t; mi jQThf &Ux1aan. Solam. Oregon, Friday, April 22. 194$ Salem Man Engaged Revealed Tuesday night at the Delta Gamma bouse on tht Willa metta university campus was an Souneement of the engagement of liss Lucy Collins, daughter of Mrs. V. A. Collms of Berkeley, Calif., to Allan P. Bellinger, son of Mrs. Allan P. Bellinger of Sa lem. The wedding is planned for the fall, after which the couple will live la Salem and continue with their etudies at Willamette university. Both Mlas Collins and her fiance are freshmen en the campus. Mr. Bellinger la graduate of Salem high schoeL treasure hunt re vealed the news when the coeds found pictures of the engaged duo In a treasure oh est hidden in the piano. Korean Speaks To Auxiliary The West Salem Lions dub Suxiliary meeting Monday night, card the report of the nominat ion committee, Mrs. William E. Knower, Mrs. Fred Gibson and Mrs. A. N. Copenhaver announce candidates for offices, Mrs. Chea ter Douglas, president; Mrs. Junior Ickley, vice-president; Mrs. Ro bert Covert, treasurer; and Mrs. Elmer Nofzifsr, secretary. Delegates for the state conven tion, in Astoria, June 5-9-7 select ed were Mrs. Earl Burk. Mrs. Junior Eckley, Mrs. Axel Jacob sen and Mrs. O. C. Brown. Mrs. Clyde Everett was named as an alternate. Elected president will be Mrs. Chester Douglas, (telega teat-large. The speaker was Mrs. Koh. an American born Korean, who told Interesting and amusing customs ef the Korean marriage. The prin cipal theme of her talk was about student exchange, from Korea and Campfire Corner Elutamda Wapi Camp Fire Girls met Tuesday at the Jason Lee church with their ! leader Mrs. Jasper Button to work on 'head bands. Tawanka Camp Fire met with their leader Mrs. Perle Heard Tuesday and elected the following officers: Dorothy Feskins, presi dent; Shirley Sullivan, vice presi dent; Nancy Weeks, secretary; Carol Cole, treasurer; Maxine Cadwallader. scribe.; The OkiyasJn Camp Fire Girls met at the home of their leader Mrs. R. C Irwin and practiced the play they will give for PTA at Englewood school. Friday, 20 members ef the Kewene-alan Camp Fire group with their guardian Mrs. Raymond Olson, Mrs. Ray Graber and Mrs. Albert Mefford, went to Portland by train. They visited KOIN. the Art Museum and several stores and other buildings. They were taken through the Cascade train before returning home. ' Fairy Blue Birds ! met Monday at the home of their leader Mrs. James HaskelL Hostesses were Judith and Lois Gardner. Mornina? Blue Birds with their leader Mrs. Leonard Reiman were oonducted through a local bakery on Wednesday. Cheery Blue Birds at the home of their leader Mrs. Roy Harlaad elected new offi cers: Patsy aXfaeridge, president; Judy Boursoa, vice president; Derlene Goto, secretary, Janice Walker, treasurer; Carolyn Seam- ster, scribe. Mrs. rubers Jouy Time Blue Birds, meeting Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Todd, held an Easter egg hunt Beverly Mocabee was hostess. This "Murder" Probe Only Police Class work V all countries to promote better understanding between nations, as a means of stamping out com munism. The meeting ended with the serving of lunch by the hostesses, Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs. McClen don aad Mrs. Elmer Nofziger. Popular Pair Chocolate, Peppermint Combination Is To Be Found in Many Favored Recipes Br Maxine Bares tetewnan Woman's Editor Next to chocolate, we like peppermint flavor best. And we like peppermint flavor neat to chocolate flavor too Chocolate coated peppermint creams, chocolate oake with mint Icing, chocolate angel food cake flavored with peppermint and choco late pudding with peppermint smrshmallow topping. Those arc all luscious combinations, bard to rettst. Here's such a combination, as sent by a cooking expert tor the an k ers of shortening: RED DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE 2 cups sifted cake flour 'i cup shortening l'i cups sugar V? cup cocoa 2 eggs hi cup milk 2 teaspoeA soda 1 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon vanilla Line the bottom of two 8-inch cake pans with wax paper. Cream the lard, add auger end cocoa. When thoroughly araamed, add egs aad beat well. Add flour alter nately with milk in which coda has been dissolved. Add boiling water and vanilla. Pour batter Into cake fans. Bake in moderate oven (SSO .) for SO minutes. Twelve serv ings. Peppermint Froetiag 14 cups sugar 1 tablespoon white corn syrup 5 tablespoons water - X mgg whites cup crushed peppermint stick sandy Combine all ingredients except candy in top of double over boil ing water. Remove front fire but leave over hot water and beat 7 minutes longer. Add candy to frosting and spread on cake. One birthday cake that combin ed these popular flavors, is made by icing a chocolate with white frosting, and placing one of the popular dollar mints so that there's one for every serving. It is a good looking oake decorated with can dles and is distinctive to eat too. Make regular chocolate roll, and for filling, use a peppermint marsh mallow filling made thus: PEPPERMINT MARSIIMALLOW WHIP 1 egg white cup corn syrup Peppermint flavor Cook over syrup to a soft ball, Kur slowly over the egg which s been beaten stiff but not dry. Add peppermint flavor to taste. and whip until it thickens. If an electric beater la used, allow to whip for some time until thick. Mrs. Rev Mills has returned from a stay at her beeeh place at Nelscott. Joining her was her daughter, Mrs. Elliott Price and three children of Camas, Train. .11 W0Z k (IP Swift's VEAL Boned and Zeds No Want SWIFTS .P! M. CELLOPHAEZ Smoked ausa3 55c SWIFTS FBSMXUM DZlCOn 690 UEHjEDS 390 BEEF SHOBTRIDS 350 COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE - 490 SLMAffiT 1230SuteSt, Phone 3-9127 SOTE ? .f .. ': t hff i - snL-rf? It M .x 1 war..- -mm. , ; . ' .:: & . n -- s - B v r 'ji'V.'yH" , -V" . f .l-l Praetlcal experieaee In set ring deaths either ajcesdental er tatentlenal U Istag given -pease ffleers attendias a rcrional pcUec ache el fta Saleaa this week. Above are a grena working en a "aaarer" staged daring the eenrae ef snstmsclen. Ylettaa Is Jehn Payne, aatlejne dealer." an erstwmUe ctothmg store shammy. Leektag far eieea In the surtftsrae marder caper are, left te right, Olen Featcr. Salesa; Gene Nerdene, West Salesa; David Bain. naJeaai lames Finney. Oregon state peUee: Capt. Stan Frleee, Salem; and Sri. Amos Shaw. Albany, who waa la charge ef the grasp fer the prshltsa. Standing be hind Shaw Is Oeerge Edwarns, galeae, who acted aa fUceryriat saan. (Statesman phete). State Officer Is Auxiliary Guost American Legion auxiliary, de partment of Oregon officers were guests at the Monday meeting of CapiUl unit No. t. Mrs. Mitchell Thome. The Del- lea, president spoke informally on the auxiliary program. Mrs. Craig Coyner, sr. Bend, national oom mittee woman for Oregon and national security chairman for Oregon spoke on the national se curity program ' and announced a conference to be held May 4 m Albany. Other department officers were Mrs. W. W. Graham, CorvallU, vice president. Mrs. Mae Whit comb. Portland, secretary, Mrs. Stanley Krueger. The Dalles. Girls State chairman, Mrs. I. N. Bacon, radio chairman, Mrs. T. H. Mark. Band, publicity chair man. Guests from other units were Mrs. C. K. Aba Igor e, Cor vallis, Mrs. W. . Parsons. Bend. Mrs. G. F. Hastings, Kingwood and Mrs. K. P. Mobley, Kingwood. Mrs. Helen McLeod, president introduced the guests and a new memberrMrs. L. A. Lucas. Miss Joyce Ed gel I. Salem high school SaJem's Retail Packing; Plant 351 State St. The besi resolution and Iha easiest cae io keep. Is io save on yonr meal purchases in letting ns supply yon with meals oi good qnalily al practically wholesale prices. IIo "Hoi Shols" Ilo "Specials" Tlavorizcd Whole cr nali ib.4!c E! ii &H What a ralue! Money aan bur timer hasma. Nut-awaet, tetkdnr, skinned, cured to axqaisits dstieney. Ask any oaa of tka kundreds who hars tried them. DACOII SQUAIIES 150 PODK SAUSAGE s PUBE LARD ir "". 150 LITTLE LIIIKS l",'r-n 450 LOIII PODK CHOPS 580 LEAD POUK STEAS fc 480 LUIICklEOII SPECIALTIES l"' have m aupnJy of Midget Varieties on hand. ASSORTED m Lonx DOLOGIIA 350 lb. IIDS .b Liver SAUSAGE 350 lb. 450 Tender student, played piano numbers. Miss Esther Ebersoie. director of mtisic for the First Methodist church, sang. Her accompanist was Miss Jean Rickley, student oof Willamette university. Mrs. James A. Garson reported on the rehabilitation committee work. Announcement was made that district conference will be held in Newberg, April 24. Mrs. O. E. Palmateer announc ed a bazaar and cooked food sale for May 2 at the Portland Gas office. Arranging the tea hour was Mrs. Frank Marshall and mem bers of her child welfare commit tee. Mrs. B. E. Owens and Mrs. Walter M. Wood ' poured. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones were dinner hosts Thursday night at their Belmont street home for members of their club. Bridge was in play during the evening and ad ditional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Verd Schlapkohl. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goeden- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Bjarne Erick sen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halvorson and Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk will make up a beach party this weekend at Neskowin. Mrs. Carl Carlson. 20 Carlton Way, will be hostess to the Merry Time club for a dessert luncheon this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. SHE Vtesya NEVER I ti9 FORGETS "I Dnwtomoos Tjl I'V m Wo Givo tfyC Grcea SP5 lr n i UIEIIEDS 450 IIO TRICKY BARGAINS - TThen yon see il in ear ad, il's so. LO'TESTPRfCES evERyDAy Corner Capitol A Market COFFEE Foirera, M. J. R, HilU, Golden Wont, etc. AU Popular Brands THE GOVERN MY Potmd ... 2-lba. $1.05 Ilixxion Coflee Drip and Ilee;ular l ib. tin ........ 490 2-lb. tin 960 Reyko MARGARINE lib. Package 25c Ili-Ho Crackers 1-lb. pkjp Sunshine Grahams 1-lb. pkgr Cinch Cake Mix Devil Food, Spice, Gold and White . .. Hoody a Peanut Butter Vt. class Chef Bov-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Dinners Pkr. 29c 29c 39c 38c 39c Plenty of Parking Spses i LEEDS Corned Beef Hash 2 . 330 BEARDSLEY Sliced Dried Beef 1-.. 190 SUN SWEET ; Prune Juice q(.k. 290 i H-D SWEET I Blended Peas No. 303 tin 160! HUDSON HOUSE 1 Tomatoes ..No. 2Yi tin aeV SIVIITH'S j Pork & Beans 2,4 2 M 350 HUDSON HOUSE . Sliced Beets n.. 2 . 150 O'BIUEN NUTTI Brittle Candy 12-e. tin 390 I ! TENDER LEAF j j Tea . Vi ib.pkf. 290 HIGHLAND CANE & MAPLB Syrnp 12-01. ju?. 2$ 2i-. jf 5i0i CUBTIS IIABICET Always featuring the finest in whaiesosas saents at prices that are within reason. Arain we sar THANK YOU for a wonderful Easter business. It waa tops. Swift's Government Inspected BOAST OF STEER BEEF Am or blade Lb. Area cut for pot roast - Made cut for oven. Swift. GOTcrwntestt Inspected SHORT BIBS OF STEER BEEF 0 and meatjr Lb. Bake or boil with vegetables they're flavorful Swift's Pre mi am TABLE BEADY COUKUTS Proteased in SWIFTS sew t leas kitcnesw under strict s;evernaneat inspection. FRYERS, BAKES, FRESH FISD "For Meat to Eat - We Can't Be Beat" -Herb" Curtis 3 and Juicy Doc OMIIGES Fancy Nareb GnAFEFnUIT Fancy Florida ITnoarta; 1. y" for r -icy7 PEAS 5Lf Tender, Fresh and Sweet, lb. lev Potatoes lAmg White 0 Ibn. C7OB0Q57 Bee. oie 44sar pksj. Bath size. bar ok. SWEETHEART SOAP ' DEAL PACK 20c s Cbrox Bleach rt ,Nt ... 28c Flonr Patent 25 $1X3 Pcannl Candy SfT. l?c Creamed Honey WhNnH-L crt.n 25c i . : 8i ; i , i ! t ! ! ; i i 1 1 1 i