The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    New Officers Named
Mrs. Earl A McGlaufin will be
head chapter CB, PEO as a result
of annual elections held at the
meeting- Thursday at the home of
Mrs. D. M. G ruber. "Other officers
f: (Ml ll
are Mrs. R. R. DeArmond, vTce
p resident; Mrs. Bobert H. Dow,
recording secretary; Miss Martha
Springer, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. D. M. G ruber, treasurer; Miss
Mildred Deischer, chaplain; and
Mrs. Lenthal A. Bollman. guard.
Symphony Concert
" 1 !.'
My Awakening
My Flirtation
My Affair
My Devotion
My Happiness
five! lingering fragrance
for the women men remember
r-ius HO. TAX
Capital Drag
SUte at Liberty
"On the 0001
Symphony Group Memorial Concert
Attracts Large Crowd to Memorial
By Msxinc Bares
Statesman Woman's Editor
Almost a thousand persons were in the Mt Angel college gym on
Friday night to hear the concert by the Portland Symphony orchestra
in the memorial program in honor of Father Dominic Waedenschwy-
ler, OSB, former , pastor of St. Mary s church and composer-of note,
The Benedictine Monks or ml
. a. 'A a . - ' .
Day PT A
Event of Monday will be the
state-wide legislative day for the
Oregon Congress of PTA. Members
are expected to be here from all
over the state to attend both the
morning and afternoon sessions of
the legislature. At noon there will
be a luncheon at the Marion hotel
at 12:15 o'clock. Reservations may
be made with Mrs. Leslie Morris,
Marion county PTA president.
Mrs. Frederick W. Young. Port
land, state legislative chairman of
the Oregon Congress. PTA, is in
charge of arrangements and will
preside. Guest speakers will be
Sen. Thomas Parkinson of Rose
burg and Rep. Lyle D. Thoma.,
Dallas, chairmen of the education
committees respectively of the
senate and house. Members of both
committees are invited to attend
the luncheon and a special guest
will be Rep. Rudie Wilhelm. jr.
of Portland, who introduced the
fireworks bill, in which the PTA
is interested.
Shower Given .
Angel sponsored the program. '
The orchestra's opening num
ber was one of the many com
posed by the Monk of Mt. AngeU
Father Dominic, van oc in wesx.
The composition,? patterned after
a symphony, contains rich melody
supported by stirring, almost mar
tial passages. The orchestra, un
der Werner Janssen, played the
composition with sympathetic
The remainder! of the program
included Concerto G rosso for
strings by Gemini&ns, Toccata and
Fugue in D minor by Bach, and
Brahms beautiful Symphony No.
1 in C minor.
Comparative stnallness of the
hall made the presentation some
what different than the ordinary
concert as audience sat very close
to orchestra and the room was
fairly filled with music.
The fact that; upwards of a
thousand persons attended the
concert in a city of but 1100 per
sons added special interest to the
The Junior Guild ef St Paul's
Episcopal church met in the parish
house Tuesday for a one o'clock
no-host luncheon Honored with a
birthday cake- were Mrs. .Eugene
Foster and Miss Jean Quickenden
Guests were Mrs. C. A. Dorfler of
Salem and Mrs. Alvin Hartley of
Silverton. Mrs. Louise E. Muller
was introduced as a new member.
From Enid. Oklahoma eomes
news of the birth of a daughter.
Sherry Ann, to Sgt. and Mrs. Will
iam B. Johnson (Velda Amnion)
on March 7. The grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ammon of
Aumsville, Mrs. George Lynberg
of Salem and Byrd Johnson of Col
orado, formerly- of Salem. Sgt.
Johnson is stationed at Enid with
the army air forces.
.'? ' ! : J i ; t. ' " , c
: ' ' i i f
i '-". t n -.
To Be Heard
Sunday afternoon, March 27 has
been set for the date for the firrt
concert to be given by the Salem
Community orchestra. The orches
tra, organized by Frank Fisher last
October, includes 44 townspeople
and has' held . weekly rehearsals
during the winter months.
The organization is strictly non
professional and non-profit and no
admission will be charged for the
concerts and the public is invited.
Featured on' the program will
be Anq. Gibbens, .young ' Salem
pianist' who will play - the First
Movement of Rubenstein concerto
in D minor for piano and orchestra.
Other works to be played by
the orchestra and conducted by
Frank Fisher are Overture to the
Secret Marriage by Cimarosa; the
Unfinished Symphony by Schu
bert and the Russian Sailor's Dance
from the Red Poppy by Gliere.
Selected for the younger mem
bers of the audience will be the
Dance of the Flutes from Nut
cracker Suite by Tchaikovsky.
A conference for all Horn fo.
! nomics club chairmen of Marion
county granges will be held in the
jVMCA Monday at 1:30 p.m.
i. ....... ... ...i. jjf;;;. I
The Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Sunday. March 13.' 1313 11
BirthcTay Party Saturday
Carol Lee Boesch was hostess at
a birthday lunch and line party
Saturday on her 11th birthday.
The luncheon was served at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Boesch to Jean Scott. Nan
cy Ahalt, Barbara Peters, Sharon
Johnson, Judy Hume, Marilyn
Reaney, Nelda Booth, Marcia
Mosoloff. Norman Ballmer, Billy
Schlitt, Robert Carr and Jimmy
Allyn. 9
Webster. 420 S. Lancaster dr. was
hostess Thursday afternoon com
plimenting Mrs. Fred Schrecen-
rost with a miscellaneous shower.
Co-hostesses were Mrs. Cecil Hun-
aker and Mrs. Elsie Simpson. Re
freshment were -served to Mrs.
Ray Vitato. Mrs. David Behm. Mrs.
Leroy Apple. Mrs. William Powers,
Mrs. Waldo Miller, Mrs. E. .
Walker. Mrs. Dale Jeffries. Mrs.
Dale Grimm, Mrs. Oliver Rickman.
Mrs. .A. D. Williams, Mm. Cecil
Hurusaker, Mrs. Lulu Domogalla,
Mrs. Groree Gregor. Mrs. El ie
Sim7son. Mrs. Milo De Rria, Mrs.
Ross Chrisman, Mrs. Hardie Phil
lips, Mrs. C. C. Morris.
McKinley mothers will meet at
the school Tuesday night at 7:30
o'clock. All mothers are invited to
attend and the uest speaker will
be Municipal Judge W. W. Mc
Kinney, who will talk on "Child
Shower Given
Mrs. I Larson
Bates honored her sister, Mrs.
Richard ' Larson at a miscellane
ous shower Saturday night in her
home on Ratcliff Drive. Mrs. Earl
Parker, Mrs. Carl Waddle and Miss
Beverly Matlock were hostesses. j
Others honoring Mrs. Larson
were Mrs. O. Waddle, Mrs. Charles
Sanderson, Mrs. Floyd Douglas,
Mrs. Fred Browning, Mrs. Gus
Oraw, Mrs. Lester Christensen,
Mrs. "Erwin Meyer, Mrs. Woody
Van Wirt. Mrs. Leo Kilber. Mrs.
John Douglas, Mrs. D. D. Dotson
and Carol. Mrs. A. W. Lovclk. Mrs.
Pauline Richard", Mrs. B- Hanks,
Mrs. John Croison, Mrs. Clarence
Holder. Mrs-. L. Bennett. Mrs. Ted
Howe, Mrs. John Strong, Mrs. Ed
Corleton, Mrs. Del Ramsdell, Mrs.
Charles Miller. Mrs. Leslie Bates,
Garry and Loretta, and Mrs. Roy
Clab Women's Half Iltur broad
cast, sponsored by the Oregon Fed
eration of Women's clubs, over
KOAC Friday . afternoon, March
18 will feature a talk by Mrs.
James T. Brand of Salem and Mrs.
William A. Schoenfeld, Corvallis,
state radio chairman of the Ore-
gon Federation. Their subject will
oe "women oi uermany, men ana
SILVERTON Mrs. E. A. f eter ,
will be hostess to the Silverton :
Toman's club Monday aftemooi,
with Mrs. Tom A. Anderson pre
siding. Theme of the afternoon will
be "Music Hath Charm" illustrated
by Violet Herigstad Byberg, pian
ist. Tea hostesses are Mrs. Arnold
Burrier, Mrs. Harrison Fisher, Mrs.
Walter Geren. Mrs. It. A. McClan
athan. Mrs . ; Harley DePeel, Mrs,
Christian Petersen and Mrs. P. L.
Brown. -:. ' . ' ' j
. . VIITCS'S j
Eftli mates made on all
types of i ' - '
... ! .
Light and Tower
Phone 3-9239
Evenings 3-9341
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On this New 1948 Westing
house 9'i cu. ft. Refrigerator.
On this New 1948 Westing
house Deluxe Range.
Model AL-9 (Similar to above)
Commander Range
For a few days only we will allow you $50.00 for your old electric range or refriger
ator on a trade-in for a: .
New 9.3 cu. ft refrif. 269.95
Less trade-in ... : 50.00
A new 1948 deluxe range .....319.95
Less trade-in 50.00
Yon pay . . 229.95 Yon pay . . 269.95
. ' '. - u I . ' '
255 N. Liberty St.
. Phon 3-4311
ipnunMcs n jp ie m d b
Mrs. Irwin Leniberg assisted by 1
Mrs. Robert Cole and Mrs. Rob
ert Whitby was hostess March
11 at a bridal shower for Miss
La Von Kelly, bride-elect of Don
Invited were Miss Kelly, her
mother, Mrs. Timothy Kelly, Mrs.
Albert Cole, Miss Karen Kelly,
Mrs. Keith Allen. Mrs. Monte
Weddle, Mrs. V. Edwards, Mrs.
Elmer Knight, Miss Margaret
Hice, all of Jefferson, Mrs. Lou
ana Whitby, Mrs. John Lenaberg,
Mrs. James Wolf, Bernice Bursell.
Mrs. John Byerley, Mrs. Kings
ley Thurston, Mrs. Mildred Hen
deron. Miss Betty Jo Herrington,
Mrs. Arthur Cole and Mrs. Dale
Winners Named
Winners in the March master
point duplicate bridge tournament
at the Elks club on Monday night
were announced as follows: North
South: Mrs. Dewey Howell and
Mrs. Mayme Goddard; Mrs. Ar
thur Binegar and Mrs. Mabel
Bentson; Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Kimsey. East-West: Mrs. Ray Jen
kins and Miss Virginia Garrett of
Corvallis; Mrs. Helen Wiedmer
and Mrs. Alma L. Jones; Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Chapman.
. A new series of weekly dupli
cate play will be started next
Monday night, it was announced.
This series will last for five
ie Harris was hostess on Thurs
day to members of the Brush Col
lege Helpers. A shower was given
for Mrs. Betty Singer. Atttending
were Mrs. William Kipper, Mrs.
Louis Singer, Mrs. Joseph Singer,
Mrs". Edwin Burton, Mrs. Shirley
Kay, Mrs. Vivian Burton and
Jeanne, Mrs. Leon Nelson, Mrs.
Harold Wattenberger, Mrs. Karl
Harritt, Mrs. Sam Patrick, Mrs.
Carl Wood, and Margie, Mrs. Al
bert Bouffleur, Mrs. Fred Olson.
Mrs. Harvey Olson, Mrs. C. L.
Woelke, Mrs. Lillian Bird, Mrs.
Lawrence McClure, Mrs. W. Lan
tis, Mrs. Mildred Fulps, Mrs. F.
Bayer, Mrs. Rose Pfaifauf, Mrs.
Willard Wells, Sharon and San
dra, Mrs. Joe Simonyi, Mrs. Fred
Meyer and Linda, Mrs. Ted
Wacken and Shirley, Mrs. L. Him
mel, Mrs. Margaret Hadespeck,
Mrs. Nestor Tokstad and Nancy,
Mrs Frank Shampier, Mrs. Frank
Krpn and Donna, Mrs. Kate Jae
ger, Mrs. P. W, Hale and Frank,
Mrs. Glen Marten and Glen Kay,
Mrs. Novena Marten, Sally Riv
ett, Mrs. Esther Oliver, Mrs. V. L.
Gibson, Mrs. Mike Focht, Mrs.
Fred Mcl'ennev. Mrs. Delbert
PFolk, Sara.i Sandusky and Les
ter, Mrs. Harri!, Mrs. F. Singer
and Mrs. Anna Bayer.
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