? f r f ! i r -. y MEUNKOTICn COXSXDEXJO -LOGAN, Utah, March 24-0P)-George llelinkovich, once a stellar football player for Notre Dame university, was regarded today as ai potential appointee as football coach at Utah Sta& Agricultural ' Shirley elts Easter Seats . 1 Tha 'LUgteaian. gqletnV Oreop, Friday, March 23, 8j -IS college. I ; A 1948 survey showed 81 per cent of American housewives still roll their own pie crust. 1U North Uberrr rbene Mill Whon You Can Havo VOGIC-CND O Completely Automatic O 8 Year Warrant (on sealed-in-transmission) O Excloair Water Sarer n O No Bolting Down O Cleans Itself Ucsiinghonso Laundromal Tradt-in allowance for your old 299.95 washer -For Only ' ' r'. ' " ' ' - ' ,' . . .. .... , : : 9 V o SALEM'S EXCLUSIVE APPLIANCE STORE YEATED APPLIAIICE CO. 255 N. Liberty Street ; The first Easter Seals la the annul sale to benefit crippled children and adults are seld by Shirley Ewnun ( Salem t Gar. Daslas McKay. She Is assisted by Jesse Basenbaom of La Grande, aaclety president. Shirley, years eld, attends the society's hospital school at E arena. 1 mm to Pir,r,i v nir.r.iTrfcrnnEATEn - - 1 MM Aft I IS! E 'JSt 27e Keyko 1-lb. pkg. Smith 1-lb. tin 10 e Green Label ri tin 3 71 El-Do Crackers . 1-lb. pig. 33s EODDEII'S mSTAIIT I HOT CHOCOLATE f-em. tin .,,', 27c smisnniE mion odops ; - 19c 17 " - fiJCEiKinE , TIE White, Golspie,1, 1 per. Food .Pkf. GL0-C0AT 2-qt. tin deal rJLb 2-pt. tin deal 300 BllIDGEFOnT GOOD-AIDE I ln. 90C KILLS ODOK8 Cf FTW f ZCONDf - - " ' PDEII LUnCIlEOII IIEAT -'':'' . , U-OZ. TtS EHiE snpniTEiniiG Sunkist for 1 1LC Each CELERY Crisp, Greta IB. Young tender CAnnors SC bo. Dundee Whole Kernel Corn No. t ttn , , Ranchers Pride Chicken & Egg noodles 18 on, gloss Smith Kidney Beans IB osy fin Uptons Tea pkg. II bags Ivory Flakes ' large package Ivory Soap medium bars 2 Camay Toilet Soap Beg. size Oearex Glass Cleaner 12 os. glass 15 29 10 - 20 30 JL9 S 27 J "rW CohT 3eat t ylftwryf Available" Top Grade fed Steer Beef is bow at it's best, 'and the Ideal am to enjoy It Is now! Re stock that freezer at these prices on top Grade Swift's Branded Beef. Swift's Branded Blade or Arm HOAST OF STEED BEST ib. It's marbled If s wholesome It's tender tfs good for youl Lb. Hot ordinary ham burner ... Always the family Ireat If e ewnomlcaL I Swiff s Smoked Empire They're well streaked has that Premium cure. .Lb. Swiffs Boneless t t No waste . iJ Easy to slice FDYEH5 - BAKERS I H2ESII FISII CDAES Easter Seals Ready for Matt Mailing of Kaster Seals, In the annual sale sponsored by the Ore gon Society for Crippled Children and Adults, has begun, according to Mrs. Earl Snell of Salem, ap pointed state chairman for the sale. Lynn 8. MeC ready of Eugene la chairman for the central Oregon district, which includes Marion. Linn, Polk, Lane Benton and Lincoln counties. Giving assistance to those handicapped who can not receive aid from any other agency, pro ceeds from the sale will be used to finance projects of the society, including children's hospital school at Eugene, Portland rehabilitation center, summer camps for crippled children, surgical, medical and special training and a craft shop in Portland. Rainbow Girls Receive Degrees In Scio Meeting STAYTOM The majority de? gree was given Andean Purdy and Doris Madsen of Sdo Wednesday when Acacia assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, met in the Masonic hall In regular session. Kay Cunningham, worthy advis or, and Mrs. Sue Tuel and Mrs. Kathryn Weddie. mother advisor and associate, mother advisor re spectively, presided. h Kay Cunningham sang two songs accompanied by Mrs. wed die. Shirley Hennies, Karleea Drager of Turner, Yvonne Rose nan of Jefferson, Jeanine Bentley of Lyons, presented the number they will give at grand assembly at 5L Helens next week. Seventeen girls have registered for the session from the assembly. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Tuel, Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Weddie of Stay Mm Cam Ttsi erase Titeeine) wea mtv wuh as t va aimmvi and Mrs. Marion Cunningham of Albany will accompany the girls. Report Given on Red Cross Drive ELLIOTT PRAIRIE Mrs. Ray Baker and Mrs. Mabel Losey, local representatives for the Red Cross, report $71 collected to date. The quota is $100. Mr. and Mrs. Ingval Ed land and Aloha Lee left for San Diego Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed land expect to be gone for two weeks but Alona Lee will remain in San Diego with a cousin. Mrs. Theodore Thyker enter tained her sister. Mrs. Anna Fan- ton of Bend, and her niece, Mrs. Verna Merriott of Portland, Tues day. Mrs. William Bushman spent last week In Portland caring for ner suter-tn-iaw, Mrs. Luis Law augh, who had fractured her eg. Henry Bushman, a semi -in valid, returned with her and will remain at the Bushman home during the convalescense of Mrs. Lawpaugh. CLUB ENTERTAINED LYONS Mrs. Herman Free was hostess for the afternoon card club with the party a J her nome. a i:jo dessert luncheon was served, followed by several tables i of 500. High honors went to Mrs. George Huffman, second high to Mrs. Earl Allen, low to Mrs. Roy Huber. Mrs. Pat Lyons drew the traveling prize. GEO 0 1 ALL PDICES GUT FRIDAY AIID SATDHDA7 OIILYI 131 PAIR MEN'S ALL WOOL d. PART WOOL SLACKS. Re 9.51 to 14.83 . New Califernla Waist! Deep Fleets! Zippers! Men, here's the biggest bar gain in pants in 10 years! Not just a few, but a big part of these are 100 new wool gabardines, Bedford cords and diagonal weave gabardines! All colors, all sizes, 29-40! Be here when the doors open at 9:10! ITU 1E3 Dcj. 2X3 Uczzi Frc&s On Sal This Morning! Mostly sizes IS to 44, bnt smaller size too for early shoppers! Well a f made, fast color dresses from our II . ref. 2.93 line. Doors open 9:301 On Sal This Morning! ' m IIcaVllC3'Drcrj Stirb Famous 2-Star Brent and Fruit- of-the-Loom colored dress shirts in r in attractive patterns. Sizes 14 ft U I If 17. Corns early and stock up I k dil 101 EOIIE QUAIITmES AD& LEIITEDI C3IIT DELAY! RE 9. HUtl Flf OOUCINATlOIf 19 s Me M elej Hch toeei 124X3 Friday 'And Saturday Only! Ut j. 10X3 CsbT SircIIsr WardTn better stroller .all met al and hardwood with ball bearing: f f)f wheels, rubber tires and bumpers, ( J u J Cednced two days only I WWJ Sav Friday 'And Saturday! ' 34X5 lcrrpricj llzlltczi Flexolator Insulated and thick ly padded with new felted cot- sTr,'pO ton. Loflf-wesrinf S-oz. worea t ) H ( stripe tick. FuU or twin. a-IxJeU U TIIIELY SPECIALS, AT IIOIIET-SAVniG FIUCESI Fisherman9 Special! Beg. 22.S5 V7cdcrs It's Impossible . . but we're do ing it! Waist high waders with non slip c tested soles and heels at less than half price I Buy now, sarel Friday And Saturday Only! Oenannlacizrcd Ilcfcrs L09 TO. 129 VALUIS YOUR CHOICB Best Quality oUnnlnumwore rustproof! 3isc Saucepan Set . Qreoselest Griddle J38C 3-qt. rrendi Fryer Twin fan Set Sat 1-pt. Saucepan, Skillet, fwdding fan For as little as $10.00 a month yon can buy a Ward rebuilt motor. New parts used . . new motor mnnl. Fat ForiL Cher Ply mouth. Dod e. Liberal trade-In. off 10 I f "if' il TOa t!SAT TO ZAT CAITT IZ EIAT CUBTIS as? id - -- - i w - .