The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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    ! M . '
Sealed-In Driver
Handed Summons
'Eair Net
D-.siiradllrdls JM
SPOKANE, May 7 -iX- Don
Haynes of Ashland, Ore., who
Lands to win a J 25 ,000 bet if he
doesnt leave his car for 14
months, was handed a summons
today to appear in a Seattle court
within 20 days.
The summons was issued by
Clifford E. Sylvia oi Benton.
Wash., who alledges that
did not make a public appearance
there as scheduled April 30 Syl
via claims he suffered humi'ia
tion and e robarrassmer.t and is
asking $27'' damages
Lt will be -up to a Seattle su
perior court judge to c.t-t ide
whether Haynes muit appear
We oldsters don't see how they'"? ?r.h'ch 'fcuYred Friday
do it these who were schoolgirls
ao little while ago and row are
What do they know about tak
ing ca-e of babies' Why. they""-ere
typists or clerks in stores or em
ployes in beauty parlors a little
while ago. m the interval between
school and matrimony. Or they did
a stint in the shipyards or the
airplane fattosy durir.g the war.
What do they know about babies?
Yet heie they are, with babies,
one, two or t .fee, going right
along a.t if they knew how. It's
"quite incredible ... to us old
sters, that is. OneTee'.s that grand
mother should take over, who has
had experience!
But how did grandmother get
her experience"' Pretty much the
same way. She went to"' school,
worked at home or at an office or
school, got married and started
. raising her family. And she didn't
have specialists in those days eith
er, obstetricians and pediatricians.
She may have had Holt's book on
baby cure. The re of her knowl
edge she got. not from her own
mother so much as from other
mothers of her own generation.
Just as do today's mothers. i VANCOUVER. B. C, May
Skepticism disappears as one ; Two plaM crsh .urvivorf ho
aees how the young mothers sue- ,nartHl nxm chocolate bars in five
ceed. They produce quite healthy j dav, wandering were wen fed
offspring, and gie them pienty of tonht and resting for their last
maternal care. Diets are what the, 15 mii;0f walking,
doctor ordered. If the style has, student nurse Sheila Cure. 28.
changed from feeding at regular j and pj)0 Blii Grant. 30, of Van
intervals punctually, to feeding couver. had advanced onlv six
him whenever he Is hungry still j m,ies through tangled forest and
the babies thrive and keep on steep-walled canyon since their
grow ing. plane piled into a mountain inow-
The youngsters get plenty of j bank Monday. -:.
loe too. if it isnT quite as poetic! The chocolate was their only
as in the lullaby days. The grand- food until a three-man para-rescue
parents are even more foolish, if ! crew dropped to their aid today
that be oossible The babies look from Royal Canadian air force
out on a strange world with no
thought of wars and depression?,
of atom bombs and television
jet they are the ones who two or
three decades off will have to
wrestle with world problems. Let
them enjoy the llss of an infant's
ignorance, they are getting a giKxl
endowment in health to help them
tarry their load in maturity.
So today pass the orchids to the
young mothers, the ones who "nev
er learned how" to care for babies
and yet are performing so beauti
fully. Perhaps this qualification cf
maternity is inherited.
Sergeant York
Suffers Stroke
PALL MALI Tenn . M-v 7 .
Fgt. AIm C York of V.'or'd .t
I fame is confined to h;. hone ! 1
lowmg a .second stroke in a year
nd a recu; rence of ct'..ti5
Hit son. WinKimw, said the ex
soldier's ctr.dttKn was "n .ou
and that pifas that he t to a h s
pital were rejevtcsl.
Yoi k. :!-ea.r -old holder f the
Congessur,al Mcdrtl of Hcr.i r f i
hei o.c t : .e in the f rt w r r Id
war. has been in bad health loi
alxiut a ve.. :.
Hi phMc;an. Dr. C.ti) Tu.ley.
said York is a ' pretty sick'' yin
Animal Crackers
f got HI UcjJ nd LW
0ihyml Wht art better mjmes
lor coutti ei bbr Ums?
t-e -
personally and end I his S3-day
stay in ;; the sealed four-door t
Haynes said he wasn't wor
ried about Sylvia's complaint.
C. D. Muldan'of Ashland bet
Haynes 25,000 last winter that
he couldn't tour the country for
14 months locked up inside his
automobile. Haynes then had his
car equipped with a collapsing
bed and mattress, hot and cold
running Water, a chemical lava
tory, rooking facilities and ex
ert ;se equipment and1 started out
He said he plan to visit C'ur
D Aierve.i Idaho, tt-day and then
tour Montana.
Dysentery at
Fairvicw Fatal
An outbreak of dysentery at
i Oregon's Fairview home for the
feeble minded has resulted in two
deaths in the' past three weeks, the
superintendent at the institution,
said Saturday Fifty patients have
become i El in the past three weeks,
but the epidemic is now "under
control." ; the doctor said. Six .f
the f-atients were listed as "cri
tical" during the epidemic.
Phillip 'Pierce. 12. of Portland,
died as a" result of the contagion
about thtee weeks ago. A 14-morsth-olt
girl died Friday night
at the heme, but Dr. CalTicarU
said that tests had nut yet proven
that the type of diarrhea which
proved ftal to :the girl was the
sm as that which caused the
epidemic; :
Dr. CaHicarte said there are 10
young palients ill at the present
time, with two infants on the
Air Rescuers
Reach Pair
After 5 Days
planes. The two were sighted from
the mr yesterday, but the rugged
country Slowed rescue attempts
A land party, vihach battled,
through the tree-choked border
country about 400 mfles from here,
also reached the couple today. The
.rescuers ; reported by radio Grant
and Mi.4 Cure had escaped injury
and were in good condition.
Additional supplies were drop
ped to the party, w hjch decided to
delay the start of the hike through
treacherous country Until early to
morrow,: Fifteen miile away U. S
Coast Guard helicopter will be ;r. g to pick up
the rescued
pa it
Giant ;and Miss Cure were flv- ;
ing from I'ardston.! Alta.. where
the latter had been visiting her
parents .They took pit from Pen-
uctoii. B C. 380 mdes east of
heie. trthe last leg; of the trip to
anuiivcr and l.rar.t apparently
went ot course m a snowstorm.
For Iliijli S,liool
I M ) F FHN D KSi ' K M.
r .,1 ..i ) K. !
W. f-.t-r ,-. h"
' S.e-
Mof nu.uth I
mTi . to re tj. '
tw een. tSe t o c
T.'.e i-Iection
b-nd :cf Ke bu
school wf II be M
te. t i cho-eh
a; Plications at ;
5ra If 'a ,iy be-
.. puo: .T'.r.g the
I g of t . cr.
v I'.?. The :cr -I'Ti
a grot p of
rtit-etmie of tr e
Indcs enjit'r-ce and :;M' o n m o u t h
bvaros 5"!iursda efemng.
5 Persions Injured, 3 Arrests Made,
2Cars Burn, 2 Damaged in Dual-Crash
' Five :;perstn ere injured, two
car eettroyed by tire two others
damage and three drivers ar
rested is a result cf a double ac-
csent y-r highw ay 9E near the
Madron avenue intersection just
South U Salem erlvr S-turdav
. T t
rnorntnt. j
Hospitalised but released after
tre-tnvem were Frank N. Addi-'
on. Rfrse-burg. and James Carl '
Gmsory. Crawford vi lie. Delbert
! Ware Smith. Salem rout 1. Eu-
kette Edgar Smaller. 2184 S. Win-:
er si- ana joeepn iiuuin iiruopca.
; rs t Madroiu av-, were treat-
. ert by 6rrt aidmenj I
! Addison. Gregory and Smith i
were arrested by ftate police-on! be hit the pileup, but Gregory,
charge cf reckless drivint. SmaU j oprratinc the fourth ear. plowed
ley. driver of the fourth car in- j into the rear of Addison's ma
voJvedln the crash; was not cited. chin. Flaming gasoline cnsrulXed
99th TEAR
Commies Claim
North China
By Tern Lambert
SHANGHAI. M a y h e
Cv,:r,e communists announced to
night capture of a town 33 miles
north of Tsingtao in a drive aimed
at that anchorage cf the U.S. wes
tern Pacific fleet.
The communists, in a broadcast
from Peiping, also reported cap-
SHAXGHAI. Sunday. May S-fVP-All
communications have,
been lost with Hashing, strategic
rail elty C2 miles southwest of
Shanghai, an official announce
ment said today.
ture of the last two nationalist
holdout cities in the north on the
Peiping-Hankow railway and de
clared: Now all North China is liberat-j
ed.- ;
Actually. Tsingtao and the far .
northwestern provinces remain in
nationalist hands.
The Shanghai nationalist garri
son reported continuing Red pres
sure on the outer defenses of Shan
ghai but said all .attacks were re
pelled in sharp fighting.
On May 3 the U.S. navy report
ed its main western Pacific force
i was anchored In the open sea out
side Tsingtao, not at Its former
j stations wjthin the inner harbor.
(The navjr previously had quit its
'shore installations and billets at
j The warships off Tsingtao were
i listed as the light cruisers Pasa
1 dena and Springfield and tan de
! stroyers. '
Also last reported off Tsingtao
! were the EldoradoJL flagship of
, Vice A dm. Oscar C. Badger, fleet
commander, and the transport
ChHton, with about TOO marines
aboard. The navy also has three
Marun Mariner seaplanes at l sing -
The navy has frequently reit- ; istration building at McNary
era ted 1U intention to avoid be- field airport was announced Sat
coming embroiled in the Chinese urriav bv Citv Manager J. L
civii war.
School Music
Fund Drive
Nears Goal
Results of Saturday's Tag Dav
drive for funds I f Salem band and
orchestra members had not been
compiled late Saturday night, but
E. Donald Jessup. Salem high
school music supervisor, said he
thought the drive was near its
$1,500 goal.
Funds from the campaign will
send the Salem high school band
and orchestra to the state contest
Klamath Falls Thursday, Jessup
affirmed Saturday night. We are
of that Monday and Tuesday s
wop-up of th rmpaign will give
u enough for the trip, he said,
About 110 members of the Salem
contingents, top rankers In dis-
triet competition, w ill leave for the
state contest Thursday and
return next Saturday night.
W l!
N. v. V. ry m
vi either bu-
V ih 'ndjv
- 5? ' ,nr;-
. ...i ?v t:it'Ie fur
(fpc I U Mav Si
T I- rT
Lt Vrr
43 9
, ;s
lirudka was a passenger in the
car operated by Smith.
City Patrolmen Glen Foster had
arrested Smith on a charge of
reckless driving and void opera-,
tor's licence and w as escorting him
10 11 r ponce luuofl 10 post Dan
hen the t.rsthalf of the accident.
occurred. Fester said Smith pulled
on to the highway from East Mad-'
rona when the Smaller machine
crashed into Smith's 1932 Ford. '
The impact knocked the Ford into
the ditch and turned it upside
down. ;
As wreckers were clearing the
nignwav, Aoaison. apparently not
noticing the . posted flares, raced
into the accident scene. Officers
were able to get him halted before
Mothers Honored by Salem
,4 I (
4 As
' 11,11 111111 ' i
Three of the thousands of Salens area mothers being honored for Mother! day are pictured above with
'plants they received in special recognition from Salem Elks lodge at Its annual Mother's ceremony.
'The mothers are. left to right. Mrs. Mary Mann, the mother present with most children (she has 1Z
ehildren and It stepchildren): Mrs. Carl Pruitt, IS, the youngest mother, and Mrs, John Scott. IS. Sil-
verton. the oldest mother. (Statesman photo).
Drawings of
McNary Field
Building Due
j Authorization to prepare
Franzen Lyle P. Bartholomew or
j Salem is to draw the plans.
I It is hoped the structure, which
I would house United Air Lines
j and other facilities, will
; be started during the coming
year, and mav be included in the
1949-M1 city budget The citv has
avail; nse already aooui ms.uuu.
includtiig $2.".000- in federal
matching funds.
Although plans will probably
be drawn for the entire st; u -
. ... .
ture. onlv one of three units will
be erected for the present.
Other phases of the airport de-
velopment program, in coopera-
tion w ith ci ll aeronautics auth
ority, have already resumed this
me neio wesi sine, wnere ie
administration building will be
PORTLAND. May 7 -A- Wil
liam Ryan. 74. whose father
founded the community of Butte
ville just west jf Aurora, died at
his West Lrike home today. Fu
neral ser ices will be held in Au
rora Tuesday.
Section I
. 4
9 '0
F.1-.: ! ..i -A!'o
So - t
C . f e-
Section II
SJC!t .,
Oi'd . IT C
Va!if v r . j,
our lla.
ITttMv k -u
3 4
Section III
the later two car and both were
destroyed by the fire. Gregory
was thrown from his car, but was
not seriously injured.
Passengers in Smalley's car. but
uninjured were Arthur Stabb, !
reer si ixtiin ana rteveriy
Fields both of 692 f. Capitol st
and Arlene Eric k son. 1 10O Sixth
it. West Salem. Smith was fined
a total of $43 in municipal court
Saturday on charges of reck leu
driving and failure to heed orders
of a police officer. The second
charge was. added after it was dis
covered Smith w as o Derating the
macnine alter oeir.g ua oy or
ficer Foster to let Hrudka drive.
The void operation's license
charge against Smith was dismis
sed in municipal court. Addison
and Gregory axe cited to appear in
district court on their charges of ;
reckless driving. '
Sodem, Oregon,
Army to Block Detroit
Area Land Speculation
PORTLAND!, May 7-(Special) -Action to stop building and land
speculation in the area abova the proposed Detroit dam. through pur
chase of property by the corps of engineers, was announced Saturday
by Co. O. E. Walsh, Portland district engineer. t
Colonel Walsh said his office plans to acquire land in Detroit and
north and east of the town, where "entirely too much building Is in
progress. The engineers do not
intend to evict anyone living or
doing business in the area, said
Walsh, but the action is designed
, to protect prospective buyers and
, builders who may think they will
' not he in the dam pool area.
j To Lease It Back
j A, propertr is acquired, the
; corps wlll lea!i ,t back to ongj;
; owners a fair market rental
I said WaLsh. He added "We will
permit .all residents arid businesses
to remain until the time comes
when buildincs must be . moved
. preparatory to filling up the pool."
j TV, . , .
The engineers have alreadv
! . , . , , .
j P"r-haed and at the dam site.
areas for stockpiling bv trie con-
tractor below the site, at Camp
Monsold. the construction tow n
J ' " " - "
and just above the dam for cleair-
is to be let shortly and clearing
w;ill continue through next year.
Evacuation In 1951
Depending upon appropriations.
the reservoir area, including the
! town of Detroit, must be evacu
ated and cleared early In 1951.
! according to Walsh.
! The entire pol area is to be
posted In the immediate future to
warn present and prospective res
idents aid purchasers that the en
gineers intend to acouire, the area
and that no new buildir.Ks sho'ild
be erected Walsh reouested tht
all real etiite transactions in rhe
area ke recorded at once in order
to exred-te psvnient fir lad and
builri;r.g by the government.
Mother of 17 Sli?res
llolitlav (lonteM Honors
ith I)aiirhter-in-Iaw
Mis K C, Barker. Salem royfe
3. mother of 17. and her daughter-rn-law.
M's. K G. Bsrker. jr.
mother bv a fc-v. hours, were
awarned -rchids bv The Modern
studio Saturday m a special Moth
er's Day contest.
Mother Barker senior won an
orchid as mother of the most chil
dren and Mother Barker junior
for being the mother of the young
est baby, born Saturday at 12:45
p- m.
98-year-old Mrs. Ella Glasier. j
252 N. Cottage st.. was awarded :
the third orc hid in the contest for '
beirg the oldest living mother reg-
Henry McLettfre9
Column :
Starting Tomorrow in
Sunday. May I, 1949
Elks Lodge
Loss of 8,000
Gallons o OiK
Laid to Quake
The loss of 8 000 gallons of fuel
oil apparently caused by the
April 13 earth tremor was dis
covered last week by A. M. Han
sen, 528 Mill st.. who supplies
steam for ths Starr cannery.
Hansen said at the end of the
1948 canning season his tanks
showed 5,000 gallons of oil. and
that he had another 3.000 gallons
put in during the winter to pre
vent the tanks rising from the
ground during high water "ani
now we find all 8,000 gallons
He said the 'quake apparently
broke a connection between two
tanks. The ground a few feet be
neath the surface L oil-soaked
Repairs are under wav.
Brians Warned to
Curb Sweet Tooth
LONDON'. M.. v 7 -(Pi-Britons
were warned tonight to go esy
on candy if thev don't want ra
tioning back as.iin.
The warn; ng. cam..- frr.m C R
M. Cannon, president of the Na
tional Federation of Wholesale
Confectioner .
The demand for candy has been
extremely heavy smte 'ratiorri;
ended two weeks aco Some vil
lages hae lecn milked dry by
candy-starved children arid adults.
Cannon to'.d newsmen.
Sweet Home Troop. Keizer Cub
Pack Victorious at Scout Circus
By Thomas G. Wright
Staff Writer. Tr.c
Sweet Home's scout troop Si
and, Keizer Cub pack 41 walked
from Sweet Land field Saturday
night winners of the Cascade area
council's annual scout circus.
Salem troop 42 was second to
the Sweet Home unit and Keizer
41 was third. Pack IO and trailed
the Keizer group for honors in
the cub division.
A capacity crowd was on hand
at the field to view the work, drill
and enthusiasm of several hund
red scouts at the circus. Many,
many more lined the streets of
Salem lor the parade Saturday af
ternoon. .
1 A prefabricated train, construc
ted of wood and complete with
tracks, cave Sweet Home top hon
ors in circus exhibits and clinched
the bif blue sweepstakes ribbon
tor the Linn county troop. They
No. 41
Struck by Car,
Seriously Hurt
Five - year - old Robert Wallace pet tion will be hin i'.e-f separate-w-as
in serious condition at Salem ly fcr aipruval or fejectinji
General hospital early Sunday They attnbutei the rush !to ih
where he was taken after being fact that if a rent bt is sr
struck by a car at Cottage and ! prt ved it i rnr. j -t. t ,-
Court streets Saturday afternoon.
Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto E. Wallace. 1555 N. 4th st .
was crossing Court street in the
pedestrian lane when he was
struck by a eastbound car cpeiat
ed by Audrey Augusta Lien. 2075
University st. Mrs. Uen was cited
to appear in municipal court Mon
uaT un a cnarge oi janure io yieia units w ill oe allowed rent in
right of way to a pedestrian. , creases iMheir net pratir.g' in
Young Wallace was taken to the 'come is less ths-i 25 per cent f
hospital by Salem first air am- E""" income. In :ih cases iti ts
bulance. The attending physician ! will be hiked t- a SO pet ttil
said the boy had a fractured skull ; level. ,
and described his condition as i To Brine I n nnUM ij '
serious, a city police repoit said.
Robert was returning home from
a movie matinee when the aici
dent occurred at 5.21 p ni.
Farmers Union
Votes Against
Daylight Time
MT. ANGEL. May T-(Specfal)-The
Marion County Farmers union
quarterly convention. In all-day
session at the Legion hall at Mt.
Angel Saturday, went on record
as opposing: dsylight saving time.
The new' time schedule was
fully discussed at the morning
session and the opposition stand
taken as being in the best interests
of the farmers.
The credentials committee re
ported 38 delegates present at the
the opening
Principal ipcaker "
session was State
President Ronald E. Jones, who
talked on the agricultural pro
gram of Agriculture Secretary
Biannan, which the eonvent'on.
voted to support.
The Mt. Angel local wo host to
the group for a dinner.
The afternoon session was de
voted mainly to committee re
ports and a talk on state legisla
tion by Lyle Thomas, state secre
tary of the Farmers union and
state representative from Polk
Musical numbers were piveh by
the four Dummer children from
Mt. Angel.
The convention , was presided
over by 'County President Gus
Schlicher, and Secrefeary-Treii.s-urer
Marie Cornwell.
DlltlVls-a lfOs-llilc
IIIIIIC 1 rCtllt r
McKay to Sign
Pension Bill
May 7 Joe
of the old age:
Dunne, leader
pension movement, predicted to-
day that Gov. Douglas McKay ,
would sien the' pension bill to
which Dunne and his pen.sion
group ooiecl
Dunne said he conferred Wilh ,
the i!(jernor lat week, and
given t e impres ion thst McKay
v.oiid sign The governor himrelf
as said only that he is studying
the question and will take no
art.ori until the deadline next
Di.nue added that he thought
the jovernor might veto a com
panion bill which would permit
t hilriitn to be sued to force thern !
to support parents.
I placed first in scout bands, second
in parade, and third in uniform
: for a total 28 points.
I Troop 42s points came on top
honors in the chariot race and
uniform. Keizer 's points were for
best in prade, second in scout
band and second in the chariot
Kcizer's cubs ran away from
the rest of th competition with
firsts in parade, uniform and band
for a total of la points. Nearest
competitor, pack 10, and lt points
and pack t, B.
The circus program under the
general chairmanship of Carl As
cherabrenner clicked off on sched
ule. Salem's high school band, fur
nished music for the multi-ring
show of chairot i races, cub scout
acts, pioneering! demonstrations,
scouting displays and presenta
tions. (Additional detwls en
page J). j
least SOC.MW lan llords atitady
have taken tha first steps tew aid
seeking higher rent returns under
the new control act. the federal
housing expediter's offic ifpoit
ed Uday ii
That many have Uken oitit cf
ficial blanks ion which to petitioa
for a rent increase as provided
under the -fair net operating in
come" formula released only U.,t
Monday The Gvernmeiit la
printing an adJiti wrul 4t'0.(H
j-form. jj - .
j But fecerar ren iffioials poLr.t
,ed out that thus Tampede o b
itain the ical foirr-s not me
a buri -scale li
riij yt rer. ceil-
ins. t'cau4e
e.-n Iandlc id a
the landlord .Med his petition. m
the earlier h gets hLs document
registerd. the
m re money h
stnnds ti make.
Unoer the fa;r net operatir.g
in-me" formula ir.sf'e.1 bv' he lut
ing eapediter ,Tihe E. 'Wo!a.
I riii.ii iiHiQiorai i rinse opertt
j ing one to four Yen Ml dwrliir
case of ' itrge IjikII. rda
thojc tperatii: ,mre than U us
rental, units lnrrses wjil t
permitted to bi:r. .perat;pg in
come nf. to. 25 ier cent of t;ie r
figure i now be: m- 2i) per cent
Ctif.gie speo;f:e.j m the iW
law that the owner is enticed 1m
the fair net operj'iriji incorre but"
left it U Wood to decide jus-l
what ThM income i. i
In' an effort t- cUnfy bis new
form u la. Woods hid.iy prer.'red m
long lut of quei'i nt and afiwrs
covering further details of
program. For example, this as
how the Sandlori figures Out h
net operating in:ime: I
Seleeta Test Year i
Fitst. he selects a "test"? ffcf.
whichKmay be the must recent full
calendar or fiscal year, or any )S
consecutive months ending not
more than 9& davs before the dats
he files the petition. lie then sub
tracts expenses and allow am
for depreciation .frum the annual
Income of the test year, j)
What expenses can be Included? i
Fuel and utilities. If supplied .by
the landlord, payroll, real etat
taxe Insurance, interior !f paint
ing and decoration, depieriat.or.
management fees., repairs and te
placements. Jani'.iruW supplies
such as brooms. mps, cleaners,.
t there are restriction" .i
mi'SW these items ror esbrr.i Is
if tfVf jyopertv o:vrie.t has 'to re
t-Iaa rK.f duiini( "test? ysj.r,
at n cost of $3'1, and -the r.ew
roof's normal lffe is 15 years. 1bi
he .n, h&rge off only one-f.f-leenth
(.r $20l. H wever, iSe
f uifin a simitir, proportiorifct
fhj.rf for the ro,' of repairs arid
re p lucerne rM mi in years piiotr
to O e tt-t pe 'd he selected.
Adds ( Ml tfWtrk jj
In figuring out his aUpwncw
for interior painting and decora
tion, he adds the cost of sutfc
! work' in the test yer to trie sim
i ller rhe .two precede
j ing vears. then dii4es the Ulal
by three to deteirmns rhe isnnual
sum chargeable f r .this outlay.
On the item of depreciation. th
landlord mav use the :m-'uTit
shown on his latest fedjj-aJv in
come tax. providing it is not rhor
than1 21 per cent ofrfiis anrjufil in-.
come, il he'll s "small" landlord
and not over 18 per cenj if h
operates more thsri four dw tllirig
umts. j!
YoimpMrr Calht-r for
Wailinp I'ool Inaiigural
iNDPrPENDENCE. Miy 7f-(Fre-ci;.l
1 Several hundred yongtr
were present; at In tependeince city
paik Saturday af'.srnoon when t !
newly built v.ain p.Lgr d ti r.d ,
box w as dedicate f. ij
The chamber of commerce fur
nished ice cream fjr all prcMfit.
Baseball Scores
western; ixternational.
At W matches J-. Slem lj-s
At B.-rnrirton 7. VUrtiwia 1 j
At Yktma Bixsn J 1
At Tcorr,a 4, Vi.cjJVr t !
Jkt Oocao'l.Kw York S l
Al St Louts 4. W ttmrn'nn' I
At Cleveland 4. hmwi 3 JI tr.n)
At Detroit ,4. 'Pnuasc!phis!IS '
At bboum a. CinclnrvaU 4 ;i
At FnilaaeipKia P-Utvirfi
m - a a. r r .
At Brooklyn IS. Chiesco 4 ;
At Portland S. hcit S '1
At Oakland S. S-m fritim S
At San ( .4. irrTire !
At fis4Jywd . U Angeles I
oun SEiiATons
Von 12-5 toit 9-8
. t-