The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Cfiiy News IBirneffs
The acci3ent prevention divi
sion of the state industrial acci
dent commission Friday announc
ed that Robert Lafky will instruct
four series of first aid classes, be
ginning Monday, at Birds Eve Sni
der cannery in Woodburn. Kolstd
cannery, Silverton: Pictsweet can
nery, Albany, and Blue Lake can
nery, West Salem.
Dance tonite. Glenwood
Expert elec. wiring, and every ap
pliance. Broadway Appliance, 453
Court -St. Tel: 2-1565. Repairs of
11 kinds. Put your reliance in
Broadway Appliance. Call 2-1565.
Salem Chamber of Commerce
announced Friday as new mem
bers F. M. Guerin. Southern Paci
' lie district freight agent: R, S
Morton and Carl L. Haynesk of
Blue Line cafe and E. C. Car
penter of the Holland Furnace Co.
The crowd is dancing at Glenwood
s Tonite.
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent dividenf 'V See First
Fderal Savings First 142 S. Liber
ty;. Phone 3-4944.
Salem General hospital Friday
sent home Mrs. Wayen E. Nightin
gale and infant daughter. 2255
Hazel st.: Mrs. Marv in O. Payne ;
and son. 240 Mable. St.. and Mrs
. Donald G. McLaughlin and daugh- i
ter. 3133 Sunnyview ave.
Self Service Laundry, Maytag j
washers. 1815 S. 12th:
Karakul Karpet. It's new. It's re
versible, it's I00c'e virgin wool and
woven through and through, onlv
, $4.85 sq yd Ph. 3-7648 or 3-3364
Marion county court Friday or- '
dered a short 50-foot-wide road be
constructed to connect 'two por- !
tions of county road 912. This road
lies just north of Looney Butte
school south of Salem and is on :
the east side of the Pacific high
way. ' Hard of hearing? See the one unit
Beltone Hearing Aid priced as low
as $75. Batteries for all maker of
hearing aids'. James Taft and As
sociates, 218 Orgn BIdg. Phone
EaJem 2-4491.
Old time dance tonite 259 Court.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent- at Salem Federal
Savings Association. S60 State st
Mrs. Frank Edwards and infant
daughter, Salem route , box 407,
' were discharged from Salem
Memorial hospital, Friday.
Learn to read blue prints, also
drawing, carpentry. New class
trtint April 4th. JCnroll now. Pay
a you learn. 7 to 9:30 P. M. Salem
Trade School. 1020 N. Liberty.
Landscaping and designing. No job
too large or too small. F. A. Doer
fler and Sons Nursery, 150 N. Lan
caster Dr. at 4 Corners. P. 2-1322.
Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
Xugel, 3-7694. 735 N. Capitol St.
Accepted as a member of Salem
Board of Realtors at the board's
noon luncheon Friday was William
R- Stewart, owner of Stewart's
Realty company.
Dance tonite. Glenwood '
Smart dressy cottons, also 66
gauge hose. Lorman's. 1109 Edge
water, W. Salem. Open until 7
p. m.
Come early' for best seats at Bar
bershop Jamboree. Begins at 7:30.
Eat. eve., Leslie high auditorium
Tickets on sale at door.
WIESSNER To Mr, and Mrs.
James Wiessner, Salem route 7,
box 69, a daughter born Friday,
April 1 al Salem. Memorial hospi
tal. WILLMSCHEN To Ttfr. and
Mrs. Glen Willmschen, Stayton
route 1, box 165A, a daughter born
Friday, April 1, at Salem Memor
ial hospital.
THOMAS To "Mr. and Mrs.
George Thomas, 1115 S. 18th st., a
daughter born Friday, "April 1, at
Salem Memorial hospital.
EDIMGER To Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Edinger, Aumsville box
353, daughter born Friday, April
1, at Salem Memorial hospital.
BYERLET To "Mr. and Mrs.
John Byerley, 411 McNary 've.
West Salem, a daughter born Fri
day, April I, at Salem Memorial
, WARREN To Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Warren, 220 S. 14th st., a
daughter born Friday, April 1, at
Salem General hospital.
8TROBEL To Mr. and Mrs.
James Strobel,-2540 Brooks ave., a
daughter born Friday, April 1, at
Salem General hospital.
ODERMATT To Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Odermatt, 1175 Sixth st,
West Salem, a son born Thursday,
March 31, at Salem General hos
pital. KINNEY To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kinney, 143 A brains ave..
a daughter born Thursday, March
31, at Salem General hospital.
Oregon Certified Marshall
Strawberry Plants
Grown la Eastern Oregon
' "Trite for Price List
Agrlealtarml Research Narserfes
Beate 2. Box 72. Payette. Idaho
, A "Rent Roundup" with on-the-scene,
discussions of the new fed
eral rent control act by landlords
and tenants is to be broadcast over
station KSLM at 10:45 p. m.
; Tuesday, the Salem rent control
i office announced Friday. It will
be carried on other Mutual sta
tions at 10:30 p. m. Monday.
Dance tonite. Henry's Hall, S. 12th
& Leslie. Ray Weidner's Orch.
Attend Barbershop Jamboree, Les
lie High School, Apr. 2.
Norman Jones, 2115 Laurel ave.,
reported to city police Friday that
a spotlight had been stolen from
his cfr sometime Thursday night
or Friday morning. Jones said the
car was parked at his residence at
the time.
Brush College Helpers Food Sale,
Sat. ;April 2nd. ElfstromV base
ment; Lunch served frpm 11 a . m.
to 2 p. m.
Dance tonite. Glenwood
Gus Moore, director of the Sa
lem YMCA, will address North
Salem Kiwanis club Monday noon
at the Lion's den. He will share
the speaking program with State'
Rep. Frank Doerfler.
Permanent $2.50 and up. Our
new location, 476 N. Church. Mod
ern Beauty College. Ph. 3-8141.
The crowd is dancing at Glenwood
Rites April 9
For Salem
AAF Veteran
Funeral services will be held
nt t Saturdav. April 9 at 10:30 a.m.
j in the W. T. Ridon chapel for 1st.
,' Lt. Lee A. McAllister, jr.. who lost
1 his life in World War II. Private
'entombment will follow at Mt.
j Crest Abbey mausoleum,
i McAllister was lorn in Salem
May. 17, 1920, and was a graduate
of Salem high school. He attended
Oregoh State college and was em
ployed by the state highway de
partment and Salem city engineer's
office' prior to entering the air
force, i
A B-25 pilot with the 12th air
' force J McAllister died attempting
to evade the enemy at Valdagno,
Italy, Jan. 9, 1945. He had been
forced to bail out of his plane over
enemy, territory and was captured.
He held the ETO ribbon with five
battle stars, the air medal with
four flusters, the distinguished
flying : cross, presidential citation
with one cluster and the purple
heart. i
Survivors are his wife, Frances;
parents, Mr and Mrs. Lee A. Mc
Allister, Salem; brothers, Stuart
Ray McAllister. Fair Oaks. Calif.,
and Donald Michael McAllister,
Tucson, Ariz., and several aunts,
uncles cousins, nephews and nie
ces. Rape Charge
Bail Boosted
Due; to appear next week fori
preliminary hearing on a rpe !
charge; Havillea E. Canada. 14121
N. Capitol st.. was back in Marion
county jail Friday after his bail
wa increased from $3,500 to
$10,000. The action was taken af
ter the district attorney was in-
formed that Canada had appeared
j at t he home of one of the girl
he is accused of molesting and had
attempted to get the charges
District Attorney E. O. Stadter.
jr., said that the girl's mother
found Canada in the house when
she returned from an errand and
that he offered her $1,000 if she
would '; withdraw the charge
against him. City police who have
been investigating the case were
called to re-arie-t Canada, who
had been released earlier on post
ing $3,500 bail.
Spring Fails to
Entice County's
Swains to Altar
Marriage in Marion county ap
pears to be going to the dogs.
Anyway the number (of marriage
licenses issued during March at
the office of Marion County ClerkH
Harlan Judd hit a low of only 43.
Since the first of the year only 144
such applications have been issued
while over 6,000 dog licenses have
been purchased.
"I don't know whether to attri
bute it to puppy love, the high
cost of living the democrats or
Russia" said Judd. "but the un
lovely tacts are that marriage ap
plications have been steadily de
clining) for the past several
- A total of 49 were issued during
February, Judd said. During the
first three months of 1948 about
214 license applications were taken
out by marriage-minded couples.
Saleo Healing and
Sheel Ileial Co.
"Beating Beadqaarters"
10tS Broadway SC Ph. S-S555
Salem. Oregon Day or Night
Jefferson's Majorette, Stay ton
lfiiss join boniest ror r eie court
Two more of Marion county's fairest joined the candidates for
the court of Salem Cherryliind festival Friday Katherine Specht of
Jelferson and Jeannine Bentley of Stayton. Both were selected by
their schoolmate ,
A total of five candidates have been named so lar to compete
April 21 for the title of princess.
Katherine. 18. is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Specht of ! . -Talbot
iod. She won first place, I prrinil rict '
Thursday night in the Salem Elks iViaJlI a J&1
club annua) drum majorette con- j --a
test. Born at Hamilton, Ohio, she j l- I Jl 11C tf"m " IT1
has been in Jefferson the past six j - -ICIIIO M. XFa dill
years. An honor roll student, ma- , . --
joring in typing and bookkeeping, 1-4 g A l'fTIV I jV
she will graduate this year and .rai 111 J aCI j
plans to enter Oregon State col- ; .
lege to study dramatics. j Legionnaries of other Salem
Holds Class Offices j post are invited by Capital post
Brown -j haired and brown-eyed. ; 9. American Legion, to an Army
Katherine is 5 feet, 1 inch tall. She I day program in connection with
has two brothers and four sisters, j the Capital post meeting at 8 p.m.
At school she is secretary of her j Monday in Legion hall.
senior ciass, presiaem or oins
Athletic association, secretary of
student body and member of Pep
club and Future Homemakers of
America. Tennis is her favorite
sport. She has been in the band
for three years, playing the snare
drum as well as twirling batons.
In the latter she has won ratings
in district competition this year
ar. ttot. mntKct tact var ;h
picked strawberries for two weeks
last summer to earn her electric
niwi i
The Stayton princess is also 18
and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Bentley of Lyons. She at
tended a California school through
the seventh grade, then moved to
the Lyons area. After graduation
this year she plans to enroll at
Linfield college. .
The petite brunet is a past wor
thy advisor of Acacia assembly.
Rainbow for Girls, and last yeaf
represented Stayton high school at
Girls' State in Salem. At school
she has been a majorette and in
the glee club, junior class secre
tary and a lead in the junior and
senior plavs. vice president of the
dramatics society.
Adults Provide
April Tool
Fun in Dallas
By Charles Ireland
Staff Wnter. The Statesman
DALLAS, April 1 - (Special )
"Ah to be young again just for
tonight." Whoever penned that line
had some followers in this valley
town Friday as grown - ups pro
vided most of the April fool's day
Those who forgot to pull March
off the calendar when they wouix!
the clock were startled (perhaps)
to see a placard in the post olfite
this morning which glaringly pn
ckaimed a $5,000 reward, dead or
alive, for an alleged horse-thief
known as Tony Neufeldt, and
sometimes identified as Polk Coun
ty deputy sheriff.
Over at the chamber- of com-r
merce weekly luncheon, members
who had been anticipating the
much - ballyhooed lecture of Prof.
A. P. Ripfoolsky learned that
there's something in a name, after
ail, if you're alert. The professor's
program miht hae been about
atomic energy. It was a iittle hart)
to.tejl, since he never opened his
mouth. Anyway, the m-mr.-ers
chewed the5r cigrrs pnd gave hm
rapt attention as he pcurcd im
pressive ouanlitits of liquids into
various receptacles. The cigi
were on the house. They we:
made of bubble gum.
It was sfcid the professor boie
a ij-semblance 1o C'hai'cs Thomas
who is considti td more learned -n
abstract titles than atomic energy
Ami what were the children of
Dallas doing Friday? Well, it was
sunny ami theie was no school,
thanks to a teachers' convention.
You could see them everywhere
playing baseball and tennis and
flying kites.
Dick Smith. 12, shimmed up their
sentiments pretty well . w hen he
said "April fool's day? Hah! That
for kids!''
Nut Growers Recover
Taxes Paid on Building
Which Doesn't Exist
Salem Nut Growers cooperative
Friday recovered 'tax money it had
paid on a building which does not
A Marion county assessment had
been made on the cooperative's
building on North Front street
which mas destroyed by fire in
early 1947. The cooperative paid
the assessment through "excusable
neglect." The refund came to $140.
O Leitcke favorite among
users, this rugged, smooth
operating mower is a fine
example of Jacobsen's lead
ersbip ia the production
of quality power mowers.
F, A Doerfler
And Sen Nursery
'150 No. Lancaster
Phone 2-1322
, Snau.P fnr thp ,M.rasSnn will be J
Maj. John Trussell who has just
arrived in Salem to spend a 60
day leave following 2' 2 years of
military government duty in sou
thern Japan. An Armv day film
also will be shown at the combin-
! !rm n.
. meeting.
Initiation ceremonies will be
conauciea ior o canaiaaies ior
I Pst 9 and 14 candidates for post
1 49. an all-women's post. Although
' not taking part in the initiation,
! oost 136 also will ioin the other
1 two posts in the special meetings
r a
k 1
: : :
;;! N
: V Ah
Party Given
ForNN euner
Employes Of the state highway
department Friday afternoon gave
a yany ior Attorney Ueorge w.
Neuner,. jr., who is leaving Sun
day for Roseburg where he will
become a member of the law firm
ol O cutt and Long.
Neuner has been employed in
the legal department, of the state
highway commission here for two
years and prior to entering mili
tary service was assistant attorney
general. He was presented with a
gift. His father is now serving as
attorney general of Oregon.
Y Lifesaving
Class to Start
Annual lifesaving and water saf
ety course at Salem YMCA will
begin Tuesday night, to continue,
every Tuesday and Friday through
May. Fred Cords, physical direc
tor, announced yesterday.
The course is open to both men
and women and to children above
12 years: The adults must pass a
pre-course swimming test of 440
yards and the children of 240 yards.
Classes from 8:30 to 10 p.m. will
include a history of lifesaving, per
sonal safety in water, rescues with
and without equipment. Cords will
instruct, assisted by Jess Juarez.
ODiradteiy rrosicdlOrfD
Dick Tracy
Gasoline Alley
Joe Palooka
Right Around Home
Polly and Her Pals
Dixie Dugan
7c if ii yiffliia: in
akmlRST Ncwgpaper
x '! -' I
2 Weeks Allowed for Filing of
Objections to Hop Market-Plan
By Lillie L. Madsen
Farm Editor, The statesman '
Approximately two weeks will be allowed for filing 8t objections
before the hop marketing agreement is submitted to the secretary of
agricuJture for his final approval Following this approval, the agree
enent will be submitted to the growers for referendum approval and
to the dealers for their agreement, Paul T. Rowell of the Salem office
of the U. S. Hop Growers association, stated Friday.
Senator Guy Cordon has ad-1 ; "
vised Mr. Rowell of the signing
of the i commended agreement on
March 30 by the assistant ad
ministrator of the production 'and
marketing adminstration. The
two-week period is figured from
the agreement's publication this
week-end" in the Federal Register,
Mr. Rowell explains.
USDA officials state that the
regular method of allocations on a
uniform basis among all growers
is retained in the agreement as
originally proposed They indicate
that the so-called "Hill plan" for
allocations based on variations in
leaf and stem content is included
as an alternate plan' which could
be used in any marketing years
only upon definite request by the
control board. .s
Mr. Rowell said Friday that as
soon as a copy of the tentatively
approved agreement is received, it
no p p D
MESS -IFfl&ffllS EfflE:
Flash Gordon
Buz Sawyer
Uncle Remus
Mickey Finn
Annie Rooney
Mickey Mouse
The Stat man, Salem, Oregon, Saturday April 2. 194S-&'-
will be analyzed and information
will then be sent to all hop grow
ers and dealers rekuarding any
material Variations from the pro
posal upon which official hearings
were held several months ago. One
of these hearings was held in the
and Paper Hanging
Order your work now" before
the spring rush tarte-orders
filled in rotation.
Interior - Exterior
Residential - Commercial
Phone 1-J27
oira on ft E
pO-'fg spvO v a vei a. v m a a jt v .a. s
Salem Chamber, of ! Commerce
rooms. ) i
Following the study of the ap
proved agreement, a meeting will
probably be called at Salem to dis
cuss this with the growers.;
PORTLAND. April 1-P)
tha Shull. Jefferson high sc .ool
teachen Portfand. was installed to
day as president of the Oregon
Education association. Mrs. Car
malite Weddie, Salem, and Elton
Fishback, Klamath Falls, were
elected members of the board.
v y
Toe Need Something New
April 6lh
II-B ' ! Are
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r- in rr iwr. m , r np s.
UUIIi.tii I
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