1 Ths Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Tiidarf. March 4, .1949 Volunteer Fire Group Formed For Jefferson - JEFFERSON A volunteer fire department for the city of Jefferson was formed and officers elected at meeting called by Fire Chief Gilbert Hoevet Tuesday nirht- Georee Richardson was ctd nrerident: Hank Rleb. as sistant fire chief, and Lefty Sarff. -rtarT - treasurer. The first . and third Tuesday evenings of each raootn were set xor meeting sates. Chief Hoevet extended an in vitation to all who should be in terested in the department to at tend the next meeting on March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Bow- en of Bend are parents of a seven pound nine ounce "son, Clifford, jr.. born March 1 at a Bend hos- tal. Mrs. Bowen is the fopner irah Margaret Hatchings; daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Marvin ftutchings of Jefferson. This is the Hutchings first grandchild. Mrs. Margaret Hutchings has been critically ill at the home of ter son, Marvin Hutchings, iol iwing a stroke Monday evening. Mrs. Alice Lewis and daughter, ' Mrs. Leota Lewis of Portland, vi al ted Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Jones ner Sunday. Mrs. Jones Is a lighter of Mrs. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. ' William Walls will move next Monday to Albany, where Walls is employed at the tttff Furniture store. Guests Visit Binkley Horpe ' PRINGLE Mr. and Mrs. Del Binkley entertained their pinochle Club Saturday. Guests were Mr. ad Mrs. Carl Graham, Mr. ana frs. Carl Harris. Mr. and Mrs. tarvey King. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Iriebenow and Mr. and Mrs. M. Pekar. AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Chfktensen, Corvallis, were Bests of Mrs. W. H. Loop and ler friends in Amity. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Bockes, . Weeoma, are guests of the for matter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stockton, Sher , idan, and Mrs. Olive Wood, Amity. . Clovenlale Club Nets $55 from Amateur Hour CLOVERDALE A net profit of $35 was realized by the Clover- dale Mothers club members Frl flay night. The pie social and ama teur hour program was well at tended. Prize winners were: Ad vanced reading, Danny Feller;; primary reading, Janie Feller; group entertainment, an orchestra comprised of, Jerry Wipper, saxo phone, Shirley and Pat Henniea, iccordians; Karleen and Margie Drager, piano, and guitar; How ard Schelskie, trumpet, and Ben Hie Vaughn, saxophone, tied for first place with a Skip-to-my-loo Song and dance by the primary room (both were awarded prizes): vocal, Margie Jo Drager; mixed Cgnusical, Jerry Wipper, .saxophone, V tied with Evelyn Hennies, piano (prizes were awarded to each). . Skits, "An Operation," given by Gerald Waldrop, Robert Schaffer. and Melvin Archibald; advanced musical, Irvin and Alvin Kreger, accordlan and guitar; grownup advanced reading, Mr. E. Beals. Karl Wipper acted as master of eeremonies. The pie was auetlonedJ by Alvin Kreger. Valley Obituaries Mrs. Charles Dew HUBBARD, March S -(Special) Mrs. Vesta Viola Dew, native and lifelong resident of Hubbard, died today at the age of 42 in SU verton hospital. She leaves her husband, Charles Dew; two sens at home, Harley and Loren; three daughters, Mrs. Ellene Hartzler of Hubbard and Charlene and Shirley Ann Dew at home; her mother, Mrs. Mattle Troudt, Hubbard; two brothers. Wilbur Bevens of Aurora and Wayne Bevens of The Dalles; sls- ier, Mrs. vola Kliewer, Hubbard: tau brothers Orval Troudt of (ubbard and Edward Trdudt, i wall, ana a hair sister. Mrs. Payne Liveaay. Woodburn. Funeral services will be at S pxcL Saturday in Ringo chapel at Woodburn. with Interment to fol low at Hubbard cemetery. Offl fia ting w4U be the Rev. Arthur Coble of Woodburn Four Square church, of which Mrs. Dew was a member. VIIICE'S ELECTRIC Estimate made on all types of UHre light and Power Installations CONTRACTING Phone 3-9239 Evening 3-9341 r Auburn Cub Pack Meets AUBURN Members of the cub pack 108, their ; parents, den tee mothers and other j members of the families met for a covered dish supper Friday at community halL ; The tables were decorated and favors made by the boys, using blue and gold. .) The program; included commun ity singing; songs by members of den one and two, and a skit by den three members; Awards given were: Den one, Mrs. Orval Prunk den mother: A bob at pin to Orval Prunk, Jr, and to ;Kay Barney and Donald Jacobs wolf pins and gold arrows. Den two, Mrs. George Darland, den mother: Michael Steed, Billy Freeman and Jimmy Lindburg, wolf badges and gold arrows. Den three, Mrs. E. C. Sunder lin, den mother: Jerry Gillmlng, a gold arrow and two silver ar rows; Robert Ayre, David Good rich, bob cat pins; Eddie Sunder lin, a wolf badge and gold and silver arrows, and Bob Freler, a bear badger : and in ers ings, HOLIDAY OBSERVED STAYTON Eva Rebekah lodge observed Washington's birthday with a covered dish dinner In the I OOF hall preceding the regular meeting. The dinner was served by the committee, Agnes 'Stupka, Ruth Landon r and ! Mary Fors lund. Mrs. Velma Limbeck, noble grand, presided. i ? ' ! spend Enjoy dollcfouo Durtcoo's fa yea WtQ It I REGULAR PACKAOB J 1 vi crn BlfMBSSB-,,l1 with turs vlt-W ..rkV own Pff " J O DvrksV.tTMU P9llav c gnomical t a .aaASfweai n e," uona Hubbard Group To Eye Traffic Safety Problem HUBBARD A safety commit was appointed at the monthly I meeting or the Hubbard Parent Teachers' association, to look into the traffic crossing problem and obtain action. Mrs. Arthur Zehner, chairman, reported a membership of 100. The high school won the attend ance banner with the largest rep resentation. The Spring Festival will be held in the gymnasium, March 11. A program will, be presented to be followed with games, a cakewalk other attractions. The program included details ox the audiometer tests being giv en' in public schools, were given a talk and motion pictures by a representative of the health de partment. Observance of Found day included several read a duet by Mrs. J. G. Dickey and Mrs. Levi Miller and a can dlelighting ceremony. FORMER RESIDENT VISITS SILVERTON Elnar Olson, for mer SUverton resident, but more recently of Seattle and Portland, visited friends here during the weekend. He planned to leave Portland Tuesday for a short visit with his sister, Mrs. Marie Svar varL In South Dakota prior to go ing on to New York where he will sail March IS for Europe to the summer in the Scandi navian countries. Si 14 1 ,a ntrv - fra flavor. i l. vri CAPITOL and E1ARKET FREE PABIOIIG LOT HI! WW Mil TERRY THIII I1IIITS lb 49 i. box Whilney Creamed Honey 25 oa. ctn. DITZ CIIACIZEDS 33 lb. box WBBBH 12-ox. Tin Pork prices) are agmln adranelng; eUing at a lower pries. And think it's an opportune time to take adrantaffeof these raloesi while price are RIGHT. SWIFTS MONOGRAM BONELESS SMffiEl Mr....- 69c Bake whole and slice cold for lunches - easily sliced for frying:. SWIFTS SUGAR CURED CANADIAN STYLE Aim by the piece at a slightly lower price. SWIFTS HICKORY SMOKED BOSTON ElfffllE llffS 45c To bake - boil - fry - slice cold for lunches. Always a complete line of those SWIFTS table ready cold meats, procesed under strict government inspection. SWIFTS ilLHGlSl B&CQEI i FBESn COLUIIBIA DIVED SIIELT FDYEDS BfiEEDS - STET7IITG CHICKEIIS "FOR MEAT TO EAT "HERB" Teyko Toogeordon Hunfa 14 bottle S&HH7 no puncnASE iiecessadt i -r- w sa sn m liiiira irim iininriniin i OF FEIE HEATS" bat smoked moat Items are still 45c 2 lb. pkgr extra lean 55c Rind Off T" WE CANT BE BEAT CURTIS 1 " -" 1 1 lb. pkg. 47 ox. tin Igo. box 2 ,0,411 Ued'a 3H oa. tin bottlos SI Kerr's assorted 12 os. cdasse iff" II II II If II I XI S I .WW BsVUUUUUU Mission tjlj 4j tlM Ponnd" Hunt's No. 2 Tin Sweet and Tender mm mm Silver mm Large Pkg. I? Cold Seal 12-oz. pkg. gffiB lln (C " "L V . - - i VAmUlfWaVi iJLzZLkALkVUJ 12-oz. pkg. Prodace omoiis U. S.No.1 OC yeUow. 6 lbs... dm&T OBiUIGES i . ... - Texas far hiloo 2dos.i 49 TOIIATOES rodrlpt) 1 lb. tub LETTUCE crisp, solid hoods hood Kellogg'. Rico Krispies 3140 Post's 40 BRAIIFLAIES 2190 Nabisco Shredded (Uheal ."1(50 Tin Drip T . ... 10c Smith's ISKi-oz. tin Falls 2Vi tin .. fill i ' . . 10c In Heavy Syrup 1-lb. carton . .JS ssP a J Birdseys ' 10 -oz. pkg. fut-r on Pak mm 10-or. pkg. Flav-R-Pak 12-oz. pkg. . Birdsey. 33c 45c 15c IPS CM "1 f li 3 1