2 Thm Statsttancn. Solin, Oracoo. Sunday, Mcrf 1841 -, ... y ' - x. - : " " '' 2 . I . i V ' "1" -i ; . - x M - - - t v - . ': ; ' J r 4... v a ' w v'ic vGr Lorra: TIIDT Lurl Social hour club of Wt Sa iar rnul C 30 nwtol dlah tuppcr Hi-Y Hottltn mrt at YMCA WORLD Salem rt association h -h-duled moie ihowings of special films for month and n?t. A g i oup of famous Gmn motion pi-it-s i listed for showing Jn i ide1 a! b "The Cabinet of Lr t'ahsari." On J.ire 12. Mrs Clifford Tay-1-ir will r,ow pictures hich nhe l-jk at cjiiriens of the south, In- Cl iilirijt r-ny from t e famous i cU inrrnoon club 1 IJ drwrt lunrh Convention To Open Friday Several hundred members of the Business and Professional Wom en's, clubs from all over Oregon will arrive In the4 capital Friday morning for the three day annual state convention. Business sessions will be held at the First Method ist church with Mrs. Arthur Wed dle of Salem, the state president, presiding. Officers for the ensu- ing year will be elected Saturday afternoon with installation slated for Sunday morning at the presi- ! dent's breakfast with Mrs. Weddle ) the installing officer. Distinguished guests to be in the capital fr the convention will be Judge Sarah T. Hughes of Dal las, Texas, first vice president of the National Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc., who will arrive in Sa lem by plane on Friday afternoon. She has served as a member of the Texas legislature and as judge of the 14th district court since 1936 and was unopposed for reelection this last term beginning Janu ary. 1949. Social highlight of the coijven tion will be the formal banquets to be held simultaneousy Saturday i night at the Marion hotel and Legion club, with a reception fol lowing at the armory. Judge Hughes will be the guest speaker and an Interesting program will follow. Mrs. John Versteeg. newly elec ted president of the Salem club, is general convention chairman. Hollywood LJotM auxiliary will elect officers at the regular May meeting at the Lions Den, Wed nesday, May 11. at 8 30 p. m. F-ach member is asked to bring a wrjtf ped "white elephant" for sale during the evening. Entertain ment will be movies by Eddie Lewis and music by Boy Scout troop 3. Hostesses are Mrs. C. D. Cox, chairman; Mr. L. R. Tho mas. Mrs. C. A. Gies, and Mrs. C. R. Lindstrom Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kngel are spending the week end in Portland with their sons-in-law and daugh ters and families, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. John Klerulff. LABISH GARDENS The La- bish Gardens club met at th home of Mrs. Z. A. Gregg with Mrs. Henry Voelach and Mrs. Gregg as hostesses. The next meeting will be on May 31 at the home of Mrs. Nels Haugen. Mr and Mrs. Jul Faar and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Omholt were din- Mrs. George Swift is to be In j ner guMts recently of Mrs. Faar'j charge of the Mothers day meet- daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and mg of Salem Woman's club to i Mrs. Rar Crawford of Salem, hon- ijm. with ti Gta.fi ASarrs. o;n held Saturday, May 14. Mrs. oring Mrs. Crawford's birthday. Mrion0-pjik county Medical euxii- Harlan Judd is tea chairman and Mr. and Mrs. E: Brlnen and Mr with Mrs. wtiham I.. Lidovck. : her committee includes Mrs. Clar- i and Mrs. H. N. Omholt are corns - v; .:'- irimti and embroidered, gown is Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell. jr., Tuyicr. dau-?h-?r of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Austin C. Taylor of Mo'al'.a, before -D-rje on A?:;'. ) at th F;:3t Bcjphst ch'irrh. The groom is the son of Mrs. Beth A-5vi;i. The i.w'.ywkJ3 will live tn.Sj!m. Js?en-Milier). CLtB CALENDAR MONDAY Chapter AB of PCO. with Mrs Ar thur Bon. . roiAt I, t U p m Salrrn MfmOrlal hospital aualliary nwt at hospital. 1 30 p m. Woman's Club to Meet May 14 tnn Wilson. Mrs W. S Ivrm r luncheon pm t ' r-nrr uiue, mra. nuiiami AAUW board m-tin( ,th Mrs. Kr - Niemver, Mrs. E. E. Boring and I meet for a 6:30 o'clock dinner and vin Pott.r. 174S Saginaw t . 1 so p m. Mrs j West. ! meeting Monday night at the Che- nnn ausxiarT. i. Fl--ti rt ,i1l t.V. mkta trt hnmt of Mr. Frank norrlr.ation . w .. .. . ... . . .., place at the business session over . rt. spears. Assisting nosiesses win 4- Iri Woman's club. p f ffficr Chapter BC f PEO. with Mrs f which Mrs. Guy Hickok will pre ftrwt. I IS dvsarrt luncheon Chadwtrk Ordr at Eastern Star, ao- side. be Mrs. George Beane, Mrs. F. C. 'Angle and Mrs. Robert Burns. Nivhw a ea of Mississippi. AH Tt.e -owings are free, and the pub' c i invited HinusrrlpU Exhibited A r'e (o !e tion of manuscript f.,ir dtuj bak to 1122 A. D. i on d;f f.v at the KSfstrom Gal I'Mtes. tr.d will be hung for two . e. I i !v e property of Otto f 4 "f C e.eiand. Ohn. nation- iv krif hi collector of ancient tit tf.isrr. r t l e rr, oiity of the manu- yyn and program. WEDNESD4T Hollywood I.lona -auvillary meet at Lion Den. S 30 p m THt'Rt SD 4 Y Chapter CB. PlX with Mrs Charles H Greenwood. Dallas. 7 30 deesert. The AAt'W radie pregrajci ev er KOAC at 2 o'clock Tuesday. MaV 10. will feature Ralph Dobbs. professor of piano of Willamette university school of music in "Mu- S j r i'h Itm text, and ' ic for You." He will play the ' i'ti mTnatinn in -l'r. j music of Chopin, in observance ! i'-h i f f e uork v. done by I of the ceritennial of the death of liifit. Kt.Tffmfn ore single J that tmpOer. ri'"i;rr;r.: remg me lire worn f mri Severn! '..Il page illustrations 1: irir". i.red in the exhibit Not- :v F).s-t - to Kgypt. Ascent of tl'e Vi'g-r A !c:H!:on of the Ml 'i ! i ; ! i . : . . :) '. i ni IV; M.in p '' ' T-e ;,im, nl.ith was lis- Antiques Fair of Oregon TMWISOAT. MAT 11 - It fca M p.m. 'AT. MAT IS . II M W a. SATUIO AY, MAT 14 - It p.as. Aaelwlea MASONIC TEMPLE a wpah amo atAtat . PoertAeam. oetooss tp:.r.4 te CMKItT CHUICM. Otjmtt. Onfrn - Of r-oui;ht i-I. k-v, he. 1 eland ie wm( efforts "ie art Oii'iimi S'.'e .1- Civic Players to Present M'Liss p M t' o' i d Is ' X: 3 i J It Ai b n i f S. ' i !' " '. er will e- : , x, rent py M I.ISS Wo'i.y Miss a new nd -..! e::'n of tf'-e fjmUS . r Hret Haite. M'LISS . 'cr. fy Beiilah Ctiaham, .! ,-. ' e -f ty the Salem Opti s tit i-d will be produced P . s -h! auditorium IP ' r. n at 8 !5 p m ' " r a: are Ve'ma IJavu. S m;or, LoHoy Kruegar. L..is. Mauri, e rveckard, . D..rrtotid. Nate Stein fit'Mi Kau. Jan-.es Bjer v Hi!!. Hi V Mothers will hear Reth H . t f ' bos woik sevretav o! f YVv'A. tell of the future of H -V. a: Tfir regular meeting T . noon at the YMCA S' "c , k. Gus Mone. get i :"'!'.. "aiU introduce the ftf,,r; A aessert luncreon will b-? : -. (c i hotesses are Mrs. F: d V. h!ian. Mrs Daniel Bchn're. :'. s Wolcott E. Buret) u1 Mr V." c Sodeman. At the biiir-e- rreting Mrs. EtiU Brunk wti: pre- e :-.d elevtion of affi er m ill r held. Marion auxiliary Veterans eft F -e gn Wars wi'.l meet Monday; Bi"t tor r-csities of elevtion of; 'r egit to the state convention It iAh Bav in Jupe. (Ss) BOttVCKAMDCa M TWO-WAY STRETCH with OVERLAY PANEL IN FRONT Charmodo girdles 298 Million Dollar Uolit Vt A Pin Meny Pricl lelirrie ror w'st ond betouM the rayon serin owertaf panel controi feotwr. Lacellent J qwoiify two-fly stre'eh coetOA eliastie. Coiy-working tipper fastette. Choose boeh rt pnte and step-in styles. Nwde tor average figures ik niei Mnatl. adww and large. 4SI State St. Thone 3-9191 MONDAY AT P n 01 (fD A glorioui opportunity to realize great savings on fine ladirs apparrl long asaociatexf with. tn nam Schleingcr & Co." COATS Imported English Broadcloth! Titfdsl Conwrts! $19.00 $25.00 $29.00 100 AB Wool! SUITS 100 All Wool Rosenblum! Gmitfft PrintSB I $25.00 $29.00 $39.00 gYral Grvvps ttlfftttly Higher DRESSES 147 DrciMes to Clear in The Three Drastically Reduced Groups! 9.00 11.00 15.00 FABRICS: Lightweight Wools Crepes - Prints and Gabardines COLORS: Lots of navy and black, soft pas tels, dark and light prints. Now Onlj '-' ' ' " .' V.: r " - . " it t, r. - - , f ' - 1. ' - i t ' f. II i -; ' . 1 - if ' SCHtESINGER & CO; pn i From the houes that set the pac in women's wear the country over, comet the apparel items featured in this sale! it i T ' T "'-"." C-l - 4 V Rothmoor COATS Shorties and Full Length At A Now Lowl A. ' I'.- j - . ' . , I e--v e-- "4ji1 KNIT DRESSES By Kimborlyl 700 All Wool Hand Finished Value to 4SJ00 I ! - .... i . '-' ef j -,Tr' " i . ' . .. . ... DRESSES US DresMea to Clear In Thee Three Drantically Reduced Group! 17.00 19.00 22.00 FABRICS: Lightweight Wools Crepes - Prints and Gabardine) COLORS: Lots of navy and black, soft pas tels, dark and light prints. Irish Linen HANKIES Hand-Finished! Valuts to 1.00 4-. ' ' 'i . .... "v..j- . ' - 7 "v, ". r -. ' - 1 - , - " V ; ? - .' ' " .' - .V -. 1 ; 1' .- - . Vanity Fair Nylon HOSE Values to 1.95 Not Pair (0) &2 409 Conrl Si. All Sales Final Salem, Oregea 1 Stat