; s ft L - ' J I . ''l ' Miss Marcella Schwartz, daughter of Mrs. Lucy E. Schwartz, whose engagement to Richard F. Gentzkow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gentzkow, is being revealed this weekend. The wedding i planned for the fall. QCennell-EIlisX Marcella Schwartz Engaged Mow wearing a diamond on her left hand is brunette Marcella Schwartz, daughter of Mrs. Lucy E. Schwartz. The bride-elect Is announcing ' her ' engagement to Richard F. Gentzkow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gentzkow, all of Salem, this weekend. The wed ding of the engaged duo is plan ned fOE this fall.. The V bride-to-be attended St. Ludgers Academy at Creighton, Nebraska and-is now employed at Ladd and Bush bank. United States National bank. Her fiance is a graduate of Sacred Heart Aca demy and attended Willamette university. During the war he served in the navy. He is now en gaged in professional baseball and formerly was with the Salem. Sen ators. This year he is playing at Little Rock, Arkansas. During the OSC Mothers Meet i The executive committee of the Oregon State Mothers' club will meet at The Hub in Albany at 10 o'clock on Wednesday. Invited guests will be Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Strand, Dean Dan Pohling, acting Dean of Women Mary Basch, F. J. Waymire, president of the OSC Dads and Lynn Sabin, alumni pres ident. Those from Safem on the executive board are Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, Mrs. George Croisan, Mrs. Carl .Emmons, Mrs. L. O. Arena, Mrs. H. B- Pearson, Mrs. Glann S. Paxson, Mrs. A. E. UU man and Mrs. Don Upjohn. v The scholarship committee of the OSC mothers is to meet Tues day in Corvallis with the deans. Mrs. Carl Emmons is chairman. Alpha Chi Omega mothers will meet Monday night, at the home of Mrs.' L. T. Johnson, 1885 N. 19th street, at 7:45 o'clock. As sisting hostesses -will be Mrs. Til lie Isham and Mrs. C. J. Kimble. winter Mr. Gentzkow is in busin ess here with his father. andy Man Coming to Give Lessons A return engagement of E. Rem ington Davenport, in a series of candy demonstrations, has been planned for March 14, 15 and 16 at the Portland Gas and Coke com pany auditorium, with the co ope Ction of The Oregon States man. The demonstration this time will be the same each of the three eve nings and matinee on Monday This plan was adopted so more women may be accomodated dur- 1 . L. - & 1 1 A Mr. Davenport will prepare candies from three basic types during each class, and will touch on the preparation of others of tnese types Fudge and its relatives, brittles and pulled candies, which include cream mints and taffy, will be made and explained. Basic prin cipals of candy making, discussion of the use of the thermometer and many pointers on professional candymaking procedures will be on the program. Mr. Davenport, a professional candymaker for many years. proved very popular as a lecturer during the course of lessons given here just before Christmas. Limited seating capacity of the gas com pany auditorium made it impos sible for many women who wished to. to attend, but the arrangement of repeating the same class three tunes will, : it is hoped, car for more women. Attending the class should give a good basis for successfully mak ing candy at home, with few fail ures and better quality. First Methodist Circles to Meet Circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will meet on Wednesday at 1:15 p. m. as follows: Williams, 340 Lancaster Drive, as sisting, Mrs. L. C. Mitchell, Mrs. Lloyd Lee; : Circle No, Z, hostess, Mrs. Kutft Fugate, 2220 Hayden, assisting, Mrs. F. D. Voift. Circle No. 3, hostess, Mrs. Wade Ellis, 435 North 19th, assisting, Mrs. W. C. Crews, Mrs. T. V. Wheatley; Circle No. 4, hostess, Mrs. Eliza beth Boy lah, 1330 North 4th, as sisting. Mrs. Ralph DaMttx, Mrs. Cora Goodman; Circle No. 5, hostess, Mrs. Carl Abrams, 1547 Chemeketa; Circle No. 6. hostesses Mrs. M. J. Gilson, Mrs. Bess Stevenson, Fire place room, church. Covered dish luncheon. Alpha XI Deltas have postponed their regular meeting on account of the Governor's reception, to March 14th. 1 Xg boJKUE vv ' as fa! , ! 'US' I X I 71 w fd9.9d Dm smm afiprfltontioes pries for tow sw CywMMttoOricia...niisspriae -ssoHisitsly Stfiastf fey scaiptsrarf lats. Of Pacific's VerooM weistsd-vool. fsafity-Iastf witii Duchess rsyos M&a. la stlsctaMt j spring colors . . . ftd, ef count, aH basortafit Wack ar ssvy. Sizes 10 to 20. Ym nay aisa am yoer Cjrmonstta tail sf the Stssoa hi tkt sow fadfic-Shtsa gabardiat for saiy $69.95 i Dr. Teoder Strarrans win sreak on "Latvia, ii People and Cus toms at the meeting of the Marion-Polk county Medical auxil iary Tuesday night at the East Center street home of Mrs. Charles E. Bates. A dessert supper will be served at 7 o'clock by the com mittee. Mrs. Horace Miller is chairman and assisting are Mrs. William L. Lidbeck, Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs. Paul Wolfe, Mrs. Vern Miller, Mrs. Kenneth Mc Neice and Mrs. L. J. Liest Dr. Gatke to Talk At Garden Club Dr. Robert Moulton Gatke of Willamette university will be the guest speaker at the1 meeting of the Salem Garden Club Monday afternoon at the Salem Woman's clubhouse at 2 o'clock. He will speak on "Acid Loving Plants and Shrubs. o Mrs. R. M. Fitzmaurice is the tea chairman and assisting are Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Mrs. Walter Smith and Mrs. Lester Barr. Miss Mabel F. Robertson will tell of her trip to Europe at the meeting of the Pi Beta Phi moth ers at the chapter house on State street Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tea hostesses will be Mrs. Paul Weyrauch, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Cass A. Nichols. Christening Is Today Lynne Dee Hagemann, year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hagemann, whose first birthday is Monday, will be christened at services this afternoon in the chapel of St. Paul's Episcopal church. The Rev. George H. Swift will perform the 3 o'clock services before members of the immediate family. - " Godparents for the little girl will be Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Collins and Mrs. Robert Driscoll of Ocean Lake, formerly of Salem. A small reception for the family will be held at the Manbrin Garden home of the Hagemanns. Grandmothers of Lynne Dee are Mrs. Hal D. Pat ton and Mrs. C. F. Hagemann. Pi Beta Phi alumnae will meet for a dessert supper at the State street chapter house Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Morse heads the committee and assisting are Mrs. Chester Zum walt, Mrs. Leonard Hicks, Mrs. Lawrence Feldschau, Mrs. Charles Winkenwerder, Mrs. Burton Sell berg, Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Miss Carolyn Carson and Miss Mildred Coleman, Miss Lillian Davis and Miss Leila Johnson. A Birthday Dinner Audrey Simmons was hostess for a dinner party in honor of her 18th birthday Saturday night at the Momingside home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Simmons. Thirty .of her high school friends were bidden to the buffet dinner. Spring i flowers provided the de corative note and Mrs. Simmons assisted her daughter informally. Betrothal Is Told Being announced this weekend is the engagement of Miss Mary Jane Harrington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Harrington, to Harold F. Heinz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heinz of Ackley, Iowa. The wedding will ' take place in the fall in Iowa. The bride-elect attended Salem schools and her fiance received his education in Iowa, where he is now in business. The Grant school Girl Scoat troop, led by Mrs. Carl Wood, has elected new officers as follows: Molly Allen, president; Tamers Needham, vice-president; Char lene Grouke, secretary; Linda Bowden, assistant secretary; and The Statesman, "nlem. Ortoon. Tncnr. Hare1! 9. 1943-- Patty Robins, sergent-at-arms.oy the Veteran of Foreign Wars This troop is now being sponsored I and will meet at the VFW hall. H ws&tkndtoHiGi The Most Comprehensive Collection In America GROWN BY Box 212, Brooks, Ore. Catalogue Free on Request 155 N. Liberty Phone 1-3191 WMW :. ; .Wfwki I 1 compare elsewhere at 24.95 ) kjm$w. 1 h i Co) I ' . Ti l I See ComDcmion . I II Feature in Dresses I l j , OnPaoeS I ' ' ' L There's a wisp of Spring in this season most important coat I 100 Donegal Wool Tweed, dengnsd with a yoke back and longer sweeping linesl The latest look of the two button fronts is so flattering in these nw salt and pepper weaves. Choose grey, blue, brown or black I 10-18. Remember iH Wards Fashion Department for the latest in fashions and the lowest in price sJ Shop 'iil 9 p. el Every Friday Iligbl SIIART SHOP 115 N. Liberty Street j i . . yJt ' ; j L