The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1949, Page 20, Image 20

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    ?3 Th CteHinm . ScUfix. Orocotv Ctmdrfy. March .13 H43 f
By Lfflie L. Madsen
A question which every home
".. gardener should - answer before
he sows a seed this spring: How
many seeds should he sow for
every plant he expects to grow?
It is not uncommon for a bun
dred seeds to be sown in space
sufficient for ten . plants. This
H means a crop -reduced by crowd-
pended on thinning out the ex
cess plants.
There is good reason for sow
Ing more seeds than will be al
lowed to grow, but when this Is
overdone there is a waste of seed
and work.
Seeds that germinate slowly
such as carrots, parsley and par
snips, should be sown more thick
ly than others because the seed
lings are feeble, and the force
1 kJw
in -h
m m s
Toaite Jc ' Monday
Opens C:3t P. M.
Starts 7:15 P. M.
Sonny Tofts
Barbara Britton
. -la Cineeolor
"Untamed Breed"
Bartoa Mac Lane
-In Clneeoler
Unknown Island
Cartoon, News
Mat Dally from 1 P. If.
The Red Pony
Co-IUt! Alaskan
Cent, from 1 p.m-
New! Ke-Issued
Robert Stack
- Bred Crawford
"Badlands of Dakota"
Laurel & Hardy
"Swiss Bliss"
New! Cent- Shews!
Tyrone Power "
"Blood and Sand"
Betty Grable
T Wake Up
of many acting together helps
break the soil crust and bring the
sprouts to the surface.
I H. Bailey, dean of horticul
tural teachers, expresses this
opinion: "Thinning! is a process
of selection, land the best are
allowed to remain. lit is evident
the chances of obtaining the best
are greater when jthe gardener
leaves one plant out of ten rather
than one plant out or tnree.
But real selection la impossible
If seeds are sown So thickly the
roots of the tiny plants become
entangiea, ana it is impossible
to remove single plants without
disturbing neighbors. The thick
est sowing, therefore, should al
low each seed sufficient .space to
develop as Individual.
The surest way j with small
seeds is to take a f few in hand
and let them fall through the
fingers Into l the j light furrow
which has been prepared. Get
close to the ground, and with a
little practice you ) can quickly
acquire control so that the seeds
will be evenly distributed, each
sufficiently distant from the next
to prevent entanglement
Keep the seeds in Una as well
as you can. It helps to let the
? fad Treat! Iff
fad Treat!
with the All-Tune
Pre-reetball Greats!
I Warner News
.. I. -"K
The Biggest
14 Stars! 32 Sengs!
Bay Milland
i In
"Sealed: Verdict"
sad Distribute Seeda Evenly ta the Sow.
Get Close te Che Ground
garden line which was used in
In makina the furrow remain in
place until the seeds have been
dropped. .
It also helps to mix the very
small seeds with . dry sand be
fore rou becin to sow. using two
or three times as mucn sana as
seed. This spreads the seeds out
Harden Calendar
March 14 Sweet Home Gar-
dan club, Lola Crenshaw, presi
dent, Timberland Manor.
March 14 Dayton Garden
club, Mrs. Lynn Williams, presl
March 17 Salem Rose so-
eletv. YMCA. D.m.
March 18 Btayton uaraen
March 24 Brooks Garden
club, Elva AspinwalL president
QaesUons and Answers
L. L. D. asks how to pronounce
gladiolus plural.
Ans.: IH take the liberty to
quote from Sunset's garden book:
"More and more gardeners have
decided upon 'gladiolus' for both
lingular and plural, with the ac
cent on, the 'o.' Differences of
opinion, however, are the spice
of gardening, so if you prefer
gladiolus, gladioli or even glad
ioluses for the plural, stick to
your guns. After all, the 1 end
ing is Latinly correct, although
the world often ignores this in
the process of anglicizing a word;
and as for the last named above,
well, there is such a word as
I. H. asks how early dahlias
may be planted.
Ans.: As soon as all danger of
frost is over. Dahlias freeze very
easily and we frequently do have
some rather late frosts. Some
growers say they gets best results
U the tubers are planted no
earlier than May 20. Other plant
late in April or early In May.
T. S. T. Was told that straw
berry weevil will injure rhodo
dendrons and azaleas. Is this so,
and if it is, what should one do
to control?
Ans.: A sprinkling of poison
apple pumace, readily procurable
at seed stores, placed around and
beneatn the bushes, controls the
adult beetles as they emerge from
the ground, while; an occasional
watering of rotenohe, at the rate
or. one teaspoon to a gallon, dis
courages the larvae. The bait may
kill birds In the garden, too, and
some gardeners put a fine wire
netting over the ground choose
one too fine for birds but not
fine enough to keep out the
beetles. Don't, as one gardener
did last year, cover the bait
closely with cheese cloth. In the
primrose bed, keep about one
teaspoonful around the crown, and
under the leaves of each plant
during the spring-summer season,
replacing it each time a rain
washes it away. This pest has
become a real menace to our
mid-Willamette gardens. Some
Portland gardeners report there
is little trouble with it there. We
can't say the same here.
Grand Island
Pupil Winner
In Art Work
Mandigo, age 12, 7th grade stu
dent from Grand Island school,
has been notified he is one of the
nine first-place winners from this
state in Milton Bradley company's
nation-wide "America the Beauti
ful" crayon art competition for
kindergarten and grade school
James is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
X. W. Mandigo of Dayton. He will
receive a mounted engraved
plaque. National winners, chosen
from state winners in each grade,
will be presented with $500 gov
ernment bond scholastic fund
awards. Over 60,000 drawings
were entered.
It is hard to say who is the
more excited about James' suc
cess, he or his teacher, Mrs. Beaty,
under whose guidance fledgling
artists from Grand Island school
prepared their entries.
Installation of
SAE Chapter
Next Week End
Formal Installation of Willam
ette university's chapter of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon fraternity Is slated
for next weekend with several na
tional officers to be here to of
ficiate. The group is now known as Phi
Alpha, but will become Oregon
Gamma chapter.
An informal province conven
tion will be held In conjunction
with the installation. Meetings will
be Friday ' afternoon and evening
and Saturday morning and after
noon. Entertainment is In charge of
the chapter, headed by Charles
Bowe of Coos Bay and the Salem
Alumni association, of which Rob
ert Brady is president. Program
will include a smoker at the chap
ter house Friday night, formal in
stallation Saturday afternoon fol
lowed by a banquet for new
members and alumni, forma!
dance Saturday night at chamber
of commerce rooms, and Sunday
afternoon an open house and tea
at the chapter house with Mrs
Elizabeth Higbee, housemother, as
Dr. Charles E. McAllister, dean
of the Cathedral of St. John the
Evangelist in Spokane will be the
principal speaker at the banquet
During the banquet there will be
a dinner for SAE wives and
mothers at the Phi Alpha house.
National officers to be here to
install the chapter are G. A
Ginter of Cincinnati, Ohio, nation
al president; Emmett B. Moore,
vice president: Lauren Foreman
executive secretary, and Al Scoth.
chapter supervisor, as well as
Glenn T. Nygreen, province presi
The average altitude of Spain is
2,000 feet, higher than that of any
European country except Switzer
Gccd Ilanes in Silver
That means something to a dis
erimlnating buyer! Community Plata
and 1847 Rogers ARE good names
in silver and behind them stand
a traditional assurance of quality.
That's why P. W. HALE is proud
to offer these two distinguished lines
of silverware. Drop in today and look
them over. You'll be pleased with
the wide choice of patterns.
rm:. i
Starts Today Cant. 1:49
SCuilnn EiHuliu Aa taM lm hkmt M
7rcs!u '
Tana, Stakes. Plckapa
Da Year Own Ilsallng,
Sava H
Packing Pads and Hand
Tracks Furnished.
Ccslrol Scrvica
Cor, Ferry and Liberty
Phone 2-9062
Salem Shrine
Al Kader Chanters
(and S3 Perfectly Trained Voic
Helen Louise Tios
(Lyric Soprano)
High School Andilorinm - Salem
Friday High!, Ilarch 10g 8:C3 PXL
TickcU on Sale Wills Music Store or from any Shriner
parodvanturs) of challenqa tha finest parformanca of its kind aver to
apj5cn in concert in Salem at any time; The foremost organization of its kind
in the Korthwest One hour and forty-five minutes of thrill packed entertain
ment. No other concert ever offered so much that is so good for so little. The
program, will be balanced for an audience that appreciates high class musical
entertainment educational, spiritual, religious and humorous, blended with
the finest harmony end rhythm and beautifully presented with dignity and
poise, f - .
Helen Louise Tims,
famed lyric soprano
of Portland, will be
the featured vocalist
with the Al Kader
Shrine Chanters Fri
day night, March 18.
1 ' -l
Q. A. Glater (abeve), natleaal
president of Slsma Alpha Epsl
lea fraternity, and Laaren Fere
maa, executive secretary, are te
be here next weekend te Install
the new Willamette nalveslty
chapter ef the organisation.
7 Extension
Courses to
Start in Salem
Seven new night classes for
adults will begin here Monday and
Wednesday sponsored by the ex
tension division of the state sys
tem of higher education. All will
be held at Salem high school.
The extension course program
Monday supervision of teach
ing, room 206, instructor, Dr. Rob
ert B. D. Baron of Oregon College
of Education; art structure III.
room 205, instructor, Margaret
McDevitt, Salem public schools
art supervisor, both carrying three
hours credit and lasting 10 weeks;
elementary algebra, room 208, in
structor, James Ferris Price, Ore
gon State college, carrying four
hours of credit Classes are from
7 to 10 pjn. I
Wednesday -speech for the
classroom teacher, room 214, In
structor, Dr. Kenneth Scott Wood,
University of Oregon; foundations
of physical science, room. 2 IS in
structor, Anton Postl, Oregon Col
lege of Education. Each carry
three hours credit and are from
7 to 10 p.m..
: Other courses include a two
hour course in lower division
painting, room 205 from 7 to 10
under Carl Hall of Willamette
University. A ! course In advanced
sight reading also will start Wed
nesday in room 105 from 7 to 0
.m. under Gretchen Kr earner, Sa
em public schools supervisor of
music. Members of this class may
elect to gain an additional hour
of credit by taking choral con
ducting following the regular
course. Additional Information on
Notice hereby la riven that the
common council of the city ef Salem,
Oregon, deems It necessary and ex
pedient and hereby declares !t pur
poae and Intention to Improve Garnet
street from the south line of Market
street to the north line of Nebraska
evenue in the city of Salem. Marion
county. Oregon, at the expense of the
abutting and adjacent property, except
the stree Intersect tons the expense of
which will be assumed by the city of
Salem, by bringing said portion of
said street to the established grade,
construct ing cement concrete curbs,
and paving said i portion of said street
with a 2'i-inch asphaltlc concrete
pavement twenty-three feet wide. In
accordance with the plans and speci
fications therefor which were adopted
by the common council February ZS
IMS. which are now on file In the of
fice of the ciiy recorder and which
by this reference thereto are made a
part hereof. ;
The common council hereby declares
Its purpose and intention to make the
above described; Improvement by and
through the street improvement -de
By Order of i the Common Council
February 28. IMS.
ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder
Date of first j publication hereof is
March t. 1M9. I
M J-3-4-5--l-S-10-ll-12-ll
Folk Dance Club Ileobcrship
Instruction one hour. Remain and dance the evening;
through. Open for inspection each Friday at 9:00 p.m.
A bargain C flf) i O
JaUU for 0
Ilodern Dance Ilighl
Ideal for the young; crowd. Starting: Thursday, March
17 at 8:00 p. m. Private instruction also available. Your
purchase guaranteed to last a lifetime, i
Located at
ON FIFTY 11 VI SO.UTUfttftirY&$ ft-tll
South of Stevens and Son Jewelers
X; 7 ,r:
chat you need. It can be done
at once and budget terms can
be arranged to suit your con
venience. . .you can pay by the
week or month.
Tooth are important to health
Why take a chance on ruining your health (as well
as your appearance) with diseased teeth? Have them
repaired, so that they are sound, or extracted and re
placed by a modern bridge or plate. The first thing,
to do is to find out what dental work you need. No
appointment is necessary, come to the office at a time
most convenient to you for an examination.
Made with the new materials sll
dentists recommend ... light in
weight, natural in sppearance.
They are resilient and strong,
allowing you greater possibility
of enjoyment of your favorite
Yes, it is possible to get new plates
in one day's time, if no extrac
tions are needed. Come in before
9:30 A.M. any
week day except
125 Liberty Street Cor Stato
Telephone: Salem 3-8825
Other Painless Parker Offices In Portland and Eugene
the classes maj .be obtained Jrov
DoratheS Froehlich. Salem high
school, phone 3-4143.
This opening also coincides with
the spring term opening of the
Salem public schools adult educa
tion program. Director George D.
Porter reported that a house
wives' sewing course, to Include
alteration and, tailoring will open
Its spring term : Mondavnlght at
7:15 o'clock. It will beheld each
Monday night by Mrs. Esther M.
Greer in room 101.
Now' Open
Kins Cole Drire-In
Sundays 1 ta 11:1$ p.m.
Week Dars S ta 12:3t pja.
Closed Thursdays
Seath Commercial at
Maria IS
7:30 p. m. Sharp '
Sale to' Be Field
In the ; Spacious
4 miles N. ef Salem i
raetfle HUhway
ft yard nerth ef
Cbemawa 4 Corners
Sale consists ef new and better
seal faraittire, appliances. Def
lnltely ' ne Jank. Abselatcly mm
reserve. Every Item mast be
seld ta make, ream, far Sat.
dance. I guarantee te sell every
Item. Nothing wUl be set back.
Including latest mode! Ad
miral deluxe eiectrle range, 2
electric washers, vacaam clean
er, pc. bleach dining suite.
ehreme dinette set, t davene
sets, 4 swing rockers, large let
early American . furniture Inc.
beds, chests, nite stands, vsnl
ty, stirrers, ete. (factery desc
ent), lancrsprlng matta. A bes
springs, 89 yds. Inlaid linoleum,
lino, rugs, India fibre rags.
I complete bed suites, andirons.
mirrors, oce. chairs, 1 antique I
cherry wood chairs, bath sets.
spreads, elee. clocks, toasters,
waffle Irons, metal stools, cedar
chest, corner cupboards, 3 Ax-
minster txlt rags, I lot wool
carpet f width, combination
cabinet radio and auto, phono.,
2 buffets, hassocks, floor at ta
ble lampa, door mats, foldlnjrl
steel chairs, electric table iron-1
er, apt. washer, other Iteim
too numerous to list.
y ' ' " t ' ,
f ' ' '
Glenn Woedry, AaetloBcer
Goods oa display all day