1 Tho Stat men. Salem. Oregon. Friday, March 4, 1S49 Berry Season Off to Early Hi Start in Nation ., By Linie I Msdsen Trm Editor, The States maa Oregon berry fields are still dormant but the strawberry sea ton is off to. an early start nation ally. Strawberries from early sUtes will compete with carry; over stocks of frozen strawberries. Many retail stores throughout the J i t mm im . i i f - ) A; A. U. W. Presents . ; THE - .; . ' Lowell Thomases -'t -IN PERSON O Lacturo and All-Color Motion Picture "Around the World In Color with the LOWELL THOMASES" Tuesday, March 8 8:30 R M. SALEM HIGH v AUDITORIUM Admission S1.00 plas tax. Tickets at Wills Music Store A EL- Mat. Dally From 1 p. m.o NOW SHOWING! rm &xsm IT "Sit . mrh iMfa111 CO-FEATURE! BJ Opens :45 F. M. New! Doable Thrillsl -ALAN LADD mm LYIX TALBOT UJdshrStVI now: opens Walt Disney's "BAMBI KAKTOON KAKNTVAL. Tomorrow : At 121 with . Keg. Shew! 7 - New Shewing Opea f :4S , Second 'Feature . "GUNS OF HATE" Tin Belt. Nan Leslie country arc reducing prices and featuring the frozen berries in an effort to increase movement. : Queries from both processors and dealers Thursday in the mid Willamette valley area, showed that practically all berries were out of hands of processors. There is still quite a carryover in the valley, however. , Net Tet Determined I Just what the prospects are for berries in Oregon, this spring can not yet be determined fieldmen for canners said Thursday. Gener al estimates were for a compara tively light loss --from 3 to 10 per cent - - from winter weather injury. Bearing acreage as a whole, if Injury Is small, will be considerably larger this season, es timates -show. Fresh shipments from the south so far this season are running well ahead of last year. Strawberries have moved out of Florida since early January, and nine cars had been shipped from Louisiana by February 20, reports released Thursday by the USDA show. This is a near record for early shipments from Louisiana. Due In Mid-March Shipments- in volume are ex pected about mid-March. Last sea son. Louisiana shipped 986 cars of fresh berries besides large quan tities moved by? truck and some processed. Surveys on results of efforts to move carryovers as well as the effect of these on the arriv- ral of fresh berries are now being made by the department of agri culture and will be completed within the next two weeks. Injury to local berry fields will also be known better before the end of March, fieldmen stated Thursday. Some of the injury is in the roots and cannot be seen until actual growth starts, growers ssr. At present, the outlook for little injury is optimistic, they said. Anti-Wallgren Drive Political, Truman States WASHINGTON, March 3HPV President Truman said today poll tics was involved in the opposition to Mon C. Wallgren, nominated by the .president to be chairman of the national security resources board. Senator Cain (R-Wash), who has been battling the appointment, announced today he had protested directly to the president by letter. Mr. TrumSn told questioners at a news conference he hadn't recei ved the letter and had no com ment on Cain's charges that W,all gren had associates with commun ists. But- the president described Cain's opposition as purely a local political matter. Wallgren, a dem ocrat, formerly vas governor of Washington state" and was one of Mr. Truman's close associates In the senate. The senate armed services com mittee, which is considering the nomination, decided to delay ac tion on it until next Tuesday. Five Generations Represented 1 ' 1 r : ; cFI 1? S? ft. s. y ' i 3. 7 1 1 ZEN A. March 3-Flve, generations are represented in this picture. Portrayed are Mrs. Carrie Penrose. 87 (left front), and her daughter, Mrs. Walter B. Hunt -(left rear), of Zena; a grav3daughter, Mrs. Ted Barns (right rear), also of Zena; and a great-granddanghter. Mrs. John Noble of Salem and great-great-granddaughter, Cheryl Ann Noble, born last August. Member of French . i elderly woman A-Commiggion Arrested Thospitai here PARIS. March 3 -(JP- A geolo gist member of France's atomic energy commission has been ar rested and jailed in the govern ment drive against communist spies, security police said tonight. The geologist, eighth to be ar rested in the roundup, was iden tified by police as a man named Pelas, who the police said had been employed for a year with the atomic' commission's department- of uranium research. Union, Employers Join To Promote Shipping SAN FRANCISCO, March 3-UP) Waterfront employers and CIO longshore leaders made history to day when they Jointly consulted on ways to give - the Pacific shij ping business a shot in the arm. It was the first of two days of "better business" sessions of coastwise representatives of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's union and the Waterfront Employers' association. 1.000 AT RABBPS RITES PORTLAND, March 3 - (P) - A thousand persons: attended the fi nal rites today for Henry J. Ber kowitz, Portland Jewish leader who was the rabbi of congregation Beth Israel for 20 years. Berko witz died here Tuesday. ' Montgomery Cllft I Illy And -DYNAMmr J 1 5 Amity, Corvallis Men Win Farms in Idaho Two mid-valley veterans were among the 46 from 12 states to draw farm tracts on the Minidoka? reclamation project in southern Idaho Thursday, Associated Press reports. The lucky pair were Robert A. Brutke, Amity route 1, and Rob ert H. Beach, Corvallis. Oregon led the list of farm wihners with 17. Tank Explodes in Hospital Basement PCmTLAND, March 3 An explosion sent three fire compa nies racing to Physicians and Sur geans hospital today, but only one person was hurt. That was Fred O'Brien, a work man at the hospital, who suffered minor burns to hands and chest. He was using a torch to open a drum that had contained alcohol, and fumes exploded. The blast occurred in the hos pital boiler room. Smoke poured upstairs into the hospital briefly. Businessman Arretted On Tax Evasion Charge PORTLAND, March S-GP)-An- other Portland businessman was arrested today on a charge of income tax evasion. Sam G. Marinos, president ,of the Basket Grocery and Wine Shop, Inc., was arrested by fed eral officials this morning on a secret grand jury indictment. He was charged with making false income tax returns. Woman Second Portland Traffic Death of Year PORTLAND, MarchSMvVPort land's second traffic fatality of 1949 was on record today, after an elderly woman succumbed in a The victim was Mary Reznik, 74, Portland, who was struck by a car at an intersection last night. Ex-Navy Hospital at Astoria Urged as State Boys Camp ASTORIA, March S -JP- A state representative said today that the site of the wartime naval hospital here might be used as a camp for first - time juvenile de linquents. Rep. E. H. Condit, Westport, said in a letter that he and other legislators favored the site, as a possible substitute for the camp at Timber. There has been com plaint that the Timber area where it rains a lot would not be suitable. The war assets ad ministration, which will dispose of the hospital, has only one bid so far: from the Oregon Baptist Youth Institute, Inc. 3-Point Plan Formed to Fight Newcastle Disease Poultry industry representatives and the state department of agri culture agreed Thursday on a three-point program to fight New castle disease, which is threaten ing poultry. The program calls for continu ing interstate shipping rules, strict quarantine measures, and expand ed vaccination. A. A. Schafer, Brooks, Charged with Assault Alfred A. Schafer, 66, Brooks route 1, box 89, was held in the Marion county jail Thursday night on a charge of assault with intent to kill, after his wife, had reportedly been found hurt on the floor of their farm house. State police said the woman was unable to tell what had happened to her. BILL ADDS OREGON JUDGE WASHINGTON, March 3-(iTV Chairman Celler (D-NY) of the house judiciary committee propos ed today that Oregon be given an additional federal district judge. He introduced a bill to give the state three judges instead of two. ( ENDS TONIGHT! O THE ACCUSED' and "CLAY PIGEON" b DAIICE TOP HATTERS ORCHESTRA At Th AiuioriY TOIUTE Vets 60c IncL Tax Spensered by. Memorial Bid. Cei The Uproarious Fun TOMORROW! If You Think the Bobby Soxer Gar Cory a Bad Tim - then Meet the Gal who Believes 0 Heaven Helps the Gal Who Helps Herself! It's not what the Doctor ordered that makes this so funny - - ITS WHAT HE GETS I r The gay adventures of a bachelor baby-doctor who wants to stay singlet Ur.uiHS s-v l A .WWJrt&lltlll V SI tad Treat! DON BARRT and JANET MARTIN In TRAIN TO ALCATRAZ COLOR CARTOON RIOT - WARNER NEWS V Plane Search Turns West EUGENE, Ore, Mrch 3-JP)-A logger's report of a low-flying plane turned the search for two missing fliers to the Triangle Lake area today. i Several men working in the woods reported hearing a noisy plane overhead about 2 pjn. Tues day the day that Frank Hulme and his brother, William Hulme, disappeared in a private plane. The Menlo Park, Calif., brothers were en route from Kelso, Wash, to Sacramento, Calif. Their last radio report came from near Eu gene. Scotland Yard Hot on Trail of Human Vampire LONDON, March MVScot land Yard detectives scraped up fragments of bone from a London basement today, seeking proof of their belief a human vampire had slain half a dozen rich Britons and dissolved their bodies in acid. They say they believe the killer lusted not only for money, but for actual human blood. There were indications the killer slit the throat of pretty Mrs. Ro salie Henderson and sipped her blood from a glass. Police think her body was later dropped into an acid vat to destroy it and that her husband met the same fate, along with other victims. Norway Accepts Invitation to Join Defense Pact Talk WASHINGTON, March 3-JP)-Norway has accepted an invitation to join in negotiations for a north Atlantic defense pact. Ambassa dor Wilhelm Munthe de Morgen stieme announced today. The ambassador told a newsj comerence xnai ne win represent his country at a meeting with the negotiators tomorrow in the state department. In Copenhagen, diplomatic sources said Denmark also had de cided to line up with the western powers and take part in the-discussions of a North Atlantic de fense alliance. Girls Win Citation; Keep Horses from Crowd of Children PORTLAND, March S-CSVThe police chief sent commendations Your Chef la William Wong when you dine at 99 Cafe Chinese American Dishes H mile So. en 99E today to three schoolgirls who saved a crowd of younger children from being trampled by escaped horses. A herd of horses, loose from a riding academy, galloped down a street toward where some 20 first and second graders were walking. Three girls, stationed at the In tersection as junior patrolmen, herded the youngsters away from the street, and pushed them one by one over a fence Into a cor ner lot. I Police Chief Charles P, Pray sent citations to the threes Jean VanLoon, 14; Sandra Wiles, 12; and Madelyn Lindsay, 12. SI Look ore those) apodal raluos ... than com out and look oror our roaula? prices ... youH see that you soro day in and day out when you shop at the Vista. DDZ -0XYD0L - BUBO Large Plrg. PRODUCE , Really Fresh I 150 Fresh Green Celery Green Onions and Radishes 2 bo. Onion Sets. Eastern ..Lb. 190 190 Parsnips, Carrots, 4 Turnips .. 2 lbs. In bulk - - fresh and clean Apples. Wash, state school bey Winesaps CI O O Bex Demonstration Ginger Cake Cako Serred SaL. Mar. 5th f RECIPES "Home-rerfected"i ENRICHED ICHAV1 .1 r t rm i s VJaM at. Lt r r y 25 lbs. ITS ELE6ANT KA( lie i CANNED I1ILK 12c Popular Brands Can - Tharo's a,trarpr!a wall Ing for you whan you visit our - - , Folgcr's Coffeo Display ! BABY FOOD Gerbers or Heinz Strained e cans Cmmff TOILET SOAP Camay Lux 3 bars 25 0 DOII'S HEATS Serve yourself ana4 know you get only the best T-BOIIE STEAKS ib. POT ROAST SrL BACOII vh;... OYSTERS ,,, FRESH SMELT . 690 490 490 690 250 . 4 I Mall la 2 Box Tops er Betty Crocker1 Crustqulck For Teaspoons O PLENTY OF FREE PARKING! ; You Always Do. Better at - - nan 3045 So. Com'l. Anlie So. Gty Limits HM hb n IE oraK ' - I -cffZ? Vt. m n OUTSiOg i? tnaf Coma and see the car built for today! bigger, taller, more active Americans ItS a daring nrw car ... new in its own distinctive style ... new in tbe fresh, fktural beauty that comes from truly basic design! It's the new car that dares to be different. It's ruunmmr outside . . . yet icidtr inside, for the extra elbow room and shoulder eom fort you want. It's thortrr outside for easier parking and garaging. . . yet this new Dodge is longer inside for stretch-out roominess.- It's lower outside . . . yet higher inside, to give you the head room that spells added comfort every mile you ride. See bow Dodge gives all those things car owners really want today . . . sleek styling with plenty of room ... flashing performance with economy . . . the proved smoothnese Dodge All-Fluid Drive makes possible. Come in . . . get the whole Dodge story nJ COROnETT New OYRO-MATIC . . . Frees Tow from SklMmg . . sAvWseVssasle 00 afjSsVV CeT KNES-UVO. MATS give fall sep DOOM OflH WIOI sad stsy port. Frnt seat travels f ve . at aasle ef alsaort 90 desrees. mehes ... rises M lack la mov ' Easy t gc in and . tio arm lag forward for better visiea. . rests to climb ever. i All-WI ATM IS COMSOIT keatnig and veatflatfaag sy brings trash air te all psi gers. Bnlky parts sneer NlW "OSTWAT" SMOB4S gtves flauhf plckxm, faster aceelsra Ueaw Higher csmprtsslea engine saves gaseUae dollars. . STAII BAKER U0T0RS O 525 Cbcmclicla I V 1 i