1 Tho gtal man. Solam. Oregon. Tiidtrr.MT 13. 1941 v . . . . . . . . '. n a- Pedee Installs PTA Officers; Skit Presented PEDEE Mrs. Elton Zuvar was Installed a president of the Par ent Teachers wci3ti3 at th meeting held Friday evetunf. Mrs. lark Wells, outgoing local presi flnt and Polk county council president, was the Installing of ficer. Other officer inUd includ ed Mrs- Verl Speela. first vice president; Mrs. FJdon Cate. sec ond vice president: Mr Oordon Murphy, secretary and treasurer. AH new officers were presented with a gardenia by the installing officer. A program const Un or skit bv primary room ptv solos, songs and readings given by school children. Lsir Qziah of D?l!as played her electnc steei fiiiit.r and Ronald Crvn of Sa tm sang "The Lord's Prayer " Six men modeled ladle clothing for a style show and Elton 7-uver w chosen "Queen for a Night" In the show. Proceed from the a-fle of pies and a fUh pond net ted the treasury $111 The "Busy Hands" -H sewing el jb under their leader Mrs Sld-n-v Howard, exhibited their sew I.. Those exhlbitla articles ware Jacqueline Hiertert, Bette Smith, Willie Jane Btrchell. Janice Smith. Judy Andersm. Clerioe S'epper. Carol Clark Ksr Wells. Marie Wellman and Oleo-la HIU. tabled indeEniteljr. R. S. Sloan was given a permit to build a bouse on Seqond street across from the school house. Saturday, May 21 was designat ed Annual spSring cleanup day, and householders are asked to hare all trash in seckVor boxes and placed at street or alley accessible to the pickup truck. , The budget committee will meet Monday night. May 18, at the Paul MrKfe home. On the committee are E. B. Kfeuht, Maurice Town send. Irwine Wright, Marvin Hut ching, O. A. Hall and Russell Dualton. The city also voted to take up a warrant amounting to $915, plus interest. The Jefferson Volunteer Fire de partment met Tuesday night and set Sunday July 17. as the date for the first annual firemen's com munity picnic, rt will be held in the Grenx grove across the river. "THE YOUNG IDEA By Mossier Ellendale. Oakilale Clubs To BOuesU At Pioneer Meeting PIONEER The aoeimunity meeting will be he at the hall Sturday nieht. May 14 with the Ellendale and Oafcflele clubs giits for the evening Mrs E. Johnson, program chair- mih. has planned the following : pi ram: Sona;by mw'n quartet, j ir,Ty Quiring. Nei Pn?n. Hen- j is r (Quiring ana soi Migsr. reea lr j by Joan Theu. solo horn rii"i!iers by Wayne Johrw'.on. Frn e' Kdigar. Jim Gilson. Sill Dom-m- and Harry GHliem nd Wayne Hi-nelthal: piano. Krneet Edlgar; m if ion picture of Oregon scenery; al by Mrs. Roher' Dorhecker; r-ding by Mrs. John Call van; l 1 by Dale Rherwoad wid fea ti picture "Alloe in Wonder lHf.ct ' Mr Archie Brown and Mrs. T n Keller are on the refreshment committee and coffee and eeke ill be served Mothers Feted At Stavton KC; 500 Attended STAYTOM More than 175 mothers were honored Sundav at the Knights of Columbus Moth ers dav program here at the par ish hall, r At the breakfast. Rev. rather Gabriel of Mt. Angel gave the principal address, touching upon the theme of "Mother." Decora tions of the breakfast carried as its theme the old spinning wheel, and the entire program was aa outstanding succeas. At 11 o'clock the same day the conferring ef the three degrees of the order was conducted at the Foresters' ball In Stayton. un der the direction of Orand Knight Vincent MerU and State Deputy Sylvester J. Smith. The officers of Portland coun cil conducted the first and second degrees and the major degree was conducted by Past State Deputy Edward J Bell, assisted by L. A. -Bud" O'Neill of Port land. : Following the initiation, a dutch lunch was served by the local luncheon committee. ahd It anticipate that over 500 Jefferson Council Purchase Of Meter Boxes it- at Knights and thetr ladies were in Stavton oh Mothers day for the dav s program; Independence Auxiliary Nominate New Officers INDEPENDENCE The Ameri can Legion Auxiliary, Unit No. 13, met at the Legion hall Wednes day with Mary Brown, past presi dent presiding: in the absences of the president end viee president. The report of the nomination committee was given by Renee Sohn as: follows: Ethel Sohn, president; Klva Riha. first vice president; Halcyon Taylor, seeond vice president;! Etta Foster, secre tary; Louise ;lrswn, treasurer; Jerry Cerejr, ftnanee; Mary Brown, histories ; and Rhe Perea, Set. at arms. Announcement was made that the poppy sale wuld be held en Saturday; Mjv 2 w tth Rena Har mon as cnatrmj'i "It's really terrific ... I'm getting se I depend en it almest enUrelyr w v l. r"" TV.---; !- - W-mmmW fWJUIWIJ Jli aBBaaaweaaja y i p.as ffmmmmm i t, it 01 HISTORIC CRIST MIL L This aaitt with IU water wheel biU at OeJiesega. Calif, fea ltg before the "reld rash," wee restored am ItSt by Napa Ceentg Native JEFFERSON Mao avic rv tees occupied the atty emittiM tl-ir May meeting M(n.li nigKt A i'hoi ixation was fivwi to pur- cit loo concrete we'er meter! Z"",,'1:! " thm -i Mrs. Scoffeld Subt for vw , . vjrwmr mt'iiarwui was gtnted pe:mikin to ratnove the p ! along the south oerder of the Ci'v hali property. Ordinance 116 r-ulatlng dance hella here was North San t Lain Tarhr NORTH SANTIAM Mrs. Louis Sco field taught the third and fourth grades here last Friday, substituting for Mrs. Ray KUlin, who was absent beueuee of her son's illness. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cleveland. Roseburg. were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ral eigh Hammer. Mr. and Mrs. C L- Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schleman, and granddaughter, Sharon, drove to Seattle Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Stanley's aunts. Mrs. Ed Mills Mod wills -IT An TTDMJ M To caloct your frozen food cartons for your cummer freezing needs. Wo stodc a largo assortment of various types of car tons in both pint and quart sizes. Coma in and let us help you with your food freezing problems. Cartons for Every Particular Need Lineberijfs tokt AND and Mrs. Mary Hadloek. and twe cousins, Mas. Ray Gallop and Mrs. Robert Hadloek. ' Polk Road Tax Views Aired; Election Near Herman Van Well, former Polk county Judge, spent Tuesday In Independence giving figures in opposition to the proposed county road levy to be voted upon at a special election May 20. Van Well admits that the roads were in bed shape owing to the bad weether of last winter, but states that labor and materials have not increased in cost and that there will be ample funds a reliable without the levy. Judge Jack Hayes and the two I county commissioners of Polk county have accepted an invita tion to attend the meeting of the Independence Chamber of Com merce next Tuesday evening. The members of the Polk eounty court were invited by Elmer Oppliger, president of the chamber, to give soma inforanetion on the proposed county road levy to be voted up on at the special county election May 20, and also give other In formation of county affairs. The meeting of the chamber is scheduled for C 30 in the dining room of the Masonic hall and will be the last meeting until fall of the chamber. Salem Heights Mothers Club Honored at Tea am rw-'" XiCVJll A 1UC 0 J lem Heights Mothers club mem-' bers were honored at a Mothers tea at the school Tuesday, with sixty-six mothers present. Mrs. Kenneth Z wicker was in stalled as president, Mrs. George Beane as vice president. Mrs. Leon Frahm. secretary, and Mrs. Jonathan Graber as treasurer. Mrs. Ed A. Carleton. past presi dent .was installing officer. The club gave the retiring president. Mrs Lyle Bayne, a gift. The eighth grade served at the tea with Mrs. Charlotte Jones in charge. Serving were Norma Collins. Irma Sims, Del oris Paris, Gloria Graber, Darlene Ball. Gary Web er. Jack Bailey. with Mary Marggi and Nancy Hageman pouring. Ushers were Don Blankenship. Mark Decew. Jesse Krater and Fred Butler. On the program were piano solos by Barbara Bacon and Barbara Anderson and a vio lin duet by Charlotte and Larry Graber. accompanied by Barbara Anderson. A quartet by the sixth frade with Karen Anderson, haron Elliott. Lois Robbins and Ruth White with the violin, sang "Down de Road. and a violin solo by Larry Graber with Char lotte Graber at the piano. Mrs Wilma Hannond was In charge of the program. Mrs. J. Brasher met with her committee for the final plans for the teachers luncheon to be June X at the school at 12 noon. The Chickadee's picnic will be held next Thursday, with Mrs. Everett Battles end Mrs. Leen Frahm in charge. Independence Garden Club Installs Officers INDEPENDENCE New officers for the coming year were installed for the Independence Garden club at the country home of Mrs. Paul Dodele following a covered dish dinner. The officers Installed included: Mrs. C. W. Irvine, president; Mrs. Etta Welch, vice president: Mrs. Ernie Raffety. secretary and Mrs. Harlan Nelson, treasurer. Mrs. C. O. Sloper was named to represent that club at the na tional convention to be held In Portland May 22-24. Mrs. Etta Welch and Mrs. Nick Versteeg were elected delegates to the state convention to be held In Corvallis in June. FORD WAXES, POLISH IS MID CLZANE&S 1 a Liquid Cleaner PoJishinf Wax Polish and Ckanaf Chroma Cleaner Body Polish Foam Uphoktery Claanar Ford liquid Glaza Claanar Ford Liquid Glaza Saalaf Z Valley Holor Co. Pari Blare ItU tlf Ceater Fh. I-1H1 mnxi o?panTuiiiTY nnocns . . . Here's an excellent chance for YOU to win that home you've dreamed about Our friendly advisors will show you how easily YOU can do it! We've many practical plans to fit your needs and desires . . . will help you select all the materials .... render a FREE estimate . . . even ARRANGE FOR THE FI NANCING! Stop in for a chat this week MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON NEW HOMES! Food Bargains to Make Your Dollar Go Further at UBiYIHjflDM (CdDdDLLIE on Freah from the country, completely dresaed and drawn. afiaos 2-lbn. or over .. '. $TI 39 Each ' Assorted flavors $51oo 3 quarb) w j Quart That beat for making thoee Chocolate Chip Cookiea .... for SS0 WALITUTS Laev. aiae Francrueta 3 Iba. Se3 lb. 190 LETTUCE Large solid heads PARSNIPS BACON Per lb. ;50 50 AriBOur'i slicKl and rind oU Per SUGAR Spreckles 430 25 lb. bag FLOUD PUlaburr ltd - 25 lb. bag 1 89 COFFEE SAW Mellowed Ier lb. 490 SnOWDBIFT SHORTENING 3 ...810 nr pnn n nr n ttiTTi? JlMlMMkHXH.M AilllJAj Mayflo Lb. LABDn sbacga's 4 lb. pkg. 690 SALAD DRESSING SALAD DRESSING s. Nalley'. Tama; PI. alxe 290 lley's Tana; Qt. mitm SYBUP Lumbar Jack SYRUP i .umber Jack XI -ox. bottle 330 690 No. 5 bucket Brown Sngor or Powdered Sugar ln rr lb. 100 T7FATTC IrieL all varieticM, White Hullesn Np DLiiiiaJ Com. Klue Rom Rice, 10 lb. 1.39 m Ibt. 290 PRUNES Oregon Italians 2 Dm. 250 PEACHES Dried DATES Pitted -...Ptr 2 u- 390 ,b 290 2 TJfjl X7C Dried, a pkg. makes 1 qt. of appleanco C MrrLIad 21pkK.for$l x Each tuna nsH, sua 29 0 . Each 290 2 for 250 CAirTflTT V Hat, Colombia River, per doz 3.25 pnTITT HAD Whole Kernel or Cream Style UUllil Per doi. 1.49 GREEN DEANS 1?? 130 JAII iTs".': '"E.. 1 im-290 UASHfllG P0V7DER 2 390 Ilecaroni i Cheese Dinners CLEANSING TISSUES stT5' Each Each 50 f" A fTnTT Hard ScMn Mbt- UliiJill Brawn 4 Haley's STRAV7BERRIES A PLENTY . Tlii Csd Price &si CLsaliiy in Town THESE PRICES ASE GOOD THXOfJGH THURSDAY. MAY 19th Cold Storage Lockers rv d:hM Wild' Ul ' I: U:nrM:l 3 155 N. Cdtw'l. St. Phon 36723 j-i i laiiTa if rK MIS SaW S4 Fow Corners DbdMSlS s s n . If J fV