The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    t , t 1 I
CSity Mews DBirneffs
Examination for appointment as
physical therapist with the public
health service, children's bureau,
St. Elizabeth's hospital and marine
hospitals in various locations was
announced Thursday by the U.S.
civil service commission. Entrance
salary is $2,947 annually for the
post, which requires four years of
technical experience or graduation
from an approved school of ther
apy. Additional information may be
secured from W. H. Fischer, civil
service secretary at Salem poetof-fice.
Karakul Karpet. Iff new, it's re
versible, it's 100 virgin wool and
woven through and through, only
$4.99 sq yd. Ph. 3-7648 or 3-3364.
Lsundrette 1235 Ferry St.
Assumption of the business name
ef Woodburn Oil company was fil
ed Thursday with Marion county
by Jesse W. and Evelyn W. Fow
Jer, Woodburn, while notice of re
tirement from the name was filed
by H. A. Simmons. The firm dis
tributes General Petroleum prod
ucts. Azaleas Red, white, pink, salmon,
lavender. 3 for $1 and up. Bloom
ing. Follow sign 2 miles north
Brook on 99 north. Millard Hen
ny. ee our wallpaper window display
showjng juvenile, provin c i a 1,
Chinese, Colonial, modern, we?-tern
and nautical patterns. R. L. Elf
atrom Co., 340 Court.
An attempt to break into the
Nob Hill market, 2152 S. Commer
cial St., was apparently thwarted
early Thursday by the presence of
two locks on the door. Fred Peter
son, owner of the store, reported
to city police that a burglar had
broken a padlock on the door but
gave up when confronted by a
second lock.
Capital City Transfer, household
goods mov. Sc storage since 1906.
Rummage sale. 1275 N. Church,
Sat., Apr. 23. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Theft of two tires from the As
sociated service station, 2121 Fair
grounds rd., was reported to city
police Thursday. Police were told
that the tires had been left outside
the station at closing time Wednes
day night and were missing Thurs
day morning.
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent divident 24 See First
Fderal Savings First 142 S. Liber
ty Phone 3-4944.
Let's go Roller Skating tonite at i
Robert Jungling was issued a
permit Thursday by the city build
ing inspector's ; office to build a
house at 1060 Lamberson St., for
$7,600. Other permits went to Mrs.
Carrie Reihen, "36 N. 14th St., re
pair and enclose front porch, $200;
F. F. Richter, 1125 Cross St., alter
garaged. $1 600; C. A. Charnholm,
2090 N. Commercial , st.. wreck ga
rage. $50; and Tom Drinkwater,
894 Highland ave , alter house $115.
Capital City Transfer, agents Aero
May flow, nationwide hsehld. mov.
Make a date to roller skate tonight
at the Capitola Roller Rink.
Mothers who were discharged
from Salem General hospital with
newborn babies Thursday are Mrs.
Kenneth Ashton and daughter.
1375 N. Summer U Mrs. P. E.
Wimer and son; 467 H N. 18th St.;
Mrs. Lester Rose and daughter, Sa
lem route 2, box 31-F; Mrs. Doug
las G. Walker and son. 790 Rose
mont St., and Mrs. David McAllis
ter and son. Springfield.
i Rummage sale , Fri it Sat.. 363
Court, upstairs. Leslie Church
To the man that owns a Lawn
i Mower we wilt save you many a
j Back-Ache. New device makes
your lawn mower a. power mow
er, attached in 5 minutes, fits any
lawn mower. Write for folder. P.O.
Box 332.
i Salem's organized Seabee com
' party 13-9 will meet tonight at 8
' o'c lock in the new armory on Air
port road, Lt. Donald Fisher, com
i pany commander, announced
I Thursday.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association. 560 State st.
Emerson Teague, Salem Kaiser -Frazer
dealer, will attend a factory
sales conference at the company's
Willow Run, Mich, plant April 25
26. i
For sale: Blooming azaleas, wide
! range of colors, red to white.
oiiajci imih f lclu viji miu uu-
cust Sts.
Rummage Sale, Thurs., Fri. and
Sat. Garage, 1515 Jefferson.
Muriel Stewart, daughter of the
Rev. and Mrs. j. R. Stewart, 1032
Oak st., was an honor student for
the winter quarter at Seattle Pa-
, cific college. A freshman, she at-
The Men's Fellowship of the
Central Church of Christ will meet
for dinner and a social program at
6:30 p.m. today in the church. Dr.
Robert W. Fenix, financial vice
president of Willamette university,
will speak on the subject "What
Willamette Does for the Commun
ity." Chester Rawlins is in charge
of the program.
i Rummage sale, 434 Union. Sat. 10
' a.m.
Jeanne Hoffman, daughter of
j Dr. and Mrs. Oeorge S. Hoffman. '
;515 Rose St., is a new sophomore j
! commission cabinet member of the
YWCA at the University of. Ore
gon. Miss Hoffman is a sociology
major. j
I Lee Bros. Furniture refin. Co Ph.
no. has been changed to 2-7001.
Salem Geological society mem- '
bers will study coast formations !
along the beaches from Netarts to 1
Short Sand Beach Sunday. A pic- j
nic is planned at the latter plar-e. i
They will start from Collins hall
at 6:45 a.m.
Expert elec. wiring and every ap
pliance. Broadway Appliance. 453
Court St. Tel. 2-1565. Repairs of
all kinds. Put your reliance in
Broadway Appliance. Call 2-1565.
Peimit to haul logs over specified
roads in Marion county was grant
ed Thursday by the county court
to Wagner and Bevier, Mehama.
Rummage sale. First Methodist
church Fri., Sat., 9:30 a.m.
K. L. Foster of the Prudential
Insurance company's Salem office
and members of his staff attended
a sales conference at Portland
Prize Horse
To Eat With
Mounted Posse
Oregon's Mounted posse, the of
ficial governor's guard, will wel
come a newcomer into its ranks
Thursday night in a unique pro
gram in the Mirror room of the
Marion hotel.
The new member is Allamer, a I
nationally known palamino parade !
class winner, imported recently
from California by Lee Eyerly, ;
chief of the posse. j
be the center of attraction during
the program in fact he will stand
in a corral in the middle of the
dining room.
The room will be decorated in
the horse motiff with iriore than
$50,000 worth of silver-trimmed
saddles and trappings. Two dum
my horses will keep Allamer com
pany during the evening.
The prize horse, purchased for
$5,000, will replace Eyerly's Honey
Boy, who has led the posse for the
past eight years. Honey Boy is be
ing retired to a life of leisure on
Eyerly's ranch south of Salem be
cause of his advanced age.
Featured speakers for the occa
sion will be Gov. Douglas McKay,
a long-time member of the posse,
and Mrs. McKay; Matt Vetsch,
captain of the Portland police
posse; Dusty Rhodes, president of
the Oregon Association of Posses,
and Kenneth Hall, president of the
Arabian Horse association.
Thomas W. Allen is general pro
gram chairman, assisted by Wal
ter Zosel, George Arbuckle, Jack
Lindeman, Ralph Stangeby and
Buss Youngquist.
Frank iTest, vice president; Mrs.
George A. Brown, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. G. E. Pickles, page; Mrs.
Fred A. Birch, Mrs. R. J. Strong,
and Mrs. M. H. Thompson of Wood
burn, directors.
ha r.r,iti. r, . , -r, : , cine college, a iresnnun, tnc ai
ine capitola Roller Rink. Skating ' , jj ct i i ' .
from 8 to 10:30 p.m. j tended Salem "dmy ,ast yr-
Salem Memorial hospital Thurs
day dismissed Mrs. Raymond Thies
sna ner miant son, Salem route 6,
box 105-2.
Cannery Local 670; 3rd annual
party. Entertainment dancing, re
freshments, 7 p. m. to 12, Hall 1,
Labor TemDle. Fri.. Aor. 22. Mem-
jbers, friends & neighbors invited.
To Retire from
Business Here
Retirement from the business he
will have operated fSr 30 years
next Tuesday was announced
Thursday by H . Shusterowitz,
owner of Capital Hardware and
Furniture company. Sale of the
stock will begin today.
Shusterowitz purchased the store
from J. A. Patterson in 1919. when
it was at 285 N. Commercial st.
In 1941 he bought the present
building at 241 N. Commercial st.
and moved there. That building
will be rented after the business
is closed.
After learning the cabinet-makers
trade in Russia, Shusterowitz
came to the United States in 1905,
to Oregon in 1911. He opened a
.cabinet shop on Ferry street in
1914, and later went back to cabi
net making until 1919.
Upon retirement, he plans to
take a rest for the present. A for
mer president of the Jewish con
gregation here, he is now its treas
urer and building superintendent.
Meet Planned
By Travelers
Salem council of United Com
mercial Travelers of American
will enter its second year of acti
vity Saturday night with a meet
ing at Salem Woman's club house.
The anniversary will also see in
itiation of new members, accord
ing to Tom H. Bagan, newly elect
ed senior counselor.
Several members of the Eugene
council are expected to visit.
The council and its women's
auxiliary meet simultaneously be
fore combining for a social eve
ning. Committee in charge of the
social for Saturday includes Mr.
and Mrs. Paul E. Hicks and Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Jackman.
New officers of the council are
Floyd Colburn, past senior coun
selor; Sterling McAlpine, Junior
counselor; George A. Brown, secretary-treasurer;
Paul R. Hicks,
conductor; Russell B. Jones, page,
and S. A. Randle, sentinel.
New women's officers are Mrs.
Floyd Colbum, president; Mrs.
42 Boy Scouts
Get Awards at
Honor Court
Forty-two Boy Scouts and
scouters advanced irr rank Wed
nesday night at a Cherry City
court of honor at Bush grade
school, attended by 350 persons.
Awards were given as follows:
Star: Donald T. Shaw, troop 10;
Dwyn A. Miller, neighborhood
Life: Bill McKinney, troop 10;
Mark Bliven, troop 16.
Eagle bronze palms: Bill Han
sen, troop 9 assistant scoutmas
ter; Leland W. Edwards, troop 11
Eagle: Leslie Morris, neighbor
hood commissioner.
Second class rank: Troop 3, Ed
ward McKee, Bob Earlywine, Bob
Allen, Ronald Brown, Bobby Mil
ler; troop 4, Robert Cameron,
Marvin Kautz; troop 8, Willard
Bone, Jim Pearson; troop 10, Dean
Angove, Roger Morley; troop 11,
John Burroughs, Jerry Simmons.
Tom Pickens. Ralph Poling, Dar
rell Lunda; troop 12, Jack Em
mons, Murray Jensen, Gary
Smith; troop 41, Larry Smith,
Howard Pingel, Owen Stockard.
First class: Troop 3, Leland Mil
ler, Harold Hansen, Harvey Craw
ley, Tommy Penner, Norman New
ton; troop 8, James Folsom; troop
11, Darrel Sheridan; troop 14,
Kenneth Cooley, Wallace Cooley,
Erwin Martin, Billy Walker; troop
16. Don Pearl; troop 41, Jimmy
Gilmore, Chuck McClenny; troop
42, Delbert Bottens.
Merit badges: Troop 2, Bob
Strayer, George Noakes, Donald
Case, Scoutmaster Robert Batdorf,
Scoutmaster Robert Harms, Bill
Earlywine, Harry Crawley, Gerry
Gillespie, Richard Loveland, Nor
man Newton, Dick White, Bob
Carlson. Bob Loveland; troop 4,
Lloyd Kidd; troop 6, Bob Cowan,
Jack Kropp, John Brennan; troop
8, Wayne Gibbens, Eugene Bow-
The- Statesman, Salem, Oregon Friday. Apf& 22, lt4-
ers; troop 10, Gordon Morris, Rob
ert Hewitt, Ronald Shaw, Bill
McKinney; troop 11, Scoutmaster
Leland W. Edwards; troop 12.
Scoutmaster Jack Rhodes, Donald
Riedel, Thomas Davidson; troop
16, Clark Hyndman, Don Pearl,
Mark Bliven, Lyle Shephard:
troop 20. Jerry Andreson, David
Cooley, Robert Cooley, Dale Cro
thers, George Durham, John Hen
ning. Richard Reitzenstein; troop
201, Galen Siddal, Jack Stryffeler,
George Strozut, jr.. Rudy Well
brock, Howard Williams, Jack
Verstegg; troop 1, Scoutmaster
Mickey Hickman, John Rehfuss,
Dwayne Snook; troop 42, Donald
Bassett. James Kuenzi, Leonard
Hammer, Dean Way; Neighbor
hood Commissioners James Nick
el, Leslie Morris, Ed Jacobus.
f$k Towards a Better
rUa far year future . . . I sr the security
f year family . . . f or these "extras" yea
want. It's food assurance to save at SA
LEM FEDERAL where year savings are
Federally Insured Safe U $$ by an
ageuey ef the United States Government.
$40 State
Opposite the Courthouse
Salens, Ore.
TjannsinajsMiSLLiwiji-ijjiiiniP si" m i"i"
mry" A ;b v 0 irf
IML ft iMl &nvnnsasnasHBssBsM
i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I V 0-0 "" ""' I .
IFurniiure Sacrificed!
My doctor says, "You can't tales it with you!"
I bsliT him. I'm soiling out my ontiro stock
of quality furnirurs . . . orerything has to go.
Two and a hali floors of "Nams" furniture is
going at sacrifice prices. It's tho chanco of a
life-time for you to furnish your homo with
really fine furniture at bargain counter prices.
Everything in the store is for sale ... orery
thing reduced to the lowest possible price.
Furniture for every room of your home. Daven
ports, lamps, occassional chairs, floor-covering,
appliances, hardivare . . . everything must go!
Come and get it ... at these prices everything
will move fast!
Oar Building Is
All Fixtures, Display
Shelves, Elc.
and F
TOlJMirsl'4A?17iTO c April Zl V i .JU-..v:?
uX. yir: ihrongn April E!!
Men! Muriry iira--get
your share!
Amy mnm ef these too
cfwetHy how el toets are
YOURr-FOtt ONLY. . .
Rejf. 1.19 to 1.69! You save 11c to 0e!
Look at the hammers, saws, pliers, and screw
drivers . . . every one a handy, useful tool
every one selling for a thrilling new low sals
price! Come in NOW! Get yours at Sears!
Psrallel Jaw Pliers ... Se
Electric Soldering
iron Me
Combination Square . 98e
Open End Wrench Set 98c
Ji-ln. Hand Drill ....... 98c
4-Pe. Screwdriver Set 98c
8-in. End Wrench ..... 98c
Eagle Jaw Pliers 98c
Battery Pliers .. 98c
Hack Saw : 98e
7-ln. Duckbill Snip ... 98c
Ifnitlon Pller Set 98c
Water Pomp Pliers .. 98e
Cross Rim Wrench ... 98e
Pocket Knives 98c
Plastic Utility Box 98c
Power Lawn Mower
18-inch Size 99.00
Eavy to m. Jul roi handle to
start; lowor to op. Soors xclutivo
magic control. 5 tl bladev Red
enamel with iivr trim.
18-ln. Lawn Mower
Finest Craftsman 25.95
Glide through gra with sate, top
cutting efficiency. Soynd all-metal
construction almost impossible to
deform, built for years of tervicel
Ifnitlon Wrench Set . 98e
Hack Saw 98e
Punch. Chisel Set 98e
Dunlap Claw Hammer 98c
Ratchet Screwdriver . 98c
24-ln. Wrecklnf Bar 98c
Coping- Saw and
Blades 98c
12-ln. Compass Ssw 98c
H. H or 1-ln. Chisels 98e
Chalk Lino 98c
Torpedo Level 98e
Craftsman Jr. Axle ... tie
Sander with I Refills tic
8-Ft. Craftsman Tape, 98e
Tool Poach te
Craftsman Mower
Ball Bearings 19.95
A real buy at this price. 5 "whisper
Ing-action" steel blades, keen
edges. Rubber tifs. 16-ln. cut.
Finished in red and cream enamel.
Gratf Catcher j
For Power Mowerl 2.59
Keeps lawn dean, eliminates tire
some raking. Rust-resistant alumi
num bottom, high white canvas sides,
fits power mowers up to 23 Inches.
1 T- r "
J- II S iii MP x
Grass Catcher
Fits Hand Mowert 98c
Sturdy white canvas sides secured
to an ample aluminum bottom. Easy
to attach and to remove for empty
ing. Fits 1 6 to 1 S-in. hand mowers.
Garden Hose
25-fL. Z.79
Guaranteed 5 Yrs.ja.f 5.49
Plenty rugged and long wearing.
Tightly braided hose yam reinforce
ment gives it added strength. Heovy
rubber cover. Green.
Super-Strong Hose
Croftsmon! Guaranteed 10 Years
-ft. 7.95
. .....
Nmmim cewer aaree kesel The 1
etiofMl reyee reiitforcmfit stewbles
rtW. Withsteiids 700-lbs. pressure.
Steel Wheelbarrow
With 10 x 2.73 Rubber Tires
Holds 4 Cm. ft. . .. .1.13X3
1 ;
Steel construction mede te carry Me
loafs, test looser. Rubber tires absorb
shock, mefce work eesier. lee M tedey.
&7to$&t faus&et eW tjflili
484 State Street
Phone 3-9191