The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 20, 1949, Page 21, Image 21

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    .X1 IfiXISi JL
Trade st. at local hospital. rcn
tey Hwwimwtfd company.
B oTVwnl.. at . k.l
pltalMarch 17 at the age
WashTiUmVuneement of nrti UUt
ty Hwimrt company.
!!? AmZivtwo tona. Stanford N orris
Mars. Mrs. Nannie Green and Mrs. S.
Jx Stansberry. both" of BoonejN.
bSiwrtt N orris of Aberdeen,
CUntghrTK Mrch
festEi part Dr. E. B. Luth
or will officiate.
AInU?iJeity March IS. Thomas Newt
r z rf..,htr. lira, no
dwards chapeL
,SD.ifLJitv March 1. William M-
.eJ?.JSt of ii$ North Cot-
Jage' &rvVdby .iter . Jennie CM
ierrtc5 S City vW cemetery.
MWiHi" r..ut in thia city
lk IS late resident
r- y."?. 3ZCot 451 N. lttf
at, at the age JJ?
I2i 17m of 94 years. Survived
ur. C. B1. vneew - " J
ls. Oscar Undqu lit of Brooxs ana undauiat of Portland and
George "VT t in,,,i.t and Char-
tSS. cTwiil-b.- held Mon
Search XI, at 9 pm. in the W. T
: i uw th. HV. M. A..
taricuW.terment will
be la cny vrw
K?irtUt Townend. March 13 at
"iTt 330? Tlad..t. Survived
So a siiterT Mri Ann. Seeley
s-Kiialai -inwrusuaU n. aea
rS rarlev. UK resident of
CrU. 'rvy
& "widow? M -B.'aT Farley. GrjnU
K." daughter, Mrs. Paul ne Larkia.
ibyHoweUVardV company
RYchaTd Johnson KenderK. t
.rfrouU LMarch 11 at the agf
Of 93 years. Survived by wow,
unhhtrd: sons, Richaro
EnV-ZZ? u ,hh: Walter Hender
Derby, asoo.; "-". iv,
nA Mrs. Edith Barrett, both
fSltown. MonU and Mr- "flf."-!
Ztarmmn. Enterprise. Announcement o
?ves later by Howoll-Edwarda com
pany. -; ' i
NoU hereby Wi given t the
snon council of the city of Salem, wt
Zeon deems it necessary and expodi
STand brby declares its purpoae
the wee line of Cherry avenue, m
tt ciG ot Salem. Marion county
OrMon7at the expense of the abutting
ind adjacent property, except toe
zzlz-Lm .iw ntrectlona the ax-
pv .1 rjLv ijtis:
Sl WS ato'th."Ublisad grado.
T?T MMnt eoacrete curtaa.
ond paving said portion of said street
with a 214-Inch asphaltlc concrete nave
meat thirty fact wide In J-coc-dance
with the pUns and P4c
tiona therefor bich wwe adopbl by
the common council March 14. wf
which are now on lo in the ofOceo
the city recorder and which by mm
referenco inereto aro - -
The common council hereby declares
Its purpose and Intention to make the
above described improvement by and
through the street Improvement do-
BjTOrdar of tha Common Councfl
aTSa JalaTCwa 1 ' m eTVSr
. Vtiim irmcrrr rit fiaeorder
Date of first publication hereof a
19th day of March.
Notice hereby ia given that the eom
snon councU of the city of Salem, Or
egon, deems it nectssary and expedi
JZtmnA herebv decUns its purpos
and intention to Improve Hansen av
enue from the wast hne of Liberty
road U the east llneof Dohtoia
h. pitv of Salem. Marian
county, Oregon, at the expense of the
butting and adjacent property, a
seet the street intersections the
pease of which will be assumed by the
Sty of Salem, by bringing said portion
of said street to the established grade,
constructing cement concrete curbs,
and paving said portion of said street
with 2',4-incfa asphaltle concrete pave-
gnent thirty xaet wmo m sww
dance with the plans and specifies
tions therefor which were adopted by
uie cmiuiwm nwwu. mum w,
which are now on file in the of flee of
the city recorder and which by thia
reference thereto are made a part
The oommoa council hereby declares
Its purpose and intention to make the
above described improvement by and
through the street Improvement de
partment. By Order of the Common Council
Mercit is,
ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder
Date of first publication hereof la
19th day of March. 1949.
M.M4 7.1949 MJMXI
. furniture
Tuea.. March 32nd. 7:90 P.M.
Glen wood Ballroom
4 ML N. of Salem on 99X
fonslrtlng of beautiful Bungalow plane,
bedroom suites, complete electric
washer, 9x23 Axmiaster carpet. 9 throw
rugs, inlaid and print linoleum, lino
rugs, S dinette acta. 9 tomersprtng mat
tresses. ' Elect rocold refrigerator, din
ing set. Solid brass floor lamp. Occa
sional rocker, S fireplace sets, new homo
drop head sewing machine, I ironing
boards. 3 hassocks. S swing rockers,
davenport suite 1941 model radio and
phonograph, 9 yr crib mattress. 1 felt
rugs, new dinner seta. Foster beds, elee
trie clocks. e?aa elate, occasional t a hies
large walnut chest, armless daveno. an
tique aeax, auuet, tap is, vanity ana
plate, bench, new garden tools, new and
used chests, lawn chairs, new beds. All
these and let more too numerous to
list. No limit, strictly no reserve. All
goes. See me about selling your furni
ture. Clan Weodry Auctioneer, Saiem.
For economy, for security, buy
homo. Consult today's CUggnxl
ad. 7 , M . - :
mn.U of St. Lou... Mo; . S"
10,1 N DEM bANCt-fUH nlUW-V(
Ncreeee:by If fciveft that th conV.
mm council of the city of Salem. Or
egon, deem it necessary and expedi
ent and . hereby declare Its purpose
and Intention to improve unaeo Lane
from the south line of lowa! avenue
(Candalaria Boulevard to the north
line of Ben Vista Drive, in the city el
Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, at the
expense of the a bun inf. and adjacent
property, by bringing said portion
of said street to the established grade.
constructing cement concrete euro,
and paving said portion of said street
with a lVi-inch asphaltia concrete pave
ment thirty feet wide In accor
dance with the plans and specifica
tions therefor which were adopted by
the common council . March 14, 194ft,
which are now on file In the office of
the city recorder and which by thia
reference thereto are, made a part
The common council hereby declares
its purpose and Intention to make the
above described improvement by and
through the street Improvement de
partment. By Order of the Common Council
March 14, 194.
Alfred MunuT, City Recorder
Date of first publication hereof la
16th day of March. 1949.
Livestock and Poultry
FOR SALE: 2 fresh cows. Guernsey
Bulking gal. Durham short horn .19
gal. Ph. 3719 Dallas. ; ;
7500 well brooded poults
Broad-breasted Bronze from oullor-
em clean hens. Ready for range Apr.
SI. Ph. 3-5795 or 3-1555 Salem or write
Bailey Rusell. RU 1, Box 137 A,
Aurnnville. Ore r on.
FOI SALE One white face heifer a
calf. $225. Valley Packing . Co, Stock
Tarat. r-n. 3-s;;:.
ALMOST-NEW Western saddle? bri-
aie bianxet, sioo. fti. z-ziu.
Poultry Farm. Ph. 3-5-129.
" JEN N IN G S5irpRlOft '" Rhode
land Reds chicks a cockerala. Jennings
Al bluu: Reg. Palomino quarter.
horse. H. L. Stiff. Jr, Rt. 3. box 970,
FOR SALE: Saddle horses. Re. Here
ford cattle. J. E. Pyeatt, Bickreail. Ore.
rn. uanas zbo.
"BABY CHICKS All " DODuiar varle
ties, including Leghorns. Hampshtres,
Parmenters. A ustra-Whites and others.
Phone 2-2861 or write today for Lee's
kBaby Chick Chats containing free poul
try imormauon. uet tutcner, p.o
Box 725. Salem. Oregon.
BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed
ward. Rt. 3, Box 899 E. Ph. 3-1144.
McCandllsh. 1131 S. tSth. Ph. 3-3147.
WANTED: Thin cows and heifers for
feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid.
it will cost you nothing. Earl Dti Chi en
3499 N. 6th. Saiem. Phone S-165C
Help Wanted
MAN AND wife. 30-8S. at Childrens'
Farm Home, Corvallis. Man for general
maintenance. Woman for cooking . and
work. with children. Must be Christian
people with proper living habits. No
cniiaren. write at
or phono Wra. B.
schnebly, supt.
Help Wanted Male
A-l AUTO. Mechanic. Steady work.
909 Edgcwatcr St.. West Salem.
nSXB&BZ. Call 3-9431 afterHT
SiAN WITH CXA waniets for route
work. 920 to $29 In a day. No age limit.
For Information or interview write Mr.
Innun, 9439 Magnolia Street.-Oakland T,
SfcHJULD W6RKERJ Large coo
atructioav Jobs starting tn Alaska, over
seas. South America, United States.
For details send name and address.
A-333 Box 1749. KnoxviUe. Tenn.
PkSOr-RXADKR: should be person?
able, alert, fast and preferably, with
some reporting experience. Hours 9 JO
p.m. to JM s.m. on Tuesdays. Wed
nesdays. Thursdays. Fridays. Satur
days. Steady Job. Write Webb. States-
oao this area for old eatabiiahed fram
ing, program. GX approved. Our best
men Nearn 91000 monthly. Hard work.
interest in people, and desire for suc
cess eaeential reouirements. Permanent
future. For Interview write details.
box 80a co Statesman.
WANTED logg e r with equipment and
nances to k SO to so million (m( n
timber. Reload and truck show. Address
repUes to Boat 914. Statesman.
Help Wanted Female
housekeeper. Box 93. Amity.
buiiutB cosmetics oilers excellent
opportunity to well-groomed women 39
and over. Dial 3-4543 t a.m. to noon.
HOTJSIWIVrS Would you like to
make extra dollars? Work a few hours
a day in your neighborhood Fast sell
hit useful item: Address P.O. Box 333,
t yr. child. Some house work, in now
mod. home. Parents employed. Room,
board. State wagea expected. Write Box
92S. Statesman.
' WOMAN wanted for light housework.
Stay nlr-hts. Room k board. Ph. -34581.
CASHIER. State age and experience.
Statesman Box 919.
RELIABLE woman or girl for house
work and care of children. Boom, board
and good wages. Refa. required. Ph.
WOMAN M-99 at Children.' Farm
Home. Corvallis. Assistant matron
(cooking) to work with children. Char
acter references and : suitable living
habits required. Write or phone Wm.
B. Schnebly. supt.
TJA'dY foi ' office work. Must be able
to meet the public. Typing A shorthand
'. Pleasant working conditions
A ehanee for advancement in Willam
ette Valley's leading furniture appli
ance store. Apply Hogg Bros. 300 State
WANliUi-lliddle-aged woman lor
general housework. Excellent working
conditions, private room. bath. Phone
9-9990 for interview.
Salesman Wanted
t MEN to learn heating and air-conditioning
business (not labor or mech
anical work.) Inquire between 1 and 9
a. Ask for Mr. S to well. 320 Kearney
WHERE TO Btrt 909.009 articles dt-
rect from manufacturers. Send for
"Your Profits Under the Spotlight"
Glass Pub. Co.. Ellwood City. Ps.
SALESMAN wanted for new Inter
stat Xrur. Product. Meets the needs of
every home. Men now making 9400 a
month and better. Car necessary. Ao-
ply tn person 9:80 a.m. 383 N, Summon,
PAINTING, good work, reasonable
Ph. 2-9519 for free estimate.
Call 2-4S342 after 9 p.m.
9 as i i ii i on at owi orasMWa naaa
dens plowed, disced. Ph. f-9127, Duane
GAkbtit PLOWINCV A: discing. Cab
309T Dallas, collect. Hollls Bice
T AU.'MS DDl'USDrn M. aoaulawl same-
yard cleaning;. Phone 9-0227.
New Car Automobile
An opportunity for the right man.
Ask for salesmanager. Mr. Johns or
Mr. Teague. 399 N. Liberty.
Situations Wanted
FURNITURE reoaired St remodeled.
Loo Bros. Furn.: Reflnishing Co. 2-7001.
-WXgHWG. ironing.. cTeaning $1 hi:
m. s-sizz. : .
ACCOUNTANT for Urge locaT firm
desires bookkeeotng for small
nesaee vn. a fit. Phone 1-0449.
"YARD 4 flARD2frORlC"OddlSSa.
rn. i-ossa oerore a p.m. ,
"LiiaiaNGTalurrationa. Phone
1 CXRPW'ITBA waat work at $IU
per hr. U yrs. exp, jnox us. Turner.
RjUOPgL reoalr homes. TAX. t6
dw to 92500. Small fix-up Jobs. 1-3349.
WILL i CAK2 for email children by
day week or me. Modern country homo.
Ph. 1-2OT9. ' '
T!Y?rW6UAN wento ironing. Phono
iTLB CARS.' 1 B. Ilth. Wi.' J4I19.
ntilXAXIXXinUJTXtlXL i per day.
Fenoe Mm yard. M. iltn. .
, Sltnfltlons.TTaTiteH .
'igi!p DOZING, back filling and yard
leveling. 9&50 per hour. Hi Cbemawa
. EXPfcfilEN CCD practical nurse wants
work. Ph. 37892.
E) KKF ES h a nd finTTPhTS -3a37T.
"wiLL' DO waiihlng, ironing aclaaa-
tna by tlie hr. Ph. 3-493d.
S-R825. i ,
nROTOTTLLING with M-E BototUler.
Ph. 3-79O0.
EWOrK 1 dav i WOl hr. 3-o09X
" 1 1) i OiiTtSWlNG-a diHCinlTtord
equipment. Herbert L. llamann. phone
3-S119. ,
CEMENT work, ati kinds. Ph. 3-47S1.
"IRONING in my homy. Ph. 3-9a2.
"XoCOUNf ANT for large local firm
desires bookkeeping for small busi-
weases. Phone 2M43. i
SEWERS and septic tanks installed
and repaired Scharff Bros Phone 35599
Furnace and chtnineys cleaned Vae
uurri used. B. F. Enslev Ph. 3-7176.
1'aintitig & Decorating
POSTS mimeoraDhina. trDina serv
ice. Quality work. Lower prices. 999 N.
lWh. Phone 3-3643.
Painting & Decorating
Ph. 3-7553 - Very Low Prices
DRAWING house puma Ph 3-9631
SHARPEN YOUR lawn mower now.
Hoes St shovels sharpened free. Pick
uo & delivery. Howser Bros. Ph. 33946
Edgcwatcr St.. W.
Mike's Septic Service
Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service
on Sewers. Phone 3-fi or 3-9327
Chimnev sweep Nnrthnes oh a-4450
ARPENTTR work. New. rep. Z-ZQ93
"CHILD CARE. 11 W Shipping. 3-9924.
PHlVA'l'k power lines connt . 'arm
lines, free efctimate. Rias. Ph. t-Tl.
PRUKKC. spravin ptowin. Small
tractor work. T. Nolen Bathurst. 4335
Hager St. Ph 3-2907.
For Sal Miscellaneous
B Flat Clarinet
Good condition. 980. See at 30 Duncan
Ave. .
srwmr. machines
Why rent a used sewing machine
when 921.50 dn and 37.00 month will
purchase an Electric New Home Sew
ing Machine? can a. i xen. -w,
at Ralph Johnson Appliances.
fct vn TDVfc dbl. bed. black wal
nut dressing table. Ige. chest of draw
ers. Ige. 9 piece ainette set. uu rimm
St. after 5 p.m. -
PIANO and bench. Ph. 3-9122 or call
1449 Terry St. ,
NW crocheted tablecloth, pineapple
Amtr Cha U T 11 Ph 2.S796
SfSlrtrn. treadle sew in tr machine. 953.
Also White Rotary treadle. 939. Phone
1.7DM at 3K2S Monroe.
pOft0iiADTTP. chrome ext. table
and 3 chairs. SZ3- II Laurel Ave.
iSTNcrtXW 14". TJsed very little,
Make an offer. 930 Union St. after 5:00.
1200 7 FT. CEDAR fence posts. Out
on County road. Old growth, seasoned.
Rt. 2. Box 192. Maiaua. w. r. waiaen.
sed CARDENIAD hand tractor
with disc, cultivator and plow. Costa
S2SS new. Sell for sioo. Houte a, dm
369. throe miles out Glen Creek road,
FOR SaLX: pUnet Jr.' Seeder. 9933.
Round oil heater. 919. Simmons box
springs. 33. WhIU enamel kitchen
wood range. 929.00. 939 N. High. Ph.
2-9082. -
"TRUMPET" lor sale. Ph. 3-O8O0. 397
Center St.
1949 Supreme tank
909.99. Before buying
vacuum cleaner
ANY cleaner, call us for a free dem
onst ration in your horn. 3-3191. Mont
fom.rr Ward. Salem.
WElX" TltAINEO year old female
cocker. Phone 3-4927.
ACCORDION. IUlUn made. 120 bass.
shutters. Like new. Ph. 3-5930.
In good cond. 880. 499 ford St.
FOR SALE Store fixtures, priced
extremely low to clear. Several display
counters; 34"xl20. 30"xl20. 28"xU0.
Modern candy case, stainless steel bins.
3 sections Hallmark greeting card fix
tures wit light. lAbanon variety store.
Lebanon. Oreron.
p rim Hosts si.oo aos. Azaleas a tor
31.09. Camellias 91X0 up. Merrills
Greenhouse, Brooks. Ore.
BOTPOINT elec range, table top,
best cond. Green enamel bedrm. set.
hed. dreu. table St chert. Call 2-0648
FERTILIZER 94 per yd. 3 yd load
910. Ph. 939 Turner.
Ji COLT Woodsman. $25. 999 High
land Ave.
Keizer Sand & Gravel Co.
Crushed Rock
Mason sand, concrete mix. pit run.
nil dirt and too sou a no au annas roan
graveL Ph. 3-1749, If no answer, call
2-1070 Dav or evenmr
' NEARLY "NEW innersprlng mattress
ft springs. 930. Mattress a springs. 91.
Perfection oil heater. 95. Ironlna board
pad. 91 JO. Must aeU by Sat. 4920 Wolf
St., 1 blk. S. Keizer sch.
CARPENTER TOOLS, elec. grinding
machine. Standard thread set. drill i
edge machine, crosscut saws, etc. 1159
i. cnuren. Ph. 3-73&B.
USED davenport A chair. 95. Extfi
matchJns chair available. 1855 N. 23rd.
B FLAT CLARINET. Used little. Cost
tUMaeU for half. Ph. 9-9773. Aak for
"WALNUT DRESSCR ana W. walnut
mirfet. i3zs tim t. ra. awi.
" SPEBTl ultra-violet A infra red pod-
esta lima. Perfect cond. Ph. 2-2453.
WHEEL CUA1A. like new. CaTTUS
Ferry St. Ph. I-OS03
vacuum cleaner. 344 Marlon St. Apt. 19.
NEW, modern 9 pe. bedrm. suite. New
chest, new coffee table.
small rolt-tvoe desk. Ph. 1-2093.
4x5 ANNIVERSARY Soood Grannie.
R. T flash, focus spot, esse, I cut
film holders, lens shade, filters. F. P,
adapter, book and tank. Hardly w
S195. Ph. 2-0329. Rt. 7 Box 09.
PIANO. Fh. 3-4919 or call at 919 tf
ITth St.
New and used motors available from
I HJ. to 33 HP. New 1949 3 HJ Evtn
rude Sootiaman. full reverse, fisher
man drive, special 999.90. 22 and 39
HP. used motors, like new. 9 HJ. used
Int. a.. n-t A RA U-W
others to choose from. Efurchcraft boats
for bunting, fishing and boating sup
1201 S. Commercial. Ph. 3-9050
MAROON DAVENO. 125. PH. 2-7199,
16 FT. NORGE refriiterited show case
complete with compressor. A bargain
for some one who needs one, 9150. O,
T. Johnson, Rt. 1. Box 19. Oregon City.
Ph. 9117.
OAK breakfast table and 4 chairs,
excel, cond. 935. See at 1995 Fir St.
Tel. 3-9508.
REC AP "TTIUCS In popular sires. 9.00
19. only 96-95 exchange or 99.45 out
right ... on your cart munivumebi
CRAVEL. Sana end slit Delivered or
on vow truck at the ott Ph 9-4001
Plasti-Kote. the cellophane like finish
tor woon or linoleum.
Lloyd M. Hill, Inc.
Cat. Shovel and truck work of an ktnds
PtMMI 2-4367 Rt 1 bo 31-8
Aluminum Roofing
919 corrugated 19 inches wide. This
is practically Portland wholesale pri
ces. 9 ft. per sheet
ft- per Sheet e
19 ft, per sheet
u n. per snoot
L. A. Conrtemanche
MrMtnirvlTle Phone sag
ELECTRIC Fence Controllers 9UJ4.
UP tu M allowance on your "oT3
range on a new cioaon double oven
electric range. See them at:
497 Court St. Phone gQfll
Atmorays. Hsrley Pu
fy Pwgn.
LURIZR lor the
' PAKLLAS. lit Rosomoni ave.
' CARDEV A lawn supplies at Valley
Farm Store. 4349 SOverton rd.
For Sale Mlgcellanepnf I
ews r or
The new
either felling or bucking.
mediate delivery ! Weighs
quick detachable engine -
ged construction over 5;H. P. engine 2 to 5 bar
and R-type chisel chain-Meaver tail bar detach
able stinger phone, write or come in for a trial.
Valley Welding Supply Co.
197 S. Com'l. St. Ph.
Complete stock corrugated-r-SV crimp
mj accessories. Obtain our quotations
Saffron Supply Co.
325 N. Commercial St.
Salem Screen Shop
1420 S. 12th St.
Window screens St screen doors made
to order. Glass TtPlaem,PfLnKSX---r
DAVENPORT a tJilAin stis, sj.
Ambassador Apts.. 5a0 N. Summer.
XX -6 Geiger counter 3100. Also all
types ultra violet tiuoresceni tamps
Box 188. Portland hiway. Ph. 2-1369. j
RANGE, refrigerator ft wasning ma
chine. Liv. rm.. din. pn. a kn. suites
ft extras. Ail must no ior v. rn.
Sturdy canvas 10 ox. before treating.
Water ana muacw eiuk
erommets. . .
6 x8- 2 "
7--rQ' f.w
X , . A .
. 13.73
FOR AitrORTB-U?ErWillamette
yarder ft loader. Or trade for logging
. - J Tl.k. a..-
Cat. A. ft. Ijgnnfjy'i
v. wle Ph. 3-7074 for sppt. f
3 . width in the following lengtHs
r - 2J2
Ask sbout lntauation eyr..
"TTSTFririM late cluster hop
m thmiunit Available now. The
Corbett Island Hop Farm, RL L Box
13A. Ontario, ure.
0D electric ranges, water heaters.
YEATER Afl'LlA.L- v-w.
"ALUMA LOCK Aluminum Lock
Shmgle. The modern permanent jwoi
ttSee your dealer or Ph. dartributor
"PEAf MOSS fortUied with chick
droppings. 90e sack delivered Vslley
P. Store. 4343 Sllverton rd. Ph. 33034.
DKY-P REMIX ; Calcium cnioriae; re
mtmi mesh. sash. Masonry.
waterproof. Standard cement er lime.
Concrete drain tile, sewer .ft culvert
pipe. Build in chimney blocks. Silt,
crushed, mix gravel.
1409 N. Front St. Phone 3-341T
Croisan Quarries
Quarry Rock
Quarry rock for road base. Crushed
rock, fill dirt. We denver.
Coral. Ph. 2-0417. Plant rn. -'"
Res. Ph. 2-3Q75 oay or eve
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crushed Rock
For roods St driveway. Cement
Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand.
Bulldosing. drainage and witchinjr
yd shovel St dras Una. Phone 3-9249.
Commercial Sand & Gravel
Crushed rock. Resdy mix All kinds
of sand and graveL Rjver silt and fill
Ph. 21966
cow or chicken. De-
i,.. (m iuiml woit-rotted or fresh.
99 per cu. yard. Also by sack 31 per
sack at place or win del 9 ark order
Also horse manure for hot beds ana
plants. Phillip Bros, RL 9. Box 119
Ph. 66FZ2.
c-rrsrr. .UhMlinc aoata. railincs in
v .- A-A-r 114S N. Liberty SL
" " " - - 1. - .
" Srtnfl 1 FT. cedar fence posts. Ph.
9-1199. Tod Muller. Independence-Salem
ELECTRIC water heaters, new bou
ble element, guaranteed. rf9-75. 5 foot
STANDARD recessed bath tubs. 9SL39.
STANDARD Uvatories. 929.34. STAND
ARD toilets from 939. llTm. gaL. pipe
37c per ft. 4 al. pipe "c per 7 , in.
pipe 15c per ft. Sinfle hub soli pipe
at 95 40 per length. W. A. Skewia Can.
1310 Madison. Ph. 9-4O0Q. .
BVJr'ar nUwDadl in. 9c ner ft.
in. 14'.e ner ft. i in. 16c per ft.
in. 19se per ft. in. 20e per ft
ir4.fc Bmmm Ijtmtwf Vara.
NEW UEkCDHV round bobbin Ught
weight portable elec sewing machine.
10 yr" guarantee. 9124JO. terms. Cabinet
114SM W. Davennort. 1930 N. 19th.
Ph. 9-7Q71.
" tVUlTS rir and berries of X
tract. You remove. 990. RL 1. Box 90S,
Woodmtm, Ore.
cedar posts ph criz
ipt size elec. ranre. cai
rod tmtts. wh
m alio m. mzh
r m urrrfa etvo vou comoleto US-
STALLED price on your roofing needs.
Wide range of colors. Call our out
side salesman for free estimate. Phono
"DISPLAY COUNTER plate glaw. 2x1
ft. Gravely power lawn mower. 30-Inch
cut. Ph. 2-1643.
ix!9 Cedar Siding 9150 peril
4x9 cedar siding 9139 per M
No. 1 VO 19" shakes 912.95 per sq,
with undercourse ass l colors
Building boards ... 4'ie per sq. ft.
No. 1 oak flooring 9175 per
Foster Road Lumber Co.
5919 S.E. Foster Road. Portland. Ore
TAbor 9694
You can get the best in spray paint
tng accessories at Wards! Sturdy and
efficient spray suns, compressors, pres
ure tanks, etc Spray guns for ss little
deliver tn Salem or ship. Ph. 2-0050.
E. R. Blankenship, RL 3. Box 960.
Trade Miscellaneous
nrrt 9 mvr 1 AjU. -..I
like new. for a good lawn mower. 799
Wanted- ftliscellaneout
WANTED: Good homo for t yr. old
female toy temer, 2299 S. tm.
I WILL BUT your complete nemo
Everything from cellar to
attic Call Trade Louie. 3 9999. far ap-
WANT TO BUY. SUmete kitten,
female nreferredL Ph. 9-7743.
"ATjJTJiTBLl wheel chair, youth's
sire, puren, hi ymirt a. rn. a-rna
Wtlls Mnsto Stern.
itm anrKMrrrrns noeata s-siml
For Sm
-BIIsceTJaneons L
man MdbEit 10 MALL SAW for
On display and for im
only 34 lbs. less bar
xcentional balance rug
3-5409 Salem, Ore.
Room and Board
ROOM AND BOARD. 629 N. Winter.
" WILL "CARE for elderly man or lady
in private tarm home. Reas. E. R. Pat
terarfin. Star Route. Silver ton.
ROOM- BOAttSTor working couple.
Ph. 2-6539.
For Rent Rooms
2 NICE SLEEPING rms. .Close in,
outsice fiitrance. 425 Marion.
SLf. RM ior man. l" blkTlrom city
library. Ph. 3-C353
ROOMS with cooking privileges.
Close to bus. Good location. 1321 Mc
Coy Ave. Phone 2-4361.
ROOM and beakfast in modern home
for em p. ma rul 167 9th t .JW Sa len
CL4AN7qulet sip. rms. Good loca-
tion. priv. home. Ph. 2-1449.
"stiEHlNG ROOM. eiec.7heat. 607 N.
Com'!. St. .
hKa1D RM3.. bath adiSnHgTPh.
3-553. 79a N. Winter. .
URN. sip. rms. for reSft. 633N7High.
SE IN. reUecoratcd. h. ft c. wa
ter. 659 Center St.
Gentleman. 985 N. Summer. Ph.
CLEAN, quiet sip. tm, emp. lady.
Laundry privileges. 945 Ferry.
For Rent Apartments
2 RM. APT. 1 blk. from State house.
Ph. 3-4258.
TORN. APT. Adults only. 169 N7l2th
3 RM. FURN. APT. Adults. Ph. 2-53731
193- St.
MOD. 3 RM. apt. close in.
No pets.
For information Ph. 3-3803.
front mod. 2 rm. Pri.
539 N. Winter.
Outside entrance.
all u turtles furn. 945. 3 rms. ft bath,
outside entrance, all utilities furn.
except cooking gas: to lease only, 945.
2 rms.- upstairs, outs ae ent. sj'j. t. a.
Reed. Realtor. Ph. 3-5479; eves, or Sun.
UNFURN. APT., liv. rm. with flre-
place, bedroom, kitchen, shower, utility
porch. On bus line, close to stores and
grade school. 040. Edw. A. Dyck. Real
tor. 3Z8 i. bommcrciai. lei. z-a-it.
2-3203, 2-90-6.
" 0R' "RENT furn. liv. rm, bedrm,
pri. shower, cooking facilities. ouUide
entrance, uu unemexera
3 ROOM furn. apt.
e gtvrvawft avvaa as. nsa w . srsy MHnwn
3 RM. AFYTWeduifn refrigV ele.
heat. Bus. Call at NX corner of 13th
ft Hines Side door. .
NFURN. 3 rm. apt. with bath in W.
Saiem. Ph. 3-1432. .
2 B7R. APTTPrL bath, auto hot wa-
ter. 945 mo. I no. 243 Chemeketa
MOO. LARGE 2 rm. apt., emp couple.
no drinkers. Ph. 3-9331. 209 Bush t.
SPACIOUS 3 rm. apL Turn. Pru bath.
adulU. 2459 State.
2 RM. furn. aoc Reas. 974 N. Church.
NICELV "FCRN 2 rm. aptiTrlvite
bath. 967M). Also Pullman apt. 955. Am
bassador Apts., 550 n. Summer.
VAcANCYVgB.RTaot. Unfurn. .ex-
cept for refrig. ft range. Auto, laundry.
can at sen s. utn.
LIGHT nousakeeoinx apt. Clean and
Mght. 340 E. Washington St.
APfTHoily Wood dist. Partly
furn. 3 rms. ft bath. Adults. Ph. 3-9067.
Ph. ;-i7.
9 RM. furn. apt. Ph. 2-50S3. 2605
Maple Ave
For Rent Houses
PARTLY FURN. 4 bedroom home.
159 S. Capitol.
SMALL MOUSE for couDle. No pets.
children or drinking. Ph. 4-5086.
Ph. 3-0853.
"HOUSE. ADt. hae. Sise. New for bus-
iness lady or gentleman. On bus Hne.
Call 1065 Highland Ave.
2 BUnM. moo. nouse. urnisneo.
Close In. Ph. 3-4409.
NICE i B R. HOUSE. All elec. but
oil heat. 2 yrs. old. 975 per mo. Lease
by year. Near store, bus at school.
North. Close tn. Available April 15th.
Owner H. M. Perry, 349 S. View Place.
1st right hand road south of King St,
on Liberty Rd. .
coou new a nK. mooern nouse
1 mi. N.E. of Keizer near Che maw a
Rr. Rt. 2, Box 40J. W. B. Spence.
2 B R. HOUSE. 19 miles out, 935. Ph.
3 B.R. mod. house. Englewood dist.
tile April 15. Statesman Box 93
,LL. mod. 1 B.R. house with a
prox. I A. garden area, ideal for epie.
Located on E. bank of Willamette river.
7 mi. from center of Salem. Write
Statesman Box 919.
"NEW3 "B:rTHSE. Auto heat. " wireo!
for range. Immed. poaa. Write Box 919,
"SMALL furn. house for couple. 939
mo. g blks. E. of 99E on Boone Rd.
For Rent
HOUSE and business garage, 30x92.
pumice blk. 1 A. V ml N. of Keizer
sch. Can at 1977 S. Hifh St.
saws. belt, disc ft vib. sanders. drills,
garden ft lawn equip, tractors, cement
mixers, .wheelbarrows, pumps, plumbing
tools ft paint sprayers. Call us to save
time. Bowser Bros, 909 Edgewater. Ph.
"TRaTLERS 92 per day. Howser Bros.
Pn. S-3040.
AIR COMPRESSOR with pavement
Drearer a jack nammer. Howser Broe,
Ph. 3-3646.
Space, about 800 Sq. Ft.
337 N. HIGH
" TRAILER SpACE'oF "rent in modern
trailer park. Call 2-1073.
"TrreTJTHSr-LIEASE Store bTdg.
In West Salem. 940 per mo. Ph. 3-8019.
IRON ERA b. the wees
Or .DO llnrO Pmno
kti--NtsS Room
"tRArLttts" 'lie first rtr
0c hrt
190$ ft
following Woodrv'i MkL
" d-OKI VI TrUtks WU RTnT
Blankets furn. 1W9 Liberty. Ph 9-O0OI
TRUCKsTind cars for 'rent Blankets
furnished Smltty's Clipper Service
Cener and Church Phone $-960$
397 Court SL TeL 9-3029.
Wanted to Rent
Attention Landlords!
Need 3 B.R. unfurn. house. Ph.
MJDDLEAGED employed couple want
4 or 9 rm. furn. or partly furn. house
May 1st. Excellent refs. Ph. 1-4249 after
'"ItOrE 1IANACEX. veteran, needs
furn. house er apt, for self, wife end
9 yr. old adughter. Reasonable rent.
Call 3-9229 or 3-3501.
RELIABLE couple desires I or S rm.
house. Furn. or unfurn. Reaa. Ph.
3-5106 eves, after 9 -JO and Sun.
"TILED 1 or 3 bedrm. furn. house, im
mediately. for mother St $ chJldren.
Husbsna in nsv. win nay f so gins
. , Vante'd to Rent
wife witt S vr. old
child want am. furn.' house or apt. Will
take excellent care of property. Very
reliable. No undesirable habita. Kef.
furn. Ph. 3-3863.
1 OH i B R. HOUSE. Korih. B AprQ
no pets. Not over 950.
Phone 2-iCTO
-fcTNCLE MAN of sober habits, age
40, desires nice room with private or
semi-private bath; employed by large
concern and lust transferred to Sa-
lem. Tet 1-1449.
rURNVamall house or 1 rm. api. for
mother small child. Reaa. Ph. 35744
between 9 am. 4:30 pm.
- BUSINTSS HAirandwtfe want nice
unfurn. house near Hollywood dist.
Phono 3-4667.
For Rent Farms
90 ACRES. 23 A in wheat. 47 A. m
oats and vetch. 9 rm. mod. house and
good fa.m outbuildings. Can give imm.
pose. See "Chuck" Gilbert with The
Kins well Agency, office in Xaier
Fraier bldg., Stayton. Ore. Ph. 1913
FURNACES Oil burners, gutters, air
conditioning coolers, general sheet me
tal work. Years of experience enables
us to furnish the best. Estimates free.
1410 S. 12th St. Ph. 3-5391
WANl IO Buy Use- Camera, m
"-e Phirfn Hhito 3S ttmle
irrigation. Duffield Bro.. Rt 9. boa
56. Phone 2-1313 or 2-2795.
Dental Plate Repair
Brmc or Mail Youi Plates for ftepair
Adolph Bldg.. State A Com Ph 3-331 1
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
Contract Work
Roads - Oeaiing Ditching
Sewer 9 sement
Equipment Rental
J! 52 moo per hi
10 B- vda. sen m. t..
D-7 Cat ft Dozer 10.50 ner hr
O-O Cat ft Xei 9 46 pet hr
D-4 Cat ft Oocer f on oer hr
Phone dsvs 3-9409
Even.ngs 3-9246 oi 2-4409
. Salem Otecuo
iCHjK .I'llKtl arwinn mKium
repaired by a Qualified Sinn
sentative Ph. 3-3511 for free pickup A
semce on ou makes of ma
chutes free estimate aiven befm.
work is started Sirer Sewma Ma
chine Co 130 N Commercial
Mattrfsaes CapiUI HwlCo Ph 3-4OW0
WEATHER strips Pullman. Phl&SV6b
AUTU painting lust a snade oettei
y Ra
v CTTER Call Shrork Motor Co
RENT A Slnser Electric nortable
sewing machine in your home by the
month. Reasonable rates. Free deliv
ery and pickup. Ph. 3-3512. Singer Sew
ing i amine co, 130 N. Commercial.
Fof Sale Real Estate
Suburban Homes &
9450091000 dn. furnished, elec. range,
refrir. Daveno. 2 swine rorkera to
match new bedrm. set.
9550091000 dn. 3 bedrm. house.
9I0O0 dn. price $6190, approved FHA
loan, 2 bedrm. Liv. rm, kitchen wired
for elec. range bath, h.w. floors. Im
mediate possession.
10 acres. 9 room house, hath, lawn a.
shrubs, raspberries, strawberries, car-
age, barn, live creek thru pasture.
Price $8000. $30UO dn. baL terms. 7 mi.
23 acres i crop included. 4 rm.
house, spring water piped to house.
Price $4750. $1500 dn. baL terms.
Allen Jones or
Mabel Needham, Realtor
341 State St., Rm. phone 3-9201. Res.
pnones 3-67S3, 20-421, or 2-0849.
Two bedrooms, clean throughout
north. A good value at 95500. If you
choose to drive by see at it 1915
Broaoway. then call
149 N. High St. Phone 9-7909
Eve, phones 3-4T73. 9-4591. 9-6609
3 Bedrooms. $5800
Late built all mod. bung. Attached
rf. Le-ge let. Close to bus and
Ranch Style
Beautiful new 2 B. R. bung with fire
place. Din. rm. Urge closet space, well
planned kitchen. 2 car garage. Exclu
sive corner lot. Close to Englewood
school. Call Mr. Cleary.
Walter Musgrave -Realtors
1211 Edeewater. Ph. 3-5109. Eve. 3-9939
$10,300 bus this nice 7 plus seres,
good 3 bdrm. modern home that la
clean thruout. fireplace, basement, fur
nace, creek, food soli, lame barn.
to take thia fine 4 bedrm. modern
home with liv. rm, din. rm, kit, fire
place, basement, auto, oil pipe furnace,
large lot best location at $9,500.00. Call
Ray Davie Ph. 23849- Eve. ph. 29659.
Walters Real Estate
980 8. Commercial
A BARGAIN pricedTfbr quick sale: 3
bedroom home, furnished, piano, frig-
Idaire. washing mach, Venetian blinds.
Fine neighborhood. Close to bus. 94509
full price. 98A Abrams Ave.
AT 1145 Norway we have a 2 bdrm.
home with garage. The lot ia 99x125.
Street paved, within Its blocks of bus.
all schools within walking d lata nee.
The price is $4500 with a contract for
92000 payable 92940 per month. Drive
by, ten ask for appointment to see.
Burt Pieha, Realtors
337 N. High St.
Office 9-949. Eye. , 3-7431. 2-9390
new modern plastered
house. Attached garage. 56 ft. drilled
wen. 95SOO. Close to. Ph. 9-6117.
NEW, modern t-bedrm. rsnch-style
home. 3 acres. Ideal for chickens or
strawberries. Beautiful view. Best lo
cation. Phone 2701 Dallas.
Large 3 bdrm. house.
Basement, auto, oil fur
nace. Mot water heater,
close to school, bus stop
across street. $8000. See
owner Sunda" after 5 p.
m. 1315 Plaza St.
NEW 2 B.R. home with unfin. up
stairs. Now ready for occupancy. Hwd.
firs, fireplace, DR. All this in F.n
gtewood Sch. Dirt. Contact Norma
Coddard. Ph. 2-8849.
Geiger Real Estate
3205 Portland Rd. Phone 2-1073
Wanted: A Party With
Trailer Home
to trade on this new 3 B.R. home.
Contact Norma Goddard. Ph. 2-8648.
Geiger Real Estate
320S Portland Rd. Phone 1-1071
Lovely Ranch Type Home
Beautiful new S B.R. home. Dbt.
Sumbing, dbL garage, spacious grounds
now desirable dist. Will be svall
sble for occupancy soon. Has auto,
washer Si dryer already installed. Call
Norma Goddard. Ph. 8-9046 Sunday if
desired. Contact Norma Goddard. Ph.
Geiger Real Estate
3J09 Portland Rd. Phone $-1973
-NTATattractive 1 BJL Home in
Leslie Sch. Diet. Basement with party
rm. Ante, oil furnace, some fruit it
nut trees. Lovely closed tn beck yard
with fireplace. Owner will sell or eon-
tract. Immediate possession. Tor ap-
ntment, CaU norma uoooara. rn.
Geieer Real Estate
$309 Portland Rd. rneno S-lt7l
-For Sale Real Estate
S BR modern home. Including furni
ture and oil cire. Priced to aelL -
NORTH eth St. 3 BR home on one
floor. Oil cire. Make offer.
Large lot. Beautiful trees. Suitable
for court. 9500.
Owners baa 4 room apt. Pius $50 for
snodern upstairs apt.
Very modern 3 BR home. Oak floors.
Auto beat. Att. garaee. Owner going
away to ochepL Furniture can be
Joe Hutchison Realtor
459 Court St, Salem. Oregon
Phone 9-36-9. Eve. 2-4799 or
Clsrk CraH 9-5053
K .iurJIMM a aM the finvst
const, most reaa. ranch type 2-BH
rrtA Dullt nome on uie mi, v o
south to 99 Cafe, turn rt. up Ewald
Ave, then 1st street to left for a
Mock. , .
99jOO New 2 bdrm. home, living rm,
din. rm. Oil floor furnace, double fa-
. K1V- vhAnl atwt hi I. I lt
9UX709. Call Steve Sadowsky.
Huff Real Estate Co.
341 Chemeketa SL Ph. 39271. Eves. 23779
Low Down Pavment
2 Acrts, family fruit. 3 bedroom
home with basement, small barn, can
be handled by State Veteran for 3530
down. Owner miht consider trace on
"ood used car. We have flnanr-ng on
this property for $6200 at 910 per
month. Full price 99C0O. Exclusive with
Clean neat large 2 bedroom home,
year old. one acre cf gooa black sell,
paved road, near school location east,
.mall down payment to reliable par
ty, immediate possession. Exclusive
with 1'ourne.
2lA Acres Plus
About 9 miles from the Lsdd and
Bush Bank, southwest. Skyline Road,
has frontage on two roads, full price
31900. Several good building spots, can
be subdivided, sny kind of reasonable
terms to reliable buyer. Exclusive with
Joe L. Bourne, Realtor
1M0 N. Capitol Phone 3-9218
- ouf Han! s-m hnrnn tn
dilated, elect. heaL e'C. At 1285 Park
Ave. ill's blks. N. oi u at. on r-BrR.
Full price 90650; 92050 down. $7900
baL FJI-A. terms. Call 3-5853 for ap
pointment to show. .
01 IIUlUJMt. new r Hi piivww,
homes, elec. heat. 9 BR. 92000 dn. 3
BR, $1650 dn. Ph. 2-5422.
1 1'- Amm North. Good bldS. Site.
Best of sotL Easy terms.
C. W. Reeve, Realtor
45 S. Commercial St.
Phone 3-4590; Eve. 3-9539
g, sisjsi as mvt a v-- w ,
Y6U MAY have immediate posaeaou
of this 3 bedroom home, all on one
Tl K-h Mmhlnltlnrl livins
juwi. - -
and dining room, kitchen, basement.
automatic furnace, garage- wa
wall carpets, drapes, curtains, and
range included in the price of S8750.
room house. Bath, living room, din
ing room, kitencn. noon, xircpiace,
shower in basement, oil heat. This is a
very good -buy at 913.900. Imm. Pose.
Close to Englewood school, good 3
bedroom house with bath, bring room,
dining room, kitchen, fireplace, utility
room. Priced at 96500. 1mm. Poas.
im.. k. lias n 9Mh. Owner lea vine"
town, mut seU almost new 3 bedroom
house. It has beautixui narawooa
floors, fireplace, most convenient kit
chen, rooms are all Urge, also unfin
ished upstairs. Make an offer on this
911.200 home now.
P. H. Bell, Realtor
Ph. 3-1S49. 9-4999 361 Chemeketa SL
Eves. 3-7565, 3-666Q, 9-9569
. -J . v rsyj xtmn BCMT1 At SIMM dn.
a v50 per month you can own a well
const, mod. home m Salem's better
dist. near schools. Features LR, 3 BR.
(Room ior more, up .t vn u'"",
bath, full basmtl forced air furnace.
A - . W k W Jk A MnlM MM VAHll
never find. You can't lose st $8400.
HIGHLAND DIST. Mod. roomy 9 BR
home on paved st. Lge. garden space.
Only 96800. Terms.
1 Attractive Colonial Best of const.
X. Le. L. D. rms. tiled kit., nook
9, Sun room, music rm. fireplace
4. All hdwd. carpeted stra, dble. plb.
9. Full basement, not water heaL
9. 3-car garage, huge outside fireplace
1. Spacious lawn-sprinkling syst.
a imnA rhnlM treea. ahrubs
. 9. View desirable dun.
10. Priced right terms, sumwo.
Larsen Home & Loan Co.
Exclusive Listiags Person si Service
194 S. Cowl. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440
1119 S. 15th
$1750 FULL PRICE .
3 rm. house inside city with a 90 x
90 lot. several fruit trees, berries, bet
ter hurry on this one.
3 B. R $6850
A very cute 3 B.R. suburban home.
i acre. atL garage, nicely arranged,
G.E. range and Bendlx washer go.
Here's a good one. especially for an
Oregon G.L
$1500 DOWN
A good 3 B.R. home, suburban. 919
acre, att. garace. 9 blks. from school,
part hdwd firs., plastered. Total price
only 96650.
Al Isaak&Co Realtors
3039 Portland Road
Ph. 9-7WS0. 3-4599: Eye. 2-Q473. 3-3559
BUllNfiSS it HOMlT
Walking dtsUnce to downtown. Fine
Iocs ion. One of the better construct
ed 3 B.R. homes. Lge with fireplace.
Hdw. firs. V. shades, kitchen St nook,
full basement, oil furnace, garage.
Price 912400. WiU consider offer.
General Real Estate Co.
253 Center St.
Phone $-3299
1040 N. 22nd St.
3 bed rms., new and different floor
PcixsE to Englewood schTS5l
New ranch style home. You will
love It. 9 rms, fireplace, picture win
dows. 2 csr garage. Price $11,500.
General Real Estate Co.
255 Center St. Phone 3-3299
t bedroom plastered home, large
living room, very nice kitchen, ba'h,
Hwd. floors. Garage, well. Close to
Pen 4 Corners shopping district.
$1000 DOWN
Vacant, new t Br, plastered home.
South part of town. Full bal. of $51$0
on F.H.A. terms, you csn't beat this
bargain. Open Sunday.
4t S. 12th Phone 3-4851
New. clean 9 B.R. .house sU on
1 r---- Imm tat. la
Krwwm. , w. . r . - -
trees. Leas than 99.000. Gas range and
neater mciuoeo, rl t
and achooU. Co cit Com! to Liberty
Rd. to Murray's Grocery. k -,
right. 199 W. Salont Heights Ave. Call
Mllburn aWverln.
$10$ N. 4th - 2 till 4 p m.
Ooed clean 2 bedroom heme. L.R-.
DJt, Kit, nook, full basement, fur
nace, garage, dee. water, cor. lot. bus
bTdoor. Price only $7499. Oscar Sed-
3 B Rm. nemo, comb. LJL. DJL, kit
basmt. Elec. heaL Garage. Nice vard
and trees. Pretty view over Salem.
About 3 yrs. ekL Pric- only 919.799.
terms. If Interested call Oscar Seder'
Wrm RrfltV Co.
31$ N. High St. -Dial -901$. Fro. S-19M
For Sale ileal Estatfl
Near New
State Office Bldd J
Very nest. Like walking Into 0 hew
3-bdrm. home. Living rm, fireplace,
dining rm, hdwd. firs, thruouf. V.
blinds. fuU besemenL New G. E. re-
frig. Nut trees. Immediate possession. :
Price 910JU0.. Phone 3-3289. I ; .
General Real Estate Co.
339 Center St.
Open House Sunday
1 TO 9 P.M. T !S i
PHONE 9-4294 r
New 3 bdrm. 945 RatclUf Dr. Hdwd.
Ors, fireplace, wardrobes. Ige. kitchen.
basL'nuot with ftrenlace. Oil tlr-cond.
fuin. Lovely wooded !oL deUched gar.
New 4'Bdrm. ! j!
595 Ratcl.ff Drive f
Cape Cod style, basement with flre-plac-
In 1525 p,rty room. dble. gar-oa-ir
rond. fun. 2 Mrmi, down..
JTk- UO w,'lh bth-rml-din, rm.
comb. 1 ireplare. .,
UIU117 rm, va
ra -e. hathrm. r .
titLF- ' Sch. on pave-
-"" eww. s-e itim. ,.
P. H. Bell. Realtn; ?
Ph. 1-1S3. 3-4896 361 Chemeketa St.
'- . j-id'3 x-o zm, z-8569
. - IT IJW
' sarase. run bath. Oil burner.
Sch. Full price $3250. 1 I
94000 S n B an-i.,.. f. . '
. . . iiuanra out. un
fin. in. i a . . " '
Kelier DisL wamuts.
SiCi r' 1 .A ,roun1- E,"- heat. Nicely
Undscaped. Furnished completely. ;
Keizer Real Estate & The.
Onas S. Olson c. R. RiA.rrf
5 Chemsws Rd.
! ml. West of Keizer School 1
-n. -lTOor Z-Z373 : K
$79007133 N. 23rd.' ' wnpieteo.
rjn-$6250Older iyp, houS.
Modern. -m-n .-..- r V.
furn. Store, bus, school. 485 S. nd.
. "Pm - Kit Bath.lon '
Acre, Fast, has fruit it nuts, deep welt
Call Teller. Eves. 2-7374. ' i s
plastered, V. Blinds, sit. garage, v lge
f as oernes, sj.ouo dn, bal at
S1. Price $7,500, CaU
John H. Hansen. Rralf OP
Ph. 3-7919. 2-4522. IBM Fairgrounds Rd.
. REALTORS j t ,
floor. Garage. Close to bus and
school. Price 54750. T i
A good buy for only 96180.. "
. . "WM HOUSE. Elec.! heat,
f rP'5. b.w. floors. Largs unfin. at.
tig. Att. aVmrmaVa tJt s
$10,560. " " ' rrico
944 SUte St. Ph. ifjta
cvenins Call; 3-4007 9-4319 or 2-8 10
LR-. Beautiful lot. paved 3t. Car.
Owner asys seU at $9790. f f
C. W. Reeve, Realtor
JM9 S. Commercial St. ! I;
Ph. 3-4590; Eve. 3-9636 or '9-3089
Mm I Ba ib ft.,. '
brkfst nook, att, garage, plastered. Wir.
2 r".?,f aved st. A sidewalk. CaU
Kmn. Hill
,, DR. klu 9 bed rooma, bath, uti
lity rm. hdw. firs, plastered, lot ex.
tre large. FuU price $9790. Call Kenny
Hill, t "t
Huff Real Estate Co.
- REALTORS ''! '.
$.41 Chemeketa St. Ph. 9V271 eve. $1779
??,9$Ji?' uTehoIceTeadi
entlal dlat, 1 BJL mod. home, wired for
elec. stove, cement basement, garage,
nice trees. Ph. 3-9339. 1
Terms. Ph. 9-7019. I ,
1 A. Small 1 fll'Ua L i..,.-
furniahed. Refrig, elec. hot water heat
er. $9600. Rt. 9. Box 43. 3rd house N.
Sweale school on left. ' t
n$to00.;ciesn modern S-BX horns U
West Salem. Flreolaee. Ilaaami nt u.
dust heat. $109 Sown. CaU Stanley
Brown with I
State Finance Coi
IM S. H!
Irh Bt Ph. 9-4lfl. tM 't-ssei
T rm. house. 9 stanchion barn, hay
space. Good 20x89 hen house. New
20x39 dbL garage and utility 1 bldg.
Home orchard, berries. Outs. About ft
in cult, balance pasture, year around
stream. East of Aurora, second . house
on west going south eat Mertdla road.
Bm. at sen w. stn ni. Brand new g
JL home, ready to move into, j Come
and see it before you buy. Terms. For
SPP T. CSll S-OB33 or -S301.
Railroad Men, Attention
Here ia o good T rm. hae. and a neat
4 rm. hae, g lota.
railroad. Onls-
$9000 terms. . . f
B. IsherwoofJ, Realtor
9007 N. Capitol SL
'of i
1. 2-JBfli. Eves srii 1
$9500-4619 down. Brand new 9 bdrm.
plus stairway to attic, fviee liv. rm,
dining space, kitchen, hwd. Irs fire '
place, lge. loL Call Omar Huff. T s
.Huff Real Estate Co.
$41 Chemekets St. Ph. 99271. Fves,tWl
-9Tor$0 -badrm7uaeullbe-e2
ment. 9 blocks from Enstewood SehooW
Call Ivan Sivers. pb, 1949, Eve. ph.
Walters Real Estate
900 S. Commercial ! '
91009 dn. In West Salem. IPsveO:
Street, Owners lesvtng. Lev home has
9 BRS. up St plumbing. 1 BR. dn. Is
bath. Lgs. fplaco, oak firs, bsmt.
B. Isherwood, Realtor
3007 N. Capitol St. I
Office PH. 9-3862; Eves. 6T11 or ! 9-983f
-NEW I RUT bouseTlargettleTXge.
lot. Reasonable. QUO Locust st. j ;.
Walking Distance1 I
Combine your home and business tn
this very modern older style I home
with large rooma. 3 BR, double plumb
ing. Full base, new oil furnace. Suit
able for doctor, beauty operator, Insur.
once, etc. $12,500. Call Bill Stewart,
Owner Leaving j S
New 9-BR home Sooth. Large lot.
ifnuhl uru. hdwd. floors, oil fur
nace. l'i blocks to bus as school. Priced
at $9509. call Maaay. 1
Really Different
$2009 buys this beautiful 4-BN home
located near all schools , bw, on
Shipping St. Bulk in 1930. lhlo
plumbing. 3-car garage. Full beeftmt.
Lovely shrubs. CaU Ralph liadd Ut
appointment. . I
K We Need Your Listings f
1349 SUte ; . ..J"H K7,ra
;ves. sn -w-v - , um . : .
iysbeauUuI rmTTuf'oe.
LR, DR, 1U S BR. both. utilltrV hall
way, L traya, nwo. iioors, piasterea.
Full baaement, garage, garden.' fruit,
berries, nuia. Bua by door. CaU Mr.
Huff Real Estate Co.
$41 Chemekets St. Ph.JvrTl. fvee.J" $
w-3B:Rr"Bouthr iziirTLvr n4
D.N with hdwd floors, has circulating
fireplace, wall to wall carpet Oil beat,
large IcL McKinley school dlsl.j ,
Goodwin & r.lcrtlilhn,
494 Court St,
S-47CT. Xvo.:S-7S