1 V ltfflftMlltlttttlllimifllltMtltlllllltiMIMItllttlltltlMlttllIIM ( ttMMIM ! ! ft iri 8 Tha Statesmen, Salem, Oregon, Sunday,- March 13, 1943 Seen and HearH . . By JERYME ENGLISH FfJtST SHOWING ... la Salem ef Lith Kaye's modem paintings l tne aozsrrom uauenes on mail . right 4 . Thomas Colt, Jr., direc tor of the Portland Art Museum down for the occasion compliment Ing Mrs. Kaye's paintings as well as the handsome frames made by her husband . . . also Mrs. Norman Huffman, consultant of the galler ies, whom be knew in tne soutn . . Mrs. Kaye mingling with the guests and distinctive in her avo cado green taxxeta two piece run skirted dress and matching change able taffeta hat with large bow in back ... Mrs. Huffman's taupe gown fashioned with tucked skirt, tor t becoming. . . From Oat-af-Town ... Came Mrs. Charles Hyde of Tacoma, who will show her paintings at the gal leries here later in the spring . . . f rdm Portland Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bunco greeting Salem friends . , Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hayilip . , she a symphony in grey and her velvet hat enhanced with kelly fereen ribbon . . . the Joseph Mc - Laughlins ... the latter wearing .it becoming abort hair-do and most attractive was her foam green coat ... Mr. Kaye sister, Mrs. Thomas Counlhan. also of Portland . . Miss Hazel Robb . . . and Yeffe Kimball of New York, who is in Portland now Installing the north west Indian collection at the Port land Art Museum . . . the above f ueits all entertained at dinner at he Donald Young home preceding ine snowing ana reception . . Mrs. 'Huffman a co-hostess . . Mrs. Young chic in a black and white checked suit, the black Jacket edged with a wide cuff of the check material and for color a red straw hat with upturn brim , The Keception Table . . . wide Violet ribbon extending down the center and edged in lace ... at one end a large bow of the ribbon and gold and green fan with an ar rangement of flowers in the violet shades ... the pourers wearing . corsage of violets . . . Mrs. Keith Powell, Miss Edith Schryver the first hour . . , and later Mrs. Charles Wood ... and Miss Mabel Robertson. ...... Also Spotted . . . Mrs. Fred Mox ley and her daughter, Edith (Mrs. John Arthur Miller) out for a visit from Columbus, Ohio . . both :hic in grey suits . . . Mrs. Mox ey's hat -highlighted with grey taffeta bow . ... grey certainly the' popular color this spring . . . Mrs. I Gene Vandeneynde'S good-looking suit in two shades of grey Norborno Berkeley, former Salem high, school teacher,! up from Eu gene . . . Max Buhmann, registrar at the Portland Art Museum, also here for the showing . . . Mrs. Karl Becke and Mrs. H. G. Maison, new managers of the galleries, pinning violets to their outfits . . , Mrs. Becke in red and Mrs. Maison in delft blue... I HONOft GUESTS . . were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thomas and son, Lowell, lr, atf the reception fol lowing their lecture Tuesday night at the Fairmount Hill home of Mayor and Mrs. Robert L Elf- strom . . . nearly a hundred guests calling to greet the Thomases Miss Eleanor Stephens introducing to tne line . . .'first tne hosts . . then Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,' sr. . she a most attractive woman wear ing a handsome black dress, a mink coat when leaving . i . Lowell, Jr blonde and good-looking . . . en joying the trip immensely and the contacts with students at both high scnool and Willamette The Pencil Table! ... a mint green cloth and at one end an ar rangement of narcissus and carna tions with yellow tapers down the center . . . at the other end the punch bowL where Mrs. Custer Ross presided . . her usual smart self in a distinctive black gown with pearl combs m her hair Judge and Mrs. George Rossman also in line and he receiving con gratulations on us birthday Admiral and Mrs. Thomas Gatch down from Portland . . although Lowell Thomas, tr had written about Admiral Gatch in his book. tnis wss their first; meeting Mrs. catch wearing an acorn brown hat and matching feather with her delft blue suit . . . Bou quets to Mrs. Floyd Utter, chair man of the lecture for the Salem branch, AAUW . a comnlete sellout at the auditorium, and over seven hundred dollars to sweU the AAUW fellowship fund . . . POST RECEPTION NOTES . . . Still much talk going around about the successful. City-wide reception held on Monday for Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay . . . the crowd very well handled J. . the lobby of the Marion hotel jammed packed au evening . . . but once inside the Mirror and Marine Rooms, all was fine ... as those assisting and committee members saw to it that no one lingered too Sons to talk to his friend . . . Six punch' bowls In use all evening . . i the receiving line given two five-minute rest periods when soloists appeared on the program . . . and again we say orchids to the committee foe such a grand party and one certainly ions to be remembered by those attending. ; Spring C tames . . . very much in evidence that night i . . spotted passing guest book pages to be signed . . . Vivacious Lorraine Tay lor .. . her open crown bat of pink with flowers adorning one side . Mrs. Maurice Fitssimons in sophis ticated black ... a becoming blue print -with navy straw for Mrs. Robert Fenix . . . and good-looking Bars. W. Jerry Scott's buck cnap- eau enhanced with; green ribbon trim and a perky white feather . Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, among the Spinsters serving punch, wear ing black and her fetching hat of white straw, the crown wreathed in uiies-of-the-valley with black velvet ribbon streamers caught with a cluster of the lilies . . . Mere ef Same . . . Mrs. William J. Busick in brown and match ing straw hat . . . her daughter. Jeanne, home from a trip south. where she acquired a grand tan . . a becoming rose satin hat for Mrs. Claude Johns V . . and a pink flowered hat for Mrs. Gus Moore . . Mrs. Chester A Downs smart ly dressed in a mocha brown and white striped suit and her straw hat of a deeper shade and adorned with a plaid taffeta bow . . and Mrs. EUis Cooley chic in a grey suit, the jacket striped in slate blue, black hat and Kolinsky furs. Lions Auxiliary At Givensl Home uons auxiliary will meet on Thursday for a . 1:11 dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Evert Givens, 1899 South Cot tage street. The committee in cludes Mrs. Stanley Smith. Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs. Victor Palma son, Mrs. Ralph Eyre, Mrs. Jerry Scott and Mrs. Virgil Golden. Mrs. John Ramage is in charge of the program. The auxiliary ooara met on Monday at lunch and made plans for a food bootn at tne aog snow on April z and a. airs. Denver Youna and Mrs. Givens will be chairmen. Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer, lo cal president, and Mrs. Stanley Smith will go Wednesday night to Mc Minn villa to help organize new auxiliary. Delta Gamma me there will meet at the chapter house Monday after noon at 2 o'clock at the Court street chapter house. Hostesses at the tea hour will be Mrs. waiter Gardner and Mrs. Cass Nichols. 1ISCHLESIMGER & CollBHIg 4 Exclusively Ours I . 1 gjj 100 All wool hand-finished ffl!!TElliESSEi'l jU perfect fori early spring! HI ' BY 13MBERLY S - - Choose from charming color oft . , O Mexican Red! f Q Persimmon! Vr 7 , 1 O Kelly Green! J O Cream! l l T ' y Y O ;Aqual ' " f P Beige! f ; fr 3 . ' - j .' . ' ' , And TWp-Tone M u p-"- 5 L ! - . Sizee 10 to 18 t. 5 Dr. Hellen To Speak ' Dr. Margit Hellen, a Finnish dentist, who is aow in Portland and hopes to remain in the states, will be the guest speaker at the luncheon meeting, of the Salem branch, American Association of University Women on Saturday afternoon, March 19 in the Mirror room at the Marion hotel. She will tell of the activities of university women in Finland and will also in clude in her talk inforr.iation with respect to international education of university women. Theme of the rveting is fellow ship and Mrs. Jonn O. Burcham, state president and a member of the Salem branch, will discuss the fellowship program of AAUW. Mrs. E. T. Brown is chairman of the luncheon and hostesses will be Mesdames Frederick L. Loup old, John Jelderks, Donald Emer son and Francis E. Gaskins. Mem bers are asked to make reserva tions on Thursday or Friday morn ing with Mrs. Lestle J. Sparks or Mrs. B. B. Boylan. Salem Memorial heeplta! auxil iary will meet Monday afternoon at the hospital at 1:30 o'clock. Plans will be completed for the benefit tea to be given by the auxiliary in ApriL For the pro gram Mrs. Clarke Lethal will sing. WSCS Meeting, Program The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Society of Chris tian service of the First Metho dist church will be held on Wed nesday. At 10:45 ajn. the busi ness session will begin and lunch will be served at noon under the direction of Mrs. Herbert Ostlind and circle 1. The program will begin at 1:30. Miss Amy Martin will lead devotions, Mrs. W. E. Kirk will lead the study lesson on Tight in Puerto Rico," Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy will give some highlights of the western Juris diction meeting of the WSCS, Miss Doris McCain win play the violin and Ray Fedje will speak. Competitive Festival Set The junior competitive festival for young, people up to 18 of the Oregon Federation of Music clubs sponsored by the National Fed eration will be held on Friday and Saturday, May 20 and 21, at the Portland Women's club building, according to Mrs. Mary L. Craig, chairman. Entra blanks and in formation may be secured by writing Mrs. Craig, 7223 S. E. Tolman street Tton't Look JSofv but have you noticed how many fath ers, come the first nice windy March days, take special interest in their son's kite flying activities? It's very much like Christmas and electric trains the poor little boys just can't seem to handle their playthings all by them selves, so Daddy sacrifices his furnace clecmin3)utmd-plumbinj-repair hours to junior. j Something In common The other day when we saw a great big, aluminum covered van, decorated in large letters saying "Mar garet Webster Shakespearean Company. Hamlet and Macbeth" buzzing up Court Street we got a jolt Somehow we couldn't quite reconcile ourselves to seeing Hamlet and Macbeth riding around in a lorry through the streets of Salem with Margaret Webster, and weH bet Bin whould have thought the same -about it r Graduation . . It used to .be that you could get up a grand crowd to watch a dinky one horse scraper excavate a basement and then it took a ten-ton bulldozer to whip up an audience. But 111 bet If someonewould go back to the horse and scraper for ex cavating the basement of a three-story sky skyscraper half the town would turn out to see. A lot of folk had fun watching the crated freezing unit go Into the currently refurbished meat market on Commercial street Friday. March 15 th . . . What was It we were supposed to do before March ;15? Ho hum, couldn't have been too important or we wouldn't have forgotten ! j Marine Buren Joint District Meeting A joint district meeting of Chad wick and Salem chapters. Order of Eastern Star will be held Tuesday night at the Masonic Temple at S o'clock. The worthy grand matron, Mrs. William Thum of Cottage Grove, will be here to inspect the work of the two chapters. Also a guest will be Rex Hartley, Jeffer son, worthy grand patron. . Mrs. Lerea Lewis, chairman ef the 'fine arts department, is in charge of the Salem Junior Wom an's club meeting Monday night at the clubhouse at o'clock. A board meeting will precede at 7:15 p. m. with Mrs. Cedric Reaney presiding. Member, are asked to bring their handicrafts and In struction will be given In leather tooling, painting, crocheting, knit ting and embroidery. I - IifiT-BlIL State t 155 N.Liberty Phont 3-3191 f : r ; ITi Xfr coloasi m yl 7r ORBV m m - i wtfmh lb ' I wavy Jp-mT ; v I 1 1 kcuy (m)0 -' I toast y-y Jfl&r'Y f l! 0 oLAcit ' ;,';' Y .. 1 '. ' '' ' '' I " 71117 CC:.AQnx70 fC5 COATS . CUE QGGULAQ PUllU 13 S9.90 aseassssMB . - - i - 5 " . ' '!" '.'' . L cc:c:so C7 crnvjnCT czunza styigs o Every coct ef purs) worsted goborcHn. Most ef them thstn ocbcrdlrtt. Soma regulcr caber cflna e Every coct with flno rrcnd-flnUhed tJstails o Every coct with filch count rayon set in lining o Yoke, cored, end 3-way coots, many with doghttoth belts, button trim end detailed cuffs AT A Cr.lAGH-LOrj, V1ISS2S' GIZES 10-10 t