ItThe ttetor- Ic!-t, Oregon, Tricar, aptfl ft, I til Salvation Held Possible Outside Church in Netv Catholic Booh WASHINGTON. April 21-i-Th Roman Catholic church of the united States today issued a new catechism which backs up Archbt chop Richard J, Cushing's stand in the Boston "heresey" dispute. It says that persons "outside the church" can attain salvation un der certain conditions. The new religious textbook, however, does not deal with the Bos ton dispute as such. In prepara tion for years, It is designed, church officials said, to give a "rather complete presentation of the doctrine of the church" on a Droad neia oz suDjects sucn as war, government, a labor manage cm MAKE MONET WITH PLASTICS BUILD A BUSINESS OF TOUR OWN Men and women if you are In terested In learning more about extra income possibilities in this fastest growing industry in America today, fill out the form below and mail at once. Interstate Training Serriee 4SJ5 N. R. ftaady Blvd. Portland 11, Ore Nan Fbene Address . City Stats. Age Oeenpasien Employed by If yea My ess WLFJ. directions. tTS ment relations as well as purely religious matters. Publication of the 426-page book climaxes 12 years of research by a group of prelates and Catholic scholars known as the confratern ity of Christian doctrine. The cat echism is for secondary schools and colleges. The new catechism says per sons "who remain outside the Ca tnouc cnurcn tnrougn no grave fault of their own and do not know it is the true church- can be sav ed oy making use of the graces which God gives them." It added, however, that persons who do know that the "Catholic church is the true church and refuse to join it eannot be saved. - Eyerly Hurt During Horse Show Practice Lee U. Eyerly, eaptaln of the Oregon mounted posse, was in jured in the left arm and shoulder Thursday night when he was over run by the posse In a practice drill at the state fairgrounds pavilion. His injuries were not serious. He was rushed to Salem Memorial hospital by the city first aid ear, and was taken home after examin ation. The accident occurred when Ev- rly's horse, Honey Boy, slipped as he was leading the posse in a fast maneuver. Eyerly fell to the ground in front of the posse's charge. None of the horses was in jured. The drill ; was a rehearsal for the annual horse show here May 7-1. Contract for Auto License Plates Given (Story also on page 1.) The Screw Machine Products company of Portland was award ed the contract to make perman ent automobile plates for the year 1950 by the state board of control Thursday. The low bid was 17 cents a pair. Heretofore au contracts were awarded to the Irwin-Hodson com pany of Portland. The Irwin-Hod son bid was 29.7 cents a pair. The contract expenditure involves ap proximately $200,000. The board authorized tearing down of an old ward building at the state hospital farm and using the material for construction of 12 motor courts to house 24 state hospital employes. Cost of the pro ject was estimated at $38,000. Also approved by the board was a proposal to advertise for bids on on construction of a superintend ent's residence at Oregon boys school at woodburn. Cost is esti mated at $16,800. Congressman Coffey Killed in Plane Crash ' i s t ' K' 2- r 1 mm in .iiits '.' af? "-w tested dl - r r - . ,, . ... . . ... V, a It Rogers, Angle, Wyatt to Head 3 Hi-Y Clubs Tom Angle, Dick Wyatt and Douglas Rogers will head Salem's Abel Gregg, Arthur Cotton and Harrison Elliott Hi-Y clubs as the result of elections this week. In stallation will be May 18-at the annual service for induction of new members. The clubs also scheduled thir annual Mother's day breakfast for 1 and Ronald Brunk, chaplain members and their' mothers' 'tnk' Msy 8. Other new officers of the groups are as follows: Abel Gregg Dick Peterson, vie, president; Ed Knapp,; secretary; Bob Hamblin, treasurer; Paul Ba ker, chaplain; Gene Carver, ser geant-at-srms. Arthur Cotton Ron Walters vice president; Lay ton 0ilson, sec retary; Don Clark, treasurer; Lloyd Hamlin, sergeant-at-arms; Gilbert Bateson. chaplain. ; Harrison Elliott Gordon Sloan, vice president, Dennis Teike, sec retary; William Dokken, treasur er; Robert Hart, sergeant-atrarms 4 ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., April 21-Kep. Robert Lewis Coffey, Jr.. Pennsylvania democrat, died Instantly when has jet fighter crashed here yesterday. A partial power failure caused the plane to settle, crash on tne runway, cartwheel into a ravine and tear through a radio direction tower. A wing is to the right. (Ar wirepnoto to Toe statesman). Not only Christianity but also Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and Is lam are, or have been, missionary religions. Tired Kidnsys Often Bring S!s8d!8ss nights towufts lYtinunt aa4 bormiac Wtou 4kM4or of kUaer Pfaa, Um Paias. kMS of pep and hows taar ia iianthlaa wmxar WHa row kiAwT9 or bladder. uoa watt I Ask your dnwtm toe Dom's s. a stimulant aimus, 1 snuuoM for ever I relief M4 win Baah oat i var arasgMK ror iooa e irttk, u4 fuMoMfollj IS Tears. Doaa's atre a help the IS snilea of YMCA Gym Jamboree Set Folk and modern dancers, wres tlers and ball players will be among the performers at the Sa lem YMCA gymnasium jamboree neat Thursday at 8 p.m. Open to the public and spon sored by the YM physical depart ment committee and Junior Lead ers elub, the' event's proceeds will help send junior leaders to their annual institute at Camp ueabeck, Wash., in July. The program will include the Srade school Freps in track ana eld events: Cadets in maze-run ning and games; junior high boys In basketball drill and game; folk dancing by the Gate Swingers club; modern dancing by a group of girls; exhibitions by. wrestlers and badminton players; gymnas tics on rings, bars and trampoline. The name Maryland was given to the eighth smallest state in the union in honor of the wife of Charles I, Queen Henrietta Maria of England. , -a V::.l , JH Ilavo Yea Sonelhicg To Tr&dt? Trader Lonio 30SS Portland ltd. Telephone 8-8S53 COLLECTOR Albert Brouse, Los Augeles nusle teacher, eoUeefs for his home Museum eld phonographs, records, snusle boxes, horseless carriages, spark plugs and auto hub cape. Here be is surrounded by some of his phonographs and records dated between 1199 and lfli. mm b Yen ve HE ADD Abonl Hin - Now Yon Can SEE THE SEJlUmi of lho SEALED GAR" Sainrdoye April 23rd - 9 io 1 p.m. $25fC00Del jf? -Ttx. $6,C00, Car ACTUALLY WELDED IN FOR 14 MONTHS TOURING THE COUNTRY COAST TO COAST THE ONLY CAR LIKE IT IN THE WORLD SHOVJBB RZOTOR COl Stay ton, Oregon Fire Destroys Echo Oil Plant svsVf mas 11 f a ss ayswau, square Howard X. Williams com pany oil distributing plant was de stroyed by a spectacular fire to day. The blaze broke out from an un determined cause just before 7 a. m. and roared through the plant as oil drums exploded. Even after the flames died, the ruins were too hot to estimate the exact amount of damage. Firemen from three towns bat tled for two hours and kept the flames from spreading to nearby buildings. An underground oil storage tank was saved, too. 'Peasants Party' Naminee Wins OSC Student Selections CORVALLIS, April 21 -OP)- A football guard, nominated as stu dent body president by a campus party that started as a joke, won the election today. He was Jim Hanker. Ventura. Calif., nominee of the "peasants party." That was started as a satire on political parties. McDowells market 171 South Commercial INSPECTED MEATS Phone 8-8757 SPECIALS 110 -110 -. SPECIALS We regulate our own prices in line to what we pay the farmer for the finest quality of pork that money can buy You can always do betterat McDowell's. Breakfast Bacon Cflri Bacon Backs IEm Fancy Quality JOE aiJK IE Pure Pork lCr Ground Beef Sausage . . . Beef Steak. A- Beef Boast AZr Young and tender jU siUO Pork Shoulder 45c Fresb Hocks 28c UnnO Sugar Cured Hill'iaJ Sweet as a nut .. 550 We hare one price every day No specials. Shop the McDowell's way and save your way SP Streamliner Tests Route Time SAN FRANCISCO. April 21-UP) -Another trial run was made by the Southern Pacific railroad to day to determine the running time of the Shasta Daylight, the new streamliner which goes into ser vice this summer. A train carrying SP officials came from Oakland to Portland last night, and another test run from Portland to Oakland was made today. It travelled the S18 miles from Portland to Klamath Falls in 6 hours 22 minutes, com pared to 8 hours for the Cascade. U.S. Denounced At 'Peace' Meet PARIS, April S l-(yP)-Speakers at the communist-d o m 1 n a t e d world peace eongress today de nounced war, the U. S. state de partment and "Yankee imperial ism' and praised peace, Prime Minister Stalin and the Soviet un ion. Meanwhile the state department in Washington pointed out that many of those participating in the current sessions were active in a similar conference in New York last month. Speaker after speaker attacked the North Atlantic treaty, the Mar shall plan for European recovery and American policy in general. U.S. Claims Russ Eye North Africa LAKE SUCCESS, April 2l-(JP)-A U. S. delegate said today Rus sian ambitions to gain a Mediter ranean foothold in north Africa were to blame Four Big power dis agreement over Italy's former col onies. The statement was made in the United Nations assembly's political committee by American delegate John Foster Dulles in reply to an attack on the United States and Britain by Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet deputy foreign minister. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE ALVADARO TERRACE FORM CAN TO BEN DALARIA BOULEVARD VISTA DRIVE Notice hereby Is riven that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Ore gon, deems tt Ttecesaary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Improve Alvarado Ter race from the south line of Canda larla Boulevard to the north line of Ben Vista Drive, in the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by bringing said portion of said street to the ectabllshed grade, constructinc cement concrete curb., and paving said portion of aaid street with a 2',, -inch asphaltic concrete pavement thirty feet wide in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council April it. 1949, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement de partment. By order of the Common Council April 11. 1M9 ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of firfct publication hereof la April 13. 1949. Ap. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17, IS. 30. 21. 12. 23. 24. DO FALSE TEETH Rock. Slid or Slip? FASTEXTH. and Improve powder to besprinkled on upper or lower plates, holds fsUe teeth more firmly in plaoe. Do not slide, slip or rock. No lummv. aooey. Deity taste or feeling. FASTCETU is alaaUae (non-actd). Does not sour. Creeks "piste odor" (denture FASTS.! Sale ai Tor 19 days refunds . . changes . . provals. only. No . No es . No ap- LEO WIS Buy the first pair at the regular price . . . get the second psir FREE!... WANTED GOOD WALNUT MEATS No Shrivels Accepted Reasonable Prices) Paid No Meat Accepted on Saturday Willamette Grocery Co. 305 B. Cottage St., Salem at fsTIi s4sfcsaeSasCa3i afc aSMgaig fimyi Phone 8-4146 breath ). Oet storer LKTM at any drug e NOAM AWBftflMfta- ta Plan Your Fninre Happiness Carefully! Make sure you build for permanent comfort and satisfaction by first talking over your needs, tastes and desires with our friend ly Home Planning Department! Our Advisory Experts have many practical plans for you to choose from . . . attractive home plans to fit In with your budset! We can give you a FREE ES TIMATE on building materials required and help with your fi nancing plana! Drive over . . . plan your future home this week. f tato ML Four Cornora Dial 3-5513 rein- Ex-Rep. Harness To Talk in Salem Forest A. Harness, former publican congressman from diana. will speak on "National 1 Though t Control" at a Junior Chamber of Commerce-sponsored j public meeting next Wednesday at ! 8 p m. at the chamber. J "The speech will deal w ith the j trend toward socialism in our gov- I ernment with emphasis on social- j ized medicine, said Dorothy Cor- 1 nelius, co-chairman of the arrange ments committee. Or.T.T.Laasi.O. Dr G Chaa.N D DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS ztl North Liberty t'ostslrs PertlaaS Geaerai Electric Co. Office open Satarday only IS a.aa. to I p.m S to 1 p.m. Contal LaiioB. Blood prewar aad arise tests are free of charge. Practiced lnce ISI7. Vacation time again and many of you will coma back with painful poison oak. you don't prepared. Of course we hope get it It pays to be Gat a bottle of Hood's Poison Oak Remedy Chocolale Covered CHERRIES In Cordial Lb 690 Friday and Saturday Only XtySthnfi EFFO IS WHAT TC3 REEI when CONSTIPATION mates you out of aorta. Take Effo, pleasant sparkling;, effervescent saline laxative. Sold only by 50c YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 1899 - 1949 - "It Paya to Trade at SchaeferV Prescriptions Accurately Filled Let ns fill yonr next baby prescription We bar a complete line of medical needs lor babies. Schaefer'f Pile Ointment A soothing application to re lieve Itching, burning and sore ness of simple piles. 50c If a trip to beach or any trenuouM work leaven you with muM-leu aching and tMre ... Try SCHAEFER'S LHIII1EHT 1 1 X I 1 ' 1 jaaaoeesea tremS't m mi rel W to 50c IN Take them daily for extra vitamin needs. This Is the official Penslar Remedy Store for Marlon County. Yoa will find these preparations of highest quality and guaran teed to be exactly for what they are sold and represented to be. Why Don'i Yon Use DEIM1MI0L Relieve itching: aurface pimple and other minor Hkin irritations wjth per- ma-moL a sooth inr medi cated ointment 500 Schaefer's Corn Remedy Don't endure the discom fort of painful corn, bun ions, or callouKeH. x f Have Yonr Films Printed at Scbaefer's WHEN WE FINISH YOUR FILMS THEY WILL LAST FOREVER I Onr Prices Are Digit ! In at 9 a. Out 5 p. m. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENSLAR REMEDIES tOR MARION COUNTY 135 N. Commercial St. Prescriptions Filled 1899 - 1949 Pbone 3-5197 - 3-9723