The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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CStLy Mews JJBHeffs
Detroit Choice
Dismissals from Salem General
hospital Monday included Mrs.
Nolen Bathurst, 4385 Ilager St.,
and Mrs. Fred W. Bothman, 1235
Chemawa rd., who took home
baby sons, and Mrs. Calvin Van
Woert, 465 S. 20th St.; Mrs. Leslie
Klampe, Salem route 7; Mrs. Ver
non McDowell, Monmouth, and
Mrs. Donald D. Roland, Rickreall,
each taking home a newborn
daughter. Mrs. Elmer Belleque,
Gervais, took home a baby daugh
ter Sunday.
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent divldent 2Vi See First
Fderal Savings First 142 S. Liber
ty. Phone 3-4944.
. SA Max D. May field. USN, son
of Mack P. Mayfield, Albany route
1, recently graduated from the en
listed basic submarine course at
the navy submarine school in New
London, Conn., it was reported
here this week. The school pre
pares sailors to become members
of a submarine crew.
Karakul Karpet. It's new. It's re
versible, it's 100 virgin wool and
woven through and through, only
$4.95 sq. yd. Ph. S-7648 or 3 3364.
Townsend Victory club 17 will
meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the
home of Mrs. Olive Reddaway,
1421 N. Church St., to elect dele
sates to the state convention at
Portland in May.
Capital City Transfer, household
goods mov. St storage since 1906.
Mrs. Reuben Paschke of Salem
entered Salem General hospital
last week for surgery necessitated
by injuries sustained in an auto
accident last July.
See our wallpaper window display
showing juvenile, piovin c i a 1,
Chinese, Colonial, modern, western
nd nautical patterns. R. L. Elf
atrom Co., 340 Court.
Edgar Michalson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Michalson, 815 N.
16th st., and a student at Univer
sity of Oregon, is working on light
ing for "Marco Millions," the uni
versity's theatre production to be
presented April 30 in McArthur
court. Michalson is a freshman law
Let us oil your road. Valley Oil Co.
Ph. 2-3633.
An assumed business name cer
tificate for Detroit Jewelers, at De
troit, was filed with the Marion
county clerk Monday by Patrick
C. Gammon of Detroit.
Call Tweedie 2-4151 or 3-5769 for
your road oiling.
Richard Fortmiller, 14. son of
Dr. E. V. Forfmiller, 1782 Reser
voir st., suffered fractures of both
arms and a head injury in a fall
from a tree about noon Monday.
His condition?.' was reported as
"good" at Salem Memorial hospit
al Monday night.
Bank of America stock holders.
Rights are now being traded. For
assistance, write or call Conrad,
Bruce St Co.,- 203 Oregon Bldg.
Ph. 3-4106. i
Salem chapter 1, Oregon State
Employes association, will meet at
8 p. m. Wednesday in the Woman's
clubhouse to hear Executive Sec
retary Forrest Stewart discuss this
year's legislation affecting state
workers and to see Oregon scenic
movies. '
Air - Steamship tickets, anywhere.
Kugel, 3-7694.735 N. Capitol st.
A citizens' group interested in
improving theiOdd Fellows' cem
etery here will conduct a public
meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in Sa
lem Chamber if Commerce. Com-
mittee recommendations for an
improvement program are sched-
uled. f
Capital City Transfer, agents Aero
Mayflow. nationwide hsehld. mov,
County' chairmen for sale of
U. S. savings bonds throughout
Oregon and pther bond leaders
will be honored at a governor's re
ception and dinner at 6:15 this
! evening in the' Senator hotel here.
Local officiascalled attention last
I night to an eritbr in the printed in-
vitations which listed Marion hotel
; as place for the meeting.
i Let us oil your road. Valley Oil Co.
Hotel cafe at Mt. Angel is the
assumed business name listed with
the Marion county clerk Monday
by O L. We 11 man of Mt. Angel.
Benefit rummage sale for Lincoln
Community Center Assn. over
Greenbaum's, ?Thurs. 21st.
Glen Burton, 1890 N. Capitol
St., complained to city police Mon
day that four White side-wall rims
were stolen ftom his automobile
parked at his residence. He said
the theft occurred late Sunday or
early Monday;
Self Service ' Laundry, Maytag
washers. 1815 is. 12th.
$25.00 reward for information
leading to the? conviction of per
sons depositing garbage on the
highway. By Order Marion Coun
ty Court.
I - - ;" v
' - ' s.1
- . : . ; f
if- '
Job Picture Becoming More
Problematic; Farm Labor
Supply Seen as Improved
A better seasonal farm labor supply this year and mounting
employment problems in Oregon were predicted here Monday by
officials-who returned from an employment service conference In
Phoenix, Ariz.
Employment problems related to the 40 per cent increase in
population in the far west since 1940 were discussed by officials and
staff members of unemployment
Tourist Most'
Week Scheduled
Importance of the tourist busi
ness in Oregon was emphasized by
Gov. Douglas McKay Monday,
when he urged that the period of
The- Btcrtssman. Salem. Oregon. Tu day.
April 19. 19495
May 2 to.l be set aside as "Tourist
Host Week "
"It Is Important that our tour
ists be well taken care of and la
formed on what to do and where
to go while they are In this state,"
Governor McKay said. "These
tourists will expect courteous ser
vice, fair crlces. and coed accom
modauons. i
There are about 1,000 different
species of the! frog and toad fam
ily of tailless I amphibians. ; !
compensation agencies of 10 west
ern states.
Representing Oregon at the ses
sions were T. Morris Dunne,
chairman; L. O. Arens. com
missioner; Silas Gaiser, adminis-
Shh-ley Ann Hammer. Detroit high
school senior, who will compete
with cirls from IS other schools
of Marion and Polk, eounties
Thursday night when Salem
Cherrians conduct a program to
select five princeMfs for this
summer's Salem Charryland fes
FOREST GROVE. April 18-P)-Alvin
Shearer, 22, was killed to
day while toppling trees with a
tractor in a land-clearing opera
tion. His tractor pushed over one
tree, but it accidentally caught an
other that crashed onto Shearer.
The rummage sale shop of the
YWCA. 141 S Winter, will be
open Thurs. St Fri. from 9 a m. to
4 p. m..
Bob Smith, 1340 S. 15th st., was
treated at Salem Memorial hospi
tal Sunday for injuries incurred
when he failed to make a turn on
his motorcycle at Cross and High
streets Sunday morning. Police
cited Smith for having no operat
or's license.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association. 860 State st.
T. A. Pickett, 990 Garnet st., re
ported to city police Monday that
a woman's purse containing $20
In cash, identification cards and a
compact had been taken from his
residence sometime early Mon
day. City detectives said entrance
was gained through an opened
Hard of hearing? See the one unit
Beltone Hearing Aid priced as low
as $75. Batteries for all makes of
hearing aids. James Taft and As
sociates. 218 Oregon Bldg. Phone
Salem 2-4491.
Mrs. John Shamberger, Salem
route 6, a son, Monday,. April 18
at Salem General's hospital.
PARTON To Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Parton, 2515 Laurel ave.,
a son, Monday, April 18, at Salem
Memorial hospital.
MARSH To Mr. and Mrs. Carl
ton Marsh, 3220 S. Commercial st.,
a son, Monday, April 18, at Salem
Memorial hospital.
BARKMEYER To Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Baikmeyer, Scio, a daugh
ter, Monday, April 18, at Salem
Memorial hospital.
KLEIN To Mr. and Mrs. Fred
C. Klein, Salem route 6, a son,
Monday, April 18, at Salem Gener
al hospital.
OCHSE To Mr. and Mrs. H. R.
Othse, 3365 Maywood dr., a son,
Monday, April 18, at Salem Gen
eral hospital.
ASIITON To Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth W. Ashton, 1375 N. Summer
St., a daughter, Sunday, April 17,
at Salem General hospital.
ROSE To Mr. and Mrs. Lester o. u:..l...,n f -I.
c. Rose, saiem route 2. a daugh- , sunset Highway Crash
trator, and Ellis H. Jones, infor
mational representative, all of the
state UCC, who were back at their !
desks here Monday.
"With the number of jobs drop
ping markedly this winter for the
first time since the later '30's, we
are concerned over the ability of
our industry, agriculture and
trade, to absorb the new popula
tion," Gaiser explained Monday.
"Although Oregon has had the
highest rate of increase In popu
lation, according to the census
bureau, we found other states,
particularly in the southwest, hav
ing even greater employment
problems mainly because con
struction and other industries bas
ed on tourist needs have fallen
At Phoenix, said Gaiser, the
Oregon delegation learned that
with Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas
and Louisiana reporting labor sur
pluses a "greater than usual" in-
migration to Oregon may be ex
pected this year. '
The supply of farm laborers is !
expected to be greater this year j
than for the past several years,
the commission reported Monday. I
Despite the fact that nearly 3.000
In this district have gone to work
during the past nine weeks a total
of 2,524 were still unemployed
last week in the Salem area. Last
year at this time only ly424 were
on the unemployment rjlls.
Electric Range
$27 Down
$8.50 Honlh
O Deep Well Cooker
O Ample Storage Space
O Famous Calrod Burners O One Piece Steel Body
O Full Size Balre-Broil Oven
See U Today - America's Greatest
Bange Value!
355 Center St. "Salem's Finest Appliance Store"
Phone S3 130
ter, Sunday, April 17, at Salem
General hospital.
THIES To Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Thies, Salem route 6, a son,
Sunday, April 17, at Salem Mem
orial hospital.
FORBES To Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Forbes, 2460 Claude St., a daugh
ter, Sunday, April 17, at Salem
Memorial hospital.
HALTERMAN' To Mr. and Mrs.
Elbert Halterman, Albany, a
daughter, Sunday, April 17, at Sa
lem Memorial hospital.
GLENN IE To Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Glennie, 1650 N. Sth st., a
daughter, Sunday, April 17, at Sa
lem Memorial hospital.
Kills Elderly Couple
HILLSBORO, April 18-P-Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Llnd, an elderly
Cornelius farm couple, were kill
ed todayas they drove off the
North Plains road onto the Sunset
Their old car was struck by an
other automobile which was driv
ing eastward on the Sunset high
way. The driver of that car, Albert
L. Quebbeman, Imbler. Ore., es
caped injury, but four members of
his family were hurt.
Condensed Statement of Condition
of '
Salem, Oregon
At of April 11, 1949 f
Loans) and Discounts) $ Q28,l 10.12
U. S. OoTornment kUeurities) 483.890.12
Oth SeuritiM 154,247.14
1 f
Cash, Cash Items and Balances with Other Banks z 110,706.14
A i
w 82.897.23
Other Asssts
Total Assets 81.S88.1S1.98
! ' i
i 1
Other Liabilities j 7,486.89
; s
Total Llabilltls $1,507,031.00
Capital Accounts M 81.120.9jl
Total Liabilities and Capital $1,188,111.11
1990 Fakerounds Road Phono $-8281 j
Membsr Federal Doposlt Insurance Corporation
In a recent test of hundreds of people who smoked only Camels for 30 days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, ported
You've read what the doctors reported
on Camel Mildness. If you're already a
Camel smoker ... you know how mild
Camels are. But if you haven't yet tried
Camels . . . start your own Camel 30-Day
Test today. Join hundreds upon hundreds
of smokers who are proving for them
selves just how mild s cigarette can be.
Smoke Camels in your "T-Zooe". See if
your taste doesn't say that Camels ars the
most flavorful cigarette you've ever
smoked! See if your throat doesn't agree
that Camels are the mildttt cigarette
you've ever tried.
" 'lA J". .;y
-II i -:
Try Camels and test them as you
smoke them. If, at any time, yoti are
not convinced that Camels are the
best cigarette you ever smoked, re
turn the package with the unused
Camels and we will refund Its fall
purchase price, plus pottage. (SigJ)
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
Winston-Salem, North pu-olina.
1 I
r"V4 W 1 MADE THE ?W"
f"V' x5Fii f CAMEL 30-DA -- X W
i it - 'U3W7 ' AGREE. CAMELS f ,T A frs(t , J
cigaretth iVe J p" ;P
;vtz fcMCt 1 hver smoked i iX'M&
Queen of the Figure I 4 -Vf Id A. i k V CX j v
Skaters, lovely Vikki 1 lgW V ! J TJ'
combines grace and 1 jJtolifjV - ll 5S5 , I ' f 'f a i'
showmanship to qualify 1 HVLh??wi, 11 I tTJ ' Jy S I ' -' ..U .Vi V
? -LA, If .' t v & -' :-S mm iS !
L!"'- x "- f - , , '' f SMOKED CAMELS
O&ilM --J lrL ' V '' ( AS LONG AS HAVE, )
Lk. nVi 4. V-v3-rtt ! jr.;
BrlgMt timt on Wh(t -One of America's top-ranking , ' f C f THEfte SO J J
women roller skaters. Voted the bronze, silver and gold I 'I ' . MllDj $0-PULL J " j1 " ;
medals for achievement by the National Roller Skating Rink 1 J OF FLAVOR! '
Association. Betty is the idol of over 10,000,000 fans who 1 - V 1 'V- J
make roller skating their No. 1 sport. ' ' ' ' ' I y" 1 " '""
W: l?l id I I :
l! I i i
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