Adrtftional Classified Ada on Page 17 For Sale 3Iiscellan eons For SaJe Miscellaneous For Rent Apartment 1948 COMPLETE outfit boat trailer. outboard Johnson motor. Bud Ander- i IIOIl, 139 UIU ATg, S RM. BASMT. APT cteu. Emp. lady or cpi. Wear TP? Tempi. Ph. 2-7469. KM TCPT PT. 832.30. inJ N. 4th St. JKiVRNT&gED 1 bedrm. apt, ground as and an I DRY-PREMlX; C! lnforclng steel, mfc Nice district, doae to bus Icium chloride: re- pm 5Tn-!er -rt,on -. .w w I LAECE AIRY mom a. waterproof. Standard cement h lime. I Women only. 1090 K. connecting bath. winter, caii V. C HC; Tf7iL TL!- I rnim.ta drain tii BMW a. mimrt I 23905. even Inn. AUU yU- 11XXSW11U pipBuiWlnr ehimney blocks. Silt I NliW 4 rm. W. alao i rA ruWy cn-ia. Mf av. Hew dvtoo ana Dlatxorm rocker. I mi)4 nii - mi U of full spring construction, un-1 OREGON GRAVEL COMPANT furn. No objection small inn sx. Phone 3-3417 I L6VH.T W. i B ft In conditionally guaranteed for year in 1 1409 N. Front St beautolul tapestry covering for $89.00. 1 . REG. COCKEA PUPPIES. J. E. Peter-1 apt. house. New refrig. and Viee. rang You'll hav to eelt to bcliev it. son. Rt 1. Box 402. Wallace Rd. included, H you wait something nice. Many other seta from which to choose. fctvup TIRES in oooular sizes. o- I this is It. 85 Ph. 1-5533 or 3-5355. Ml. only $6.93 exchange or M.4J out-1 BASMT APT. 3 raw. and pri. bath, right . . on your earl MONTGOMERY 1 1 blk. N. of' Center St. Partly turn. x burner eiee. piat wnn proiier. i v.v-- px-can. , i ina.- bi Bud Anderson. 130 Lull Aye. I SHALL DAVZNPORT. Atlas WaaK. I PwA DRESSER, bed. and Never-sag I r. "wwmuww. ra. i-imi arm. ana I low N. Bth Street. 11 of first class quality. Glenn' Fur suture Market. lPoa w. summer st. Burt Plcha Realty. 337 N. High. semi-furnished apartments. P1!17. ".... "Snt j . . 1 RM. furn. apt. 3405 Maple Aye. Ph. iress aiv. a ooa w U. water uau,i .anr.n. uvu mm, wniru- I I-yw3. ?eni!h btrdc rtrn,5et?';1 Sun" only' J-"8 . SMALL APT. Completely furnished. unu. jou o. im ov. I -Amur wruut enamel irasn burner. I Inoutre 125 Gerth. West Salem. SPRING At Mattress, like new. $25. 1 smau oven, cost $79 JO. mad offer. I ' 4 RVf rTJftN sot Adults. 776 ft. St. 1534 Rug St. W. Salem. Ph. 3-3877. 1 Mrs. Dougherty Rt 7. Box 2L N. Pac I com rSJj"l"?IT "Vwnft- '".Lu i AND I BR pU.-Auto. hoi water. ILJ ' X I fi. V wabKav hH.. e,e5r tfP'i' I $35 and $45. Inq. 243 Chemeketa t UKM. 1 amu z rm. apt Vance. Near state house. Women only, MOtB Bike for tale. Phone 2-3788. 1 52"' private party. 219 S. " JVtllf WitSN earden tractor. 3473 Hazel I - , V, - , . . , ra: A - I 'un OAi-iour unit sieei sawuusf I 145 N APT, fettt etec. range. Phone T950. a u Rnhrt. SiT'T"' . STRICTLY' MODERN. 6PiAL BEDS, wheelchairs Minnville. Or? Phone 250-W. " 7'" yt.J ts. Pri. 14th. elec beat, ci- Com 1. St. lison St. 3 RU. COL'RT APT. avaiUble Mar Sth. Bee heat, clean. 1348 S. 12th. Ph 2S282. crutches. Also buy and rent. Burea. I THflgrtnrtgftggn trUK a I - NSW. H??'0a district. Partly 745 Court St. Ph. 3-7775.. I M ZiZ SIZZ. bL . I rurn. AO U ITS. 1047 Mad MONITOR washina; machine like new. I or 3-46S9 eves. 338. Ph. 3-3551. - MOVInC TO PORTLAND, must sell LADY 5 bkown rur coat, size is. 1 stove this week. Excel, cond. Also llv. conq. za. r-n. a-oaa. rm. drapes, bargain. Ph. 3-5574 or 3-8438. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy. Good NEW GAS ranee. 3 piece sectional s rroance daveno. maple bed with innersprmg For Rent Houses .hT' W",7Vd I . ROMAN BEAUTY Apples. Ptr. 14T31. N 5th between 1 and 4 p. ni Ph. I JO Lu"- orchard Heights d. 3-8481. " KlftSY VACUUM cleaner. $ monflisl 1 -1r 1A Ph 9.717ft! Wanted Miscellaneous 4 -ROOM UNMODERN HOUSE. Ph. 16P15. 3 B.R. HOUSE. Enelewood dist. avail able April 15. $80. Statesman Box 584. FURN. trailer house with water and electricity. Also partly furn. trailer cabln. Children It pets allowed. 2-9340. 3 BEDROOM house, partly furnish- bTTTg l.gATUIf.linTg kigh gkalr. 110. Ph. 3-4840. 1125 Columbia. WANTED CUtter-type alelgh. Writ ed. Phone 2-7196. T MiUA.V ssl ftjrMMit v. PTT I S1jt""1n ,x574- . 2 B.R. all elect, house. 1 yr. old ForH 3-4325. ; 1 iAihusiabli wneei cnair, you in s appt Ph. I7F2 eves. K. w. Tavenner. ' m. rn. l. I LOVELY 3 M R hum.' lutA nil ha L RickrealL Phi I WANTED Lumber planinj for small I furn. or unfurn. Excel.' location and a I !"'" mm m Biuw or will roovt dream for builb-ina and storage apace; Texas Cbrystal I - ssi am. rets. req. write Statesman Box 581. .... . RM- FUR- cabins $5 ALT ALFA AMD John McRae, Rt. 2-3347. TTiT AublUfISi Whit Wax Bermuda onion plants. I Statesman. Puritan ewer works, w. saiem. ' MAGtC CHET gas ranee. $100. Servel gas rerrteerator. $150. Ph. 2-2574. MAYTAG WASHES. Square tub. rolls, good cond. rn. 2-3131. Wills Music Store, Satan Wanted Furniture 18.00 watt. 110-220 volt. Original cost flJQO. Never uncratad. sen for nrra. 'hone 24129. Even in rs 26211. WaL&R TURNER driU press With attachments. Jljr saw. Extra n.p. heavy duty motor. 133 Park aye. Ph. 2-8494 ' TO GIVE: flood coflta shepherd ioc price or aq. 1Z4Q yeace St. USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-8119. USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 t Miscellaneous WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5963 AUTO Da in una lual a shad Detlei Uf AJ w uwwucs on your .smu i s-fljlol ranee oa a new Gibson double-oven I nms -w." t..- n r micirK range. OCT inem li. I imim lAelTwan Photo Shos 43S Stat WATER WELL dnllln. Domestic or trrleatlan. Duffielal Bros.. RL box HtlYT ST- SUKFLU5 58. Phone 3-l3l3 or 3-2795. A.C. eenerator 110V 60 cycle w I lm SflnH X drawl f Vl iwntnsasrn i Avrw tt ivi wm l - , -... a.wtt.w WI rm4m iHh I WUBUSCt WUI 4- marina lectxlc cable: fire en-1 aoao - Cleat tag - Dttetotng elne: eallev roumnvnt- electrle bak-1 . ewT . naaement Z .nt. tn' .hh awninel Equismont Rental bars: swivel and secretarial chairs I ?! "-f fda. f 12.00 per hr Q 9. Si. K n r.n,lii trxtnotlAtl hall I IO VOa. 1 BCT nr bearing motors $394: oil circulators; I D-7 Cat 8 Dozer 10J50 per hr range. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING 467 Court St. INC. Phone 39611 ref. reo. Write States: 2 RM. FURN. cabins $5 per week. j"L 3- -Pt' l"1' Pn- 8o6- JTfcron. 2 BR HOUSE, aas ranee, refrie. i hot water heater. Wash in r machine. oil furnace, playroom, all modern. $85. I 5 Broadway. tUKN. l rm. cabin. Ph. 3-7018. TRAILER HOME in modern trailer camp. Ph 2-1073 For Rent "SPEND THE SPRING at the coast at winter rates. Housekeeping apart ments weekly $13 to $30: monthly $50 to $75. Steam heated, electrically equip ped. Write CHILDS' at AGATE BEACH. Ore, or phone 36J3 Newport. - HALF of Z5x50 shop bidg. for storage or lor small snop: o trier nail is pias ter shoo, 2-8784. STORE BLDG.. 525 8. Winter St. In- For Sale Ileal Estate FADUIOUNT DIST VIEW OYER iuvu. umy nog . Down for this 1 BR bom, Lge Llv Rm. Dinette, newly fin kitchen, unfin upstairs. Incls new rge. water heater 4c oil circulator. You 11 see great possibilities in thia at $4350. STATE ST. HOME LGE VALUABLE lot. R am with bus! front are. Deep lot. Ideal for court site. ATTEN TION! No. 3 ZONE. A snap at $5290. PREWAR CONSTRUCTION NEAR SCHOOLS EASY TERMS on this mod 3 BR bom in choice dist. Features f-repL Hdwd. finished basra't. fur nace. 4c roomy unfin upst. Special at Sw P0WN TOWN LGE 10 RM HOME offers spacious L. Rm with super xirepi. ij in Km. Den, Study. Ueping porch, hdwd. full besmt. New furnace. Lg lot. apt zone, extra good for rental. This is definitely an at tracdv property. Reduced to sell NOW. $12,600. Shown by appt only. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusiy Listings - Personal Service 164 S. ComT St. Ph. 3-8389: Eve. 3-7440 IF YOU ARE lookln- tr . . I home extra well built. Drive, by 1565 N. Liberty (Pleas do not disturb tn. ants). Large L.R.. 2 nice B.R. Large kitchen with B. Nook, rull Deep base-"- Elec. heat. Oh yes. 3 car garage. (yoodwin & McMillin, REALTORS Court St. Phone 3-4707 $5600. CLEAN LIMnwini H.- - targe lot. Located East on bus line. Several large fruit trees. Berries, gar den space. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors t3$8450COOD rn-"1: Evf North. Terms. y $11,0001 Acre & good 3 BR home. Barn. Poultry hse. Northeast. $15.000 Lovely new modern ranch type home, north, 'j acre. $3200 will handle. B. Isherwood, Realtor Office ph. 2-3862; Eves. 6F11 or 2-8836 For -Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Fcir Sale Fi arms ror Sale Farms 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS SULLIVAN REALTrv CO. LOOK JUST $850 DOWN I I rovm Its small but its furnished, it has 1 bedroom, is well built on a large 17 acre In cultivation. 1 acre berries fasnllv fruit a - tn , grain. Ford tractor and attachments all Included for $19,000. Will consider nous 80 ACRES EAST I a part payment. See Henry Torvend I on thta .yZlJrJZyt?'7 .nif.MW J btroom horn, full basemen t'iumaco . I-tKX A Vixwr heat. New chicken house, nice stream with fish nond. A ' -t.lln 4nr t,k.v. Here's a dandy tf Just finished 4op grade construction. 3 bedroom ranch or stock raising. See thai on. 8JlXo8.erm! 9aa: r1 " up for turkey style home, large kitchen with auto dish washer. AND auto washing machine f (great time savers), lovely living room with fireplace. Thia ia a horn w 100. ACRE DAIRY i would like to show you. $13,500. 90 acre in cult. About 50 acres in crop, some timber. All stocked and IT YOU NEED 4 BEDROOMS equipped. Nice modern 2 bedroom plastered horn with fl replace. Goad bran. But dont need a new home, here's on you should see the neighborhood silo and other buildings. A good buy. Price 819.000.00 la very good. Englewood School Diet. The lot is 63128 with 8 fruit and nut ' I IZZ ACRES NORTH ; iv Mostly Willamette sod. some Beaver Dam. 73 acres In cult, all In crop. baL . . m - S ' s-- - - - as - - - a . -a a "f z trees, this horn is in excellent condition and very clean the price is best JVSl SOW9V. Evenings please call Thelma Mankerta - 2-1222 Warren Brasher 2-99M Henry Torvend , 3-3633 LEE RUDY OHMART & CALABA In pasture and timber. Good 7 room all modern house. 2 barns, all stocked! and quipped. Creek through place. Price $25,000.00. Term. sT ' - i - ' SULLIVAN REALTY CO. I 236$ Portland Road ; j Ph. 2-3235; Eves. 2-798$ 477 Court St. Eve. phone 2-1222 - 2-5096 - 2-3632 - 2-3779 Phone 2-4113-6 2-3530 For Sale Real Estate GRABENHORST SPECIALS GOING TO CHICAGO MUST SELL CLEAN, comfortabl 2 bdrm. home, comer lot in a pleasant neighborhood, full baamt. c garage. $7,300 with $1JMW down. Call Peter Geiser. 1492 CENTER STREET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2 bdrms. plus music room. lge. llv. n. din. rm. ooen staircase. 4 bath down and full bath up, dbte. garage. Call Roy Ferris. A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Owner leaving city offers his busi ness complete including good lease, large inventory, trade fixtures and equipment. Showed approximate net of 10.0UO last year, ror immediate dis posal priced at $10,000.00. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst, ENGLISH MANOR HOME 3 bdrms. plus sun-room which can be used for another bdrm. or sick rm. open staircase, hdwd. Xlrs. up at down, cedar lined closets, gum wood interior, auto-sprinkling system, lg. lot with expensive shrubs, creek, auto-oil heat In a full dry basmt. close to Stat Bldgs. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. 10 ACRES SOUTH 2 bdrm. Cape Cod home with full basmt. liv. rm. din. rm. 1 sc. boysen- berries. 8 acres young filberts. This avi tftcinT -..i.-wt a tea buy at only $l0.6OO. Call Earl Urgrf.mTry" o'lnconw. l.lxlSOn; i w itnci inr miir raain Sundays and evenings call Roy rerru z-amo Peter Geiser 3-9968 Earl West 2-1232 GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Only $6600.00 OLAF THONSTAD, REAL ESTATE 941 N. Capitol St. Phone 2-7903 BUILDING THIS SPR"Tn?T Here is a nice view lot 7Ssioa . cated on the corner ofsouth High St Waldo Ave, city water on lot: 2 blks. to McKinley school. Title insurance. Price is $1650. CLOSE IN -TWITH BASEMENT Nice walking distance tn town this Church street home: I -rfrr... new .rurnace. deep lot. bus by door., well located for all schools. Let's have an offer on this one. Good terms can be arranged. Mattson & Roethlin Real Estate 231 N. High ph a.vwa quire 770 Bellcyue St FOR RENT Oft LEASE Store bid In West Salem. $40 per mo. Ph. 3-601 IKONEKS oy the wees KnoneJ-M GKD Uwd Piano H L Stiff Hi'viNES' Room H L Stiff oak bed aide tables $4-00; new and used washers- apt. elec. ranges refrigerators: electrle water heaters. 40 gal. guaranteed $79.95; electrle house and outside wire, rang' cable, 6. E. conduit, pig tails, rang outlets. Kitchen sinks, lavatories, toilets, tubs, soil pipe, fittings, caulking lead 29c lb. a " galv. pipe. Come south on 12th to large Hoyf sign, turn east on block. TCI. 3-7gI6. Atmora D- Cat Dozes 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat Dozer . 160 per hr . PhonsKdays 3-9408 Even.ngs 2-8246 or 2-4400 ; Salem Ortfua Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST ? ' CASES Bring or Mall Your Plata for Repair 1 a. . a . ..A I UA .nAJUlT SLOILXn UM1U3 1 ivi. Harlcy Push. Ph. 3-4692. Adolph Bldg..tate A Com. Ph. 2-331L T plywood: Vt In. 9c per ft. I nivt vfiirn &.n... -... m.h.n. TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c hrs foUowing Wopdrv's MkL 1605 N U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph 2-9062 TRUCKS and cars (or rent Blankets furnished Smttty's Clipper Service Center and Oiurch Phone 3-9600 RUMMAGE SALE SPACE for rent. 357 Court St. Tel. 3-3028. . . . . . . j . . - . an . u u . mil r ti a-r w u. i n it w m n ww . . r ;;.'- iw -r-1 ra-nairMi nw m ouaiiriMi stnr iwor. tn iiikj ne rr w 71 w ff .r ----- : : - . Wanted to Rent Celth Brown Lumber Yard. sentativ. Ph. 3-3513 for free pickup At delivery eel kt on all makes of ina- TZirT SflTld fk Gravpl Co eran.c rra ismat given before .XV-CIZCr OflllU a VrraVCl V-U. -trtd Sineer Sewme Ui- chlne Co 130 W Commercial Crushed Rock EMP. COUPLE wishes 3 rm. furn. apt. No children, close in. Ph. 3-7947. QUIET WOMAN wishes smaU house. Not over $35. Ph. 3-7826. Malta Capital Bed Co. Ph. 3-4069 veL, Ph. 2-1749. if Day or evening. Loans Wanted Mason sand, concrete mix. pit run. rood all EARLY k LATE cluster boo root. 22$ I N"nrr as nod ah. rvwt it mm-t. per .mm. uaruey ana n-uiricn. sh. m, i gag security. Ph. 2-4552 or 2-69Z3. Box 86. Ontario. Oregon. J fill dirt and top soil and aU kind- gravel. Ph. 2-1' 1-1070 STATE EMPLOYEE and wife need unfurn. house by April 1st. Close in and reasonable. Refs. Call Sanders. 3-4151. - 2 OR 3 bedroom home in desirable neighborhood. Call ass't mgr. Miller's (days! or 3-5539. Ask for Attebury (evening). GRAVEL, sana and snt. Delivered, or n your truck at the pit. Ph. 1 1002. Aluminum Roofing 019 corrugated 24 'Inches wide. This Is practically Portland wholesale pii- Financial rt sheet sheet REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM CITY - 20 YRS st 4, FHA" CONSTRUCTION A N. DUNCAN RM. 12-14. LADD & BUSH BANK BLDG. Lots 19 ft, per sheet ft, per sheet L. A. Courtemanche McMlnnvlPe Phone ISO Uoyd M, Hill, Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phone 2-4367 Rt. 2. box 22-B BALED NO. 1 clover hay. $25 ton. 3'i mi. E. of St. Paul. Amil Desraot. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock ; MONEY TO LOAN Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans . . m, . . I LUU 11 . see uisdoui rennancms your oresem i . v rw . . . " . i 3 1 rvx.i m serosa craca. .o iw. x 11. wvuuv vi iHviMin. nuviwfni I 009c 12-1 eA.l-..-w D 1 w-t LOT, 50x120. located at 1950 Broad way. Near schools and store. Pave ment In. $700. Call 2-3398 after 5 p.m. LOVELY Vliy LOT. Z-SxoT j. Morn ingside view. Private owner, $1500. Ph. 3-5812. COURT OR HOME SITE Tree, small For Read; B rd roads St driveway. Cement. Concrete. Garden sand. drainage and witching. 44 Be drag line. Phone 3-9249. eady-tnlx tnlMoaing. d. Ihoven CommerciarSand & Gravel Crashed rock. Ready mix. AO kinds I f sand and gravel, suver snt and na curt. Ph. 21966 FlTLL-t. cow or chicken. Ce llvered In Salem, well-rotted or fresh. $8 per cu. yard. Also by sack. $1 per sack at place or wiT deL 6 sack order Phillips Bros. Rt. 6. Box 118 Ph 68F22. STEEL clothesline posts, railings in stock and to order. 1145 N. Liberty St. PEAT UCfSS iortiiied with chicken Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph- 2-3663 Money to Loan i Private Monev On Cars. Trucks. St Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 8 Commercial St Phone 3-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 122 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty I Lie M159-S154 FARM and CITi LOANS 41. and $ Tour own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Reel Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 107 Pioneer Trust Bide Phone Tig? LOT. close to State Street. Phone 3-7551. Lots We have 3 lots, close In north 60x 190 ft., at $650 each. Priced for quick sale. Restricted district. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 2-4596. Ph. 2-0473. 3-3558 Larce house. furntxheH ant - -i and down. Owners living in another state. Will sell reasonable. North Sa iem corner. Pavement. Sec this. William E. Moses 331 State St. Ph. 3-4993 SELL or TRADE I have two good propositions in Lin coln county. 1st. 9 -court furnished, plus owners quarters, on ocean front age with good income. Owner In Cal ifornia said cut or trade equity. They desire a $10,000 to $12,000 5-room home with automatic oil heat in substantial neighborhood. "d. vely view home, on Siletz river and ocean, most of a '.-acre with natural spring water rights ter raced. two bed rooms, den. sun-porch, modern kitchen 4c nook, hot wateV heating plant with oil. $14,500. They will also consider selling 10 acres of river frontage plus 900 feet of coast hlway frontage combined or separate fishing this is a good proposition Mr!yc.PE? Enderi WHt F phon "Drive-In Real Estate" ve 2415 3805 SE Hawthorne Portland. Oregon OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Monday, March 5th and 7th, 1949 HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS Very good $ room and bath In fine location, close in. cement foundation, plastered, good sized garage, large lot. tier ia on you should see. 85750.00. ' Very nic 2 bedroom, modern home on nignway ana bus route. House com. pieteiy rurnisned. electric range, new m rissMur, aic. jnm acre ox tana, small oam ana cnicken nous. Garage and From 1 P.M. . 8 P.M. each day shop. $6000.00. acres, all cultivated, about 1 mil out. a room semi-modern home, email at 1185 N. 25th Street. Go east on D Street to 25th. turn north and you win be barn and other buildings. Very good in Salem's new East Englewood Addition. soil. A buy at $4000.00. ' A 0 acres, all cultivated. 7 room and Two bedroom home with unfinished upstairs, large living room and dining bath, on paved road, close in. Nic room. Priced right. FHA terms. family orchard. Bldgs. and equipment for several hundred chickens,-. Pric . (-. T P. H. BELL, REALTOR , raeW 20 cultivated, substantial 361 Chemeketa Street I room . "th. furnished. Including I m nm rarac ran, DMaca. ana equip. SOT Ph. 2-1545. 2-4896; Eves. 2-7568. 2-4686. 2-8868, 2-2828 vursey or cnicam business, a u ..w mfn a. aAV.wv.uv. 40 acres, nearly all cultivated. T rm. modern home. In very nic condition. Lovely 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors throughout, bedroom up. with part plumbing, full basement with oil furnace. Noonchester, eve. pnone 20103. fireplace, master I Good barn and chicken house, brooder usee. 314.600. CaU hou-. .,'.tSuA-picturw -rm- On Paved ivn. , id.vw.uu. 119 acres on paved road, modern t Also a very nic 4 bedroom horn with fireplace, lovely back yard with room residence. luu basement, furnace, outside fireplace, oil furnace heat, with party room and bar In basement, 1 iirepisc. run sei ouiiains, year. w ws a -r round spring and drilled well, about $0 acres cunivaiea, eooa sou. i ikkj w. THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY, Sllverton. Oregon VE 4468 Sacrificing For Quick Sale New horn 1 r k .m - . . tirn nd difett. hardwd firs., firepl. Many other added features S"ln 'or $750 under FJfA. appraiS; I1 down pymt. required. This is an exceptional offering and wont last long. For appointment Ph. 2-7743 YOUR LOT is ready for you and only $25.00 down. Bal. $20. Int. at 5. Goodwin & McMillin, REALTORS 484 Court St. Phone 3-4707 VIEW LOT approx. acre. Edge of SW city limits. $925. Ph. 3-3036. VIEW LOTS 500 block. Vista Ave. WOODED LOTS. 600 block. Ratcliff Dr City water. Owner, ph. 3-4284. CORNER LOT 100x50, cor. of Oxford and. High. Inq. 1999 W. Nob Hill, eves. paets TOO HIGH 2 Sal -Real Estate nuraur and lime. 90c per sack. We deliver. VALLEY FARM STORE. 4343 Biiverion Jtoea. rnone z-zuz. 1 CLOCK DOCTOR. TIMEPIECE HQS- J month by consolidating your lnstaJ- GIRLS shoe skates, size 2'i. Phon t-4063. fcEDAjt POSTS Ph 68F22 POSTS. wire and berries of 2 acre tract, You remove, $50. RL 1, Box 206, waoaDuriii ore. HENRY TORVEND formerly with Joe Hutchison Realtor wishes to an nounce that he is now associated with Ohmart At Calaba Realtors. 477 Court Reduce the amount you pay out each I St. Specializing in farm property ontn oy consouaatuig your lnstaj- l OR TRADE EUUITY in new a room ment Obligations and paying them in I house on ' acre. Consider larger trail a lump sum; with a Personal loan. I er house. Ph. 2-7344. 1299 Shady Lane. BEST BUYS $4,000 Mod. house inside eitv. r- move into: newlv H.rnr.i. very close to bus. ' KINGWOOD Older t Vrv hrima In ... BRICK n.w"U!UaUy nic home. H A., almost new. has evirvihin K.., . ; rC.e00- WU1 ry P-H.X: for . - w a.h,vr. 4 ACRES several outbuildings.Keizer Di5t. Ex. bu.T",.su?,vif ,0.n' AU several l ,"rI leaving state. . Al Isaak & Co.,' Realtors . 3035 Portland Road r-n. 3-7B20. 2-458H Eve. 2-0473. 1-3S.ta $13,650. Call Noonchetter. 3 bedroom, on large lot. with lota of trees, nice lawn and flowers, sprinkling system, good basement, oil furnace beat, with fireplace, hardwood floors. large living ana dining rooms, bum in a gooa nom near s-igiewooo scnooi TT-n nr cert a rii -vtvtiTt-'TY and tore. $12,000. Call Noonctiester. Ev. phon 20103. OUT bTATL OWINLK We have a number of cheaper homes, city and sub. also have acreage with JEl' LJUi RMmt'Tnt Imnrn.rl. tn trad, foe eltw nronertv also hon-M that will aeceot trailer Bom "Tt fUrn-C 1 RM bamt4Pt kL - . ..hW ii.tnm.iiM thm anrt man mora I witn prtyai entrance, corner ou call 80O 83.000 : down. Close -In. rTPirTPTD nr a t td strout realty V T I . V T I . tl 111 .M ,H V. 71 1 950 S. 12th St, Phone 2-8322 VJllli-Jll IX IA XJ-J i VXX L KEW 1 B.R hwd. firs., lireplacc. lge, 3205 Portland Road Phon 21073 kitchen, many bullt-ina. Basement with; iirepiace. ou air cona. rurnace. Loveiy wooded "tot RmjIw to movat into hut 3 BEDROOM HOME North. $2000 will handle. Full pric $7500. Call Da hi. outside work await weather. Ooen Service Station with furnished living quarters, on 90 Hiwar. $2100. Call DahL I daily 3-5 pjn. 643 Ratcliff Dr. Owner a Tt O T T . I a T & --a-l .a- amofl f'all U. HllHlMI : I " a u n. nuriw aiiu a wm, n km .wi awvw. w-mm . - .. . ., . . i i.w W . . J B B l V M n4 mwiA ; Acre. 9 room nouse w iiu nuvmcui ww a .n. u vwuvw ia. a. clean. $1300. Call Mr. Hudson. 3 ServK-e Stations. Both hi fine location. Call Ed. Restaurant, fine location, doing good business. Call Ed. Lovely 4 B.R. Horn In Hollywood. 916.800. $6000 down. Call Jack. Beautiful 2 B.R.. Den. with fireplace In Keizer. $12,800. Call Jack. , One of the finest opportunities in a nit club with mix license. CaU Jack. Grocery Store doing good business in Hot Spot. Call Ed. ED BYRKIT & CO. Acreage 3425 Portland Road 814.000.00 13'fc ACRES WITH MOD ERN 6 ROOM HOUSE Only 3 mi. from down town, on pavement, bus- by door, furnace, fireplace, deep freeze In bmt new barn, chicken house, lots of fruit, small creek. The place you've been looking for. Terpas. CaU Ray Davis. Ph. 3-3849. eve. 2-8658 Walters Real Estate 960 S. Commercial 1 I a al . . C ..t. ' fiCArt qu - - " Cummins lane. Keizer Dist. mi. For Sale Farm MR. SMALL FARM BUYER Here Is your deal. 30 acre rich dark loam, aoeo timber, ideal for truck it berries, Yr. stream, fenced woven wire. Small lata built hse.. elec. heat, garage, barn, pltry hse. A small bunk hse. fco NOT PASS THIS UP. 83850. ONLY O0 dn. WILLAMETTE VALLEY'S 1 BEST SOIL. 00 acres. Wll. 4c Che ha lis Silt Loams. Northeast. 22 R. River bottom. Fr. stream for Irrlg. Approx. 40 A. In crop. Good 4 BR Hse. 12 stanch "barn. Mech. shed. 2 t-try hs. smaU tenant ha. An Ideal loc on main highway, eloe to town, school St Greyhound buses by door. (This bottom land ha producing $1,000 per A. in truck crops.) vrmSj00 10 apprcUta ONCEIN A BLUE MOON W get a deal such as this. 44 level lei til acre. north.vclos to town school. 9 BR bungalow atyl hse. Wired for lc. rge. 33x42 hip-roof bsrn. 2-csr garage. 24x140 pltry hse. equipped with running water .4c elec. Only $8500. Big loan at 4 available. V Larsen Home & Loan Co. bchativ Listings Personal Service 184 S. Cotn l UU Ph. 2-8380, Eve. 3-744 Snhurban GARDEN & CHICKENS ar yours when you llv suburban, This well-built 2 B.R. homo In A-1 hep can be yours . for as little a $3500 down, baL on easy terms. Good f !"" " rg garden space. I blk to bua for trhnnl a. -l u a-2 a i :asuvt m one. Art Madsen IjOfState St. Ph. 3-558Q; Rt. $-644 rnf UTS'' - .-T' r.i -r-" -- - y - a iw w mues OUV. m BR horn with basement, garag. Lees than $5000. Convenient ternisT ,30 Cherry avenue. $ rm. house, elec. water avatam. I -n - a k. .i ft. $2960 total pric. $650 down. ,, - ocres walnuts, cherries, fam ily orchard. Including tractor, plow, harrow cultivator, new. sprayer. AQ this and a modern 1 rm. house wit basement. Call Clark Craig. Joe Hutchison Realtor 3- "rt 8t " Salem' Oregon Ph. 3-3629. Eve. l-478flf i-tlML WEEKEND SPECIAL CaU Bergland to se thlg Ottractivn yr. old horn on U acre. 4 bedrms. v. rm. wun fireplace, din. tm,, kit fuu basement. Abundance Of close PV. Breereway to garage. A num. Per OC Shade traea an4 taa offer ovr $11,000. y. Art Madsen li 1229 Stat St., Ph. 3-5580; Reiv. 2-6439 Exchange Real Estate MODERN t hedrm honao Ih n.n. trad for Salem home same value. 3 lri ih w-. corners z atresrta. on way, bus. writ Box. 480, tl paved hi Statesman. Wanted Real Estate -I ve Just one reasonable pay ment monthly. LOANS 923 TO 8500 ON AUTO Up to $300 on Salary. Furniture. Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a BARN YARD fertilizer. U per rd. m 'P" i o"on money fvd loada Ph Turner 93S I prooiem. see j me. i say yes xo l9 -'a J:. JcfTT " i f l. I ol3 who ask for a loan. Come at 4MB IPE and plumbing supplies. Look or ehone Li.v more. Saving, galore. Capital Bar- "psfAS.'fr ?$?Z gain Hous 145 Center St. Croisan Quarries ' Quarry Rock Quarry rock. for road-base. Crushed rock, nn din. w deliver, isoa s Coml Ph. 2-6417. Plant Ph. 3-1231, Res. Ph. 3-3075 day or eve. Windows Wallboard New R.O.W. windows and sash. tn. sbeetrock. 5c per ft; 'i in 6c per ft. i in. Insulation board $2.00 per Sheet. Oak flooring $140 per M. Call Z-9K21 tor prices or m formation, c g Long. Rt. 2. Box 31. Salem. 1 mi. N, Of Keizer. . Used Doors & Toilets W ar wrecking 184 houses. Doors with Jambs, insulation, house-type soiieis, wun Das ins, piywooa, flooring, aiding, windows, kitchen sinks. Call 2-582L C G. Long. Rt. 2. Box 3L fts lem. I mile North of Keizer. 1 PIANO Beckwlth upright. Very food condition, $150. 1489 Court St. hone 3-4223. GREEN and black plaid shortie coat, size 14. $10. Turquols formal, size 14. $6. Chrome kitchen set with 4 chairs, ew xceL cond. Odds and ends of elec trical appliances and dishes. Ph. 2-3539. ECTRIC WATER heaters. oubk element. $79.74. Closing out sale i all plumbing goods. W. A. Skewls o.. Ph. 3-4600. 1390 Madison. St2iGt& hem athener. fuJ. Ph. t-8082. 5 PC. maple bedrm. suite, also larg table model radio comb. 4c record eab snet. 2200 Laurel St. Ph. 2-6020 befor 9 P m. - SMAI.Ii, practically new IJndeman plsno. 3643 -D" St MONTGOMERY WARD wood range, whit enamel, good a new. $44. ph. 2-73. . WTNS colored davenport 4s chair, exeellent cond. Rt. 2, Box 404. -Phon j-1195. BEAUTirUL li tub Philco Console Radio, excel, cond, $45. Ph. 2-9812. 2 BDRM. HOME, furnished, garage. 4 lots. Price $3600. Will take late model trailer house as part payment. Geo. Meska. 3rd 4 A Sis.. Gervais. Ore BY OWNER. Priced right, insulated. P'rL.r"-1B" w- Liberty. BY owner: 3 U.K.. utility on floor, basement, furnace, close to sch... on bus line, terms. Ph. 2-Q3I2. 2 B R. HOUSE in West Salem. Ph ! 3-7128. WILL SACRIFICE: 2 B.R. home with bath, on A. North. V. blinds, elec. range, oil circulator. $4350, $2000 down. bai. 3Z3 mo. pn. 2-7Z61. BY OWNER: 2 B.R. home in W. Sa PERSONAL: FINANCE COMPANY 51$ State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 2-3464 i C. R. Allen. Mgr. Lie, S-122. M-163 CASH-NOW nn ia c:nn nn w-..yv - wvw.vyw I lem, near school, church 4 bus. Lots Salem's largest and 'oldest home -own- I of built ins, polished firs. $2000 dn.. ea loan company oners money when I terms. Ph. 2-6837 you need ttl You can pay anytime to rednc net cost I l No endorsers or help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500,001 LEAVING TOWN. Must sell new 2 bdrm. house. Furn. or unfurn. 2 lots, Take car or truck in trade. 3260 Teas sve. BY OWNER: Attractive 2 bedrm. home, hardwd. firs.. firenl elec. hot On furniture. livestock, equipment. I wster heater, full bsmt.. air cond.. salary or other personal property up to I sawdust furnace, near high school and $300,001 Phon or visit our office today I ; Lie No. S138 and 1338 General Finance Corp. Pa 3-9161 l 136 S. COMX ST. bus line. Lot 50x160. Berries, nice yard 88500. Ph. 2-4539. $9000. 6 rm. bungalow. 3 BR., fruit trees, 9 bidg. lots, new addition, con tract assumed. Ph. 3-1712. 3775 Monroe. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED For- Rent Rooms New. small 2 bedroom house and garage. Venetian blinds, cement drive. lawn and shrubs in. Ready to move I in. City bus 2 blocks. Best buy in HOUSEKEEPING RM.. auto, hot wa- I town. 35500.00. 435 Illinois, out East ter, $25. 243 Chemeketa St. I on Center to Illinois. Buy from build- MTf-ffr V IrTfhM h-Ti rm. Also ga: erw.extgPr ,na ,ave commission. uni-i-n icayuift wmvK, agitata a-rit nsw rage. 653 N. High St. UlC Ige.sfp. rm. Elc smaller one. 177 S. Coml. Ph. 3-5789 SLEEPING ) ROOM for quiet gentle man. 444 N. Winter St FURN T rrz- I 2-bedrm. home. ae, furn. or unfurn. 07m I Plastered, insul- weatherst ripped, elec. neat, wan to wan carpet, rnvat wen. Bus by door. FHA approved. Located Lommfrmi rm. Heated. 607 ct wia n a b ki ... BY OWNER: 2 Bdrm. home with Horn evenings, rn. z-sui or x-boos after 9 p. m. FOR Efficient ana effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW S RM. HOUSE. Art. garage. 1 B.R. Private bath.; Ph. 3-9698 h6LLVWo6 sip, rm. Ph. t-609l' HEATED ROOMS, one with cook ina privileges 565 N. Cottage. r PLEASANT sleeping rm. for gentle- nan. ivrtv mprway. fn. Z-4547. SLEEPING mitt. Phon 1-4427. Room and Board Make offer. 1030 W liber St SV OWNER: 3 B.R. house in Engle wood dist. Pric 99300. Call eves. 2-1836 for appointment. OWNER LEAVING state. Attractive s rm. nous (or sale in ROOM AND board for working men I dist. 3 blks from school. Must be seen appreciated. Furn. or unfurn. REDUCXT3 for ouick sale. Lovely horn. 1 ac 17700. Box 979, Statesman. m pru nom. 2579 Maple. Ph. 2-4034 1 to be eves. -: , Ph. 2-35 BOARD A eonam for aantlaman S-9799. i " ' r Tfr r n i : V sieeve iteailor J 15 ACRES "rtd creek. .. uvirei mil DiagS. SOOOO. ... FIR GROVE w " ofarm home In beautiful ...i wnj. sastao.oo, . r!7,.-2W." or. car. Has been , w loan. New 2 bed U2--1T ?"? Kitchen Sc nook. Util u.t" -e"..? Ilri- Att- s A. Auto s-Jf 9VSTU1. C. W. Reeve Realtor . v5 S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590; Eve. a-BXKt or 2-3088 Income and Home . ? iPf '"ntohed, one rented for $55. the other for $65 and a 3 rm. apt Sood OWtneK..-Nw . A1"!' bmeSt: - uwr, siu.uuo. Modern New 5 Rm. Hom iAvnlrXr,MiwJlom ln w Salem for nr. "1 wan nas been made AT r md Z'PZZU - ".Nr..f yr ZLJi Z1WV ou All hard ZSSo mortgUU,"y- n'W ec' ART MADSEN i2JTATEST, PH. 3-550 water. BY BulLp--2 2-bed room homes Inquire 1145 S. 15th. . NO. 3 ZONE Just south of the un "."i r rrtmu 2 BJL house. 5r . . "V U . . range, aavenport, din. set, etc. Excl. Ioc. for Rest Estate Ba5l business. $10.000 $3,000 down. " ENGLEWOOD $10,000 3 nice B.R. Le. din anH i lee' Ed! KbSf.L ' Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors . Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-6680 ENGLEWOOD Good, substantial nlHr I . Needs handy man's touch. Has LR BR, nook. 1 bdrm. down, a ivirnu nn ...i. able for apt), full cmnt bsmnt. dble cfrff corner lot with nic Uwn St shrubbery. Three blocks to Senior high chooL All for $5950. liberal terms. -au Tea ryie with COLBATH LAND CO. Realtor. 1683 Center St. Ph J4552 SELL OR TRADE FOR k n iA ACRES 5 rm modern home on N. Church St. with extra room in basement. $8950.00. CLOSE TO HIGH STBOOt. 4 rm with attached agrage. Iv. rm.. dinette, kitchen, 2 bedrm, bath, utility. $6.800 i acre north. 2 bdrm home. garden, fruit, berries, nuts, new chick en house. Call Ivan Sivers, Ph. 2-3849. eve. 3-7013 Walters Real Estate 900 S. Commercial VIEW PROPERTY $17.400 Beautiful new. 3 bdrm. home double plumbed, oil fur fireplace hwd and asphalt tile firs. Lot 100 x 195, FURNISHED A nice 3 yr. old. 3 bdrm. home South, fireplace, oil fur. air cond- hwd nrs. Extra well lurnisnea ioi iou 100. Price $13,500. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 3-9441 NEW SUBURBAN HOME Two nice bedrooms, floored attic, attractive nv room utilitv rm. H.W. floors thruout Garage and half. 3 A. lot. $1500 down. Approx. $50 a month. 3 ACRES Close in east, young fruit trees, fine build, site. Just tne place for children, mavbe a cow. N.E. LATE BUILT 2 B.R. all electric home a I lover carpet, built-in utility room, garage, paved st. acre lot. $1150 down. 845 pr itiontn. 4l interest. LANCASTER VICINITY Fine coun-tt-v Home nre-war better built house, oversize rooms, basement, oil turn., party rm. 2 fireplaces. H.W. floor, large windows. 14 ac. tract, irrigation sys tam ai2itnn cond terms. R. E. Meredith Rlt. B. M. Mason 176 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 85900 L.R. DR. K. 2 B.R. Bath. utilitv. basement. Close In. $5795 L.R. K. 1 B.R. Bath, garage. Uwn. garden, pvd. street. Va block to bus. Call Mr. Christensen. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St Eves. 2-2535 tio.500 GOOD 3 bedrm home with full bsmt.. oil furnace, fireplace, near State St. not far out. Fine for rent ing rooms. Phone 2-3849. Eve. Ph. 2-5260. . Walters Real Estate ' 940 S. Commercial rr YOU NEED four bedrooms and A.- -mrm to invest a lot of money. see this older type; in nice physical condition, well located on souin om merciai street The price is $6850. SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve. phones 2-4T?3 - z-aai - i-wn- ssis DOWN. Whv nay Rent when vou nn but a new 2 B.R. bom with stairway to attic. Nic L-R. fireplace. Hwd. firs, tnrououi. iiucnea garag. See Omer Huff. , Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5091 2 BR HOME. yr. old. HWD firs. att. rarace. oil circ. elec. cook, at asaurr heat. lot 54x107. Priced at $4,900 and $1,950 Dn.. bal. on easy terms. Call Rice. 2-1888 Eves. acre NORTH. 2 BR home. unnn. up. modern, familv orchard. k mi. from stores St school, only $7,000. Call Zel- ler. 2-7374 Eves. NEARLY NEW 2 BR home. worm. on Z' i acres, au mooern. nv sura, art. garage, some nice lge fir trees, bus by door. Price 111.550. Call Zeller. Very nice, nearly new a on nom-. In nic distr.. has LR. DR. Kit. Pecan firs. Fireplace. V. Blinds. Plait, oil fir. furn." att. garage, lot 60x100. Price $10,600. Terms. $2,800 Dn. bai. at $51.65 per mo. Thia home must be seen to be appreciated, so see this horn to day. Call Hansen. 3-4522 Eves. John H. Hansen, Realtor Phon 2-7819 or 2-4522 1933 Fairgrounds Rd. DRIVE BY 1145 N. 15th. 3 bedrms. Near HI School. L. rm. Kitchen, dinette. Beau tiful lot. Paved St. Gar. Owner says seU at $5750. Must be sold ln next few days. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 S. Commercial Ph. 2-4500; Ev. 3-9536 or 2-3069 Some Good Buys All Within 3 Miles of Salem $4900 11 yr. old bom n 1 A, bsmt. $5500 Hous and out bldgs. n 2 A, fruit trees. $6950 2 B.R. home on approx. Si A. Fruit and berries. $10,500 New. 2 B.R. modern home, close In, town. Hdwd. firs, thru-out. Insulated, elect, heat, corner lot. $3000 will handle. from sch. Jamie Weathers $10,000. $ ACRES located 8 on paved rd. 3-BR plastered horn, barn, ga rage, poultry house. Approx 9 A In walnut and cherries. Terms. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St Ph. 3-4121; Eve. 2-5208 ROSEDALE 1U ACRES 24900 Nic clean 4 room modern house, tool shed, large chicken hous. Terms can b arranged. SALEM HEIGHTS $6500 - 3 bedrooms. . acre, larg LR.. lri Kn KaK amall ehlr H. K. l.nrV. Kpal hst atl house, near school, bus. store. Terms. 1363 NBrodw.y CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Pr 2-0092 day, or eves, s-jsis, -au REALTORS Nvt to th WrwiHn Sfin 250 N. Hirh St. Phone 2-4129 i I S ACRES for sale or lease. 2 mod. ENGLEWOOD. Sparkling. newly ern house. 2 drilled wells. Running built 2 BR home. auto. heat. hwd. I stream and pond. 2 A. timber, barn. floors, fan in kitchen, att. garage, aide- I rn. z-sibz. walk. Owner transferred. $9000. cash. $2200 Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court Street. Salem. Oregon Phone 2-3629. Eve. 3-4789. 3-5053. 3-3632 5 OR 14 ACRES with or wlthou bldgs. H. R. Bishop. RL 0, Box 2V2. ITU At jit land. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS TWO SMALL HOUSES and Vw acre productive soil. Price only $3o00. OUTSTANDING ENGLEWOOD HOME Extra large living rm. with fire place, cozy kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms; oak floors. Auto, furnace; extra lrg. utility room; garage. Fenced In back yard: sev eral fruit trees. House about 8 yrs. old. Don't hesitate. Price $9500. SUBURBAN HOME and income. 1 acre good land. One 2 One Week Only IS acres, paved road. S'.s miles Sa lem. Chocolate loam. 14 A. tillable. 8 acres berries. Mod. 1 bdrm. home. good barn. Only $5800. $2500 down. Strout Realty ' 959 S. 12th St. Ph. 2-5323 For Sale Farms WORTH LOOKING AT! GRADE A BARN. 17$ A hlway farm eloaa in. IM tillabla. Mod 8 BR home: imi ill. i mi iraana pamv - nmaa ni home with fireplace. SmaU barn. I $aoo down 1 One J room house with bath rent- REDUCED SUBURBAN 10 A. All till, d $43 per mo. Clos to bus and Good 2 BR home Mod conveniences, stores, rnc 412,000. Asctd fruit St nuts. Tractor 4s. equip, IncL $10.500 $3,000 down. I many CHOICE bargains ln tare 4s 344 State St ' Phon 2-3663 I small farms. Evenings call 2-4007 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. Phon 2-5322 QTROTTT TtF AT.TY HIM vnv ..Willi, a I . SW. --' - - home east on bus line. Close to schooL I 059 S. 12th St, This is a late built home with attach ed garage, larg lot. Immediate pos-i ion. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors ,2 mite's. Dallas. 30 ac. tillable. room comf. house. Barn, garage, tlm. ber. springs. A good stock rancn oniy I7o. soo casn win nanaie. r M HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com l. Ph. 24649-2544T 32'. FARM special, good location, 153 S. High St Ph. 3-4121: Eves. 2-5206 SSblr coiuTt Income BY BUILDER I property. Call Mr. Nooncnesier tor XT t xr I further information, pnon s-vivj. Here Is Your I m. ceiger realtor j T tt 1 2205 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1072 Uream House I 287 acre ranch no a. cultivation. I bdrm. 4c den or 3rd bedrm. Large Sfi'i.1' rIlmfUr'n: . rm. model kit 4c nook, all hdwd I0001. -B.R horn), basement, l urn?f firs. Insulated, elec. heat, citf Water fif.1, no-frTinV or atoek r.lstak dble. garage. Ven. blind, plus. ih. most i tJrtrZ'rSZL 'ilSL' oeauuiui iirepiace in tn Northwest. I T, m,. ,k T HA ppr. On pavement 1 mil south f Hoyt St. on the Fairvtaw Horn Rd. h. 3-5638 after 9 p.m. for apn t. 2 liv, BY BUILDER Brand new 3 bdrm. ranch atvLa home Lge. llv. rm. c ain. i ail heat ' dhl f inr Yen. blinds. Priced to sell. 810 mil P"T south of rd. Phone Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors .itl -.Ttl,' 153 S High St, Ph 3-4121; Eves. 9-5204 igelTnTy rrrf' "TlOS WONT-UstTSJ acres Crl. A w' 7 ""-I ... a c.-l-. UllbU. 8 Stanchion MUking parlor- Hoyt St on Fatrvlew Home htrg loafing barn. 12 Acreas-eoed, 2-5638 after 8 pm. for app't. pasiur water right for 20 acres. Bet TT-V,-. J - JZ, r r than average 7 room modern horn 2 HOUSES - 2 LOTS older two. 11 miles out on pavement Ulllr mil. - SIS Ann. Full nrlr. 1 has 2 B.RM. Din. Kit Liv. Nook li-iona ZZit V.nni T ".r.. ?. Oarage, lhl BJJ.. a,,,..,.. liv. ivu. zmui. neniea ai n. iww i urUOUrVHl U itACltAllllll, Pric $7000. $2500 will handle. strATTOP a- as. numus nwu. "iais i iu r ..,- 770 S. Co. Ph. 2-4640 - 2-5497 1 V l' a.afj."'""?"! BY OWNER - House. 2 bedrms! with possibility of 3rd. fireplace, hwd. firs., full dry bsmt, sawdust or wood furnace. Phon after 4 p. m. 2-0910. 1040 Shipping. See A. N. Duncan 12 Ladd St Bush Bank Bid a. SPECIALIZING IN FARMS HOUSES WANTED Have cash buvera tnr naai a bedroom home In $6-$85O0 1 bracket, CaU us today. ij: COLBATH LAND, CO. ' - Realtors "') ' 1683 Center St. Ph. 2491 JWANTED TO BUY from owner: 1 bedroom house. -phone 3-995 1. - SEVER iNTtEALTY! c0 " OURS IS A ONE-STOP EFFICIENT AND FRIENDLY SERVICE. WE SELL. EXCHANGE. APPRAISE AND IftZ SURE FOR YOU. WE HAVE A VERY EFFECTIVE SALES-SERVICE Off EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS. "LET'S TALH IT OVER." SEE OSCAR SEDERSTROM', "IGH ST. DIAL 3-401 A HAVE CASH buyer Jor is-or L- acres of unimproved property near Sa lem. What hav you? ij AI Isaak & Co., Realtori 3033 Portland Road ' Ph. 2-7820. 2-4594. Ev. 2-0473. 9-3849 Business Opportunities SOLID BRICK APARTUfNf BUILDING, 3 story. 19 rentals, fur nlshed. private baths, alee, ruim" ra- rrig.. laundry room, central iheaUnfl plant. 12 tile garages, excellent const ana cond.. paved alley, close to Capitol, A conservative value at $82,000. baj..j nrAMitiutr BUILUINU, -2 story, 8 furnished apartments, pri. vate bath. elec. ranges and i refng basement, laundry room, steam beak ideal for business building, near New Shopping Center. A good investment for the future. Only 132,000. i NEW APARTMENT BLDG: : Exrene tionaUy well const, elec. heat hdwdX. firs- all units have fndlv. rges. 4s ref rigs. Fine loc in heart of bus. 4t " Industrial area. This oava off handa aomely at $32,000. $100 00 PER MO. ATTENTION I MR. BUILD ERI If you want a lge lot suitable for income do velopment. pleas call us today. W hav. 2 properties, ln heart- of new bust project Both have lea bide, auita able for rentals. ii SHOES f SHOES I Salem's hottest shoe wore 4c repair shop for Sal at cost. exclusive joe at occlusive agency on ma lor brands. Averace SISOO ner ma. Sales. Only 86.4O0. Stock at inventory. DOWN TOWN CAFE. Hot local to w icas. Heal Profit her for onl $3000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Sarvleo 164 S. Coml St. Ph. 3-8319; Eve. 3-71 RESTAURANT AND FOUNTATN-.I county seat, main at. location, low rent long lease. Cross 86000 mo. Beats 83, A u -cond. A reel monev maker. OwnW must sell at once. Priced right and good terms. See us for appoint ment, ELMO BENNETT AGENCY, all Court. DALLAS, OREGON. Phone $528. MAlXFTAURANTTequipmilr. lease. 31350. Inq. at 1193 Reedy Dr- Just off Park. WRICLEV CUM BUSTNtai New 1949 Alkuna vender disoensinst genuin Wrlclev Gum and Candv. Lcm rations and mdse. assured. Man or woman. Only your spare tlm needed. Can earn up to $45 weekly profit $47 investment required. Write Hox . . . , i3990".0d3tADIOSjl6Pta good lora tlon. clean stock St equtp good kase, reasonable refit. A real opportunity. s-none z-at; evening rn, 1-&210 Walters Real EsUte f 960 S. Commercial ' ; ' &xawci ROCERV ' ! Bidg. lot. 2 bdrm. living duarter. Good location business equip. Stork g for $13,000. No phone Information. C M. irUNTER REAL ESTATE . 770 8. Commercial : " " WelL Located down ton t,r,K restaurant, and dining room,' larg sting capacity, excellent equipment long tease priced low for autck sal. Call Holmes. i f Salem Realty Co. 149 N. High St. Ttl. 2-76C? Eve. Ph. 2-4773 - 2-459 ' FOR LEASE: By owner, ofpleC rocery store, meat market, fountain lunch, aood location: fixtures and stock at inventory prices. Business man must be of good character and f urnlaa . references. Writ box 977. '