The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Ths Stcristman. Salsm, Oregon, Todar, April 19. H4f
Teas Honor
Visitors are taking the social
spotlight this week with several
Informal affairs planned in their
Mrs. William L. Phillips has
Invited a group of friends to rail
informally this afternoon for tea
at her West Lefelle street home
for the pleasure of her house
Eiest, Mrs. Harriet Riggs of Oak
nd, Calif. The visitor will be
in the capital for ten days.
Honor the Whites
Miss Mary Eyre was a tea host
ess on Easter Sunday at her Mill
street home in honor of her nep
hew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan White, who are here visiting
from Trieste. Members of the
family called during the after
noon, i
Mrs. B. H. White, -mother of
Mr. White, presided at the tfca
urn. The table centerpiece wa
n arrangement of pink perfection
camellias and flowering peach.
Chairmen Are
Meadowlark auxiliary No. 6102
Veterans of Foreign Wars met at
the home of the president, Mrs.
Bill Kelso. The following com
mittee chairmen were appointed:
publicity, Mrs. Joe Hopkins; mem
bership, Mrs. Howard Koenig;
finance, Mrs. Lyle Brown; com
munity service, Mrs. Wilber Wie
precht; hospital, Mrs. Harold Ber
esford; and rehabilitation, Mrs.
Robert Mobley.
Mrs. Howard Koenig was instal
led as one year trustee by Mrs.
Virgil Bolton of Marion 661 auxili
ary. The auxiliary will celebrate
Its third birthday with a party at
the Mayflower hall on April 28
The pot has been invited to join
the auxiliary.
Banquet Slated -
SILVERTON The Women's So
ciety for Christian Service of the
Methodist church will hold its
annual Mother-Daughter banquet
Wednesday night, April 20, 6:30.
Mrs. Agnes Booth, Marion
county school superintendent, will
give the address of the evening
with Mrs. F. J. Roubal as toast-
Marilyn Moe will give the salute
to "Mothers" and Mrs. Floyd Fox
"Our Daughters". Piano numbers
will be given by Violet Herigstad
By berg and Letha Lierman with
Mrs. Craig Clark, giving vocal
solos. A skit by the Rainbow
Girls will complete the program.
Mrs. Ben SpricK Is general chair
man of the banquet.
Party to Honor
Denise Brooks
Denise Brooks, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Dean K. Brooks, will
celebrate her sixth birthday at a
supper party tonight at the home
f her parents. The Easter motif
will be used in decorating.
Honoring Denise will be Cathy
and Donna Stone, Mimi and Cathy
McNicholas, Jon Beth Goodman,
Sally Jochimsen, India Brooks and
Arija Lietvietus.
SILVERTON Mrs. Ernest By
berg will give a piano concert
Thursday night, April 21, 8 pjn.
at the meeting of the Immanuel
Women's Missionary Federation.
The meeting will be held at the
Fireside room of Immanuel church
With Marie Anderson, missionary,
as the evenings' discussion topic,
Mrs. Harold Satern in charge. Mrs.
E. V. Swayze will speak on higher
' education.
Hostesses are Mrs. Elser Aarhus.
Mrs. Me'vin Satrum. Mrs. Oliver
Becken and Mrs. C. Hopkins." Mrs.
C. H. Halvorson will preside.
SILVERTON Karen Frode.
five year old daughter of Mr. and I
Mrs. Carl Frode observed her :
fifth birthday anniversary Sun
day with a family party Sunday
tight. Going up from Silverton
for the occasion were Mr. and
Mrs. Alber Overlund and Kathryn
nd Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Elser
Aarhus. Kenneth and Richard, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Overlund and
Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Over
lund. Central Hewell Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Kuenzi were honored
Wednesday night with a surprise
house warming party by a group
of friends who presented them
with a gift for their new home.
Piesent were the honor guests and
children Joyce and Jimmy Kuenzi,
Mrs. A. E. Kuenzi, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Kuenzi. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Haverson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Lively, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Watts.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bye, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Schar, Mr. and Mrs.
G rover Lichty, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Perl Bye.
SILVERTON A housewarmlng
nd family reunion were combined
Easter Sunday at the new Mulino
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elli
son (Alma Funruc). Present were
Mr. and Mrs. George Towe and
Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Fun
rue, Mr. snd Mrs. H. H. Funrue,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Overlund,
all of Silverton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Funrue, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Anderson (Thelma Loe) and
Mrs. Carl Loe, all of CorvaHis.
Among those attending- the Jam
es Melton broadcast in Portland
Sunday night were Mr. and Mrs,
William Skewis and Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Cour.
Conscientious, Dignified
Service I
TV t
Eght ot the five hundred Girl Scouts, who will take part in the all district "Sing and
Swing" Friday night, April 22. at the Willamette university gymnasium at 7:30 o'clock. Left
to right are Janet Moen, Roberta Amundsen, Judy Templeton, Zettie Ruth Patterson, Gail
Anarde. Jean Moen, Laurel Warner and Sally Cox. The program will include dances and
folk songs by brownies and scouts and all parents and friends are invited to attend. (States
man photo), n
A Surprise
Party f
Vl Jean Gotnell and Greta
Ann Schrecengoat were surprised
on their birthdays Monday when
they were honored by a group
of their friends tTat the home of
Jan Foulger on i Fairmount Hill.
The junior high? girls went on
a bicycle ride during the after
noon, returning j to the Foulger
home for the prty.
Co-hostesses ere Jan Foulger.
Jody Ricketts and Virginia Eyre.
Others honoring Val Jean and
Greta were Dorothy Swiagart,
Doris Helen Spaulding. Marjorie
Little, Joan Wenger, Joyce Young
er. Othelene Leeg Shirley Bingen
heimer, Mary Jane Rudd, Marc;a
Webb. Nadine Gilman, Carolyn
Deckebach. Jackie Baldwin and
Susan Raney.
Birthday Dinner
Honors Three
Three birthdays werefcelebrated
at an Easter dinner on Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
J. Stark. Assisting hosts were
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Craft of Scio.
Honor guests were J. A. Craft,
who is 83, his wife, who was 79
on April 1, and their grandson,
Dickie Stark, who- is ten years old.
At the dinner covers were plac
ed for Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Craft,
Virgil Starr. Miss Jessie Starr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Craft of Scio
and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. StarK
and children. Edward, Dickie,
Carol and Robert-
Easter weekend gaeats at the
home of Mr. and 5 Mrs. Lloyd Lee
were their daughter, Claralyn. a
Delta Delta Delta at Oregon State
college, and her brother. Jack Lee,
a member of Alpha Gamma Rho
fraternity on the campus. Guests
of Jack for the i- weekend were
two of his fraternity brothers.
Howard Chapin and Vern Weiss.
Mrs. James T. Brand left by
plane Monday for Walla Walla,
Wash, on a speaking engagement.
Wednesday she will go on to Pull
man to visit with Dr. and Mrs.
Wilson M. Compton. Dr. Compton
is president of Washington State
college Mrs. Brand plans to re
turn on Friday.
Members ef the 'Modern Drama
class are planning to motor to
Portland Wednesday to attend the
stage play, "Man and Superman."
starring Maurice Evans at the
May fair theatre.'
Lt Comm. Irwin Edwards will
leave for San Francisco Wednes
day after a week's stay in the
capital with his mother. Mrs. R. L
Edwards. The naval officer is sta
tioned in the bay city.
Mr and Mrs.; John M. Jerman
and son. Jay, of Portland were
Easter weekend guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith.
r t
American War Mother with Mrs.
Carl CnRstrom. 978 N. Capitol at., 1 p.m.
Theatre Arta Group with Mrs.
Blanche Jones. 60S S. Church at.. 1 p m.
Central WCTU meet at YWCA. t p m
Salem Ministers Wives association
with Mrs. Orvllle Jenkins. 1W4 Jeffer
son street. 2 pm.
Chadw trk chapter. OES. 9 SO initia
tion, meeting later.
Westminster guild. Presbyterian
Church meet at church. 1 30 dessert
Centralis templt. Pthian Sisters, K.
P. hal!. 8 p m.
Circle One of Woman's rellowahtp
of Knight Memorial church to aerve
luncheon at church. 12 o'clock.
WSCS Fust Methollt church busi
ness session. 10 45 am . luncheon at
noon, prog i am following
Sweet Briar club with Mrs. Elmer
Smith. Wallace Road. 2 pm.
Eagles auxiliary social club meat at
hall. 371 N High St.. 1 o'clock covored
dish dinner.
Salem chapter. OES social club cov
ered dish luncheon. Masonic temple,
Oregon Grape camp. Roval Neighbors
of America. VTW hall. I p.m.
Disabled American Veterans auxil
iary, all day sewing with Mrs. Cora
Hutchinson. ISIS North Commercial
Street. No host luncheon at noon.
Salem council of Women's rfaniza
tiona, chamber of commerce, I p.m.
ridel) class. First Baptist ehurch,
one o'clock covered dish luncheon at
Neighbors of Woodcraft T) tbje luh
with Mrs. Myrtle Bechtel. lflOS Ferry
St., no-host dinner. 12:13 p m.
Xeizer Ladies sewing club with Mrs.
L. K. GUkey. 360 Manbrin Drive, cov-
dish luncheon noon, plant sale.
Mrs. James If. Nicholson. Jr..
and son, Jimmy, will go to Port
land Wednesday to spend the re
mainder of the week as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bay.
Salem Woman's club Literature
and Poetry group will meet at the
clubhouse this afternoon at 1:30
o'clock for coffee. The program
will be at S o'clock with Mrs.
George Rossman reviewing "The
Big Fisherman" by Douglas.
Sigma Kappa alumnae will be
entertained Thursday night at the
home of Mrs. Earl Cooley, 2270
Center street, at 8 o'clock.
Plus Federal Tax
45 N. Church St.
Phone Z-242S
.oQ I
. . . It s something you EXPFCT
from your watch quite naturally. But
here'? a tip! You'll actually GET trou
ble free service day in and day out
if you make P. W. HALE'S your
watch repair headquarters. Often it's
a matter rf prevention. Watches DO
need cleaning and oiling about orce
a year. And remember, we specialize
in watch repairing at reasonable
"V --11, w - m
, Tfc
I 1
- ?
Dinner For
Women of Rotary will entertain
their hut-bands at their annual
dinner party on Monday night,
April 25 at the chamber of corn
men e. A buffet dinner will be
served with a program following.
The dinner will take the place of
the usual"monthly luncheon meet
ing. Plans for the affair were com-
' pleted Monday at a dessert lunch
eon when Mrs. John L. Franzen
entertained the board members.
Covers were placed for Mrs. Roy
Hartand and Mrs. Homer Smith,
jr., who are arranging the dinner
for the men, Mrs. Clay Cochran,
Mrs. Floyd Bressler. Mrs. Harry
B. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Fowler
and Mrs. Franzen.
Mrs. Glenn Stevens will enter
tain members of her club at budge
and a late supper Wednesday
night at her Division street home.
Two Women Hurt
Near Silverton
SILVERTON, April 18 Mrs.
Sidney Zetterberg is at Silvei ton
hospital, where she was brought
Sunday with a number of broken
ribs following an automobile acci
dent as she and her husband were
returning to their home at Log
stone after spending the day with
his parents in Silverton.
Mrs. William Schwarz is also
at Silverton hospital, where she
was taken Sunday after she cut
her hand severely with a knife.
by Warren Goodrich
"Oh, dear 1 1 hop thy wait
long onough for mo to got
to tho phono I"
Youll reach the person you're
calling more often if you give
him at least a minute to an
swer. The Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Company.
H. J. Falnes estate: Order au
thorizes sale of securities.
Rose Dickinson estate: Estate
appraised at $12,610.
W. A. High estate: Estate ap
praised at $48,481.
Fraok.R. Simeral estate: Final
account hearing set for May 22.
G. D. McBride estate: Final de
cree settles estate.
Mable L. Smith estate: Final
decree settles estate.
Brown E. Sisson guardianship
estate: Order authorizes sale of
real property.
Merlin Estep. jr, vs Weisfleld
and Goldberg: Order overrules de
fendants' motion to strike.
June Duncan vs Gene Duncan:
Amended suit for divorce filed.
Charles Wayne Savage vs Lor
etta Rae Savage: Defendant files
answer admitting and denying.
Arthur R. Trimblee and William
E. Barry vs Esther Paulsen: De
fendant files answer admitting and
Fred Greenberge Dress Co.,
Inc., vs Smart Shop: Defendants'
motion to make more definite and
certain allowed.
William M. Boone vs T. T. Leon
ard and Limestone Products, Inc.:
Order dismisses suit as settled and
without costs on motion of plaint
iff. A. D. Marcott vs Paul Marcott:
Case dismissed with prejudice and
without costs as settled.
Marjorie Herrell vs Enoch Her
rell: Decree of divorce awards
custody of a minor child to plaint
iff. Emma Betty O Konak vs Charles
O'Konak: Default order entered.
Fredrick Visnaw vs Evelyn Vis
naw: Decree of divorce awards
custody of a minor child to de
fendant plus $75 per month ali
mony and approves property set
tlement agreeement.
Charley Cook vs Doisy Lulu
Cook: Decree of divorce awards
custody of a minor child to
Beth Dehut vs Charles Dehut:
Order of default entered.
Nona O. Kroll vs Leo Kroll: Or
der of default entered.
Opal L. Purcell vs Maurice F.
Puree 11: Decree of divorce grants
custody of a minor child to plaint-
Claude E. Beckwith vs Clara
Beckwith: Decree of divorce re
stores defendant's former name of
Clara M. Nevin and settles prop
erty rights.
Emma Betty O'Konak vs Charles
O'Konak: Decree of divorce re
stores plaintiff's maiden name of
Lloyd F. Hamby, 3C, state em
ploye, 2605 State st, and Evelyn
B. Shimondle, 31, clerk-typist, 410
N. 18th st., both of Salem.
W. Verne Esch, clerk, 2070 N.
the Oregon Statesman
BUY . . .
more thriftily by using The Ore
gon Statesman classified section.
It's the way thousands of peo
ple turn their surplus items into
cash. It's the way thousands of
thrifty people make their dollars
go further. Scan the classified
today . . . see what amazing
money saving opportunities they
... your surplus items through
The Oregon Statesman classified
section. Take inventory of your
basement . . your attic ...
your garage; the things you no
longer use other people need.
You'll find a ready market by
listing them in the classified ads
. . . and extra money for the
things you want. Do it today!
Time, energy and money by fill
ing your wants and selling, your
surplus through The Oregon
Statesman Classified Ads. Dial
2-2441 and ask for classified . . .
an experience ad taker will help
you with your classified.
Iow Cost . . . Quick Results
15c per line for one Insertion
40c per line for three Insertions
Minimum Ad 2 Lines
IHLe cordis
19th st., and Eilene Tucker, book
keeper and cashier, 1760 McCoy
St., both of Salem.
Jiles Frank Ohmart, 24, truck
driver, Toledo, and Lillian Ellen
Langeliers, 24, clerk, Woodburn.
Philip Smith, Rickman road,
charged with larceny, trial set for
May 26 following plea of innocent;
posted $250 bail.
Burnell Herbert Falk, Eugene,
reckless driving, liquor involved,
fined $100 and driver's license re
voked for six months.
Howard E. Meckelson, reckless
driving, liquor involved, fined
Salem Student Winner
Of Vodvil Prize Trip
Elizabeth Nelson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Nelson,
545 Leslie st.. won a trip to Reno
as an award given to the out
standing individual performer at
University of Oregon's all-campus
Vodvil last week.
Miss Nelson, a senior in music
and a vocalist, is to go to Reno
You've HEARD Abonl Hin - How
$25,000 Bel
' 1.
. .
April 23 to appear on a national
radio broadcast sponsored by Uni
versity of Nevada.
SILVERTON, April 18 E. A.
DeVinney, caretaker of Silverton
park and municipal swimming
pool, was reported as a little im
proved Monday but still in a
serious condition by members of
his family. DeVinney had an
emergency appendectomy Satur
day. . a m a . aa bt ai aaai a ib... aa
f Itt I iAw'iA
Highl, April 20th, 6 lo
too mmm
Col. Miles to Speak'
At Pomona Wednesday
C& J. W. Miles of the imy
nglners will speak! it the lectur
er's program at thi regular met
ing of Marion county .Pomona
grange at Union Hill grange hall
Wednesday. j j "
Colonel Miles, who la resident
engineer for construction at De
troit dam, will talk on flood con
trol and irrigation project! for th
Willamette valley.' j
t a m mm i a . a a aa a. a a.
Yon Can SEE
10 P. VL Only
2 - 2441
av !
545 North Capitol
TtL 3-3672
2031 fmmWmmto Mmm4 frWfUmw S2S