The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1949, Page 16, Image 16

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Ed Xandle, local, ell sttBtrlba
for, wu last sight elected presl
dent of the I stem Softball aese
cUttoa daring ft lively meeting at
the YMCA. Kandle 4s
Charley Davis, wb wu given a
routing vote of thanks for she
tnaay roars ho has served m pros
Meat. A1m thanked similarly wu
Gaernee Flesher, who ku step
pod down u Association manager.
John McConnvllle wu voted In
Helped Win
w j' . ,. . ... , m . .. m
faleaa Ilernets pneknien Deo Gayer, Bill Famlnow and Bert Joeing
(1-r) pom with the Oregon Hockey lesgne's seeend place trophy
after downing- CpryaOls la the final ansae at talent lee Arena Wed
nesday night , I
BUI Evans, the saajer
tae Waters
for the put throe
hu glTen np ta pepMra. pop
sad peaaate trade aad has fsaad
a laerstlve aleho for khasisf ta
the Insulation field. ... BUI,
being a ball faa front way bask,
UU will bo vsnrsrtng oat 21 ta
street ooato too WXL oantpalga
bat that tuao bttssfaRy tree of
the wfci which a iisncsselsnslrs
Is susceptible to. Take that oeld,
blustery night last year whom
the spam sprinkling of t faas
devoured no snore thaa six beers
aad a handful of aotaogs an
oveatag. That puta yea la the
red and quick, advtees BUL
, . Big crowds are the ssaeee
sionalro's delight, which means
that fat oar tewa sach a gen tie
man Is not always going to bo
seeing the world through rose
colored glasses. ...
Hudson Rates It
Nice gesture: The move to es
tablish a Robert A. Hudson per
petual trophy m a yearly award
to victors m Northwest FGA
tournaments. Certainly Bob Hud
son has been Mr. Golf to Fort
land, this state, and the north
west. His efforts have tremen
dous! r vitalised the links sport
fa this region. They still ny
that Hudsoa's bringing of the
Xyder Cap classic to Fertland fas
1S47 wu oao of the greatest
ae-man projects la the history
of golf, or of sportdom for, that
matter. . . ,
What Decided 'Ev'J
Ifs likely that Forest Bvaefc
ovskl get some advice freat
wtthta the state of Mlealgaa to
pass up the Oregoa State eeaea
lag Job. They thlak a let of the
big gay bask there and
good bit of the respect for him
stems freat thus days whoa he
wu clearing the way for the
much-more-publicised Teat Har
mon at Michigan fj. The salary
paid at Cervallls Is far freat
tops and too. It's possible Ev"
wu gtvea reason to think bell
be ta line for a headman Job .
near home one of thcM days.
. . . So the Beavers coatinue
looking. ...
One of the candidates for a
Job with Willamette's mound
corps this year is 22-year-old
Frank GetchelL Frank -hurled
one year with the Bearcats back
around 194i aad before that wm
one of the shining lights at
Carl Mays' Jantzen Beach ball
school. If GeteneU hu only half
the stuff he showed back la the
Jantzen Beach days he should
still be a puzzler to thl average
Vilring Scheds
Are Announced
Salem high Athletic Director
Vera Gil more vesterday announced
the track and baseball schedules
for the Vikings. They are: Track
April 1. Hill Relays at Portland;
April 5 Albany here; April 14
Valley meet at Eugene; April 19
Gresham here; April 22 Hay
ward Relays; April 2ft et Spring
Cold; April 29 st Albany; May 7
Big Six at Corvallis; May 10
ugene there; May 14 district
meet here; May 17 Junior Big
tlx at Albany: May 20-21 State
meet at Corvallis.
Baseball April 3 at State Pen
itentiary; April I Silverton here;
April -12 Springfield here; April
15 at Albany; April 18 OSC
Rooks here; 'April 19 at Milwau
kee; April 22 at Corvallis; April
28 Eugene here; April 29 at
Springfield; May 3 at Silverton;
May 6 Milwaukle here; May 10
Albany here; May 13 Mt. Angel
Elect Raradllo ProcMont
ee Tteo prosMoni last night, and
J las Dimlt as secretary -treasarsr.
It was also roUd that a bow as-
sedation eenstltatloa ho written,
and a mini tteo wae ohwon for
the Jen. There were 19 enthusi
asts present at the snooting, indi
cating a larro anennt of Interest
In the coming Mfty season.
Fall oeeperaUen with Tern
Gilmere and the f alesa Becrea
tlonal and Flsyground fronp wm
the No. 2 Spot
of Frank's ball school
naalos will vouch for that
Jerry LQISo aad his Boarcat
traekstsrs are probably thank
tag their stars that UBC aad
CPS are no longer members of
the Northwest circuit. Cinder
thoroughly dominated the
fere nee ta '414. '
Ice Loop Progresses
The seeesjdlyear, of the Ore
gon Hockey league 'Is at an end
and Is termed by all m me
successful . thaa the Inaugural
The Salem Hornet gang
aoxt year will bo ev
better. The. locals are stlU hold
tag hopes of getting snore ample
seating aeoontmodstlons for 'ft
after having the ssnail loo ares
gallery jammed for, every hoi
tilt this aeasea. The circuit this
year boastsd better balaaee, with
Portland's entry, surprisingly
enough, displaying the least
, strength. .
Time's Fifing
Hew eeme; Gns Lesnevlch.
who many think could whip any
of the current contenders for
Louie vacated, heavy title. Isn't
particularly concerned about
getting a crack at the big crown.
Gas principal ambition right
now Is to regain the light-heavy
title which hO dressed to Fred
die Mills last year. Gns must
knew his own mind and he
must also knew that he's now
S4 years old. Jt he's ever to get
the cream of , the crowns he'd
better hurry. ; , . The heavy
weight title hu always been s
ticket to the 'big dough. It's a
craws with a ' glamor that out
shines sll the rest of 'em con
bined. What's! da matta with
Gas? . . .
here; May 14 Rooks st Corvallis;
May 17 Corvallis here; Msy 20
at Eugene. I
Poor Detective
Better Burglar
HORSHAM, Enr, March 24-iA3)
The detective assigned to Investi
gate a burglary at a doctor's homo
hero wu Sgt. William J. Wykes,
41. He didn't solve the case.
' Today other officers told a court
they had succeeded where Wykes
failed -ill.
They formally accused Wykes of
committing that burglary and 19
others In the last year.
In 1941, the Scottish Parliament
provided penalties of a fine and
imprisonment for anyone playing
golf or allowing his land to bo
used for golf; parliament felt golf
ers 4 were talcing too much time
from their required archery.
I a .- .J
GTTssoro's 'fronp work
sand each year la activating the
Softball sport In talent at Leslie
The next meeting daring
which all those who Intend spen
serins; turns sanst nuke their fi
nal meres, hu been dated for
April IS at the scbeel sdmlafcs-
tratlen building ea nigh street
Pro Linksmen
At Greensboro
UP)-The 110,000 Greonboro open,
final event on the ' golf calendar
before the classic Augusta Mast
ers, gets under wsy tomorrow with
Memphis dentist Canr Middlecofi
leading the field of 130.
The 28 - year - old Middlecof f,
hottest thing on the circuit since
Ben Hogsn wu forced out of ac
tion, has finished one-two In his
last five tournaments. He's won
three and lost two others, Men by
one stroke.
But -hell have his work out out
for him on the 9,100 yard, par 71
Starmount Forest Country club
The luding money winner of
the year with over $8,000 in earn
ings, Middlecoff will have to con
tend with such stars ss Lloyd
Mangrum, Dutch Harrison, Sammy
Snead and South African Bobby
Locke, winner of the Carolinas
open the last two years.
CHAPEL HELL, N.O, March 23
JP)-B111 Heusner of Northwutern
tonight retained his 1300-meter
Htm stylo title by winning the
opening event of the National Col
legiate Athletic association's 26th
annual swimming championships.
Heusner's time of 19.04.8 gave him
an edge of 11 J seconds over Ralph
tela of Stanford university.
WiDdlife Plea lo Made
WASHINGTON, March tf-OT-A plea to federal judges and
citizens to help sad Illegal aad "disgraceful slaughter of wild
ducks aad gseso wu made In the senate today by Senator Rob
ertson (D-Va). Although sll legal shooting ended January 9. the
Master said government agents Inform aim that "shooting In states
along the lower Mississippi river had Matinued aaabated.' Rob
artMa said that la California recently a defendant admitted anoth
er man "had killed M.409 (wild) ducks for him."
If this continues. Kebertsea said, recent gains In the supply of
wild ducks and geese, through curtailed hunting seasons sad bag
limits, weald bo mere thaa offset. Oao remedy saggosted wm aa
laereaM front $1 to $2 la the federal "deck stamp" required of all
hunters. These funds go to providing more enforcement agsnts,
Kobertaon said.
Meanwhile dock stamp sales daring the current year may set
a bow record, Albert M. Day, director of the fish and wildlife serv
ice said. During the first six months of the current government
fiscal year. Day said, sales totalled M9742S. The record as 2.919,
S19 stamps. Mid during the IS months which ended June 9, 1947.
WVL Baseball
Season Starts
WOODBURN, March 24 -(Special)-
Wuther permitting, the
1949 Willamette Valley league
baseball season will open Fri
day with three games. Scheduled
are Sandy at Woodburn, ML An
gel at Silverton and Molalla at
Dallas. Both Estacsda and Canby
drsw byes and will not go into
action until the second round of
play April 1.
All Friday games are clocked
for afternoon starts.
Although all teams have had
little chance . to practice because
of rain the put couple of weeks,
strong teams are expected to em
erge from Mt Angel, Silverton
and Molalla. Gene Barrett Is
coaching the- Props, Jerry Gastin
eau the Silver Foxes sad Budd
Oronquist the Indians.
Nino rounds of plsy are on the
WVL schedule.
Sugar' Faces
Lee Tonight
CHICAGO. March 24-4P)-Ray
Sugar Robinson, world's welter
weight chsmpion, will throw shsrp
shooting punches at Bobby Lee, a
squatty little Baltimore boxer, in a
ten round bout at the Chicago sta
dium tomorrow night.
Robinson regards Lee ss s "very
difficult opponent ; to solve." The
Baltimore lad gave Robinson a
close call in Philadelphia last No
vember. Robinson's 147-pound ti
tle will not be st stake.
Deck Pins
Commercial league: Helder
die I, Dyer Insurance 1; Willam
ette Amusement Co. 1, Msrtarless
Block sad Supply 1; Marion Elec
tric f , Blue Lake Packers 4. Loren
Miller 291 and 933 for individual
honors. Packers 2443 and 919 for
Sports Shorts Here.ThereiEverywhere
SEATTLE; March Z4-V The
National Association of Basket
ball Ceaehea will start baUetlng
tosaerrew en suggested rales
changes in the hoop sport, Past
"Tony" Rmkle, Batter coach, aad
chairman of the NABC rales
committee, will . present . the
grasp's recommendations ta the
saermlng. After oUsfsslone. the
Items will bo taken esse by
one for a vote tomorrow after
noon and Saturday . morning.
VANCOUVER,' B. C March 34
(CP)- University of British Co
lombia Th endcrbtrds took ad
vantage of a lucky break mid
way through the seeend half of,
the World Cop. English Rngby
game, against California Golden
Bears here today to beat the
Coming Back
Back with Senators.
Dodger Player
In Hero Role
VERO BEACH. Fla March 24
-tffn-Oatflelder Gene Hermanskl
of the Brooklyn Dodgers today
rescued Rookie Infielder Bobby
Morgan when a strong undertow
swept the lattter oat to sea. Mor
gan elatched at a wooden piling
and suffered cats of the body be
fore Hermanskl caught np with
him. Eddie Mlskis, auto in the par
ty, helped la the rescue sad then
drove Morgan to Dodgertowa
where he wu treated by Dr. Wil
liam Lyles, camp physician.
Stations List
NCAA 'Casts
PORTLAND. March 24 -OT-
Three Oregon radio stations win
Broadcast the basketball game
between Oregon State college and
the University sf Illinois In Seat
tle Saturday night. The game, for
third place In the NCAA cham
pionships, may be beard over
KWJJ, Portland; KJtTJL. Corval
lis, sad HASH, Eugene starting
at S pja. (FST).
' KING. Seattle, will broadcast
the championship- game between
Oklahoma A. A M. and the Uni
versity of Kentucky at 939 sun.
Crack Ski Jumper
Note on Track Team
PULLMAN, Mar. 24-AVGeer-
ge Thrano tamps farther thaa bo
throws, bat he's aa expert at
both. The Norwegian exchange
student at Washington State col
lege hu ranked near the top In
most of the ski lumping tour
ney's mm the Northwestern circuit
that winter with leaps well over
299 feet New he's .tossing the
Javelin on the Cougar track
field aqnad.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tldo for Tart, Oregon. March. 1S4S.
Compiled by VS. Coast Ss codetta
lunry, Portland. Oregon.)
S:3S a.m. S.S 94 a m. S.S
11:11 p.m.
10 :U ajn.
11 39 pjn.
11 11 ajn.
5.4 js pjn. v.i
Sa 441 IA J
5.5 IM pjn. 9Ji
a S22 a.m. IS
S:40 pjn. S.4
S.T S4S a-m. 1J
111 ajn.
At Hollywood, Calif.:
Cleveland (A) 000 101 lis 7 f S
Chicago (N) 000 200 1014 t t
Paige. Pa plan (4). Lemon (7) and
Trash; Rush, SchmlU (S). Dobernlc
(). and Scheffin. A. Walker tS).
At Burbank. Calif.:
New York (N) 000 000 000 I 1
St. Louis (A) 000 101 00- J i 1
Jones. Hartung () and Franks, Ws
trum (); Medlmfer, Embreo (7) and
At Orlando, 11.:
Cincinnati (N) SOS 000 Sll 4 9 1
Washington (A) 000 SOO 300 4 7 1
Lively, Peterson (7) and Howell;
Scarborough, Maaterson (S) and Evans.
Otrrle . -
Bears 11-3 ta the third
AINTKXX, EngUnd. March 14
CP)- The probable field for Sat
arday's Grand National waa re
duced today to 41. Three entries
were declared oat altheagh none
waa scratched officially. And the
trainer of a t earth said . his
charge, prevtonaly on the ttenbt
fal list, weald start.
DENVER, March 34 -CP)- A
bard roaming, lend talking: gang
from St. Francis of Brooklyn
kicked highly-tented SL Thomas
around to a 53-41 tone to snore
Into the semi-finals of the Na
tional Catholic basketball tour
nament. The victory sent St.
4- '"
Sfix Firoinni Beavers
Croup Includes Peterson, Cherry;
Others May Come Later - Mulligan
, . By Al Ugbtncr f f . .
Six ballplayers, including four expectations and two surprises,
were optioned to the Salem Senators Thursday by the Portland Bea
vers. The four expected are First-Baseman Jim Wert, Rookie Catchers
Frank Jirvis and Bob Courage and Outfielder Mel Wasley. The two
surprises are Shortstop Carl (Bud)
Peterson snd Outf folder Bob
Cherry. '
Peterson wm with the Senators
in 1947 and wm one of the top
shortstops in the Western Inter
national league. Ho wm with
Beaumont of the Texas league last
season. Cherry is a former New
York Yankee farmhand who play
ed in 1946 at Victoria and hit .282
in 121 games. He wm assigned to
Salem last season but refused to
All six players will check in at
the Senators Corvallis csmp April
4, five days after the camp opens,
They will lesve the Beavers' Riv
erside encampment today, accord
ing to General Manager Bill Mulll
gsn, who made the announcement
of the options.
In reporting the deals. Mulligan
Mid, "We may send Salem other
players later on, also. He did not
name one.
Wert will be spending his second
session with Salem. He was the
regular first baseman last year,
Both Courage snd Jsrvis sre in
their first season as profession
sis. but both looked good st Riv
erside and have been stamped as
prospects. Wasley came to Sslem
recently via the trade route. He
came from Grand Rapids of the
Centre I league.
The addition o the flashy Pe
terson st shortston win give xne
Senstors a crack second-base com
bination, as the hustling Pete will
team ud with Al Spaeter. consider
ed ss one of the top fielding key-
stoners in the circuit.
The six optionees swells the to
tal of contracted Senators to 23 in
slL Others who are to report to
the Corvallis camp starting March
21 are Manager Bill Beard, Pit
chers Clyde DoWitt, Jack Ferluga,
Jimmy Foster, Rsy McNulty, Gene
Peterson, Bill Stites, Glenn Miller,
Elmer Childcrs, Bill Osborn ana
Rod Province; Infielders Doug
Stevenson. Warns Peterson and
Jess McWlUlams, and Outfielders
Hill Beeson and Jim Olsen.
The coming of Bud Peterson
makes three Petersons on the club
also. There Is Pitcher Gene and In
fielder Wayne besides Bud.
Gill Collects
Basket Awards
SEATTLE, March. 24 -)- The
head man of Oregon State col
lege basketball walked out of the
New Washington hotel tonight
with enough hardware to stock
a store.
Slats Gill, who coached the
OSC Beavers to the northern di
vision snd Pacific Coast confer
once titles, picaea up xne tro
chlea awarded annually by the
Seattle Cougar club to the divi
ion churns. It was sort of s
repossession: he won 'em sll two
years sgo, too.
Toastmaster for the affair was
Hoc Edmundson, former hoop
coach at the University of Wash
ington. Art McLarney. now head
man at Washington, presented to
Gill the division trophies he has
held for the put year.
8-Man Mat Meet
Next for Armory
An eight-man single elimination
tournament always an A-l favor
ite with the customers will oc
cupy the top billing on next Tues
day night's wrestling program at
the armory. Matchmaker Elton
Owen announced last night The
winner will receive a trophy and
a date with Frank Stojack for the
letter's Coast junior heavy title
Named thus fsr for the tourney
sre Andy Truman, who made his
debut here this week; Whitey
Wshlberg and Canadian Herb
Parks. The other five will be sign
ed and named later this week.
At Bradonton, JTa.t
Boston (A) 00 000 0314 11 t
Boston (N) 100 300 40- 10 t
Dobson. FerrUs and TebbotU;
Sain. Bickord () and Mast.
At Lakeland, ru.:
New York (A) 000 000 000 T S
Detroit (A) 030 001 10 8 S S
Lopat, Byrne 7) and Nlarnos; Cray,
) ana awiru
At 81. Petersburg.
Philadelphia (N) 011 000 110 01 S IS 1
St. Louis (N) .. 030 SIS 000 00 4 10 1
Borowy. Hetntzelman (f ), Simmons
S, Trinkle 10 and Semlnlek. SUves
trl; PolWt. Muncer (), Beers (10) and
Bate the
where they win
diet's of Atchison,
la te
nlghfs opening
Leyela f
defeated foorth Sood-
of Spokane, Wasau,
TUCSON. Arts, March i-(JP)
Two Oregon State college eoods
snarched into the smarter ftauUs
of the Arizona amatear women's
golf tearnament today. Medalist
Ed can Anderson, Helena, Mont,
stadent at Oregon State, had to
oome from behind to defeat
Alyee Ames, Pboenlx, 4 and Z.
Grace DcMess, a schoolmate,
downed CoDren rVUmoth, Phoe
nix, S aad 4, In another flrst-
rennd match.
lSThe) Stcrtosancm, SoJom, Oroeon, Friday, March 23. 1949
ID) one tfoir Ooncirease
RENO, Nev March 24-CWThe executive committee of Ducks Un
limited went to work today on the organization's plans to incresse
production in western Canada's duck "factory." Executive committee
members snd national officers of the organization were reported to be
Wildcat Star
AIl-American Alex Gresa (above)
of Ken tacky win be bat one of
the aaoerosw eage stars ta the
NCAA finals at Seattle Satur
day night. Ken tacky plays Ok
lahoma AAM fsr the national
tltie. Oregoa State plays HU
Bets for third place.
Upset Enters
National Meet
NEW YORK, March 24-PV-Fred
Kovaleskl of Detroit slammed his
wsy into the semifinals of the Na
tional Indoor tennis championships
today by pulling off the biggest up
set of the 46th annual tournament.
The William and Mary college Star
came from behind to score a four-
set triumph over Earl Cochell of
San Francisco, the nation s sixth
ranking amateur, 3-6, 6-4, 8-6, 7-3
His . surprising victory carried
him into the round of four against
defending champion Billy Talbert
of New York.
With both semifinals carded for
tomorrow night, the Antagonists
in the opposite brscket will be top-
seeded Richard (Pancho) Gonzales
of Los Angeles, the turf court
champion, and former Indoor title-
holder Don McNeill of New York.
Savold-hfaxim 'Title'
Bout Set for May 23
The Cincinnati Boxing commission
today reserved Msy 23 as a date
for a 13-round "heavyweight
championship elimination bout"
between Lee Savold of Peterson,
NJ- and Joey Maxim of Cleve
land. Promoter Sam Becker, in
requesting the date, told the com
mission the fighters had agreed
tentatively on terms and were ex-
pected to sign contracts next week.
Nicholson's Insurance 111 McCal-
lister 4X7, B. Cracroft 434. Crows SSS.
Williams SSS, 3. Cracroft 41S. SaWm
General Sobbing J Brought 441,
Hunt 431. Creasy S3S, roue he a an.
Roes SOO.
OrosTon Statesman (3) Pease 44S.
Parley 463, Stone 54 (Honest I I I).
Scott 47S, Comstock SM. first Nation
al Bank 0 Driggs 42S. Kottke 440.
Marr 367. Herman 463, Morris 44S.
Bee lie St wadsworth (J) wmiwoha
. Anderson 44S. Kaneeki 473. Ire
land 401, Sherman S3S. Judson's
Plumbers (0) Simons ( 1 samel ISO,
Angrove 344. Little 328. Kelly 417. Os
borne 310. Jeffries it fames) 2S7.
Hogg Bros. No. 1 (I) Wespnal 477.
Whitlock 344. Claus 3S3. Ceorse S70.
ILuko 477. CurWv'i Dairy 111 Beisler
4SS. Berlncer 363. Xdlund SOS. M. Mil
ler OS9, J. atmer ei.
Hogg Bros. No. S 1) Carter 44.
Baker 47S. Coo 42S. Johnson 504. Nag
ley 443. Davidson's Auto builders
(J) P. Smith 447. B. Smith 4S2. Poy
Oork S24. creasy Hickman BOO
MayOowor Mil
Ik 131 Harrison 90S,
iford SIS,
BchoKs 450. Mocabeo
47S. Meyer SSS. Hus fins Insurance (S
chnell 410. Crockett 477. Stratton U
ame) 1M. Hugglns 4SS, Poise 372, M.
artwoll (S g a meal 343.
High tamo SM by Meyer ot May
flower Milk.
Hlgn aeriee SSS by atone of Oregoa
Statesman Hallelujah 1 1 1).
High Mam series SMS by Mayflower
.asnsk - -
175 $. Hlfih Street
Watch lot the Now Mercury
Siniiu(rilG oi) Cu&iiBgoj
WCAA Finalistfl Hold Last Drillo ?!
At Seattle?; Coast Action Liked -
: By Jsck Ilewlns f .
SEATTLE, Msrch 24-4f-Coach Hank Iba of OkUhoma A. M
who has a reputation of stinginess with a basketball, campaigned to
day for a rule which would give his enemies sn even bresk. Here to
send his Aggies against Kentucky for the national title Ssturdsy night.
laying the groundwork for tomor-
row's meeting of .the trustees.
The meeting was held behind a
closed and guarded hotel suite
The trustees, prominent sports
men . snd industrialists who. hail
from all parts of the country, will
hear tomorrow how Canadian
Ducks Unlimited spent the $323.
000 raised for it last year by U. S.
They also will decide how much
money Is to be raised and appro
priated to Canada this year. Cana
dian directors of the organization
will determine Saturday how to
spend the money.
For 10 years Ducks Unlimited
has - been improving waterfowl
breeding grounds in the three
western Canada provinces --Alberts,
Manitoba and Saskatchewan
- - known as the "duck factory of
The progrsm wss started with
voluntary contributions from U. S
duck hunters after severe droughts
in the early SO's dried up much of
the breeding area. Several state
units of Ducks Unlimited provide
money for special projects located
in areas which will do their own
hunters the most good.
Beavers Lose
To Sacs, 5-1
RIVERSIDE, Calif.. Mar. 24-0P)
Sacramento broke with four runs
In the ninth to break a tie and
walk off with a 3-1 exhibition
victory over Portland today.
For seven Innings. Bob Gilles
pie of the Solons and Tommy
Bridges of the Beavers dueled on
even terms, the former yielding
only three hits and the latter six.
Then Rookies Tom Rose and Hal
Saltzman took over. Rose held
Portland hitless, but the Sacs got
to Saltzman for three, walks snd
two hits to win the gsme.
Jim Warner poled three for three
to lead the winners.
Sacramento 100 000 004 5 8 3
Portland 100 000 0001 3 1
Gillespie, Rose (8) and Plumbo;
Bridges, Saltzman (8) and Gladd
Sacs Cut Down
To 29 Players
SACRAMENTO, Calit, Vlar. 24
-0P)-The Sacramento Solons of the
Pacific Coast league today cut their
player roster to 29. Business Man
ager Victor (Cookie) Devincenzl
said Charlie Letches, second base
man, and Carl Cox, shortshtop,
have been dropped. Letchas will
be returned to the Pittsburgh Pi
rates chain and Cox's contract win
be sent beck to Buffalo.
Catcher Nick Pesut and Outfield
er Dick Faber were trimmed from
the squsd yestcrdsy.
San Diego Blanks
Los Angeles Club
ONTARIO. Calif.. Mar. 24-4H-
Jess Flores and Tom Kipp pitched
San Diego's Padres re a 3-0 exhi
bition win over Los Angeles today.
Flores paced six Angel hits over
six innings and Kipp, young South
paw, finished up, giving up only
one hit In three frames.
Los Angeles 000 000 0000 7 2
San Diego 020 010 00 3 4 1
Anthony, Lanfranconl (7) and
Malone, Burbrink (7); Flores, Kipp
(7) and Ritchcy, Gardener (7).
IS rears ago this month: Lanky Ilorton Smith, the Chi
cago Pre, west the 8S.888 Master's Invitation Toarna
asent with 384 for 72 boles, ever the Assgnsts Nation
al Coarse. Ssaith posted scores of 78 - 73 - 78 - 73 for
his total and first prise money of f 1588. Bobby Jones,
the old master came oat of retirement for this teanuv
sweat bat ftnlshsd with a 334. la twelith place.
ids suggested a jump ball after
every three throw in the last two
minutes of a game. 4.
Before the canny coach frbm
the southwest could sit down and
expound his theory over a cup of
coffee, he had two priority iterns
to hsndle: 1. An snkle infection,
which flared up during the plane
trip yesterday, prompted him to
send Sophomore Guard ' Keith
Smith to Virginia Mason hospital
for Penicillin treatment, lie's rmt
likely to be ready for action. Sat-
urday. 2. Iba scheduled a practice
session for 7 p. m. (PST) in the.
University of Wsnhington psvlljon, ,
site of the title game. Coach
Adolph Rupp of Kentucky called .
his defending champs together for '
a workout at 2:30 p. m.
Illinois, which .meets Oregon
State in the preliminary game to
decide third place, timed its turn
out for 4 p. m. Oregon State had
the floor for 5:13. .
The infection on Smith's snkle
began to act up yestcrdsy during
the western plane trip, which fba
said was "extremely rough." Air
sickness hit several members of
the squad and a workout planned
at Denver was cancelled. A doc
tor was called In during the stop
there to have a look at the Smith
ankle. fj-:
"About that fouling rule," Said
Iba, turning his sttentkm to talk
and coffee. "The big argument is
to keep teams from freezing the
ball without making a rule that
at minutes. i ,
"I'd make a lumD ball manda
tory after a free throw in the last
120 seconds, whether the point
wss made or not And I'd do swsy
with the option of taking the ball
out of bounds sfter a foul. With a
Jump, the teams would have an
even chance to get control of the
Other coaches have suggested
doing swsy with the two - minute
rule, doing awsy with the out-of-bounds
option, or giving a team
two shots on every foul in the fin
al minutes.
The National Association of
Coaches opened their three dsy
convention today with an eye to
making some changes in hoop ,
rules. One which observers ssy
has a good chance to mskth
rule book was tried successfully
on the Pacific coast the psst sea
son. I
Under this plan, the defensive
tesm ststlons a man on each side
under the boards on a free thrown
This increases the chsnces oft the
defensive tesm gsinlng possession
after a charity shot. - J
Ned Irish, vice president la
chsrge of basketball at New
York's Madison Square Garden, -said
his discussions with coaches
Indicated the coast plan has a lot
of support. "It's liked nstionglly,
and the east will boost for its ad
option," said Irish. - '
Giarleg, Walcott
To Sign Saturday
CHICAGO, March ti-(JT) -JEx-isrd
Chsrles, Cincinnati heavy
weight, title ssplrsnt, and Jersey;,
Joe Walcott will appear before a
special meeting of the Illinois sth
letic commission Ssturdsy. They
will sign contracts then for their
19-round bout here next June.t
Joseph Triner, chairman of t the
newly appointed commission, said
application for a promoter's; li
cense would be made by the hew
Internstionsl Boxing club.' of
which Joe Louis Is director of box
ing. ' ' ' :
Get Acquainted
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tom & fred's
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