4 - ' I I t t i Oregon Riders Try 103 Miles of Arizona Trail Keizer Grange Tha Stertominan, Salem, Oragon, Sunday, April 17,? 1949 1 PTA Elects Mrs. Bentson from health, sewing, homework and woodworking, and Anthol Ri ney, Marion county club agent, was speaker. Agnes Booth, county school superintendent, I discussed the county school budget. A school sponsored picture. The Great Com mandment, was shown, and re freshments were served. Parades Hats i . T t ' - KEIZER Program at Keizer grange meeting last week was presented by the children of the Keizer district, and was followed KEIZER Mrs. C. B. Bentson was elected president of Parent Teachers association Thursday night to succeed Max Kleeman. Other officers elected include. A. B. Pederson, first vice president; Mrs. P. D. Baker, second vice pres ident; Gladys Burch, third vice president; Mrs. Howard Ro jj, recording secretary; Mrs. Get.ge Nopp, corresponding secretary and Louis Cross, treasurer. Installation will be in May. Four - H club displayed work by an Easter hat parade by wom en of the community. Participating were Karen Ped erson, Garry Lunda, Kathryn Hills, Twink Pederson. Ralph ISipprell, Larry Smith, Freddie Kose, janet Wolf. Modeling hats 7TV Py up blister .iek- were Mrs. W. E. Savage, Mrs. Burr Black, Mrs. A. L. Mason, Miss Mudre. Mrs. W. O. Pounds and Alice Mathey. Last grange card party of the season will be April 28. No-host dinner is planned for April 19. IP f LJl . -mm s,t 0rjN - liJ f t! jL -7 TOI HOLD. Heia ealy kr the bar feet e his wife, Mai, ilia. u4 wttaeet Benefit f a act blw. Eeae Gerald swtacs M feet a here grease1 la Ik Ktartiac Brea Banana A Bailer Cirema. Germany Discussed At Roberts Croup ROBERTS Horn Economics lub of Roberts (rang met at the bom of Mrs. Lee Eyerly Wednes day evening;. Mrs. Charles Fulton Jssisted. Guests included Mrs. reorge Crockett, Mrs. Deryle Cur rie, Mrs. Clyde Woodeage and Mrs. Marry Eyerly. Mrs. Woodeage, formerly of Frankfurt, Germany, gav a most Interesting talk on conditions of Germany before, during and after the war, stressing the clothing Styles, appearance of towns and i ii !! M t E fif k att yea Uim itatwi It Iff OVM Mi ff "ffVOUMfV iVMH T kmm irtw of bmtltrf AC ful 5V.-1 )M MfMI piaSUC CM. "(fl QC 4.i5 Da. I-Iiicholl's Radio , r Appliance "Your Service Dealer" Itatt at 19th Ph. S-7577 Stay ton Rebekahs Hear Choral Club, View Pantomime STAYTON Easter was the the me of Tuesday night's meeting of Eva Rebekah lodge in the I OOF hall. Mrs. Velma Limbeck presided. The lodge's charter was draped in memory of Mrs. Lottie Porter, a Rebekah for 48 years who died Friday. Recommended as deputy presi dent for the lodge for the coming year was Mrs. Ruth Wood. Mrs. Margaret Schaefer, pro gram chairman. Introduced the Santiam Choral club and its di rector, Felix French. With Mrs. Kathryn Weddle as accompanist,; the group sang several numbers. with solo by Mrs. Barbara Show er and French. A pantomime, fThe Old Rugged Cross," was given with Mrs. Show er as soloist and Mrs. Tressa Van Nuyi, accompanist. Taking part were Mrs. Marcill Ware. Mrs. Ta- va Deetz. Mrs. - Marian Klecker, Mrs. Eume Clarkson, Mrs. Mar garet Schaefer and Mrs. Mari Col. Mrs. Cecil Wright, president of the Three Links club, announced the next meeting Thursday, April 21. at her horn: with Mrs. Netti Freele as co-hostess. Mrs. Agnes Stupka was decora tions chairman. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Tressa Van Nuys, Mrs. Tava Deetz, Mrs. Margaret Chamberlin and Lindsey Wright. Keizer Women Meet At McFarland Home KEIZER Dine and Do club met with Mrs. P. O. McFarland at her home Thursday.; No-host dinner. and a birthday rake for Mrs. J. D. Watson, were served at noon. Tea towels were prepared for the Community ' church. Guests were Mrs. Lester Evans and Mrs. A. J. Kawbafhta. Mrs. A. K O -Conner will entertain April 28 at her home on North River road Keizer Groun Has Missionary Meet KEIZER Woman's Missionary society met with Mrs. Leonard Gilkey Tuesday, night. Mrs. Edgar Sawyer was assistant hostess. Mrs. Lee Wiens read the Easter scrip ture and Mrs. Charles Ronk sang, accompanied by Mrs. Vane Boyn- I ton. Plans were made for a rummage sale May 5, above Greenbaum's store, with collection station to be at the homes of Mrs. Iva Turner, Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. Harry Lawrence, Mrs. Dale Mudget and Mrs. Loren Stettler. Mrs. J. P. Mo rift and Mrs. Bagger were visitors and 18 members attended. A ' . Six Sales area riders are pictured abve in the aet f pokinr fan at restrictive border Inspection rega lations. during a recent 163-mile "Desert Caballer" trail ride near rVlckeaberg, Arix., where they are vacatiering. Displaying an Oregen terrltery signpeat at their camp site are (left te right, standing) El mer Lawrence. Silverten: Taay Miadea, Sablimity; Waiter Zosel, Salem, and at the camera, Cecil Edwards. 8aiem; seated, Gearge Arbackle and Lee U. Eyerly, both f Salem. More Eye Freedom With Three Way T rifocah Optometrists Dr. gaaa Baghea .1 enjoy Dr. E. E. Bering Avoid that "jump" from near to distance vision greater comfort and confidence with nw three-way tri-forcals. You'll want to see the many beautiful new types of frames, too . . . they'll give you a glamorous new outlook on the world. Find out tomorrow. I AT BORING OPTICAL ! X8S Cenrt DIGNIFIED CREDIT Phone 3-C5SC cities in comparison with Ameri ca, and Germany as divided be tween the four powers. Mrs. Woodeage came to the United States two years ago to join Mr. Woodeage, who is an em ploye" of the Pocific Telephone company in Salem. The Moat Comprehensive Collection in America GROWN BY Rax 212. Brooks. Ore. Catalogue Free on Request ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? E ???????? lllp'-l I j """""""""""""""" v Remember Hie Dale, Tuesday, April 19 Come in and See Onr Hew, Hodern Slore Yes, we're goinji to make the rand ojenin; of our new. modern farm supply store a :ala orrasion. Don't mi?-s it! We'll have run tests . . . prizes . . . entertainment for all. Rememher the date, come prepared for fun and see how our new slore ran serve you. CONTESTS Contests for everyone. A chance for you to have fun. Livestock Judging. An "Aerial" circus (live fryers will be) released from the roof you scram ble for yours) weight judging. SPECIAL ATTRACTION t PRIZES Prices - Prizes. Gay balloons for the children. A valuable grand prize. Sprayer. A baby pig. Feed. Special plastii gloves. Garden hose. Thesa and others will be awarded to contest winners. ENTERTAINMENT See "Beautena." the Purina fed calf being raised right in our store. Trained factory representatives will be present to an swer special questions you may have about insecti cides, Reo lawn mowers. Garden Pal Tractors, chem icals and seeds. Special demonstrations. Free sam ples of Purina Dog Chow. 500 trial packages of No gero, an all-purpose cleanser, will be given away. JLj. wen, MOVIES Entertaining and educational technicolor movies shown continuously throughout the day. See "Partners," the dog movie widely acclaimed by dog owners throughout th country. Movies on egg production; calf and chichon raising; flowers; chemicals and 24I. Free coffee and dough nuts. Professional vaude ville - Imitations. Rope pinning by a former Sun Valley entertainer. Musia Movies. ' SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 10:00 Continuous, Interesting movies begin. 11:00 Professional vaudeville acts. 2:00 "Aerial" circus catch your fryer. 3:00 Professional vaudeville and rope spinning acts. 4:30 Grand Prize Award to Contest Winner. WaiOt Phone 2-2024 4345 Silverton Road, Salem X