5 'I U-V.iUi :ln"iv? ; i! I! vir I 1 J GRIN AND BEAII IT BjrLichty The . Ttibtfs f op Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newtpaper 00 " CMOM0OOAMeWTljr st WVC w UXX, OVSWOOO S. Kf VJMY OONT VOU COMCJ S MINUTES A SALE ON BOW TtCS") fcc-.TV ALONS WffeS---! A UOl!IsM ehl F ( POWNTOWM ANYWAY, X ' f A LlTTLtt ST BHttl. ) MM3MT AS WCU.U0OK J S'WCETTHlTltt j- 1311 m$& VOU CAN WAVE TVJPS POOM jTWA9 OUR GUESTROOM some; of-Twc palest ITEMS OP Ntt aXLOdlON J WARE tN HER.X - K MY DSARfT THAT THAT 1 WHAT fe f MONKCV JUST ITS FUNNY TO LIVf IN A COUNTRY, WHERE THERE A1NT MO J All OQ COUftTHOUSES! OOMTi H08O0Y STEAL THINGS OCT WAVE FIGHTS r -1' ' .1 f ttttt lmnr prvivnr an enva earapen.cx s (LAWBREAKERS? ) . I CEftTANLY NOT I J AIN'T ) UTOPIA ISA theccAUamo of THcerJ NO LAV- 7 LAWS j x TonIya LAWS ir I YES-THC ALL-MBAClN6 GOLDEN RULE AND THE LAWS OF COURTESY ANO KIWOMESS-WESf LAWS ARE NEVER BROKEN rCLOBYOSKY- TUAT30UKOSJ UKE A SWELL WAY TO RUN A COUNTRY WOULOnT IT BE SWELL) IF EVERY COUNTRY S II Kb" TMATf!i r l w am m m rWa pl j i i ' - AH, YI. TMiRTf THfl "rxfw BUZZ SAWYEB H1CI WOUf. fiAffDIN. AND TMIfl'l , THfl MAN C0MIN4 OUT THE DOOR KAMI A fTRANCIff TO ME. ' rW?;,'.vJ' Al TWIPf'5 HI WIFE. Will, ffY JOMN, If ur KisstM4 mtt 4O00- 8YI TUI LUCKY DO! BQCtTT MOUSZ TMIS "TOP TO I TUB AAOOVi W U TUSN 4 71 UTTLB flTUVI THES1 NOTMINJ TO WORV ABOUT WrTH WW AT TWMCONTROL3I OWlX UVf TH XOH I'LL TAX fcP ' KtDI TO OAN ROCKAgAJO OF HR DA..BUTTHTOOTIM3 S UMOMM . bdSCAW OF HSR, uV3o 711 THIS I MACNKSSt Wg XI f lYlf oojJTyou ra - out unoctN f DOWNHKAirrf O, OAOUNC 1 WILMCR: OUC I VOU TARTfeO SOM GS049 FOd TWf I I fCKATCH ANO BUCT QUARTER VIU. VP A OOMQ CONCERN. A BS SO Z p -7-1 f mo'coulont T rhi a uaxter ,? d w n V NO, W1LMER HA Y VOU MAW NO RIGHT tiseen a iu 1 to crct TUAT IMA.V. OURCS OF INCOM1. 1 MCffCZIX. VOU MUSTN'T. I FECL THAT vf OVT UCH I HAW FAILKO. INTO VOUt HEAD! 1 II Al SHlftESS SKONK!! lMrA I PA00L6 OWE MORS v v " PA0DL6FW rra Be , iYr O-OOriT SHOOT, SIR!.' A :-I HAUG OOtYiS ONA . J uA FRiewocv cotssioo) for IVSsfieLESS'TV TYLER fiarra tvsitl if I'M SNIFFER TH I hi UGLY UAftMlWTlS I SNUFFcV a. I fYrTincras.f VOLTR6 THE SPtTTlfOQ IfnAGS OP SMITH "I would MTir bar paid Mh as xrbiUat pri f r It. If It luMtat b tor TTTTcnnvQ nnnnnrncrra " -SUm Mm wife tiwi mMt la kr lak iaaadtlM wHi. I r..l KUC7c1mi KSLM UN, KOCO 14M. XOIN t7i. KGTT tit. KXX UH palafmllr imiiiI t. MNwaf iwr ar Nat ankf Urte ' , Ba a'"VBMMRpRaBBaaS N:U MorntaNw ITIfflkNp kUnhthM Dwa i 4 t I AnMTlMlKOIN JOoc IKOUf ICtow KOul Hod PodM jUodg Po4f Farm TImm Jr? Aquimly Bird tfkulrfljr Bird Squlrrlr bird Izddl AmoU , ffrittM kr U Dr. IUrauui K. ', P dn a. MJP. KILM KOCO KOM KOW KEX fax RltUr KOIN Klock KOMI Kwy McCaU NW IRIm and IhlQ OtlM and thlM fTop Trdt inwi a sport INwa AranmKr rop V Mornlat nw JOD QtnM rrd Bck Id loan Bm HM una T.mpw m miiuiwi KILM KOCO KOW KOW Barg, Counter VU Lladlahr JBonaPlonMra Broakfaat Tim Ravoa ol fUt naavcn of ftatt Watt. Malodlaa nyaatara UI. Vmt Nwi (Art Btkar Grand flam jRoMmarr frad Warlnf IFrad Wartiif jack Barcto iTommy Doraar Breakfast ClublBraakian ClublBraakiaat ClubfBraakiaat Clui KILM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX ith tifm Can N.wa Kata 8ml Wildwd Churahl Vocal VanaUaa Mual Wand Warran I Aunt Jannv I Hclan Trant Tommy DoriyTommr jJortayrTomrny Doraayinawa Toaay a eiars i&ajr K.yaar M. BcdaU Iprea. Nawa lOal luadav Nawa Kay Kraar KSLM Newa KOCO Coaa Cup KOIN Blf.Siatar KOW Boaton f rra. KtX Tad tfalona Paitr Ma parkina lOrlainalttlaa I Walts TLulIabr Kythm Cola Trta (Dr. Malona IGuiding Llrht Boaton Irm. lOrafoa Build. I Brian tar Day Calan Draka ITrua Story fTrua Story KILM Ladlaa Firat ILadiaa Flrat KOCO Nawa (CUas Wax KOIN lifra. Burton I Perry Maaon KOW Dbla- Nothing IDbla, Nothing Today's Child (Light of World KEX Batty Crockaf I Club Tlma INorthwaatara Nortbwaatara IQuaaa a Day Quaaa a Day fOlaaa Wax IGlasa Wax I Nora Draka (You Tick IV Top Tradaa Nawa OCO Lady'a MalodyjOrKaa Mooda lOIN Raw (Coma Oat It KOW Knaaaa Nawa Mm Paridaa KEX Nawa Dorothy Dlx rS-W. Kawa liawla Ihm tPappar YoUn fiapplnasa lOfi mm RaaSrdaay Aaaa Varlaty Show (Mam. Musis 4wis snow KILM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Qrchastra Classics Pat O'Brlaa Buga Uwood uohnsoa raaa. ILanny Xoas IBloc Unas Btaa to Laioarti aii Tima war. In Taka AO Air Nawspapar joaaa iwiaoar srowa Btalla lAlr iMawspa Dallas rL(s Btaua Dallas I Lor an o Srkiat fH'wood BrkiaLlKay Wi pari win rwiddar IKay W KILM KOCO KOIN KGW Cub I iourwood Iki. i Hollywood Hint Hunt iHint Hunt dirt Martlaa IPortla Facaa Surprlsa Fkg. Anniyars. Hon Club lOrehaatra Kr. iHoUywood tOrchaatra inourwooa nr. noiiywooa now (Mset Mlsaua IHaat Missus IPUln Bill tPasa rarraU ISurprlaa Pkf . IBrida. Oroom (Brlda, Groom KILM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX KtLar KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Happy Oanf tHappy Oanf KOCO Kapafs IKOCO Kapan Art Klrkham (TunafuAy Yn Road (Nawa para (KOCO Kapara KOCO Kaoara xurayi Arthur Godfrei Yra. Arthur OoAUbn Arthur or Liia iLiora uiwron Ladlaa Saatad La Zaeh yaar nvra paoola ara llr iaf to rMh the ofd af bracktr and. at Urn. tbaM Idarly pdraoiu auifar from Impropar clraulatloe of tn blood tnrouch tha artarlaa la tha laga. Uany timaa auoh patloota art adviaod by wall-meaninf frlands or ralativM to stay off thalr fott and ara told that nothlni can b dona for tham. Howtvir. doa tora know that thara la much that can ba acoompllahad for thaaa par aona. Accordinf to Dr. Samuel-, in all auoh caaaa tha patiant ahould ba forbidden to use tobacco entirely but ahould ba encouraged to uaa alooholle beverafet in moderation, int they hava an excellent effect in dilatlnf or relaxinf tha blood vaaaala. a a a Whan tha aymptoma produced by a circulatory disturbance are eligM, certain axardaaa are valuable. The patient Ilea down with hie feet raised at an angle of 43 decrees. He remains in this position until tha akin turns pale. Then he aits with the feet hanging down -until the feet become red. and finally he Ilea on hia back for two minute with hie feet on the bed. Thia exercise is repeated three or four time before retiring at night. After these exercises, tha patient ita in a tub with water at not mora than 105 degree for not longer than 10 minute. It la aug geeted that the temperature of the water be checked by mean of a bath thermometer. Patient with circulatory die bed reet may be necessary. The legs and feet are kept covered wit i warm cotton and air-tight barw dage. The bandage are left la , place for a week and then, after a bath, they ar replaced.! ; j With the form of treatment, it la poulbla that many patient! with dieturbanc of the arteries la , the leg may be-greatly improved, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS j M. A. D.; My boy has asthm' and hay fvr. Would a different climate help him? i i i . Answer: Soma peraon with hay fever and asthma do better in a warm, dry climate. However. , th best : thing to do 1 to attempt te ' determine the aubstance to whlck) the child 1 allergic or overiefisl ,1 live, and then to avoid contact with them, or to give Injections of Lgradually-increasing amounts ' of ; these substance to desensitize the) 1 child. i' K - tOepyrifht 1M. Xing raature i 4 ' Syndicate. Inc.) i f NOTICE OP INTENTION TO IMPOVtJ' NANIIN AVENUE raOM I.IB BTa ROAD TO OOVGHTON BTKCET f NoUae hareby to clvrn that tha com num council of the city of Balam. Or egon, daema it naeeaaary and expadW eat and nereoy declares its purpose and intention to improve Hanae:av enue from the west line of Libartr' road te the eaet line of Doushtoa straa. in the city of Salem., Marie In the city of Salam., Mj . Oreaoa. at the Moanae el abutting and adlacett' property, 1 eapt the sweat intaraactlona the. of whlah will be aesumed by tta city at Salem, by bringing said portioai of said street to the eetabuahed grade. nwnwiui cam an i eoncrate and paia said portion of said with a J it-lash aephaltle eoncrete rurba. streal pave Fulton Lewis Hei era Lawton lAunt Mary JLova A Leant Iturbance ar encouraged to tak T" thirty feat wide in acror die. Seated Art Unfletter ,Ar L&Uette, odoorivlt?. . bit Tr. uonTthwhtV aaviaao to wear long, wooien unitne eemmeai eownetl Marah. 14. H rwtir in atAit wMthar I wniaa are new ea file in tha efHca Treatment with diathermy, that JJl' VL . electrical treatment which pro-1 h23T f" imlnawi Woman's PagalDiak Shannoa Art cooxrey w (Parade 'Orchestra Muate SpotUU IMuaU f potlJte lArt Codrrey at! Life Beautiful Welcome Trav. waleome TravJEaulrrel Caie !quirre Cluo l Ed Marrow oman secret Lire Bcautuui I Linda s Lore (More kOco KOIN KOI Kf Stralaht Arrow RtraLsht joe iiuiytnm Hansn iBing croeby Sleepy Feat. Story News Greea Hornet Arrow! Cap Midnight Tom Mix UnebfBinc Croeby (M Kays Uttle Show I Chat Huntley News I Mono News Young Show Young Shew I Greea Hornet Sky King ISky King derwear in sold weather. I wklsa are new hereof. t Antmm haat Ammn in that tiaaiiaa haal Tha Mimoll aaunelf havlw AmfmrM ' been found helpful In aosne cases. I 'XaZctvS4 rm.nr" ani The drug, known a papaverine through the street Improvement de to om eixeciive mi certain u-1 pinean By or KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Oab. Heatter Serenade Medlt. Tuna Bob Hop Sporte I Bauay Shew Serenade 1 Young Show Bob Hppa Home Edition I Air Foree HouiiAlr News My Son iStrtke it SlahlStrUie it IFlbber McGee Fibber M I Schools as YoHSchooto Force Hour ; lal rr. stanee. but of eourae. drugs should only be taken under the doctor a dlratiofL If there 1 pain In tha) leg at ea night, which gradually lncreesee. Br Ordae ef tha CammM Bnuul Mareh 14. 1M. , ALTAXO MVNDT. City Baeerdar Date ec first publics tloi hereoi t lata day of March. l4a. M.ia.lT4.lJJSJ3J44t.MJf KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Mad. Drama idle Duehu t Jackpot Hollywood Counterapy Oreh. (Amor. Album ftop Band Hit JackDet (The Aeea Hollywood Tunny People lFuna I Counterspy IChlaholm Trail IChlchoUn Trail Top Band rTbe Aeea y People IFunay People IThia Law ILlght ClassUa 8 KSLM Monte Ojrtste IMonte Crista (Off. Detactlve Off. Datecttva KOCO Capital Coma INaval Air Has. Party Line Party Una KOIN L. Thomas Bmlth Show (The North The North KGW Supper Club pews Your Life Your Life KEX Detroit lymph. Detroit Symph.Towa Mooting frown Meottmf 9 KSLM Newa F. Lawton IFavorUe ttory Favortta Story KOCO Vartecy Parade Muate Horisona lTrank DeVoi IPrank DaVol KOIN Myst. Theatre Myst. Theatre (Beulah (Night Editor KOW Lyn Murray Lyn Murray Ronald Colmaa Ronald Col wan KEX Town Meeting (Town Meeting (Monitor Newa I Book Advent a m KSLM Fulton Lewis (Local Newa (Newa torch, 11 KOCO Track 14 Track 149 ftmck 14 Treek 14 III KOIN S star Final You World IS. Ooodmaa UtrfU W KOW News Sports Page Orehcetra Orshactrc KEX Slchflald Rptr. Intermeaao Coneert Hour tConcart Hoar NOTICa Or FINAL IITTI.IMtMe it means that the arterial dUordari Notice If hereby given that the U beeominf woe, and cosnplete "Xgy nottce of iwrrNTioN to larppoyf nrr'vj -;.rr ,r.":'rjrrz BPBIldPx SI Tl APT BTmnH aVf V gf -fWai I r w-mmmm -w m a awasa era aViMl h ranar AtWd I airuua-or w Nonce hereby to give that the earn- ceuncU nf mm etty of Setae. Cf- egoa. eVseata ft aisiissry and aarpedU ent and hereby declares Its purpose iatenttoa te improve sprue et-et Ml the eta Orseen. at the west Una mi Cherry avenue. etty of a learn, j ea lata aanaAa-. at the lew said de at aa rih the Will aanaul eeicte ec acae Leaaefscd. ana enef saia court naa a ran. A. M. aa tb time, and the Ctren the County Cow la Mertoa Ceuat alem. the eaet bete of Mr Hie avexrf KSLM Newsreel KOCO Track 14 KOIN KOW KEX Serenade News Concert Hour I Open House ' Kpen House Open House (Track 144 Track lie Tree ltM (Serenade I Band Box Jtev.jBand Bon Kev. Here's te VetslOrch. lOreh. Concert Hour i Tom. Memos Tom. Memos KOAC U k..Tseday 10-00 am. News; 10:1 Especially for Women: 10 JO Psycholeay of the Family: Oregon school of tha Air; ll .il cert Hall: 11:00 News: 13:1 Farm Hour: 1 Dt Hide 'em Cowboy Oregon School of the Air; 10 Mel ody Lane: 2:00 World Is OuryAftatr: l-JO Book Time: : Oregon School of the Air: sao Newa: S:l Musis of the Masters; 4:00 Ore on Be-1 adiaeent ereeerty. aateeet M street and alley Inlerssetlcne the en- pence of which wiu ee asaumea ny ctey of saiem. ay nnagmg ssta 1 ef said street te tha eetabuahed gri eenctmctaas cement scnereic and aevina said portion af said with a Itt-kaeh aapheliie canarcte meat thirty seat wide fca i dance with tha plana and specula tions therefor which were adopted by the eommon council March It, M4. which are now ea rue la the office af the etty recorder and which by akif reference thereto ara made a part foe day r - - r mm pave-1 TZZTL tada uny Oragcn nuetrsior with the aetata ef Mae t t' ill annexed Lcdaccwcod. 4 . Olovee. Atterner See eted. lalcny Or-atm, l--lf-tf ymna: m I TKb mmmi aaunafl haraha daalaMa orld of Tomorrow; 4:4 Child-I ita mirnnae and aalantlon te make the ; 4:11 Favorite Hymns; ren'a Theatre; 10 On the Upbeat: I M I above deceribed Improvement by and porta Club; 40 News, 4:11 Grace through the street Improve mead Ac- mem. r Order ef tha Otnansa Oianal EO MUNUT, City Beeordcr ite of first puhliestloa haras It 'Round the Campflre: T:lt Eveniaa Farm Hour: M Stories te Remem-1 Mareh Par; a:ia Houand Today and Tomor row: JO Errand of Mercy; :4 News: I Date 9M Music That Endures: : Een-llth day ef March. I4. Ing Meditations; 10 M Sign off. ' . M lS4Us.lt JO JUS J4JS Jf Jff z TheyTl Do It Every Time 55 1 ce. By Jimmy Hatlo sasms Aim i "gszjB"! k UP! VATRyW )mtU WnPr'M VtXJR SHIRT I V SCrMETWJM'rV J 1 l UJ-7 SOLS klNDLV BOWERM ayriTTK S 7T- SEAT ISFREE J Listen to Elf Strom's) "Over iho if Colfca Cop" tirmr mornta? of 10 I I : Monday Through Friday Ovr Slafloa KOCO ; 1400 on your dial . I OOSSLT sad LXTZXTTZrf featuring BOS ANA CTJUtTS And ZVULZXUlll " Inlet ilewa Tae. March Mai Mr. Ara Lank, raeeatly ar Vrtvad Iran Norway prorway As I Left It", ? rTacL. Ifareh tlrd lira. Kaby Baaaell. Exaa. Beey. 4 ktarlaa Cennty Taker aleel and Ileal tk Aaa eistlM nvky ILsr a Chest X-Bsyr Tbnra Marek 14 Hi Mr. B. E. Braacfet af BarVa Spertlng Oaod Store "Urn, Ar My Hobby." Fri.. March Ulh Martha Taber. . Elstreen's IXeeaa Ecenemist "All-In-On Meals." , . , , v! ; Braadcast frera the GX Medal KJUbea la ItoaeaMrnt of S4t Cewt f f) la say snernlng st II aal GT. AL0AN5t aav aeffe wlta aruciaaats dating braadeaaL '- It GOOGLS