The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 08, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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    i ; . i t nt
Mucli Interest
Apparent in
School Plan
MONMOUTH A proposed con
solidation of school districts of this
area, to build a union high school
between Monmouth and Indepen
dence!, has drawn .out-several it
ems of interest. , s
Monmouth has 135 students at
tending its high school. Indepen
dence has ZOO high school students.
Within the last year, Monmouth
has enlarged and Improved its
grade school facilities bjr a $100.
000 building program, financed by
the state board of higher education
after district No. 13 voted to pay
off The debt -in annual install
ments of $5,000.
Independence also - has a brick
grade school built by the state and
vsd as a teacher training unit by
OCE. :
The non-high school districts of
Valley View, Parker, Oak Point.
Buena Vista, Mistletoe and Suve
have joined Independence and
Monmouth in signing petitions to
hold elections, to be held in each
district on the merger ( proposal
March 2S.
In case the merger is voted, all
of the combined - districts would
for a single first class district. At
present, both Monmouth and In
dependence are second class dis
tricts. All district funds would
then assist Monmouth in paying
off the $100,000 debt owed, but for
which Monmouth district is not
bonded. An option for 60 days has
been taken on the Kelley farm
tract oM0 acres between Indepen
dence and Monmouth for $16,000
as a union high school site, on
.which it la proposed to erect a
$400,000 union high building.
And Building
Keeping Pace
Three new dwellings were au
thorized for Salem Monday by
the city engineer's office, and two
permits to wreck dwellings were
issued.' ' ' '
? A. EL Heasley was issued per
mits to construct houses at 015
Fine st and 2310 Broadway st,
each to cost $7,000. Arthur Vaughn
was authorized to build a $4,000
'bouse at 505 Hickory st.
Madsen Wrecking company was
authorized -to wreck, the duplex
residence at 444-448 Marion st.,
and Kay Simpson was granted ap
proval to wreck a dwelling at 1047
6. Commercial st.
Four Comers
Cub Scouts
Den Formed
Den No. S of Pack 101 has been
organized with seven boys.
Mrs. Clifford Plerpomt will be
the den mother, assisted by Mrs.
Melvin Scotf and Mrs. Wfflard Pe-
derson. This pack is sponsored by
the Mothers' and Dads club of
Garfield school and is -composed of
Four Corners boys. Meetings will
be each Wednesday after school at
the Community halt Membership
roll is Gary Pierpoint ErieAand
Gary Pederson, Craig Scott, Rod
ney Anderson, James Burke, Gail
Rickey Garden club met Thurs
day evening at the Community
halt Mrs. Waldo Miller, president
J resided. Guest speaker was J. T.
urray, fingerprint expert; The
club voted4 to . sponsor Brownie
Troop 107. Committees were ap-
E tinted to work on turkey' dinner
arch f.
Keith Harris has returned to his
home on Durbin avenue from Sa
lem General hospital.
Mrs. Warren Shrake was host
ess on Thursday afternoon to her
ewinf club.
Dso Organic
O The right way to re
build soil . .
O .Free of eeede- .
O Odorlesa -;
G tzzhs C5.00
Bulk -1 ton
2 tons ....
Free delirery tnywhere
in Saiemarem. .
Ft:a 3-0127
Finnnce Co.
Leng -Time Farm Loans
Personal and Ante Leans
S-21 and M-222
House Hazing
Or.T.TXaaOI.D. Dr.O.CBasJt.D.
- D2S. CDAM . . , LAJI
, 241 Nartb Liberty ;
VpsUfrs Peroxad Ofa'eral Oaetrle
C:.OtHf mpn tatareay eahr II
1 uhw I Caral
ntlti, Blt4 press r ul aria
tnm ml caars. rrakc4
lac 111. . .
Logging Truck Runs Amuck,
? ' f "
ft !
ft i r
9 H
j ' y " '
ALBANY, March lThls legging track eeeldnt step when It eame off the Willamette
river bridge tmt4 Albany at First and Ellsworth streets Thursday mernlng, and
thle was the resalt. Driven by Oliver Farmer, Fbilomath, the track sheared off
the light pole lylag at the left, smashed a mall eeUeetton box and stepped astraddle
a Are hydrant It; also straek and smashed a pickvp operated by R. E. Hermens ef
- - I 8
James M. and Jloy I. Bishop vs.
Theresa' Rundaf and Mothers: De
fault order quiets plaintiffs1 title
to real Drooerty. f
C W. DeBQW.vs. Clara O. Ree
dy: Order disallows nation to mo
dify former decree.
Clyde T. Phernettgn vs. Rose
Phernetton: Decree of divorce
granted. - n
Elsie Keeker vs. Herbert Kee
ker: Decree of divorce awards cus
tody of 'three mirior I children to
plaintiff and reserves matter ox
suDDort money. ; a
Harold W. Mason vs. Adel L.
Leach and others: Suit filed to
aulet tlUe.
Keechlus Logging Co. vs. Grant
Daw Suit dismissed with preju-
dicebn motion of plaintiff
Cornelius William Sherman, Sa
lem, charged with larceny, bound
over to grand Jury after waiving
preliminary examination; held in
lieu of $1,000 bail. '
Alfred Schaler, Brooks, charged
with assault with intent to kill,
continued for plea to March- 8;
held in lieu of $3,000 ball.
Morris OiBbrne, 60 Williams
ave, charged with disorderly con
duct, continued for plea to March
8; held in lieu of $230 bail.
Lois D. Bradford, 715 Highland
ave., charged with embezzlement,
continued to March It for inves
tigation. I
Marvin Hoar; Salem route S,
charged with forgery, continued
for plea to March 8. g
William Brown, 585 S. 12th st,
reckless driving, fined 550.
Byron Lamoreux and Noella
Comstock, both 1115 S. 19th st,
charged with disorderly conduct,
morals involved, pleaded innocent,
trial set March 24. Held in lieu
of $100 bail each. !
C H. McDonbugh estate: Estate
appraised at $2,975. f '
Grace T. Gillon estate: Order
approves final account.
Thomas D. Trick estate: Order
closes estate. II
Alice M. Meyers estate: Order
admits will to probate, appoints
Milton L. Meyers as executor and
Fred Keeler, Rex Davis and Keith
Powell as appraisers.
: Cora M. Nash estate: Estate ap
praised at $18,518. Order author
izes sale ef personal5 property.
. David B. Hill estate: Estate ap
praised at $117,032. f
Michael J. Prank, 21, machinist,
39S N. 14th st, end Delores Bice,
19, clerk and secretary, 520 States
man st, both of Salem.
Samuel Franklin Fenlmore, 26,
student HUlsbero, end Mildred
Duff . Cooper. 23, teacher, 1535
Trade st., Salem. ' I
y . :s
Always av Dependable
Cash Market.
If yon dont bring: them to
i Curry's we both lose.
. ; ... - r. ri
V :
Prizes Given
In Contest for
Bird Houses
cub scout packs were represented
in the bird house contest sponsor
ed by the Lions club. Three prizes
were awarded boys from each
pack. The contest closed Friday
Winners were from Pack 57, Ha
zel Green, Skip Bolsby, Jerry Car
ter, Thomas Henny; Pack 56, Mt
Angel, Micky Kruse, James Fitz
simmons and Robert Ebner; Pack
61, Silverton, James Russell, Jerry
Lake, Dennis Morgan; Pack 52,
Silverton, Peter Gasso, Monty
Reiling, Dick Coomler. Judges
were Oscar Edlund, Lloyd Fry and
E. R. Ekman.
In the contest sponsored by the
recreation association and judged
by June' Drake, winners were:
ages 12 to 16, Donald Averette,
Ronald Averette, Victor Ness; ages
9 to 12, Lloyd Begin, Buford Av
erette, Jaunita Underwood; ages 6
to 9, Jerry Bugge, Jack RusselL
Jacqueline Shell. Jerry Bugge won
the grand sweepstakes prize.
E. R. Ekman snowed three reels
of motion pictures of outdoor life.
Aurora Woman Back
From Visit in Utah
AURORA Mrs. G. Beach re
turned this week from a visit with
her son-in-law and daughter and
new grandson in Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Willis Yodu left Tuesday
by plane for Nebraska to visit her
father who is ill.
The Garden club, branch of the
Aurora Woman's club, will meet
April 2. Place of meeting: has not
been announced.
Sot Is fbe oaswer to yov
traaapertanoa aaada. Iiwrtinle
delivery ... Owners tapqrt 30-3S
aUles per aalloa . 4. Easier to
baadle ... Easy ernialsg roace
ooou nup-a. . . . Mroa.
abla iaiatiora ... Sarrlea at
Ford Dealers everywhere. Coat
plate supply of ports at selected
Feed Dealers. See the AaaUa aad
rraiaot today!
Delivers at
Sales fee
- - . ?
with fall warrant Ce
la fee
Valley Ilclcr Co.
Tbe ANCLU aVDoee atedesi
tETECT 4 Beat Sedea
Topples Pole, Mailbox, in Downtown
Michael Ileniy Leenhart
WOODBURN Michael Henry
Leon hart, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Leon hart, Gervais,
died at a Salem hospitaL He was
born Feb. 13, 1949. Survivors are
his parents; a brother, Warren
Francis Leonhart; sister, Patricia
Rose Leonhart; grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Leonhart, Kansas,
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sequin,
Gervais. Graveside services will
be held Tuesday at 3 p. m. at Sa
cred Heart cemetery, Gervais,
with the Rev. Martin Doherty of
ficiating. Ringo chapel in charge.
Blood Program
Starts Today
Red Cross leaders Monday call
ed attention to today's dedication
program for the new blood col
lection program in Marion coun
ty. Open to the public at First
Methodist church at noon today,
the program4 will inaugurate the
regular collection of blood donat
ed by Salem and Marion county
residents for the new Red Cross
blood program The Portland blood
center eventually will provide
blood needed in 52 hospitals of
Oregon and southwest Washing
ton. Justice George Ross man will be
main speaker at the ceremony.
Home Economics Club
Leaders to Meet Here
All Marion county grange Home
Economics club chairmen will meet
in conference at Salem YMCA on
Monday, March 14 at 1:30 pjn
Mrs. George Benson, Pomona
chairman, has announced.
l ifite' T 'C I
I I The end of a busy day . . . dinner and Vi TT'""J H II
II an evening with good companions "... (?Bs I I
II. ... light Oljmpia as your beverage of j W J 11
II moderation. These are among H V 1 I
I I the good things of life U i j
II !Tk tHm Water1 . v tUSti I
jj y Can A Ligtt Ktfnshmtnt Btwrmp f Mimu f Ttmftrem ffb l
II ,V i MtWIM (W,I1 tMMA MMMtIWi a. . I 1
Albany, before the truck eab burst Into flames, which were quickly extinguished.
A city bos carrying 40 children was backed out ef the track's path by Vera GrabskJ,
Albany. Ne one was hart theogh Hermens was shaken np. Farmer was fined $25
for reckless driving and had a five-day Jail sentence suspended by Folic Jadge
Kex Batler. (Cat eeartesy Greater Oregon).
Floral Leader
Of State Fair
Cites Interest
STAYTON Mrs. V. A. Goode,
who has again been appointed by
Leo Spitzbart, manager of the Ore
gon state fair, to have charge of
the floral building at this year's
fair, states that much early inter
est ms being shown by various gar
den clubs in the fair exhibitis
Appearing at a meeting of the
Swegle Garden club, Mrs. Goode
answered questions about the ex
hibits and space allotment. The
Swegle club, she said., is planning
to grow special flowers.
An extensive program is plan
ned by the Federated club and
commercial exhibitors will be
more numerous this year, she said.
Forgery Plea
Slated Today
Marvin Hoar, Salem route 3, Is
slated to plead today in Marion
county district court to a charge
of check forgery.
Hoar was arrested Sunday by a
Marion county deputy sheriff on
a charge of forging a $22 payroll
check of the Willamette Valley
Horsemen's association last No
vember 29. He appeared in dis
trict court Monday and is being
held in the county jail in lieu of
$1,000 baiL
In other disrict court action
Monday, Lois Dorothy Bradford,
21, of 7 IS Highland ave, pleaded
guilty to embezzling $16 from the
Capital Journal. The complaint
was signed by C. A Hoyer, postal
inspector. Sentence on Miss Brad
ford was suspended to March 14
for investigation.
t :
PT A Collects
European Aid
SILVERTON Clothing to be
distributed by World Friends' ser
vice in Coblenz, Germany, togeth
er with $28 in cash for school and
pre-school children, was received
at the Thursday night meeting of
the Silverton Parent-Teacher asso
ciation. Guest speaker was Willard Ben
son, who, with Mrs. Benson and
daughter, returned recently from
several months in Europe. He told
of conditions as he found them
there, noting the food shortages in
England and Germany, but good
supplies in Norway, Belgium and
John Erickson, accompanied by
Joyce 'Martin, gave a vocal - solo,
and Miss Martin gave two piano
Mrs. P. A. Loar told of the X
ray mobile unit to be here March
16, and Mrs. Vetter appointed the
nominating committee to consist
of Howard George, Hannah Olson,
Mrs. E. R. Boyd, Mrs. Allen Fos
ter and Mrs. Gordon VanCleave.
Distinctive Men's Wear
Clothes Tailored In
The Hollywood Manner
; by Damlee
High at Court SL
Senator Hotel Building
y Y
The Statesman, Salem, Oreconu Tnesdorr, TTarc3i t, 1843 3 "
Walnut Flavor Not Up to Par;
Growers Prepare for Meetings
By Lime I Madsea 1
Tana TCdltor. Tba SUtasmaa ' l
l- Cracking 900 tons of walnuts is no small matter, officials ef Salem '
Nut Growers cooperative stated Monday. This was the number of
cracking stock walnuts j sorted from the 720 tons received at the
plant this season. -'. . -. .
: The shelling is being done at a central plant where the other
cooperatives are also having their cracking stock cared for. Nut meats
are moving out rapidly but flavor .
is not up to the usual cracked stock,
members stated, as they expressed
hope that the flavor would not in
jure the cracked nut market for
the future.
Plans are being made for the
annual meeting of the ! coopera
tive, set tentatively for March 20.
Growers, on the Pacific coast
are being reminded this week that
March IS is the final date on which
they may vote to designate nomi
nees to the walnut control boards
in their states.
In Oregon, Northwest Nut
Growers association will submit
nominees to represent the produc
ers who market through that co
operative. Growers not represent
ed by a cooperative are entitled to
submit nominees to the boards al
so, officials said. If independent
producers have not already done
so they should get ballots and
voting procedure information be
fore the deadline, March IS. Grow-
Hubbard Pythian
Sisters Complete
Plan for Program '
HUBBARD Alton Temple
Pythian Sisters met at the KP hall
Tuesday evening with 42 members
present and Marie Covey, MEC,
Plans for. "Past Chiefs night
were made when the past chiefs
will take over the evening with
Hazel Friend as MEC Others in
the chairs will be Meta Friend, Sa
die ScholL Wilma Leffler, Susie
Moore, Cora Smith, Anna ScholL
Kathryn Will and Anna Stauffer.
Cobie deLespinasse and Mabel
Cook are on the program commit
tee. .
AImo completed weref plans f of
the annual faster gift to the home,
to consist of canned goods, which
should be at the Temple room by
the April 4 meeting, Marie Covey
will be in charge. i
The Temple accepted the invita
tlon of DDGC Flora Wilson to ex
emplify the ladies' initiation at the
district convention in! Portland,
May 20.
Refreshments were served by
Beatrice Miller, Hazel Friend and
Marguerite Moomaw.
A iN ANY FA!& i
Paint COULD be applied with a hoot broom,
or even a rag on a stick but a FINE JOB of
painting requires proper equipment
o incno-spniY r
The revolutionary spray tra for maJtl-parpoee
AH types conrentlonal spraj gun.
o cnoun coiipnEssons
Parts and equipment.
Fine brush ee of reel bristle. The price of food
paint brashes has gone up, but we arejtoldlag; to
. the old price for a limited time. Get your brush
es NOW to sare money. I
Scrapers - Wire Brashes - Patty Knives - Caulk
ing guns '" Sandpaper. j . . .
O SEE US FOR ALL YOUR paint needs
NEWS - KSLM - 12:15 P. M. & C:15 P. If.
- .
ers may obtain these from T. J,
Broadhead, SIS S.f E. 10th ave,
Portland, or from the offices of the
Walnut Control board, room 130,
Sherlock building, Portland.
"Oldat 40,59,63?"
Llan, Yea re Crazy
mr aati Tuiwiw 9dpi m W. Try
mr wtai (Mm. Omuim nmkinxl
u tMir to m at
M mm4 m ll "my 1 rf
" 2-l2rV"r "' "'' Mb
At all drag- stores everywhere la
Salem at Fred Meyers
I 3
fifa fit
-aw -at-W
i it m
Fairgrounds' Read: at Hood
' ' rh. S-87S2 '
TJS Center
Front & Court Slav
r Phone 8-91C3
Ph. 2-2147