The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Oregon. Sundayy Mar !
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TUNINC U P Leo Moore, whose North Hoflywed-baIlt ran Cabbed one-two In two Indian
spoils races, stands behind George Connor In a rebailt ear h will drtre In the 1949 classic.
5 '-'
,-- - .- ;
a a ov mm w a a av a ok k. .
waibk J M I N U. UUUBLC Bruce Prkrr. I'. S.
rkampion. and MaHr! Srhard (Ire PacrU Rlrmns a new thrill as
tfcry w bin aver the waters of Laquillo Lake at 3 miles an hoar.
IVjrTrl Shelton
s r AYTON Fur.'" .;
f it- I Shelton. h
2 i m May
V 4 f'uneriil home ;n
!! n
. i F i- j
.(' i in ;
ii. ft rn !
t - 1311 !
ooi rowers
Elect Officers
Pitnil.AND, May 7 -fSpecta!)
U I, i'.i . k was reelected pfesi
dftxt ' the I'.i' ific Wool Growers.
iaipf:.i'.ej marketing as-ocsation
nirr.boi's in five wes'ern
V. !".
i id
sr.oi tlv
afterward Mav
r- ' with his family It Sty
!: r Apru 12. ha wa
ririw-l to Ainu Tonkins of
It- . ixvitlr T! ry ha1 rsi it-i In
t i ;! the -i.p-t fi e yoar
S"iunrs ft re th wH-iw. two
(nu'l d-i:Khters. C'aiol Lynn and
nv Ann: parent. Mr -n i Ir.
F'yt S; ritpn of S'avton. hioth
ei i. Vi;! of Lakeviow, Rex and
1? tun ,.f S;lrm. Lyle of Suy-
rottage Cirove;
ty atley or tay-
lf fiH .f SiIcm. Lyl
t t" ti i MauriVe of Cot'
a'-r. M; Betty Sat!
Walnut Spray
Notice Posted
T- e srrond wa'.nut blight spray
fi in has boon received br the
Cfi'itv agent's office from Dr. P.
W Miller, USDA plaat pstholo
gt tJ.ioned at Oregon State
vi'e- Miller advUes growers on
t,,' v alley floor t- spray by May 9
Fit her Bordeaux mixture or
:! itipioc t spray is recm-tn-'n
itr! Gro rs following a
d iitfie. proqrn v can .us tho apo
Vt' walnut h :t dut mixture
t'-wr-iy ri' ,r,men(icd Miller
dt!!irn st weekly spplt-
dusti ha t been
i until
; -d
1 1 d 'lf
"e Mme
d Easter
:on is a motnber
1 bj the per-
Use Organic
The risjht way to re
build K-Hl
O Free of eeds
6 sacks S5.00
Bulk - 1 ton $10.00
2 tons 17.50
Froo delivery anywhert
in Salem area.
Ffcns 3-8127
Librarians to
Revive Fight
For Legislation
Br IJIHe I.. Madsen
Tho Oregon library aid bill
whirh did not pas leai'ilatre
at -the session Just closed, is not
to be a dead issue, librarian
voted Saturday at tho annual
meeting of the Oregon Library
association. Tho morning busi
ness session was held at. the
chamber of commerce and the
noon luncheon at Marion hotel.
The bill, librarians stated will
not only le brought up at the
next legislature but at the fol
lowing, too. if neesary. How
ever, spokesmen for the bill
agreed that "its importance was
probably not known" and that
lack of understanding was largely
responsible for its treatment.
Work on getting It before the
public should start earlier than
' two months before legislation,"
the group agreed.
Elizabeth Ftndlr of tho Uni
versity of Oregon library staff,
was named vice president and
president-elect Saturday by the
150 librarians and board mem
bers attending. Marie Sneed,
Portland libraryassociation. was
elected secretary and Cora Ma
son, Ashland, treasurer. Mary
Paul Goodrich. Hood River coun
ty library, vice president during
the past year, was advanced to
Presiding Saturday were Mar
E Phillips. Portland Library asso
ciation, president; Agnes Swan
son. I?wis and Clark college li
brarian, secretary, and Mrs. June
Williams.- Oregon City librarian,
Mary Blossom, president of the
Pacific Northwest Library asso
ri,tion announced thit this group
would bold its annual meeting
at Vancouver. B C . A':u"it 22
to 25 at which Steward Ho'.brook
Will be featured speaker.
Dan Graves, Willamette univer
sity library, reporting on the work
: of the ' Intellectual F reedom"
! committee, said that so f ir there
l had been no need for censorship
investigations within Oregon,
i Eleanor Stephens, Mate librarian.
spoke of the importance of this
committee In national library
At tho luncheon meeting, hell
at Marion hotel, a panel discus
sion on research work in hutforlca
sources was held with Verni?
Phone Firm
Criticized for
Job Policies f
In a letter to Tho Statesman.
Len Lorir.g of the Oregon Tele
phone union, Portland, requests
tho privilege of stating tho basis
of its opposition to the application
of Pacific Telephone and Tele
graph company for a rate increase.
The executive board of tao
union, writes Loring, has petition
ed Commissioner George H. FLagg
to withhold any rate increase "at
least until such time as this com
pany meets its responsibilities to
the state of Oregon, its citizens
and World War II veterans by
complying with a state law with
which it has continuously failed to
It charges tho company with
"outrageous discrimination"
against some 800 World War II
veterans in its employ-by denying
them training and compensation
for which they are eligible. Lcr
ing asserts that the state appren
ticeship council refuses toapprovo
the telephone company as a train
ing agency because it does not
abide by the state law and plan of
apprenticeship. He charges "that
as a result tho veterans suffer
"substantial lasses in education
and money" and appeals to
citizens of tho state to support the
position of tho union in opposing
rate increases to tho telephone
Aviation Day
Minus Stunts
REDMOND. May 7 Cerr
tral Oregon aviation day will be
safe and sane although quite a
few persons will get thrills.
Those will be the ones who
have never been in the air be
fore. The Juno 12 event will be
staged without stunts or spec
tacles. The idea will tva to set
land-lovers acquainted with51!
planes and up in the air for
their first rides.
Bus Line to Sell
Package Vacations
A wide variety of "package va
cations" 'o be provided this year
by Greyhound bus lines was an
nounced yesterday by V. H. Switz
er local agent.
The tours range from a 32-day
trip to the historic east to a four
day jaunt to Crater lake. They are
not "conducted"' tours, according
to Switzer, but the travelers go by
regular bus schedules, planned to
meet individaul or group interests
They include side trips and hotel
Grains Drop at
' CHICAGO. May 7 -f.-P -Grains
ran into some fairly heavy sell
ing pressure toward the close on
the board of trade today. They
promptly dropped, all wheat de
liveries tumbling 2 cents or more.
Losses in other commodities were
less severe.
Prior to the last 30 minutes,
wheat had shown some firmness.
The may contract had advanced
around a cent, making a new
high for the week. But when it
touched' $2.25, getting back all
of last jveek's rice break, it
found a lot of selling orders in
the market.
At the close wheat was 2 to
2ls lower, corn was i-l1 low
er, oats were H to 1 cents lower,
rye was 4 to 1 cent lower, soy
beans were l1 lower to li higher
and lard was unchanged to IS
cents a hundred pounds lower.
Health Bureau
Plans Crippled
Giildren Clinic
A crippled children's clinic will
be conducted Wednesday and
Thursday at First Congregational
church under auspices of Marion
county health department
Dr. E. G. Chuinard. orthopedist,
will conduct the clinis from 9 a.m.
to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. on
both days. Attendance Is limited
fo thooe with appointments. Ap
pointments may be made by call
lng 3-9203. f
Other items on tho department's
schedule this wrck include:
Monday Immunizations for J
children at 'the department's
headquarters in the Masonic
building, 10 a m. to noon and 3 to
5 p.m.
Wedaesday Fluoroscopic clin
ic at Salem Memorial hospital (Ly
appointment only), 1 to 2 p.m.
Thursday Well baby confer
ence at the health department (by
appointment only), 9:30 to U:20
a. m.
Friday Child guidance clinic
Uons for adults and children at
the health department. 10 a.m.ito
noon and 1 1f S pjn. j ji
Sa tarda y Examinations lor
food and milk handlers, t:30 to 4
p.m., arid immunizations for chil
dren and adults at the health d
partment. 8:30 to rfcSO a m.
v' I
PRINEVILLE, May 7-()-Tho
state convention of the Oregon
Women's Christian- Temperance
Union will be held? here Septem
ber 20-23. About 100 delegates ;
are expected. ... .jt j- - j
The duck hawk Is reported : k
toy ippoinnntnu, ijn. 10 roonjD me iastest 1 lying bird in tho
and 1 to 4 an immuniza-"fTJnited States.
Roomette Car
Added to Train
Addition of a roomette car to
the all-Pullman Southern Pacific
Cascade train between Portland
and San Francisco will be effect
tive May 14. according to J'. A.
Ormandv. general passenger
agent. This will be the first time
this equipment has been offered
on the run.
The car will have 12 single
roomettes, two single .bedrooms
'and three double bedrooms.
" f, : .' . !" ... ,' . ... .-. ., , -
e"Kow to keep em down on the Farm!
One of my customers stopped
Die the other day sad uyt,
"Since I got my Far mall Cub
tractor the kids ara always
scrapping about wantine to
driye it."
"Well, years ago wo used to
crap, too," I tays, "but not be
cause we -u mnud to do the hard
fob on the farm! fsure hated
to rassle' the old walking plow
or ride a bucking disk harrow,
those daft ar gone forever. My Farmall
my boy satisfied to stay
That's right," bo says.
Cub with fingertip Touch -Control nukes
rignt at home.
"Glad to hear it," I says. "And don't forget sot mo
U you need service, I m always hero.
James H, Maden Co,
tlie spring meeting of
if directors, held at trio
' offu-e in Irtlarid on
fi B. F. McCombs. Oiuk,
;.r l H. A Ward; Portland,
named vice presidents, and
C. E GrcSe. Poiiland, was re
elected secretary-treasurer,.
Directors, present wete J. T.
Alexander.- Chehalis." Wash.;
Stanlor ChHstensen. McMmn i'.!e;
R. L. Clark, Portland, Floyd H
Edwards. Albany; Ronald V. Hogg.
Salem: C jM. Hubbard, Junction Bright, author of the historical
City; Gayrd Madison, Echo; B. j epic. "Mountain Man" and Martin
F. McCombs, Orick. Calif: R G. Schmitt. co-author of the his
McKenzie. 5xes: G A. Sandner. tortcal picture book. "Fighting In
fScio; P. 31. Spillman. Powell ; dians of tho West." took part
Butte, and C. C. Eubank, Ogden, ! Claire Wamer Churchill, Port-l-?tah.
1 land, was moderator.
295S Silverton Road
Salem, Oregon
Ph. 24123
Liquid Spray, Feriilize and Pusi
Fertilizer applied ai the rale oi $1.00 per acre, up io 100 pounds
per acre.
Dnsling $1.50 per acre for anything over 50 acres. Ships capable
of carrying 1,000 pounds and flown by our same
C. . ;h 16 Planes at One Time II Need Be to Fill Your Requirement
! 1 i
I -V
P. O. Box 109. Salem, Ore.
Phone 3-6178
THE BIRKE has a simple,
f anrtinal plan, soitablo for
a small family. It features
generous closet spare with
a minimum of wasted space.
Because the simple wall
and roof lines of The Birko.
the eoot of construction is re
duced. Comer windows fea
tured in v The Birko have
wide eav overhang, which
takes a war the box-like
effect, often associated with
small rectanrslar basse
Shop for yoor bnildiajr materials hero ... a complete stock
from a 1 a to needs for a whole bosse. Toe save doably
by gettlag the best for the lowest price and by asking for year
xi f n ' I
S Lamps
Per more iafermatien on The Birke. stop
In. Bin prlaU availablo.
Colgan Lumber Co.
1020 No. Ubertr
of jfri.
oo ar a nt caA
JEksreb wiiffl&Hr$
IpoK at its clean, and sweeping lines so un
mistakably Buick tho room expressed
in its broad beam the level-Joinf smooth
ness shown in its sizable length.
Now slip in. Settle back. Take in the
spread-out room everywhere even to extra
room overhead from super-soft seats that
cradle you deeper.
Then notice this: You can really tee!
See more of everything easier through its
higher and wider windshield set in narrower
corner posts through its deep side win
dows, and its one-piece rear window that
makes parking and backing up so much
Your whole outlook is broadened and driv
ing becomes safer and more fun because
high visibility here goes along with comfort.
So do plenty of other thingslike (J .
htrtti BUICK m-iU hmUM
Dynsflow Drive, lively Fireball power, coll
springs all round, and big soft tires, and
extra-wide rims for comfort with safety.
And all at prices that make this beauty the
buy of the year I
See for yourself at the nearest Buick deal
er's, where you will find your dollars buying
so much you'll get your order in fast.
BUit'K Um hat mil thm tatnr
sak-tnooot DYHAnow Drrvr . fvu-vww woo from
ntorg.d glow or ma SWIHO-tASY DOOM and oy accm.
'LTVWG SfACrtrmtfOfS w D.-Ood. tvthlon. . tvor--riding
bght powar wj sitting vAivt urmts u wo&gb
hrw ea SAfmr-aiOf IMS OOSfX UJmO mm o soo.
iwctina rod SOOT SfrlSHCt
ZiS N. Commercial St.
Salesn, Orrgoti