Salary Increases1 For Polk County Officers Sought A bill to boost salaries of Polk county officials around 20 per cent for the next two years was Introduced in the senate .Saturday by Sen. Dean Walker. Independ- Sice, and Rep." Lyle Thomas, alias. .. Under ' the . proposed , schedule the judge would receive $3,600 a year; treasurer, $2,400; clerk, $3,000; sheriff, $3,300; assessor and school superintendent, $2,700, and commissioners $8.50 a day. New Power for Bank Superintendent Sought The senate banking committee Saturday , introduced a bill to transfer savings and loan asso ciations from Jurisdiction of the tat corporation commissioner to the state superintendent of banks. Sen. Orval Thompson, Albany, said the proposal would improve supervision powers over the as sociations. tAmuld yU . "AMU MAQT 11 JIT BntTHDAT HONORED The house Saturday inanimous lr passed a resolution felicitating Rep. Dean B. Erwln of Enterprise on his 41st birthday. The Most' Comprehensive Collection in America ' GROWN BY Box 212, Brooks, Ore. Catalogue Free on Request irrn irs; Lon uiven i i Permission ToUseHouse The house Saturday nassed and sent to the governor : the senate approved measures allowing the American Legion to meet in the house chambers August 4, ft and 0 and increasing me pay 01 uenion county officers. It also passed and sent to the senate bills providing rirht of inncil from refusal of the liquor commission to renew licenses, and giving inneritaDie claims to Tillamook bay oyster beds. A new bill introduced in the house by the joint ways and means committee would provide a $1,500,000 revolving fund for the state bond commission to use in purchasing bonds of cities (over 1500) which need help in complying with sewage disposal orders of the state board of health. The house faces the longest calendar of the session Monday, including the entire highway pro gram (set for final action at 10:15 ml; loint resolutions reauirins initiative measures to specify the cost of whatever ; tney propose io ZnVtiSng' mfiletlonsTof it- erans' .home loans; ana duis cau insr for a 350 minimum monthly pension, allowing rural school districts to dissolve, changing the name of the Oregon State Train in arhnAl in the Woodbum. BOTS school, and specifying maximum worK-weJcs zor uremen ei hours. The $50 pension- bill is exneeted to be referred to the ways and means committee. Parking Authority Measure Passes The senate Saturday a do roved and sent to the house a bill to allow the secretary of state to regulate parking in streets within the capltol grounds. SDonsors of the bill said im proper parking of autos has hin dered unloading operations at state buildings. V amhEZlOOOlUlEOdl I ,'conf MM" tAVkl' wtwtrrfv Mia? tered wiuun so days. INTaODUCfD SB n (Banking) Places sarin! and loan associations and Nuildin and loans associations under Uve state bans;- In the Senate eboqcUd n "There ere e set terms when ye ebfala Dearal Cars ea Credit la my fflees. My Credit f alley Ic frleaetfy aae flexible ... the terms are always U2ASUt5 TO THI HEX OS ef the iadlvldeal ' Yaa caa arraeae for Satan Weekly or MoatUy Payaseats to fit year awa Moot . . . yea caa take ANY reasoaaale leaf ta of time. Crefl arraaejee wltfcoat delay or rod fays ao tilrd party or flaaace comaaoy lavolved." nnrrn yodh pith i nnnccrjnnvi M0-3-DAT e'Tffteuft cases dJdfl9Va arFe $4JHI f sfnafaaf. ttMM) Mviaf jaTtfaiiTirf x OUT Of towm. en. HACttY SnSLEet Oeotsf TJIIisst Is) eMHF yJm 4 eatasssea BgeafjeafaeaieaBaeaaa VassV Deetst testis, OffUes seily m IM t. M. ninr youii ipzhtzj i c-io-15 r.2orjEH3 to pmr Teedeef fceve te eey sash far aew teafal flefes. Use Or. SeaHefs Liberal. LeefTerai Credtt ftee start wsarlai yaar plates klHT NOW . '. . pay r ts LATII la sate yea saa eesMy afferd. I et J, j, v ' f pnY VEZItXY OR r.:orjniLY PASSED SB 3 (Mad.. Pharm. & Dantlstry) To require parsons adopting children to furnish -certain facts such as their age, race and color to the statistloa bu reau of the state board of health. SB S Judiciary ) Barring names of Oregon's elective officials from ap pearing on state envelopes and printed matter except where necessary. SB 371 (Assessment Sc taxation) Requiring assessors to show the amount of tax offset from state Income and excise taxes in county property tax statements. SB 3ZS (Judiciary) Permitting the secretary of state to regulate use of parkins spaces in (trees within tha state capltol grounds. SB 34 Waish St others) Boosts salaries of Coos county officials. SB 354 (Med., Pharm. St Dentistry) Sets up a board of dental nyfienist and permits dental hyglenlsts te clean teeth and administer flourine treat menu to children's teeth. SB 37 ( Assessment St Taxation) Permits counties to continue approved levies over the per cent limit even through the full amount of the levies are not Immediately applied. B 7 (Hounsell Boosts the salar ies of Hood River county officials. MB lie (Education) Includes union high school districts in first class eis trfct election laws. B Ml (Education) Makes elec tions to consolidate school districts ing department Instead of the corpor ations departmet and provides for ap pointment of savings and loan company supervisor. , SB 371 (Walker St Thomas) Boosts the pay of Polk county officers: Judge, $3,600; commissioners. M.SO a day: treasurer. $2,400, clerk. $3,000; sheriff. $3,300; sssesor. $2,700 and school su perintendent, $2,700. HB 2S2, 341, 34. 331. 45. iucresutED SB 3SS, 3SS HB 25. 25. 345, 395. 4, 437. 442. 44$. SPECIAL ORDER OP BUSINESS MONDAY AT 1:3 A.M. HJR IS (Social Welfare) Provid ing for creation of a legislative inter im committee to study possible sites for a boys camp ta place of Camp Timber. Reconsideration of the IS to 19 vote by which the senate defeated the measure Friday. RECONSIDERED AND RE-REFERRED SB 137 (Rev. of Laws) Barring per sons except those authorised by the board of control or the courts from examining . case records at state Juve nile Institutions. Passed by senate Fri day. DO PASS REPORTS ADOPTED SB 345. HB 224. 22. 414. CP FOR FINAL ACTION MONDAY SB 33. HB 75, 13S. 224. 229. 2SS. 311. 414. 42. THE SENATE RESUMES AT IS A.M. MONDAY. In the House nemo-Rile DThe Modern Glass Fireplace Closure. Cleanliness 0 No Soot! No Dirt! Safely jj No Fire Hazard. Confori No Draft Evenly Radiated Heat. IIEUIIYEn FADI1 SUPPLY m Ne. CemX Ph. S-XS2S .PASSED BB 22 (Hounsell) Allows appeals to courts when the liquor commission refuses to renew liquor licenses. HB 31 (Swett. Sen. Gardner) Des ignates state tide lands in Tillamook bay a oyster lands; provides for in heritable claims uo to SO acres BB 35 (Fishing Indus, com.) Pro vides that Umatilla. Warm Springs and Yakima Indians are entitled to com merdal fishing rights so long ss they remain under tribal relations. HB SSI (Fishing Indus, com.) With draws from appropriation certain wat ers In Clatsop. Multnomah and Co lumbia counties. BB 434 (Adams et si) Up pay of Curry county officers. SB 22 (County Aff. com.) A cura tive measure (for Springfield) to val idate park and recreation districts formed during the past two years when technical errors In. state laws were Involved. SB 24$ (Holmes) Plscing foxes. fitch, mink, chinchilla, rabbit and car acul under state laws governing do mestic fur-bearing animals. SB 293 (Walker. Rep. Ziegler) Ups psy of Benton county officers. SB 299 (County Aff. com.) Provides members of water districts with less than five directors may call a special election to bring the number to five by filing at least 23 signatures. ADOPTED SIR 1 (Carson, Lamport) Allowing American Legion to hold state conven tlon in house chambers August 4. 9. $ DO-PASS REPORTS ADOPTED HB 41$, 439, 44. SB 127. 19S. 21, 24. 244, 274. REFERRED TO COMMITTEES HB 44, 43. INTRODUCED SB 7$. 122. 12$, lit. 133, 17, 227, 21, Z75. 333. 351. HB 444 (Wars. Means com.) Per mlts state bond commission to buy sewer bonds from cities lover 1300 population) which have been ordered by state board of health to construct sewer plants. If cities unable to Issue bonds otherwise: creates $1,500,000 re volving fund; Interest 4, bonds buy. able at 96 rtar value. HB 447 (Ways. Means com.) Ap propriates $110.22 for several state de partments. BB 4S (Wavs. Means com.) Ap propriates $2J4.247 for operation of Kiamatn raua vocation scnooi toe ficieney ). UP FOR FINAL ACTION MONDAY HB IS. 221. la. 223. 429. 424. 451 (all seven calendared as special order of business at 10:19 a.m.) HB $7, 227, 233, 251, 252, $5. 3. 431. jz, jb, m, ess, ee. -HR , 1. , ..a .J m mm ape -' w mm HOUSE RESUMES' 9 AJsL MONDAY. Fs MtumMd irmsto Participate in Spring Opening (Story also on pace 1) Finns listed by Salem Retail Trade bureau which will parti cipate in Thursday night s Spring Opening are as follows: Alex Jones Clothier, Jayson's, Haniger Hat and Gown, Esther Foster, Arbuckle's, B. F. Good rich, Judson's, Western Auto Supply, Valley Motor, Dougls McKay Motor, Neilsen's shoes, Salem hardware, uevuru f urni ture. Midget market, Capitol Street erocery. Haskin Donut Kitchen. Capitol Lumber com pany, Les Newman's, Toy ana Hobby shop. Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, Jary Florist, Smart shop. Price's, Bishop's, Kav's. Fashionette. Miller's. Man's shop. Field's. Rohland's. Sally's. Schlesinger. J. C. Penney. United Shirt, S&N Clothiers, Raemar shoes. Karl's shoes, Mercon shoes, Marilyn shoes. Mod erne. Jackson Jewelers, Stevens and Son, Alex ander and Sons. Jewel box. k. L. Elfstrom, Qulsen berry's drugs, Capitol drugs, Fred Meyer, Met- roDoiltan. tdwara w imams cams, Burke's cameras, Y ester's appli ances, Ralph Johnson appliances. Hogg Brothers, Salem Home rur- niihing, llowad Maple sporting, goods. Heiders records. IL I Stiff, Allen hardware. Green- baum's, Hamilton furniture. Town and Country, Olson florist, Good Housekeeping, Breithauprs nor 1st Marcaret's. Lamberfs an tiaues. Leon's shoes. Moore's bi cycles. Capital hardware. Better Bedding Brown's jewelers. Mars, Cooke's stationery, Kailes apparel and Bramble hardware list tl ,cV.',r;-;fj' w;ifj- ir$ticil V: I ttuf- ttnfm7 BcdemT 'tSrtq on," IS unclay 7 "March 1 3 1 SI I7 Easter Seal Sale to Start The annual Easter seal sale of the Oregon Society for Crippled Children and Adults will begin Thursdav. accordlna? to T4 r u e e, Spauldlnx, Salem, Marion county cnatrman. ieiiers witn tne seau will be mailed to residents. Pro ceeds are used to assist nennni who cannot receive help from any other agency.:' spaulding said the University of Oregon medical school had regis- 2Zd rriii - 1 tered 4.638 rases of crippled chil dren, including about 350 from Marion county, out tnat tne list did not cover all types of handi caps. ' f The first negro slaves were brought into the United States at Jamestown before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. mm r n y? itwa ry v. .-iuIVY-DRY P Conscientious, Dignified I' Service '! 545 North Capitol TeL 3-3672 If Yon Own a Dodge Car or Dcdrjo Tixcb SAVE . . . $63.05 II Yon Own a Flynonln Car SAVE e . $60.00 i ' Get your car or track ready now for summer driving; and vacation trips at special low prices. We will install brand new Factory Built engine (not a rebuilt job) on Dodge or Plymouth ears (1935 to 1949) or Dodge truck. Vi. ' and 1-ton (1935 to 1949.) INSTALLATION OF ENGINE AND ALL NECES SARY PARTS INCLUDES t Install new engine k assembly ic Completely rebuild Carburetor ic ic New distributor points and condenser ic New radiator hoses Regular Price, Dodge Cars and Trucks SPECIAL PRICE Complete for March Only Regular Price, Plymouth Cars SPECIAL PRICE Complete for March Only New crankshaft drive pulley New oil filter element New oil AH gaskets and aeals to complete installation $332.03 $289.00 $329.50 $269.5(0) Limited stock of anginas available - first come, first served.! - im lata ftteir c1 b Dodge-Plymouth Cars Dodge Job Rated Trucks J High and Chemeketa Btreeta ; mm WGMmL jAondpaAsutL pcdahL 0rsl Plates are rsa1 te kelp y Beeala 4 Kerala Pleeslaa. Ve4MJ Meeral laafclee aad W$a Wkm a alefaa see. tey trill help yea avrsis eaJseteess aad eaibaerasianaf. Ask Tear Peefftsff are eeeet te septals lew these SMSem iaatarsi alee WHasI fee Csaifsrt mm4 Vlsirsss. lUaWliNi I Caawtai Pewer. . w, .- - MM f ... Ml MM Nss- M WATEItS-AOOlPH CIDO. 1U)U H) " " -- STATE a C0IX1ERCIAL hipnth Salem, Oregon . j 3-3311 m mm . 1 f n mow (VT I naxiows I Vsi I cotmAra I Irsr J I I eons I And, with a GEORGE Garden TRACTOR You'll save yourself a lot o labor . . And we'll save you a lot of money ... at Hkodduay Appliance ... ' . I"" Here, the regular list price of the fit IK, h.? GEORGE TRACTOR fJSL&J (wo attchs.) wwmw w Here'a 4he regular list price of the Qnl CO iZ','FACroR oaLau. And hero's how you can savo nearly ono - hundrod dollars without turning hand . . . tind all bocauso wo'vo had thoso two littlo tractors out as domonstrat" ors! WoTl guarantoo thom and we'll tell you now, they're as good as now. WITH EITHER OF THESE TRACTORS we are going to GIVE YOU a THOR Gladiron . . . Uie automatic ironer regularly listed at $$99.50. , V IF YOU ACT NOW! This offer is good only until the end of March. But what a thrill for your whole family. THE GEODGE TT1ACT0I1 . . . wcrlh 351X3 PLUS ! I & Genuine IH0I1 CLADmOII . . wcrili C3.S3 00111 F0I1 OIILY Yon Can Pel Year lleli&nce in The place that gives you the puzzles ... also has the answers. 5 DZELES 453 COURT &I565U HOUSt t:30 AM e 5:30 PM .". . SaNrJayu 1:30 AM o I fM Only