, t i -if i r jl The Statogmcm.' Salami. Orxycn. ' Sunday, Apcfl 17, 1943 Hecord-Long Session Unties Knots in Taxes Oregon' record-loo legislative session ground out lot of work, somewhat slowly at times, albeit surely, and a recapitulation of its results indicates the importance of that work. It also shows in large degree why the session was so ex tended. The tax problem was settled for the time being, so far as a bal anced budget was concerned, by utilization of corporate excise sur nlus and receiDts. It was estimated the $102,796,000 budget would still be in balance by liSI with the state still having around an.ooo. 000 in the general fund. Including a S 13.000.000 cushion, and 13,500, 000 for state property tax offset. There was no special election called. By subjects, here Is what was accomplished: HIGHWAYS The addition of 1 cent to the stats gasoline tax and the doub ling of the $3 auto license fees gave impetus to a lS-year, $467, 000,000 highway modernization program. The new tax will net the state $5,600,000 annually, counties and cities another $1,400, 000. ,Thn permanent license plate system was adopted, with stag gered renewals. School bus in spections and the stopping of traf fic for loading and unloading school buses were made compul sory. Counties won permission to borrow from the state, interest- free, funds to repair winter road damage. Permission to use high way equipment to battle floods was granted the governor, i SCHOOLS Passed for referral to the peo ple ' was another $12,000,000 an nual support fund for schools, in creasing per pupil aid from $50 to $80. A proposed constitutional amendment for $10,500,000 in higher education bonds was ap- E roved, as was state acquisition of in coin high school in Portland - for extension courses. Six million dollars was voted for immediate buildings at stats Institutions of higher learning. PUBLIC WELFARE" ' A total of $10,000,000 was addr ed to the welfare budget; a $30 monthly minimum for old-age as sistance was approved hi princi ple, effective with the availability of funds. The state was granted prior claims on recipients' estates, up to the amount of assistance rendered, and able children of the needy elderly were ordered to support their parents, on pain of penalty. LA BOB Industrial accident benefits were tipped 25 per cent: unemployment compensation was increased from $20 of 20 weeks to $26 for 26 weeks, the maximum from $400 . to $650, with rating changes ef fecting a $4,000,000 annual sav ing to employers. Both employers and unions hereafter will be pro hibited from discriminating be cause of race or religion. VriXBANS Educational aid Increased; con stitutional amendment approved, subject to popular vote. Increasing from t to 4 per cent of the state's assessed valuation the total fund available fpr farm and home loans, .and granting such loans to vet erans who have lived in the state two years (instead of only those with pre-war residence). AGRICULTUU Passed were bills calling for a state milk administrator, more stringent enforcement of livestock theft laws, a state potato commis sion. GAME Hunting and fishing licenses were increased an average of SO pr cent; the gams commission was reorganized; 18 policemen . will be added to the 50 now oper ative in game law enforcement Tithing of the game commission (putting 10 per cent of its pro ceeds in the general fund) was eliminated. Persons wounding an other while hunting will be prose cuted. Purveyors of fish and game licenses will get a fee, UQUOE Liquor revenues will go in the general fund instead of being ear marked for public assistance. Sale of bottled liquor will be allowed In nonprofit clubs and liquor li censes will cost 60 per cent more. TAXATION Seasonal farm workers will be 'exempt from withholding tax; married couples may split their incomes for state tax purposes bu the community property law was repealed. BUILDING PROG BAM In addition to the $6,000,000 appropriated for educational cam puses, another $24)00,000 was ap- prooriated for state institutions A 12-year, $42,000,000 building program for state institutions and buildings was tentatively approved subject to a cigaret tax if finally approved. Other bills passed included those: Allowing Japanese to own prop- erty; prohibiting communists on the state payroll; asking simplifi cation of state laws; allowing at $90,000,000 dam on the Rogue riv er; increasing salaries of most state snd county officials and state em ployes; allowing banks ' to close Saturdays; licensing practical nurses; providing . for one-year abatement of premises on which gambling is found; limiting the work week for firemen to 72 hours; banning daylight saving except on statewide basis; pro hibiting candidates to file for of fice in a party In which they have been registered less than six months; creating a civil defense agency; limiting sale of fireworks from June 20 to July 6; abolishing the state postwar commission; cre ating a state capttol planning com mission. Bills defeated or never acted on would have: Repealed the so-called labor curbs against secondary boycotts and hot cargo; provided for a vet erans' bonus; barred state tax on property; required price tags on initiatives; prohibited cities from levying income taxes and taxing slot machines; barred expenditure of state highway funds within cities; increased drivers' license cost; prevented advertising signs on highways; provided for a new junior college in . Portland; abol ished the office of chancellor of higher education; given a mora torium on the bar to commercial fishing on the Columbia; barred a $12,000,000 dam on the Deschutes; given the governor authority to ration power; asked congress for a Columbia Valley authority; al lowed sale of colored margarine; repealed milk control; allowed serving of mixed drinks on trains; prevented sale of beer on Sun days; barred minors from places selling beer or wine. t Alse killed were such proposals as: State rent control; reduction of the? voting age to 18; ;yearly, in stead of biennial, legislative ses sions: legislative reapportionment; abolition of the death penalty; ab olition of pari-mutuel betting; re peal of state civil service. A record number of interim committees were approved, to re port at the next legislative ses sion, including those to study: Taxes; highways; Multnomah Portland consolidation; feasibility of a department of natural re sources; state Institutional ears; higher education;' cruelty to ani mals and whether to create a state botanical garden. : In the Senate PASSED HB SM (Ways 4c Means) Ap propriate $2fl.7M.MJO for the state's tiara of the 199-31 public welfare program. HB SM - (Wirt Sc Mean) Re quires financially able persona to tup port their parents. HB Ul - (Ways tc Mean) Ap propriate money for expenses of state police. HB SJ7 (Ways 4c Means) Ap propriates money for expenses of state emergency board. HB i (Ways 4c Means) Pro vides money for biennial expenses of state prison, blind school and school for deaf. 8B US (Ways 4c Mean) Ap propriates money for expenses of de partment of veterans affairs, national Sjuard. HBU (Ways Means) Ap propriate money for expenses of sec retary of state HB Ml i Ways 4c Means) In creases salaries of non -civil service state officials. BJB 1 (Dreyer 4c Morgan) To increase veterans farm and loan fund from S4S.000.000 to S5S.0O0.0OO To be referred to voters in November. IMS. " Mi n (VanDyke 4c Others) Creates legislative interim committee to study possible improvements in state departments. BB SM (Carson) Allows non contiguous school districts to consol idate. BB 1SS (Dreyer 4c Morgan) Al lows Portland and Eugene to accept federal fund for slum clearance. SCB S (Resolutions) Authorizes secretary of state to enlarge the sea ate lounge. STB Mi (Ways 4c Means) Ap propriates S1S.00S for weed control 1st coastal area lakes. BKPASSED SB 143. tS?. 1?. SJB . DO NOT PASS BBPOBT ADOPTED HB 4SS (Waya St Means) Would have boosted taxes on free play pin baU machines from SM to flM a year. lis Time !o Lei Elfsiroms 8atarday Night) PASSED HB MS (Mult. Del.) Gives gov ernor full emergency powers In eases of flood or earthquakes. SB US (Judiciary) Boosting sal aries of district attorneys and their deputies. HB MZ (Wars 4c Means) Ap Drooriates SI. 1 15.503 for local depart ments of Oregon. BCB it (Resolutions) Adjourn- ins the 45 Us legistaUve as I on sine die Saturday. AprU IS, 1S4S. at p.m. DEFEATED B MS Ways 4c Means) Ap propriating S430.000 for construction of state printing plant in Salem. Motion to reconsider earlier vote which de feated the proposal killed IS to 12 Erf ATE ADIOITRNED SINE DIE AT : P.M. APRIL, It. CONVALESCING AT KEIZEB I KEIZER Mrs. Fred Rose is Convalescing at her home in Kel ler, after being hospitalized in Fishermen Quit at Astoria ASTORIA. April 15-(7P)-Bottom fishermen along the Oregon coast quit work today in protest against lowered prices. Officials of the Fishermen's un ion said the tie-up would continue indefinitely until packers raise prices. Ben Ferguson, union, secretary, said all boats at sea were heading for port to attend a mass meeting called for Monday to discuss the prices, some of which were cut as much as 50 per cent. Union members said they did not expect to -eceive last year's scale, but did expect higher offers than the level set by packers. Packers said heavy foreign imports and lower meat prices have seriously curtailed the bottom fish market. Walker, Wilhelm, Chaclwick Are on Emergency Board The appointment of Reps. W. W. Chad wick of Salem and Rudie Wilhelm, jr. of Portland to the state emergency board was ap proved unanimously by the house Saturday, and in one of its final actions of the legislature the sen ate Saturday night gave unani mous approval to the appointment of Sen. Dean Walker to the same board. Labor Commissioner Gets Extra Increase Other Hikes Passed The salary bill affecting 98 un classified state employes was passed by both houses Saturday with one change pay of the commissioner of labor was raised from $5520 to $7200. The original bill called for $6000. A "Permanent Inte r -American Committee for the Campaign Against the Locust" was formed by Portland for four weeks with a eight Latin-American nations in iplnal operation. 1 Buenos Aires last July. YOUO HOIIE for spnniG Now - beautify the interior and exterior of your home with quality paint applied by expert craftsmen. Protect your home against the weather but do it now before the spring rush. DIAL 2-2193 FOR FREE ESTIMATE NO OBLIGATION Take Up to S Yr. To Pay If Yon Like lit Court Dial t-MM fBBSSEBS rui; To Carry MAY PROVE EXPENSIVE AND EMBARRASSING It covers all your farm liability operation, including cars, trucks, tractors, combines, hay balers, livestock, home and personal acts, and fires out of control. Reasonable Rates Collars, Foley & Rising, Inc. Insurance Counselors 143 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-4143 Waterproof My Good Suit! Certainly . . . Certainly . . . it's good common sense, especially now that spring showers may catch you un-aware. Get your suit wet . . . hang it up . . . all the wrinkles disappear. You can even take a damp cloth and remove small spots! 'By all means, have your summer clothes waterproofed. Picked -up, Delivered, of Course Cleaners 1554 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-452 I ! I mm a. Science: Rational Religion i PAUL STARK SEELEY, C. S. B. Member of the Board of lectureship of The. Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, ia Boston, Blassachusetts. SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL i 14th ft D Streets MON. NIGHT, Apr. 18, at 8 O'Clock First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Salem, Cordially Inviles You to Attend In the House PASSED SB 23 (Judiciary com.) Raising district attorneys' salaries. HB sss (Tax. com) Fair-trades practices act barring sale of ctfareta brlow cost. UCft If I Rules com.) Giving S32O0 overtime pay to six employes of at torney general. HB SO (Mult, delegation Giving governor emergency powers In event of flood or earthquake. HB S2 (Ways, Means) Appropri ates i $1.111402 for state legal depart ment. HB MS (Game com.) Providing for control of algae. f SB 42 (Highway com.) I Validates past i expenditure by highway interim committee. SB OS (Highway com.) Approves sas.000 expense for new highway in terim committee. i SB 04 (Was. Means com.) Puts i liqutr revenues in general fund. SB us (Carson. Parkinson l Lets board of control dispose of unused Or -egoiv portion of Blind Trades school in Portland. SJB St (Neuberger) Provides for interim committee to study legislative procedures. SB ltf (Mult, dele) Provides for coroner to dispose of decased's effects. SCB S Provides for renovsting senate ana nrue lounges. UK-PASSED BB 4S5. 41, M4, 4j 41l m. HIM S. UJ. M. I. 12. IB Ml. 134, ITS. die Saturday. April IS. IMS, at t-07 coroner to dispose of deceased's effects. KE-KEFERBED HB 24 (Tsx. com.) Cigaret tax. Umatilla County First to Obtain State Road Loan Umatilla county Saturday re ceived a $150,000 loan from the highway commission to help re pair its winter-damaged roads becoming the first to take advan tage of an emergency measure passed in the 1949 legislature. The bill, signed by Gov. Doug las McKay last Monday, sets up a special fund in the state high way department to aid counties whose roads were damaged by last winter's cold weather. The counties will repay the state with their share of state gasoline tax receipts. Falls City Clianlp Ball Team Feted FALLS CITY The victorious Falls City town team wound up the basketball season with a ban auet at Nohlaren'a restaurant Sat. urday. The evening was highlight ed when Frank Brown, chief of ra the ? team - soonsotinaT . rails Ore firemen. nraaentnd thn itaam with. the co-chamDionshirt troDhv for the Dallas City league. Twenty- six persons attended I Mrs. Clifford Reeves) and Mrs. Harry Marr went toj Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Reeve brought home her small daughter Pamela, wno naa oeen a patients at Doera- Decner nospitaL Legislative Lounges Will Be Renovated The senate and house Saturday approved the renovating of the senate and house lounges prior to the next legislature. ' LAID ON TABL.B SB ISA (Rev. of Laws) Provides for payment of fees In condemnation proceedings. Special Today! Red Azaleaa at and 350 While They Last Red Rhododen drona at BP 3 00 A general line of ah rubs, frpit and flowering; trees, berry plants grapes and nut trees. A Variety of BEDDING PLANTS Such as Petunias, Asters, Marigolds, etc VEGETABLE PLANTS Pansics, Delphiniums, Geraniums, etc. Call at Nursery and look over our plants Open Sunday Phone 2-1307 Ferrill's Nursery 13 Mi. East of Keizer A SUPER FREEZE i IBB MF-10 10 Cu. Ft. if Frozen storage spare for 56 pounds of packaged foods. itc Humidrawers big enough to hold a bu. fruits and vegetable. ir You can freeze meats, poultry, vegetables and holiday leftovers serve them months later. 5 Shelves with plenty of room for tall bot tles and bulky foods. For Only 34S95 as little as 70.95 Down Q 14.91 per month Yealer Appliance Go 255 N. Liberty St. Phone 3-4311 -i i i t WHEN YOU NEED A NEW ROO: BUY FROM A RELIABLE CONCERN CONSULT WITH US. As your local ttobllthed Johnt-Manville Dealer we can quota you tha right pries give you complata service, j e I he very safety um4 secarity of yotsr boaae eWpend oL joe roof Thai's why. ie coasideriaf roof repairs, or r-roonf , it is so important to deal only with s reliable established cdbcera. We have beea selected by Johos-MsnvUle ss their dei ler ia this vicinity Consult with s. We offer yon complete s- trvice, qualify Jobns-Maaville roofing or siding materials, thi right r9 10 Years Guarantee 10 Down - 3 Years to Pay ; mas mis. ROOFING C0I2PAIJY Evenings 2-1617 Phone 3-4612 Conscientious, Dignifijed Service j , 93EB flBEBBE AM 545 North Capitol Tel. 33673 1 zu ' . r v .T-i, - , ...... - . - , ' ff..r -.v '.;... ...I .... . j ' .w ' ... -y : " ' r , ".,.. - . "j j-' ; ?? t - ', ! 2 i ;z yvt saaairV"v"' Za . . .- V r, i e a m t k.t!. ' V ' i V ' . ' . . . I: Dlin 1 llall I aisMCAt. suneicAi ANS MOSetTAi csomss l" piy4 4i4 tl.SO sr . SUtCICAl, tlMITIO MEOICAl 4 HOSPITAL ,mh f fmmtHim ism. tl.OO pm v.Xki I cMM. il .15 pur Mnlli 7t4 cfcHW, 7i MM pt mMi i'4 tH4. 50 wn pm riij oadHlsael ckilsrsa se csarss. j 4 some sur P. S. Hundreds el thousands of Ores! workers now may obtain modest cost medical snd hospital protection through Oregon Physicians' Service Twa new for individuals and families are offered. Both have the se sorthip sod approval of the Oregon Stats Medical Society.! Wide Choice of Doctors and Hospital! Through membership you and your family have a wide i choice of service. j 1000 physicians and aeons belong to O. This Is in excess of 31 of medical society affilia ted doctors jin Oregfin. If you wast medical and hospital protection at sSodesf cost becked by the epefi. ence and professional raspoo sibiliry of the Oregon State Medical Society wrtte foe literature and application blank. Please use the cpupoa. e NpHi O.f.t. freva severe ae It mtUt eveUeWls. jf yee arj YeUeW etnarfeyes wish the sevMfS thet rs pesilble vn4t m SS P," cy we will fwrnlth iwlshwtian Plan 2. suaaicAU LiMJTia attsiCAi a Me hostitai . far Htm osisrsa MMaval S2.2f SUICICAL. ittMITCO MfOICAl pm HOSPITAL a... fa. far tpmitipt wat mt flaa I . Slant avallaala la avM Oraeaa cava- Mat ) aoatayaa laalriSvalt waata af laiaSlailacaM aaa aat a.ta.S . lacaaia wm H.0O0 pmt y. OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE 471 Pltteek Blk.. PorUaad g 43S Ferry Street, Salem tZS Madferal Bid., Medferd ' OIIOON PHYSICIAMS' SIIVICI i flaeta mmW lleevre Ml epplicetiea Weak. i 4aa j er Mal Ie O.f.S. art Pettiend, Seism er Meeent. ! I ; twU-