The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 03, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Linn Fire Unit
Reports Low
Loss for 1948
Tba Statesman, Salem, Orocron."1 Thursday. . March 3.1 S 3-
4th Birihdaf
At Halls Ferry
SWEET HOME The last year
was the most successful, from a
fire - loss standpoint, of any 12
months period in the recorded his
tory of the linn County Fire Pa
trol 1 association, Secretary-Treasurer
Mel Crawford reported at
the association s recent 37th an
nual meeting.
Estimated losses totalled $2,800
Several projects were announ
ced as completed, including a 54-
foot tower on Scott mountain; re
moval of the old wooden dock at
Sweet Home; purchase of a new
truck; installation of two - way
radios on five vehicles.
Projects planned include a ga
rage for heavy- equipment, com
pletion of a detection system,
transfer of the Thomas '- Creek
guard station to a site near Jor
dan, a new 800 - gallon water
tank, and road maintenance.
The association now protects
638,547 acres. Receipts last year
were $81,837, expenditures $65,
842. Increase in net worth was
Carl Davis was retained as preT
sident; Charles W. Fox was elec
ted to replace William Swindells
as vice president; Mel Crawford
was retained as secretary - trea
surer; Carl Davis, D. T. Mason,
Harry C. Patton, F. L. Thompson,
Clyde Martin, H. H. Holland and
Charles W. Fox were retained as
directors. -I
Jack Brandis replaced William
Swindells and W. E. Hoffman re
placed E. B. Tanner. .
It was decided that a commit
tee of nine would contact logging
operators to ascertain whether
they favor complete closure of
all operations where the humidity
reaches the dangerous point.
Woodburn Readies
For Chest X-Ray
WOODBURN Appointments
re being taken for the 1949 visit
of the, mobile chest X-ray unit
which will be at Woodburn city
f library March 11 from 9 a. m. to
6 p. m., according to Mrs. Ray -J.
Glatt. local chairman. Registra
tions are being taken at the Wood-
burn Independent office and
through volunteer representatives
of churches and clubs.
Assisting with the appointments
are Mrs. Kenneth McGrath, Mrs.
O. L. Withers, Mrs. A. G. Cowan,
Mrs., John Kallak, Mrs. Mabel
Harper, Mrs. George D. Jones,
Mrs. Ruby Henn, Mrs. Gordon
Seely, Mrs. P. H. Seely, Mrs. Al
fred Halter, Mrs. Joe Sowa, Mrs.
J. B. Gay, Mrs. R. C. Kay, Mrs.
B. A. Bonacker, Mrs. L. P. Heer,
Mrs. W. Scarborough, jr., Mrs. T.
L.v Workman, Mrs. W. M. Reck,
Mrs. A. G. Moon, Mrs. William
Merriott, Mrs. Harris Nelson, Mrs,
-Mark Thompson, Mrs. Melvin
Johnson, Mrs. Harold Homann,
Mrs. Charle Blinn, Mrs. P. C.
McLaughlin, Mrs. Dean Bishop
rick, Mrs. Harold Ingram and
Mrs. Archie Murphy, Camp Fire
Girls will help withpublicity.
X-Rays March 15
For Mt. Angel
MT. ANGEL Annual visit
e-f the chst X'-irav unit tn Mt
Angel will be Tuesday, March 15,
xrom v a. m. to a p. m. at the Le
gion hall. Everyone, child and ad
ult, is not only eligible for the
X-ray but encouraged to take this
free service made possible, by the
tuberculosis Christmas seal sale.
Local volunteer workers who
will assist with the work include
Mrs. Cletus Butsch, Mt Angel
health chairman, Mrs. Ernie Crowi
der, Mrs. l&o Schwab, Mrs. Alois
jKeber, Mrs. Al Lulay, Mrs. J. J.
Penner, Mrs. Joseph L. Wachter,
Joseph Faulhaber, Harold Bour
bonnais, George Schmidt and
Richard Foltz.
ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D.
Graham observed his 1 fourth
birthday Saturday. Those present
were - Billy. Tommy and Susan
Strawn; Judy, Sharon and John
ny Hanna; Billy, Ronnie and Dick
Garrett; Barbara, Joyce and Jo
anne Daley; Roberta, Billy and
Skippy Phillips; Jimmy and Tani
Seydel; Kathy Ann Wilson and
Sandra M. Graham, sister of
Bobby. Adults present were Mrs.
John Hanna, Mrs. Robert Garrett,
Mrs. William Strawn, Mrs. Lee
Seydel and Bobby's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Piatt of
Hans r erry celebrated tneir otn
wedding anniversary recently.
The Halls Ferry Mothers' club
will meet Friday, March 4, 3:45
p.m. at the schoolhouse. Guest
speaker will be A. W. ! Riney.
county extension agent in 'charge
of 4-H work.
Visiting) Mr. and Mrs. Sydney
Graham of Aurora last week end
were Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Graham
and family of Halls Ferry j
The Rev. and Mrs. N. Nichols
of Seattle; were the week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wil
son. They; are grandparents of
Maureyne and Clemens Nichols.
Rehearsals have begun on the
community play entitled Always
March for a school benefit.: Those
in the cast are Wilfred Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Newton,
Alma CtSlningham, Tony I Buis
man, Gail Williamson, Orville
Nichols and Elinor Graham. Mrs.
Ray Barker and Mrs. Lester New
ton will coach the play.
Mrs. Anderson j
Spealcs at Marion
Extension Meet!
MARION The Marion home
extension unit met at the Farm
ers Union hall this week to hear
Mrs. Dordthy ; Anderson, repre
sentative of the Oregon State col
lege extension unit, lecture on
"Growing Old Gracefully."!
Mrs. Virgil Baxter, unit chair
man, presided. Members suggest
ed several subjects for projects
later this year.
Mrs. Thelma Tomlinsoni and
Mrs. Charles . Evensizer. assisted
by Mrs. F. Millard and Mrs. Flor
ence Smith, will demonstrate
"Wall Finishes" Marcti 18. ! Mrs.
George McCoy .will display .a col
lection of handmade grass articles
imported from j India during the
March- meeting.
Booster efrub will meet Friday
night at Brush Creek school house,
8 pjn.
Extension Group of
Brush College Meets
unit met Friday with Mrs. R. S.
Forester. Mrs. Carey Marten and
Mrs. Forester, project leaders,
prepared foods for dinner three
ways, including pies, cakes, meat
Eies, baked beans, sandwiches and
ot rolls.
Mrs. A. J. Mazac, project lead
er for party planning, gave a dem
onstration. Mrs. V. L. Gibson was
chairman, assisting the leaders.
Boise . . . $ 9.75
Sail Lake . 15.75
Kansas Ciiy 35.40
- I . j
Si. Louis . 40.55
Chicago . . 49.55
Deiroil . .
New York
flat ta
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