The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    Springfield Wins
Big-S Oval title
Salem 2nd; Four Records Notched;
Co vail, Relay Men Ring Up Marks
BELL. FIELD. Corvalhs May 7 (Special) Springfield high
Millers today woo the Big -Six league track and field title by scoring
61 18 points in a fast-mqVtng conclave that saw four meet records go
flying. Salem's Vikings placed second vfith 45'a points. Bend third at
30. Albany fourth at 28. Corvallisj
fifth at 24 and Eugene sixth at ?
214- I
The four records came in the j
i 440. broad Jump, javelin ami 830
fyard relay. Salem's Sophomore
Buzz Covalt rambled to the quar-
ter mile mark in the sharp time
Up 'n Over for OCE Points
Morse Show Winds
Up Conclave Today
Thirteen Events Listed on Card
For Finale at Fairgrounds Arena
The Willamette Valley Horseman's Association fifth annual horse
show at the fairground pavilion will conclude its two-day run with
13 more events today. The onemng day ofcthe conclave was still going.
before a large crowd, late last night. j
The events, topped by the
Stojack, LaBell in Tuesday Mat Mainer
of 515. He also ran a lap on
Salem's record-establishing relay
)i-im which scooted to a 1:33
time Tom Bririe, Ron Hall a nd i
Jim Jenson joined Covalt in this i
Albany's George (Junior) Sim-;
on et the broad jump roark
with a terrific leap of 22 feet, j
flt inches. Arid Ratph Sutton of
Bet.d did it in the javelin with a
tm of 171 feet. 3 inches.
CUch Vern Gilmc-e's Vikings
h1 the most first. for the day.
four Besiie Covalt and the
btn passers. Captain Jack Lofti
won the 880 in the good time of
2-QM and Ron Hall won the 220
In a pert 23.1 Salem might have
had another first if pole vaulter
Harold Goheen had not been ill
at hiime today. Springfield had
tlre first'. Bend and Corvallis
two each and Tommy Drynan's
Albany Bulldogs a pair also. Eu
gene was shut out for firsts.
H-H Standf-r iB. Cochran iS.
Kxk Al. Hlni iS. Hil-r 9p.
Ttrf, l rut
11 Jenktna (Spl. Jnpn (Si. Hal!
(Si. r.rror (S. Barber iti Tim 1SJ
Covalt ii. Pjton Sp. Peaae C.
Kiill (Sp). Bender (Spl Time SIS
(ne meet rec i d
Mile Root ( Ada ma 'Si. Rieaer
W.i Rurkhalter 'Sp.. Jrnkim (p.
Tlt f 4 41 3.
IM Hall (S Jf :kTn Sp. Btter
(Ki Jenson 'S. Bj:lr if.' Tim
t3 I -1
LH Eirai Sp SiarJ.fer B-Kerk
iAI. MuJkei i iiiaiani . F. Ti'rte
4 S
Ixf!, S . Gcff iCi. M.rker
Mcndfrwn Bv Wil'fn Tlm
Vulf Sle.,.'
.r-T 'Spl. Rjrkf
(111 He Meir t 1 :
j - i
i ar -a i . ' . .er I ". - 1 41 '--v. e 2
Grand Entry from 2 to 2:15 p. m.
today, are as follows: Bareback j
broncs, stake bending, pleasure ;
hoises. matched calf roping, drill.;
kids' roping scramble, j obstacle
race, matcnea pairs ior ivesieros,
matched cf roping, stock
eliminations, flag ra
cow milking.
Those were the event Saturday
Masealar FYank Stejark. peer
of ail fattier heavy wrestlers m
ut coast; retmrms ta tarn
ta defend the
UUe beid he has
held w 1m c.
StaJaek t
with Eene La
Bell, wht few
aa avt ha a g
gave tha for-
rr WSC ftbaU
use main ---71ai Tm
event ) -' "
H a c b - (V
aaaker El taxi Jgf V-
Owe.', pr.- ZjTf
t his stiff est testa la the
laeal ring.
"Wrtt Jawt sbMt raa nt af
ppaaeBta far Staiack. Owea
re parted ftatarday. "Bat
atreagth af what he hai
pushed here ta the aaai. fa-clad-mg
his impressive perfarmaaee
last Taesday. LaJsetl eertalaly' is
aeeervfng af a aaaia event with
the champ. If he dees well
eaaaga ta It I aalght Una him
ap far a title abet later."
la Taesday'e semi w la dap spe
elal raagh "Red" Lyans takes aa
Billy Haater. the papalar eleaala
fraaa Waahlagtaa. Lyans will be
aaaklBg his secead Saleaa ap-pearaaee.
The Statmcm. Solam. Orajon, Sunday. May t, 194S
Hostak Handy
At Alley Sport
Bill (Ball) Weidner. wha b
Itehlag far a msteh with Stajark
hlaaseJf. alaa aa with LaBell.
taagles with "Leftv" racer, the
raagh aad teaga Deiralt aaath
paw. rarer la a Zaa-paaader.
VTeidaer Is aae af the streaget
grapplers ta apaear here.
Aaather preiiBa will he add
ed ta the card Meada. aaaktag
faar aaatehea la alL Bariy Back
Davidsea will referee.
land mild
.v noting groups irom near
anrfar m Oregon is!l b? in the
cJri;jc:ititin. i r.e snow.' is spon-
5red bv the Associaticn. the Ore
gon Mounted Posse and the Salem
Saddle club It ha drawn over 100
norsemer ir-trr. as far away a.
John Da. Oiego . and part of
Southern Washing. or.
Saturday events were started
off at 10:30 a. m. with a downtown
parade. .
Independence Hopsters
In Record Smashing Win
Independence high Hopsters as expected won the annual Marion-Polk
league's traik and fi?!d met on Ohnger field Saturday, put
ting an erd to a record-smashing day in which new- mark were es
tablished in 13 of the 14 events. The Hopsters captured 11 firsts in
roiling up 88 7 ' 12 joints. Sacred Heart was K.vid with 2334. Stay
ton third with 20 7 12. Monmouth next with 10s and Salem Academy
next with in'-. Philomath did not compete.
The only event in which a retrd wasn't lowered was' the 220
da?h. Jefferson's Jick Grimes
May 7 -(.?- Jerry FuIIman of
Lewis and Clark college took first
place in the slalom today a the
Pacific Northwest Ski association
CI is? B combine title competition
got under way.
tak of Seattle, former world mid.
dleweight boxing champion, is al
so handy with a bowling ball. Ha
moved into fourth place of the
Northwest International Bowling
congress class A singles' today with
a 626 score. ..
Doubles action saw Harry Ber
ger and Harry Hoff. Walla WaUaT)
step into second place of claaa Ar
ranks with 1159. ! ! '
Roberts, former G res ham high
ace. scattered nine hits today aa
he pitched the Oregon State
Rooks to in I to 1 win ever Al
t anr high. j '
romped a .24 lst vear in the first
competition for the le gue. Dewey
James of the lndeos did 21 4 Sat
i urday.
j Double winners for the day were
1 James and Lee Weaver of the Hop
- sters and Al Bello of Sacred He.irt.
BeHo won his favorite 880 event
and the high jump. Best mark of
the day was Dennis Posey's 53.8 ,
in the 440 for Independence. Sinn
maty : !
100: Jamen ill. Powy III. Lloyd (Ml.1
LC.'f . M. 1 7
?20 James iIV Lloyd (Mi. Duckett
(1.. Lytle IM). 24.4.
4-Jiv puw 1I1. Duckett (1 1. .-Bello
(Sill. Goeiten 1SH1. 53.S.
MO: Bello 1SH1. Robinon il. Ward
(Ii Hamilton 'Si. 2 14 9.
Mile: Bell I. Lcke (I). Robinaon
Ui. Witkinf iSIIi. 3 066
H-H' Weaver ili.Selbv ISA). Hard
wick ill Hamilton tSt. 19 flat. i
L-H:: Weaver ill. Doughertv (SH).
Opplier I. Carper . SAi 2 flat.
Shot Titu ill. Harwood U i , Brown
I Si Zeller iSAi. 40 3 ".
Discuji : Harwood ill. Brown (Si
K'-ig ill. Berffquist ill. 125' 7',".
Javelin: Waiter! ill. Slew d IS'
Haidw:rk Ii. Bergqul't (II. 134".
B-J: Dougherty I SH I . Bll ru (S.
OppliBr ill. Ja ne ill 19 8'
H-J BeJIo iSHI. York (S. te be
tween Hi! man ill. S'ewad lS. I. -tie
i.Mi. Mrt'jrthv ISHI. V 2"
Vault Tie between Snvder Five
(Si and Carper i SA 'T.e . , , en P.
Kt ill a-d Kirscli Sr. 9 I' '
T(e?av: Indrpt-ndrni-e riirk--i Op-pllnge;-.
Jam5. Powv . M'moiith and
Sacred Heart. 1:441.2."
Big Hank Decker, aae af the tap paint-getters aa Bid MeArthar's
Oregaa College af Edaeattea Walres track team, shaws haw ha
daes it ia the high Jamp. Decker raa da six feet In the treat. He's
alaa a pale vaulter. (Hank Kaark phaU. OCE).
Medf ord Sinns
Frank Roelandt
MKDFOD. May ? Frank
Roelandt. Oreaon State player in
basketball and basehal'. was an
pointed Medford hieh sc hool head
basketball coach todav Roelandt
will take over the iob from B'1
Hamilton. rei2nef. n-t fall
Roe!?ind i a graduate of Frank
lin hiuh in Port'and and of Ore
gon State college.
t 'U ;
: ,1
,.,,.. 27 II
Ji-n S-.l
te ti it.t iii
(r. n kt irv. !
Dl. l. Re .,
m f. K it x
Dm r. e i jo i
H-J Tie ' .
(f ifei i B ' ar.fl
t f. llf".
i Moote Si:
C and H'in
: J '
Jenkir i rS)i Fiee-
: on r i3-
i - ' j el r -fd I.
B B--.-i-r iS.l. i B ' . M le
i - t r tr rl I i
Luh1. K'. Par--i
iSpi. Moriitfon IS).
Bearcat Cindernwn Defeated
By Lewis & Cl(trks, 851-451 Knier Grab
Johiiiiv Bassier
PCiKTLAND. May 7-C4i -Lewis and Clark college bagged nine
first places and tied fr another to score 85'2 point and win j dual
Northwest ronfeience trck meet today from VVtllarnette win eiity.
T":e Beat cats scored 43'i points, of whic-h Ted Mertz g: 14 to t.ike
D R f
an i k . r h
1 1 F-i e- e
icf Tine 1 M
f : ! Winter 'Al. S'an
ohi iSp. Swiiik lAI
S.-ri: M vra anJ
IV t
f 3 9
A. McDowell
a'i.tihn 't'i J
r 4 11"
a ' Bridge, Hall.
Sim : fMfld; Alrnny
ew i-ee j ec.r 1 .
individual honors for the dav. He
w or- both, liurdle racqs and tied
f'r first n the high jump.
Merlin White. Iewis: and Clark,
won the too ward sprint in 10
seconds flat and the 220. The
other pioneer double winner was
Ray Cranier in shot pit and dis-
Mile 1 -V.Vese.. Willamette; 2
Alford. L.-C. Reals. ; W. Time
4 50 3 minutes 440 ard 1-Cox.
r.-C. 2-Wt!iams. L-C; Irediletto.
W tm e 51 "S second l100 vard
1 -White, L-C; 2-Walker. L-C; 3 W. time 10 0 seconds.
High hurdles l-Mett. W; 2
Ehleringer, L-C; 3-Thomlinson.
L-C Time 16 1 seconds. 880 Yards
1 -Moore, L-C; 2-Hahn. L-C: 3-
. de Kucklev com-i Revnolds. W. Time 2.00 8 minutes .
Reed to fo-ir hits 220 yards 1 -White. LC; 2-Walk-
er. L-C; 3-Shangle. 2 Time 22 0
second Two milei 1-Stauffer.
W; 2-MrEhany. L-C; 3-Jennings.
L-C Tin e 10 42 8 mfriutes. Lo
hurdles t-Mertt. W.; 2-Phillips. '
L-C; 3-McCrae. L-C. Tima 26 0
seconds Mile rela 1-Lewis- j
Clark .F.llmers. Williams. Hahn.
Cox : 2-Willamette. Time 3 40 5 i
j minutes. noi pui i-vum-
er. L-C: 2-Warren. W; 3 -Johns-
rud W DLstance 43 feet B 1-4 in-;
ches -.Ia elm 1 -Hall. W; 2-rors- ,
gren. L-C: 3-Stephens; L-C. Dist- j
ame 18S feet. Discus 1 -Cramer;
L-(. : 2-Oottfrird. W; 3-Larson. :
L-C Distance 121 feet 3 inches ;
Hih jump 1-Gengler. L-C. and
Merti. W. tied for first; 3-Larson.;
L-C Height 3 feet 8 Inches. Pole
vault 1-Bakke. r.-C. and No i. W.
L-C". 3-B.i r hour. L-C. and New. 2.
tied. Heigh: 12 feet, (j in'hev
Broad jun.p- 1 -Staples. L-C: 2
McCrea. W. 3-Maudlin. W. Dist
ance 21 feot 4 1-2 inches.
IHIRTLAND. My 7, -(Special)
Ore n CoMece of Vsiucati m'i
lnseL.tletii " vhalked up their
fun ! s'la1! win todav a they
topped FT eed i oilege. t-2 H(ii !
t link an. I ( '!.
Dine.1 to h.iid Reed to
and Buck lev paced the ( K'E at
tack wild h hi-mer and tiiple.
(X'K. 000 001 1136 12 2
F-i , Odl 000 100- 2 4 2
Funk. Burklev (5) and Nas
mau: Caien'er. Knber'g (5 an.l
EUGF.NK. Ore. May 7 - P
Oiegon Frosh captured both ends
of a ba.sehall doubleheader todar
defeating Klamath Falls high. 10
to 6. and then shutting out Lugt-rie
PORTLAND. May 7-i.i-Seat-tle
has hiri?d Johnny Bassler.
M ilibu Beach. Calif., to put his
coaching touch on the Rainier
pitching staff and polish rookie
Sammv White.
A former Coast league catcher.
Bassler managed Seattle in 1937
He wa a coach with the Cleve
land Indian later and credited
with polishing Boh Feller from a
strong arme'd youth into a mound
threat of the first rank.
Varsity Bat9 Alums
PULLMAN. Wah.. May 7 -i.Pi
Freshman Bud Roffier led te
Washington State football var
sity to a 2a to 7 victory over the
"Cougar alumni" ' today m a
spring training practice game.
Jerry Williams, fleet Cougar
scatback of 1918. scored the
alumni's only touchdown lata in
the second period wjth the long
est run of the day. He took .1
behind-the-line pass from Bob
George and ran 48 yard to score
j"IIolty" If
ft Mri? Don't lor, folks, torolahl
if YrX ar"d S'inviay--th f?o r a a
0 f V show out at this Fair-
f f . ACzf Aijro':rds Stadium! Thai
f K It llL.a .... ir n. it 4
men '3 Asscx-iotion, the
Orjon Mounted Police
and the Salem Saddle Club thre bisj shows in on
and for one price. Talking abo"t" horse shows riiiindi
me o that new shipnient-of s;r!in-J silver western bIt
buckle sets, wristwatch bands tor ho'h man and
women, hat bands, sterling western pins for "lodis
yes. and diair.cnd set sterl;r:sj spur wnuvji. Now lolkV
tlieie is something real classy. In case you.iolks want
to make a tew side bets op.
(pardori me
stojK. ot western ;ewe.iv
dumber her
w or r
... , MM
a special aTT ;ut tnin 01 lU!y lacKson la
P. S. Ii
h:-, we
g.i 4 ":!.er
you -jo sj t'.ir as
consider b-:
1 T0ii tor,
on supply the diamond studd-,i
'. tiiij to ou) tor that, too.
o en-
r-f a liWc aa ft5 tt
alcc aWwa aj
Jackson Jewelers
22S No. Liberty SL
Just Around th Carner frans Sally's
t cs va fsa tm vm.
ves tat cas mi vm m 11 tm. cas w Ksa' as rat am ot tm .
PRLNKVILLfc. May T-IV -Crook
county wili put out more moricv
l?r killing covotes and we.S '
' this yeir. The budget Ixni.' -''
high. 12 to 0 The nightcap wa aside $2500 .f or a government
a no-hit. no-run oi'ching victory , ti ar e: rd S15CH1 for a uuinly
for Jim Courtwright. weed inspector.
Ask Ted Starrk
iHf .
Tahle of Coaslpl Tides
a S7 a m. 3 2 J f a m J
I'l 10 p m as 3rtpm. S7
M II 01 a m 5 2 4 M a m - 4
ItWpm. 72 in pm II
II II 04 p n S3 J nr. -II
II H pm : . l p m IS
II I N pm. S 2 24 a m -1 7
V7 r ,n 1 I
IS It OS m 7 5 7 12 rn -IB
I M pm S ! l a 'i- 2 4i
14 12 44 a m. 7 3 ! M en IS
t tf pm SO 7 2.1 p m 2S '
Western Stores
If " Guaranteed Lowest
Price In Town
Par Roll
O 4S pounds 1 QS
square feat
Complete with nails
and cement
Not juat ordinary roofing,
but heavy asphalt felt base
ro' led roofing. Also your
choice of 3 colors in slat
covered rolled roofing.
The finet roofjrg money can buyL Jf5-lbs. per KM sq ft.
190 pure asphalt long fibred felt base . . ; Vermont
slate granule szitt. Available in rrany colors. Underwriters
Also - Hex Shiisglos lot-lbs. par 100 Sq. Ft.
K. tT. Car. Caaart CaaaaaereiaJ Straea
jgg Officio I rgitfroien figures prove that more 7
HyKW popl im Chavrolet trucks ... that mora y?fcfaKgysM
ByVa poopl pnff ChsvroM't outstanding feo "T-i
1 $ for yourself how much more Chav-
A Screen Test?
This is the season when your screens play a
leading part . . . better check them now
. . . then SHOP KEITH BROWN.
For Screen Doors
Standard sixes, 6 " high.
Three widths, 2 6", 2'S"
and 3'. Sharp reductions.
Window Screens ;
Siiaa 12 x 20"" to 32" up
to 24" a 2V to 45". N
fasteners; just sat in .place.
All-Aluminum Rylock
Terion Window Screens
Easy to install, never have to paint,
always tight, low cost.
PLASTIC SCREEN REMNANTS. 25 5 for a dollar!
lengths to order. J
SCREEN DOOR HARDWARE SETS with Spring Hinges from'
40c. ; . ' .:
prof arrod. ' fj
t j
Substantial Reductions in Andows j
Wo have in stock for immediate delivery, standard siiea dou
ble run, standard pattern windows.
Why Drive AH Over Town .
j - - 1 1 -
isaa Trt1-
510 N. ComnierriAl St.