10 Th Statesman. ScJem, Oregon, Thxadcrf. May 12. 1948 Lose to Wocttoo-iia 51 5- 5L 1 9 bunt' Md it . Take IDiniffi StiraDgltoli:; Samite FBDually j IHlaltedl Second; Midweek meandering: , i Too bad Mel Patton doesn't have another year of competition at USC. for his coach Jess Hill beliexes the great sprinter could also r,S(k the world 440 vard dash record if he trained for it That might te too rugged a romp for the skinny 145-peued six footer, but the eyes of the trac worm renaimy would be focused on him once he ever tried it. Incidentally, should you want :6 see Patton" do hi tuff, make tne jaunt 10 stauit May 2ffifor the Ccat- C4.nferer.ee TTr-f Txsould be wi:h a jaunt cf that distance just !g see him romp . That hole-m-one fcar.s ec by U;t baiter Ate- Fish the ether day at SGC a ; just what he !or ktrg h'i. Ti-e prize he wi u tor s wa ore . ,..- supply e.f i.,or nUci-s. Vo? tre necK. yi ii i.n sea -m An The arl -e.. o " in tidbit i,y Yak ima's Bears ha fu2.V c.r; ir. the Apple City. The cLii.nx-rf hxe turrit-! cut oxer s-tn ng for every eiTjr- the Yaks hxe had ;.t horn- Little wor.ier a .-. thev h.,.c tri w.nr.r.jZ ... 'he f.t5'! Li,t i: ,t ie;je a ".e rage fim the Ho-Ae News bureau s-hev. that all u.ht Y.,kima rej?ular- w.-:e hitti -c c n Hf") when i orr.j: i;td! TTie te.:rn avt-iage was .3."?9 'o. tr.e ptr-i-i Srargf ly eri'-ig1 H emertcr.'s ?ifi Kut ty.m Mrrr... h, ,n h iith such robust iur,f pur.tr . . vei age a 275. r..t he way tne it's now, l oi.siderabl;. pe te- Tip to a'l WIL pitcher-fget a a in ter jot in our town papei mill. Bus Sporer vxcrked there last off eaoi;. afifi lookee wl-a it's done for him! . . . .' I C andidate for the presidency of the extra base-hitting depart menfein all prep baseball hereabout is Jark Hande. the Silverton hich catcher who was one of Jerry GaUneaa better basketballen last winter. In hi firt 14 hlla for the Foxes this sprint Hande belted II of thrm for extra base, four for home run. 'f .'. Strb rl HrjMtrtrdly on Spot at l ictorin Anctr.4 li'KKt tip. rtk'.t thiough Y.-nkee West Coast 2nin Joe De- vir h. ,;..!' lr,Mt ih-,t Tt-ri Vfiriert liettAr Ho somif-thmi? h.iiies !i, ion at Virion.-, or 7ip. h f.. x: - s. fv t .rv tick t! back '. t I f anv m oi-i the nioi and who later hurled for the SF jieab a npr$ber of sea :, - still sot it. Powell will sh-i'.v you one of the be$t screwballs a:.' !eague jn'rher ever had Me also poses-ed ohekf those big : i le downer i.i -, ts. breaking in to j right hahdf batter, ju'-t ';te cf the s !-v hall. Which made a :elty to ugrj hombre on if.-! . Another teason for the Yakitna sm-iel s that they have thei- pitching president Dewey Sonani. a smait jnldtimer. on hand to jMiup right ;rt to put the fire out rien the feqemy hegini tee u-.t; off un one of the other flmgers A "srtoprr" lke Sf'nanti is worth hi weight iri gold in the lower class league? . . Experience .Vol 1 el the Antuer for $ptke i From the looks of their perch In the present WIL standings, ex- Jerienee isn't the answer for the Spokane. Jim Brlllheart Is naded up with such oldsters as Turk Stalnback. Ken; Richardson. Jark jlxey. Iirry Barton, (irrin Baker and others.; but they're not coming through with sufficient wins. And they'd better win in Spokane or forget about filling thoe nice new Ferris field seats. Peihapo the ancients aren't bearing to fee! irfenor for their talents, and tlie w. umer xveather before letting out. At any rate, something seems to be ..loi-s w hen von analyze the way in w hi h Yakifna pulled a double pl.iv on the .Sjx kethe other night, one of he whackiest we've ever h'-;-iri of. Look: I i ? pinf-ball Double Vlny for Sure l.arrv Barton was on first base and Joe Kowi singled to renter. The hall hounded through Outfielder Gene Thompson. Another ulllr'der. F.do Vannl ran the ball down and threw it in to Yak second -baser Al Jacinto. Roaat In the meantime had founded sec ond, but suddenly decided to go bark to that 'bag. Jacinto tagged him out. looked up and saw Barton, of all things, halfway between third and home, stopped! Jacinto proceeded to run him; down also as he tried to get bark to third, completing the double play all by himself. The dingy thing wiped out a Spokane rally, naturally, and Yakima won the game 13-9. After trying that one for siione can't: help but feel some thing is eoycray In the Spoke ranks. If It ever happens to our side here at home, the third base roach better go hide for a week er so. j IT'S A HABIT PROSPECT. May ll-.p.-For righthander Bob Nelson. Prospect high school pitcher, these perfect baseball games are getUng to be a habit. l-at season Nelson start rd hi career with a no-hit. no run game against Butte Falls. This week he pitched another: An 11-0 win over Rogue River High. Bearcats Toip Welbfoots llarri nylon's Hit In 11th NVts Win Kt'V fi.iiTington l iiirtii a sin gle into re- ter fieli tfr Gcrrix Leri7 f-n ere rid base v. P. two out m the bottom, half of t e 'eenth Inning at Waters field . last night. and the wallop hi one lyf-xxis' Wiii,.rnettc B-a- 't Johnnv .at a 4-3 vntoiv f-,rr the I'f.i'eisity of Oregon Wet fo"t Hal Z irrher c ri'uiai !- the Duck tet.ter fieldei v.. c-n the mmrd for Do.n K:-s4hs -oithrtr; division pennant tkr.'tv at the time Me bait replarert .lim Hanns in fbe sixth inning Lenz hat' gaineri ii'e on a misuidt'ed ppup ti the iiifie'id that xvc: ft r a hit He xvert to hh-oiii! on hit k Rrou wer's t;ig:e to left Then with two auav the. wee but mighty catcher slashed one "of Z urrher s swerxc itito center. Cente: -fie! -!er Ray S.traf'on fsr eci the ball to the plate, hut not Ir time to get Lenz with the win ning run ' Johnnv Slanchik. a surprise staitci for the Cats in "hat he hasn 1 l i en able to 1 1 ail sea -n t- .. i-e of a hat k tnjurv. arce Me waike.1 nine p 10 hits, but was and ga U-ugh in the pinch had 1! m a'.!. ' ttee by John atarkr-'kie three by S...nt ruk ano t( by Brouwer. Both Chuck Stirfrier and Norm Hen wood ftiid three bingtc for the V pfocts mr beut Willamette 4- m ar; earlier mm at Eugctu- Oteo i)i (41 Wlllametle b r h r F R h r 4 r s e SOS 5 2 1 1 S 6 ?evn '. 3 rehr.m p S Ccn jt S arte j 4 Ct racier a Hnx3 r ?itb. S 4 or a ten c 3 Rtnni p S Irmn. m 1 Walter x e, e 1 1 0 Posoter : (ri.-ii- 1 I I jen ? t 1 Mr.r i 3 I Bruwr. m J 2 3 vi : i l e 1 0 Hrnf tr. c I Bt I 2 t 1 i sin.hiii p 4 e 3 1 SSk-r n J ICS s. TotalVsS 3 1 4 Total 43 II I aikrd foe Tork tr. 8t!. a Gruunild foe Bow ta Stli. a Ml wnn wtnnins run acord- I'O Sit 1 9 w V 12 1 aoo 14 11 Winning piU-hr. fllanc-nik 1 natng -hr. time r ; BVaLk, CU Mi by Bitcftvr. Kowu two pnehm. ! Ik Mi by Bitcftvr. Kowu fcrr siai i If J-J i ....,!- s. j . the riitcHir.tf Yakima has to 10 . Saiem team mar for the first Senators -lve. been? gt-ing of late gone as mi?'. . .'.fYakima has iv.ifoit i hn .-!. Juith Tn-nmii down ill a league ;sim are sure perhaps jtbfy're Jijst waiting for: Qt ARTER HORSES READY PF-NDUETCXN. Nay n -(p- N' - i v hundred hrse, were en- j -"'' iji ifie ixiurmesi Quarer Hprse asMKiation racing meet opening tomorrow. Horses haxe arrived from tieveral western states for the thfe-day show, sale, and facefi l)a is (Tupprrs Start julv 2nd M.'W Yt 'RK. m4';U .'i Oat is C up tennis: vompi titfon' in the A me i an pne l.cren July 2 x hen' Meiicp and (f'vtba start their first round sfr-rv M; Haxana. the I S Lawn Trntiis 'association an n i.r rui t ntiiv j It v;il:he the fftst Davis Cup contest betxve'ti Mfxiio ar,(i t'uba since they met m jfhe firs', round of Amcritan ;ct e I rpmpe tition at' City In The ohly oirer irst reuixl se ries m the Arnei.cpn rone, which die only ft';r chi!lengers. ends Australia agair.vt (panada at Mn treal. Jjly ZS-24. j The two ; first found winners will meet for the right to play the F-t.n e:n ee champion in the inter -one finals, jwith the ulti mate surviipr challenging the I'nited States for the tr phv at F tt Hills, A .g S 2(t-2S HFAVFRS HIV tl'GKNE. Ore r Mav 11-iJu. Oregti State tef nis team lct ly oil singles ri,atch todav in oeieaung iifMir.. to i in a ., ithern mxf: n .ast conference toomament. li.MPl.EMAN TRIU MPHS TACOifA.HMay 1 11 -r.'Sherty It em pie man t pf Seattle won this W - P C3ass !A min rit at the rrucget race. pre tonight. Time w as 7.S0 8. THis; is the second straight ' wek Teynpleman won here. U i v ' ; , A rlv MEL PATTON miw roin-prrieq rnoinj ma- flurmg the meeting at the School Administration building. The sign chines makeiand rH&rn change if Up will be made at Maple's Sporting Goods store, where cards for a larger value coif, is used in it. s,griatuie and other vital stalist.es on prospective players may be " secjired according to Vern Gilmore. in charge of last night's session.! ed tvalts Torkelr. Left on b-.. , Howard Maple was elected president cf the leagues, succeeding Al vo ix. wtl i n Thre-bae hit, M-tiijr Schuss who has moved from the citv Clay Egieston war retained as IZsSZZ&k: iiiZZZZS: Brr t ! secretary. A move was carried wherein all clubs will be limited in i Zuretwr. Karrlngton Sarrtf ic. Brou- J the amount cf equipment issued plavers the ccm:ng easn Only j Stin feaacs. Zurchr 3; Brosr- r. Kira. Matiiai Doufcl piayc I f 1 -Pointer -Barker j Cob n-Kjrsh-BartW. ; i Pttehr XT AB K B Kit SO BB Haau ia W t $ t HS?r'i fist I ! 1 S Nafe Club Savings To Van Next Iitc!iiiir Hits Snai; (Iherry a Graml-Slara ATHLETIC PARK. Victoria, May 11 -iSpeciah- The Victoria Athketics finally cnueht up with the Sa'frr, Senattrs t r.ight in the final garr. c f their Western Inter-n:t.-r.a': . t Jt- -"iis. ha tw.o big innings i-.rr -von the sluefet 15-1 f. In th.41 r-xe fh Vies tagged thrt-e cf ioi r Salem pitchers used. Salem p.t h.ne st 1 out tn the first j..mt f 'he series, won by the S : eauH- Si.itm i. w ?v. .i-.fi over to Van couwr fi-r fnir gimcs. itarting with a v..:,'.e rr. x Thursday night, i Tonight's ' ss didn't hurt the Sa- ; !em's seccrid plate standing in the league, as Bremerton lest also. ; Manager Bill Bei.'s crew is a game up f-r. the Tr The Athletics started off on wee Jim Foster With a six-run blast in the first inning, chasing him out. ; In came Bill Osborn and he lasted anti! the fourth, when'sexen more baiem p.: nine s.i out tn tr.e Victoria runs iniKiea niou u.r piaie. uene r-eierson i.me in -i Osborn Pete was v. i'.d and finally gave way to Lefty Glenn Miller in the sexenth. Only Miller of the quartet had no trouble with the Athletics. Although it went to no ax ail. Salem's batting attack included 11 hits of D.ck Prowse. Victoria had n!y 12 hine'ies Jim Wert, Salern first baseman who hasn't been hit- tmg too v c!! at Son brokf ose 11 so far this .ea onight with four safeties :n fixe tries Mob nerry had two hits in fix e up, one of them a trr fii four-run home run Oxer the renter field fence in the sexenth Mining Chen y had a big night for him eif in ' the RBI department fdso, with sex t r. batted across Only H5 customers saw the game. Salem VfYtoria B H () A B4l O A W Ptrr 3 I I 2 3 Irae! r 3 2 2 0 B Ptrn s 3 113 Borcoia 7 1 0 lg 0 i Orteijt r 4 1 2 0 McDugt. 2 5 4 2 Waslev. 13 11 CHJacobs. 1 3 0 Cherry, rr. 5 2 3 0 Hat k S 1 i Beard, e 4 0 2 1 Finegn. m t 1 Snaetrr, 2 5 11 3 Keeler. t 4 1 Wert. 7 S 4 12 2 Keeler 4 1 Folr. p 0 0 0 0 Dav. c 4 2 O-born. p 2 0 0 1 Prowse. p S 0 O Ptrsn. p 1 0 C 0 qj'j", Miller, p 1 0 C 1 x 10 0 0 Total 37 11 24 14 Total 31127 12 x-Batted for Miller in 9th. Salem 021 0m 440 U O0 700 20x- 15 V ictoria Pitcher Foster f borne Pttern Miller Prowe IP AB H R tK SO BB "j S 1 6 5 0 3 3' 10 4 S 2 3 2- 11 4 4 4 0 S 2s 10 I 0 0 1 1 9 37 11 11 11 4 I Wild pilc-t, s. Osboi ne. lefl on ba-e lem 7 Victoria 10 Home rum. Cherry To-be hit" McDoufai 2 B Peter?-4n. Finriegan Rur.n batted in. McDnugal 3. Finnegan 2. Keeler. Day 4. Irael 3. Cherry 7. Spaeter. Wi. Hack 2, Boccola. Orteig. Wasley. Sac rifice. Boccola Stolen bases. Israe' Ertors. W Hrterson 2 Time. 2 10 lrmpire Hi.hand and Pirr.arn. At tendance 815. Yakima 00! 010 HK 3 10 Brenifiton 010 000 010 2 t 1 Dicke) arid Ortig. Simon and Con stantino. Corrv 8. VrnU-!.e 1041 04 00O Vancouver 100 000 33x 1 3 7 13 0 Pesut s f B?,m "nd Tacoma 01(1 020 0O0 3 A ) Spokane 102 133 13x 14 15 1 Knezovich. Fortier 1 Shell (5) J0hnwn S) and Warren: u'chnucin BnH n..-t, , Attr,!.,, 1600). G AB R H Pet '. :s 5-i 8 22 415 13 51 3 IS 373 18 152 7 23 371 15 60 7 12 37 17 S 1J 25 362 MitrbeEl. Indians Krhoki X ankees Kau-ak. la-dir.als SflKH-nilun-!. C'ards L1 Maggio Red Sox Kirer Pir.te 22 81 15 j5J5 Runs bst'ed in National 1 ra(i,F rrrpl-l'., rX).lr IS Kincr 1' i-atc"-. 1 Q Vtrsi n. BiAvrs J7 Fr...i. PnUlrti 17 Art-erica" ten.. Wn'ua i . So, 2S St. p' et s. Red rx. 23 Red Grn'r; Tiger 22 Hone ',,r.- Nt-onal I i.,jf G-r -dor, G.jr.t- 7 Kiner I'liats J A" e'K ai. l.eaitue Grana Ru itn 7. U'llttart . Red S.-x 7. S!rlir-.ns Red So. 7 Bijx Six Loop Won't Expand CORVALLIS. May 11 -,.Jp, The big six league officials haxe re tectted protiosaLs to add new !h't,s Xo he K""P- tficials said Lebanon. Cottage Grcxe and Mii- waiukie. the latter a former mem ber, had inquired at it membership. m- '' l !' III j If Junior Ball Setup Readied Hegistratrcn of player for the 949 Salem Junior Baseball league will lart X'-.- IB u..t M . "g i Xw.i.r4-l lof . Kf cap and jerseys are necessary, not full uniforms for the players. Po- ; tenlial ponsores with representation at the meeting were May-1 flower Milk, Midget Market. Salem Heights. Four Corners. Keizer. Merchants and Truax Oilers. Additional sponsors are needed. - cf " course, and can register at Maple's. The? next meeting will be held Jun 1 and league play will start the second week of June. Ready for aDiwa -rheir Orecon Stale Beavers have Oregon Docks. In the above photo. Ken Elliott shows how be rolls over the bar -in the high jump at the 6-feet. 5-inch level. The three batsmen below- (l-r) are Catcher Frankie Roelandt. and Out fielders Bill Harper and John Mack. The OSC and I'O trackmen vie Saturday at Eugene. The base bailers play Friday at Eugene and Saturday at Corvallis, Hoffert W ins, Wagner in Draw Abney, Pete Lose Bn Armory Scraps By AL LKJIITN'ER Statesman Spoi ts gditnr All in alV 'twas a bad night for the Salem gloved gladiators last night at the armory. Txvo of em. Dean Abney and Indian Joe Pete got beat, another got a draw nd the fourth, Johnny Hofiert, man aged the only win of the niTtnt for the iocais. In the main exent. Abncy r against the rugged anci ciosci cropped Davey Ball of Bakevsfie d. Calif., the hustling Ball found a bad flaxv in Dean's armor, began piercing it legularly in the eai ly rounds and finally slammed home a solid left hand to the spot to gam a knockout win in 2:53 of the en.th round. The bad spot for Ahr.ev was his mid-sect ion. In the up-close battling Ball .etit-a eU! lapped at Deans tummy nd be- f.e putting him down wUh the left in the sexenth had the Salem 150-pour.der down for a seven count with a similar punch in ine mxui. In at 152'2 pounds. Ball' wasn't off to too fast' a stait. But he seemed to pick up steam a he went along, and although he took considerable punishment in the fa- fre.m Ahnev s rieht alone the wax it was clearly evident by the fourth round that Ball's left h;nd in the infighting was doing plenty of damage to the local hope Bali also bloodied Abney's nose in the fourth round. As for rounds xx on by each bat tler up until the end. oar card had one ex en. one for Abney and four for Ball, the last four in a row. Indian Joe. in his third profes- sional fifcht. ran up against an 18-year-old Brave Junior w ho gave exery impression he knew lust what the ring game is all about. The Redding. Cat. Red-; .km. in at 128'2 to Indian Joe's 127. was the faster of the. two. Tie outcome could have been , j'i'ei a drr.xv at that, for Pete , , s tv stronger cf the txvo at the i . ri and had 'anried the cleanei , pi . res along 'he way Big Keller Wanner ran into a j !.;-! in Cho,-k Maxon. tie Oie- : j. n State co.'ege slugger also It - ,.v NPiXM-n's first pro fight afer ,, number of vears as one of the top amateur heavies in the state.! Wagner found 'lie 183-p. urrif-r ra-d to hit al' the wav. Maxson had "Wagner at 192. down for a ro-rount ir '.he fourth, but other j than that it xv a an ex en ficht and ! . E' od one. as were all bouts on tv-e oard. Wagner looked in fine j P m and went the four heats In: g. cd style. I Hoffert. at 128. outpointed Jim- j mv Ogden. 127. Portland in a i v-1.1 and woolly opener, after, which Don Do ie. 141. Portland negro flattened Hank DuBois. 142. Portland in the second round. PUT MORE OPPORTlTTT IN TOCR FUTURE PIT S3.75 A WEEK in Series E Savings Bonds h rough The Payroll Savings, Plan, m 1 TEARS TOU WILL OWN SAVINGS BONDS WORTH MATl RITY VALUE. OPPORTUNITY Action in Weekend Battles ... - T their work cut out for them the Twinks Defeat Bevos in 12th i PORTLAND. May 1 1-oPi-HolIy- o g Portla,ld. 86. m ,heir Pa ,ir fCoast lea e here The lowly Beaver had ,umped to m mn(ng a,wad afJer :jead,ockmg Wlth one run In the Iinth. The xvinning Hollywood rHjris came in the twelfth at the ex pense of Vmce DiBiasi. Hoflxwood tto (i; ino ori2 8 14 1 Portland 400 ("01 (Vil 0K 6' 12 2 fll-en Vtaltzbeieer ! Sal t-on iS . BanriMl Mi and Sindlmk 1'nfer UOi Moot Fleit.ing iS'. D-.ehl 7 . Dibiasi lilt a no Vi laau S.'!-r.i'tiento 0O0 fxiO (MiO 0 8 0 Sar) Fr. ncisco (100 INK) Olx -1 4 1 Gillespie and Plumbo. I.ien and Par- tee Oakland : Seattle Hi tile and C'Ssto San D-ego noo ooo ooo -0 3 3 000 OOO'OIx 1 4 1 Padgett Fletcher and 3O0 140 101 7 1 I.os Aneelej 103 170 OOx 12 ' Juedis ch Kipo i5-. Hallett iSi Haf v i4- and Mx-)re XX'atkins. Ibde i5 Ke-Ua 1 7i and Ma lone. BEARS ARRIVE SEATTLE. M ix- 11 -Ay- The Out-si't-d t'niversity of California it iisl-fBe i rs. O'ymi-u rv.ir.g cham pionF. m i r ed late today and un tried) !ie!y dipped their oars into Lake Washington ! r a t ial vvoik dut The Bear varsity. .I.ivvoe and frosh v U r;re the Ur iveisity of Wasldngt-.n over a 2ni mile course here Saturdny in their annual classic. Oregonians ; In tho Majors XXVdnesclav : Ab R H O A E Rbi 3 110 10 0 4 10 230 4 0 2 2 J 0 0 Pesky. Red Sox toe-r. Red 'on Gordon. Ind ar.i 11 taL' hers Fox. Reds. on Wednesday Hitters Busy Dodging By Joe Reichler NEW YORK. May 11-oPi-Are major league pitchers resorting te the duster tht year? Or are thev simply wilder than usual ? There is a rule in each major league that makes it mandatory far an umpire to report a pitcher who he believes deliberately threw at a batsman. The offend er ;H subject to both a fine and a suspension. In all. 56 batters have been hit by pitched balls during the first three weeks of the major league season. Two of them. Manager Lou Boudrrao of the Cleveland Indians and Catcher Clyde MrCuilough of the Pitts burgh Pirates, have been vic Umized three times. Three ath letes. Stan Rojek of Pittsburgh, and MrCullouxh and Boudreau. have been injured badly enough to be forced to miss several games. Addressing; a high school group in Cleveland yesterday. Boudreau said the reason he'd RE-ROOFIIIG? lie thrifts- ' . . see the friendly little Scotchman for a FREE ESTIMATE! MUM ocyrc S40c HNU 2S5 N. Commercial in- . i coming weekend, in mixes with the IE j 1 WESTERN INTERNATIONAL XX 1. Pet XV L Pet Yakur.a 14 4 7H3 Vancouxer 8' 8 5W Salem 12 7 S7 Taconia 7 12 M9 Brerrertn 11 8 fill Victoria 7 13 316 Wenatche 9 11 575 Sp kan 11 313 Last nigM's Ksuil- At Victoria IV SaNm 11 At Vancouver 7 Wenatchee 1 At Spokane 14, Tacoma 3. At Bim erton 2 Ynkma 3. ( OAST I EACI E XV I. p-t XX I. Pet Hollvw'd 2fS 18 y.2 Seattle 22 22 SOO San Diegn 2.1 20 V!) San Fr-rn 22 C.I 4P.S Sacrati-.to 22 2 516 Arc's 21 23 474 Oakland 23 22 514 Portland l2t 3S I Last mgi-t i"-nits At PuiiUnrt . 'lollv wool 8. A? Sc.itfle 1. Oakland 0 A' l.os Ann Vs 2. Sar. Diego 7, At Sat. F-arti -M-o 1. S.ictan.ti,!n 0. j A Xll'Rlc V IF.GIR XV I. Pet XV L Pet New- Y rk lfi 6 727 Chieago H 11 VK) ( lev l.,nd 10 7 Sua Philadel 11 12 478 Detroit 11 9 5"ii Boston 8 11 421 XVa-b 12 11 522 St Poi.is 5 17 227 XVeinesd..v res. ills At Cleveland 3 New York 2 At Detroit 1 Washington 11. At Chicago 12 Boston 8: At St I NATIONAL IEACII W L Fct V. P P t Philadel 10 12 VSNew Y rk '.? S 1" Plttsb rBh in 12 553 Boston Ki 5M S Io:. is H 11 42! Brooklyn 1' in S2 1 ("h.uapo 8 11 I21 Cinci n t( 10 Lfi Vm I.o-ms 5. Philadelphia 4 XXednesdav resalts At Philadelphia 2 Chicago 4 At New Yoi k 2 f':nr m nnli 4. At Brooklyn 3 Pittsburgh 5. At Boston 7. St. Louis 0 COTTAGE GROVE VICTOR EL'GENE, May 11 ..,V,- Cottage Grove won the ditiict 4 rlas A high school t-ack crown heir- tn day. The Cottage Giove athle'.os: scored 100 points to pull .'.head of Springfield's 86 8 IS Other (lass A scoring: Eugene 64: Rcseburg 81: North Bend 25'-,: CVxpaille 23: Myrtle Point 21 11 15: Marsh field 16'j: University High. Eu gene, 15 1 5. Siuslaw II: Oakridge 6 1 5; Junction Citv 0: Sutherlirf 0. IIODGIV HOSPITALIZED SAN FRANCISCO. May 11 -tT'i Ralph Hodgin. 'Sacramento out fielder who was hit on the head bv a pitched ball lat maht. was t eported rest nig w ell today. Hos pital attendants said the former Chicago White Sox outfielder was under observation He was h't above the temple by a hall thrown by Pitcher Steve Nagy of the San Francisco Sea Is in a Pacific Coast league game. M.nk T.vain patented in 1fc73 a bok which did not haxe a single word in it yet 25,000 copies of it were sold. It was a self-pasting ' scrapbook. been hit so many times this sea son was "because they're aim ing at me." Rookie southpaw Ken Johnson of the St. yuij Cardinals, and Sheldon Jone of the Giants. each has hit three batsmen this year, t incinnatl s Howie to, the Cards' Jim Hearn. the Phil lies Schoolboy Rowe. the Yan kees' Tommy Byrne, and the Senators' Rae Scarborough, have conked two batters apiece. The most seriously hurt has been Rojek. the Pirate shortstop. Hit twice in one game by Cardi nal pitcher, he was carried un- : conscious off the field the see-; end time and missed la games, i Irate Pittsburgh team mate ar-! eused Manager Eddie Dyer of the Cards of ordering his pitch ers to throw at Rojek. Dyer de nied the charges. Four Boston Red 'Sox players have been hit this season, and oddly enough, it was a SL Louis Brown pitcher w ho did it each time. ASlf? I II lllllllllfl OUTMp " Plu 3-S478 61.742 See Tribe Top Yanks; White Sox Tie Scoring Record 1 ! NEW YORK. May 11 The New- Ybrk Giant.-' aeven-game win ning streak went up in smoke today, but the amazing Washington Senators continued to defy the law of aSerape? by racking up'th'eir ninth straight victory. j jl - There never was any doubt about the Vf'ashirgton outcome after th first inning when the Senators raked Stiihhy overmire. Detroil j di minutive lefthander, for five runs and iwent or. to overwhelm th" l lgers li- i. Louis Group' Eyes Monopoly ...NEW YORK. M.,v T -a- T'f muddled boxing itti.--tun cleaved : today xv hen it xo learned that . the new Joe l-ui-MaiiiM)n Sp;..re : corpor.-.tior :s net( t:..tlrp to bu i out the nxal Tiutnament of Champions. j Laxx'icfce Lxn;;n tf the Col i umtia Bio,idr..f t:iif sMem. '.ire president cf the T of (" . and Ned i Irish, exeoutixe x n e-president of the Garden, both admitted nego tiations are under xvny. They said no deal has teen completed George Kletz, former president of the T. ofvC and still a 25 jxm rtl,K1Ar j,rl "Thtm T of C. board of directors' has agreed to accept the Madison Square Gar den corporation's offer if the con ditions are right." If the deal goes through all im portant boxing promotions xxil be under one head. Pheasant Gals Pin titlists The Golden Pheasant team rap tuied the Ladies I'owlmg Lccie title at Capitol AHexs last tu.u'.t as( thev took two panics and the series f rem Ciu 1 o; id Cafe in a playoff m;:trh The Pheasant s..N totalled ?3fi5 pins to the Cafi-'s 2273. '.xith Vi!.;niii Ciirlwi'iiuA 505 leading the v. ; v . In the thn l-f hi ih plate p'.tv - Off Lilt FlcllMs topped (".( -:) Housekeeping's five. '2:'91 pin- to 22EI and in the hattle for the V.h slot Vest Ss-lem M ri hants r; n , out on tip Of Ai dr's Je.vel- 1 ers. 1 4.'UI pifs i t !!((! Viks to Host Golf Tourney Salem high will be " the host school as 12 prep teams ronxciue on the Salem golf course Fridav u nifn play in the State Prep Go't Tourney. The teams will pl.iv 18 holes- Friday and at other 18 Sato. -iav. with low art legate medal' scot e tak ing la in Is . Team enteied besides Loren Moit's Salem i.i" are Med ford. Maishfieid. Fog I'mxer ;1' high of F.ugi n ( "or a 1 1 is, ai Lincoln, Was hinrt. .ii. Jefferson, Clexel.ind anri Certial Cathoh. , all of Portland. Kent Mv ers will hold the No, 1 position for: S..U rr. w ith D or Callahan. Captain Pob Goidon ,nd Gene Ilw-ld fillowing in that or der, i The low four men in the tourrty will automatically qualify for the! all-st..te tim Trophies will be? award d follow ir.g S a t u r da y's ' final aihin. Toe-i ?f tune both days will, be at 10 a in. J.' Tiilile of (loastal Titles i Tali- ( r tat', f . fnn, May. IW: Cot tied pyj t? S (i,ii and GKletiii Siirvtv Portland firr-ni Mav 12 iik.m w a i rn M)W WAT ;1 1 (K- i tn. f 25 tn. S 57 p tn. 7 12 a i S 411 p rn . 7 S a n 7 25 p rn. P 45 a m 15 p in. V34 a rt. 9 12 p rr,. 10 27 a re. 10 20 p rn. 11 IS a m 11 40 pm. 12 31 p m 13 12 (! 'r. 1 "-4 f. rr. 12 4 a rn 2 4!i p !T 1 2- A 11 3 JX p ..n 2 07 am 4 :is p m. 2 S5 a rr: , 4fi p m. .1 5.1 a tn 441 p m 4 4S a 'n 7 :(l p rr, (t4 a m. 8 13 p m 7 5 ." 1 7 3 (i 7 (i 4 f S 4 7 14 . 17 f 4 7 5 3 4 5 0 ; ii 4 5 5 3 4 3 5 S 4 2 I 4 2 5 0 4 3 2 4 4 f 4 4 5 ( 4 6 e 7 4.S IS It 20 21 7 24 a 8 47 p rrt. ti 29 am 9 18 pm. 9 47 a rn. 4 p m. 10 49 a m. 10 li p m 11 42 am. 10 43 p m. 12 3 p m. 11 13 p m. 1 IS p m. 11 42 pm. 1 59 p m 23 23 24 29 2 27 n 2 12 14 2 45 p m f IIJI .IJFVla.l.i 2 4 j i d ae- m. 7 1 a m. -II; jtt 1 immJ L 1 i f 48 C 57 p.m. 3 2 --'-' j -j AW V,W.MJJWhAV 1 mwzim.mm I ( WHEKI PLUMBIhOS I , Liquid Clwnef ; j KICKS UR CALL ; US QUJCK r-S j I TODOTHS'f3!! lias Oasfnli l.i ! . I , - i ! The Cin ii niit! Reds, behind th Jsix-hjf j itchu-.g f H'vf ir4 Fox, ; stoppo th. Giarts c'!d With 4-2 ruinp" The ta'.l t i-.t-ha'mVr Pi'M b couple .f safeties rum-t ti.i Ki I. tux e in v.) rnins. Mon it.x . w ,iv .hel'evt from th :-.u ; i- - f f.rM i-- - t i gan-oi Thf i. .i Ame:j:o..'t I thex- i, Mil . c sixth to herrr.e th 'itchor sn their last 11 r-.itiiMl o-.t i! the-box. -S". Wh;to Sdx tieU sn capue record , f'hen r, rx-ety .rrf-ig txlout- sing i Thcyj Ameij: in e..k -listen Red ;S !'?- me the 'fourth oitjp in" iti.guc hrstor) to S(Ci; ' the j eight inxirgs:-they;- arr.r ! hey di 1 not ha e to bat lit tr.e nnih. Tep Wii,ii,ms banged his seven th hiime run for the Ro,vv 1 Cuu Zeinjal. with a single, d-iuble and i tripij. m.d two runs patted In, ted the rile hose attack. The f ist meeting of jhe season i between t world rhamnien T "i fn ieagu leaning ,xw ,oik - 1 ,iKees IV- suited in a 3-2 oc'-vj- for tht tribe, P h Porterfie'd l ist his oxvn game xvilh n sexenth inning! wild pitch Oat pei muted DiSe Mitchell to scoie with the wirming' run. Bob i I i mi r. w as foirejj tn le;rv after; pitching to on bitter be cause o? t tern mitsr lej The Ind ians : sn;. ; ( eit a three-game losing stre.ik I fe ir f 1,742 fafi.s. It was the hi g st night crowd bf th yar ind tre .! tvet of the Reason. Hvly ( n eland's opening day turnout of f-3.725 foppfd it.' Jai. k C, i a ham led th St;. Ix-uis Mi.ow. s t, a st-con,r1 s'rmht win I'tr-i htekir g their Pirgame los- ing Mh k liow ning the Philadel- nhi.. A s. ,S-4. Graham "Joubled ! .xu o on r in () runs ni i oijd two the attarS.'nrt Bobby : -'i-hiL'-tv j ' 'j Wji inn Spnhn w.rt '-'h.s' fouith; tiaiehi sholting d.it tlV St ! Iouii ! Canjlioais. 7-0. with ' ,hn. hils.l Rookie l;'!i Wet le. another south-; pawl Miivivrri a ni'nth-irrting rally: as Pittshiirph defeateii; Bfviklxn,; j 1 he Chicago Cub? handed Ken! 1? oil Imari hi ftt los aftef- !u- x if tones, tonprng th Phtljlles i7 i f tvrnir N i r r.t r NeK- X- ?1 kl ill ri4nl. rr 0"" -it ii Pol ( d Bentli n i 1 Tre-t .7, and ". eia ' i -o ' i ;I .en en, r 1 H-n. W,l' ' .-ir' r ?ll -I 110 ill 14 A Ir it . li '"I v . I 3 1 Calveil. Weteroth r. ans; Overjrr.ire Stuart 2 KrHtow 7 Ho- (jrv 1 1 . r,f; tlftHtnMin ii Fet..n 'Km .Vij if- I 111 12 15 1 Diu ; to II? PJ( t j Hilgnr. Mr.PinJ'l I i ' fair if ' 1 S . r-d T'M 'I't Mi'CU'.I 'it. XV H. Jrl- son Si "r Wheeler PHiU,a li i.. o it rli 4 S 1 St! I..n lim .tti S IP I Sliant7 j on .',i;rn ii r- i irl Vim, j '.'4TUIV4I, l ryr.ir ! Chi.a- iCtO" !! Ill 4 10 f Phil. ' h 1 i. " t - 2 ' t t Sh"it Ku;H Xi -nA Sceffinf; Heirt p. an and finn'.ik j. Clhrlnrmi (KX) il! -nr 4 10 0 NW Vo.lr ono (iVl fl i S Fox ,-irr! Howell. Kfn-.lv K""lr Behin..,n ! and Cooper; I Pljtst ..rrr. 2'0 ill P)0- IM Brttu.klvn Of) PX "i--3 7 I Werl ; nii F!terld Bjrnt, RnU: i 1 . ;r..i. ' i unri v iMnf-i.r St I Poun OOf m K -otl Boton Sio in n -7 I I Mur.ger. Reeder (1. J'insin 'Ji.'Yo- chirr) if i anil Hire; ftnahri snd Salkeld. I Senator Swat iX'p In daa I P H Pi t 'S R H Pet S 1 two Riane H 2 ISO MUU r G PUso Chefry Beafrt Spore r XVai e v One g 4 444 W F'trHon SI l -247 3t 4.XS osferi 9 2 227 7Jt IS 219 M ?" IS I 1M 7:1 13 ma 17 0 (0 SI 19 XI3 Wert H 4 .TM'Mr:.- ;!'v 73 22 .Vil Cciijra4 e 16 2 Spae'er Olf On If C J7Sat)sbo-n PPsun 721 -27 Vled' n F'ltel ing frxter 3 C I70tbrrn Oladn S t 11 Miliar- roter 2 1 ll'Mell B Bianco 2 1 7 fro v. fj McNulty 11 8G P'tuft I 1 11 0 0 7 0 0 7 on 0 2 t FORD WAXES, POLISHES 1 I AND CLEANERS It if Liquid Cleaner Pol.shmg Wax j Polish and Cleaner Ctiroroe aeanefT EodyPdish Foamihchtery Cleaner Ford Liquid Glaze Goner Fcrd Lkruid Glize Sealer Valley Ilolor Co. rord Sir lists r 17S Center Th. J-J147 - i- .i-i T 1 154 p m. 0 1 , ? 3 17 rn. II V7JDw- vCS f 2 35 pm. It S SSCff X f 1 4 01 a m. J t flr j 5 43 p rn. i t Jirm ir i.tn ;'". "".-'- i . . j j ,: t f I x I - ' ; . I". ; I ' ' : i 1