3 Th Statesman, Solam, Oregon, Sunday April 10, 194J In the Senate PASSED SB tU-OUT. of Laws) Makes mi- pr changas la We retirement act veto tout. (Bain Mahoiwy) Abolishas yatatcl testing station systara In Port- HB 4 19 (Military Affiiri) Sett up a firll dcnia agencies wtthln one of the rtats's present agencies. HB 497 (Judiciary ) A tub for SB 170. prohibiting sales of any state prop erty or Umber worth more than $1,000 unless bids are called for. HB SS (Greenwood CHHer-In-ereases pay of state police $23 a Irtonth. HB 213 (Wtlhelm) Appropriates $875,000 for purchase of Lincoln high in Portland to be operated by the state board of higher education as lower division extension college HB 305 (Military Affairs Approp riates $1,500 a year to maintain head quarters of Spanish-American war vet- M-ana in Portland. HB 440 (Agriculture) ABowi state veterinarians to go outside Oreeon when requested by cattle owners. DEFEATED HB 250 (MtCt. Del Would have al lowed the Portland school district to levy taxes' over the per cent limit for three consecutive years with only a single election to authorize: the serial levy. SB 430 (Rev. of Laws! .To license all public accountants under a board of public accountancy. RI-BCfERKCD - HB 506. KEFEKHED SB 425. INTRODCCED SB 425 (Fiahing' Industries) Boosts the set net fee from $5 to $10 a year. DO PASS REPORTS ADOPTED SB 375. 287. KJH 22 HB 436.. 40., 439. 474. 481. l. 111. 352. UP TOR FINAL ACTION j MONDAT SB 414. HB 54. 188. 430. 4). 321. 12. Senate resumes 10 a m. Monday. And Complete Line of Evergreen Shrubs North on Front St. to Keier Schol. Vest on paved road 4 miles to highway. H. L. PEARCY CO. Open Sunday 1 P. M. to 8 P. M. In the House Conscientious, Dignified Service j i 5 North Capitol TcL 3-3672 Insist On Plastered Ualls Vbm Yon Build Or Bny o Ebno PUIIILITE CLOCK MID SUPPLY CO. Woat laUm asid Piaster's SuppKoo PASSED HB Sit (Rev. of Laws) Enlarge Jury lists tor Marion, Lane and Clack amas oo unties. SB 1M (Education) Creates a sep arate department of vocational rehabi litation to aid the physically handicap ped, except the blind. SB 205 (Patterson a Carson) Tight ens laws for enforcement of the public employes retirement act. SB 230 (Rev. of Laws) Changes slightly the law pertaining to removal of an executor or administrator of an estate. SB 231 (Rev. of Laws) Changes slightly the law pertaining to removal of guardians or conservators of estates. SB 292 (Rev. of Laws) Sets up procedure for temporary committments of person to the insane hospital for a period not exceeding 20 days. SB 324 (Engdahl fc Others I Boosts pav of Umatilla county officials SB 392 (Education i Sets up a spe cial fund within the state treasury for depositing funds of the Oreqoti Voca tional school at Klamath Falls. SB 4U7 - iRi-v. of Ijwji Permits membcri. of the senate committee on exeeulive appointments to vote on ttie ijoverno) s appointees b mail if agree able to all membeis. SB 417 (Game i Restricts commer cial fisfiin lor stuped bass in the Coos river S.1R Jj ''Road 4 Hihw a s A'jthor-i,-.- tup v.';rn)i t dneet ur ''.!!' ajv cli-9dil;mnt equipment in case of f; od et.erenc;es. T BI.ED MB 5. ilt wineh toii.pnse the ssti-jte-r evu.ci tax program INTRoniTKD HB 513 -iWy 4. Mitsi Appropriates $151.50 for sundry vlanns against the state. HB 514 (Wys A MnO Appropriates $162,023 for expenses ot state treasur er's ' and bond department during the next bimmum. HB 51 tWvs Mns i Appropriates f3M.0O0 for the Oiegon Blind Tiade school. hr sift (Wvs a Mns) Sets up a three-man committee to study need for I additional facilities for blind ctilldien ! and appropriates $10,000 for the com I mi ttee ; I HB 57 (Wys a Mns) Appropriates t4 13.000 for operations of the bureau of ibor. wage k hour commission and 1 apprenticeship council during the next ; biennium. HB 518 (Wys Mns) Appropriates i $04 000 for the utility and assessment and taxation -divisions oi tne siaie tax commission during the next biennium. HB 51 (Wys A Mns Appropriates $875,000 as state aid for orphans and neglected children during the next bi ennium. HB 920 (Wys a Mns) Appropriates $1,500 for operation of the flax and linen board at the state prison during the next btenwium. do r ass serosiTS aooptib Unemployment on Downgrade In Salem Area, Report Shows; Jobless ( hecks Diminishing With spring jobs opening; up in agriculture, forest products and other industry, unemployment in the Salem area is on the downgrade, the state unemployment commission reported Tuesday. A total of 2,503 unemployment claim checks were paid out in the third week of March from the Salem employment office as compared with 3,128 paid in the corresponding week in February, the commis sion sard. HB aM and to c BJirSUED i. the 'cigaret Us and fair ion act. to tat leant ways committee. The eomaaittee ttser whether the tax arteuld be to finance an educational and 1 state building program. VP rOSt PINAL ACTION MONDAY KB iso. sea. HTR S3 la soa. S4S. set. str is. Ilouse rsHim la a.m. Monday. HAWAII MAT GET BKTTINO HONOLULU. April 9 -)- The territorial senate passed and sent to the house today a bill to legal ize parimutuel horse race betting. Payments during the entire month of March, however, reach ed a whopping $175,325 to civil ians and $156,881 to veterans as compared with $83,421) to civil ians and $73,895 to veterans in March of 1948. A total of $931,753 Mf-ere paid out to jobless in this aia during the first quarter of thii year as compared with $512,112 during the fir.-t quarter of ld.-.t year. Of the total number hi claim ants receiving pa merits now from the Salem otfice about 3 per cent aie in the lumLej- an.p logins? trades. 21 per cent food) proi-e.-:-ers. 14 per i ent "upst i in 'ion workers and 11 per eeiij are un employed retail and Wholesale trade worker. Although benefit cl.iirns drop ped last week over the entire state, nevertheless, the commi.; Mon reported, payments! to Ore gon's unemployed last ifaonth hit a record $4,166,215. Civilian work ers over the state received slightly less than in the previous month but readjustment allowances to out-of-work veterans rincreased about 14 per cent higher than February and Vonsiderajbly above any other month since: the end of the war." "Claims received in $ht com missions 23 employment offices have been falling steadily since mid-February but they! are still double the number reported at this time last year. If the same rate of decrease continues, how ever, the number of those without work will be close to the usual seasonal levels," the commission predicted. Amity Kebekahs Greet Transfer, Name Delegates AMITY At the regular meet ing of Industry Rebekah Lodge Tuesday evening, Mrs. Lucinda Robinson was elected to member ship and was introduced and wel comed. She was formerly a mem ber or Arbor ntae neoexan loage 11 at Myrtle Creek. She became a Rebekah in 1900. Delegates to Rebekah assembly were elected. Mrs. Hazel Gibbs and Mrs. Elona Wood will re present Industry lodge. Mrs. Gibbs was recommended for district deputy president for another year. A committee was appointed to arrange for the organization of a social club. April 19 will be birthday observance. ,.5$.- Slalo 4C S Finance Co. batata FIIA Loans Long-Time Faraa Loans License 8-tlC and M-221 rersonal and Auto Loans River Diking Districts Said Farm Program Said Attractive To Consumers WASHINGTON, April 9 i The Truman administration count ed heavily today on consumer sup port to put its new farm program through congress The twin oh jecthes of the program ate cheap er food prices and a stabilized Jt;i c ulture. Secretary of A:i. ulture Bran nan and his a.-,it.uiii believe t tie propect of a cut m grocery bills will make government faim-a:d measures acceptable to many city and town people who have been critical of previous measures. The program, which Brannan I outlined to congress yesterday, calls for a major change in the way the government attemnt to assure fair prices to producers of meat, milk and other dairy pro ducts, eggs, poultry, fruits and vegetables. It would let the market prices of these products drop to what ever levels supply and demand would carry them. If prices failed to give farmers a predetermined return deemed essential to keep tnem fairly prosperous, the gov ernment would make up the dif ference with a check from the U.S. treasury. Under the present program, the government does not permit free play of supply and demand. If prices tend to drop below the guaranteed , price level, the gov ernment buys and removes from the market the price-depressing part of the supply. Unprepared .'V.s.Jsrv w . - ' t. t si .-'7;'i!-i'i ; V , , , ' - PAINLESS PARKER GOOD TEETH arc important to GOOD HEALTH and to GOOD APPEARANCE. Both arc essential to social and business success. Why take a chance of ruining your health (as well as your appearance) with diseased, ugly teeth? You can get the dental work you need RIGHT NOW and, with ac cepted credit, PAY FOR IT BY THE WEEK OR MONTH on budget terms, arranged to suit your convenience. NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY; come to the office when convenient for an examination; Credit terms apply to all types of dental work w I . Plates, Extractions, Fill ings, Crowns, Inlays or Bridgework. Get needed dental work NOW ...use you r GRED1T. DR. PAINLESS PARKER PORTLAND, April 9-i0-On the eve of the annual high water fore cast, Columbia river diking dis tricts were accused today of fail ing to prepare for possible floods. "They are slighting the Interests of the people in the districts and jeopardizing hundreds of lives by dereliction of their obligations," asserted Col. O. E. Walsh Portland district army engineer, j He said almost half f the 56 drainage and diking districts in tha lower Columbia river area had not acknowledged letters asking for a statement of work done to guard against flooding. ) Walsh said army engineers had called attention to known points of weakness in the levees, but said further inspection should be car ried on to discover and correct defects perhaps not yet found. He said the army could step In to repair damage, but fall mat ters of works in the category of maintenance and operation, how ever, must, under the law. be un dertaken by the flood control dis tricts themselves." The expected height of the Col umbia9 run-off will be foretold in a meeting here Tuesday of the Columbia river basin water fore cast eomaaittee. mm n .yStee itchinc ry 7fS PV Wis !- Wills Music Store ANNOUNCES Opening of Music Studios - r ti Kama -a"$ ' sr avs ' ; wa ' . Club VN-y ..K Artist J) U Learn tlic Way Coy Dauglierty Tearlier of Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar Mandolin Banjo llkelel Private) and Class Instruction Join Now Inatrumonla May be Rentsd Com In and ns for Detcdla 432 Stole Street Phono 3-4950 Saloaa, Oreqoa l : , Some fish can live in springs weier as hot as IIS degrees Fahrenheit. It Costs IIo Ilore To Do Safe! i You don't have to peay a price for pare, arrurately filled preHcriptions. Iet our skilled pharraaruUs com pound your needs) level priceH. it fair Schaefeifs Drug Store 1895 1:949 Phone 3-5197 or 2-9123 135 North Commercial r i'l';!- JO f ' ites its 0wner's biography ! I : w i Dentist 125 Liberty St., Cor. State Telephone: Salem 3-8825 Other Pa in lew Parker Office in Portland and Kueene Use Organic Fertilizer O The right way? to re build mil O Free of Heeds) ! O Odorless I 6 sacks S5.00 Hulk - 1 ton $10.00 2 tonn ( 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area. Phone 3-8127 .fter 5:30 P. M. CaH 2-S9? t jrfMi srw. to sav that there U no material pi-.scssir)n which speaks nore eloquently ol the man who owns it than a Cadillac car. t Wherever it is driven, it offer authentic testi mony as to its owner' good taste his concern for the safety and comfort of his family and friends and his general standing in the field of endeavor in' which he has chosen to make his contribution to the world's affairs. Indeed, if a complete list ere published of tho-e who own and drive this distinguished car it would he obvious that it has become a hallmark of achieve ment in almost every walk of life. That this should have happened is entirely logical for Cadillac car have been built, for almost half a century, to the most uncompromising stand ards of excellence. As a result, Cadillac stands alone in'all the things that make a motor car a distinction to possess and a pleasure to utilize. The 1949 Cadillac js the grandest of them all, in every way. Whv not visit our showrooms and see for yourself ?.A ou arc welcome at any time. DOUGLAS SVJcKAY CHEVROLET CO. Phono 3 3175 510 N. Commercial St.