The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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Prepare for Salem Blossom Day Sunday
Thsj Statoaman, gqUm, Qraxyoa, TnnragaTr Xprg
At Salem Schools
By James Cooke
Statesman School Correspondent
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Inspecting blossoms in their preparation for Salem's Blossom day this Sands? are these Cherrians and
representatives of last year's Cherry land festival court. Left to right: 'Don Docrfler. chairman of Blos
som day arrangement; Vinco Kodakewskl. Cedrte TV Reaney. Fred Starrett. Kinf Bing Deryl Myers.
Queen of 1948 Cherry land festival Lois Eft-gen. Rex Klmmell. Princess LaVonne Mull (194$). Robert
M. Fischer, Jr.. Prince Virginia Lewis (1941). and Paul A. Hale, secretary of Salem Cherrians. Jes-ten-Miller
Woodburn Hi
To Give Drama
WOODBURN "Arsenic and
Old Lace," the three-act comedy
by Joseph Kesselring. will be pre
sented by the junior class of
Woodburn high school t the
chool auditorium Thursday. April
14. at 8 pfm. The play is under
the direction of Frank P. McDon
nell, class advisor. Leading play
er include Patriiia Withers. Bea
trice Keener, Tom Stampley and
Fi ed Cummings.
The cast also includes Willie
Meisenheimer, Irving Bond, Vel
mer Stretch. Vicky Moran. Ger
ald Crane, Eugene Hindman, Ar
thur Nelson, Paul Addie. Rex
Bothum and Duano Monnier.
Heading the play's management
is Lois Granner, assisted by Bar
bara Dixson. Tho stage is under
the direction of Virgil Toepher
and Leroy DeJardin.
Havesville Man's
Birthday Honored
Reitzensteins and children. Ger
aldine. Richard and Allen, will
soon move fo their 40-acre tract
in Hazel Green district, which they
purchased recently from a Zie
linski estate.
Tho Victor Coleys were hosts
Sunday to a group of friends at a
dinner which honored Mrs. Coo
ley's father, Henry Jaquet of Vic
tor Point, on his 80th birthday.
Present wore Charles Saucy, Mrs.
Ruth Reynolds. Alice Mathey, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Berger. Jimmie and
Jackie. Mr. and Mrs. Emory
goode, Elvin, Wayne and Yvonne,
Alice Jaquet. PFC Robert Cooley.
David, Carl and Paul Cooley and
the hosts.
Monday night at their scout cab
in, members of Boy Scout troop
Parents of Alice Twombly's fourth grade students
will be entertained with an assembly at 1:30 p. m.
Wednesday. The students will present both a hobby
show and a talent show.
Betty Sutherland and Richard Mason will give a
rhythm demonstration; Ronald Leo will show a new
use of sawdust by making puppet heads and Shirley
McKay will demonstrate leather
A dance interpretation will be
given by Carole Hoffin, Joan
Strodde, Doris Heine, David Lai
son, Dennie Williams and Floyd
Papier mache work will be by
Junior Kautx and Bob Gelden;
finger painting, Sharon Pendle
ton; weaving. Joe Ganner and
Rodney Anderson; clay modeling,
Janice Miller.
Violin numbers will be given
by Dorothy Vaughn and Joe Wil
son. Gayle Cartwright will give a
vocal solo.
Easter bunnies given top
notice at an Englewood assem
bly Thursday as first graders, un
der the direction Qf Dorothea
Bates, present the weekly pro
gram. Students who have parts in the
"Bunny Play" are Dick Hoffman,
Joyce Hanson, Beverly Kenyon,
Ann Lenheart, Nancy Lillie. Kathy
Fallin. Joan Goodman and Scott
The story of Hansel and Gretel
was given in song, dance and dia
logue by Mrs. Grace Stenback's
fourth grade at an assembly pro
gram recently.
Main characters were Jack
Moore as Hansel: Lucia Wilcox,
Gretel: Karen Flory, mother; Nor
man Parker, father; and Jean
Hubbard as the witch. Thomas
Brown acted as announcer.
Nancy Webb and Janelle Duns
moor played piano solos between
the acts. Stage properties were
made bv the pupils.
Leslie physical education classes
will stage a gym show Thursday
at 7:30 p.m. The program will con
sist of demonstrations of class
work including calisthenics, folk
20 heard a lecture by Mr. Maxwell
of Salem, who spent 25 years in
the Arctic Alaska. He told of his j
life among the Eskimos.
Ir5-:r' i
dancing, marching, state physical
tests and various intramural
It is under the xiirection of Jim
Dimit and Lucille Wilson, physi
cal education instructors. Tho
public is invited, andj there will be
no admission charge.
Salem Paint Firm
Gets State Contract
For Second Year
Oregon's highways and signs
will be decorated with Salem
made paint, from Norris-Walker
Chemical company, for the second
straight year, it was announced
The firm secured the contract
for the ensuing year's full supply
of non-beaded lacquer paint, both
white and yellow. The current
year's contract was for yellow only.
Norris-Walker will supply 45,
000 gallons of yellow and 3,000 gal
lons of white paint, approximately
eight carloads. The firm was tho
lowest bidder whose product mot
all specifications. Bids were sub
mitted by 13 companies. Price on
the yellow paint was $1.38 per
Roeder Edits
Aptitude Tests
Wesley Roeder, former Salem
resident who is now associate pro
fessor of psychology at tho Univer
sity of Portland and director of
the northwest guidance and coun
seling center, has just published a
new series of vocational aptitude
tests, released by tho California
Test bureau.
The tests have boon standardis
ed in 25 high schools and 14 col
leges of the northwest, including
Willamette university and. Salem
High school.
Today and Friday
I-oomkd am, r(K() IV (;
. .:..: for III"" womrn
,.ml .n,l Tailored ,n " ,,, ,n(lo,
o pood t.ste I. -I'""' PU,,V' q
ing .m.rlnr. paramount.
i .wait war imm-lial
Many of -I- f-io". in(livi(lu.l ,.a.
W,i. Vo .nay .Uo - prrff n(.e
,,v or,linS . you r tllfsr fr
varie.1 .-oalinf and ""tin,.
Jail delivery.
Mis, Floren,e R. H. Z Wl
.ml eon.n,en. on t.,e 1 and I ridav.
10 to 5:S0. April H" na
invited to attend tl.U
"5 north Liberty
,he most pertec. stonr
11 - -
ever told .
your own ne s ;