t The Stataamcm, Salem. Oraqon. Tn day April 19. 1949 Banker Dies in Crash SACRAMENTO. April 18 Wilbert L. MacCabe. 45. San Carlos. Calif., banker, was killed Friday when his small two-seater plane crashed Into an unoccupied home at Sacramento, Calif. ' Residents of the area said they heard the plane's motor sputtering- just before the ; crash. (AP Wirephoto to The Statesman). j Flower Show Plans Made At Woodburn WOODBURN Committees and rules for the annual spring flow er show sponsored by the Wood burn Garden club Saturday, April 23, at the Schuler building on North Front street were an nounced this week by Mrs. John Ramage, general chairman. The club met Tuesday at the library club rooms, with Frank Covey, president, presiding. The evening's program featured talks by Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. Ramage, who have recently re turned from trips to Hawaii and eastern cities. The spring flower show will be held from 1 to 9 p.m. Competition is open to any and all amateurs except in division 3, which Is Iden tical to division 1 except that it is open to boys and girls of school age only. All entries must be in before 10 a.m. Saturday, April 23, and judging will follow final placements. Doors will open to the public at 1 p.m. Exhibitors may identify and claim their property at the close of the show at 9 pm. and no dismantling shall take place be fore that time. Exhibitors must furnish their own containers. Committee appointments are as follows: Classification, Mrs. Glatt. Mrs. Ralph Seely, Mrs. George Timm, Mrs. F. Frentz, Mrs. Gordon See ly; arrangement, Mrs. J. Livesay, Mrs. W. Bolin, Mrs. Roy Kuns, Mrs. Roy Seely, Mrs. Lela Hugill; prizes, George Timm. Charles Conyne, Roy Kuns; publicity, Mrs. Brush College Women Attend Monmouth Meet BRUSH COLLEGE Eight members of the Brush College Homemakers unit attended the Homemakers' festival in Mon mouth recently. They are Mrs. V. L. Gibson, H. Colgan. Mrs. F. Covey; hospi tality, Mrs. P. C. McLaughlin, Mrs. Delbert Seely, Mrs. Mary Tuss, Mrs. Covey, Mrs. Melvin Johnson, Roy Seely; Junior Division, Roy Seely; property, Delbert Seely, Gordon Seely, A. G. Cowan. H. Colgan, Ted Woelk, W. Bolin; shrub and plant sale, Mrs. Emily Dalholen, Mrs. Archie Murphy, Mrs. T. Woelk; judges, Mrs. Butterfield and George Sweeney. local chairman, and Mrs. Karl Harritt, Mrs. Mike Focht, Mrs. Wilfred Lantis, Mrs. Leo Nelson, Mrs. Anna Bayer, Mrs. Monte Harris and Mrs. Ferdinand Singer. Brush college exhibited a varied selection of textile paintings. Mt. Angel Garden Club Plans for Primrose Show MT. ANGEL Plans are being made this week for the Mt. Angel primrose show to be held in city hall Sunday, April 24. On display at Fisher's pharm acy is the ornate silver trophy which , will be awarded to the sweepstakes winner. It was donat ed by the Mt. Angel city council. Special narrow tables, that will permit displaying plants in single rows to show to the best advant age, have been completed and will be arranged around all sides of the hall. The lumber was donated by Bert Ebner, member of the Gar den club which is sponsoring the show. Ebner also donated his time and labor in building the tables, as did also Joe Michels and the Mt. Angel Lumber company which supplied one man for the work. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marsh and daughters, Leone and Lois, and Mrs. John Clearwater, rela tives and neighbors oT Billy Harp, helped him celebrate his 7th birth day, Saturday afternoon. Home Economics Club Has Meeting At Brush College BRUSH COLLEGE The Brush College Home Economics club of the local Grange netted $73 from their benefit luncheon and fancy work sale, Club 'President Mrs. Wayne Henry announced thla week. Members of the fancy work and luncheon committees are Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mrs. R. R. Peterson. Mrs. Karl W. Harritt, Mrs. Aud rey Ewing. Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mrs. Charles Glaze, Mr. George Meier, Mrs. Harry Phillips! and Mrs. Carl Wood. I RE-ROOFING? These quality J-M Asphalt Shingles will protect your home, give it new beauty Women's Club Holds Meet At Wooodburn WOODBURN Woodburn's Rural club was entertained at the j home of Mrs. Burt Byers on Wed- ; resday with a no-host luncheon and business meeting. Mrs. Nela Detweiler was welcomed as a new member. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Mrs. H. A. Lohse and 27 answered roll call. Delegates were elected to attend the county convention April 22 at Macleay Grange hall. Those chos en were Mesdames Emma Weber. E. C. Peyton, Alice Haas, Anna May Applegate and Joan Breu ninger. Alternates are Mrs. Charles Dean, Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Byers,. Mrs. John Coleman and Mrs.. Jennie Earl. The club voted to make a do nation to the library. For next meeting on May 12, members will bring clothes and money for the children's farm home at Corvallis. j Officers elected for the coming j year were those who served this ' year. They are Mrs. Lohse, presi dent; Mrs. M. H. Pillsbury, vice J resident; Mrs. Peyton, secretary; Irs. Coleman, treasurer; and Mrs. Roy Seeley, publicity chairman. Central Howell Mr. and Mrs. John Siems are: building a new home on their farm n this dis trict. Siems is? from Silverton. Mrs. Siems is the former Mae Ask of Salem. j Spring Valley, Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin was hostess for a social meeting of the Spring Val ley Sunshine club at her home ! Wednesday. Attracive, easy to apply, and fire-resistant Johns-Man-ville Asphalt Shingles will give you new beauty and protection. Let us show you samples and tell you how little they cost. 10 Year Guarantee Down 3 Years to Pay lO'c HATHIS BROS. ROOFING CO. 164 So. Coml. Ph. 3-4642 Eva. 2-1647 Dr. E. E. Boring i More E '- Freedom With Three-H ay Trifocals Optometrists m Dr. Sam Hughes 1 i I Avoid that f'jump" from near to distance vision . . . enjoy greater comfort and confidence with n-w three-way tri-forcals. You'll want to see the many beautiful rw types of frames, too . . . they'll give you a glamorous new outlook on the world. Find out tomorrow. AT BORING OPTICAL 383 Court , DIGNIFIED CREDIT Phone 3-6506 13 I & """j!iY,J MAYFLOWER PRODUCTS M -t -j Standard Milk mmd Creant if f Homogeiuaed Milk J df fi 3 V Creemten 10 5 Milk jl G-f 0 2JV Buttermilk Butler j if r ; Whipping and Table Cream Tj li Crea Chocolate Drink J IN THE wSr Cheddar Cheese J1S HANOI If R Cottaoe Cheeae SQUARE m VU M y botuc Call 3-9205 V wm tin, uniEM.TreiB(cgro' wrojofo tX-tfX-XWX-X-X'X- F 0 m m m m m m m m mW FX'X-X-!X-X-X-XXW3W I . . . . .... mT7 H mi- mm mi mm V'XwXvX-XvXl I fXirX'XWvX-r-X to jtmmm f r V:X:X;.'-X-X-X-: V J AiliiWA I I 1 I r m First, try it... then tfecke ft you want to buy Kl We could tell you a hundred timet oyer about the won derful comfort of Beautyreat ... but the beat proof in the world is for you to try it. And that exactly what we want you to do . . . sleep on a brand new Beanryrest right in your own home for 30 nights . . . (240 hours or the equivalent of 10 entire days of sleep) . . . and thea decide if it's the mattress you wantl w - 0GMI(DG!) xw mm 37 coiU och ene free te act ImI pewdawrly. Not like wired-fesetJier coils in ordinary ntattresMS. Hore's what bap pons when coils are wirod-togothor. Body woifht makes rhom so a your back cvrvos liko a Hammock. What superb comfortl Ivory Inch of yow rolaxod. Soawryrost coils make the difference rhoy act separately! No other mattress in America is made like Beautyrest ... no other mattress has its superb comfort ! And when you consider that you sleep one-third of your life, you owe it to yourself to make this Beautyrest "Sleep Test. At the end of 30 days, if you're not satisfied, your entire deposit will be refunded. Select the cover you want to morrow. Start your Beautyrest Sleep Test" this week I $9.00 Down, $1.25 Per Week a ' i IV I ISatchhj CexSprisj teatPrict 9 T"