The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    i ii
I i
Foods, Dairies Division Ends
Work Program Conference
Fieldmen and specialits of the
division of foods and dairies, stats
agricultural department. Wednes
day concluded a two-day meet
ing" called to reassess their work
program and determine her
to carry on their regulatory work
In the most efficient manner.
O. K. Beals, division chief, as
sisted by his assistants in the
central office, conducted the con
ference. The conference dealt largely
with assignment of work. cost,
efficiency and regularity of ser
vice in connection with new laws
administered by the division, in-! ciate director of extension senj
cluding the fluid milk art. weights j ice. was a special ' guest Wednes-
measures law. ice cream i flay He stressed j tne need lor
united efforts $n jre-emphasizing
quality production to the end that
1 i
E. L. Peterson. agricultural de
partment director, emphasized that
his office , cannot undertake any
activity not specifically authoriz
ed by ,la. He pointed out that
employes perform theie greatest
service in mforming the public as
to its responsibilities under the
laws and the efctent of the ser
vice the department is authorized
to perform. hi
"I am proud fori the men who
represent this department Pet
erson said, "andi of the fine work
they are doing. 1
C. W. Siruthi Corvallis, esso
measure, and amended eg act.
Some time at?o wa devoted to
routine matters involving inspec- j farmer may regain the ground
tions of grocery stores, carbonat-' lost during the jwar and postwar
ed beverages and feeds, and fer- j seller'! market. Smith praised the
tilizers and economic poiens. j fine relations he said existed be
The new law relating to grades j tween;; Oregon State college and
and standards for fluid milk is the stijte department of agricul-
now effective. 1 ture
Mt. Angels Mothers Honored
By Knights of Columbus
MT. ANGEL Mothers of the community werfc: Honored Sunday
In a special program sponsored by the Knights f i Columbus, the
Catholic Foresters, Young People's sodality and the 'Business Men's
club. it
Six mothers, all over 75. were given seats of honor at the program
and each presented with flowers. ' :
They included Mr. Mane Predeek, ! Schmidt, president Business Men's
Mr. M. Speer. Mrs. Mary Ficker, club j: i
I -It.
IVeic Sheridan Gymnasium Nearly Ready
ti r-
Th Statesman, Swlom. OeeqcaL Thuradary. May 12- a
Merit Badges, Rank Awards
Issued at Scout Honor Court -
! r
it li ?: ii if iI; r!
MT. ANGEL, May 11 -(Special)- More than 100 merit badges and
39 rank awards were issued here Tuesday night at a court of honor
i for Boy Scouts of Silver Falls district.
I An address by Deputy Council Commissioner Norman Frees of
j Salem and music by the ML Angel band were included on the pro
j gram.
Those receiving awards were:
f tt i
SHEIIDAN Sherldaa fclgk seheel will seen hare ae mi eae af the snast madera gymnasia
The ahata shew tke S75,9 building wklch la rapidly Bearing casnpleiian. Towering high
graand is ae Saeridaa graia : elevator. (States maa phaU.)
Star Tom Unger, Dale Schmidt,
Marvin Susee, James Scott. Frank
Brodesser and Richard Ballweber,
all of troop 56; Norman McDonald.
Billy Rossow, Richard Haury,
troop 57; Hazel Green; Bill Wood
alL Gene Hoyland, troop 52; Sil
vertpn; Richard Breake, troop 61,
Silverton. )
First class Tom Schwab and
Ronald Harris. Jroop 56; Ronald
Lambert, Kenneth Myron. Ken
neth Naegeli, troop 52; David Fin-
Livestock Men Will
Picnic Saturday
Lloyd E. Sletto, Lyons, president
of the Marion County Livestock
association, . reports that the an
nual pasture tour will start Satur
day at 10 a.m. at the Vernon Jette
farm, one mile north of Shaw, be
tween Ausmville and Salem.
Other stops are at the Henry
i Hansen's of Sublimity; Silver Falls
m la flifiii
in the back- lar. Norn,r"nrueV,5ieirm .Mel" ! State Park for luncheon; the Leo-
Musical, voca and dance num
bers were giveri by Stella. Arthur
nd Margaret Dummer, Marlene
EPrpsser and Fran
cis Neiiius and Axty and Ann Van
Mrs. M. A. Bigler, Mrs. Anton
Rothenfluch, Mrs Fabian Stahl
and Mrs. Joseph Wilke. Six other
veteran mothers unable to attend
were vi.ite din their homes by ,
the committee and presented with :
a consatct. '
Mother;" presented with special .
prize v.ere: Mrs. Raphael Schaf- :
fner a the mother of 1 1 son; Mrs.
Mark Purdy. as mother of eight j
daughters, arid for being the
youngest grandmother present; !
Mrs. M. Bradiev. mother with old- j
est grandchild; Mrs. Martin Wolf, I
birth date was nearest Mothers! ' , b i T .
Day; Mr- Anton Rothenfluch. i CLOV F R D A LI Lucky II
mother who lived longest with her Sheep clttb members will b hosts
Tuesday.; May I", at the Clover
dale schoolhouse for a county
wide 4-H adiicationsl meeting.
"", :, '
; - .
?-.L " 1 I
Cloverdale to
Play Hlost to
4-H Mejeting
husband, 55 ear. and Mrs. Mary
Predeek, the oldest mother pres
ent. JoseDh Berrhtold. fire chief.
was mater of ceremonies. Prin- 1 Joe Johnson, Cpryallis. will be a
cipal ypeaker was the Rev. Ed- : guest speaker. All 4-H Sheep club
ward Spear, athletic director of
Mt. Angel Prep school. Talks were
also given by Mayor Jarob Berch
told, the Rev. Damian Jentges;
Rev. Hildebrand Melchior; Rich
ard Foltz, grand knight; William
Blem, chief ranger; Jake Ebetie
for the sodality, and George
members of Marion county are
invited to a-ttend whether in clubs
or carrying individual projects.
Refreshments Will; be served.
Mr. . and Mrs. A. S. Drager,
Karleen and Margie, spent the
week end at the coast where they
visited with MrsJ Drager's par-
. . ,?e.:..iaa -v-JKJiwi .:
SHERIDAN Tne pbeta above shews the lnteriar ef the Sheridan high school's new gymnaaiam, which
bosses a fall-slaed haaketbalt flaor and a stage. The plant will Mrcmnwdilr mbont 1.5 AS persons dar
ing plays and ether school productions. The gym will b officially epened May 21 with a dance spon
sored by Sheridan Rotary club and Chamber ef i emmeree. Proceeds will be used te bay high schoc
band BBiforma. (Statesman pbeto.)
ants, Mr. and Mrs. George Daven
port at Toledo.
Mrs. A. H. Hennies is caring
for her three little nephews and
niec at her home here this week
while their mother, Mrs. Frank
Shilling of Salem, is confined; to
her home with measles.
Mrs. Grace Currie. Vemoriia.
was a guest since Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wip
per. Mrs. Currie Is a half-sister
of Mrs. Wipper.
Middle Grove Club
Joins Association
Grove Community club was ac
cepted as a member of the Asso
ciated Cluba of Middle Orove in
a meeting Friday.
The club in April voted to dis
continue operation for one year
and united with the association.
Arrangements are being made
for the Salem Civic players to
present their new play, "M'hss,"
at the school. A dinner will b
served at that time. The associa
tion slso voted to buy some addi
tional equipment.
All members of wasp communi
ties, except a few queens, die at
the approach of cold weather.
ton, troop 61; Bill McNary, troop
53, Wood burn.
Second class Edward Huber.
Maurice Hamel, troop 56; Maurice
Klampe, Marvin Klampe, troop
57; Rogers Fonkin. troop 77, Sil
verton; Robert Lehr, Richard
Naegeli. Raymond Riches. Richard
Sorenson, Maurice Stephens Gene
Fowler, Nobby Anderson, troop
52: Teddy Sweger, Norman Mc
Cullough, Johnnie Mulvlhill. troop
61; Norman Tyler, Earl Butter
field, troop 53.
Merit badges F red Snider.
Larry Scheffers. Tom Schwab,
Norbert Schmitz. Marvin Susee,
Larry Ebner, Bob Scott, James
Scott, Dale Schmidt, Richard Ball
weber, Tom Unger, troop 56; Ray
Rickard, Ivan Lehnherr, Donald
Slattum, Norman McDonald, Otis
Phillips, Billy Rossow, Richard
Haury, Barney White, George
Bowlsby, Donald Bowlsby. troop
57; Jerry Sargent. Larry Copple,
Stanley Howell. Lawrence Kohl
meier, troop 77; Ronald Lambert,
Kenneth Myren, Bob Weisner,
Kenneth Naegeli. Norris Myren,
Bill WoodalL Gene Hovland. troop
52; Norman McCullough, David
Finlay, troop 61: Keith McNary.
Bill McNary, John Anderson,
troop 53.
Judge Millard Assigned
To Lake County Case
Chief Justice Hall S. Lusk of
the state supreme court Wednes
day assigned Circuit Judge O. J.
Millard. Grants Pass, to Lake
county, to hear the case of Gladys
Brock against Stephen Brock. In- ;
volvinf habeas corpus proceed
Circuit Judge M. W. Wilkinson,
The Dalles, was assigned to con
don to substitute for Circuit Judge
D. M. MacKay.
nard Hudson, farm, two miles east
of Silverton, and the H. A. Barnes
& Sons, three miles south of Sil
verton. Ben A. Newell, county
agent (livestock), says the main
object of the tour is to observe
new pasture plants, methods of
seeding and pasture management.
About 3S per cent of the human
brain is "gray matter. I
Why ao NORTH fo travel EAST ?
B3ife Ji-rfte GWr
See Your Local Bus Agent .
Invades New
Price Field
- See the BIG IHG New Kaier
Drastic Low Prices
t . :
i -
24 Months to Pav
55 N. Liberty- Salem, Oregon Phon 2-4173
- - - - r-T
'.'J j V
i v.
" "iJ Ms - 1 i . i
r, , " !
a - -
V1 1 " - r
f 'ssswsiisssslrrt-
ti. oo
. . ."The Finest Silverplate," four fsmous patterns
that lead the Silver Parade of beauty the year
round. There's one just right for jyour tsble m a
lovely 32Piece Senrict for 8 mi the still low
price of $69.75 (No Federal Ta4).
You Will Find Here Hundreds of Fine Silver
Pieces Ideal For Wedding and Shower Gifts
At Great Savings . . . Beautifully Wrapped!
Sterling Silver Candle Sacks .1
Sterling Silver Cream and Sugar
Silver Plated Cream and Sugar
Silver Plated Bread Tray II
Silver Plated Gravy Boat & Tray
Silver Plated Well & Tree Platter
Sterling Silver Salt & Pepper, let of f
Silver Plaled Cofie Pol U
Silver Plated Fruit Dish U
Silver Plated Cng Edward f :
- Cottee Spoons, f LI
Sker&ng Silver Sugaf Tonga , ii.
SterTinq SQver Serving; Spoeeas .
if Plus Federal Tax
(No Tax) ;
the; biggest
and best assortment
e offered In years!
. cteaseTTS wbm s asN
tSAr SiT m m S4.M
s. OMta coms a savsw
SIT. mm .
.... Mt S4 a
mmm. ' kia.
pmr mm M l
ZZ mmtt Sf.M L ONl O. SU mL I
g vam ii Ms - M-e
s'r.4 wltMa J. MT Of a SALTS S H.
i . Jturin sm ..Mb V-e ms m -9e
ilconsois roars, s-
weesjwfe seise.rev swss vw
V t. COWSOTI. S fclflk.
Jvsejfcsjsj baeswM.waef) 4v9
XM M. IAcrtv
1 !
O' . ,.'f f. v - r :.f I
s m i
li i .UW CLUtt'
i . . ...... . . 1
tOBvemest payments nw magnoua oa Mciew.ij
This tmct contains 16 Tf.teoen Sop Spoons, t Knivvt. Fort.
SaUdLFoftrs. 3 Tbl. Spoons. 1 Cold MmI Fork. 1 CWv Ladlo, t S.m
Spooji, 1 BwtUf Knr. T- !
Ctem (rta ttrtt tertty ntttru . . fbatatioi. Capri Serf Cfei : .
I fiect Plact Settiif at 4 -J
If eny piece of this silverware Joes
not eive eomoletelv aatrsfactorv tervfce in notmal
family v, ft will be replaced reconditioned by Ooeids Ltd."
So our xcitln? collectlcnT
cf fine Silver Plaled
f. 4 or S Piece
13X5 b 1S5X3
1M IL Vbmttr 423 Court
I 1