9 '. flTtx' Stef man. Colem, Orou To day, tfarA fr ItM State Board Men Visit New QCE NX Building .. ; ! I : f 1 ; I'- V- ! r mm n"" 1w i HwmiMMi rTMyitnTrTr'1"1' " T'" ajON'MOL'TII Equipment la tb sew addition 't Orrron Collet af Education's campus elementary school la inspected by members of the state board of hither edneation building- committee. (left to 'lirht) Fbil Metacban, Portland. Lclf Flnseth, Dallas, and B. E. Klelnsorfe, BUrer-ton, committee chair 1 man. Al here recently to see the bulldlnr, which will botue klnderrarten and primary trades, were : Dr. C D. Byrne, secretary of the tote board, arid Chancellor Paol C. Packer. (Photo by OCE News i bureau). ' t r Voifley Mews JBirfielis SUrerton. March 4 Mr. and lira. Max McMillin and two young daughters who have been living in the Ole Meland place on South Third at, have .moved Into the home they purchased several months ago at 236 Jerome street. The Frank Heatings, who were ll.r-lrx. 4tmrM mnvmA tn fia1m Millin Is a local attorney with of fices In the Masonic building. Union Bill Mrs. Marion Miller will be hostess to the members of the grange Home Economics Club at her home Wednesday. March 9. Roll call will be "New Garden Plans," with Mrs. Ernest Speed as leader. Project is. exchange of gar den plants. AamsrW The March homey m . mm m a extension meeting wui dc neia ax the Ed Holmquist home Wednes day, March 9, with Mrs. Jack La . Sent and ' Mrs. Marvin , Bradley awting as project leaders for "Wall finishes. Pedee World Day of Prayer In charge of Mrs. J. W. McCormack was observed by the Women's So ciety of World Service of the Evan ' folical United Brethren church at the Sidney Howard home with aline present. . '. Perry dale A motion picture and talk on prevention of farm ac cidents will be presented at Perry dale Community club on Wednes day, March 16, by the accident pre vention division of the state indus trial accident xommlsslon. Kelzer A talent show will be presented at Keizer school on Fri day, March 18, by the parent Teachers association. SUrerton Waldo Hills grange will observe Its visitation night, Saturday, March; 26, when Macleay grange will be entertained, Rich ard Barnes, master, has announc ed. : 8Uverton Th Veterans of For eign Wars Sewing club will meet March 11 with Mrs. M. S. Chand ler, 205 Charles it. Silvertoa The March meeting of the Women's Sciety for Chris tian Service will be held in the Methodist church social rooms, Thursday, March 17. Fellowship circle will 'meet! with Mrs. Albert Grinde, 407 Oak st., and Sarah Jane Circle with Mrs. E. R. Adams, 243, Coolidge sti Thursday, March 10. si Fire District Plans If liturej . - h I LIBERTY -SALEM HEIGHTS The Liberty-Salem Heights fire district committee has askedthe county surveyoi to draw up the legal describtion of v the fire dis trict area and vted not to Include any part of the Territory A whose annexation to the city of Salem will be voted on again. Every family in the fire district area will be asked to help pay in itial cost of a fire truck and the legal expenses connected with the establishment of the district. Awards Granted Cub Scouts at Keizer Meeting KEIZER Cub scout pack met recently at the Grange hall, with Fred Gast, assistant Cub Master In charge. The Pack charter was presented to Mrs. Nick LeRude, president of the sponsoring group. Entertainment Included a horn solo by Bobby Yunker, piano solo by Terry Copley, yiolin solo by Jack Reinwald and'skits by Dens five", six and seven. Awards went to Brent Neiger, George Baker, Terry Teets, David J;ehfuss and Richard Davis; Bear wards to Jerry Watson, David Adams, Douglas Adams; Webelos, to Dale Wood; Gold Arrows, to John Keller, Richard Murphy, Jerry Watson, David Adams, Douglas Adams, Billy Shattuc, Colin Morse; Silver arrows to George Baker, John Keller, Rich ard Murphy, David Adams, Charles Church, Bobby Yunker and Courtney Jacobs. The Welsh people are of Celtic stock, like the Irish. lit m Salen Healing &nd Sheel Ilelal Co. "Heating Headquarters' 1085 Broadway It. Ph. 8-8555 Salem. Oregoa Day or Night WORLD I FA r.lO US M . W afi1 a prico you tan easily cf.'crd 4f 's V rs Noff $200 KtODD. S-44 -STACt SAVEIt- I sfcasMaaMHssaf W j Tblak ci it oaJyrCCPJ . j for ft ctbioec fTpa Cics ir Adluitabla rV Scratch-Proof e Clofesf Thormoitat Shoo! I ac toPfafif ' Control Turnlnn noil - L TVI--f 1. ..: '.'I.:-. i 0fa.0gC?7 KiSSSm w... smmv 9ir, Opon : Cahlifoti ctssdoxw it i r Stayton Post Observes Its Anniversary STAYTON Honoring the Slit anniversary of the American Le gion, Stayton post and auxiliary met for a no-host dinner in the Legion hall Wednesday evening with more than 70 In attendance. George R. Duncan was master of ceremonies. Mrs. Wilda Thorn, department president, described the purposes of the Legion and auxiliary. Others present were Mrs. Sadie Grimm, vice president of district 3; Eva Kruson, Oak ridge, president of district 3; and Gate Kruson, Dallas, president of district 2. Mrs. Elsie Bishart of Sdo gave a reading and Jerry Bassett of Lyons played accordion numbers. Roads Now Getting In Better Condition In Some Districts MIDDLE GROVERoads which have been impassable since the frosts are in better shape now. Mrs. Lena Bartruff has been visiting relatives in Portland. Farmers are taking advantage of the spring weather to put in closed seed and spread fertilizers, and to train cane berries and make applications of dormant spray. Measles are prevalent in this area. Brownie Scouts Name Officers JEFFERSON The Brownie scouts : elected Barbara Argo as president; Janice Wheeler, secre tary; Marlene Trudgeon, vice president Ayleenj Mammack is reporter. L. S. Cammack has returned home from the veterans' hospital In Portland. Mrs. Hazel Laverick of Holly wood, Calif., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harley Libby. Harley Libby spoke on "A Lay man's Views on Medical Care" at the Oregon Council of Churches In Portland. The smallest member of the flute family Is the piccolo. New-bora whales are larger!, Whale oil today Is valued foa I glycerine, soaps and creama. than full grown elephants. SPECIAL OFFER SAVE ,$$$$$$$$ FOR A LIMITED TIME WE WILL INSULATE ANY AVERAGE SINGLE STORY II03IE FOR $100.00 40 Fuel Savin 15 c, ln S urn me Guaranteed Vermin Proof Non-Settling I Non-Conductor of Electricity Iloriliwesl Building Supplies j rnoNB s-roa rvi LKU LKU p) A I Ready for re-isue. With new half- I aoles and heels I We're the hoys thai put ihb "SALE in SALEI2 ibave Srosh Fine bristle Set in rubber Cushion Sol X ( SOX I Half length I with elastic top FACE LOTION HAIR TONIC MEN'S TALK SINGLE EDGE RAZOR yys 18x33 N I I Fine while lerry clolh. j 1 I Hade by Dundee I Grey, all wool jtnw blanket. Leather faced. Long wearing. Fine j 1 for berry training. I Air corps style with green poloroia rkor U. S. N. O. D. Dungarees TOWELS . 20x40 Long wearing, full fitting QP Ideal for farina JQr now saaww mechanics 9w KOI Summer weight "pinks Heavy cotton twill Ski Saps Red or blue. Best quality, water repellent. G. I. Work 60 Wool Sox O. D. Color for MM Reg. SOc. Can't name maker, but Bob Hope ia a big booster . , j S Open Eveningi v TU 0:C3 f ff Pandine Base Pennsylvania Oil 1 I was --fi Spring type. Limit of S. dozen perl I . customer. j f ' I 9 TIkL JU for sllOCe Slffd. by Pebieo Include dauber brush pollshingn brush and can Esquire polish. 1 1 Ganvas ilovGsf - i Heavy 10-oz long wear Open Evenings 'Til 9;C3 (Pffltill? IXIIKDIEMOTfll (jo LHJ Lb LMJ Lb Ln to Lni U J U Jib E Fairgrounds Road and N. Church I