The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 Th Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Friday . Tmhraxxxy 13. 1S4S
Mr. Ka le Kee4 f !
ken arc the parents of a son,
Douglas Eugene, born February
8. Th Reeds, who were former
residents here, have two other
children, Dal and Steven Reed.
$he baby's grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Roy K. Reed, rout 9,
service sorority on the Willamette
university campus, filled their
spring semester membership this
week when they tapped students
Sally Smith. Salem and Mary Jo
Wiggenton, Evanston. I1L Both are
also members of PI Beta Phi
The Littb French Shop
A 1949 Dress Rush . .
Take your pick (no shov
els) from these beautiful
Sprint; Prints , . ,
Gold Savings!
Saoelal for 4t
A 1949 Coat Rush . . .
Tweeds, Coverts, Gabar
dines ... all pare wool
and with Pure Gold Sav
ings ... take your pick
(no shovels) !
Special for '4t
A 1949 Suit
Lovely new Spring Suits.
Gabardines, Sharkskins,
coverts and tweeds . .
take your pick (no shov
els) of these purs gold
o o o
Special for 4
The Little French Shop
115 North High
Welcomed 'as new members of I
the Sojourners at their dessert!
bridge on Thursday at the Salem I
Woman s club were Mrs. w. J.
Hayden. Mrs. C. W. Wickens, Mrs.
O. A. Olson. Mrs. F. E. Goskin,
Mrs. James Heldman and Mrs.
Patrick Ryan.
Guests attending were Mrs.
David Erkine. Mrs. Core Morris,
Mrs. L. W. Miles and Mrs. J. S.
Jacobsen. Winning prizes in bridge
were Mrs. Lisle Dempewoir and
Mrs. I F. Lenhart and in pinochle
the prize went to Mrs. Clarence
W. Wickens.
Mrs. Arthur Col was chairman
of th committee in charce of
arranrements and chairman for
the March 10 dessert nriage wui
oe Mrs. unesier a. umaa.
Mrs. Tyler Fetes
SUV, Auxiliary
Mrs. Viola Tyler entertained
the Sons of Union Veterans and
auxiliary at her home Tuesday
night. A covered dish dinner was
served with a George Washington
program following.
Attending were Mrs. Charles
Garrett, Glenn Adams, Mr. and
Mrs, L. M. Birch, Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Hoevet. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Reilly, Mrs. Margaret Fessenden
Mrs. Mae Ivie, Mrs. Anna May
Anderson, Mrs. Lura Tandy, Mrs.
Agnes Coenenburg, Mias Helen
Coenenburg. Mrs. Edna Water
man, Mrs. Blanch Stuart and Mrs.
Bertha Ray.
Mrs. Ballmer
Fetes Workers
Mrs. Lawrence Ballmer was
hostess to her Red Cross work
ers at an informal tea Wednes
day afternoon at her North Sum
mer street home. Mrs. Ballmer
is a captain for the coming Red
Cross drive and gave Instructions
to her workers during the after
Attending were Mrs. H. M.
Boesch. Mrs. Albert Raoos, Mrs.
Elsie Miller. Mrs. A. J. Becker,
Mrs. Al Feitelson, Mrs. Arthur
Jones, Mrs. Fred A. Booth, Mrs.
Leon Gleason, Mrs. Andrea Pe
derson, Mrs. Guy Hickok, Mrs. J.
F. Mosolf, Mrs. Gen Vanden
eynde, Mrs. George Hill, Mrs.
Glenn Rice and Mrs. Al Schuss.
Mrs. McKay to Be Feted
Mrs. Douglas McKay will be
honored at a luncheon this after
noon in the Rose Bowl of the.
Multnomah hotel when Mrs. Thom
as Clapp of Cottage Grove enter
tains. Covers will be placed for
fourteen Portland friends of th
honor guest and during th lunch
eon they will view the weekly
style show.
Mrs. FraaJt Barlinghaa has re
turned from a several days stay
in Seattle, where she went to
complete plans for her recital on
March S with Gwendolyn Mines
Remy, pianist, of Seattle.
Betrothal of
Couple Told
Adding her name to the list of
brides - elect is Miss Marilyn
Anderson, whose engagement to
Glenn Brandt has been revealed.
No date has been set for th wedding.
The bride - elect is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lessig
and her fiance is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. . E. Brandt, all of Salem.
Miss Anderson and her fiance
attend Salem schools and she is
now employed at the secretary of
state's office. Mr. Brandt served
in the navy two years and is with
Coast to Coast Stores, Inc.
Donald Blake to
Have Birthday
Donald Webster Blake, son of
the Donald Blakes, will celebrate
his fifth birthday at a party Sat
urday afternoon at the country
home of his parents. Six of his
little friends have been invited
to the affair.
In the evening Donald will be
honored at a family dinner when
his uncle and aunt. Major General
and Mrs. Thomas Rilea, entertain
at their South 15th street horn.
Coming from Portland for th
dinner win be Donald's grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Web
PyLhlaa Sister, with Mr. Ami Mun
eey. S3 North Winter street. S p.m.
West Salem Uoam club auxiliary .
card party, at city hall, S p.m.
Salem chapter, OBCV meet at Ma
sonic Temple, pjn danctnf to follow.
368th Engineers and 400th Quarter
masters auxiliary. 1:30 at Quanset hut.
Chapter AB of PEO. with Mrs. W. E.
Smith. 10W North 14th street. 7:43
American. War Mothers business
meetinc at Salsm Woman's clubhouse.
S p.m.
Extension Unit
Makes Plans
Mrs. William Herigstad was
hostess to the Thomas Extension
unit and plans were discussed
for new project next year and a
project to be displayed at the
spring festival was chosen.
Mrs. Dorothy Anderson, pre
sented the project "Growing Old
Gracefully." Mrs. Loyd Heinz
presented a historical sketch on
the "Life of George Washington."
Members attending were Mrs.
Alois Imper, Mrs. Syvert Funme,
Mrs. Albert Nerison, Mrs. Ted
Lorenzen, Mrs. Conrad Eggler,
Mrs. Edna Herigstad, Mrs. Clif
ford McMorris, Mrs. James Nich
olson, Mrs. William Fry, Mrs.
Henry Schiltz, Mrs. Oliver
Brougher, Mrs. George Oleson,
Mrs. Mike Landwing, Mrs. John
Martin, Mrs." Loyd Heinz, Mrs. A.
To 'Return
Mrs. Elsie Gonzo of Juiz deFlora,
Brazil is entraining tonight on the
first lap of her trip home fol
lowing a two months visit in the
capital with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mrs and Mrs. Jack La-
chelle. Mrs. Christian Lachell
will accompany Mrs. Gonzo as far
as San Francisco, where the for
mer will visit her son, Elbert La
chelle, for several weeks.
From the bay city Mrs. Gonzo
will go by train to Miami and
there will take a plan to Rio
de Janeiro.
Shower Fetes Matron
Mrs. Paul Gilmer was honored
at a shower Tuesday night when
a group of sewing club members
gathered at the home of Mrs. D.
F. Davis on Lansing avenue.
Hostesses were Miss Beverly Ken
ney and Miss Carolyn Davis with
Mrs. Dewey Davis agisting her
daughter at the aupper hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Chaaneey Ferga
son of Valsetz are spending the
week in Salem visiting their son
and daughter - in - law, Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Ferguson.
H. Nomer, Mrs. Carl Herigstad,
Mrs. Dorothy Anderson and the
Covered Dish
Dinner Tonight
West Salem Methodist Fellow
ship will sponsor a covered dish
dinner tonight 'in the church din
ing halL The committee is to fur
nish meat and coffee.- -.
The program will include group
singing, readings and a showing
of moving pictures by Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd White. The committee
Includes Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rust,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wyatt. Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Dickson. Mrs. O.
H. Williams and Mrs. John
SILVEETON Mrs. Ole Satern
and Mrs. L Ormbrek were lunch
eon guests of Mrs. Edwin Holden
at her home, 814 Broadway street,
Tuesday. Misses Elsie and Muriel
Bentson and their brother, Edwin,
were dinner hosts Sunday to their
aunts, Mrs. Holden, Mrs. Claude
Glenn of Salem and Mrs. Ralph
Yeaton of Bend. Mr. Yeaton was
an additional guest.
Past Officer a Guest
Members of Sedgwick WRC
met at th Veterans hall with th
president, Mrs. Gertrude Walker,
presiding. Initiation and seating of
district officers was practiced for
the school of instruction to be
held in Salem on March SL A
past president, Mrs. Nellie Krue
ger, from South Bend, Indiana,
was a special guest. A tribute was
given by the president for Abra
ham Lincoln. Next meeting will
be March 4.
SUBLIMITY A sarprise gal.
cellaneous shower sponsored by
the Womens Catholic Order of
Foresters and attended by 73 was
given to Mrs. Clara NeaL post
mistress, who recently lost her
home by fire.
Enough cash donations wore
given to fully pay for an electric
stov to replace jthe almost new
one lost in the fire.
The officers of the court and
the committee for the month
were responsible for the party.
Through Salnrday, February 2Slh
I-Iiss Ilaiholio Blackuell
From the Rubinstein Beauty Salon, New York,
Will Be at Our Store
To Advise oa Beauty Skin Care
State and Liberty
"On the Corner"
Li I If l t 1 I III 1
-is V
iruEi(O)iMDZii0) aim
Ao a Bovorago
Fresh rich milk made even better by homogen
i rati on. The whole family will like it and it's
especially easy to digest.
With Coroals and Dossort
Serve it as table cream for coffee, cereals and
dessert youll like Its creamy rich taste.
For Dottor Cooking
An economical way to add flavor to any cooked
dish. Grand in gravies, soups, creamed vegetables
and desserts rich, smooth and cream.
ca at you Dooa
on r
oil J u
Take Advantage Now I Save !
Remember, You May Charge
It On March Bill
Payable in April
Plan Your
Shopping At
Early in the
Day As
Good Food
In O ur
iiMiiui n i . i i 1 1 1 1