fTh CtaWraaat, Salem, Ofgoa. Friday, April 22. !S4t Now York Stock Quotations .NEW YORK, April 21 Today closing quotations: American Can 92 Am Power it Lt 10 Am Tel Sc Tel.. 144 Anaconda 30 Bendix Avia 32 V, Beth Steel 29 Boeing Air 21 Calif Pack ... 33 Vs Canadian Pac 12 Case J I 32 Caterpillar 51 Chrysler . SO Comwlth Sou -Cons Vultee 1i Continental Can 33 V. trewa c ti Curtis Wr 9V Douglas Air 60 Dupont de Ne....l8V! Gen Electric Gen Foods Gen Motors ... Goodyear Tire nt Harvest ... tnt Paper Kennecott Libby McN Ac Lone Bell A ... Marct Ward Nash Kelvin .. Nat Dairy N Y Central Northern Pac .. Pac Am Fish .. Pac Gas Elec P T 4 T Penney J C pfd Met 37 Radio Corp 4l Kayonier 58 V4 Rayonier 4 m Reynolds 24 U Richfield 48 Safeway . 44V4)Sears Roeb So Pacific .. 7 T, .Stan Oil Cal 53!, 12 29 I 14 12! 31U S Steel 93 Warner Bros . 45 I Wool Worth Sun Mininf . rTransamerica Union Oil Un Pacific Un Airlines . 12 23 ZU'S 32 20 37 40 63 18 9 11 30 79 12 70 11 45 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. AtrU 21 AP -USDA tut labia cattle 150. calves 25. market fully steady early but competition ib seJtnf late and cLoslns undertone weak: f' truck lets averse good 1119 and 1158 h fed steers 23.S0; sorted with medium erades st 2440-50: common teers down t 21.00; common heifer IB 00-21.00; Conner -cutter cow largely IS !-17.(V; taw early to 17.80 with fat dairy type cws of common grade up i-j 18 f oVJ. vxi beef sows 21 00; medium-sood sau sage bulls SO 00-22 00; food-low Choice v-slers fuUy steady at 24 00-31 50. com m wi -medium grades II 0O-23 00. Salable hogs 300: market active, .steady: good -choice 180-23- lbs Largely S mi- few lanr haul hots not liwn: ledHjm-BTMes 31 9U-I3. loaa-cnow tfc-Ma lbs. 3QJ0O-OO: sows scarce; mee- redl -4-1 rum -good SSO-ftOO lb. weights 14 90-18. Ort. feeder pics in limited supply; de mand good; weights under 120 lbs. sel a around 23.00-24 50 and above. Ha table artp none; market nominal: gxl -choice woo led Umba late Wednes oW up to 24.SV; sood-chcrtce sLauehter we salable 12 00-50 but late Inquiry um urgent Salom Market Quotations (Aitf UU yesterday) Portland Produce BUTTESrAT Premium ft: i jzzzz pkints Wholesale Kstl una fBajyta) i Wholesale price ranges from em', over Duylng price.) r.K'u large AA ire AA rge A liurri AA . ... mtiurn A ul lets Crack v, to T 48 .44 4J 42 .41 JM JO rOl'LTRT Leghorn hens Leghorn bens C Leghorn hens Colored kens Colored bens 24 1 M n .19 .33 M .17 .14 Colored hen Colored fryers. I lbs. and up colored irver Colored fryers " A o!1 roosters B old roosters 11 C old rooster OS I IVESTOCK fcv Valley Pack Spring Lambs. SB to 83 lbs 25 00 to 2 00 faring lambs. tS to 100 lbs 23 00 to 23.00 Wonted lambs, under 2 11m 22 00 to U 00 N-med lambs, under 110 Ib-t . rf ling, under 20 lbs. lings, over 120 lbs. r.fJ diairy cows utter cows iiry heifers -ft . - :fcre. 300 to 4M lbs. veal. ISO to 30S lbs. 21 08 to 22 00 IS 00 to 19 06 13 00 to 17.00 1. 00 to 10.00 13.00 to 14.00 13 00 to 13 30 is on to 19 oo 17 00 to XlJM 20 JO to 2S.0O 23.00 to 30 00 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by Tfit Aenciet "Yens STOCK r April ATEKACCS 21 Th'Jrvday Previous day wfek ago Month ago .. Year aco .. New IPSO 20 if it as Indus Ralls UtU arks 87.4 24 4 40 0 42 .8 H i 3S2 4SS S3.S 88.9 ' 39.8 40 S S3. 8 . . S 0 3S 1 40 1 83 8 .... 62 S 41.8 40 4 S7.7 PORTLAND. April 21 ( AP But tr (Tentative, subject to immediate change: Premium quality maximum to J to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. sS-OAc lb.: first quality SI-S4c lb.: second quality &-2c. Valley routes and country points 2c Ises than first. r Butter Wholeale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, S3 score, S2c lb : A. 92 score. Sle lb..- B, SO score. SOc lb.: C. S score. S0c lb. Above prices sre strictly nominal. Cheese (Sellin price to Portland wholesaler): Oregon singles. 3t 4S'ic: Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 41l-J0.c. Cggs (To wholesalers) : A grade large. SO-SO1 ,c: A grade, medium. 44 4S.c: B grade. Urge. 44l.k-lrC. Live chicken (No. 1 quality f.o.b. pianiii oroiier. under S' lbs., sr-zsc; fryer. 2 to I lbs.. -3c; 9 to 4 lbs.. 31 -3.1c, roasters, 4 lbs. and over. 21 -33c; fowl :eghorns, under 4 lbs.. 25-2Sc: leghorns, over 4 Ihs., SS-SOc: colored fowl, all weights. S3-SSc; old roosters, sll weights. lS-lSe lb. Rabbit (Average to growers) : Live white. 4-3 lbs., 27-29c; M lbs., M-17e; colored. 3 cents lowsr; old or hesvy does. 13-lSc lb; dressed fryers to !nitrhr 7-Wp IK aI rnntA Ka irw j ones. 3S-3Se lb. rresh di eased meat: Beef steers, good 300-800 lbs.. (39 3: commercial. 39-41; utility, $34-34. Cows commercial, ; 237-39; utility. $33-37; cenner-cutter. 434-35. Beef cuts (good steers) hind quar ters. S4S-53: rounds. S3 1-93: full Toms, trimmed. S5S-39; triangles. S37-3S; quart chucks. $39-41; ribs. $43-49, iorequarters, $37-33. Vast and calf good and choiee. $47 32; commercial. $47-49. utility. $34-4t. Lambs. Good -choice, under 00 lbs . S93-M: commercial. S30-S2. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs., down. $28-31. Pork cuts loins. No. I, 8-12 lb., $48-53. Wool : Coare. . vslley and medium grade. 45c lb. Mohair: 30c lb. on 12-month growth. Countn -killed 'meats: Veal: Top quality, 43-44c lb ; fancy lo 4sc; othr: grades according to weight ar.J quaMtv. Hog- Lir'-.t blockers, 29-31c lb ; sows, light. 25-21 c lb. T 7-c h : mutton. 18-22c. Beef: Good cows, 22-37c lb.; can-ners-cutter. 28e lb. Orvn: 50 lb.; wester Ore. yellows No. 1 med . $2 00-23. Large. $2.73-3 00; boiler. 1 in. $1.00. 10-lbs. boiler 10c. Idaho and eastern Or, yellows. SO lb, med . Sl.40-30; Urge. z 50-73 Brown onion sets. 50 lbs.. $7.23 40. whites. $8.73-9.00. Potatose: Ore. local Burbank. No. I t. $325; russet. Reschutes. No. 1A. $45-40; 23-lb. No. 1A. $1.10-20: 13-lb. No. 1A. 70-75c; No. 2. SO lbs.. SI 80-83 : KU-nath. No. 1A. $4.00" No. 2. $lJSO-flO New potatoes, fla. Triumphs. 50-lb sks . No. 1A. $3.73-4 00. Idaho No. 1 4 40-50; No. 1A. $3.30-73; Washington russeu, S-.SO-4.OO4 Hay (Following wholesale price are strictly nominal): UJJ.'No. 2 green al falfa or better, baled truck lot whole ale. Portland. $38-39: U.S. No. 1 mix ed timothy. S40. Oat and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. S20. baled. on Willamette valley farms. Portland Grain low. BOND AVERAGES 2$ Rails Tn-rtday 90 S Previous day 9 .8 Wek ago 90S Month ago 90S Tear ago 90J 10 10 Indus. UU! IOI 7 101 t 101 8 lot lot . 8 104 T 10 11 1014 10S4 18 rorrs 72 ts 80S si a 88.4 PORTLAND. April 21 (AP) Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.21 soft white (no rex) 2.21 ; white club 2 21: western red 21. ' Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.21: 10 per cent 2.22; 11 per cent 31 $; 12 per cent 2.24. Hard white 1 art: IS per cent S.S4. Today's car receipts: Whest 48; bar ley 5: flour 8; corn 4; -oats $; mil-feed 11. A generation aao painters bought colors, lead and zinc in dry powder form and ground thorn in oil thxouch hand nulls aa needed. DuBOW GOLF CLUBS Rs9. Spedftl On Set 5 Irons (ladies') ..: .30.95 170 One Set 6 Irona (mens') .. 69.00 39.00 One Set 5 Irons (men) .58.95 32-50 One Set 8 Irons (men's) .62.50 34.50 Two Sets 6 Irons (men's) 47.50 26JS0 194S Model Martin 48 Outboard Motor 0 Ci Rer- 154.43. Special .LS79U ALL SALMON EGGS V, PRICE H I Uvel Wind Reel, No. 600-B H I Level Wind Reel. No. 1870 South Bend Level Wind Reel, No. 750 Ocean City Level Wind Reel, No. 1600 ..... Ocean City Level Wind Reel No. 970 Pflueger Supreme Level Wind Reel, No. 3109 . Pflueger Skillcast Level Wind Reel No. 1953 ... Chief Uvel Wind Reel No. 1806 IIOLBCES FLY REEL ARNOLD FLY REEL STUART FLY REEL BRIGGS FLY REEL ROYAI.BILT FLY REEL .... 8,15 7.75 .10.00 5.00 7.75 35X0 10.00 3.10 .10.85 . 9.95 . 8.75 . 6.50 . S-50 TRUE TEMPER CASTING RODS. AW and 5' price Vance. S.59. 139, 7.99. 19.99. 19.50. 12.00. 21.50 H. I FLY RODS. "Gerernar" H. I. FLY RODS. "Caaeade" L H. L FLY RODS. "Old Hi's Hi test" H. L FLY RODS. -Spinner MONTAGUE FLY RODS. "SpUtswIteh" MONTAGUE FLY RODS, "dipper" . GEPFERODS. Trot KingT SOUTH BEND . . 9.50 .15.75 .41.75 .1SJ59 19.75 19.25 ; 19-59 j. UM Ceaaplete Line mt Flies, Spinners, Hoa, Leaders. Leader Material, Red Vai-Jah. Fermi ea. Swivels, Line Gnldea and Weights fTAPER AND LKYXL FLY LINES, Fries range 130 U 8.00 CASTINO LINKS, 19 Ik. te 50 Ibn, 50-yd. speok, Fries ran a 5s te S.09 FLY BOXXS 45 te 1.99 CteB-plete SUek el BaaebeJl and Softball Eqntpi Navy Air Reserve Supplies Flown to Armory . .- V LZ-v- 7 . '- I. -.-i VJy' - t , ' 1 1 Office equipment and field sapplies for operatlea of the U. S. nary iir reservists at McNary field are ceminr in and operations will begin soon boob final signing ef the lease between the navy and the city f Salem. Above la a rraap ef men assigned te the field anloadlnr supplies from a nary rid transport Wednesday. The reeervtsts will occupy the large hangar e the east side of the field. (Statesman photo.) Salem Obituaries EVANS Louis Levoid Evans, late resident of 3140 E Jensen st, tn this city Apni IS. at the age of 14 years. Survived Dy parents, Mr. ana Mrs. smm n avans, oaieiii, sivr. ouamta i. Joan. Maxlne and Carol Evans, all of Salem; brothers. Chsrles and Perry Evans, both of Salem- grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Evans. Yakima, Wuh : and several uncles and aunts Services will be held Saturday. April S3, at S p.m. in the w. T. Kigoon ens pel. Interment In Belcrest Memorial park. LECHNER Fredrick K. Lechner. late resident of 849 Ferry St.. at a local hospital. April 30. Survived by brothers. John Lech ner of Seattle. Wash., and William Lechner of Tacoma. vVah.; sister, Mrs. Anna Winter of Salem; nieces. Mrs. Jennie Wolfe of Sslem, Rena Lechner of Tacoma and Marion Potvm of Se attle: nephews. Ray Winter of Che noa. 111.. John Winter of Streater. III.. Arthur Winter of Lacon. III., and Jack Lechner of Tacoma. Private services will be held Ssturdsy. April 23. st 10:30 a.m. at Clough-Barrick chapel. Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. Please omit flower. HEINKE Mrs. Minnie Catherine Helnke. late resident of 3873 Center st., at a local hospital April 20. Survived by her husband. Otto H. Heinke: daughter. Mrs. Ray Fiske; sons. Edward C. Heinke and Fred F. Heinke: mother. Mrs. Johanna Schulz; brother. Arthur SchuLz and also by two grandchildren. all of Salem. Services will be held Friday. April 22. at 1:30 p m. In Clouifh-Barrick chapel with the Rev. H. w. orou officiating, interment at City View cemetery. Wheat Futures Spurt Ahead CHICAGO. April 21 -If)- Brisk buying toward the close sent new crop wheat futures ahead nearly 2 cents on the board of trade to day. The strength in these con tracts was reflected in mostly high er prices in other grains, although they were less strong than wheat. May wheat ended fractionally higher. Although firm from the start, it was unable to match the high made early in yesterday's ses sion. In contrast, the new crop de liveries either matched or exceed ed yesterday's high, going to new peaks on the current advance. Wheat closed s-l higher, corn was s-s higher, oats were H lower to Va higher, rye was 4 higher, soybeans were 2 cents high er and lard was unchanged to I cents a hundred pounds higher. Government buying of flour on the Pacific coast yesterday was disappointing. It totaled only 233. 000 hundredweight according to trade circles. Mills offered 930,000 hundredweights. But some grain men expected the government would now buy for Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico shipment. Nine Cases on Supreme Courfs Pendleton Docket Nine cases are on the docket at the eastern Oregon term nf the state supreme court which, opens at Pendleton May 2. Tivej of the supreme court justices were: to make the trip to Pendleton. Cases included are Baker Coun-1 Stock Market Price Levels Drop Sharply NEW YORK, April 21-OVThe stock market broke out of a nar row price range with sudden vio lence today. Prices dropped fractions to an extreme of 3 point.. Pivotal stocks as well as those with a speculative ty Hotel company vs. Hotel and Restaurant Employes, Williamson vs. Williamson, Cripe-Dunn vs. Cripe, Massey vs. Massey, Hans com vs. Hanscom, Parker vs. Ter rell, Riesland vs. Riesland, Field vs. Wilson and Huebener vs. Chinn. tinge were equally affected. The overall decline was one of the larg est of the year, exceeded and then only by small margins only twice. The general level of prices was forced down to the lowest since February 28, although it has been matched three times since then. Trading volume expanded rapid ly as quotations sagged. The day's business of 1,300,000 shares was the largest since 1.850,000 shares on March 30, the day a reduction inmargin requirements went Into effect. Wall street had a number of reasons to explain the decline. Most brokers, though, agreed that no specific news could be held ac countable but rather the cumula tive effect of a series of unfavor able reports. ; The Associated Press average of 60 stocks lost .9 of one point at 62.0. The drop was exceeded this year on February 5 (down 1.2) and January 3 (down 1.1). At 62.6 the average was at a low since February 28. Three times during March it was matched. Navy, Marines to End Limitations On Enlistments Removal of the limits on one year enlistments for 18-year-olds in the navy and marine corps were announced Thursday by Salem re cruiting offices, both of which have been on a quota basis for several months. The marines also said that for mer leathernecks desiring to re enlist for three -or four-year hitches would be accepted without quota. While the marines' one -year hitches without quota have not been given a deadline date, the navy's will close July 1. ' The navy also urged high school graduates who want to enlist to try for one of the programs avail able for graduates ' under three year terms, with prospect of little or no delays. i Both navy and marine recruiters are now in the same office, 221 postoffice building, j SAFE FOR SALE 22 In. x 28V. la. x 37 La. DR. E. A. LEB0LD 1107 Urealey BIdg. ; P-losm 21640 0 uu PERFORMANCE WITH) nn A PEER Yours in the Great New 1949 JmiwSi V-type "Eight"! Mile after mile, day after day, thousand! oT owners have discovered this remarkable fact: The great new 1949 Lincoln V-type "Eight" is unsurpassed for dependability, efficiency, and economy! Why don't you discover what a thrilling difference this great new engine" can make in your motoring life? Call us for a demonstration today! 194 Lincoln 6-Paas. Coupe (ISl in. wklbu, lit kmvwtr) aalow aa $2334.83 pert See-us SSSSSJS S-raas. Ceeverttele 9MSXM 1949 Lincoln Coemopolitan 6-Paas. Coup 4sW esT &09se)sBa af sTeJ &6f9&JQ&0& ) as low aa $3522.03 Vewa SesUu a SSS1Ste Sport teea- MT88 4-rasa. Ceevertthle S4SSS J8 Pries Mr t OH-Batfc Air Cleaaer, Wheel Trias fU-es, Ol rater. KUetHe Cleek. ft ear Wkeet ShMsa. mm4 Pewar-Ofarate4 Wlasaw -JfMisis-l 1 4am a4 la erase WAimKriEim m n ir n& cod 430 N. COMMERCIAL STREET