Poppy Day Plans Mapped by 1 Mt Angel's Legion Auxiliary ' WT. ANGEL. Poppr Day in ML Angel as well as over all Ore f n will be Friday an j Saturday, May 27 and 28. The ML Angel unit proposed to sell 1500 of the little red paper poppies that recall the sacrifices of Flanders r.e!li and provide extra fund to the disabled Teterans. -; General plans for the sale were mapped out at the Legion Auxil iary meeting Tuesday night. Mrs Valley Briefs Jieph Faulhaber L chairman and will be assisted by the fol lowing volunteer workers: Mrs. Fred Prosser, Mrs. Ertue Crow dr. Loretta Dehler. Mrs. Peter Gores. Mrs. Cletus Butsch. Mrs. Charles Hafner, Mrs. Mae Heggie. Miss Elizabeth Un?w and the Junior auailiary m?T,n Mart Ivn Hauth. CeraHine and Mon ica Traeger. Mary -Li Faulhaber nH Catherine Dumw. The 7 and 8 graie pupils of 8t Mary's school will aU be rsHed upon to sell rppi?s and the two children selhng the most still be awarded nnes of $100 mn1 75s respective! y Miss Theresa Dehler reported 1? poppy posteis en?'rl f ir the r ntest. The preMder.' appointed Mr Dale Plummer. Mm Helen . ii.. - If.. W rr v RlHtM- r"1 ,.r T.-l r ai Mi the Hubbard Pa rant -Teachers nasen " .ociation in the gym Monday, and 75c were to t ' ? J 1 , k v m "o divUions. In the i and 6 . May aj 8 p.m. The program IraV drvuion the pr.. were will im-litfe number given by M, br Jerome Eonr. fr .nd : the Boy Scouts, a vocal solo a KUr,eWorley. onl ,n,l tn th,:' kW Ulk 7 nd 8 divwon th- first about the blood bank. prue went to Iur htmtr and, tBoesleeee Members of the second to Anita WiMe th third and fourth grades will The 4-H Sf holarship for sum- j present a May Festival at the n,m, hnn at Oree-Ki iTi win nmnwiuln FrtJav afternoon at i aam be awarded tr frw irl rat-ji:3o under the; direction of Mrs.1 w. r . McBee an-J Mrs. Uiga Bar-I tholomy. Glenia May Elvin will reign as queen : over m royal court of 12 boys and; girls. Swegle Mrs. A A. K.yle hopes to return to her homo on Garden road this week after several Trer Mrs. Nellie Gunning will entertain - members of the WSCS Friday. May 13 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. George Farris. Sweet Baas; The contract for the building of a new bridge and changing the channel of Amen creek oh 14th avenue will be awarded May 17. City Man ager Jess Parker announced. The improvement is expected to cost around $1,3)0. Habbarsi New officers will be installed at the meeting of as- . " -'' ZZ " ' - " - ' - PROTECTIVE MAMMA Soaaa, Aastrstlaa swaa. with eygaeta. Wyaaep. Bliakea aaa NasL at CataUaa Islaad. "sowe in 4-H trig the highest activities. The social meeting m Mar 24 will honor the mothers of the p.t and unit, the glt star mothers being upeoii guet. It w a e reed to play bar. for en- - a a . - . -4 i-i ts 1 1 1 lenamment - '7 ' "uT wwk In Salam hospital where the winners Lunch will te , ... . . T . - she has underline two serious a-rved with a sp-'Si ke for, . rt m .... .k. mi Th.iu,,uu" v" wi iitr i ' i ati 1 1 ... v i . - - - - - - - The Turner Commun- rsa Ihler and Mrs J.-weph j Tarmer F?i"lh:iler, ronnv noser il ix"ppy ' jtv dub will meet in the high rhaumen will e ' in horfc- nf,Mr;ool auditorium Friday. Mar IS the games and the f H w.ng rotn- at p m . prjjt Ray Grimm mi t tee ha been pp.ned n tke . announced rare of tiie lunch. Mr A' Saal-' feM rhdirman, B'r I.tovrt walK (. Mis Al Stnpfel I' T'riMre giffoid and Mrs Ann S they formerly resided. They are expected to return to Sweet : Home soon. Aibars Mrs. John Goldale has returned to the home of her daughter. Mrs. Stuart Johns, af ter several days in a Salem hos pital. Ketser Charles Ronk was called to Idaho Tuesday by the death of his father. Sweet Hans Mel Crawford will he in Spokane May 13-18-17 1 to attend the 'district convention, A import on the Anilnrv of the Rotary club. Dan Ashton. hv the i hairmart. Mrs t Hot (r. showed it to have txen a wonderful nuris ifh er a $J1K profit A vole ;f tiuiiit was lix si Rotarisn. also the trip. is making Taraer Mr and Mrs Albeit given to Mrs Hoffer 1 those Jensen opened a new garage and who assisted tier j .'er1ce station: her recently em- The nominatunt r.wmiitt pro- P'oying Vernon C red i lie Mr. and P-.-K-1 the following name for Mi. Jack Wheeler are building a offi. er for the foi! wtu year dining room addition to the Grill. rreiMlent. Mrs usie t-rumnwr. it vie president. Mrs Fred I.urht; 2nd vire BH'eit. Mis f'h.fles Hafner: se-e-iiy. Mrs Swegle: Mr and Mrs Adam Hofstetter started cwnstruction on their new home on Sunnvview . k. . . . v. : 1 1 i . r. , . 'avenue ini rm. 11 win pe jusi Crowoer: treasurer Mn iores., , . , , ' - r -rr-mor et of the smalt house in which t-Xt-.rm. Mr. Karhert, Er-1 y nave been living weit; historian Mn Helen rer rilo It was annouaceai tba? Mrs. Alma Ueti would sneak on her trip to Hollywood at ttie June 14 meeting Mrs. Heggie gave report on the rountv asemit hell at Taraer. About 808 persona attended ' the I musical program spansored by the Glee elub and band of Union high school $ at the Turner tasenucl Tuesday night. Hubbard Mr and Mrs Clar- Woodhum on April Ti which was ence Friend ed Mr. and Mrs. attended by 12 Mt. Aintel rep-' Verl Cochran ere lit North Bend i Ctative.". ; this week attending the firemen's! Alter the business tension the , convention. patt president of 'h J.w-al unit) Wm.' ii.,, held in.tiatum se, v e, f... the ' "n,. ".r?." iiiMHV nigni Airs. rge iuu dy ! rilFSROMK IN NFW F1.4NK 'j? " "Aiwwermt the Critics SWEET HOMF T ft S,n er. of 'fn Mli .i. j with hs mother. Mrs Am?lu Die- Keer Ben MK onnel is re-! tr has been visiting fn-nt " cuperatiria at Green's F.ve hos Pt.em. Arizona Fr m Ph.tetus : pltal in San Francisco after un he went to Huston. T-s. where dergoing surgery on his right eyes h iMirrhased a new Swift plane ; three week ? Bandages will; and flew back to Or-4Mi. Friday, be temoved Friiay but he will Mrs. DeiU is s he.1l-t to return j remain several weeks for treat-, by auto at a later isle ment. 1 Elliott Prairie DAR Meets IXLiOTT PRAIRIE The Belle Paasi chapter of the DAR met at j the home of Mrs. Grace Engl- j man at Butteville Friday after noon. Mrs. Henry Fngleman played several piano solos. Mrs. Margaret Yergen sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Golway Bay", accompanied by Mrs. Engleman. Mrs. A. G. Douglas gave a re port on the DAR state convention held in Portland in March. The chapter will place a DAR marker on the grave o Mrs. Ruie Brown, a former member, at the Hubbard cemetery at S pjn. Sat urday, May 28th. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the ceremony. There were seven members and seven guesta present at the meet ing. Guests war Mrs. Henry Ensdarnan. Portland, Mrs. Edward Jostea, Barlow, Mrs. Graver Pom eroy and Mrs. Sam Brantner of Salem, Mrs. Beryl Breithaupt and Mrs. Margaret Yergen of Butte ville, Md Mrs. Mary White ef Mont tor. Amity Scouts Honored for Cleanup Job AMITY Boy Scouts of troop 7 were honored at an apprecia tion dinner Tuesday night for their excellent job during "Clean up Week" Jams Glover decided that the citizens would like to show their appreciation by contributing small sums of cash to provide the dinner. The fund grew to upwards of $80. The mothers, scout leaders, Pat Omally. Joe M. Barr, the Rev. Fremont Faul. chairman of scout work for the commercial olub. Mayor Vandelaar. James David son, city marshal and Glover and a goodly number of boys attend ed the banquet. Barr. the school band and girls chorus gave a concert following the dinner to which the public was invited. The troop, grown from a small group of ten, now numbers about 30. They are launching a paper drive this week. HONORED WITH PARTY INDEPENDENCE O. E Ash toa was honored with a surprise birthday party by Mrs. Ashton at their home last Saturday eve ning. Places were set for a des sert luncheon for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pool, and Yvonne, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pool and Connie and Ernie, Mrs. Stella Pool, Mr. and Mrs. rrad Mlddesularf. all of Sa lem and Mr. and Mrs. Clyd MOls. fI l.iwin; new Harold Beairb.au.ais. M.s Jim fjr T'day night Mi B.H..honna,S. Mr HH, Pillo '-;V lwr,!" w? n chr' and Mrs. Marv Sen wan. "f 'K,hM's lfu rua reviewed the chapter tuc Captive alligator Hay it.ed 40 Sweet Hease Mr and Mrs. j r 84 years without li.wmg any George Ellis are on an extended: signs of aging' v,kt to Moines, Iowa, where oc!i In Your Attic Then Irado for things yon need ffiillEl LOTOS 3031 Portland Bood Pkooo S-tSSS many of yon will nme back and with painfal po-n ek Of easirae we SMse yea dea't gei U It sejre tm tm preaared. (.ct a botlU t Hood's Poison Oak Bsiaedy This ff trk Special Fresh GUII DROPS Only one day old ' Lis. EFFO IS VB1T TC3 CO CONSTIPATION Take Cff e. mafaaa )u ut mt aartav . I ... s sfewe iaaatiysw . mmiv ky 50c YOUR PDESCniPTIOII STORE WHEN YOU THTNI DRUGS THINX SCHAEFEX I lff - l4S-"It Pays to Trade at Schaefer'aT I PrticrlplioM Accural el y Filled Let mi fill your next baby prescriplion Wshays a eoeaplato lino ot modical needa lor babie. K3SE STCrFQ t? BocMtoo of a mi. orablolkoaNlooMr INHAUT C23?S j 50c 7 j ZxMt&M&a 30 c ScHa efer'x Pile Ol&toenl A seething asa4ieatiea ta liev iirliittg, barstttsg aad mt iiple miiem. 50c H a trip to beach or any all awe ens work loaves yew wrtk muscles aching and Try SCHAEFEJFS Thss ss tbe errtHaJ Pesmlar Kssatgy Stare far Marlosi Cesstr. Vest win flaf tkese preparaUeaa mt felgkeas anality aad gnaraa teed le be es.se Uy far what taey are seig a ad repreaeateel U be. Wij Doa'i Ton U DEn-riA-riOL Relieve Itching surface pimples and other minor skin irritation with Der ma-mot, a soothing- medi cated ointment 500 Schaefer's Corn Remedy Don't endure the discom fort of painful corn, bun iorfci, r callouses. Have Your Film Prinied al Schaefer's WHEN WE FINISH YOUR FILMS THEY WILL LAST FOREVER Oar Prices hit Iliglxl ! la at t a. m. Oat 5 p. m. sou ACcrn foi nxsut idodiis rot mauox comr 135 U. Ccsmerdal SL jPrcscriplisas Fffltd -12 1 FHsse M197 - 3-9723 The Statesman. Salem, Orocjon. rridcry . May 13. 1943 1 1 C Your dollar buys more ... sr aBlGGHlBAS of f oS) f U f) l Nabisco Shredded m Wheat Pkg. I OC Bag Mere Dag Food 07. 1-Ib. tin X far C Pleaae Dag Food OA. 1-lb. tia S far C Pater Paa Paaaat a Butter lS-es. glaaa Swift's Oleaaaer 17. t Uaa A5C y SvcothoartSoap aTti 4 bar. 30c Lifebuoy Soap t?. 3 b.r. 22c Lux Flakes uc 29c RInso Larfe pkf. 29c NEW POTATOES i 10 fc 39c NEW PEAS 2 b. 25c fresh. Tender Sweet LETTUCE Largo Jumbo g l)r X for XJl GRAPEFRUIT 5c Texas Pink Each Haaaaa alas sssa Citrssi tr No. S Ma 435 Kerael Cera. Na. I Ma 19c H-D Sweet BJeaslea i Peae Ne. Ill tia IOC H-D T baf Mn te Hat Seaee. 6c Mirer Falls ramekla. We. Its tta IUC Shagv Oaks Moakreoaas, Fes. A f Staeaa. 1-es. tta I Lfsiia'i Eavteiaa. Q K-ea. glaaa eTtr 17C Meat's T Na. IN Ma to Jalse, 10c N altars Beef Stow Vegetables. '-" 69c AT 110 j EST0A COST TO YOU j Oscar Wieners aWWej 1 S-os. tfo 49c Prcm Luncheon Moat .12-ok. tin 45c Corned Beef Hash Lead's tin 33c (5 W IS TP Featuring always th Finest for th Finest. Pork prices are down and this week we soggets Swift's Government Inspected LOIN OF YOUNG PORK 0 1 4 Kib or loin end, cot from grmin fod perkers and properly chilled for the utmost in freshness and AOs flavor Lb. OZC Swift's Premium SLICED BACON .. One pound lay ar 60C It's picnic and lunch tkese and a largo veriety of those f emeus Swfffa table-ready Cold Meats await yovr inspection at ail times. FRESH FRYERS, BAKES, FISH, RAE2ITS j Tor Moat to Ear - - We Can't io tear urtr CUKTIS Pleafiy Parhing Fcr Yesr Added Shcpping Cesrealeace . T7e Are Open Evesisgs Dnlil & P. IL Eomer I GapiSol & E-JnsrlieS