13 The Stetetaaoau Salem, Oregon, Scftgdar. March IX, 1849 Evangelistic Services Set At Silverton STLVERTON, March 11 Evan gelist A- D. Chilson is conducting a scries of meetings at the Sil verton Seventh Day Adventist church. His topics for the week re Saturday morning, "Prophecy Speaks:" Sunday night, 7:30, A World-Wide Search for a Missing Text;" Wednesday, "How to Post pone Your Own Funeral," and Friday night, "Cod's Cartoon of Four Great Powers." At the Missionary and Alliance church the Rev. G. T. Bratvold announced special prayer service Wednesday night at 7:45, and evangelistic services by the Rev. Thomas Williamson to start n March 21. The Rev. Ben F. Browning will speak on "My Scape-Goat . and Tours' Sunday morning at the Methodist church. Sunday night the official board meets with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sprick, 1534 Beth any rd. "The Way They Call a Sect" is the topic for the Rev. Arthur Christian church Sunday morn ing. At the evening service he will speak on "A Blackman Turns White." Specially arranged music is be ing offered at Salvary Lutheran church Sunday morning, when the Rev. James Tofte speaks on "The Life that Pleases God." Fellowship dinner will be serv ed at Immanuel and Trinity Luth eran church Sunday following the morning worship. At Immanuel the Rev. S. L. Almlie will speak en "The Faith that Conquers Zvening topic for the youth meet ing is "That's Where we Met. Men's club will meet Tuesday at t p.m.: the Women's Missionary federation Thursday at 2 o'clock In the Fireside room, with host esses. Mrs. E. Brines. Mrs. Jul Fair, Mrs. Al TSppner and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. The Rev. A. J. JOoutson ef Canby will speak at the Thursday night Lenten ser vices. At Trinity church the Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr will talk on "The Pow er of Faith" at 11 o'clock and there will be special music by the high school chorus. Lois Hart wlckson is topic leader for the youth meeting Sunday night. The Lutheran Children of the Refor mation meet Saturday, March 12, pt 1:30 at the church with Mary Lfboer, hostess. Methodist Youth TV. Tst nt Amitv Tenth fellowship will be host for sub-district rally Sunday af ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. There will est croups, followed by a supper. Pictures of youth fellowship ac- vvrues, worsmp programs oy A .1 1 ii. hi i. ii.mil . ,bw mr mrAmom mrm ltH Th Rev. T"r- scost Paul, Amity, Is director of youth work In the sub-district, Pilgrim Youth Open Conclave Week-end ; sessions of the an nual Oregon Pilgrim Youth fel lowship conference opened Friday evening at First. Congregational church here, to continue through Sunday morning. About 150 dele gates from over the state were expected. Meetings will begin at 8:45 this morning. At 9:30 will be an ad dress bv the Rev. William W. Meyer of Calif orniaa, followed by section meetings ana discussion groups on , interdenominational, personal, missionary and social action themes. Officers will be elected this afternooon and communion will be served at 5:10. There will be a banquet at 6:45 tonight, followed by recreation. The delegates Sunday morning will attend the church's worship service, at which, Dr. Seth R. Huntington, pastor, will speak. Methodists to Observe Week Of Dedication As the first church-wide ob servance in s Metiuxnsm s quaa rennial program of the Advance for Christ : and Mis cnurcn, churches of the denomination in this area will participate in a Week of Dedication from March 13 to 20. BishoD Gerald H. Kennedy of Portland weed bow clergy and laymen to participate in the pro gram, whose purpose is to deepen the devotional life of the church's members and to help them meas ure up to world-wide needs. In order that the total member ship of 122,350 msly be reached and the week observed In each of the 599 preaching places in the Portland area Bishop Kennedy is ureine extensive use of lay speak ers to supplement the ministers efforts. On March 20. the Day of Dedi cation, pastors have been asked to preach on: the world mission of the church; and receive an of fering for overseas? relief and to build hospitals, social centers and churches in spots i? of the most acute need around the world. UB Youth Rally Slated for Salem An Oregon youth rally for the United Brethren in i Christ church slated for the Salem church, 1145 Mission st., next Friday and Saturday. About 50 persons are expected from churches at Myrtle Point. Philomath, Portland, Col ton and Orchards, Wash. The first service will be at 7:30 pjn. Friday on fhe theme of Youth speaks tor ennst. The Rev. Lloyd: Rice, pastor. and Mrs. Rice, teacher of the local young people's Sunday school class, are In charge of arrange Salemm Oininrcllies Dallas Churches SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS SUeeyeles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 190, KOIN 970. KGW 20. KEX Ills HOUR 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KJEX M:1S 0:10 World News (Organist (Organist I Organist 0:4$ fTrlnlty Choir 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Music Air Church Radio Pulpit Music Time E usle Tone TapestrieslTone Tapestries Air Church Radio Pulpit Music Tiro Air Church (Air Church Memory Music IMemory Musle Musie Time News u KSLM First Baptist Ttrst Baptist Voice Pri?hVoice Prophecy! KOCO Jesters (News IPac Bible tost. Fc. Bible Inst KOIN News Newsmakers gait Lake Tab.lSalt Lake Tab. KOW Some Church Home Church (Doe's Music Doe's Music (IX Quartet (Quartet - I Boar of Xalta (Hour of Faith 9 KSLM Bible Class (Bible Class ILutheran, Hr. KOCO V. Fellowship Clark Dennis (Ave Maria KOIN Learning Learning V Guest Stars KGW Funnies Funnies (Eternal Light KEX Mln. Concert Garden Talks (Israel Message (Lutheran Hr. Ave Maria News Eternal Light Israel Message 10 KSLM News KOCO WUdw'. Church KOIN platform KOW Glenn Snelley B. K. Sports Orchestra IN Leibert Wayne IClng (Platform I Tell It Again Tienn SnaUa-e I Round Table IHlway Romance IS und a y Vespers! (Orchestra Wayne King Tell It Again Round Table Sunday Vespers 11 KSLM Wm. L. Shlrer 3. B. Kennedy (Sun. Favorites KOCO 1st Baptist enlist Baptist Chi 1st Baptist Ch KOIN Musie Festival IMuslc Festival I People Stand KOW Down Wind (Down Wind (Univ. Theatre KEX Parade Hits (Handy Man (Piano PL Canary Show 1st Baptist en. INews TJnlv. Theatre (Piano PL 12 KSLM News Voice of Army Uuvenlle Jury KOCO String SerenadefStrtng SerenadelNews KOIN SvmDbonv - lSymobony ISymonoor KOW Univ. Theatre Univ. Theatre 1 Man's Family KEXv Hit Parade (Soc. News luvenile Jury Guy Lombardo Symphony 1 Man's Family Treasurer Band) Treasurer Band 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Mystery HousefMystery HousetDetectlvei petectives Musie St Words'iMusic Sx Words (Music At Words! Music Jb Words Symphony (Symphony IMagie Music i News Quia Kids (Quiz Kids IDste Music INews Axner. Future Ifor'n Reporter (Auditions (Auditions 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Amer. Musie lAmer. Musie (Quick. Flash (Quick. Flash Sammv Kay ISimm Kaye Sunday Musie I Sunday Musie Song Fest Song Feet , Skyway to Starf ISkyway to stars Jan Pickens Jane Pickens Rob. Merrill .Rob. Merrill Sunday with UjSunday with U Quiet PUase (Quiet Please 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW Roy Rogers Roy Rogers INlck Carter INick Carter Drawing noom lurawuia; Room iserenaoe icecap ramtlv Hour Master Musie Dr. Danfield iFamay Hour Master Musie Dr. Danfield jSerenade 11 Eacan Livlnc 1949 Livinc 1S49 greatest Story (Greatest Story 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW Opera Concert I Opera Concert (Christ ContactflChrlst Contacts) Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart, Donald Stewart Jack Benny (Jack Benny (Amos n Andy I Amos n Andy Horace Heidt (Horace Heidt Harris Sc Faye Harris as Fay Pat Novae Pat Novae (Changing World INews 0 KILM Healing Wingi Mealing wlngi (Orchestra KOCO Dallas Minister (Land of Free I Serenade KOIN Life with LuigiiLife with LuigilNews KOW Fred Allen I Fred Allen (Henry Morgan KEX Stop Musi 'Stop Musi Stop Musie News Serened Serenade Henry ; Morgan Stop Musie 6 7 0 KILM Under Arrest (Under Arrest IN.W. News .- JB. Cunningham KOCO News Sacred Heart Melodies (Melodies KOIN Helen Hayes (Helen Hayes Miss Brooks Miss Brooks KOW TBA ITBA familiar Musis (Familiar Musie KEX W. Winebell lLoueaa ParsonslTheatre Guild (Theatre Oulld KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Town Mayor Without End Lum. Abner ITowa Mayor lFrank DeVot Lum. Abner (Wilson Show I Allen Roth (Wilson Show lAIlen Roth Isnorance Part Isnorance Pars Take. Leave It (Take. Leave It Horace Heidt n I Horace Heidt Theatre Oulld Theatre Oull4 wimmi Fldler INews KSLM 10 Ouesttons 130 Ouestlons fW. WteehH KOCO Ave Maria (Ave Maria (Norm. Clouoerl ion you b xnere irou n There fwhistier : KOW Ox and Harriet Os and Harriet Sympt ony KEX Drew Pearson aieaxnines fW. Winebell I gouella Parsons Norm, ciou tier Whistler Symphony Intermezzo 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX News Sunday Saloa Sam spade Symphony Dream Girl Musi Sunday Saloa sam spade Symphony Rfdsid Chapel Orchestral Concert Hall Jack Benny Who Said, (Orchestra Mews Concert Han Jaek Bonny Who Said Orchestra 10 KSLM Revive) Hour (Revive! Hour (Revival Hour (Revival Hour KOCO Manhattan Mm. Manhattan Mue.fLewrence Welfc (News KOIN atat Final (U. Explorer (It Francis Kr.lOrchestrs KOW News (Orchestra .Catholle Hour (Catholic Hour KEX News (Drew Pearson (Orchestra (Orchestra 11 KSLM Sign Off KOCO KOIN K. Jordan KOW Hews KEX Orchestra R. Jordan Dae talon Now (Orchestra Midnite PreludelMldnlt Prelude Orchestra torches tra Memos. ; (Memos. (Sunday school at 9:45 un. unless otherwise notedj ASSEMBLY OF OOD Evangelistic Tabernacle 13th and Ferrv sta. Rev. waiter S. rreoenca. Services 11 ajn.. 7: p.m. Sunday. 7:45 p.m. Thursday. Youth s-o pjn. Sunday, 7: p.m. Tuesday. Ciad Tidings 313 tfc N. Commercial st. Rev. L. G. Raney. Sunday school 10 bjmu Services 11 ajn is Ja sun- day. BAPTIST Bethel N. Cottar and D sta. Rev Rudolph Woyke. Services 11 a.m, 7:30 pjn. Sunday. Youth I3 pjn. Calvary S. Liberty and Miller sta. Dr. Charles Durden and Rev. Norman Blown. Services 11 a.m T JO pjn. sun day. 7:30 pjn. Wednesday. Tirwt n. Lfhertv ; and Marlon sts. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson and Rev. Gene BrickwedeL Services 11 a.m isw pja. Sunday. Youth pjn. Sunday. Immaaeel (O.A.B.B.) Hazel and Academy sta. Rev. Frederick G. Ben nett. Services 11 a.m.. iug pjn. mw day. 70 p.m. Wednesday. Bible reilowsnip Memorvai nnpiui chapeL Children's Class and worship servtc 11 a.m. Sunday. CATHOLIC St. Jesesh'a Cottase and Chemeketa sta. Rev. f. J Bards and Rev. Ger ald Linahen. Masses JO. S. 0. 10, 11 ajn. Sunday. DevoUons 740 pjn. Sun day and Tuesday. St. Vincent e Pant Myrtle av.. and Columbia sts. Rev. George L. O'Keefe and Rev. Inrln Vandebey. Masses 7 JO. 0. 10 JO sjn. Sunday, con fessions 4:30 to I JO, 1 to I JO pjn. Saturday. CHRISTIAN Caart Street 17th and Court sts. Rev. W. H. Lyman. Services 10:90 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Youth JO p.m. ririt center ana nisn sts. nev. uuo- lev Strain and Rev. Walter Naff. Serv ices 10:30 a.m., 7 JO p.m. Sunday. 6 JO pjn. Wednesday. Youth 0:13 p.m. Sun day. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE N. Sth and Gaines sts. Rev. Herman J. Bob! and Vernon' Johnson. Service 11 ijn. 7 JO p.m. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. Youth 0:30 pjn. Sunday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Chemeketa and Liberty sts. Sunday school 11 a.m. Services 11 a.m. S pjn. Sunday. Testimonial meeting 8 pjn. Wednesday. Reading room 148 S. High st CHURCH OF CHRIST Central N. Cottage end Chemeketa sta. Rev. James A. Scott. Services 10:43 a.m 7 JO D.m. Sunday. Youth 6 JO pjn. CHURCH OF THE COVENANTS 448 N. 23rd st Rev. Clyde D. Ed- mlnster. Services 7:30 p.m. Sunday. CHURCH OF OOD. FIRST Cottase and Hood sts. Rev. O. W. Clemens. Services II a.m., 7:43 pjn. Sunday. Youth 7 p.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS VTW halL Hood and Church sts. Bishop John E. Salisbury. Sunday school 10 a.m. Priesthood meeting and primary 11:30 a.m. Service 0:30 pjn. CONGREGATION AL First N. Cottage and Marlon sts. Dr. Seth R. Huntington. Church school 10 a.m. Saturday; 9:45 a.m. Sunday. Service 1033 a.m. Sunday. Youth 7 p.m. Knight Memorial 19th and Ferry sts. Rev. Louis E. White. Services 11 ajn. Sunday. Youth (JO pjn. EPISCOPAL St. Paol's Church and Chemeketa Sts. Rev. George H. Swift. Services 7 JO. 3:43, 11 a.m. Sunday. Youth 7 pjn. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Bethany Marlon and Capitol sts Rev. Russell Mayer. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.m.. 7:43 pjn. Sun day, 7:43 pjn. Wednesday. Youth 0:43 pjn. Sunday. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Eaglewoed N. 17th and Nebraska sts. Rev. Lloyd G. Uecker. Services 11 a.m.. 7 mo p.m. Sunday Youth eao pjn. First Marion and Summer sts. Rev, Wilmer N. Brown. Services 11 a.m. 7:43 p.m. Sunday. FREE METHODIST N. Winter and Market sts. Rev. J. N. Walker. Services 11 a.m., 7 JO p.m. Sunday, 7:30 pjn. Wednesday. Youth :4S pjn. Sunday. FRIENDS Highland A venae N. Church st. and Highland ave. Rev. Edward Har mon. Services 11 a.m., 7 JO pjn. Sun day, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. Youth 8J0 pjn. Sunday. South Salem S. Commercial and Washington sts. Rev. Oscar N. Brown. Services 11 a.m., 7 JO p.m. Sunday, t pjn. Wednesday. Youth 0:30 pjn. Sun day. FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Calvary Chapel 1143 N. Liberty st. Rev. Claude C. and Mary W. Belli Services 11 a.m.. 7:45 pjn. Sunday, 3 pjn. Tuesday and Friday. Cksrek f God 040 S. 22nd sC Rev E. A. Trietch. Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 11 a.m 7 pjn. Sunday, 700 Wednesday. Youth 7 JO p.m. Friday. Faith Gospel Tabernacle 1303 N. 3th st. Rev. Max Wyatt. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 am-. S p.m. Sun day, 3 pjn. Thursday and Saturday. Services 11 a.-m, 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7 JO I pjn. Wednesday. Youta s:ss pjn. sun. day. PRESBYTERIAN First Chemeketa and Whiter sta. Dr. Chester W. Hamblln and the Rev. John L. Goodenberger. Services 10:55 APOSTOLIC FAITH Church and Court sta. Lores C Car ver. nastor. Sunday school B JO a.m Kervices II a.m.. 7:so pjn. Sunday, pjn. Tuesday and Thursday. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Birch and Stump sts. L. Otis Triolet t. pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Serv Ices 11 ajn, 7:43 pjn. Sunday. .7:43 pjn. Tuesday. FIRST BAPTIST 400 block Washington sL Rev. C J aJJU 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Youth 8:13 pjn Coffman. Sunday school 3:43 ajn. Serv . ...ot... I lees 11 ajn. and f JO pjn. Sunday, 7 JO 12f..SHC5?r.if5S. 5 Xbursday. Youth SJ0 pja Sun- N. 17th and Chemeketa sts. Rev C H. Asher. Sunday school 10 ajn. services u a.nu. iae pjn. aunoay Touto s jo pjn. ST. PHILDTS CATHOUC W. Washington st Rev. H. Herman, pastor. Mass SJS ajn. Second and fourth Sundays: 10:13 am. first, third ana ruin Sundays. FIRST CHRISTIAN Jefferson and Clay a mm - m . (.raiM iiam I ""un ana v-iaT sib. ikenneu Sunday, 7 JO p.m. Thursday P,tor: Px .Sherwood as- Saturday. Yoluth 0 pjn. I fi?"1, S.u"d" hi i4aajn- Sr" S AL V ATION ARMY 341 Stat st. Adjutant and Mrs. R. B. Lesher and Lt. Barbara SomervelL Sunday school 7 JO pjn. " ices 11 e-m, 7 JO p.m. Sunday, SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHRISTIAN AND jonasea ssemona itooa ana ft. MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Summer sts. Bd A. J. cordon and shelton and Mill sts. Rev. A. Hoen- a. u. umwn. siooiui kdwi iich, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m " - - i services 11 ajn, 7:43 p.m. Sunday. I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE snviTUAUST 410 Mill st Sunday school. 9:49 a.m nrss ass . commercial si, nev. i Services 11 a.m. Sunday. 3 pjn. first i'.5Jr Z ' ma tnira Wednesdays. eaaasj. s arw yih vmjiwcj , TRUTH CENTER 363 N. Cottaae at Lulu Walton Quick. Services 11 ajn. Sunday. pjn. Tues day. LiDrary, zsz n. cotuge st UNITED BRETHREN First (Old CensU tntloa) 1143 Mis sion st Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L, Rlcau Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 11 a.. CBURCB OF CHRIST 10 ajn. Morning service 11 eomm un ion. Evening service. JO pjn. CHURCH OF GOD 1019 Ash st J. W. Hunter, oastor Sunday school. 9:45 ajn. Morninc ser vice. 11. Evening service. 7 JO. Young 7 JO p.m. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. Peopl 0 JO pjn. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF JESUI CHRIST OF 8. 13th and Mill sts. Rev. A. G. Yates, latter, day saivTs Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 I Riummt r ni. I h..r rAmr s a.m.. 7 JO p.m. Sunday. Youth S:43 p.m. L. Orton. pastor. Sunday school. 10 ajn. Evening service. 7 o dock. 1ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Cherry st Rev. Cyril P. Hanney. vic ar. Senior school 10 a.m.. primary and kindergarten 11 ajn. Service 11 a.m. EVANGELICAL MENNONITE BRETHREN Miller ave. Rev. A. P. Toews. Sunday school 9 JS a.m. Morning service 11. aTvemng service 7 JO. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church at Mill st R. William Elmer, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Morn ing, worsmp. 11. evening service, i GRACE MENNONITE 207 Jefferson st Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service 11. Suburban Cliurches ANIENT COMMUNITY Vista road. M. K. Bovlan. pastor. Sun- aay scnooi 10 a.m. services 11 a.m.. a p.m. &unaay. AUMSVILLE BETHEL BAPTIST Aumsvilie. Rev. Frank O. Ferrln. Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 11 a.m. S p.m. Sunday. 7:43 pjn. Wednesday. xouin i pjn. aunoay. AUMSVILLE WESLEYAN TRINITY LUTHERAN 310 Washington st Karl A. Ufer. Aumsvilie. Rev. Glenn Hoerner. nas- pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morn- tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Services II ing service 1L m m 745 n m Sundat Ymifh 4S nm I MENNONITE BRETHREN CLEAR LAKE EVANGELICAL Washington and Hayter sts. O. H UNITED BRETHREN Jantzen. pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m. Wheatland Ferrv rd. Rev. V. A. Services 10:43 a.m 7:43 P.m. Sunday. Zornes. Sunday school 11 ajn. Service Youth 7 pjn. 10 a.m. Sunday. Youth 0:30 pjn. Thurs day. FIRST METHODIST Mill near Main st Clark 8. Enz. pas tor. Sunday school. 3:45 a.m. Morning KOLA COMMUNITY Eola. Rev. J. S. Penlx. Sunday school service. 1L Evening service, 7:43. 9 :a ajn.. Mrs. nova ucudd. sunt Service 11 a.m. Sunday. Youth 7 JO pjn. i naay. FOUR CORNERS BAPTIST State st and Elma ave. Julius Herr. supply. Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Serv ices 11 a.m., 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7 JO pjn." Wednesday. Youth SJO pjn. Sun day. FRUTTLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN 3 miles east of Salem. Rev. Lyman FREE METHODIST 224 Mill st R. W. McCormick. pas tor. Sunday school 0:43 ajn. Services 11 a.m, 7:43 pjn. Sunday. Youth SJO p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Court and Levens. Dr. Earl W. Ben bow, pastor. Sunday school : ajn. Morning service 1L SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Washington and Jefferson sta. Ralph Meyers, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. I Gladden pastor. Sabbath school. 9:43 Service and Junior church 11 ajn. a.m. Morning service, n- N. 19th st Services 11 Rev ajn. Fearsqaare 490 James H. Taylor. 7:43 pjn. Sunday. I'M pjn. Thursday. Youth 8:43 p.m. Jesus Nasae Peatecostal 1179 Lewis st Rev. Ronald V. Sittser. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn, 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. Youth 7 JO pjn. Friday. United Pentecostal 443 Ferry st Rev. Nathaniel Wilson. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7 JO p.m, Wednesday. Youth 7 JO p m. Friday. INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 400 N. Cottage st. Rev. William ron Charles. Services 10 JO ajn. Sunday. JEWISH Tempi Beth Bholoaa Madison and Broadway sta. Church school 11 ajn. Services I p.m. Friday. LUTHERAN Central (Aseertcaai Conference) Hood and N. Summer sts. Rev. Gud mund R und strom. Service 11 a.m. Sunday, p.m. Wednesday. Youth 1 pjn. Sunday. Christ (America a Church ) State and 19th sts. Rev. C. R, Schttls. Service 11 ajn. Sunday. at .fenn-s (nutein syne n. lain and A sta. Rev. H. W. Gross. Services and 11 ajn. Sunday. Sunday school 19 a.m. St Mark CvaastUeal (Ualted) Ml N. Church st Dr. M. A. Oetxend sner and Rev. John Bagiien. Servioes 11 son. Sunday. Youth 0 JO pjn. METHODIST first Church and Stat sts. Rev. Brooks H. Moor. Service It ajn. Sun- dav. TJO ajn, Thursday. Youth 0:30 pjn. Sunday. saseai iee asoni ais-i. ytanmr ana Jefferson sts. Dr. Louis C Klrby. Services tt sjn, TJO pjn. Sunday. Youth J0 pjn, Sunday. Leslie 0. commercial ana Meyers sta. Rev. O. Wesley Turner. Servioes 11 ajn 7 JO njn. Sunday. TJO ajn. Thursday. Youth 040 p.m. Sunday. MAZAKENB First Cantor and : 13th sta. nev. OrvuJ W Jenkins. Services 10:30 ajn.. 140 pjn. Sunday, fao p.m. Wednes day, Youth 8 JO pjn. Sunday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton way. ev. V. O. Story. HAYES VILLE COMMUNITY BAPTIST One mile north of Salem on highway I 1 rT. . I. 99E. Rev. C E. Brlckwedel. Unified I OllVUilUU VIlUrLiiXUU service :a to 11 :is a.m. sunaay, aerv- toe ia pjn. inursaay. xouin ajo pjn. Anursaay. KEIZER CHURCH OF CHRIST Prince rd. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morn tng service 1L Evening service 7 JO. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Front st. B. H. Scott oastor. Sunday school. -9:43 ajn. Morning service, 1L Young people. 6:45 pjn. Evening ser vice I. Prayer meeting 7:49 pjn. i nurs- day. Saturday TJO a.m. KEIZER COMMUNITY Elizabeth and Churchdale aves. Rev. ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC Lee wiens. Sunday school 9:43 a.m, I piD at Grant sta. John J. Walsh. nugn AQirai, supi. services u ajn, PMtor. Sundsy masses 8 and 10 a.m : p.m. bunoay. jsu p.m. weanes- Weekdays 8 JO a.m. Sat mj . A UUlll U.IIS OU11USY, I . FIRST CHRISTIAN (Evangelical United Brethren) P" ArthP. Chrie 3 V. miles east of Brooks. Rev. V. A. I pastor. Sundsy schoo 9:43 a.m. ;An. :..nH.. ,ai in 1 M. b. Ford. aupt. services u a.m. 7 ju 11. jn 'Sunday: YouS T :43pj:"' P-m. Sunday. Youth 8J0 p.m. LIBERTY CHURCH OF CHRIST Liberty schoolhouse. Darl Hunt, pas tor, sunaay scnooi iu a.m. bervic 11 a.m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 878 Vista ave. Kenneth O. Cox. Sun- BJn- Sunday. day school 10 a.m. services 11 a.m.. 8 pjn. Sunday. Youth 8 p.m. Thursday. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 60S N. 2nd st Gordon T. Bratvold Sundsy school 10 a.m, Oscar Satrum supt Services 11 a.m, 7:43 p.m. Sun day. 7:43 pjn. Wednesday. Youth TJO MA CLEAT COMMUNITY Macleay schoolhouse. Sunday school 10 a.m. Tom Burton, supt. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 3rd and Lewis sts. Sunday school 10 a.m. Service 11 ajn. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD Second at A st. Rev. K K Nicks, pi tor. Sundsy school 10 ajn.: Mrs. E. MARION FRIENDS Marion. Evert J. school 10 ajn. Earl Trudgeon. supt. w-5n-lV Yh i 4 m VrUf.v Services 11 ajn, 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Wednesday. Youth pjn. Friday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LDS Tuning, Sunday 7:30 p.m. Sunday. IMMANUEL MENNONITE Pratum. Wilbert A. Retier. nastor. Sunday school 9:S3 a.m. Services 11 ajn, 7:45 pjn. Sunday. Youth T pjn. PRATUM METHODIST Jones, supt Morning service. 11. Eve ning service. 8. Prayer meeting pjn. Knifhts of Pythias haO. Oak and Mill sta. Men'a Priesthood session. Wed- nesday. p.m. CALVARY LUTHERAN 310 Jersey st Jamee A. Tofte, pastor. Dratiim T"W B D..I.. . . . I a,,.... mIimI 11 . vt ft1 am t nVi n mn Sunday school 10 a.m. Donald Meyer, supt Morning; service 11. Prayer meet supt Servlc 11 ajn. Sunday. Youth lng Thursday, X p.m. Youth T p.m. TJO pjn. PRINGLB Print le schoolhouse. Max Pember- ton. supt Sunday school 10 ajn. COUNTRY CHURCH OF SALEM Roberts school on S. River rd. Rev. Ezra Cobb. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Services 11 a.m, 7 JO pjn. Sunday. EOS ED ALB FRIENDS Rev. Jesse L. LuthL Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Youth 8 JO p.m. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Sunday. IMMANUEL , LUTHERAN N. Church at S. L. Almlie. pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn, Hannah Olson, supt. Morning service 11. Youth 7 JO p.m. TRINITY LUTHERAN 2nd and A sts. M. J. K. Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn, Mrs. John Isaacson, supt. Morning service 11. Youth 7 JO pjn. METHODIST Mam and Flake sts. Rev. Ben F. Browning Sunday school 9:43 s.m. Non-denemlaatlonal Liberty rd. and Norman NaegelL supt. Morning service u. xoutn tjh pjn. Madrona ave. Rev. T. Clio Brown. Jr. Sunday school 10 a.m. Charles BteDh- ens, supt Services 11 a.m. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. weanesaay. IWEGLE COMMUNITY MARQUAM METHODIST Silverton.Marquam highway. An- drew Langendorf, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning servtc. 1L Swegle schoolhouse. Sunday school I . ...... 10 a.m. Mrs. O. T. Turner, sunt Jun- I r"J.V1.. """ VT. .. lor church 11 a.m. hooT iV a mT J.m Grah TALBOT COMMUNTTY supt Services 11 ajn, TJO pjn. Sun- Talbot Rev. R. Rogers Irwin, sua- day. iervw.0!1! Lm ""t ImSSL .SVSi SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST o r7 wldn JdTv Yol&JOSTa Park at 2nd st A. J. Oordon. pm. Wednesday. Youth SJO pjn. Sun- .,,.;,, Khool 9:49 ajn.j Ha day, KINGWOOD BIBLE 1123 Elm st. West Salem. Rev. A. A Loewen and Rev. A. H. Fadenrecht. Sunday school 9:43 a.m Services a.m.. -7 JO pjn. Sunday, TJO p.m. Wed nesday. Youth ssw pjn. Sunday, WEST SALEM METHODIST 3rd and Gerth sts. Rev. O. Leonard pastor. Harold J. Johnson, sunt Morning service 11. Prayer meeting TJO pjn. Wednesday. Religious Drama Sunday Evening 3rd and Gerth sts. Rev. O. Leonard a . Ts 1 . i2&. iLWS IT i3S At Presbyterian Edward Schlegel, supt. ajn. Youth FollowshlBb I Th Vrinsr a vera nt TJnfl1l Zens Sunday school 19 a.m, Mrs. I "r"" " "t.r . piay sunaay ai iiav pan. m sirsc Presbyterian church, entitled The wy c - I VrvmuriiHi a vaiii, awry vi m ruursuuHrc acniiuu miracle of the time of Jesus. Tnc cast includes K. v. Msnsfzey, James Erickson, Barbara Burger. n. a. i. a., v... .! Gersldin Coleman, Donald Res, .411 tK urmnn itnl n Um I anCy W S If Oil. ww va tmrrn Mtw wwsiiwii wiaa Ml I Mas Rev. James H. Taylor, pastor, at Jim Erickson, a flutist, ac the Foursquare church Sunday at fompanied by Miss Burger, wUl II a.m. pan in uim opening; ae?rV' Alma Christian from Austin, lee before the play. Tex, will be guest speaker at I The Vesper Players have per- 7:43 p.m. The evangelist has been formed every year for the past m the run Gospel movement since is for churches of all Onomina- its beginnjng la 1808. lUons. Dallas Scene Of Christian Men's Meet Men of the Christian church In the Salem area are gathered at uauas Christian church this week end for an institute on the theme of "Missions and the Men of the Church.' Principal speaker is Mark Rutherford of Indianapolis, national men's work director. Leaders from Salem include the Rev. Harold Lyman, the Rev. Dudley Strain and the Rev. Wal ter Naff of Court Street and First Christian churches. Others who will speak or lead discussions on evangelism, prayer and stewardship include Ike Bar tel, Dallas, state men's president; the Rev. Arthur C. Bates, Silver ton: Ezra Blehm. Harrisburg: the Rev. Howard Cole, St. John's; Ed Eldridee and Dr. Ross J. Griffeth of Northwest Christian college, luigene; the Kev. Klery Parrish, the Rev. Dale Sherwood and the Rev. Kenneth Johnson, host pas tor. ' Clanritrli ; Brief o LUTHERAN EDITOR RETIRES According to word received here by St. John's Lutheran church, Dr. Theodore Graebner, professor at Concordia seminary in St. Louis, Mo, has retired after 35 years as editor of the Lutheran Witness, official organ of the Lu theran church, Missouri synod. Dr. Graebner, author of several books, plans now to complete a project in German theological lit erature of the last half century. AT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Mrs. Edith Scott of Eugene will be a guest at the First Spiritualist church Sunday, assisting in the 7:30 p.m. service at which the Rev. Mary Gerken will speak. TO SPEAK AT BETHANY The King's Ambassadors to Eu rope, a gospel team from Multno mah School of the Bible will have charge of the 7:45 p.m. service Sunday at Bethany Evangelical and Reformed church. The stu dents, who plan to spend this summer in Europe preaching, are Duane Marks, Stan Irvine and Ed Duerkson. TRAVELER TO SPEAK Mrs. Charles Reed Bishop, world traveler and teacher of the Baha'l World faith, will speak at a pub lic meeting Sunday at 7 p.m. In Salem YMCA on "Spiritual Springtime." Mrs. Bishop has twice been delegate to the World Congress of Faiths. BIBLE CLASS TUESDAY BETHEL Mrs. Russell Mayer of Salem will be leader of the Bible study class Tuesday at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. C. Spranger. The topic will be "The Righteous and Unrighteous Dead." All women are welcome. ROSED ALE TO CONTINUE ROSED ALE Evangelistic serv ices being conducted at Rosedale Friends church by J. Harley Adams of Portland will continue through Sunday, March 20. Serv ices are held each evening except Saturday at 7:30 o clock. Church Plans Set At Labi si i Center LABISH CENTER. March 11 Valmer Klampe, superintendent of Labish Center. Community Sunday school, has appointed Mrs. E. M. Boies and Mrs. Hobart Workman to arrange for the Eas ter program, and Mrs.' Lloyd Dunsmoor and Mrs. Gen Par kins to decorate. Mrs. Henry Harris. Mrs. Nathan Kusth and Mrs. Roy Aker com prise the program committee for Children's day. Sunday evening services at 7:45 o'clock have been started by the Rev. Vernon Zornes, pastor. Child Evangelism Plans for Tuesday The International Child Evan gelism fellowship day of prayer has been set for Tuesday. The Salem fellowship will observe the day at Salvation Army hall, with meetings at 1:30-3, the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson speaking, and st 7:30-9, the Rev. Edward Harmon speaking. Myrna Stover, city director, an nounced an all -day teacher's meeting March 25 to begin at 10 ajn., with a no-host luncheon at noon. The regular teacher train- ng class will be from 1:30-3 pm, Christian Youth Meet lere Sunday Afternoon Officers and church represen tatives of the new Salem United Christian Youth movement will meet at S pjn. Sunday at First Presbyterian church. Principal business will b consideration of constitution. All Salem churches have been invited to send delegates to Join the movement. Youth Week dose. The Rev, Paul Fleming, direct or of the New Tribes institute, Chico, Calif., will speak at the closing service of youth week st first Baptist church Sunday eve ning at 7:30. He will show colored motion pictures just brought back from Venezuela, South America. Corns Out to Middle Grove School Saturday, March 12 "Hare Jitney Sapper :3 te 7:3a pjn. See "Charley's Ami", t:0 tusk Adult SOe - Children See SHADOW THIATE K-Jeaa BouUet (left) and Plerra j Boorsaas eperate a Chinese shadow theater ballet la Paris. The images, manipulated by thread, are screened by light from behind Baker Guest Speaker At Aumsvilie Church AUMSVILLE. March 11 In the absence of the Rev. Frank O, Ferrln, pastor, services at Bethel Baptist church the next two Sun days will be in charge of the Rev. Earl Baker. This Sunday at 11 ajn. he will speak on "Voice of Jesus, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lacy will sing duet. Choir at Kingwood WEST SALEM. March 11 The 50-voice choir from Multnomah School of the Bible, Portland, will present a program of sacred music Sunday at 2:45 pjn. in Klnsrwood Bible church. The group is directed by Lauren B. Sykes. Waldo Hills Club Program Tonight SILVERTON. March 11 The bazaar and program sponsored by the Waldo Hills grange Home Economics club will be held Sat urday night at Waldo Hills com' munity club house. The program, arranged by Mrs. Theodore Riches, will include vocal solos by John Erickson; two skits by members of the grange and club; tap dance num bers by Jerry and Gary Neal of Salem; vocal trio, Robert Riches. LeRoy Rue and Frank Dederlck; reading by Merl FrizelL Instruct or at Silverton high school, and a vocal duet, Janice and Joyce Herigstad. Sunday is a day for fellowship with God. This Church Invites your attendance. Morning Worship. ll:S5 Who Crucified Jesus?" Sermon by the Paster ' Evening Worship, 7:J .m. The Centurion's Servant1 By Vesper Players ef Unfleld College Church School, 9 At sjb. Firs! Presbylerian Church Chemeketa. at Winter Chester W. Hamblln. Paster. John L. Goodenberger, Assistant Paster vDflPttuc JEFFERSON I Mr. and Mrs. Varion Goin are parents of a 6 pound 12 ounce girl born at Salem Memorial hospital Wednes day, March 9. She has been nam ed Martha Lu and has one brother and two sisters. ORCHARD HEIGHTS Word has been received of the birth of a daughter. Rose Marguerite, te Mr. and Mrs. Graham Walters of Plain view, Texas, on March 6. Mrs. Walters will be remembered here as Faye Mlnter. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Mlnter, Salem. VPtVwaa MAtsrHj ua aa eVUUXl UUEeK2 Airt. C (J, Is al 1 Lt , 9J.tr VtLwlUl fJVC. Ile .. fnf vreaV. arrv4 v t-fctam klHW ai . Vi ah. :3 iuitu evwau us lasss uii ui u iirs a ' n. a Miaa, 11 SSiSa - JL. . a JT aJUUIPSI H ruutnon, io Mr. ana aars. aA.ue Fullerton, Pendleton. j IT . . . .ww , HfliKPr in anemic tirit rv. T-.. T-i f .1 Tx nr.it... , All 11CV. UdlUTi MJ. iiir. pastor of Co rva Ills First Metho dist church, will speak at Salem First Methodist: church Sunday at 11 ajn. in an exchange of pulpits with the Rev. Brooks 1L Moore. Evangclisl - -Peggy Colan Internatlenally Known Preacher s Speaks Sncaay, Ilarch 13 9 :45 aan. to the f ' Sunday School 11:00 Sermon -Tho Naxsrits T:45 pan. Ermnsrellstle IUlljr Whtro Ar th Dtad" This Sermon Will Aruwer Many Ouestlons Also Tues WeL, TIibts Fri. Ti4B . pjxu Est. Radb Protrrsm KSLM. 4 sift p.m. Eviizjellrilo T&hcrcscb Assembly ef Oed 11th Ferry Its, i . i W. S. rrodeeiek. Paster "All Are Welcome- Ilnlinoniah j School of Iho Diblo Presents j Tho rinllnomali A Gappolla Choir With ! Lauren B. Sylxes. Diredsr You Will Want to Seo smd Hear This Well Trained Group at ; Klcgwccd Diblo Church, V7cs! Salen Sunday, March Uth ' 2:45 P. II. iinlreny CcnnciiUf Chsich sollee seath ef Salem en the eld Jef f eraea read eivhes you to unhu DEV. J. A. DODD f SUIIDAY - - - narch 13 MaMSSssslena saMiM 1Ai Veven aoavssff mrmm five - 5 Evening Servtee I:9t PJ- ! Ker. Dedd will sing -The Holy City" si the Evening larrlee EVERYONE IS WELCOME I 1 Sanday leheel si ft. am, Clasoos for all ages.