The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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Parties For
Honor guest at several pre
rtuptial parties this week will be
Miss Lorraine Taylor. April bride
elect of P. Dixon Van Ausdell,
tr. Friday night Mrs. Hillary
itzel and Miss Ruth Skinner will
be hostesses for a china shower
In compliment to Miss Taylor at
the Etzel home on Lancaster JDrive.
Bridge will be in play following a
dessert supper. Spring flowers
will provide the decorative note
about the rooms.
Bidden to honor Miss Taylor
re members of her club and addi
tional guests including Mrs. Geo
rge Kellogg, Mrs. Robert H. And
erson. Mrs. Orville South, Mis
Frank Newell. Mrs. Robert Elgin.
Mrs. Alan Siewert, guests, and
Mrs. Gordon Krueger. Mrs. Roy
Ostrin. Mrs. James Rowe, Mrs.
Norman Yagle. Mrs. Rex Adolph.
Mrs. Richard Sullivan. Mrs. Jack
Slrickfaden. Mrs. Fred Nicholl.
Miss Mildred Randolph. Miss Mar
cella Schwartz, Miss Skinner and
Mrs. Etrel.
Wednesday night Miss Taylor
will be feted at a shower and
party when members of the Ladies
Aid of the Smyrna Yoder church
near Molalla entertain at the home
of Mrs. George Sether.
Mrs. Ivan Lowe and Mrs. Rex
Adoiph will be hostesses for a
dessert supper and miscellaneous
shower tonight at the Adolph home
on North 23rd street for Miss
Taylor. Bidden are Miss Taylor,
Mrs. Hillary Etzel, Mrs. Walter
Cline, jr., Mrs. Max Allen, Miss
Marcella Schwartz. Miss Avlene
k-ott. Ma Ardell Scott. Miss
Pauline and Mis Cleo Turin, Miss
Helen Zielinski and the hostesses.
Art Association
To Show Films
Two moving pictures, to be pre
sented by Salem Art Association
and Willamette art department.
p.m., at Waller hall, are "Hymrf
of the Nations and "Monuments
of Ancient Mexico", both from
the Museum of Modern Art in
New York City. The public is
invited to attend.
David Dunniway. chairman of
the activities committee of the art
association, said Monday that
Hymn of the Nations" which was
produced in 1943 by OWI for
European distribution, stars Arturo
Toscannini. Jan Peerce. the West
minister Choir and the N.B.C.
Symphony orchestra. Music in the
k film is Verdi's, including the Over
turf to La Forza Del Destino.
The second film, which was
1000 vears of Aztec and Mann
cultures, their temples, idols and
On Etiquette
By Roberta Leo
Q. When should the postal card
be used in correspondence?
A. The postal card, excepting
the picture varieties, should be
ufd for business purposes only,
not for social correspondence.
Q. Is it proper to invite the
minister anrf his wife to the wed
ding reception?
A. Yes; it is the most courteous
thing to do.
Q. How should one remove a
fishbone from the mouth?
A. Take it from the mouth, lips
as close together as possible, be
tween the thumb and finger.
Petersons to
Be Honored
At Dinner
Mr. and Mrs Eryin L. Peterson
will be honor guests at a dinner
party tonight when personnel of
the state department of agriculture
entertain at the West Salem
American Legion hall. The affair
will celebrate Mr. Peterson's sixth
year as director of the state de
partment of agriculture. A covered
dish dinner will be followed by
a program and I show entitled
Pete's Follies of 1949". with Mrs;
Paul Hale the director.
Over a hundred are expected
to attend the affair with several
coming down from Portland
Dancing and cards will follow the
duiner and program.
Frank McKennon is general
chairman of the affair and com
mittee chairmen are O. K. Bcals,
arrangements; Mrs. Clarence Stan
ley, reception: Mrs. M. t. Knicker
bocker, program;! A. J. Flemings
dinner and table decorations; and
George Ray, clean-up.
Delegates Named
To Convention
JEFFERSON Delegates to the
Marion County Federation of Wo
man's clubs at MaCleay April 22
were named at Wednesday's meet
ing of the Jefferson Woman's club.
They include Mis Greta Looney,
Mrs. Helen Cay wood. Miss Mar
jorie Fontainei Miss Myrtle My
ert and Mrs. Karl Steiwer. Alter
nates are Mrs. Fred Wied. Mrs.
Marion Looney; Mrs. Edwin
Swart z. Mrs. Herbert Looney and
Mrs. Paul Smith,
Miss Addie Libby. librarian, re
viewed the book, "Patrick Calls
Me Mother. Refreshments were
served by the hostesses. Mrs. A.
B. Hinz, Mrs. Helen Caywood and
Mrs. Frank Jones at the tea hour.
The next meeting of the club
will be a silver; tea and flower
show, Tuesday afternoon. April 29.
It is open to the public and any
flower enthusiast in the commun
ity is urged to show their plants
or flower arrangements.
Annual Meeting at
Baptist Church
The all -day annual meeting of
the Women's Baptist Mission so
ciety. Central Willamette associa
tion is to be at the First Baptist
church today. ; The theme of the
meeting, which open at 9:30 a.m.
i "Ye Are the Light". Mrs. Floyd
Bird will lead devotions in the
morning. Business meeting and
reports are set for 10 o'clock, and
luncheon at 12:13. The luncheon
speaker is MisS Sarah Louise Wal
ker, state missionary of Oregon.
At 1:30 p.m. Miss Mary Ayers
of Portland will give devotions.
H. J. Openshaw will give the
missionary address at 2:10 p.m.
and at 2:45 pjn. election of offi
cers and installation, with Mrs.
Elton Smith of McMlnnville will
take place.
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Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Walkor (Lilli Hall) who wer mar
rid on March 19 in tho parsonago of tho First Methodist
church. Tho brido la th dauahter of Mr. and Mra. T. J.
Shlplar and th groom Is th son ?f Mrs. Mary Walker of
McMinnvill and R. L Walker of Amity. Tho nawlywods
are now at homo on routo ono, Amity, whsrs ho is in
business with his father. The bride formerly taught at the
Highland school In Salem. (Jsvten-MUIer).
Mm City Mrs. Keith Orlmes
was honored at a shower at the
homes of Mrs. Herbert Schroeder
with Mrs. Clayton Baltimore and
Mrs. Ed Rupp assisting. After
an informal evening refreshments
were served.
Present were Mrs. Otto Witt,
Mrs. Jack Duggan, Mrs. Albert
Toman, Jr., Mrs. Charles Kelly,
Mrs. Fred Grimes, Mrs. Lester
Hathaway, Mrs. John Swan, Mrs.
James Swan, Mrs. Joe Lalack,
Mrs. Louis S la ton, Mrs. Harry
Wood, Mrs. Arlo Tuers. Mrs. Ho
ward Shelton, Mrs. Cora Cala
van, Mrs. Clarence Howe, the
honored guest and the hostesses.
Of Note -
Springtime visitors and travel
ers highlight the social news this
Mfs. Taylor Hawkins is being
welcomed home from a five weeks
sojourn in the south. She drove
down with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc
Murray of Portland, who preceded
her home. Mrs. Hawkins visited
in Los Angeles, Laguna Beach,
Santa Monica and Pasadena. While
in the south she visited with Mrs.
Joel Roman, formerly of Salem.
Mrs. Hawkins and her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Duncan of Silverton. were in
Portland Sunday to attend the
Easter breakfast for which the
McMurrays were hosts.
Mrs. Albert K. Kline is expected
home Friday from a months trip
south, most of which time was
spent in Los Angeles and Holly
wood. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Ar
buckle have returned from a trip
to San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Phoenix and the Mexican border.
Mr. Arbuckle went on to Wicken
burg, Arizona, to join a group of
men on an annual horseback ride
and she sojourned at Western Ho
at Phoenix.
Arriving in the capital Saturday
for a several weeks visit were Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd D. Browne of
Honolulu, who are guests of his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil L. Rhoades. Saturday
night Mr. and Mrs. Rhoades en
tertained at dinner at the Legion
club for the Brownes and joining
them here for the weekend was
Mrs. Cynthia Browne of Canby,
mother of Mr. Browne and Mrs.
Te Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service of the Leslie Metho
dist church; will meet Wednesday
afternoon in circles. Circle num
ber one will meet with Mrs. John
Bertelson, 110 East Lefelle St.
at one thirty o'clock. Devotions
will be led by Mrs. A. W. Meti
ger. ; Mrs. W. S. Ankney will re
view articles from "The Methodist
Woman." Circle Number Two is
meeting at one o'clock with Mrs.
Alma Barkus, 890 Saginaw for a
no-host luncheon. Mrs. C. W.
Stacey will present the chapter
on the Virgin Islands from the
study book, "On Our Own Door
step." Mrs. G. H. Templeton will
assist Mrs. Barkus.
1 IE11II
The Merry Little Bakers
Are potent for their sise
They oat three V's In Master Bread
Teall nee It if yea're wise.
Atlyour Grocer
155 N. Liberty Street
Phone 3-3191
EJisses' Spring Suits,
Soals and Hoppers
ai 6U SMB!
Misses Worsted Gabardine Suits
WERE 39.9f NOW $30
Misses Wool-and-Rayon
Gabardine Suits
WERE 19.3
MisHfV Wool-and-Rayon
Gabardine and Menswear Suits
WERE 16.98
Misses All-Wool Suede. Covert,
Tweed and Plaid Toppers
WERE 14.38
Misses Worsted Gabardine Suits
WERE 3J S8 NOW $30
Misses All-Wool Gabasheen and
Broadcloth Coats and Pure
Worsted Gabardine Toppers
WERE 29.98
Misse All-Wool Suede, Covert,
Tweed Coats and Toppers
WERE 24.74
IMisses Wool-and-Rayon
Gabardine, All-Wool Covert,
Suede, Tweed Coats and Toppers
WERE 19.98
Girls (7 to 14) Coats
All-Wool Coverts, Suedes, Tweeds
WERE 12.88. 14.98, 18.93 NOW
Teen (10 to 16) Coats
All-Wool Coverts, Suedes, Tweeds
WERE 16.98 and 19.93 NOW 1 5
Mrs. Lens M. Lisle spent Kuter
in Orosi, Calif, at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Blllman. She left a
week ago and visited in Oakland
and San Francisco, where she was
met by her daughter, the former
Esther Lisle, who attended a state
meetingof physical education di
rectors in the bay city. Mrs. Lisle
will remain in the south another
Tea to Honor
Senior Girl
SILVERTON The annual $25
award to a senior girl, given by
the Business and Professional Wo
men's club will be presented at
the tea Sunday. April 24 at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Teter.
Mrs. F. J. Roubal. president, will
make the presentation to a girl,
yet to be selected.
The tea committee includes Miss
Hannah M. Olson, chairman;
Gladys Montgomery, Gladys Tip
ner and Lela Quointal.
In the receiving line will be
the officers, Mrs. Roubal. Mrs.
Leonard Hudson. Mrs. Dale La
mar, Mrs. Robert Webb, Mrs.
Wayne Weeks and Caroline Nacg
eli. Mrs. Quintal will be at the
door. Assisting about the rooms
will be Mrs. E. R. Ekman. Mrs.
Jean Grossnickle, Mrs. Charles
Davis. Mrs. Francis Frank. Mrs.
Mahlon Hoblitt. Mr F. M. Po
well, Mrs. Harold Roop, Mrs. Earl
Spencer, Mrs. C. H. Weiby, Missej
Lois Riches, Helvie Silvert, Betty
Heindenstrom and Minnie Mash
er; punch, Mrs. Keith Heinz and
Edith Ross; guest book, Mrs. Vic
tor Sather; flowers for the house,
Mrs. Elmer Olson, Mrs. William
Bloch; dining room, Mrs. Peggy
Scott and Mrs. Harold Larsen;
coffee, Thora A rest ad and Ina
Harold, Marguerite Haoolock and
Mrs. Kleeman.
Miss Fuhr
SILVERTON From Seattle
comes news of the wedding of
a former Silverton girl. Miss
Eunice Genevieve Fuhr, daughter
of the Rev. and Mrs. M. J. K.
Fuhr, to Howard Wuerth Peter
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fred
Peterson of Seattle, on April 8 at
the University Lutheran church
with the bride's father perform
ing the ceremony. Mrs. Borghild
Fuhr of Everett, aunt of the bride,
For her wedding the bride wore
a handmade gown of imported
Swiss organdy fashioned Eliza
bethan style with full skirt. A
headpiece of organdy held in place
her illusion veil. She wore long
organdy gloves and carried a bou
quet of stephanotis, white hya
cinths and white rosebuds. Nath
an Fuhr of Seattle gave his sister
in marriage.
Miss Margaret eleven of Seattle
was the honor maid and brides
maids were Miss Helen Kirsch of
Portland and Mrs. John Norton
of Seattle, who wore yellow and
blue dotted marquisette frocks and
carried bouquets of blue and yel
low daisies. Melva Marie Fuhr,
sister of the bride, in blue or
gandy and carrying yellow daisies,
was the junior bridesmaid.
Robert G. Peterson was best
man for his brother ;id ushers
were Jack James. Gerald Steele
and George Morris of Seattle.
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Fuhr wore a rose crepe gown
with orchid corsage and Mrs.
Peterson chose a pale green crepe
dress with orchid corsage.
A reception was held in the
church parlors. The newlyweds
went south to California on their
honeymoon and for traveling the
bride wore a grey suit with navy
blue accessories and a corsage of
green orchids. The couple! wQ
be at home in Seattle at 1 40S1
24th Place South' after May 1.
The bride is a graduate of Pacific
Lutheran eolleee at Parkland.
Wash, and Emanuel School of
Nursing, . Portland; Her husband
graduated from the University of
Washington and Harvard School
of Business.
Parties, V
At Four Corners
1 4
dessert supper and pinochle on
Friday at high noon was Mrs.
Ray Osborn at her home on East
State St Decorations; were In
Easter motif. Ea$ter music was
played during the! luncheon hour.
Guests were Mrs. Earl Kksson,
Mrs. Elizabeth Pugh, Mrs. ( Mar
garet Willis. Mrs; Phillip Bouf
fleur, Mrs. Blanche GainesJ Mrs.
Stan Braden and; Mr. and; Mrs.
Henry Knight. j
Miss Verlaine Walker, student
at Oregon State college was home'
for the Easter vacation. She had
as her house guest. Miss Patricia
Ritter of Eugene,! also a student
at Oregon State college. f
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Taylor
were week end guests in the A.
A. Taylor home $00 Culver-lane
and the Oliver Rickman home 200
S. Elma ave. Mr Taylor has re
turned to his coast guard: ship
the -Mallow", where It is in dry
dock at Seattle. Mrs. Taylor will
continue to visit indefinitely, . ..
I : I
M a J WV- ft.... 1 .
vited members of, her club to her
South Winter street home- Wed
nesday night for an evening ei
bridge and a late supper.
Mr. aaai Mrs. Ja laser Ore ea4
son, Dick, of Astoria were visitors
in the capital Monday: as gueete
of Mr. and Mrs. Harris LUU.
(Uee Our Laj-A-Waj gervlce)
ilhe oimo anncH orally
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Mo Money
Pay little
1.25 wif.
Iaerie'e tseef fefMsUM feW fr.
LmU Hr dtmi Jbe fe-it rmmipm. Um9
mmhm, seMf, hmmU, Hr, Uess4
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InludB jwleer mttmmhmmmi, tm hwU,