The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Jefferson Mrs.' Florence John-
Needs." Mrs. C. W. Hall wffl lead
the devotions. The speaker will be
Mrs. Harriet Bobbins of the spe
cial education department of the
' I . : f i
The glcrtssmiiii. Soiom, Orogonrf Huoderf, March 13. 1843 13
ton of Portland, who has been
visiting her niece, Mrs. E. B.
Henninfana, will leave Monday
for San-Francisco, and on to Flor
ida by boat through the Panama
pubuc scnooi.
SILVEBTOIt Mr. and Mrs.
Walter A. Larson are announcing
tLe marriage tt their daughter,
Shirley Rose. I to Leslie Donald
Central TFCTU will saeet at the
TWCA Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'
clock. The subject will be "Our
Community and Some of Its
Wertz. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Wertz of Aurora. -.i The wedding
took place at Pasco, Wash-, March
4. Tne couple wui make tneir nome
at 808 Reserve St.
Gardsa PInnhl
Lettaee Cabbage
Caaliflewer Oaiea Sets
Farn Slcro
U45 BOrmUu Ks. fheae tUU
Stere Been: .,
frtf ajn. te fs ia
Sandayt 1:0 pjul. te S:0t pm.
8WEGLI Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Terrill have as their guests
at their country home her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fusch,
and sister-in-law, Mrs. Margaret
Gothberg of San Francisco, and
Mr. and Mrs, J. C Bunch of
Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
AUMSVUXS The aazfllary
to American Legion Gold Star
post met March 2 at the . hall
in Aumsville.? Plans were dis
cussed for sponsoring a high
school girl to Girls State in June.
The Legion and auxiliary joined
for refreshments. $
Present-day! Basques living in
the western Pyrenees speak a lan
guage different from any known
A Big Prize for the First Solution!
The first correctly worked puzzle to be brought into the Broad
way Appliance Company this week will give to the -winner a
beautiful Lackner Neon Electric Clock worth $20.00. The se
cond correctly worked puzzle to be brought into the Broadway
Appliance Company will give to the winner a "Commander"
Precision Electric Clock worth $10.00. IThe third ' correctly
worked puzzle to be brought into Broadway Appliance will win
a Fruit Press and Collander worth $2.25., Deadline for entries
is Wednesday, March 16th. No mail entries will be acceptable.
Only those entries brought into the store can be considered.
For this reason, our doors will be open at 8 a. in. Monday
" morning for the benefit of those who must get to work early.
-Correct answers and names of winners will be posted in the
windows at Broadway Appliance and will appear in next Sun
day's Statesman.
Last Week's Winners Were i
1. Mr. Louis Bonney, 240 N. 14th St.
2. Mrs. C. A. Graham, 2525 S. Commercial
t I I p U 1 I I li
I t -iJl
ar- - 7T- ;y
" v ;.
T"T rr ft f$ T "" """"" "
: . . - . t
""" 1 r- b
M 11 i p .
4V A
s --: - W " -
- . JJ. jjj
f t I
f ft
H - mmm MM mmm
's J - -
u r i -
L Fuse washing naeehine at
Br d way Anntlanee. AV
se Cbarybdis (Greek
. Mythology). W
T. With these vee) hear
abet Broadway Appli
ance en KSLM Bargain
Center at t a. as.
S. What lesislatare Is held,
iag new. Also faaaeaa
brand ef eleeks at
Broadway Appliance.
IS, Reserve Officer Aeere-
It. Seetbern SUte Jnst a lit
tle bit Berth ef Senth
Carelina. (Abbr.)
14. That which we nse te
. " see these wenderfnl
Breedw a y Appliances.
' Alee a sphere er glebe.
If. He er himself. (Latin)
II. Pheney leeks worn by
X. The Tbefnderer. (Nerse
saytheiegy. Alse a
bang - np appliance at
Broadway Appliance.
XL This ladyH be mighty
gratefal for helpful
Broadway Appliances.
S4. The sheik ef this place
was made faaaens by
Kadelph Talentlne.
tl. Frepeeittea.
Xf. A high Itewer holding
It. That which ye need net
watch when yen have
Breadw a y Appliances.
Also, soeasnre ef dis
tance (English).
XL Tops in 'ranges and re
, f rigeraters en display at
Broadway Appliance. Al
m, city in Michigan.
L Has Been
X. Thtnrs" (LaUn).
X. Stretched enC TitX tense.
4. Grand Irene carried by
Bread way, Appliance.
(Brand name).
5. O, Se Nice! Like Bread
way Appliance. (Abbr.)
, C, A bright ray. Also a
shining example ef fine
- - Breadw ay Appliances.
(Brand name.)
t. The Marshall rtaau (In
Itials.) .
! Distress signal.
X4. Te reeaesL
ti. The wnola. Everything
at Broadway Appliance.
Xf. First name ef big snake.
-tl. ShrtnerVhaL I
XsV Meter I ear I ef Xes.
(Brand name)
Xf. Here's the girt who de
serves these fine Bread
ft way Appliances. "
- Answer te Pnxxle Ne. 1
French coin ef
small valne. (A.
few ef these will
bay any Bread
way Appliance.)
Measare for
tnrns ef a wheel.
Present tease ef
-And". (Latin)
There's ae "If,
-and" -baf
abeat barga las,
at Broadway.
Sengj (Italian)
With "aire".
w e 'cumls c o't
5" ft 9k rU7t
R a ro o N
ft I R b$ ft
, t
i . i i; 3 -1 i '''"".- i i i i ,'
) If mSh iJ
l lis i lf?il3 , -4:? M r
Shop Till 9:C3 P. II. Friday
Your Room Will Always Look Lovely with Windows
Trimmed in Delightful Priscillas. Sears Pebblo Dot
and Marquisette Curtains Retain Thdif Crisprioss
Longer. Wide Ruffles & Matching Tio - Backs. Whito.
Select Yours at Sears.
Reasonably Pricod
Kayeini JPsnraeDo
Vr ' ;
Plaid Dlankot
TfxXf single eeitea
N ffMei to carry
Mafces it pfastawce te snes foe
sml ttwti m pM Whm Mail
HroMaaotft any Sestr sftare. $20.
S25, $30 bens fer a aaaf dewej
payment. Ask ebovt $eeee Per-
' I IllUlil LI
Fall cut rmyoa pnelsj jon
aa wash and iron with
ease. Sara money while you'
brifhteo your hornet
(D) rga ira dl y
Shear permanent finish TztnCf
Priaeillas are apeclally proeeeaed
to aasnra you of lesa laanderinj
and I one; a r -curtain Cfa. I(o
aUrchlnr necessary, j Wide Sfi
raffles. Matching tie - backs. Cart
Soft Sheet Blanket
Fluff? Wovan For WarmtH-Waac
Sears Price Is . . i.69 A Vaiu Al . . , ... 2.19
A444 ujiwtlf wrMti riM wiM Dnqr 10ft mN Am
for mm 1 00 Cotton nH W W ti(Ji m.mmtr imr, Im. 72M.
jnj wat ylai. 5.l.ct f uiml Ow hick ..Jfc. Sy i..B
Ccllcn Bbalid
DcsUfr Sizo
Added winter: warmth - the
right weight : for summer.
100 coton in rose or blue
and white plaid. Select
Sears price Is 2.93
CaHrca Pcd
Bleeched muslin covering
fluffy soft cotton filling.
Easy to wash quality.
Fall eed Beg. tM.
y0000 Hurry to Srt now! Gtt your sharo of savlnss S.
In Ittms for tho homs3-hundrads of vsluesl ; -S
. "'' : : -:, ; .Harmony' House Quilft rVy
noiv j J I
A feverfta fer warmth for style. eWIfJ hewlnof j yr
SilflP I 5 f ro nt whit . Geyslaeea f
TpvVg 5 leek stitch ejuHtief. Easy fa wash carer wUk 100 j i
CV- aew ceffea faCna. 72tt44n. ffnhked site. Save!
II a Stock up now at theaa Wonder j
434 Siale Slice! - Phcna 3-9191
Stere Bears: Jf te f f Jaily. f f te f : f Friday
453 COURT . Z'5b5