r -" i Th SfcrteWin Sdm, Orsxjoiv Sandcry, MdrcH' 8, 1M1 The Nation's Top Comics JL DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newspaper BLONDIE V 'J -jV ? I rUJ-lkNOfSLA WOMAN 1 fl DONT KNOW J AGCIOENT.1 f IHAVE. V; MAVBE. , RAN IN FBOMTME PLAT- I WMERE SME ME CALLSj A ROOM IN TVIE CHIEF HE FELL FDg THAT LINE ? FORM AMD SAID WER J WENT. I RAN nV IT. i-zZ. THE HOTEL. I HAD A GOOO ABOUT TAKING AN ELEVATED MUSBANO HAD FALLEN jA OUT TO LOCK7 S3 1 COULDN'T WUNCH. (SIDE TO TALK THINGS OVER. COVEK THERAJL .ffTf AT THE MWtiJ SLEEP. I NAAS I UET5 LOOK- HAf I WONT BE BOTHEI?EO jEJ iTW' I Mff I i ACOPENT. J&KftMC WATCHING. I V THIS OVER. hTR ' unifrcr tcoti-tuic MtKrpe THE NICEST COUNTRY IN THE WHOLE WOfllD. NICE TREES NICE R0VVEBS. AN ITS FULL OF TERRIBLE HC PEOPLE -COURSE.THEY f I ACT WNPA STRANGc rtAUSE NOBOOY EVER LAFF5 AM' ) 1 f N f EVERYBOCYACTS LIKE THEY WAS (I IN A THEATRE - JUST SfTTl N ' r NICE PEOPLE "COURSE, THEYJ I rSf3? VER COMES HEREJ I AWFUL QUIET-WAIT) FOR . j LITTLE ANNIE ROONET ftl 1 ' i& Lf euz sawtIR k this T that4 all, am. wrce 1 1 that ail we'll II .x- -v retSTO! mid a amky ZJ AUT MATERIAL CU IttXJSHINS IT-KMMKZt NEED. NOW, WOULD YOU SWANKY, TWO-ROOMER IT'LL K. VSrA g00U6tfT 10 BUILD US- i i U 6000 PREFER OUR FIRST BY AiLMEAklS.) HUZUM'. TRi UP " - i tL' AMMir H f HEAVEN 51 HOME TO BE A NIFTY M THE iANOl TWE CORNEQ- !--.- ?S v f? JUST A FEW BEEHIVE JOB LIKE THE T STONE TOR TME PBKT ijVR ? fV) JAIL. BOARDS, I NATIVES USE, OR A vTSH HOUSF m SAWVERVIllE 11' JATTJj" - KW . - I r5lVC vOU V, f VBAWI I ( av ? ) -y,' r GOSM...1 wiSM we COULD) lUNCA MlCKEV? GET IT 7 fl M T Ac3AlN! j- HaV MICTET MOUSE V Ji tcS j5 iT-CTSO 600O OF VOUTO YiaWOSSBLS, WST I I MOM'S ASCIN3 DON'T WORRV, STU. I I OH, RIP l I WISH T NONSENSEi THIS IS 3 SEE US OF, MR. KHWTt I BeAUMOhnur VB THAT FELLOW Y " IR8 0MES TO U WEE 00lNS.' ) VOUR CHAWCC TO FIND WHV DOI'T 0U TAKE A A WORK TO DO. C TO VISIT US I I BLAOO4TE.?, fv'LL I'MAUTTLC OLTT WHERE UR HEART V HCATI0N AND JD)H US -Jf mCst WHY DOES SHE A LOSC HIM IN A CYPRESS . FRiflHTENED.' V UES.-HAVE FUN.' EL? : I j F tyCT 1 T""" TT y 1 mjm nr rc-mW yi TAKE TWE LOT FOR V IT'S A 'W Aeeer uik aTV DERMZTMENT. A NEW OUTFIT I RlD OP THE OLO ONESfU. f SO BUCKS. THE'LL I DEAL, MUCS. " I SSI-!!5X'Jir VS? WH6eL3AIUeOWS-30 OP "CM. F I EU VtXI-AS JUMK 92, 1 CO LIKE MOT DOCS- J DEUVEa EM l KKjHT - , - , . -j;-: V ALL USED, BUTCOOD. y 3v AT 2 APIECE. . f TO PALLET ; GA fei , t, -1- Xj " 1 -a; ' wawl7 cocnpftwy THReprrENeo we haue eight all UP T P7 IWHAR-SOl! TH6 MASTER HflS GONE nSfJZi OTWAT V THAT DID IT L' TSeJUG TIES AN MOONSHtNERS "TIELESS OJtR TO HIS TIE TOPy 5Fg? mK"? L-L- ALLReftOV FOR V IS ON TH' WARPATH 2 Ty TYLER . TO ATTEXJO TO SOME ISKSSir L? T& Y .TlG SH1YNT-. TCOn (G7 TH&iSSJjNA "RGSl BUSINESS moONTOM4 I J WOU1L LOSE A , PaHtT "THE YOUNG IDEA" B7 Mossier A 6UT.P0P. I REALLY NiP A ) ILSI WELL, PIGEON. DID YOUR TOOKCASt HERE IK MY ROOM BOOKCASE GET HEPE OKAY? ', - V I i- YES, POP, AND IT'S k 1 1 K (OKAY, IU HAVE) f REALLY JUPER-CMW P X U NICE, BUT WHERE IN THE THE PEOPLE X BORROWED 'EM WORLD ARE ALL THE BOOKS YOU HAD FROM ALL CAME AND GOT lUty' !UTlNrTy . MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Tinjc Klteeyeles: K8LM HM. KOCO 14. KOIN 9T. RGff C2. REX 11M HOUB 6KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Morning Nw (Timekeeper News Hodge Podge Early Bird I KOIN Kloek IHodce Podge pCarly Bird M:3t arch Time t:4S KOIN Klock IParm Time lEarly Bird KOIN Kloek (Farm Time iFarm New 7 KfLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Tex Hitter KOIN Klock Kneass News McCaU News I Rise and Shine 'Rise and Shine rT op Trades News It Sports JTop o" Morn. (Top o Morn. (News (Bob Carted Fred Beck IFunnies Old Songs' IHayes. News lAgronsky Time Tempos IZeke Manners 8 KfLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Barg. Counter V. Ltndlahr Sot Pioneers Orchestra King Crusaders user news fred Waring Breakfast King Crusaders) West Melodies i West. Melodies Art Baker Grand 81am I Grand Slam Fred Waring (Jack Berch (Tommy Doner iBreakiast iBreakiast iBreakast 9 KfLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Kate Smith (Pastor's Call (Walts Time WUdWd Church Vocal Musi j Musis jMusle Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny (Helen Trent' (Our Gal Sunday Tommy Dorsey ITommy Dorsey (Tommy Dorsey Kneasa News News Today's Stars Kay Kyser I Kay Kyser 10 KfLM News KOCO Coffee Cup KOIN Big Sister KGW Paul Weston KEX Ted Malone Gospel Singer (Orchestra (Waltz Serenade Peggy Lee (Lullaby (King Cole Trie Ma reruns ur Maione luuiaing ugm Paul Weston (Great Moments Bright Day Galen Drake True Story I True Story 11 KSLM Ladles First (Ladies First IQueen for Day IQueen for Day KOCO News IGlass Wax (Glass Wax I Glass Wsx KOIN Mrs Burton I Perry Mason I Nora Drake I Makes U Tick KGW DbL or Nothing! Dbl. or NothlnglToday's Child Light World KEX Betty Crocker I Eleanor. Anna t North westers (North westers I 12 KSLM Top Trsdes KOCO Melody Lady KOIN Noon News KGW Kneass News KEX News JNews (Organ Moods (Come Get It I Ms Perkins (Farm Outlook N.W. News (C of C News I Mem. Musie Lewis Show ! Lew is Show IPepper Youns. IHsppiness More from LifeiEasy Aces 1 Btng Sings KSLM C of C I Johnson Family Lanny Ross KOCO Classics Icia&sirs ILeibert (Favorites KOIN Pat O'Brien Air Newspaper. Winner Take 'Air Newspaper KGW Stage Wile I.Stella Dallas (Lorenzo Jones Widder Brown KEX H-wood Br kfast H'wood Br'kfastl Kay West iKsy West KSLM Anniversary 'Anniversary KOCO Research Advs. Salem High KOIN Hint Hunt iHint Hunt KGW Glr Marries JPortlss Life KEX Show Tunes (News (Farm St Home lOrchestra IOff the Shelf ISocUl Security IMeet Missus Meet Missus Plain BiU IPsge FsrreU Bride. Groom J Bride. Groom 3 KOCO KSLM KOIN KGW KEX Happy Gang 12th St. Hour Vrt Kirkham Road Life Ladies Sested Happy Gang 1 12th St. Hour i Tunefully I Lor a La w tun I Ladies Seated Orchestra (News 12th St. Hour 1 12th St Hour Arthur Godfrey Vrthur Godfrey) Aunt Msry (Love ft Learn Art Linkletter lArt Llnkletter 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis I Hemingway Passing ParsdeH Dream House KOCO Woman's Page 1 Science Excur. (Music Spotlite .Music Spotllte KOIN Arthur Godfrey! Arthur GodfreylClub 13 I Ed Murrow KGW Woman's Secret Life Beautiful 'Linda's Love I M0 Five KEX Travelers (Travelers (Squirrel Cage Squirrel Cage 5 KSLM Superman (Superman ICapt. Midnight Tom Mix KOCO Sleepy Joe jRhythm Ranch IBing Crosby IBS Keys KOIN Knox Manning iSparkle Music jChet Huntley I Bob Uarred KGW Chjck Foster IKaltenbom (Voice (Voire KEX Challenge (Challenge 'I. Armstrong If. Armstrong 8 KSLM KOCO UOIN KGW KEX Gab. Hester (Tom Bailey Candle Melody (Candle Melody Radio Theatre (Radio Theatre Music Cocktail Music Cocktail Sports Irish and Hunt I Fish and Hunt News r Song Radio Theatre (Radio Theatre Dr. L Q. IDr. 1 Q. lome Edition (Hopalong Cass. Hopalong Cass. 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX America Forum 'America Forum Mere s to vets caaie Lrnur Friend Erma iFriend Erma Content Hqur jContent Hour Lone Ranker ILone Ranger (News Cisco Kid rClsco Kid Week's Sports (Top Band Hawk Show (Hawk Show Piano I Children (SUrr Time 8 KSLM George Do It (George Do It ISher. Holmes iSher. Holmes KOCO Comments I Navy Band I Party Line Party Line KOIN Lowell Thomas Smith Show (Talent Scouts I Talent Scouts KGW Supper Club IWorld News (Cavalcade Cavalcade KEX Railroad Hour I Railroad Hour i Railroad Hour IH. J. Taylor 9 KSLM News IF Law ton lOrchestra KOCO Variety Parsde Music Horizons Frsnk DeVol KOIN Inner Sanctum I Inner Sanctum Beaulah KGW Telephone I louriTelephone Hour Big Slorr KEX Arthur Gaeth (Guest Star Mr. President lOrchestra Frank DeVol Night Editor IBig Storv Mr. President 10 KR1..M Fulton Lewis (Local News (News KOCO Track 1400 (Track 1490 I Track 1490 KOIN i Mar Final I You and World I Century KGW News iSports Ifcand Wagon KEX Richfield Rptr. (Intermezzo I Concert Hour lOrchestra Track 1490 I Air ITow l Morton Downey C on cert Hour 11 K8L.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Reel Track 1.90 Serenade News Concert Hour Open House i Track I'M I Aeienade Orchestra Conceit Hour (Open House (Open House ITrack I49U (Track I49u I I Rand Box Rev I Band Box Rev. ITime to Dream Time to Dream (Memos I Memos KOAC-!!l k.e. Monday 10:00 am. News: 10:13 Kipecialiv for Women: 110 Oregon School of the Air; 11:13 Concert Hall; 12 00 News: 12:13 Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'em Cowboy: 1:13 Oregon School of the Air; 135 Kern and Sloop: 1:45 Melodv Lane: 2:00 Northwest Frontiers: 2:30 Mem ory Book of Music: ::43 Ore Kon School of the Air: 3:00 News: 3:13 Music of the Masters: 440 Oregon Reporter; 4:13 Keyboard Classics; 4 JO Capitol Story: 4:43 Children's Theatre: S0 On the Upbeat: 5:50 Sports Club; CtM News; :15 Dinner Melodies; S 30 Mus ic of Czechoslovakis; 1:15 Evening Farm Hour: fl:00 Sports Time; s:ll Cmpu Recital: I 43 World in Re view: 9:00 Music That Endures: 9:45 Evening Meditations; 10:00 Sign Off. GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty eixas niitSm ; "Im protocttna; the rillbuster we mast appeal to thewesBea ef the cshuk try ... they know what fan It la to talk abeat m thins: far hears." SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Klleeyeles: KSLM 1XN. KOCO 14N. KOIN til. KGW C2I. KZZ lift SOUK 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX World Mew tttll 1 I Organist I Organist tf:M Irrtolty Choir 7 KfLM Musle KOCO KOIN Air Church KGW Radio Pulpit KEX Musie Time I Air Church Radio Pulpit Musie Time Tone TastestriesJTOne Tapestried Air Church emery Musle usie Time Atr Cburch I Memory Masie iNews ! 8 KfLM First Baptist First Baptist Voice Prorhe?yVo4ee Prephseyl KOCO Jesters INews Pse. Bible Inst.lPae. Bible Ina. KOIN News Newsmakers (Salt Lake TabJSait Lake Tab. KOW Home Church Home Church I Doe's Musle Doe's Musle KEX Quartet Rivulet I Hour of Faith ttiour ef Faith 9 KfLM Bible Class KOCO V. Fellowship KOIN Learning KGW Funnies KEX 1 Min. Concert (Bible Class JClark Dennis (Learning (Funnies Garden Talks (Lutheran Hr. (Ave Maria .: lOuaat Stars (Eternal Light Its real Message (Luther sn tir. Ave Maria ( INews Eternal Light I Israel Message 10 KfLM News lOrchestra KOCO WUdw'd ChurcblLelbert KOIN PUUorm IPlatform KGW Glenn Bnelley I iintn SneOey B. K. sports IHiway IVtWf IWayae King ITell It Ai I Round Ta hxhestra i iunday V Jng HP respers): .Vsyne King Tell It Asatn Round Table Sunday Vesper 11 KfLM Wm. L. Shlrer (J. B. Kennedy (Sun. Favorites (Canary Shew KOCO 1st Baptist Chllst Aaptisl cn tlst Baptist CHtlst Baptist Ch. KOIN Music Festival I Musie Festival I People Stand (News I KGW Down Wind (Down Wind (Univ. Theatre Univ. Theatre KEX Parade Hits (Handy Man gtane PL (Piano PL i 12 KfLM New (Voice of Army (Juvenile Jury Ifuvenlle Jury KOCO String SerenadelString Serenade'Newi (Guy Lombard KOIN Symphony ISymphony (Symphony ISymphony KGW Univ. Theatre TJnlv. Theatre 1 Man's Famllyll Man's Fsmlly KEX Hit Parade ISoc. News (Treasurer BandlTreasurer Band 1 KfLM Mystery HouseMystery House! Detectives (Detectives -' KOCO Music At Words! Music St Words Musle St Words! Music sV Word KOIN Symphony (Symphony (Magic Musle (News KGW Quiz Kids (Quiz Kids iDste Musle JNews KEX Amer. Future iFor'n Reporter (Auditiooa (Auditions 2 KfLM Amer. Musie lAmer. Musie (Quick. Flash KOCO Sammy Kaye ISammv Kaye (Sunday Musie KOIN ' Song Feet (Song Feet Brosdwsy KGW Jane Pickens Jane Pickens Rob. Merrill KEX Sunday with CISunday with U, Quiet PUase I Quick. Flash liunday Musie iBroadway :i Rob. Merrill t (Quiet Please 3 KfLM Roy Rogers Roy Rogers INlck Carter KOCO Drawing Room Drawing Room (Serenade KOIN Family Hour IFamrty Hour I Spike Jones KGW Master Musle Master Musle Living 1949 KEX Dr. Danficld Dr. Danfield (Greatest Story INlck Csrte 1 Serenade t i Spike Jones Living 1949 ICreatest Story 4 KfLM Opera Concert (Opera Concert (Christ ContactslChrtst Contacts! KOCO Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart: Donald Stewart KOIN Jack Benny Jack Benny Amos n Andy (Amos n Andy KGW Horace Heidt (Horace Heldt Harris St Faye Harris St Fsye KEX Pst Novae IPst Novae (Changing WorldJNews . .4 5 KfLM KOCO KOIN KGW Healing Wings (Healing Wings lOrchestra Dallas Minister (Land of Free (serenade Life with LuigVLife with Luigl News Fred Allen I Fred Allen (NBC Theatre Stop Muste Stop Musie (Stop Musle News ! i Serenade ' i Serenade ! NBC Theatre (Stop Muste I 6 KfLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Under Arrest News Helen Bays TBA W. Wlnchen IB. Cunningham (Melodies . f (Under Arrest (N.W. News Sacred Heart (Melodies IHelen Bays (Miss Brooks Miss Brooks (TBA - I'smiliar Musle Familiar Muste Louella PsrsonsThestro Guild IThestrs Guild 7 KfLM Town Mayor KOCO To America KOIN Lum. Abner KGW x Take KEX Theatre Guild ITown Mayor (Wilson Show IWIlso Show (Frank DeVol lAllen Roth (Alien Roth i Ignorance Pays Ignorance Pays Lum. Abner Leave ft (Take Leave It I orace Heldt I Horace Heldt Theatre Guild iJlmmle Fidler INews 'I 8 KfLM 20 Questions 00 Questions KOCO Ave Marta KOIN You R There KGW Ox and Harriet KEX Drew Pearson (W. WtncheU ILouells Parson (Ave Maria (Norm. Clou tier! Norm. Cloutier I You R There lAThlstler Whistler Os and Harriet Svmol one iSymphony (Headlines IW. Wlnchell (intermezzo 9 KfLM KOCO KOIN KGW News lAdm. Zacharlas'Drchestr Sunday Saloa (Sunday Salon (Concert Hall Sam Spade (Sam Spade Jack Benny Symphony ISymphony Who Said Dream Girl (R'dside Chapel Orchestra (New : Concert Hall Jack Benny Who Said :1 Orchestra 1 1 10 KSLM Beartval Hour (Revival Hour (Revive I Hour IRevlvsl Hour KOCO Manhattan Mus.fMsnhattsn Mus.'Lswrence Weik (News . !i KOIN i-stai Final iU. Explorer IlL Francis Hr.lOrchestra ii KGW News lAnn Mercer I rstholie Hour ICstholle Hour KEX News (Drew Pearson lOrchestra (Orchestra il 1 KSLM Sign Off 1 KOCO I I KOIN Orchestra (I I KOW News I KEX Orchestra Orchestra . (Mldnlle Prelude.'Mldnlto Prelude Decision Now Orchestra lOrchestra it lOrchestra (Memos. Memos. ! Middle Grove MI Qub Practices Hog Judging MIDDLE GROVE-Marvin Cage, Gary Doty and Eldon Beutler took Theyll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo . Se S&t I U III I N. fm-J lets start MB 8 n&rrfeftr de' ALLSET-) J ' jILiSf'' LJ"ffl ' isaasasaassg: 7J c. mm. si rsTMts finTwTlmly ...... r. ... . .v. I ltf&&&&'L fifM " ! ! ; top honors in a recent practice hog Judging contest which featured a meeting of the Middle Grove pro gressive 4-H Swine club. The group will meet again at Marvin Cage home March- 28. The recent meeting was with Mrs. Emory Goode, club leader. Azalea House Sale Nets $14 CENTRAL, HOWELL. March meeting of Central Howell home extension unit was held at J the home of Mrs. Clyde DeSart. Co- hostesses at the luncheon were Mrs. Lewis Patterson, Mrs. ' Earl DeSart, Mrs. Anna Kuenzl land Mrs. Raymond AIL Lj Report of the sale. In charge -f Mrs. Lewis Patterson, for the Azalea House fund, showed $13.73 earned. Study project for the aft ernoon was Wall Finishes, la charge of Mrs. Eldon Alt and Mrs.' Earl DeSart. The April meetinr-"" will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Way. ! Visitors at the meeting included Mrs. Martha DeSart, Mrs. Alphu. Schar. Mrs. Earl Schar, Mrs. Dble Lively and Mrs. Gerald DeSart of Salem, and Mrs. Robert Beach of Portland. Members present were Mesdames Frank Way, C. L. Sim mons. Clarence Simmons. Jr.. El don Alt George Plane, Robert Dye, ; John Cage, Frank 'Beutler, John Van Laanen, John Srhafer, Wilbur Wilson. Lee Dow. Theadore Ku- etzi, Leonard Roth, Ray McKib? b t. MUton Kepnart ana xumery C ode. U o 7 BARNEY GOOGLE -i : i , ,. , J