by Harry B Johnson, president Members of the group will leave Satuniav arm Suruia by auto, unii the thiee-day nicet- ; ing opens Sunday. Attending fiorn here will be Jcthnson. newly elected president Lew Ancns. Wilinrti H Baillie Secretary Robert Fenix. Mr. and Mrs. Jfomer Smith. r . Mrs. Wil a r i i ! ham Mi-Gilchr i-t. sr. Mr. Mrs. Ivan Stewart and Mr. i Mrs. Roy Tvneedie. and VHEN YOU BUY sWy h) yoor asms. It't H3s Iras. Csfee. New Teacher Lack Forecast For Next Fall Oregon public schools will re quire aa estimated 1.000 new teachers jthis 4all. but the state's education colleges will b grad uating only about 300 new teach ers this spring. That was the gist of an analysis of continuing teacher shortage which Salem Lions club heard Thursday noon from Dr. Louis Kaplan, director of teacher train ing at Oregon College of Educa tion at Monmouth. Dr. Kaplan noted that Oregon has 1.500 teachers under only the emergency certification covering thos with less than the required training for teachers. He asserted the continued employmen of "em ergency teachers" holds the an swer to some of the present-day criticism of results of the edu cational system. The Lions luncheon crowd also heard two selections sung by the YMCA boys' chorus of 24 voices conducted by Wesley Bolliger of Willamette university. Gfests at the club luncheon were four ninth graders from the state school for the blind. Pat ricia Willard. Dayton; Genevieve Eachus. Nyssa: Dcrothea Falcon, Mt. Vernon, and James Sozoff, Vernonia. These pupils will re turn to their home school dis tricts next fall to complete their high school education. 5 Nominees for WU Publication Posts Approved Five students nominated to fill as many publication posts on the Willamette university campus by the publications board, were for mally approved by the student council this week. Jack Brown, The Dalles, was approved as new - publications manager: Ellen Montague. New- Delicious ferries FRESH CALIFORNIA STRAWBERRIES Flown direct to our markets for this occasion. pint boxes i.tSi values CANNED MEAT Morrell Deviled Moat. V4 size can 3 cans 25 North Sea Alaska Salmon, No. 1 tall can 39c Van Camp's Yellow Tail can size 25c White Star Solid Pack Fey. Tuna, 'a Size cn 43 White Star Grated Tuna can size 39 PAPER PRODUCTS 200 COUNT AVALON FACIAL TISSUES Newer, softer stronger tissues ... 3 boxes 25c Diamond Wax Paper Roll 19 Paper Plates Cello pkg. 10 Cold Drink Cups .- 10 CANNED VEGETABLES GREEN SPOT CUT GREEN BEANS 3 No. 2 39 PEl-lA-CO SWEET POTATOES, No. 2'z sqoat Can Southern Yams at their best 2 Can 25c Gibson's White Hominy No. 2' can 10 Packed by Van Camp Columbia Sauerkraut No. 2'i can 10c Festival Brand Sliced Beets No. 2 can 10 LARSEN'S VEG-AIL The all purpose mixed Vegetables . 2 " 29c THREE SISTERS CORN, Whole Kernel Golden. 2 No. 2 cans 29 Mission Cream Style Com 2 tall cans 25c Dennison't Pork a Beans . Tall can 10 Armour's Milk .. 10c Tall can Grapefruit Juice Texsun 46-ez. can 22c Open 9 So t Dairy, Including Svndoy Prices Effective Friday thru Swnday Missing Tot Returned LONG BEACH, Calif.. May 12 Three-year-old Dianne Kelley. miss ing from her home for eight hours, is hugged at Long Beach. Calif., by her happy parents. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Kelley, after police found ber romping at a neighborhood playground. Virtually the en tire Long Beach police force had been looking for her. (AP Wire photo to The Statesman.) berg, as Collegian editor; LuDene Hargrave. Portland, as Wallulah i editor; Margaret Atwood, Cor- j vallis, as Fussers' Guide editor j and Janet Stark, Portland, as J Rook Bible editor. All appointments to editorship will take effect during the next j school year starting next Sep- j tern ber. About 650.000 people work In the nation's steel mills. 39c wofth about No. 2 can Snowdrift SHORTENING 3 lb. can 83C Franc American Spaghetti Mm tall cans 25c wo unit M iV; s Rye Jumps on Board of Trade CHICAGO, May 12 -7Pi- Rye jumped for the second straight day on the Board of Trade today, closing at the session's best levels on gains of 4' to 5li cents a bushel. This followed an upturn of 5 to 5l4 cents yesterday. Action of rye found no reflec- CANNED FRUITS BARTLETT PEARS Rosedale Brand, No. 303 san 25 MISSION PEACHES, Yellow Cling Halves No. 303 can 13c LADY LUCK APRICOTS, whole wnpeeled No. 1 tall can . . 2 " 'or 25 YOSEMITE PEACHES, Yellow Cling Halves in Heavy Syrup No. 2' can 23 SPRING DEAL FREESTONE PEACHES Sliced in Heavy Syrup No. 24 can 23 Libby's Crushed Pineapple 32 can 29 MISSION GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS 2 cans 29 Kraft Velveeta Cheese Food X lb. loaf 79c Worrell's Snack Spiced Luncheon np Meat, 12-oz. can wDC tloa In other cereals. Corn and oats ended with1 small gains and losses among Le various con tract. Soybeans and lard eased. May wheat managed to close steady but the hew crop months sank. Wheat ended unchanged to lower, corn was lower to l 4 i higher, oats were lower to higher, rye was 4l4-5l- higher. soybeans were unchanged to lower and lard was 10 to 13 cents a hundred pounds lower. Stock Market Rises Slowly NEW YORK. May 12 -Jft The stock m.-ket took a slow trip into higher price ground today. A majority of final prices were up fractions to a point or more and at just about the best levels of the day. At the same time a good handful of stocks either remain ed at Wednesday s closing levels or tipped backward a bit. Turn over of 780.000 shares was even with yesterday. The Associated Press average of 80 stock advanced .2 of one point to 63.3. of the 941 individual issues which sold, 435 moved ahead and 241 declined BEGONIAS BEGONIAS Now la tho tlxno to plant your tube cms begonia plants. Ws haro thousands el choics soodlincs, at only j oach or 2s50 por do. For tho finest In Eoqonias. It's SoJem's only lqonla Specialist ... D-VISTA GARDENS 8225 D Stroot Salom CALIFORNIA SHAfTLK White Mary's cello Potato Chips Shortening LKrispy Crackers Shredded Wheat Sunshine Pkg Rice Krispies Peppermints Mint HAM Shank End Pound Butt End Pound . Swift's - Armour's rell's - Cascade. ARMOUR'S Sirloin Steak Pound CHUCK ROASTS SLICED Hormefs End Slices, 35c lb. Valley Pack, j AO Standard Brand ...Pevd fV FRESH I CHINOOK SALMON 49c Sliced 3S lb. Luncheon Meats Large Frankfurters FRYERS STEWING HENS FRYER RABDIT S Tno queen wasps, so! members of cemmuniti who survive the winter, lay eggs in the spring which found new nests and form new generations. j 1 ,ai4,.l,W SIP :,J CANNING ASPARAGUS! Fresh green spears,! buy now for canning. 2 ,b.. 19c J0-lb. crate ....1.79 NEW POTATOES 10 Ib. 3Jc CELERY HEARTS 19c w rapped Salad Dressing ot. 53c Salad Dressing chmpiono, 45c Product by Nalley 1 Plot 23 1 Nalley's, fresh I HQ. crisp ZJC large package 1 Giant pkg. 39 Wesson Oil Quart 59c Pint 31c unshine AT . Mb. box JLJL 15c 19c 29c New i-oz. pkg. Pillows 14-ei. cello bag BRANDED BEEF I 55c EXt j 53c i Pound 49c BACON I! - 3 $1.00 lbs. J 49c 39c $1.49 $1.69 A 69c .Each .Each