The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    f The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Thursday; May 1 1. 1943
Mrs. Paulson
Is President
Over 600 mother attended the
fourth annual lata-wide meeting
of the Oregon State College Moth
ers" club Saturday, May 7. during
Mothers' weekend at Corvallis.
Mrs. O. I. Paulson, Salem, was
elated president; Mr. Dale Mil-l-r.
Portland, vice president; Mrs.
T J. Starker. Corvallis, secre
tary; Mrs. J. W. JarvU, Astoria,
treasurer. Among the district rep
resentatives was Mrs. W. O. Bur
riv Salem.
The scholarship chairman, Mrs.
Tail W. Emmons. Salem, snnotm-c-1
$127 50 tuition scholarships to
If given Wilbur Allen Morgan,
Hubbard, and six other men and
women. These scholarships were
ra srded or scholarship, charac
ter and the need of financial
Mrs. Gnsale Shaw, new gnaralan
neighbor of Neighbors of Wood"
cift will preside at th formal
mating Friday night at the wom
an', clubhouse A program will
hiior the mothers.
TK y9irt mf 9rm4
-- 11 rHa k
r proud mi Vss Wm
Hmllmmrk Care Tr
OreaWati Htt wM Mr
330 Crt
' i ! e
raimsoAT ; f
Sotittual unf:er Hu! ; with Mrs
fa-nag ZeUer. ZlSS S. Sunimtr at, 1
f"i-rter ca ftO with Mr. Cb arias
H. Greenwood. Dallas: 7 JO; dessert.
Mother-Daugftter banquet. Eogle
wood cr-.uren. 4:3a pan.
Neighbors of Woodk-raft. I srtui Mrs.
Evelyn Varna ,f STS Belmont street, no
boat luncheon at' noon.
AAUW interior decoration study
(roup, with Mrsj Gordon Cart. King
wood Heights, t .JO p m.
Thursday club) ti Mn. Karl Kutl.
7JS North CaiMtof st .il IS m.
Sahm Toastanislress meeting at :
P. m. . I . j
rio4T Sf' '
Mar Morning break faat.T am. to
1 pm. First Piesfcytenan churcti. Pub- :
lie invited . i
North Salem . WCTt meet at Jason
Iw church. 1 p m. j
4TIK04T f
Salem Woman's club meeting, club
house. 3 p m . ' board; meeting. 1 p m. ;
Circle two. , Woman Fellowship of
Knight Memorial church. Noon lunch
eon. Business meeting X M p m.
Cbadwick chapter. Order of the Cast- 1
ern Star. S p. m.. business session and'
social hour
Church Books
Reviews, Meeting 1
Junior guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church j met for r a no-host
luncheon Tuesday. Guests attend
ing were Mr. Walter Worral. Mrs. !
V. S. Mumau. Mrs. W. N. Sparrow,
Mrs. John Tyler and MUi Jean
Quickenden.V Hostesses were head- :
ed by Mrs.; timer Smith. Early
summer flowers decorated the ta
bles, v. i i
The birthday eaka fwas given
Mrs. W. H: Lytla andt Mrs. Vir
ginia Nbwlenl 5
The Fev. George H.! Swift told
of plans for a parish reception for
Bishop Benjamin Dagwell. vcho
will be here for confirmation serv
ices. The reception will also mark
the 21st anniversary of the Rev.
Swift's service at St. Paul's.
The next; junior r I'd meeting
will be June; 1, fat 'je home of
Mrs Homer Coulet. .rl Mrs. Carl
Hanson, on; the staff of the Sa
lem public library give a brief
review of books pertaining to
church work; The. Big Fisher- i
man". Sf Peter th Apostle",
Fourteen Plays for the Church".
"Death Be Not Proud" and "Ca
LEGE Muriel Tltts was one of
two students; tapped Jby Erodel
phiaru, senior women honorary,
preceding May day ceremonies on
the campus May f . A music major.
Miss ritta is a member or Mu Phi
Epsilon, national; music honorary
for women; srnd Amirarurf junior
women's honorary. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Fitt of Brooks. 1
Read, Church
Mrs. Sabina Colder, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Salsbery of
Oak Grove, and Charles T. Heitz
of Salem, were married at the First
Congregational church April 24.
The Rev. Seth Huntington per
formed the ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a pale pink nylon
gown and headdress to match. She
carried pink tulips and lilies-of-the
Mrs. Lee Barnes of Milwaukee
was maid of honor and brides
mains were Mlss Anna Anderson.
Oak Grove. Mrs. Dora Sager and
Mrs. Elsie Hally. of Portland. All
wore pastel gowns of taffeta and
carried bouquets of mixed spring
Claudia Jones of Concord was
flower girl.
Best man was Harold Tilden and
ushers were Mannie Morns, Glenn
Wyatt and William Knight.
A reception was held in the
church parlors following the wed
ding. Assisting were Mrs. L. C.
Fredricksom. Mrs L. G. Bragg.
Mrs. Kerint-th Each and Miss
Peggy Bragg.
The bride wore aqua suit and
white accessories and an orchid
"when leaving on the wedding trip.
The couple will live in Salem.
Education Group
To Convene
LA GRANDE Fourteen chap
ters of Delta Kappa Gamma so
ciety for women in education will
gather May 21 in La Grande for
the eighth annual state conven
tion. Zeta chapter of Baker and
La Grande will be hostess chap
ters. Among those attending will
be members of chapters of Salem,
Monmouth and McMinnville.
Scheduled to address the one
day gathering is Miss Birdella
Ross, Minneapolis, national presi
dent, who will speak on the topie,
"The Teacher and the Commun
ity" at the luncheon. Others par
ticipating will be Dr. Melissa Mar
tin of Oregon State colelge and
the dinner speaker at the Saca
jawea hotel. Dr. Amanda Zabel,
professor of English at Eastern
Oregon College of Education.
LrviYEsrrr or oregov.
Eugene. May 11 -(Special) -Virginia
Huston, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs O. B. Huston, 231S N. River
Road, Salem, has been selected
a new member of Delta Phi Al
pha; German honorary on the Uni
versity of Oregon campus.
. ? to an
LaS$ BslAsWF tsssjWsf psPsjMPsaf
rOU mr9 mt THttK aW
rwnH with these rar ahv
sweatfs by K1CIH.
A. 15 Jowol, Yollow Gold
lady's 0iM
D. 15 Jowol, Yollow G.F. !
C. 15 Jowol, Yollow Gs F.
Man's Otisi
C 15 Jowol, Yollow a F. 1
aKriflen te tv
Mrs. Schulze
Will Head '
Hi-Y Mothers
Hi-Y mothers met on Tuesday
at the YM and elected Mrs. Daniel
Schulze president: Mrs. Lloyd
Hughes, vice president: Mrs. J.
Fdgar Reay. secretary-treasurer, j
This was the last business meet-'
mg of the year, but a no-host )
dinner will be held at the YMCA
next Wednesday night for par.- j
ents and boys. After the meal. '
induction of members will be held.
The new YMCA boys work sec
retary. Roth Holtx. spoke on plans
for the coming year.
Unit Nominates j
Year's Officers
Auxiliary to American Legion
136 held a meeting Tuesday night
fr a business session at which .
time the nominating committee
submitted the names of Mrs. Bert
A. Walker for president; Mrs. Sam
Harbison and Mrs. Theodore Ul
lakko, first vice president; Mrs.
Kenneth Shoemaker and Mrs.
Carol Robinson, second vice pres
ident; Mrs. Homer Lyons, jr.. re
cording secretary; Mrs. Ira L.
G o s s . corresponding secretary;
Mrs. Edward Klippert. secretary;
Mrs. Abraham Friesen and Mrs.
Effie Tyler, chaplain; Mrs. Joseph
Di Filippl. historian; Mr?. E. Jack !
Simkins. sergeant-at-arms; Mrs.
Harlan Judd. Mrs Frederick Rowe
and Mrs. Elvin E. Thomas, execu
tive committee; Mrs. Carol Robin- !
son and Mrs. Dow Lovell, conven-
tion delegate: Mrs. L. Leslie
Beard. Mrs. Carlton Roth and
Mrs. E. Jack Simkins. alternate :
delegate. Election will take place
May 24.
Plans were made for the May 27
and 28 Poppy sale and for the Me
morial Day parade May SO. j
Wirths to lie Hosts j
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wirth will!
be hosts for an informal dinner j
party Saturday night at their Hay- j
den avenue home in compliment j
to a group of their friends. Covers j
will be placed for twelve and'
later cards will be in play. Ar-;
rangements of spring flowers
will provide the decorative note. I
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright'
have invited a few friends to '
their home of East Myers street
Friday night preceding the Wis-'
On; Etiquette
Biy Roberta Lee
Q. What should be written on
the inner; envelope of the wed
ding invitation?
A. Nothing ' is written on this
envelope. - The name and address
of the person to whom the invi
tatioa is kent is written only on
the outer; envelope.
Q Under what circumstances is
a girt obligated to thank her es
cort upon leaving him at her
A. Only when her escort hai
been inconvenienced in some
way; never otherwise.
Q. Is it correct to put a pile
of plates ; on the table for tea or
buffet service where the plates
and napkins alternate in one pile?
A. No;:keep them separate.
Campfire Corner
Dried Up
Raisin Week Inspires Use of Dried
Fruit; Cake, Muffin Recipes Given
" Statesman Woman's Editor
Somewhere we've heard this is National Raisin week, so saying we
offer some recipes using that dried up little affair , popular for so
many past generations.
It's a handy food, gives pleasure anytime from the early morning
cereal to the very late snack, when
mixing thoroughly. Pour three
fourths of mixture into moid,
sprinkle raisins over top and add
remaining cheese mixture. Sprin
kle top with crumb mixture. Bake
in moderately slow oven (32S de
grees) 1 hour; turn off heat and
let pake ; remain In oven 1 hour.
Slip ring off mold, leaving caka
on bottom tin. Cool before serv-'
uig.. Serves 12.
Mrs. Lornard Reimans Morning
Blue. Birds met at her home Wed
nesday to work on Camp 4 Fire
Busy Blue Birds, meeting with
their leader. Mrs. V'ern Jones.
Tuesday, completed invitations for
their mothers tea to be given in
the fireplace room of the First
Christian church May 27.
Jolly Time Blue Bfrds and their
leader, Mrs. Gerald Fisher, met at
the home of Mrs. S. A. Barker
Thursday. Glenda Barker served
ref reshments.
The EJutamda Wapi Camp Fire
Girls and their leader. Mrs. Jasper
Button, had a mothers tea st the
Jason Lee church Tuesday. Mrs.
Louis A meson gave a talk on her
trip to Norway.
Shower For Bride
Given at Home
Mrs. Frankie Dugger, the for
mer Dorothea Barza. married
Easter Sunday, was honored at a
miscellaneous shower at her Try
on avenue home Friday night.
Those present were Mrs. Dora
Hudson Mrs. Rita Jones. Mrs. El
evera Beard, Mrs. Elizabeth Wil
liams, Mrs. Ruby Schantz. Mrs.
Bob Bianchette. Mrs. Thelma
Crura, Mrs. Laura Strode. Miss
Gayle Klein, Miss Dorothy Win
ter, Mr Nellie Weeks. Mrs. Eliza
beth aBtes. Mrs Betty Burton and
children of Portland.
teria club sport dance at the VFW
the refrigerator fails to yield a
la.t minute sweet, but the dried
fruit cupboard does.
One should feel pretty well sup
plied with iron, if the following
recipe is used. Iron is an import
ant nutnonally in both mol
and raisins.
2 tablespoons shortening
1 cup molasses
1 1 egg
1 cup cereal
l4 cup milk
1 cup sifted flour
2lt teaspoons baking powder i
7 teaspoon salt r j
'i cup raisins
Blend shortening and molasses ;
thoroughly; add eRg and beat well, i
Stir in all-bran and milk; let soak j
until most of moisture is taken up. '
Sift together flour, baking pwdex .
and salt; add raisins. Add to first ;
mixture, stirring only until flour 1
disappears. Fill greased muffin j
pans two-thirds full and bake in j
moderately hot oven (400 degrees) j
about 25 to 30 minutes. Serve hot. ;
Yield; 9 medium size muffins.
Might as well go the. limit during
Raisin week. f
1 lt cups fine zwieback crumbs
(about 12 slices) j
! cup granulated sugar j
1 teaspoon cinnamon j
cup melted butter 1
Mix together crumbs, sugar and i
cinnamon and blend in butter.
Save li cup of this mixture for
top of cake. Spread and pat re
mainder evenly on bottom and j
side of 9-inch spring mold. i
1 cup seedless raisins i
4 cups cream style cottage
4 eggs
lz "teaspoon salt
1 cup confectioner's sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
l-z cup table cream
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons vanilla extract raisins; drain and chop.
Put cheese through a sieve. Beat
eggs until light and add salt and
sugar a small portion at a time.
Continue beating until thick. Beat
in cornstarch and add cheese,
cream, lemon juice and flavoring.
Enjoy a delicious -mr-H
or; dinner in a delightful at
mosphere on the lakefronL
On Use raeifte Highway ai
i Opea IS um U t p. mu
I Secead Annas! Antiacne
Fair mt Oregea
May 12. 13 and 14
Bathe in
fe&aws '!
Youi oath becomes s fragrant ritual of
pleasure with famous "4711" Bath Salts.
Quuk to dissolve, they soften the witrr
aociirably . '. . help sooth tired net
sa4 boJr. Ia four exquisite, fragrance.
Iseiilg ;
155 N. Liberty
Phoe 2-Sltl
Golden Poppy, Jade Green,
Royal Blue, and Cranberry . . .
you.get one place setting in
each of these daring colors!
Yoll have to see them to
appreciate them. The price
is the lowest of the yearl
Sv V
mm m
N( " r""
fill a(9)()
n 14 1 tMt V nW A LJ O LJ LJ
A choice of three lovely colore ...
blue, white, or peoch. A motcWnf
top of gleaming pyralm. Big siz, 1 1
x 16 x 26". WasKoWe. Self-ventil-otina.
The bsl hamper buy in town.