U The Statesman, Sclem, Oregon. Bandar March 23, 1943 Sales, Ore jca Bargain Packed lays ff P I .. ft t V fa i -'I)) SACK .AGAIN.. 1 Boys AH Wool Chopper Shirts 5.00 Sizes 10 to 16 yrs. Penney's Main Floor Slarfi Ilox&ay Through Friday! Slero Uido Even! Special Features. Half Sires tod! All Brand New. i 1 ; i The fabric you want In the comfort able' styles you want at the thrifty price you look for. Rayon Prints in darkj or pastel grounds. Ideal for casual or street wear. You'll find your style . . . color . . . and best of all your price. 12 to 20. 18Vi to ! PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE eg) Only Downstairs Store Parado of Values on All Wool Covorts - Tweeds Yes,:thcrt little price Is Just what the tag says . . . and It's even harder to believe when you see the coats! Your pet coverts, handsome and sturdy . . . even fashion's new pet, tweed .' . . all in ful-cut, easy styles, all completely lined in matching rayon. How do we do it? YOU do it ... by paying cash, carrying your package . . . that's why YOU SAVE! DOWNSTAIRS STORE (O) CS) 1 1 .ii'ii St? ft Boys' All Wool 8pUI 1 jf mm s77 V 7 Sturdy Composition Sole, ' j yv Black Leather Uppers f Jrjgr ?V Pnney's Downstairs ' Eossack Jachek 00 Sizes 6 to 16 Plaid Design Penney's Main Floor Finest All Wool GABARDINE COATS Special Event Priced o o f 4 y Children's Moccasin Toe OXFORDS Brown Cord Sole Sizes 10 to 3 Penney's Downstairs Store u ""'--i; Women's Skirls 93 Juyeniie Whipcord Jimmies 2.00 Sizes 1 to S Penney's Main v Jimmies . V ; V Penney's Mlin y I Vv Floor y : I rx Print Dlosses y I 1 ifNA y- si i iL.e i 'Vw.. 1 V -- 9 .f - . -fe-CS 1 i tfrliiM TallAr with I V f vwajrwv MVS Vlt nikU Men's Wear Stride Hard Finish Rayon Fabrics SECOND FLOOR Jeff v- .A ' Lots of style, lots of fabric, lots of colors in these all wool gabardine coats. Our thrifty cash and carry policy means quality at the lowest price. They're all wool, beautiful rayon lined. Penney's where your coat dollar goes farther. SECOND FLOOR ALL WOOL TOTSB EOMS Little price! Quality coats. Town or country . . you can't beat tweed. Versatile styling, smooth rayon linings. An exceptional find at this price. Go-with-everything. Multicolor colors. SECOND FLOOR ALL WOOL Good looks from any angle. Values from any angle too! Pure wool gabar dine spring weight, smooth textured, rayon lined. Top favorites. Gray, skip per, blue, green, red, beige. 10 to 18.' SECOND FLOOR Unbelievably Low Pricod 80 Squaro EDMS FMGffi O Gay Colored Percales O Every One New For This 7 7 Erent h (1 (I They wear and wear and wear. 80 I I square Percales and Poplins in the I I g spring's newest and gayest colors. Prao- I I tical styles broken sizes. PENNEY'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE Washable I Colorful! Lov7 Priced! Girls' Cotton Print ilmh Just received I Cotton print skirts for young girls size 7 to 14. n Washable colorful. Yes I I C- indeed. Practical and easy to care for. PENNEY'S SECOND FLOOR WOMEN'S Spring Handbsgs Regrouped Values! Pins Tax! . TIG f PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR " wrv