The Skit man. Salem, Oregon. Sunday, March 13. 19439 COMPLETE FUR SERVICE GOMES TO MILLER'S! CLEANING STORAGE 1 r REPAIRING RESTYLING MATCHING RE-DYEING Miller's announce the Northwest's rM ccpoie'e fur service under one roof! The demand for high fashions in little furs coupled with the desire of every worn rm who wishes to have her precious furs re-fashioned and r "?!9d, prompted Mil ler's in deciding on this complete fur sei vicing department si 5000 GARMENT CAPACITY FRIGID COLD FUR ' Joyce Brown pictured presenting her father, Clare " L. Brown, with an invitation to the annual Camp lire Girls fcrther-daughter banquet cn March 17 at the chamber of commerce in celebration of Birthday Week. Mr. Brown is finance chairman of the Salem district council. Camp Fire Girls. (Statesman photo by Don DillX Camp Fire Birthday Week The opening of Camp Tire Girls annual Birthday Week lyiarch 13 to 19 will be marked! -by-all Camp Fire Girls attending churches and synagogues of their choice. Mrs. George Bagnall is executive direc tor of the Willamette Area council end Mrs. Irl McSherry is chairman ef the Salem coueciL Other special programs win be held by Camp Fire Girls during the week. Monday stresses "De mocracy at School,"; and each girl will make one new friend outside of Camp Fire. Pen Pals all over the, world ' will be written to on Tuesday, "Democracy Letter Day." .Wednesday Is "Sharinc Democ racy! and townspeople will be aware of this day through window exhibits, bulletin board displays in , schools, churches, civic buildings, end special programs. The annual Dad-Daughter ban quet to be held Thursday, at 6:13 In that, Ahamhee nf Mmmssvsk ant sa as aasa wa vviihiv a program has been planned includ ing the presentation of eampships to the Camo Fire Girls and Blue Birds in Marion and Folk county areas. . i Friday is the night for family fun and Sharing Democracy with Mother Families will have the benefit of daughters homemaking and citizenship training when they eat dinner, planned and prepared by their Camp Fire or Blue Bird girls. .31" In the Camp Fire program one important objective is to help girls accept people whose cultural end religious backgrounds are omer ent from their own, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lloyd en tertained the Krazy Eight club at their home for pinochle and a late supper. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Al Hakanson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bolter, Jack Bolter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Linquist and fc Miss Carolyn Johnson. Members attending were Mr. and Mrs. George Alderin, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Knight, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Carper. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Walker, Donald Walker and the hosts. : Mrs. Walter Spanlding Is spend ing the weekend in Portland with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Bennison. 'v,. ' .V"V I ! 'outnmore; L0 ORIOINAl '&yr&'M It Look?! That look of Bond Street tailoring! Youthmore does it so magnificently with this inspiring plaid in fine, imported worsted 1 Classic, 3-button, English sack coat styling! It all adds up to elegance and distinction in this smart classic that dares to be different with deep pane) pockets that make you look taller, slimmer, smarter! f ' f i .,--T . ,:T;..v " ."7 I STORAGE VAULT ON THE PREMISES A fully modern fur storage vault to protect your finest furs, fur trimmed eloth' garments and such wools as blankets, piece goods etc See Miller's for full pro-' lection including fire, theft and moth losses. iscarding Old, Fragile or Weak Parts of an Old Fur Coat Here, your eld fur garment is dissected for its best fur. All worn, or poor fur is carefully cut away and nothing but the best used in remodeling. One ove rage discarded fur coat will make a beautiful "little fur" garment, stole, eape or jacket V Erie Kirkevold Manager-Buyer Having had years ef experience In the fur Industry In the Northwest, j Mr. Klrkeveld comes well recommended to Miller's as m capable furrier and one who knows the fur markets well. His many fur outlets in Oregon and Washington lends ample buying power and prestige in the world of fur fashions. CD 7 . 1 y .r i 5 M fir , ' ' ' i M i -- ' ' ' ' - Designing, Culling to Pattern After selecting the best fur, a pattern Is designed and cut hist for yea You may see your old fur blossom into a modem new style that would be quite eostly on today's market if it were to be purchased "ready-made." .-S few "Milce" Wasserman ... Designer-Fur Fashion Expert As one of ths country's wsll known fur fash ions designer, Mr. Wssserman, whose experi ence in cutting, designing end fashioning furs for the trade, was spent mostly in New York City. His specialty, that of re-fashioning, re modeling, matching etc will be s decided asset to Miller's complete fur service. His ability in restyling an eld fur coat . . . plus his uncan ny knowledge of furs, assures only the finest even in furs several seasons old. The fashion trend for "little furs" Is expected to bring out many "past season' fur coats for restyling. ,V7 mt ,1 4L YOU MAY HAVE A GOLD MINE IN YOUR CLOSET Actual Sketches of Our Re-styling 7 sssl ears m m A FBOM. YOUR. OLb FUR COAT TO A. ; ; . fREClbuS'itTLE FUR" FASHION : . " and so ' expertly ' done youll think It a masterpiece of modern fa shion! This department , will show you how your old fur may be com pletely re-habilitated. Whether its a full length, full back, belted model or a Jacket or cape V every detail Is handled at Miller's. Take advan tage of this new service now . . . before the storage season arrives. Free Estimates Gladly Given on all Remodeling, Restyling and Storage, FINISHING, INSPECTING, FJNRL PROCESS Elizabeth Maxwell, bom of Eskimo parents in the far north, comes to Miller's well qualified in the art of finishing fur garments. Experts claim it is a secret handed djwn from mother to daughter . . we at Miller's, however, do be lieve in hef expert ability in handling iurs and we cordially invite you to see her finished iurs in ' the fur department on the second floor. L i .