jlB Taa gtat atceu.Srfwa, OrsgoxL Thvndaj. April y, IMt Livestock and Poultry S COLTS. 1 and S yr. elds. Arabian reeaing. sirea oy jearon. hi. t, box 407K. on SUverton Rd. i GUERNSEY mllkcows. just fresh !l dox. NJi. red pullet. Just starting to ay. Albert Francke. 2, ml. E. of Totem yew, it nse. rurnt at paint sign. ' WhTTZ US&OftN Lens, laying Si Call 2-8112 after o.m. urrv'wiB i. . 4 rrtr feits. Tod r rices. 3983 State. Ph. 109F5. ""JENNINGS SUPERIOR Rhode Is land Reds chicks ft cockerels. Jennings Poultrv Farm. Ph. 3-9429. AT STUD; Ret. Palomino Quarter u r mmf r d kn srn BABV CHICKS All popular varie ties. Including Leghorns, Hampshire. Farmenters. Austra-wnttes end outers Phone 2-2861 or write today for Lee Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try Information. Lee's Hatchery. PO Box 729. Salem. Oregon. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed trards. Rt. 3. Box 899 E. Ph. 3-1144. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E C McCandllsh. 1127 S. 29th Ph 3-14T WANTED: Thin cowi and heifers for feeders also butcher cattle Get my bid It win cost vou nothing Earl Du Chlen 2,499 N. fth. Salem. Phone i-iose. Help Wanted Male MAN to give automobile driving in structions. SIJtMITUn BOX DM. Opportunity Without Investment Age not so Important as ability to work 4c desire to earn, it you nave a clean record St ear. ask for employ ment manager. Senator Hotel. 11 a.m Friday. Anril S. YOUNG MAN to learn window and Interior display work. Good opportun ity for advancement. Experience pre ferred but not necessary. See Mr. Blakely at Montgomery Ward's. Salem. Help Wanted Female WANTED: Women between 20-40 years of age for part time work. Ap ply Mrs. Ellis. Montgomery Ward. WANTED Lady to work in furni ture and appliance store. Bookkeeping experience necessary, i-ermaneni posi tlon. good salary, pleasant working con onions. Hogg Bros., gao aiaie at MIDDLE AGED woman to do light housework and care one child. All modern rural home. Board, room, wa ges. Box 658, Statesman. Salesman Wanted Salesman The factory representative of a To leda multi-million corporation will be in Salem at The Senator Hotel. Mon--day. April 11th to interview men for responsible positions in our 1MB ex pansion program. Our plans include doubling our number of outlets across the country. We will need both branch managers and sales managers for this expansion program. Rapid promotion to the jobs. Your application must stand rigid Investigation and you must have a car. Interview at 7 p.m. Ask for Mr. Reap. nee salesman. Leads furnished. Inside and outside work. See Mr. Booth at Montgomery wro . saiem. EXP. SOeSMAN'to- take over es- tahltshed houte. Call at 721 S. 12th between 9 and 10 a. m. for interview. WANTED A. Electric appliance sales man wanted. Very attractive oropo sition for right party. Ph. 3-6473 be tween!! and 8. IT YOlfARE : ... an experienced farm and acreage salesman, you're ambitious, hsve a car and would like an opoortunity to work with a really top notch firm . . . there's a fine position waiting for vou at P. H. Bell. Realtor, 361 Chemeketa. DtStftBSuTOR. salesman. Exclusive territory. Fast selling auto accessories. Give name.- address and phone num ber. Win Interview. Write box 859. care Statesman. SALESMAN to sell plumbing and heating equip. Call 2-5236 evenings. Situations Wanted SPRAY and brush painting, free es ymatereasonable rates. Ph. 3-1146. vANfEDT'Vard and garden work, jdd lobe. Call 2-3495. CRlI.D CARE In my home, $1 a day. Ph. 3-7730. LADY, 35, wishes work in home. Ph. 3-661CL raiNTTNrFreeiOiorr KTwTN"(57ihg. ettv S. TerryTTs tnileeast Swefle sch. Ph. 27373. VETERAN- Part time work. After four o'clock. Ph. 2-3077. or child care. 943 s. iztn. care 945 S " WANTED: Carpenter work. New and remodel. Ph. 2-2958. BOOKKEEPING service for small business, monthly, quarterly reports. EVE. CHILD CARE, my home. 2-0403. CARPENTER work. New rep. 2-2093. GARDEN plowing anddiscing. Call 8097 Dallas collect. Hollis Bice. CUSTOM Rototilling. Ph. 2-2712. 3297 fr. River rd. LAWNS PREPARED and seeded. gardens plowed. Light tractor on rub ber, dozer, disc. etc. Ph. 2-8127. Duane Wolcott. ' CUSTOM PLOWING and discing. Ph t-S224. WOMAN WANTS hr. work. 75c per fcr. Ph. 3-4304. IRONING in my home. Ph. 3-9928 . SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired Schartf Bros Phone Z55tw POE'S mimeographing, typing serv Ice. Quality work. Lower prices. 669 N l6th. Phone 3-3643. Pain tin : & Decorating 1-5444 DICK OREY 3-6265 DRAWING house plans. Ph. 3-9621 SHARPEN YOUR lawn mower now Roes St shovels sharpened free. Pick et delivery. Howser Bros. Ph. 33646 Edgewater St.. w. saiem. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service n Sewers. Phone 8-946 or 3-5327. Chlmnev sweep Northness ph. 3-4450 ' LANDSCAPING, gardening, pruning, lawa spraying. Mr.- Farts, 1210 Alder eux cnerry ave. uwn tuninu. rn. z-sazz. MAN WITH 9 years of refrigeration xp. would like work in Saiem. In refrig, heating or any related work. ox 54 statesman PLASTERING, oatchwork. chimney building, free estimate. Phone 2-4389. COMMERCIAL PLOWING discing with Ford trectoir. Ph. 3-5583 or 3-7427. GARDEN PLOWLnG and discing. Call pmer Schmidt, 2-5712. Lloyd M. Hill. Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds fhone t-437 3993 State St. "PRUNING, spraying, garden plowing. mail tractor work, rord Ferguson tractor. Nolen Bathurst. Ph. 2-2907. 4385 gager. HARDEST PLOWING.' 140 Chemawa Stoad. Ph. X-3972v ""fliiST CLASS carpenter work: new. remodel er repair; targe or small. Ph. CARBrVrNG of all kinds. Also lawns gttt in. Ph. 3-3943. " rHILP CAM. l3"BTl8th. Ph. 2$7 rURNmTRE repaired as remodeled. e Bros. Furn. Refintshlng Co. 2-7001. TTiffES-JMAKiNC, alterations j-6676. JTCTILTARlT Ty day? 46s7l2th. TtMENT 'work, ail ikinds. Ph. 2-4751. AlTlC. BASEMENT. GARAGE and yard cleaning. Phone 2-8227 rpffxptf hand fin. PKrifzmri-sm. "TOTILLINO" with M--ol5t3neT. Pn. 1-75O0. gwuFit l pay a wk. 81 hr. 3-6TO. fP9 SlaJe 14 J FinancaCo. Lar-TfatM Turm Ltmas LtemtM SSlf saet M-2 PenemaJ aa4 Aai Employment! Agencies OmCX AND CLERICAL POSITIONS i; CONTACT Commercial Placement I Agency 360 State St. Ph. 3-1488 For Sale -Miscellaneous Close Gut on Used lances RANGES Hotpolnt. apt. sire. 94950. A3. Apt. Size. $69,50. Frigidaire. f 3 burners, deep well cooker. 11939. Westinghoufc. 4 burners, warming oven, svh.m). ; Wedgewood CP. Gaa ranee, like new 839.50. t WASHERS 3 Maytagt. all in good condition. 2 Easy Spindrlers. 1 Easy Wringer type. Th or-Wood row-S Deed Oueen-Bendix all in good ooeratinc : condition, from 824 30. REFRIGERATORS Erigidaire 9 . ft. In very good shape $18830. Ralph Johnson Appliances 399 Center St. Phone 3-3139 THE TX Ceiger counters for uranium prospecting. $100. Alao all types of ultra violet fluorescent lamps from 32.3a to $165. V. D. Hill Gem and Mineral Shop. Portland Highway. Sa iem pnone z-ijov. 2.000 HOPlants. most all Ciiudi Red resets, ready now at 4125 Macleav rd mi. 5. of I Pen 4 Corners. FOR SALE: Peat I moss fertilizer. fifty cents per sack. Bring sacks. Fin lay Fur Farm. 12 miles south Salem on old WE. PIPE AND : plumbing sa vines. Down to earth Dnces. One - new steel sink and cabinet.; complete with fixtures and spray unit. $99. Capital Bargain House. 143 urnter. LA TOSCAaccbrdion.-120 bas7"Ex- cellent condition. $165. Ph. 2-6671. IS QT. pressure cooker, set ofVil son left handed matched golf clubs with bag. Ph. 2-2453. COMBINATION Wed ee wood eaT- wood range. Used mo. 350. 1114 Edge- water. PANSY PLANTS. 7 5c doz. Snapdra- gons, 40c dot. 1 ml. E. of Fruitland sch. Sllke's Greenhouse. Rt. 6. box 249. "MADE ' TOY Boston buirdog. Ph. -2858. ""SfwltfG MACHINES Used electric portable. $54, Drop head treadle $35. Ph. 3-3139 48 MAYTAG washer. Montag wood range. Ph. 2-80B7. 1146 Oak st. MARSHALL strawberry plants. Also feed wheat. Ph. 2-22BJ B ALLOV5N-TIR ED bfcycle. good con dition. Phone 21894. B FLAT CLARINET. Like new. used little. Cost $100. sell for half. Ph. 3-8772. ' 5aLV.TRON eaves troughs. 35c ft. Installed. Johnson Sheet Metal. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 3-5391. i TRUCK TIRES AT CUT PRICES WARDS DELUXE TRUCK TIRES AT BIG SAVINGS! FIRST LINE. nRST QUALITY. 6 00-16 8 ply rat'g. was 20 99. now 14 95 6 50-16 ply was 24.30. now 18 43 7.00-20 10 ply, was 45.95. now 39.95 7.50-20 10 ply j; was 61.00. now 44 95 $.25-20 10 ply. was 62 85, now 49.95 Fed.: tax extra. All other sizes and off-the-road tires also reduced. See Wards Tire Man Now MONTGOMERY WARD . 153 N, Liberty. Salem NEW Bo'Xf and SeaKing outboard motor, practically new. $125 for both. 246 Oerth. W. Salem. Call eves. LOW COUNTER" Form icl tim. 6 chrome-finish stools. $235. F. C. Klaus. 138 s. Liberty Atmoravs Harlev Pneh Ph 3-4AQ9 " ALTO SAl948MeT"Co7uTG61d Lgr. with case 4r accessories. A-l cond. Priced to sell quick. Ph. 7-55W Mt- Mtnnville, Ore. GOOD USED galvanired wire neC tlng. I inch mesh. 5 and 0 ft. widths. 190 ft. rolls. Ph. 2-1643. Furniture For Sale NEARLY NEW Admiral 8 ft. refrt?erator. Philco ft .refrigerator. Frigidaine stove, automatic Launderall washing machine. Duncan Phyfe dining room table and chairs, davenport and chair, platform rocker, coffee and end table. Singer sewing machine. 2 double waterfall bedroom suites 2 perfect sleep mat td esses and box springs, floor lamp? and radio. 2 bicvcles lunior size nrl'i and small boy's, lawn mower and sar den tools. Card rd.. Rt 9. box 115. CEDAR POTS Ph fiar22 SPECIALLY good uFed sewing ma chine. 1 yr. guarantee. Vern's Sewing Machine Service. 357 Court. MONTAG OIL RANGE. Cheap. Ph. 3-43G3 1495 "B" St. ZENITH radio - phonograph comb. Very good cond. See at 2105 N. Front. 5:30 and 7:30 p. m. - GOOD CLOVER hay. Melvln Lien's Dairy. 4 mi. east on Garden rd. Ph. 3-1029 i WRECKING a house. Combination wood and gas range. Combination sink and cabinet. One complete bath room, one gas furnace, oak flooring, all unsized 2xs $20. M. Madson Wreck ing Co. 895 N.Front.J - HOUSEHOLD furniture including 8 ft Coldspot s refrig. Kenmore elec. range. Mut he sold by Friday. 1195 Reedy dr. Just off Park. GOOD CLEAN Marshall strawberry plants from certified planting stock. ,i mile west from North Santiam school. Glen . Tierce. Rt. 1. box 79. Turner. Ore. . Ph. 204-R. Stayton. No saturoay ca 1 . STRAWBERRY plants. Red Heart va- riety 570 Fordit. Pht2-j)509. 3 TRADE-IN mantel radios. All 3 have been tested and : repaired where needed. $12 SO each. Montgomery Wnrd. Salem. aTOmTnum ROO'FINO 2 ft. width in the following lengths: r 1 , $174 r , 2.32 10' i J.flO ir . ... 348 Ask about installation service. MONTGOMERY WARD CO.. t SALEM TfLTJMXTecTCTtf Shingle. The mod. permanent roofing. See your dealer or ph. distrib. 3-6401. aWTWK5ofin?T Let Wards - give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Me range i colors, can our out side salesman for free, estimate. Phone 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD CO. . 2 SALEM CHICTCeV AND cow fertilizer bv sack er load.; 50c sack. Bring sacks. Rt. 6. box 284. Fruitland rd. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads ; I driveway. Cement Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldoiiag. drainage and witching yd. shorel ek drsg line. Phone 3-9249. CUAAftY ROCK for road base. Crushed rock, fill dirt. ; We deliver. Croisan Quarries 1849 S. Coml. St. Th. S-4417 Plant. Ph. 3-1231 Res. -3075 SP&AV GW8 AND COmVRxGESrX you can gel tne pest in spray palnt- tat sees at wardsl sturdy end efficient spray guns, compressors, pres ure tanks, ate. Spray guns tec as little MONTGOMERY WARD CO BALEM. OREGON PlAUJl-aiTONE your home. 4U Court St. For Sale lllscellanaons TARPAULINS Sturdy canvas M oa. before treating, water aniMew resistant. Metal gronuneta. rxr idxir U-X14' 10.93 1X7$ MONTGOMERY " WARD A CO. SALEM ! Aluminum Roofing 019 corrugated 38 Inches wide. This la- practically Portland wholesale prl ces. 6 ft, per sheet $1.71 8 ft., per sheet $13 10 ft, per - t 13 ft., per sheet S3. L. A. Courtemanche McMinnvllle Phone 980 Today's Special New 6 yr. size baby crib, partial panel and drop side. 813 93. CLEN!i ru RN ITU RE MARKET 1809 N. Summer TERMS. TRADES tc LOWEST PRICES Valley Sand & Gravel Co. Silt, sand tt fiU dirt. Excavating 10B Shovel and cats. Tractor scoop ana trucx ror a in moving, fn. ornce 2-4O0Z. res. 3-7140. ELECTRIC "WATER heaters, new Collins or Nationals, guaranteed. 179.75. complete plumbing materials (or av erage house at $500 or less. First grade fixtures w. a. s e wis Co.. 1390 Madi- St. rn. 3-4A00 SEWING MACHINES New Home electric. $21.50 dn.. $7 mo. Call Mr. Bell. 3-3139. Eve. Ph. 2-7380 TlNGER SEWING machine. Conlon mangle aluminum roaster, 819 E. Main. wonmouin. ore GARDEN TRACTOR. M.W. 1. H P". cultivator attachment. Ph. 2-8303. Rt. 1. DOX jus. SEWING MACHINE, dfo hiidT xreaaiCjaaa. Arter z p.m.. Z435 N. Com 1 C5AS RATGET Dracticailv new. 1 vr old heater. Ph. 2-2945. OLD CHINA, class and silver. 455TJ 23rd St. UPRIGHT PIANO in fine cond. Price reasonable. 1690 S. Cottage St. NEW and used elec.. wood." kerosene and gas ranges as low as $10. New and wed elec.. wood, kerosene and oil heaters as low as $8.50. Two air com pressors, one $75. one $35. Elec. band- saw $40. 41 Pontiac station waeon. fine cond. Priced for quick sale. '48 Dodge dump truck, good cond. Hot plates $3.90 and up. tools, elec. waf fle irons, toasters, elec. mixers, car radios, house radios a low as $6.50. Bathroom sets, hot water tanks, new and used elec. refrig.. baby beds, high chairs, dinette set, baby bugey. We have all kinds of furniture at Bargain Prices. Hardman Broi. 4 nnr-tt of Salem-Portland hwy. Open from a m. to 9 D.m. Sundavs and wk. day?. UOLD and black cockpr spaniels, male and female. Ph. 3-6443. HAND-CROCHETED tablecloth. 1795 McCoy. GALVANIZED PRUNE travs 10c. 2 In. lumber $20 per M. 1x6 $30. 3155 N. Rover Rd. BC"UTFT7 Servel kerosene- refrigera tor. $100. Beautiful cabinet and runs well. Montgomery Ward Co.. Salem. TREADLE sewing machine, Bruns wlck. $35. 859 Gaines St. Aluminum Roofing Complete stock corrugated SV crimp and accessories. Obtain our quotations first. Saffron Supply Co. 325 N. Commercia'lSt. Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock Ready mix All kinds of sand and gravel River silt and fill dirt Ph. 21966 FERTILIZER, cow or chK-keii. De livered in Salem well-rotted or fresh $5 per cu yard Al.o by sack. $1 per ack at place o- will del 8 sack order Also horre manure for hot beds snd plants Phillip Bros., Rt. 6. Box 118 Ph S8F22. E W MEftCURY-Fo Jna"hobbin"Iight weight portable elec. sewing machine 10 yr. guarantee. 8124.50. terms Cabinet $149.50. W. Davenport. 1930 N. 18th Ph. 3-7671. Fertilizer s per ya. 3"'dloTd 910. Ph. 933 Turner. MUSIC LOVERS-! Try our Electric Hammond on your piano. The Solovox. Free demonstra tlon a nd lesion. Phone 2-0403 Salem Screen Shop 1430 S. 12th St. Window screen & screen doors made to order. Glass replacement. CSED5WING machines. Ph. 3-3139. Building Materials RED CEDAR SHINGLES. No. 1 $950. No. 25550. No 32350 Ted Mitller. Ph. 2-1196. Independence-Salem Rd. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Good used piano State mke and price in letie: . Francis Dunn . R r2 . box 79B. Wood burn. Ore. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem Wanted Furniture AT ONCE Need large quantity of good used fur niture, appliance.-, household items. Will pay spot cash and give top prices. No Junk oiease. Phone Glenn Woodry, 3-3110. - - 0-KU HHMILHE Phone 3-5110. VQ FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 Miscellaneous Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph. 3-4069 WEATHEH strips Pullman Ph. 3-5963 WAiEK W Ei-L drilling. Domestic oi irrigation. Duffield Bror,., Rt 9. box 58JPhone 2-1313 or 2-2795. FURNACES Oil burners, gutters, air conditioning coolers, general sheet me tal work. Years of experience enables us to furnish the best. Estimates free JOHNSTON SHEET METAL CO 1410 S. 12th St. Ph. 3-5391 AUTO painting, lust a shade bettei' 3T Rav ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 1-9101 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Hrtng or Mail Youi Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State at Com Ph. 3-3311 HAVt VOUH .vngci sewing machine repaired by a qualified Mnaer repre sentative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup a delivery service on ali makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing Ma chlre Co 130 N Commercial Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Cleaiing - Ditching Sewer A Basement Equipment Rental 18 B-'i yds . 112 00 per hr 10 B-. yds 9 80 per hr D-7 Cat A Dozer 10 50 per ht D-8 Cat Diizet 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat Dozer . f 80 per hr Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8244 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon WANT TO Buy Useo Cameras at lenses McEwan Photo Shoo 438 State For Kent Rooms SLP. RM. for gentleman. Board If de sired. No smokers or drinkers need apply. JPh. 3-9691. QUIETj clean" room for employed gentleman. 897 S. Liberty St. NICE ilecpingroorn. Pnone 3-755T. T DOUBLE or single sip. rms. for men. 1143 Osk st. ATrkXcTIVE ROOM", private home. gentleman. 983 N. Summer. Ph. 3-8368. 5 LP. KM. for gentleman. Ph. 2C887. 1IPRMS2 131 Center St. Ph. i-iHS. COMFORTABLE sleeping room. 354 If. Capitol. Ph. 3-2O00. TVRN. sleenlne room. XUe. kiaL tSl N. ComXSt. Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS, good home cook lag, clean, quiet, share bath with one. 108 ri, Ha St. For RentApartments FURN. 3 RM. a: prl. bath, near State hsc. izzo center, rn. J-7B4I . FURN. APT. Adults, alao sleeping rm. for lady. 571 Union SMALL APT, close in 1 adult 114 Water St. Ph. 3-4489. I RMS. 1 BATH, newly furn. court apt. Aaum. i34a a. irtn at. NICELY FURN. 2 rm. apU $870 830 N. Summer. LCI. UPSTAIRS unfurn. 4 rm. and bath. Pri. entrance and utilities paid. Ph. 3-7977. NICE FURN. apt. 1 or 2 adults. 1078 N . lpitOI. VALAM.Y. 2 b.h. apt. unlurn. ex cept for refrig. range. Auto, laundry, can at 907 s. uin. 4 RM. unfurn. apt. Adults. No pets. zioo is. atn. can after 4 p.m APTTzlSrMaple Ave." "TTTM.' FURN. APTTOio trailer house 2605 Maple Ave. Ph. 2-5093. MOD. FURN. 3 rm. apt, prl. bath and ent, auto, heat, refrig. Apr. 11 Adults. Ph. 2-5463. MODERN 3 rooms, firepl.. close "In" well furn. 160 S. Cottage. For Keut Houses PARTLY furn. upstairs Quarters: 2 BK. Kit., batn. small LH. 133 S. 19th Ph. 3-1529. LIVABLE 2 B ft. house. 1 acre at 1240 CUATView. $35 mo. Ph. 2-8439 or call at 910 Norway. one bedrm. home, ready April zutn. Kange. refrig.. adults, no pets. $73, wun garage sou. r n. z-aeuu alter s p.m. MALXTHOUSET suitabrer iDeoDle. iwu Howard si. 2BR UnYCRNT house; $45. No child ren. Ph. 2-4708. f UrLN zrm. house. 820 mo. Elec. Battle Creek. Rd. Ph. 2-2899 after 9 p. m. one room cabin. Ph. 3-7018"! T"URl. CTJTTAGT 3215 Portland Rd". ST RMTFLAT." Pri. entrance. 865 mo. Ph. 2-1994. For Rent Farms FOR LEASE: 70 acres of hops, 'j fugeles. near Salem, to some one with equipment and experience. 16 In the bale rental. Write airmail to Mrs A. S. Miles, box 84. Leucadia. Calif For Rent TRAILERS 82 per day. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. AIR COMPRESSOR witfi pavement breaker & jack hammer. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646 iO ACRES good bottom farm land. Write Rt. 7. Box 63.Salem. "TRAILER SPACE for reniTin modern trailer park. Cal I 3-1073. IKUNtKM o the weeK Pnone 2-443V ((K)U Urd Piano H L Stiff BUSINESS Room H L Stiff. U-DK1VE TRUCKS rOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S. Liberty. Ph 2-9062 TRUCKS "and cars for rent Blankets furnished Smitty's Clipper Service Center and Church. Phone 3-9609. Wanted to Kent 2 EMPLOYED business girls desire furn. apt..closein. Ph. 2-6627 NEK 2 B R. house,' about tSoTJ'h. 2-2080 or 2-63tl. WANTED to rent at once: Sub. acre age with 2 or more B R. house. By veteran employed with Public Agency. Lloyd Bennett. Parrish Jr. Ph. 3-5072. 3 BEDRM. mod. house, references, local business man. Statesman box 663. TJrNFU"RN'ISTlED3rihs. 4Tfaath. Court, duplex, or 1 bedrm. house with stove h refrig. N. Salem preferred. Employed widow. Box 66iStatesman. 2 BEDROOM house wanted. Good care guaranteed. 1354 S. 12th. 3 BEDROOM house wanted. Phone 2-3981 from 9 to 5. or Sale Real Estate Nelson News $5900 HOME ON CROISAN CR. RD. Neat 2 bdrm. home. utiL rm.. lge. far. about 1 13 ac. Spring wtr. Tall us and other native shrubbery. Own er transferred. 3 BDR.MS N. $8750 Good mod. plastered 6 rm. home, hwd. fir, fplace. piped oil furn.. bmt . good bearing fruit and nut trees. Close to cii and schools. $91)50 CROISAN CR. ROAD Beautifully landscaped plus cedars, alders and oak on Croisan Crk. rd. 2 bdrms.. iiv. rm.. din., kit., brkfst. nook, bath, util. rm., hwd. firs. Beam ceal. Att. fplace. knotty cedar walls. L. trays, furnace, aprox. 1 ac, elec. wtr system, septic tank. GOOD GENERAL FARM 33 ac. cult . 30 tc. rolling. 1 ac. clover. 6 ac. oats. 10 ac. hops. F. or chard. 8 stanchion barn with dnntting cup, concrete fir. Price $18,000. E of Salem 12 mi If any of the above do not, meet your requirements, tell us what you want, j with detailed information on more than 1000 properties on our files we i can save you time' end money in get- ! ting what you want. NELSON & NELSON Specializing 702 N. High Realtors Ph. 3-4622 S9S0 DOWN 2 Bd. Rin.. plastered home north, Liv. Rm.. dining Rm., kitchen, batn, un finished ustairs, J acrr. with fruit trees, garage, fruit rm.. and water sys tem. Good location. Owner leaving state, muFt sell. Priced right at $5500. WE BELIEVE This is one of the best buys on to day's market. A new. modern, pumice block home, 2 BR. fireplace, finished in knotty pine.; Home and 10 lots or approx. 3 acre for S3000. Also the same in a 3 B.R. home and 16 lots or approx. 4' 2 acres for S9500. We'll sell them separately or together. SALEM "REALETERIA "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 423 S. 12th - Ph. 34855, Eve. 25368 $4,000 A good 3. room home and large ga rage on lot 50 x 250. Lots of fruit and berries. Paved St.. bus at door. $7,950 4 R R mnHrn hnm u,ith riimt s?a rage, fruit room and other good out I bldgs. on 1 A good soil, family or- chard, berries. This property is a short distance from Salem, North. Terms. See H. E. Corev. Real Estate 13C5 N." Broftdway Ph. 2-0552 davs. or eves. 3-3816. 3-5242 Good suburban bius.xocation S.W. cor. Evergreen k SUverton Rd. Ph. 3-8835. Walt Socotofiky, Real Es tate I Only $7950 Completely furn., aew, modern 2 B.R. home located near Senior H'gh. Furniture about 1 yi.iold. consists of electric stove. 11 ft. Coldspot refrig. with frecz.ng unit, drome breakfast set. 2 davenports. 1 BR. set. swing rocker, floor Ismp. sraall radio. Busi ness taking party out: of state: never before on market. C4U Norma God dard, 2-8848. - Geiger Real Estate 3203 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1073 Apartment - Close In Income $193 mo. plus living quar ters. Will take in Salpm home up to $6000 as part payment. All apt, fur nished. Have private baths and private entrances. ! The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. j Phone 2-4793 Evenings 3-6375 - 2-5514 - 3-9595 " $11,300 - CANDALaRIA Heights -New Modern 2 BR borne, large lot. 1108 Sq. Ft. Floor Area. Fireplace. Electric Heat. $2,500 T down, balance FHA. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brawn wtth State Finance Co., Realtors 15$ S. High St. Ph. (-412L For Sale Real Estate HOUSES (10 SOLD) $350 Down $35 Per Mo. LOTS (83 SOLD) With Water, Electricity and Bus Service $10 Down $15 Per Mo. LABISH VILLAGE i Mile North Drive-In Theatre 99E " REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE High St. 201 S. NELSON NEWS HIGH ST. LOCATION Close in H. St. frontage and income home. $3000 down will handle. Have home and Income in location that will increase in value. VERY PROFITABLE CONFECTIONERY Lunch business, newest merchan didng faculties. WU1 pay for itself in yr. A rare opportunity. $20,000. Terms can be arranged. BEVERAGE BUSINESS Brick bldg.. equip., going business. ',i in. or entire business. Wonderful opportunity for right man. Minimum $9900 cash required. ZONE 3 CORNER Valuable rone 3 corner frontage, suitable for many business oppor tunities, service station, grocery, sm. hopping center. Many cars pass this property dally. Good 3 bdrm. home completely Remodeled. If you want home with business development pos sibilities this property you will want to investigate. Call and get full in formation on this property. $15,000. WANTED Wanted good income Drorertiea from 915.000 to $20,000. Have several pros pects for moderately priced rental. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS 702 N. High St. Phone 3-4622 $2000 Down 3 bedrooms all on 1 floor. flreDlace hdwd. firs, large utility room, dining room, large picture windows, readv for occupancy soon. To see this, call norma uocaird, rnont z-6848. Geieer Real Estate 3206 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1073 ENGLEWOOD 2 BR HOUSE HW floors, oil heat. Att. Caraae East front. $9750. EDGE OF TOWN NORTH. 2 BR furnished home on larea lot with fruit & berries. $6500. Reasonable terms. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 2-3629 , Eve. 2-4789 or Mr .Craig 3-505? $9,950. NEW MODERN 2 BR home. sunnyview uist. on bus line. Close to scnooi. oil Heat. Immediate Posses sion. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5661 DRIVE BY the little house at 640 Kural Street. Priced at $6250. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone J-7660 BY BUILDER: Two 2 B R home.71 2-yrs. old. 1 new. Imm. poss. Inq. at iiij a. lain. ""BY OWN ER. 1 A. with nice home fireplace, nice L.R.. 2 B.R.. dinette, kit., hwd. fits., plastered, utility 6c dble. garage. Also mod. 3 rm. cottage & small oarn. sacrifice $10,800. Ph. 2-0272 $ 1 000 DN. FTjR3lB4l62rifQlSt $ Bd. Rms.. basement, sawdust bur ner. L. trays, single garage, lawn, 2 cnerry trees and 2 apples T's. 2 Blki. to groceiy St. ?, blk. to bus. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 341 State St., Rm. 4 Phone 3-9201 Res. 3-4333 or 3-8763 i Bedrooms $1000 Cash $50 Mo. An older 7 rooms, fireplace, plaster, full basement. A good place for roomers or large family. Bus at door. Close itort, school, in N. Salem. it ice $8750. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com'l Ph. 24049 - 29497 Y" OWNER": S B R"mod. houseTTood" cond. 88,000. Ph. 2-4539. 2 ACRES NORTH 3 B R. home, about 3 yrs. old. needs some finishing work. Garage, 2 acres of boy sen berries, trained and in good shape. a!o strawberries. $1000 Income last yr from berries. Owner 111. rea son for sell. A truly good buy at $6500. SI 900 DOWN New 2 BR. home, beautiful kitchen, large rooms, lots of closets, built-ins. oak floors, lots of closets, built-ins. oak floors, oil furnace. Verv hest nf F H A construction. 25 Year F.H.A. loan. $45 per mo. Large lot. lawn ready to plant Best buy we have had at $8400. Art J UU V.al t Pm k.lk 1 Elec. heat ...... . vatd. a i i r iiuuip wirea for range. 'a acre of lovely ground, north. A good start for SALEM REALETERIA C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S 12th St. - Ph34855. Eve. 27616 BY OWNER: Large 2 bedroom home, north, good sized dining room and kit chen, fireplace, hwd. floors, a acre with son fruit trees, bus bv door close to school. FHA terms available. Ph. 2-7278 after 5 p.m. EET ' WESTlTOWOTrTmEST1' $7250? That's right, only $7250 for a 2 B.R. home. elec. heat, living rm . dinette, kitchen, loads of built-ins. bath tub and shower, utility rm.. garage. Near Catholic school in Hollywood. Al den Bowes Real Estate. 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-4791 or eves, 3-5591. Ask for Mr. West. ""GARAGE HOUSE on about acre. Fruit, nuts, chicken house, city water. $2000 terms. EDWARD A. DYCK. REALTOR 328 North Commercial St. Tel. 2-5211. 2-3203. 2-8056 $6500 Neat 5 rm. house on small lot. good location in Englewood dist. 1530 Nebraska Ave. Ph-IKU; A REAL BtYTn a 2 bedroom home. LR. DR. kitchen and dinette, stairway to unfinished upstairs, basement with new sawaust furnace, oarage nice yrd- Ark Jor r- Tuor- Alden ?ra Real Estate, phone 2-4791. Eve. 2-7278 " A-REAL-BARG AIN Owner will sell, worth the money. 2 B.R. home, excel, cond.. auto, oil furn., elec. range, water htr.. V. blinds, hdw. fir firs., inlaid lin. in kit., bath, utly rm.. att, garage, cor. lot, nice lawn, walking distance. Univ., State houe, city center. Bus by door. Inquire 1195 N. 14th 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. "OR SALE. Small" acreage. 2 B.R. home, large garage, beautiful yard, lots of shrubs, close to stores sV bus, east. Only $7600. Geiger Real Estate .1203 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1072 LEO i. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 't ACRE. Unfinished house. Some timber. Deep well. Good soil. Price $1200 2 BEDROOM UNFINISHED house. acre. $2100 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Oak floors. Furnace. Attached garage. Lot 70 x 140. Price $11,300. 10 ACRES. 4 bedrm. house. Barn: chicken house. Oil furnace; 2 fire places. Fsmily orchard. Stream. Price $13,000. Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors 344 State St. Phone 2-3663 Evenings calif 2-4007, 2-4510. or 2-8103 RtinsjCHSTYLE - Beautiful, new 2 B.R. home, large LR with fireplace and picture win dows. DR and well-planned kitchen, plenty of closet and storage space. 2 car garage. Restricted corner lot, cose to bus it school. $11,500. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor 1211 Edgewater Fku 3-I109, eve. 3-9939 For Sale Real Estate Phone 39203 $13.8O0 BEAUTIFUL new 3 bdrm. on S. Cottage near Leslie )r. hi., over 1500 ft. floor space, full bsmt.. oil fur nace, Ig. rm. exc. ararngement, built of the best material, dbl. garage. Own. er will sell on contract to the right parry, rnont zmm?. .ve. pn. 20200. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial BY OWNERi 1,4 A. 1 houses. One hse unfin. upstairs a 1-3 rm. un fin. AH elec. Full II bsmt. Garage. 811.000 Rt. 3, Box 959R. S. River Rd. Call 2-3052 for information. Reduced This well built 2 BR home with LR. DR. kitchen, bath, stairway to unfin. attic. House Insulated and wea therstripped. att. garage. You won't do any better for $9500. Some terms. Contact Bergland. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1326 State St. Ph. 33580. feve. 36438 f or" amckTsAXE New unfinished white shingled house, $ rooms down, space for 2 up. Running water, woodshed at back oorch on two 50x125 lots Good community. Priced $2O00. Melvln C. Nlchol. West Stayton. Oregon. "BY OWNER: J BR. all elec. house. Immed. poss. 1106 7th St.. W. Salem. Ph. 2-1923. $8500 ONE block to high school, very neat prewar with full bsmt.. din ing room, 3 bdrms.. stairs to storage attic, lg. garden spot. Call Ivan Sivers. Ph. 23849.Eve. 37012. Geo. A. Waltes, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Total Price, $7500 Acreage with nice 3 B.R. home. Can be purchased with furniture if you desire. Room for cows, horses and chickens. Party leaving state. Call Norma Goddard. 2-8848. Geiger Real Estate 3205 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1073 "$8,750. CLEAN modern 2 BRnome south. Fireplace. Venetian Blinds. Oil Heat. $1500 down. $5,250. Clean two BR home close in South. $1250 Down. Balance $60 00 per month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 133 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121, Evag. 2-5561 Begt Buys KINGWOOD Excel. View 3 bdrm. home with aut. furn.. att. gar., nice front & back yard. Owner leaving city. Total price $10,500. Can be FHA financed. $4250 Full Price f bdrm.. att. gar., inside city north. 1 hllr Ia rltv ac icti, bus. $6500 FULL, PRICE A very neat 2 bdrm. home. Good size dining room, part hwd. fir., att gar. Private well, very close in east. extra large lot with sev trees. Terms arranged. lg. walnut Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member Multiple Library Bureau 3035 Portlsrid Rosd Ph. 2-7820, 2-4596. Eve. 2-0471. 2-3558 $9500 Owner leavlnc town In a few dava. will sacrifice a beautiful 1 vr. old t Br. home, elec. heat, plastered, car peted, Ins., weatherstrlpped, pris. well, att. garage., bus by door. Located be tween Lancaster k Sweale school. FHA commitment. Rt. 5. Box 115. RECENT ILLNESS causing parties to sacrifice lovely Englewood 2 B.R. home. Full basement, aut. oil furnace, fireplace, att. garage, hdwd. firs., patio, beautifully landscaped yard. Match ing rugs, deluxe electric range. V. Blinds all Included in $12,500 price. No water in basement during recent storms. Easy walking distance to grade, Jr. high and sr. high, 'j blk to bus, never been on market before. Call Norma Gaddard. 2-8848. Geiger Real Estate 3205 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1073 LEAVING FORtEJCAS Consider offer on good 2 BR home and ' A. Lots of fruit and berries. N. Furnished if desired. 5 A. PART In WOODLAND 3 BR hse.. secluded, east, small barn. $8500. B. Islierwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office ph. 2-3862. Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8836 Member of Multiple Listing Bu. $6850 GOOD 5 rm. modern home on large lot, lg. oak trees, on pavement north. $4500. GI can be taken over. Phone 23849. Eve. ph. 25260. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial $2000 Down $66 Income plus lovelv 2 B.R. home for you. Yes. $2000 dn. will buy this income property, bal. paid like rent. North. Call Norma Goddard, Ph. 2-8848. Geiger Real Estate 3205 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1073 $4,250. CLEAN one BR home. 1130 N. 13th St. Lot 80x156. Room to build another house. Lots of fruit and ber ries. Garage. Call Stanley Brown with State Finanee Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 ENGLISH TYPE 2 BJlm. Hw. floors. Full basmX sawdust heat, a very nice home in No. 3 zone, and on lot in back la a nice 1 B.Rm. modern home that has been rented for a long time at $40.00 per month. Price reduced $2000 for quick sale. Goodwin & McMillin, Realtors 484 Court St. Ph. 3-4707: Eve. 3-7383 FINE FAMILY HOME For the family that wishes a good 3 bdrm. home with plenty of shrubs, gsrden and play room at low cost. See this special buy at 1587 9th St. $7000 In cluding extra lot. $8500 A weU built nicely located S bdrm. home. 1(76 Buge st. $5250 A low cost $ bdrm. home. T71 Rose rnont st. 96400 A 4 bdrm. home on choice sub urban lot. Glen Creek road at Cas cade, large lot, 230 ft. with numerous fruit trees, shrubs, flower and shade trees. (17300 A beautiful new 3 bdrm. ranch home on Klngwood Heights under construc tion. Member Salem Multiple Listing Bu reau. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-8109 Old 3 Bedroom Home Furnished or unfurnished, good fur niture, cor. lot. Highland dist. $6000 furnished. $5000 unfurnished. Owner leaving city, really wante to selL Make offer. 2 Acres Out Keizer Way Best of ground, old 4 rm. house, double garage, small barn and lota of fruit, good water system. $5500. Art Madsen 1326 Sfste St. Ph. 1-9590 BY BUILDER: Mod. S B.R. block hse., Rockwool insulation, auto, oil furnace. 75 ft. lot on paved st. See this at 207 Salem HeighU Ave, s block east of Liberty B4. For Sale Real Estato WTfT3.V FITUVrtum ?JS', im.t,,iIJi'- wnrr.aTn enxloua to seU. Near Parriah joioi. rurthr Jnormllon U Mr. Noonch ester. Price 8000y Evening phono YZRY Nicr two bedroom home in Englewood, hardwood fleers. fire place, basement, sawdust beat. Price $12,500.00. Call NeotKrhester. .YiFilT- V?re boaroor" home, completely modem. Scree of filbert r; '7 - mna snruDs. - nu ir, nooncnetier ior appointment, xr meet all your requirements Price n wncnciier. See this, price reduced from $14,000 to $12,500, nome. good barn and nthr nut kih berries, good soil North. This place' a WlWIlfl 11. . VJ7 n'ce 6 unit auto court. 1 acre of ground close In. Portland Highway. Nice three bedroom home completely furnished. Will consider other income property which does not require personal supervision or would take nice) home in Salem. r . Old established restaurant, good location: gross about 40,000.00 per year. Seating capacity around 120; separate banquet room. Owner will Sell bldg business and all equipment, Price $35,000.00. - , Trailer space and traUer house for rent. Lights, water, famished. Lovely location In modern trailer park. Rent $35X0 a month. t , M. GEIGER, REALTOR 2205 Portland Rd. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS AREA VIEW LOOK 1 1 . , Drive by 1094 Cascade Dr.: then caU us to see the interior of this lovely home; 3 bedrooms with 3rd room suitable for a bedroom; lovely tiled bathl excellent carpeting; full deep basement with auto-ell furnace; alee view; we want you to see the interior of this home; please call us, we have the key. A SMALL BUT CUTE 1 jj j i S Bedroom home located on Franklin St, W. Salem; luce fenced yard; price. is 97500 with F.H.A. Term; MAY WE REMIND YOU jj ! of that excellent buy we have in Mar.brin Gardens; owner will take 911.909 which to less than F.H.A. appraised. Don't be sorry. . . WE SPECIALIZE Df j X GOOD BUILDING SITES SEX US TODAY f 'f i (We Write AU Types of General Insurance) MATTSON & ROETHLIN Phone 3-5838 Across From Eve. Ph. GRABENH0RST SPECIALS BEST BUY AT $9,500 2 bdrm.. liv. rm.. din. rm. hdwd firs., fireplace, full bsmt.. sawdust heat, excellent location. Owner leaving city. Call Roy Ferris. BUSINESS LOTS 2,750 50x130 ft. N. Com'l. St. 3.150 80x124 ft. S. 13th St. cor. lot. 4.500 50x140 ft. 8. 12th. St. (.700 42x100 ft. S. 12th St Mr W $1000125x110 ft. Corner lot, main st. Good service station site. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. GRABENHORST 134 S. Evenings and Sundays call Peter Gelser 3-9969 Roy Ferris 2-8010 Earl West 3-1233 GEORGE W. 1883 N. Capitol Ddr ,Buni: 1" Highland district S.".t.',eC uDoubte 'r- blk property, such as rooming house or 1 .tKLr,uBun w,tn 1 k,t' ,cm Eat- cnt fdn LB, DR. Kj b Lpb!uarn . hlcfn h"- Nice town, flsqpo'nd. ani c ee. Priced for quick sale at $4,000. T bus, place, New 3 bdr. hnm. all r a .4 t w irMtta in i i. m " Zf, , ' i earpetlng In LR at bdrs. Nice lawn Ac 1 bdr Bung with bath. T R v h.ina .lose. Englewood district.' NTce clei. We have n.anv other loviv view, basementi and etc.-so many we can t list themj all here. Juej eome In snd give us an idea of what you are looking for and we'll find tl for you. We afro have a wide variety of farm listings. V i ! gve. phones: 2-0862, $1600 DOWN Full price $8950. No offers accepted. This place is worth the money. 2 bdims. aown, z semi-iinisnea up. Imm. ac tion requested so call us now for fur ther Info. SUBURBAN g bdrm. home with !& A. Hh of soil. 155 Fisher Rd. This home 9 yrs old. HW floors. Fireplace, base ment, fer. barn and chicken hse. Imm. Poss. Best of Landscaping. Call Mad-dy. STEWART REALTY 1245 State St, 1 EVES. Ralph Maddy - - 9-34M Bill Stewart - . 3-4728 F. H. A. East Englewood Addition ( Ranch Style 3 Bedrooms. Oil Heat tc Fireplace. $9400 DOWN pavea streets, narawooa $2600 DOWN Modern Cottage Type 2 Bedrooms, Oil Heat and Fireplace. Liv Living tc Dining Room, Kitchen and Breakfast Nook. Laundry . Room. Hardwood Floors. Garage. Concrete Drive at Walks, Pavel Street. New. See at 2280 Englewood Avenue. ij $2000 DOWN Modern Cottage Type 2 Bedrooms. Ooll Heat and Fireplace. Liv ing Room, Kitchen and Breakfast' Nook, Laundry Room, Hard wood Floors, Garage and Concrete Drive as Walks, Payed Street New. See at 2270 Englewood Avenue. j $3000 DOWN Ranch Style, Badrooms. Electric Heat, Insulated, Kitchen ff Laundry Room, Single Garage with Built in Storage Boom, Coiff crete Drive ac Walks, Paved Street. See at 2iat Englewoo Avenue. Si j ! N All Houses Brand New and Ready for Immediate Possession. Can be financed thru FHA. Top Loans at 4', interest for 20 year term it wanted. ABRAMS & SKINNER, INC. INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS 411 MASONIC BLDG. NEW. 1 BEDROOM HOME. Plastered, oil floor furnace, garage. Large lot. $7400. Fairmont Hill. 6 large rooms, on 1 floor. New. Hdwd. floors, a replace, fta sulated. Mahogany finish, plastered garage. $9600 F.H.A.. $13,500. Call DahL Very good New Duplex, each has 2 BR. Large L.R., bath, kltcheat and noesa. Laundry tray, storage ipace. Good location. $15,500. CaU Jack' J The perfect home in Englewood dist on Norway St. 1 B R., Large LVj fireplace, D.R., Kitchen and nook. Full basement, auto. heat. A perfect home S years old. $14,750. Call Jack. Ed Byrkit & Co., Realtor ' 2425 PORTLAND ROAD OFFICE PHONgl 2-2101; EVE. 9-2277 Drive Bv Then Call Us . I ! $ 2,800 FULL PRICE buys you a very nice trailer hse completely furnished e$ , large lot SE. 6000 ft. of new lur iber, utility hse, garage. City, water SeJ I Ted or Bennie. '$ . i j $ (.000445 Chemawa Road lust west of Kelzer School. 2 Bdrms, lot 74x17. i this Is a very attractive bungalow. Terms $1300 DN. See Bennie. $ 9.95080 Carlton Way. 2 Bdrms. hwdw firs, fireplace, nook, full bsemt. up upstrs, dble garage, large lot 70x150. Imm. Poss. Terms $1950 DN as e4 MO. or $1250 DN at $79 MO. See Ted. t; I (.9501095 Garnet St. Old but nice 4 bdrm home with LR. DR, bath, kltetu ' basmt. 2 car garage, corner lot. Terms (1250 Down. See Bennie er TeeX, $ 9.950 955 North 28th St. 2 bdrms. l'i yrs old. hdwd firs. LR. DR. utility rta f auto heat, garage. Lot 00x180. Terms (1500 DN St $60 month. See Bennlev ; $ 9,5002 Bdrm hse with unfin upstrs. LR-DR combination. Located north on J , acre choice soil. Terms $1000 DN St $50 month. See Ted, j $ 7.350 New 2 Bdrm Home east with attached garage. $1500 Dowau See TEO. $11,600 New 2 bdrme on one fir, LR. DR. utility rm, fireplace, auto furnee, ? attached garage. 1400 sq. ft. fir space. FHA Terms. See Ted. ( MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING BUREAU) C0LBATH LAND CO., REALTORS 1(93 Center St. Phone 1-43(2; eves. 1-140$ er yj 9619 DOWN, buys thla nice new S BR Home with i fireplace. LB, Dinette, j bath, $8500. Call Chris. ' WHY NOT, nice lots in Xelaer district, high and dry. Large M feet froae. ages. Terms at (. Call Xenny. " j 309 ACRES. 190 Cult, 190 Cleared. Beautiful 9 room Colonial home, large S , story barn, plenty of sheds, timber, $5000 down, call Chris. ' $5500 FURNISHED, S BR home la nice weeded setting, garage. eutdoeS fireplace. Call Xenny. ' ' ON BUS LINE, Excellent I BR home, lawn St shrubs, garde at berrlee, i acre, only (7500. Call Chris. . DRIVE BY 409 and 41$ Marlon, real business future. Call Kenny. , Huff Real Estate, Realtors S41 Chemeketa BY OWNER: Walnut Park, full base- I mMit m. iaM et imr anaM 9 ra I old, very well burtt. priced below build- Ing coat. Ph. 1-3734. J For Sale Ilea! Estate ... . . . .i targe mgnway rrontage. if you are look Thla Dlaea should $22,000.00 Further information call Mr. T acres, nice two bedroom f mA k..,u. bearinc walnuts, filberts and le worth your Investigation. Call Mm. Phone 1-0322 er 2-1071 r Ul W. Hlgk Hotel Senator 3-7534 or 3-1734 EDGEWATER ST, WEST SALEM (0x50 ft. pumice block bldg. Extra heavy construction, excellent lighting, dble. lavatory, heating installed. A sa crified at $14.(00 $2,500 will handle. Call Cob urn L. Grabenhorst. COURT BARGAIN j Located on main arterial, g new m. ! its plus lge. owners quarters units are; furnished. Close to shopping district. Income $187 per mo. PI da owners anaio ters. Price $23,500. Call Coburn L. Gra benhorst. BROS., REALTORS Liberty St. HUBBS CO. Phone 2-3081 close to school All plastered, cooking sk to bus. $5850. Will exchange gcVlncoma small apt. house , ft' -ins. Carae. , outdoor fire) . v - , . . , ... . . . i ven Dimes, nut so waa shrubs. Gsrage. $7500. i i ku. t... j : rm . . . houVT nl lavT SWT . bia . i. i 2-$16J. l-T72$ (Farms 2-5481) i 1 EXCLUSIVE DRIVE BUY f Acres on Hollywood . Drive be ' tween Sunnyview at I SUverton Rd. : Lovely t bdrm. home. Good barn, i Chick, house. 1 A strawberries. Loot; for our sign at Rt. 8, (Bo 74L $Js 000.00. I i 1 S bdrm School with $ ear gar. Owner lea vmjk. We "have several good t bdiia. homes for $5,000 and locations. $8,000 fas goes I " I Phone I-?Mtt HOUSES , Large comer 1 at llU North 4 floors. All new. see PHONB 9-9(11 Hdwd. floors, tile kltchea and batVj Call DahL j ? t Office phone 2-9271: Eve; 1-2839 - 3-177 BY OWNER: Large, older type hese In eww4 eonditloti. 4 bed foomf. rtoiiH. basement nice yard corner lot, well. located. 299 S. 14U St.