The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    I !
i t
Sr f
Date Told
The wedding of Miss Sally Cor
nelius, daughter of Mrs Evelyn
Cornelius and Clifton Roop son
of John Roop. Stayton on Sunday
Mar 22 is being announced. The
ceremony will be read by the Rev.
Dudley Strain at trie First Chris
tian church at 3 o'clock.
The bride will be attended by
Mis Betty Feilen. Donald Beltx
will be be&t man.
Mrs. Gerlinger
On YWCA Board
Mn T su i. Gerlincer was elec
ted to the board of directors of
the Salem YWCA in a meeting
Tuesday. She succeeds Mrs. Mar
garet Rosecrans, who resigned be
cause business required her to be
out of town a large portion of the
The board announced that
scholarships for summer sessums
at the YMCA camp have begun
arriving from the civic groups A
large number of members were
on hand for the meeting.
Board Meets at
Potter Hone
The AAUW board meeting was
held at Mrs. Fr in Potter's home
on Saginaw street Tuesday night.
This was the last meeting of the
board A discussion was held on
the neat regular business meeting
May IT at Baxter hall at. 8 o'clock,
when the organization wilt honor
Willamette University senior girls.
Board members will be hostes
ses A program and social hour
Will be included.
time to so";t yrif
card for Ferrer D iy,
June) ! 9, and y o-i kr .-
. th at 7 0 .:
sura to like a cheery
Father s Lay Carl
that w:l'.
an ordir.oTy gr!m j
into a special mei
that says just
what you want to say
- tha way you "'inf
to say :?. Be('or j-t
' at
Tltt Hodcrnt
W Feature
Greeting Cards oi
4.-,- -M
a Tha Merry Master Bakers I At
Are a dean and tidy lot ; Mil
Scrubbing anal polishing their J 1 1
bakery 1 1
Until there's net a spot. I J
Smart weenee. know that
Indifferent frock late
Watch any woman that all
eyes follow admiringly when she
enters the scene and hinety-nine
times out ot si hundred it will
be" a woman who ues accessor
ies with the eye of an artist.
Smart wotnfn know ;hat weli
chosen accessories cafj turn an
indifferent;: little frock into a
dynamic costume. And if you
wish to be a decorative asset to
any room ydu enter, inexpensive
accessories will win yeu flat'er
ing acclaim that canrtot be mat
ched by the costliest j of a- f-w
season's back '
First Match Yearself
To put accessories y work for
yfu to wia you plaudits, there's
one fundamental rule; Make sure
that they rrtateh your j persona 1
iv' If you are the demure, in
r,(x ent type, don't ever be tempt -e-1
to c the sophisticated
ones. But if you're ai wie-look-ing
modern.; your accessories In
be the most; wqridly -Slooking the
fah;on maris have to' offer.
Yfu'U be glad tojknow that
tho accessory picture for the
coming summer is a handsome
one Handbags. shes. gloves,
sres and veils are beautiful
in color, design andr workman
ship. You'll be able to give your
clothes that flare that wel -chosen
accessories fo strikingly provide.
There is one infallible signpost
that points to the wi.i and clever
av of selecting accessories It's
m-i ked with these words, "three
of a kind." It mean that you
can i ear jhjree accessories in the
same color; with a good effect.
That it is dull and dangerous to
wear more than thre4 accessories'
The Umlng ef the shrill!
(Copyright 1S4S by John T
Special Meetings 1
To Be Concluded
i C I i 1 1 T(;lr rink urtll
meet at Nohlgraw's- restaurant
Thursday for the last in a series of
three special discussion meetings.
A panel discussion f with Miss
Brenda Glass as maderator will be
held M
I The pteVious : meefnts -tn the
enes were a round t-ablc on the
traffic grd plan and a group dis-
ciission on niental health led by
' I)r lU-ta e jliller. psychiatrist on
the Oregoii state hospital tait
At your Crocer$
well-ehesea seeesortes can tarn an
a dynamic rastame!
in the same color is certain.
Even three can be a crowd when
the color is bright.
For example, you miht. be
greatly tempted by the new pep
per red shades in accessories to
wear with your sheer navy dress
this summer. You've a good idea
but don't let it get the best of
you. A red hat. scarf, belt,
gloves bag and shoes would be
fatal. Such a selection would
cause the tail to wag the dog
Breaking It Up
Instead, choose navy for your
hat and shoes. Take your red
accent out ift your bag. belt and
scarf or a pony. Your gloves can
then be navy or white a the tc
casion demands. There are limit
less combination, of course. Red
shoes and purse would be fine
if the rest of your costume is
restricted to navy.
There's a lot rf fashion talk
about the momx-hramatic look -that's
wearing one subtle color
such as giay or beuje throughout.
Because these colors are subdued,
this looks very well. It would
call out the fire department if
carried out in red. In anv case,
it takes great style and sophisti
cation to get away with it
That's way I say, '"Three of a
kind's enough"
r S from J R P
You are welcome, freo of -h.;e 'o
my reminder card. TFN SKCRfrs oe
CHARM It list ten '0rtinta to re
member as milestones along the roal
to greater charm Carry It with V14
and ymi won t overlook any of th
wavs you intprev all who roto .n
contact with vou Wrtta to me n
car of this newspaoer and enclM
a stamped, seli-adresaed ri"rn en
velope. Dill Co )
On the Fairways
Two players. Mrs. Eldon Vaughn
and Mrs. W. A. Ott tied for low
number of putts ladies day it
Oak Knoll Golf club on Wednes
day. Plans were made for a two
ball foursome for May 22. with
husbands as guest.
Low net Wednesday was won
by Mrs. Vaughn.
er on the program at Spring Val
ley Community cliib Friday, May
1 1 at 8 p m v. ill be Frank Craw
ford of Zena who will talk on the
special election. The committee on
arrangements includes the club of
ficers. Mrs Harey McLaughlin,
president. Mr S B. Ddge. vice
president and Mrs. R. V. Carlson,
To Sell
Tri-Y girls are giving a rum
mage sale Saturday morning. 363
Court street. Sue McElhinny. fi
nance chairman is in charge. Rum
, mage is to be brought to YWCA.
urn mm w iwn
On This
Formerly NOW
Cubic Faat $299.50 $!OS.(K
Formerly NOW
Floor-typa 69.50 39.03
Glass at
SPECIAL: Floor & Dust Mops
Your Choice For . . . 79c
JMiss Henry
Will Wed
The engagement of Aliss Bar
bara J. Henry " being announced
today by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Henry of Toledo.
Miss Henry will marry Lawrence
O. Alien, of Albany, at the Trin
ity Methodist church in Toledo on
JUIT it.
j Mr. Allen attended Oregon Stata
couege. The bride-elect is word
ing for the state department of
education in Salem. They will Ijva
in Albany following their marri
age. Mrs. Bayne New
Club President
Heights Womans club met Friday
; at the home of Mrs. Homer Mc
J Wain on Fairview avenue for a
covered dish luncheon.
Mrs. Lyle Bayne was installed
as president; Mrs. Leslie Bates,
i vice president: Mrs. Fred Brown
' ing. secretary: and Mrs. William
Gardner, treasurer. Mrs. Edward
A. Carleton. past president, was
the installing officer
The club voted to enter the
project, of the National Federa
tion of Womans clubs. '"Build a
Better Community." The club
will take as their part improving
of the inferior and grounds of the
community hall.
The committee reported on the
: Federation meeting in Macleary.
j The program was presented by
' members of Salem high school. A
vpiano solo, by Dorothy Pederson.
' flute solo. Marilyn Brower, and a
clarinet quartet, by Leona Todd.
Dofuthv Govig. Darlene Engdahl,
and Wlyi-e Lehman The club
; voted & to the Salem hich school
Lyband. to heio send the band to
fr?lamath Falls. J
G. Boock Npw
Rainbow Officer
GUdys Boock" was 'fleeted wor
thy a.lvisr of Chidw'k assem
bly. Order of the Rainbow for
Girls at a meeting held Tuesday
! nipht Other officers are Marilyn
; Power, associate worthy adtrisor;
r:rthv Periei son. chanty: Shir
ley Jones, hope; Nonin Hamilton,
In,allation will be held May
24 IVMolay boys will crown the
worthy advisor at this meeting.
Initiation was held Tuesday for
Jovt-e Randall. Frances Mathews.
Ardith Gaiber and Keren Rasmus-
On May 22 a school of instruc
tion fr officers of the seven as
semblies in th- Salem district will
be held at Masonic Temple The
Rainbow spring dance Mav 13 will
be held at Glenwood ballroom
from 9 to 12.
Koreans Subject
!Of Noon Talk
Mrs. Ben Koh. American-born
Korean woman was speaker at the
noon meeting of the Soroptomist
club on Wednesday. She discussed
the status of women in Korea and
talked about general conditions in
that country.
Because the country is definite
y anti-communist, strongly Chris
tian and holds a strategic position,
she believes that America should
ofter Korea support.
Financial aid is much needed,
she said. Americana can also as-si.-t
by providing aid for students
who wish to be educat'd here, she
Mr Koh. an exchange student at
Willamette university, sang na
tive songs preceding her talk.
Films Tonight
A group of German films being
presented for the public at Wal- ,
! ler hall tonight by the Slem Art
association includes several Ger
man primatives. The Gollen, Mis
understood, and Don Juan's Wed- ;
ding. The showing which is free,
is to form a nucleus for film study
group planner) tentatively by the
Salem Art association for next
' year.
Vi Price)
fTlw Red Shoes9 Delights at
Pfevieiv: Due at State Theatre
i i
3. Arthur Rank's The Red Shoes." based on Hans Christian
I Andersen's fairy tale and winner of three " Oscars. delighted a select
audience at a pre-view at the State theatre Wednesday.
In full color, the roadshow presentation will be at the State from
, Sunday through Wednesday, with daily showings at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m.'
! There also will be an extra showing Sunday at 5:30 p.m. All seats
! will be reserved.
' The story is that of a young girl
I consumed with ambition to attend
' a dance in red shoes. She finally
I acquires the shoes and has a hap
' py time at the dance but when
! it is over the shoes refuse to stop
j dancing and take the girl out into
j the street, over mountains and
j valleys and forests, through night
j and -day.
j Moira Shearer, red-haired.
! blue-eyed ballerina, is outstand
ing. The Red Shoe-."' is the first
: picture ever to present a full
length fbaPet in its entirety. AH
i exteriors were filmed in actual
locales' London. Paris. Monte
Carlo, ;Nice. Cannes and Maritime
! Alps. It was co-written, produced
j and directed by Michael Powell
' and Ernern- Pressbureer. makers
; of "Colonel Blimp." "Stairwav to
HeaVen." "Black Narcissus
' other outstanding pictures.
The i score includes excerpt j black-hatred dancer), star of the
from iFrinl's Danse Bohemian. Monte Carlo ballet, and Esmond
Stravink:' Petrouchka, Tschai- Knisht forchetra conductor),
kowsky's Swan Lake. Chopirr's I partiatlv-blmded war veteran who
Les Sylphides. Rossini's Boutique J-co-starred in "Black Narcissis."
Fantasjjue. Delibe's Copella. Glin- j "Henry V and "Silver Fleet."
ska's Kamarinskava and Ado'oh ! "The Red Shoes" won the high
Adam's Giselle, all played by the I est honors of the Academy of Mo-.-
' 1 1 1 1 . Ptrttir A rt anH SinrM for
- !
. I
J . resT: '' i '
i a A . i1 r. mJUA
F -
- -t W
C alii M -T i'sns.
daughter zi Mrs. Z.::?er.&
Say a a whose engage
ment to Pa;'! F. Viens son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wians
ot Dallas, has beer, an
noun ed.- No wedding da-e
has . been uet.
In 23 years
mj? have saved over
S 100,000,000.00
for our clients
G EOtuic S. AVw Company
m iiii r si 'fr.
. -w -'-a,-, t . i
M:ss (. i a M'v i'scis. If i , I
in i ay a i m a
Your Fe De
serve ('are and
Dr. fL V Bering
Nature hands out only one
proW'ct vour sisht with expert iv titteri glasses
your eyes with modern, attractive frames
1S3 Court DIGNIFIED CREDIT Pnene 3-fi
Formerly NOW
Oamonstr.tor . 174.50 G9.&3
1 Formerly NOW
12" Demonstratof 34.65 14-95
II I I sTXEfflll
under Sir
Thomas Beech am.
The cast includes Anton Wal
brook (Boris Lermontov, impres
sario), veteran of the Viennese
stage; Marius Goring (Julian
Craster, composer), trained at the
Old Vie theatre in London and
wartime broadcaster of propagan
da into Germany; Moira Shearer
(Vicky Page). 22 -year-old prima
ballerina of the Covent Garden
Opera ballet: Leonide Massine
(Grischa Ljubov. ballet coach and
The Cobbler), world-known dan
cer and choreographer and mem
ber of famous troupes since 1915;
Robert Hflpmann (Ivan Boleslaw
sky. Vicky's dancing partner), star
in "Henry V" and others: Albert
Basserman (Sergei Ratov. senic
designer). 81. outstanding in Hol-
I l v wood productions: Ludmilla
j Tcherina ( I r i n e Boronskaya.
best production in color, best
music score and best art direction
Aurora Families
Visit in Portland
AURORA Mr. anH Mrs. Guy
Ogle and Mrs. Dorthea Lelallien
of Portland were dinner guests of
Mrs. James Ogle Sunday
Beatrice Nagl. a student at Wil
lamette unisersity. spent the
week end with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Nasi. Aurora.
IsS'Vaarwas' 4ar -
Trlsacls launt m eMwb startar
im KrasiMiiM Kxs B mmm
rscsrsja lor asaitajta. Isatsr ar
ssa c kicks. 1'bis mmm. m mrH
aouga tr aasv t.aains smali
aaugk ssts tr IM sm a l last
chivka. Ot vw caicks a aa
start witk liiaa(ls Staaikian
Sow locoMy by
s !
Dr. Sam Hughes
pair of eyes per person
. . so
Royal Philharmonic
Tlia StcrtasmKm. Snlam. Oraqoo. Thurdrf. Mory - It.
"In Portland . . . Ihey call il the "Fri
day Surprise" . . . and in Salem . . .
it's "Thriliy Thursday" . . . A "Bed
Hot" ... one day Special . . with
Surprises and Bargains for you . . .
As fin a SI gauge. IS den
ier stocking as was ever knit
. . . Proportioned lengths . . .
Every pair perfect, all new
summer shades . . . Thrifty
Thursday Special 1
Two bar tricot Hollywood
elattte band briefs . . .
white ... pias . . .
Mae ... anaise . . .
black . . . Regular Se
. . . Thrlftr Thursdar
Brand new ... a sparkling
fresh group of cotton dresses
... sun backs . . . classics
. . . frilly pastels . . , 2
piece play denims, values to
S10.9S . . ? Thrifty Thursday
Special 1
Play Shoes"
Platform soir ... white
"d ... sreea ...
straps . . . sandals ...
stepiiis . . . ties . . .
slim and aarrew widths
Uc laded . . . Thrift?
Tha radar special:
What A Buy! . . Straight
ad skirts oi genuine strutter
Cloth . . . all brand new
. . . all new wiMier abodes)
... complete sit range fat
erery color ... poedtlTely
a t-00 aeOer la aay
Thrifty Thursday Special I
(Box oi 3
Matching half slips mt two
bar trteet . . . tsviwh tare
trim . . . whit . j . .
pink . . . blava ... mi s
. . . Mack . . . S2
selter . . . Thrifty Tha ra
dar Saecial!
close out of same 'finer
erepes ... Faaera;. . '
shlrtstrles . . . reterTsas
. . . saeatly whites j . . j,:
sosae eelers ... Values
U ftJS . . . Thrtftf
Taarsdar Oalyt
11 D
ru No.
i la
' I . i: -
i . -j
. i III -
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