The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1949, Page 19, Image 19

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The Oregon Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Sunday. April 24, 1949
Nile to Give Annual Benefit Party Thursday . .
Slated for Thursday afternoon is the annual for which members of the Salem Daugh
ters of the Nile dub will entertain at the Masonic temple. A tea will be held this year with all in
terested persons Invited to call between 2 and S o'clock. Proceeds from the tea will be turned over to
the Shrine hospital in Portland.
Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. William Newmyer, Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mrs. John GraybilL,
Mrs. Walter Dry and Mrs. C. Lester Newman. Introducing to the line will be Mrs. William Lewis, Mrs.
Claude Post and Mrs. Maurice Beutler. Receiving will be Mrs. Charles Boyer, president of the Salem
club, Mrs. David Wright, past queen of Nydia Temple, Mrs. Ezra Royce of Portland, newly elected
Iueen of Nydia Temple and her princesses, Mrs. Carl Donaugh, Mrs. Harold Simpson and Mrs. Loyal
IcCrathy, all of Portland.
Presiding at the tea urns during the afternoon will" be Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy,
Mrs. Paul H. Hauser and Mrs. Sam G. Rundlett, all past presidents of the Salem club. Assisting and
serving will be Mesdames Elmo McMillan, John Miller, Harry Miller' Vern Reimann, L. V. Benson, Al
Tertelson, Clarence Schrock, David H. Cameron, Gregory Haefliger, Rosalie Porter, Othel Eckersley,
Felix Wright, Walter Smith, Tillman Leasure and Lorah Spaulding.
A program will be presented during the afternoon: with Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs. Melvin Kropp
end Mrs. Stanley Brown in charge. Other committees working on the benefit are, tickets, Mesdames
Robert McEwan, Carl Guenther and Harold Phillippe; decorations, Mrs. Richard A. Meyer, chairman,
Mesdames Carl Quistad, C. Ward Davis, Herman Johnston. Frank Chattas, Milligan Grub, Roy Tweedie,
J. Parker Lineberry and Virgil Golden; refreshments, Mrs. Russell Beutler, chairman. Mesdames
Adolph Bombeck, Floyd Bowers, Jason Frizzell, E. A. Finjay, F. G. Fulton and Charles Harris. Mrs.
Russell Bright heads the general directorate for the tea.
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Mrs. M. I. Madsen of Silverton is pictured with! her granddaughter. Mrs. Wilmer Mc
Dowell (Myra Madsen) and grandchildren, left to right, Sandra, Kimberly Ann, Ru
pert and Scott The McDowells and their children have been visiting in Salem with their
parents prior to leaving for Germany, where will be with the air force. Sergeant Mc
Dowell flew to Europe this past week and Mrs. McDowell and the children will remain in
Vallejo, Calif., until they are able to join him.
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Popular visitors in the capital are Mrs. Ivan While and daughter. Patsy, who are here
with Mr. White from Trieste. They will be here until early Mdy. expecting to sail for
Europe the first of June. This is their first visit home in over four years and are guests of
his mother, Mrs. B. H. White. Mr. White is with the department of state as chief of the
financial division of the British-American allied army zone at Trieste (Kennell Ellis photo)
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Oueen-elect Edith Mae Fairham, at the left, who will rule over the May
30 and May 1. Pictured with her at the right are her princesses, Carol
the daughter of Mrs. Silas E. Fairham and the late Dr. Fairham, will be
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week end festivities on the Willamette university campus April 29,
Dimond of Portland and Barbara Miller of Troutdale. Queen Edith
crowned Saturday afternoon on the campus. (Kennell-Ellis photo).
Salem YWCA to Honor Founders
Br Jeryme English
Society JClttor, The SUtnrian
First large social event of the week will be the tea for whuh members of
the Salem YWCA will be hostesses on Tuesday afternoon at the FairmoUnt Hill
home of Mrs. Bruce Spaulding. The affair is being arranged in honor of the
founders of the Salem YWCA. All members of the YWCA, friends and newcomers
in the city arc invited to attend and calling hours ue from 4 to 6 o'clock.?
Jean Spaulding will open the door and greeting guests will be Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons and Mrs. Sidney Lewis. Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson will introduce to the
receiving line which will include Mrs. W. E. Kirk, president of the first board
of directors of the Salem YWCA, Mrs. Frank H. Speais, Mrs. P. L. Blackerly,
and Miss Mattie Beatty, all members of the first board and founders, Mrs. A.
A. Schramm, president of the present board of directors, and Mrs. Esther Little,
general secretary, and Mrs. James Walton. Miss Beatty was chairman for the first
organization meeting in the spring of 19 14 and the first meeting was held at the
home of the late Mrs. John Albert, mother of Mrs. Spaulding. Other members of
the first board and trustees who are now deceased include Mrs. R. S. Wallace,
who presided at the meeting, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, at whose home the first
meeting' was held, Mrs. C. A. Parks, Mrs. John Lewis, John Albert, W. I. Staley,
Walter Jenks, Mrs. P. H. Raymond and Mrs. R. H. Hendricks.
Pouring at the tea will be Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Miss Dorathea Steusloff,
Mrs. A. C. Haag and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace. Serving will be a group ot Tri-Y
girls including Diane Perry, Joan Barnes, Mary Ruth Dowd, Barbara Zumwalt,
Sally Donkin and Sue McElhinny. Mrs. Carlton McLeod and other board, mem
bers will assist in the living room and Mrs. Oscar Lieudahl will be in charge
of the dining room. f
During the afternoon there will be piano numbers by Edna Marie Hill
and selections by a junior high school string quartet composed of Doris! Helen
Spaulding, Sidney Kromer, Carol Lee and Roberta- Graham. Mr. Robert E.
Shinn heads the directorate for the tea. Mis. W. E. Anderson and Mrs. Lester are
in charge of decorating the living room and arranging the dining room are Mrs.
Charles McElhinny, Mrs. Lewis Griffith and Mrs. George Alexander. i
At Home, May Day Tea Slated
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding have cards in the mail to an informal at Inne
for which they will be hosts on Thursday night at their Kairmount Hill residence
for the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan White, who arc visiting here from Trieste.
A group of the White's former Salem friends have been invited to call between
B and 7 o clock.
For Queen Edith . .
Being welcomed baclc
to Salem are Mrs.
Douglas Drager and two
year-old son, Douglas,
above, who have been
living in Forest Grove and
Lebanon .'or several years.
Mr. Drager is now wih
the Blue Lake Packers,
Inc., and the family has
taken a house on South
High street. (Kennell-Elhs
Directorate for the Nil
benefit tea on Thurs
day afternoon are pictured
at the right and include,
left to right, Mrs. Russell
Bright, general chairman,
Mrs. William Newmyer,
Mrs. Elmo McMillan, Mrs.
Charles Boyer, president
of the Salem Daughters of
the Nile club, and Mr3.
Virgil Golden. The affair
will be held at the Ma
sonic Temple between 2
and 5 o'clock. (Kennell-Ellis
For Saturday afternoon is the annual May Day tea for which Dr. and Mrs.
G. Herbert Smith will be hosts at University House in compliment .to Queen
elect Edith Fairham and her court. The affair will immediately follow the coro
nation ceremonies on the campus, all students, faculty, friends and townspeople
attending the festivities arc invited to call to greet the queen and her princesses.
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