J Tism IN FORLAND BRUSH COLLEGE Mrs. Monte Harri returned Tuesday evening tfter accompanying her aunt, Mrs. William Kipper, to her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. E. C. Cameron at Portland. She also visited the Grotto and Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wagner at Portland. jT Easter Cards by Norcross, Rustcraft and Hallmark Greeting cards that w rc shewing with pride And that you will send with pride! B iur to sec our Blossom Time display THE MODERNE Salem's Gift Headquarters 305 Court Phone 3-3808 Entry List for Cherry Festival Court Grows ! t I) ' i .1 Calene Sawtelle. 17. blonde daufh- Representing St. Paul i Grace Ma- 'Brunette Margaret Mix. 17. dauxh- rie Kirk. 17. auburn h a i r e rf ter of Mr. and Mrv Ira I). Mix. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I'. J. will represent Independence Kirk. I high. ! ter of Mr. and Mrs. Iee Saw tella. Independence route 1, was choen by Monmouth high. i 4ei )3 -' 'tS VIM Auburn - haired Dixie Davenport. 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Davenport, is rholce of Tur ner high. Woodburn's choice U LaQulta Col leen Walter, brgnctte daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Walter. Draft Potentials Warned to Keep Proper Contacts Draft-age men are reminded that they must keep their local boards informed where they ate at all times, Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, Oregon director of selec tive service, said ridiy. Noting that a record-breaking number of tudenttourists are ex pected to go to Europe thin sum mer, Rilea said departure from the country does not relieve them of these obligations. Date of de parture, approximate itinerary and date of expected return should be given local boards, he said. Thce Willamette valley loveliest are among the candidates for the court of Salem's 1949 Cherry land feNtival. They will vie at the Prime Selection night Ap ril 21 in Salem high school audi torium, to be sponsored by Sa lem Cherrians. All the girls (15 have ben selected o far) are high school seniors and are the choice of students in their schools. Their records show, t hem not only to be popular but among the most active participants in school organizations. WoodburnFFA Gains Award WOODBURN-Four members of Woodburn chapter, Future Farmers of America, attended the Oregon state FFA convention at the U.S. naval air bare, Tillamook, last week. They were Virgil Loepfer and Ralph Undseth, delegates, Le Roy DeJordin and Merle Schultz, alternates, accompanied by Richard Schoenborn, advisor. The chapter received a Key stone award as an outstanding chapter, given to 24 schools out of 64 this year. Undseth was chosen on the FFA foundation and awards committee. The boys visited outstanding dairy farms near Tillamook and toured the new cheese factory. V Magte greets ym right from th atari. No starter button to push, no choke to pulL You simply turn the Ignition key and the engine starts t Tou really hmve to see the sensational new features of this great new ear to believe them . . . for Plymouth engineers have worked wonders ... to bring you the; biggest automobile value your money can buy! It's real looking glass. The New Plymouth Is deliberately designed to make the best possible use of its greatly Increased glass area. The new V-shaped windshield is 17 larger. The car has a lower center of gravity, hugs the road better. Completely new body construction makes it a sturdier, safer ear. Body and frame are 23 more rigid. There's a more powerful engine. The New Plymouth outperforms all of the other great performing Ply mouths I There's a. new cylin der head in the engine, a higher 1 to 1 compression ratio, and a new intake manifold. New oil control piston rings and the brand-new chrome compression ring save on oil. add thousand of miles to the life of the engine. la rm iiivic a) I f 1 I EMgmmriEg magic I sfArW' .1tt1. rn asm dinar WlflWMmiil'UH'IlM T'" ""V W 11 muam The Beautiful New Plymouth Special De I tut 4 Door Sedan with Longer 118" Wheeffcase i mew Piwmmth It's designed for greater eesnfert. The outside dimensions of the New Plymouth have been reduced. But, Inside, the chair-height seats are wider and deeper from front to back. Tou relax on soft cuah idPEs. Long legs can stretch out and high hats stay put. Diago nally mounted rear shock absorb ers give added stability to the famous Air Pillow Ridel It handles wtthvamasing ease. Be cause of less overhang, the New Plymouth Is easy to drive, easy to park, easy to put in the garage. Toil can drive for many hoars and still feel fresh. With all its brilliant new beauty, it's a prac tical ear. For example, fenders Wend beautifully into the body but they're separate and detach able. They're economical to repair. It gives yea great new valwe. There's only one place to get the whole story of Plymouth's new engineering magic. That's at your nearby Plymouth dealer's. Hell point out the many sensational new features and Improvements which combined with Plymouth's long-time basic advantages give yon a new car that sets a newj high in value I .Vol there mora dijjerrncm thmn mvr in tow-priced cmra mnd the great JVete Plymouth MMikea th different! St IM MUt NSW PlYMOVTM AT TOUI SITMOUTM MAUI ; now ! PtWMOUTH Dnrtuofl l CHRYSLf CORPORATION Dtrort )1 MxluM 4 Army, A AF Men in Salem On Furloughs Four army and air force men who enlisted thixuigh Salem re 'cruiting station are on furloughs 'visiting telatives in trie Salern area. I PFC William A. Harrelon. who enlisted lst August, has a few days' 1eue from Ft. Old, C'alit., where he is a membt r of a com pany tl iirt trains new recruits from the rtt h anny area. He ex pects to no to electric school in New Jersey soon. ' Recruit Bruce Hiirbough ivis jut finished basic training at Ft Old and is on Ic.ive prior to re porting to Ft. Monmouth. N..J . for a 26-we-k couisc- ol telephone .ii$d teleyi ;iph instul hi 1 1011-1 epa n . Recruit ('.ill Mii.xuel!. isit inij his mother. Mis. Violet Max well. Salern loute 2. is on 16-day leave following completion of basic training at Ft. Orel. He will re port April 10 to Ft Bliss. Tex., for a 23-week school of anti-air- The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Sundcry. April 10. 1949 j craft guided missiles. He enlisted here in December. Bound for duty as a clerk- typist at Moses Lake field, Washington, is PFC Alan Miller, who is- here on a 10-day leave with his Another, Mrs. Lena Miller, 1042 Third st., West Salem. Miller enlisted here in December and has complete! baic air force training at Shep hard field, Texas. Valley Obituaries SILVERTON. April 9 Funeral services lor Pvt. 1st Clas Dale William Poi ter w ill be held at the San Bruno, Calif., national ceme tery Monday. April 11, at 11:30 a.m. Pvt. Porter was killed May 4. 194S, while serving with the mrnines on Okinawa. Poiter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Poiter and his sisters, Hetty and .lean, residents of S28 5. 2nd st.. will attend the er vices. He was an only son and was 19 yea is and seven months old Ht the time of his death. Students (Win College Honor MONMOUTH -(Special)- Thre Salem students placed high on scholastic honor rolls just releas ed at Oregon College of Educa tion. j Logan Albert Forster, Gilbert Adams and George U. Forgaid are named on the winter term fiist honors rolls,' requirements for which aie a grade point ave rage of 3.5 or better, and a study load of 15 credit hours. lor the term. I '. Sixty-nine others, including fiv e from Salem and one from West Salem, are on the second honors ' roll: Aileen E, Frogley, E. Jim7 Gwaltnev, David ' A. Harding, Gordon A. Hew itt.j Jerjy J. Mt Real. all of Salem, and Irving K. Underwood of West Sajem. i HILL STAY IN ILLINOIS j CENTRAL HOWELlJ Mr. find Mrs. Fred Scharer and two chil dren, who went tOi Illinois for -a visit, have decided to locate theia permanently. ' -1 I I ' at at at m m. " Til accept any reasaaable credit terms. soys Dr. SesnUr. "be com I want yon fa fcava the Deatol Care ya Read, regardless af yaar finaacial circamsfaacas. Tbara ara aa et farms wbt yaa abtala Dental Aeatloa at my offices ... I prefer fa adnst tha paysNents fa tha retirements af aach Indlvidaal potleat. Tbara Is aa rad tape ar delay la arraaglnej far credit ... aa aaaacastary laveitiqotlea. All tbat Is asaally seeded If a few mamaats frtaadly aaavarsatlaa . . . aa tblrd party ar finance canspaay fa deal with. Make Your Reasonable Terms 3d ENJOY WEARING PLATES WHILE PAYING Start wssring your w mn turti RIGHT NOW sue MT ter rksni LATER, in Small Wsskly r MsNtaly AmeeeH ye ity mHttd. I'll fleely the t r m s f ay rtsJ Unfth ef tr. Tata 5. 10 er 15 DR saaks a pel. SEMLER Dftitt f , "r? '. :' ' V ' '' ""' : I A -pi 'i "Sri Exsmlnaficn Without, Appolntmenf Cease In eey ria er jfemt emeimnte j &QXW Ask Your Dentist About the Advantages of Transparent Potato See the samples of tkete modern dentures that can help you More Youthful Appearance, Greater Comfort end Vigor out, Healthful Chewing Power. To stress Natural Appearance, have your plates set with beautiful new Translucent Trubyte Teeth that simulate Nature's Own in every detail. Available en Dr. Semler's Liberal Credit Terms. mm :i " SPEEDY PLATE REPAIR SERVICE .If- ! la most cases. Hate Repairs (Including replacing af sntsttaej ar brake teeth) completed la faw beers. 1-day tarvica far complete relinlsf. WATERS-ADOLPH BLDG. til STATE & COMMERCIAL uJfa:FnftV Salem, Oregon 3-3311 HOUtS, f.JO AMU J.JO r M . . . ShjrJmrtt $:10 AM I. I PJM OoV