The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    iYeic Jextelry Store to Open Monday
. L
Opening' dar in a new location will be Monday for the Raymond G. Warren Jewelry store and watch
repair shop. Pictured above to a portion of the new store at 234 N. High si. with Warren and his
daafhtrr. Dorethv. at left. Warren's other repair shop, operated at 141 S. Liberty tt. for more than
three rears, will be continued la charge of Alvin Marr, watchmaker. (Photo by Don Dill. Statesman
staff photographer.)
W arren to Open
Jfwelrv Sure in
Hold Building
R G. Warren uili open his
j'A-lry store Monday at 234 N
)fih it. Jn a iim retently com
j leted In tte Seiiator hotel buliri
iiilt Warren -a ill retain the lot;-.-lion
at 14! S J-ii erty t for wat . 1
letjjiirlrig at
the prefer;!
T),e new tf le a ill
Vatiht finri a general
Jewelfy arid ic-ntin,.i to
fe t ii : t
line of
ie watch ' n-f ; ir A. r rk
Wan en .b;-. ' i-en m I imi.c
in Salt-m ' e J .! 'i-'-i.' ai. i
pritr to tr .(t oj ratcii a jeAeii
tre in C"or aiii He is ctie m
jiirrlen ri;h v.Vrk nnrl r,r. -ereM
president cf the S.Wm h"'
s lety.
Cancer Drive
To Continue
K!lov. :ng a siiw t rf r t . the fiiive
tr. M..i .
the An t-
VJikt! 'M
1 ui.ty for
si ( ';in t m
$6. (KKi 11
i-lv c.n;
20. !(! it M F.m her, chairn'u.n.
aiiiioi.T i - jj S.i t ui Hay
I.e ihan $ h.OOO has be-n re
ceived at Mancn county's drive
headquarter. 229 N Liberty tt.
Cat er coin Ijoxes displayed by
the M.unn conrtv fommittee In
nus 1 ;.nf 1 f buMti": thrmuh
cut the ; t e. v. :M nft t r. lU'ctffl
until Mav 20 and tin ! iontent. ;
re-, expected to swell the tfital !
eonirierably. arc-ird"ng to "Mr
F.arl Snoll. co-rhairmn of. the
Among individuals promoting
the campaign in their communi-
tie? are Mr. Fiank Porter. Silver- j
ton: Mr. Tnii5 Ferri. Stayton; !
Mm. (iilb"it Ioney and L. L.
Fhlelds. Jefferson.
On Passports (
Now Available
Added ir foimation to th-e Bp
rlving far forefim pa.sp-tt ;t
the office of Marion Countv fle'k
Ifarlsn Judit is now available
Judii lepoited Sflfurday.
Judii ,s.-id he is now ar 'e t"
advise 11 the o i.i.ti u '
reulatior'.s c o n c e r nn.g 1.
health t ei tific e-. pt' ce tii
rates currency eve'-.ce i;.te-
nd c-ther '? eijuireirier-t-
Judd office take tpplictioiu ;
for passport The new mforma- I
tlon. he said, had often been
ought before but he had no offi
cial source tyitil last week.
Van Dvke. Mi-Kay
Decide Committee.
Frank Yin Dvke. spe..ker of
the Oregon house of repiesenta
tives. atrivefi in Salem eaily Sat
urday to confer with Gov. Doug- J
Lits McKay ln-connection with ap- j
pointment of house members on i
everal interim 1 ommitlees of the
xevent IcRislatuie. ,
Senate President WilUam Walsh :
as";tci amv in Salem Wednes-j
Jay- or Thursday. Van Dyke said
Y.t planned to announce memr-ers
f these committees, in coopera- :
tion w ith the governor. ! next i
w eek. Approximately a dozen In
tel im committee were created
during the 1949 legislative session
218 Oregon BWr, Salem
Phone 2-4491
to. a
i -
C. A. Schaef er
President of
TB Association
C A Shi, fer. of Sj!"in wa
eletted presjdert of the Marifi
fo.,nv T'irir,'.lois anfc! Health
as'f ,.,ir -;it the a iation'
.i- ... rii "1t c. Ft ir av r ipht ir
-n YiU t,;.!, of Ft rtjt'n Var
j ;'i irrrrjv f: -t Uc
U . -ds (i-U-ftn B iel
V ' ' n ( t!.a f.f (h e' s
fc,v in. lude Dr. Wo'
ren. first vice presj
("!etu Put.sch. Mr
l t ' !
A I '
! ( ' !
it F. H-i
1. r.t Mrs
rid ii e presiier;t, and
I' K:ef. tiensurer. The' Pf
C ef H Swift was elef tef! to
the ,(! d of directpn r.d Betty
F' f-i n as recording secretary
.'. .1 spesiker of the meeting
A.i- Dr. firmer Bellinger, super
intendent if the state tsiberculo-is
k.upital hee' Other features of
he. prograrn included invocation
bv th Rrv.i Mr. Swift, a mwirsl
siif. by Jfn Srhnetder. and a
'ending .v f'na Ber-tefher
At a twsfa.e-? vessiotv commit
tee refrts ti.rr:e from Sirs. Ri.b.
BiinneU. exe i:tte s- retary. and
other comrnjilff hearty Visitfn
Included Thoma M.ijjee. of Pirt
land, Jtate education, office: Ij's
Roblson. Multnomah County Tu
berculosis and Health ajtcociatior.
and Mrs. Ethel Palmes, Yamhill
county association
Ij. Parker (raIi)ate
From Air Force Seliool
S"corid Lieutenant Orpheus I.
Pniker. sod ofp L I fs 1 1' . Am
N. Church? st. S;, iem. O . v.,
grafiuiiten V ith hor.01 . f i mi ;
air f.r ce ' aimament t-.-iiir:
cturse at th.ibase near Dpt"
lie led the class w hich f'C'mpiete.l
training Api 1! 26
P;i t ker an Org'n
piisiiii v 'at'ci betoif he 're-entoi eo
active duty lst faH.
Suits Sek Jf().(M)()
In anport Damage
Pv'KTLAND. May ? ;.-.'i- An
other serie of suits against th
gov i ntnent bring to $60,000 ti e
anbiint former Vanpoil resiients
ate seeking for the destruction of
that housirig prfiject In "last vear s
The 20 stilts-allege the Portland
housing aujhoiity and c-ti.c-i gov
ernment ageftx ies vere; negligeiit
and deiayejd warnings
rTH n
v 1 t . I ' ' II 1 ' 1 f
You're oswr'd of Skilled Croft jmonship. Quality Materiols
' 0d precision len-Gf "dtng when yow bring your prescription
to SEMLER Optical Offices. New smart styles, colorful fromes.
Liberal Crtdit . . . Less than 10c a Day
Get your glasses HOWI Poy lofer on SEMLER S Eosy Terms.
SmoB Weekly or; Monthly Amounts . . . NO EXTRA COSTI
htm W4if m $! S 9
'Malt, m4 Tfi Fol Gt
ym ait yvwr eno. Urn r
i Mm inn
STIT -21LVM 111 W""' "' UR-$TATf COMMEROAl On
'.5 '-.
C. Wickens
Rites Monday
I Final rites for Charles W. Wick
! ens. 176 Fiiirmount St. who died
at a Salem hospital Friday, will
be held at Fd.vard Hoiman and
Son mortuary in Portland at 1
p rr. Monday, with interment at
Lincoln Memorial cmeteiy.
Wu kens. 58. native cf Fran
f':t. X Y. and a MMier.t
S.'dcm for three ye.ifs, is ur r. ed
by his wnio'A. V. Oijie Vnkci;
i :s mother. Mrs. Fli.,i.eth
er.s. L'tn-if. N V.. 1 a iUjso,.
Wiii.s C. ("ia:k. S.i :!!,
Governor Eiilon-es
National Hearing Wt'ek
National H-: ing v. tt-k. May K
to 14. six n:-o;ed uy the Pt : ti.t.i
Hear l.-.g sm .tty. ie e.v eri the et.
dorst;u -nt Sat. id. v cf (ii v
Dentil, s McKav .
The protiarn sti esse L th ct ri
se 1 v atiori ;r: t pi t-v t-i:t .011 ft i,i-
eas s ar
ing the
k s. -
Ciety rr.en ht is w ill a.-ip.aint ,' .
put ho vvi'l, the co'ii atK'i. "
can give thtx-e wi'.h lt it !...
Il Costs No More
To Bo Safe!
You don't hae to pay a
price for pure, accurately
filled prescriptions. Let our
skilled pharmacists com- 1
pound our needs at fair '
le'el prices.
Drug Store
Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123
135 North Commercial
fjoi mow
1b GO.foi; ipitfv
To Pay Fourth
Visit to County
The Red Cross blrdrnobile
from the Portland regional blood
center comes to Sa.em Tuesday.
for its fourth visitation 10 ,ne i
i county, starting work at 10 a. m.
; in Firt Methodist church
Goal of the local committee is
at least 100 pints, on each isit of
the bloodmobile. because the;
, fewer the donors the higher the f
cost to the Red Cross per pint in
maintaining tins program and be-
, cause . otherwise Marion 4xjunty
will not have enough b!od - ;
turned here for its use. said Mil- j
ton L. Meyers, local blood pro- i
gram chairman. Biood donatedv
here is taken to the Portland cen
ter for process.r.g. then is return
ed here to be on hand at local hos
pitals for free use to all in need
jof it.
j Those figned to donate next
! Tuesday were asked to keep their
1 appointments or cancel in t:me to
enable the committee to sign up
a substitute. j
A limited number of "drop-ins. ,
tho-e not having appointments i
Holds more than
110 lbs. ,f food.
a. .a l
ADVANCED FEATURES for Better Eating ... Better Living!
255 II. Liberty
schdu3d, can be handled.
Donors should be between 11
and 59 yer of age although
those over 18 and under 21 may
give blood upon written consent
of their parents. For a period of
four hours prior to the donation,
donors should avoid fatty or fried
foods, including butter and cream.
They may eat fruit or fruit juices,
jam, marmalade, honey, preser
ves, dry toast or crackers, and
may have tea or coffee with sugar
but without cream.
A period of eight weeks must
elapse between donations.
Swedish Diplomats
To Visit Salem -to
Confer with MeKav
Salem will be host Tuesday to
Swedish diplomatic officials who
will he in Oregon on a visit to
Gov. Douglas McKay The visit
ors will, be Erik Boheman. am
basc.iicr to the U. S . and Manne
Lindholm, consul at San Fran
cisco. The governor is gixir.g a lunch
eon for the guests T.iesday noon
at the Legion club, to iYu'ude a
small party of local officials, in
dustrialists and business men.
The diplomats will also confer
officially with the governor be
fore proceeding to Portland where
they will spend Wednesday.
Retail Price Delivered
and Installed.
Freeies wmi star as feed
Storage basilars
Slarf Mdtrs
PWsti breaker fian
latarise Kfirt aad U4 Ud
Ca tee 1cea U
Plastic U baer
Paslthn adfaa Urdb
Tssaesialw caatral
0aa-aiec steal
I z :
Police Officials to
Attend Conclave
Salem Police Chief C. A. War
ren plans to attend the two-day
convention of the Oregon Associa
tion of City Police Officers at
! Klamath Falls on Monday and
Tuesday. j
Capt Walter Lansing of the I
state police and Elmer H. Halstead, '
j education, also' will attend from
j Salem.
Round-table sessions on police ;
training, police methods and cur
rent unsolved cases in the north
west will feature the convention.
Racing Pigeons to
Flv Home to Seattle
The season's second group of
racing pegions on the Salem
Seattle shuttle will be released
here this morning at 8 o'clock, ac
cording to Railway Express of-
! ficials. On the basis of past per
formance the birds, some 200 of
set or rail
Ea. 2749. Portland
Phone 3-8797. Salem r
1 ItAOf MACK lia. ULlfALOrlk
Other models available to fit the needs
of every family. From $129 95 to $599 50.
As little as $26 95 down, $5 51 per mo
0 tflrfcrfif
Tw. casts af wWl
4" af iaswhrtiae
Catenae fciagss
Taa saace
Oaiat caasfressar
seaiei hi eJ
Five year
f4 aratarriaa plaa
Solcn Oregon
Th Stcrimgn." Salem,
them, will be in Seattle about four
hours later.
The pigeons belong to members
of Seattle Racing Pigeon club.
When You
O Completely
Automatic O 5 Year Warranty
(on sealed-in-
. : It M f
Trade-in allowance for your
y 255 N. Liberty Street
trtara la only ora "Xfpirmxm" home fraaier '
Ak for It br nsnw. And aee yotir dealer for proof J
that a Deepreeie bom freezer paja for Itself, pay
70a a profit beaide.
Owners of a Deepfreeze borne freezer kave a '
"food bank". Banking hi ay of pro tiding fur the ; .
future; the same ia true of a Deepfreeze home J
freezer. Both art forms of personal preparedness, j
; 1 i :
Bhop only when it's con
venient. Buy in quantity
when prices are right and
simply freeze your fuodi and
banff them for use in months
to come. Those unexpected
trurata hemme a oleasant
sururise. fn iust a few
utes you can prepare
for your Deepfreeze home freezer leu you cook,
bake and bank food for many weeks ahead.
You can bank your food . . . good cooked foods
that vou freeze and store. Left
SVjgf Jl? the calendar. Frozen food !
V know no aeaaon.
CmhiWrflrwif M.i.iljir't
MwnmT, Mm frmmt a.lilH pmthtd
wtrtt hSm tt hy ti.mswaws.
Srtil tK mt Mm mmd wWk
Thee iseekljrona
Oregon, Sundar. Mar . 1843-
After releasing them at the ri
way depot, the express office no
Ces the club as to weather col
dittoes surrounding the takeoff;
Can Have
O Exclusive
Water Saver
Cleans Itself
- Bk. .BSk. sssssssi
For Only
a banouet or a daily meal'
1 .1 I
overs become meals prepared
ahead. You can deposit and!
withdraw from your food-
frMr news a Dpfrf
Wm4t ft ST mmd HMtSt Um rMnfk
. . J. . f .v
. ' : ' :i :
Phons 343111
. 1